Technical Data Sheet (TDS) : Puma Premium Motor Oil 15W-40

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Technical Data Sheet (TDS)


Anti-wear protection
Oxidation resistance
Heavy duty diesel engine oil o Anti-foam performance

Puma Diesel Engine Oils are high quality multi-grade long drain lubricating oils, primarily manufactured from
Group II base oils. Specially developed for use in all types of for high output normally-aspirated and
supercharged diesel engines operating under very severe duty or which are subject to deposit formation or
excessive wear due to design characteristics or to the fuel employed. These oils are formulated from selected
base stocks with high Viscosity Index and Low Pour Point. These oils are treated with a large percentage of
additives to impart superior detergency together with high dispersant, anti-oxidant, anti-corrosion, anti-wear
and anti-foam properties.

Designed to Perform
Anti-wear Protection – Longer Equipment Life Low Pour Point - Easy Start Up
Proven Anti Wear Additive packages provide greater Which allows for easy start-up of diesel engines even
resistance to sliding wear thus ensuring efficiency at low temperatures, without circulation or
and long life of all moving parts of which greatly regulation problems.
reduce the need for engine servicing and overhauls.
Anti-corrosion & Anti-rust Properties
Multi-grade Performance It has particularly good anticorrosion properties
Suitable for all year use in most climatic conditions. which effectively protect the engine from corrosion
An enhanced Viscosity index improver allows for the from combustion moisture and acids. These
Engine oil to give excellent protection during cold additives inhibit the oxidation of internal surfaces of
start-ups and extremely hot conditions the engine and therefore prevent operating
difficulties and breakdown of the oil caused by
Oxidation Resistance - Longer Oil Life metallic oxides that would otherwise form within the
It has extremely good oil life and lubricant stability engine.
even when subjected to unusually high thermal
stresses; this property minimizes sludge and deposit Demulsibility – Engine Life Extension
formation, thus preventing blocking of ports, valves Prevents the formation of water in oil emulsion
and controls, while guaranteeing that the oil remains which enters the system through leakage or
properly fluid. Maintenance costs are therefore condensation. The fluids therefore maintain their
reduced and the useful service life of the oil is lubricating power and anticorrosion performance
extended. even under these circumstances.

High Detergency – Increased Engine Cleanliness Puma Premium Motor Oil 15W-40
It has excellent detergency properties, making it Meets the requirements of the following
particularly suitable for use in supercharged engines. specifications:
It also has high dispersant properties. The lubricant is - API : CI-4+/SL
thus very resistant to the formation of lacquer and - ACEA : E3/B4
varnish, as well as sludge and other engine deposits. - MB 228.3
It helps prevent ring sticking and keeps pistons clean, - MAN : 3275-1
while maintaining soot deposits in suspension ready - RENAULT TRUCK : RLD-2
to be filtered. - DEUTZ : DQC III-10
- Volvo VDS-3
Antifoam – Increased Performance - Caterpillar : ECF-2
Easy release of entrained air which will prevent - CUMMINS : CES 20077/20078
difficulties with pumps and controls which can cause - MACK : EO-N
irregularities in performance and other problems - MTU : Type 2
arising from the compressibility of air bubbles.

Puma Energy South Africa The information contained herein is accurate at the time of this
3rd Floor, 15 Alice Lane review. However specifications change from time to time. Ensure
Sandton 2146 specifications meet equipment manufacture requirements.
Johannesburg, South Africa
Tel: +27 11 343 6970 Document No: 21111 –27/10/2016
[email protected] 1 of 2 Printed Copies are UNCONTROLLED
Technical Data Sheet (TDS)

Typical Physical Characteristics

Property Temp Units Test Methods 15W-40
Viscosity Grade SAE 15W-40

Kinematic Viscosity @ 40°C cSt ASTM D445 112.6

Kinematic Viscosity @ 100°C cSt ASTM D445 14.6

Viscosity CCS (15W) @ -20°C mPa.s (cP) ASTM D5293 7000

Viscosity Index ASTM D4292 136.4

Flash Point (COC) °C ASTM D92 230

Pour Point °C ASTM D97 -18

Density @ 15 °C kg/m3 ASTM 4052 0.870

These characteristics are typical of current product methods whilst future production will conform to
Puma Lubricants specifications, variations in these physical characteristics may occur.

Health & Safety Environment

• This product is unlikely to present any significant health and safety hazard when properly used
in the recommended application and good standards of personal hygiene are maintained.
• Avoid contact with eyes and skin, use proper impervious gloves with used oil. After skin
contact, wash immediately with soap and water. Guidance on health and safety is available on
the appropriate Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) which can be obtained from
[email protected]

Protect the Environment

• Take used oil to an authorized collection point. Do not discharge used or new oil into drains,
soil or water.

Additional Information
• Technical advice on any applications not covered here may be obtained from your Puma
Energy Representative.

Puma Energy South Africa The information contained herein is accurate at the time of this
3rd Floor, 15 Alice Lane review. However specifications change from time to time. Ensure
Sandton 2146 specifications meet equipment manufacture requirements.
Johannesburg, South Africa
Tel: +27 11 343 6970 Document No: 21111 –27/10/2016
[email protected] 2 of 2 Printed Copies are UNCONTROLLED

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