Practice 2: Gammar and Vocabulary

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1. Because of high consumer demand for organic products, we have to produce them
………… than ever before.
A. so fast
B. fast
C. faster
D. too fast
2. It is ………… urgent nor essential for Quality Brand Inc. to update its internal network at
this time.
A. neither
B. nevertheless
C. therefore
D. if
3. Students enrolled as full-time can fully ………… in the university extracurricular clubs.
A. participate
B. participant
C. participating
D. had participated
4. The last train to Hamburg.......... at 10:30.
A. depart
B. departs
C. to depart
D. departing
5. The boss was so angry at me that I was sure I ……….. be tired.
A. will
B. would
C. may
D. might
6. …………. it is a confidential project, staff are requested to use passwords to protect
documents from competitors.
A. However
B. Because
C. Despite
D. Therefore
7. With his impressive communication skills, Daniel has shown ………. to be a competent
public relations officer.
A. he
B. his
C. him
D. himself
8. The idea to target younger consumers in the new advertisements was …………. own
rather than Mr. Kornfield's.
A. she
B. her
C. hers
D. herself
9. The head of operations .......... to the management convention.
A. going
B. are going
C. go
D. is going
10. Have you …………………… moving to Seattle?
A. considered
B. think to
C. considered that
D. thought
11. Visitors are tags at all times.
A. to wear
B. wear
C. be worn
D. is wearing
12. A manager .......... new things from his or her staff.
A. can sometimes learn
B. learning sometimes can
C. sometimes learn can
D. sometimes can learning
13. We need to get ……………. paperwork from him before the end of the fiscal year.
A. him
B. himself
C. he
D. his
14. Our service technicians receive .......... training available.
A. better
B. as good
C. best
D. the best
15. Please use the .......... envelope for your reply.
A. is enclosed
B. enclose
C. enclosing
D. enclosed
16. In the past three years, our marketing manager ………….. to Europe, Australia, Brazil
and Thailand.
A. had gone
B. has been
C. gone
D. went
17. Any of the customer service agents at Cellular World can help you decide …………
phone plan best suits your personal needs.
A. which
B. that
C. how
D. where
18. Vacation requests have to be filled out ……….. and turned in to your immediate
supervisor at least two weeks in advance.
A. complete
B. completes
C. completing
D. completely
19. Ms. Mosley is .......... member of our advertising team.
A. creative
B. most creative
C. more creative
D. the most creative
20. Either the secretary ………… the manager's assistant will be on hand to answer
A. unless
B. and
C. then
D. or
21. Before Jeff and Alex were transferred to the design team, both of ………….. had been
working in the marketing division.
A. they
B. their
C. them
D. themselves
22. Indirect employment adds nearly 15,000 more jobs to those ………… by foreign
companies in the state.
A. used
B. moved
C. worked
D. provided
23. Please fill out the part below so you can claim your complimentary one-year
…………….. to Maxim.
A. subscription
B. duration
C. partnership
D. agreement
24. All visitors must report to …………. on arrival.
A. secure
B. secured
C. secures
D. security
25. Most shareholders still fail ………….. both the immediate impacts and future
implications of corporate mergers and takeover bids.
A. understood
B. understanding
C. to understand
D. have understood
25. The meteorologist on Channel 2 said that he was ………… certain that the cold front will
result in snow tomorrow.
A. reasoning
B. reason
C. reasonable
D. reasonably
26. The CEO of Star Records announced plans for aggressive expansion, saying the company
will purchase ………….. new properties in the next two years.
A. many
B. little
C. much
D. any
27. Did you ………………….. a lot of time on your English test?
A. spend
B. pay
C. cost
D. use
28. Can you …………………. me some new books on this subject?
A. recommend to
B. recommend
C. offer to
D. offer of
29. This is an opportunity to ………………… these writers to people who wouldn’t
ordinarily get a chance to see them.
A. tell
B. introduce
C. say
D. inquire
30. I won't choose this hat, it will not …………….. with a blue dress.
A. keep
B. go
C. do
D. suit
31. Mr. Nolde called to cancel his..........
A. notebook
B. calendar
C. appointment
D. notice
32. We will have to ……………. a new marketing strategy to sell that product overseas.
A. adept
B. adopt
C. adapt
D. edict
33. Our legal department will aggressively ……………. any copyright violations.
A. persecute
B. process
C. prosecute
D. produce
34. As of next week, all workers will be ………………. to wear hard hats while operating the
A. sequestered
B. requited
C. acquired
D. required
35. All …………… are asked to show up by 10:00 a.m
A. personnel
B. personnels
C. personalities
D. personal
36. I’m afraid we’ll have to cancel the new project. We can’t raise enough ……………….
A. capital
B. captain
C. capitol
D. capon
37. Under the new contract, everyone will get a 5% …………….
A. praise
B. rise
C. access
D. raise
38. Oh no! I don’t have ……………. time to prepare for the job interview.
A. some
B. much
C. very
D. many
39. I was ………………. busy that I forgot to take my lunch break.
A. very
B. much
C. such
D. so
40. She spoke ……………… firmly to him about his poor job performance.
A. most
B. quite
C. quiet
D. little
41. The budget analysis is due......... Friday.
A. at
B. from
C. until
D. on
42. Prior to takeoff, flight personnel have to make sure that ………. of the passengers has
fastened their seat belt and is sitting in an upright position.
A. every
B. all
C. much
D. each
43. Your room has been reserved .......... two nights.
A. in
B. for
C. with
D. at
44. For more ………….. about this month's special bargains, contact one of our customer
representatives at 555-5258.
A. detail
B. details
C. detailed
D. detailing
45. Opening our branch office in one of the less crowded areas of the city would be more
beneficial for our employees and less costly ………. moving downtown.
A. while
B. but
C. than
D. and
46. The vice-president will be seated .......... the chairman at the banquet.
A. as
B. by
C. to
D. from
47. Please remind the presenters that the ……….. of the talk should not exceed the 45-minute
time limit.
A. instant
B. length
C. attention
D. specification
48. The newspaper expects circulation .......... next year.
A. to ascend
B. to increase
C. to escalate
D. to raise
49. Hotel employees knock before entering the rooms.
A. requited
B. required
C. requisite
D. repulsed
50. Shoppers can save up to sixty percent ………… ordering their HomeCare Rice Cooker
through the catalogue before January.
A. at
B. as
C. by
D. in
51. Floor personnels should not sign out from their shift ………….. all of the shelves are
adequately stocked.
A. except
B. until
C. soon
D. earlier

Notice to employment advertisers and job seekers
Misleading advertisements placed in the employment (36)........ of our newspaper can result
in hardship and time wasted by those who are looking for jobs, and this is certainly
Placing false ads that are misleading is an offence against the Trade Practices and Fair Trade
Any (37)........ wishing to place a want ad with us should keep in mind that all advertisements
should include a job title, a clear (38)........ of the job, and the income basis and be placed
under the appropriate category
For further information, contact the Department of Fair Trade at 755-5720 (39)........ business
Question 36:
A. area
B. section
C. branch
D. department
Question 37:
A. employees
B. employs
C. employment
D. employer
Question 38:
A. information
B. subscription
C. description
D. requirement
Question 39:
A. during
B. dured
C. dures
D. durring
Community announcements
Census night is November 8. Remember to fill in the census form you received in the mail to
make sure that you and your family members are (36)........
Tick off one of the boxes asking you whether you are married or, if you are single, and specify
the number of (37)........ you have if you are married, in the space provided.
Previous census forms have been quite confusing, and (38)........ residents did not respond
accurately, leading to the gross under-reporting of our actual population.
However, we have made some alterations (39)........ it a lot simpler this year.
Question 36:
A. accepted
B. counted
C. granted
D. understood
Question 37:
A. young
B. family
C. children
D. baby
Question 38:
B. many
C. as
D. whole
Question 39:
A. make
B. to make
C. maked
D. making
Dear Ms. Sinnott,
Mr. Steven Davis, who is currently employed as a junior accountant at your firm, has recently
shown his interest in a similar post with (36)......... and has provided your name as a reference.
I would be grateful to receive any information regarding his work ethic, character, and
achievements. Furthermore, if you can provide your personal views of how his (37)......... with
you have been and what your opinion is regarding Mr. Davis taking on full responsibility as an
accountant in a very large and busy department, I would appreciate it.
I am (38)........ aware that Mr. Davis graduated from George Brown College with an accounting
degree but I am more interested in how he has performed under your supervision since he began
working for you.

If there is any other information you feel I (39)........ , I would appreciate it very much. I’d like
to thank you in advance and add that any information you provide will be treated as strictly

Question 36:
A. you
B. us
C. them
D. him
Question 37:
A. facilities
B. values
C. services
D. opportunities
Question 38:
A. enough
B. thoroughly
C. entirely
D. fully
Question 39:
A. can use
B. used to
C. used
D. do
The professionals that make your nights comfortable

The Dreamaker Plus (36)........ the exclusive coil system everyone’s been talking about.
For the past 50 years, the experts at Dreamaker (37)........ their time and effort to bring the
Americans a good night’s rest by using our reliable and proven technology.
Compared to any conventional spring systems available in the industry, the Dreamaker Plus
has nearly twice the coils of any others. Quality comfort layers and fabrics (38)........ to ensure
a comfortable and durable sleeping surface.
By increasing the wire thickness in the outer two rows, Dreamaker Plus (39)........ a firmer
seating edge, increases the usable sleeping space, and helps to prevent that “roll out of bed”
Question 36:
A. takes
B. features
C. accounts
D. calculates
Question 37:
A. were dedicated
B. have dedicated
C. dedicated
D. had dedicated
Question 38:
A. was used
B. have been used
C. are to use
D. will be used
Question 39:
A. provide
B. provisions
C. providing
D. provides
Thornhill Sales
Increased 124% in June
Trimart’s Housing Report gave Thornhill the number one ranking in sales for the month of
June. Sales in Thornhill increased by 124% with 330 sales (36)........ to a May tally of 147.
This dramatic (37)........ was the result of the outstanding success of the Saxton Group’s launch
of their new, affordable subdivision Home Sweet Home.

In its first weekend, Home sweet Home completely sold out its 152-unit inventory in the
Thornhill area. A more (38)........ increase of 16% was recorded in the Toronto region,
comprised of North York, East York, Etobicoke, York and Central Toronto.

The total market area experienced a 5% increase in (39)........ over May.

Question 36:
A. comparisons
B. compared
C. comparing
D. comparative
Question 37:
A. decrease
B. lift
C. reduction
D. increase
Question 38:
A. cautions
B. careful
C. moderate
D. deliberate
Question 39:
A. sale
B. sales
C. stock
D. discount
Halls will come to Life with Music
Albert Hall and Royal Hall have disclosed their schedules for the upcoming season, with
everything (36)........ classical music to stand up comedy acts and lots in between.

The Smiths are set to make their debut at 100-year-old Albert hall on Jan 25, 2007. The
venerable venue (37)........ will host Bruce Thornton on January 17, Ron Ghanem on January
3, Terry Lightfoot on January 9, and folk superstar Judith Bachman on February 12, 13 and
14.At Royal Hall, in its classical (38)........, American soprano Rosemary Voigt, Canadian
soprano Jonathon Pierre, Canadian baritone Mel Finley, and Polish contralto George Plodles
(39)........ on the bill.
Question 36:
A. over
B. at
C. up
D. from
Question 37:
A. besides
B. of
C. also
D. either
Question 38:
A. series
A. steps
B. occasions
C. separation
Question 39:
A. is
B. are
C. was
D. were
George Gilhooley
XYZ Company
Delaware Road
Hatfield, CA
Dear Mr. Gilhooley,
I am writing to apply for the programmer position advertised in the Times Union. As requested,
I am enclosing a completed job (36)……….., my certification, my resume and three references.
The opportunity presented in this listing is very (37)………... and I believe that my strong
technical experience and education will make me a very competitive candidate for this position.
The key strengths that I (38) ............... for success in this position include:
• I have successfully designed, developed, and supported live use applications.
• I strive for continued excellence.
• I provide exceptional (39)………….. to customer service for all customers.
With a BS degree in Computer Programming, I have a full understanding of the full lifecycle
of a software development project. I also have experience in learning and excelling at new
technologies as needed.
Please see my resume for additional information on my experience.
I can be reached anytime via e-mail [email protected] or my cell phone, 909-555
Thank you for your time and consideration. I look forward to speaking with you about this
employment opportunity.
John Donaldson
Question 36:
A. application
B. applying
C. applicator
D. applicable
Question 37:
A. interest
B. interested
C. interests
D. interesting
Question 38:
A. possession
B. possessive
C. possess
D. possessor
Question 39:
A. contribute
B. contributor
C. contributions
D. contributory
Ms. Monica Eisenman
555 King Street
New Zealand
Dear Ms. Eisenman:
I am (36)……….. to confirm our offer of part-time employment at Western Enterprises. In
your role as research assistant, you will report to Dr. Emma Walton, who will keep you
informed of your specific duties and projects. Because you will be working with confidential
information, you will be expected to (37)……….. the enclosed employee code-of-ethics
As we discussed, you will be paid twice a month (38)…..…… the company’s normal payroll
schedule. As an hourly employee working fewer than twenty hours per week, you will not be
(39)…..…… to receive paid holidays, paid time off for illness or vacation, or other employee
benefits. Your employment status will be reviewed in six months.
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me. Otherwise, please sign and return one
copy of this letter. You may keep the second copy for your files. We look forward to working
with you.
Christopher Webster
Christopher Webster
Human Resources
Question 36:
A. pleased
B. pleasing
C. pleasant
D. pleasure
Question 37:
A. follow
B. advise
C. imagine
D. require
Question 38:
A. accords
B. according
C. according to
D. accordance with
Question 39:
A. tolerable
B. liberal
C. eligible
D. expressed
April 16
Dear Ms. Gianetti:
As you may know, our office is moving to a new location in 1837 Plymouth Avenue (across
the street from the Bailey supermarket). Construction is finally complete, and we will begin
seeing patients there on Monday, May 2.
The new location offers twice as many parking spaces, more examination rooms, and a larger
waiting room than the old office on Eastbridge Road did. In order to accommodate an increase
in the number of patients, our new schedule will offer weekend appointments and longer hours
during the workweek; we will now begin open 8 A.M. – 6 P.M., Monday – Friday, and 10
A.M. – 3 P.M., on Sunday. We are also welcoming two additions to our staff: Dr. Anne Hui,
who has been practicing dentistry for over ten years, and Ellen Howard, our new dental
For detailed directions to the new location, see the enclosed map. Please note that Exit 9 is the
nearest exit if you are driving on the Benson Highway. The nearest light rail station is
Grosvenor Street.
Dr. Charles Somerville

1. What kind of business is moving?

A. A construction firm
B. A dentist’s practice
C. A shipping company
D. A Supermarket
2. Where was the business previously located?
A. On Plymouth Avenue
B. On Grosvenor Street
C. On Eastbridge Road
D. On Benson Highway
3. What is suggested about the business?
A. It is moving so that it can expand
B. Its new location is more convenient for travel by train
C. It has several employees who are retiring soon
D. It will offer fewer appointments during the workweek.

Waitakere Zoo
January 22
Allan McBride
89 Havilland Avenue
Henderson 0610, New Zealand
Dear Mr. Mcbride:
On behalf of the Waitakere Zoo, I thank you for your donation. Your generosity, along with
that of other donors, has enabled us to complete construction on the African Savannah
enclosure. When it opens in July, the enclosure will provide our antelope, giraffe, and zebra
populations an environmental that is more similar to their natural habitat than zoo enclosures
typically are. Moreover, it will give visitors a better vantage from which to view these beautiful
We are pleased to inform you that your name will be listed with the names of other donors on
a commemorative plague at the entrance to the African Savannah enclosure. As a further token
of our appreciation, please accept a full season pass, which will allow you and one guest to
enter at no charge. It will arrive this week in a separate letter.
Thank you again for your support. We look forward for your next visit to the zoo.
Yours sincerely,
Joseph Ihimaera
Joseph Ihimaera
Associate Director
Friends of the Waitakere Zoo

4. What is the purpose of the letter?

A. To inquire about the opening of a new zoo attraction
B. To express gratitude for a contribution
C. To thank a long time visitor for coming to the zoo
D. To solicit donations for a construction project
5. What is stated about the new enclosure?
A. It will increase visitors’ viewing access.
B. It will house only one type of animal.
C. It will be the largest at the zoo.
D. It will have enhanced security features.
6. What will Mr. McBride receive?
A. A complete list of donor names
B. Guided tours of African Savannah enclosure
C. Free admission for the season
D. A personal commemorative plague

Date: July 25
To: Canary Wharf Productions Employees
From: Althea Lee, Human Resources
Re: Building escalators
Escalators in the first-floor lobby will be closed beginning on Monday, August 1, so that a new
motor and handrail can be installed. Barring unexpected delays, they will be back in service by
the following Monday.
To access the second floor of the building, take the stairway located next to the service elevator
on the east side of the building. Do NOT use the freight elevator itself, as it is reserved for
equipment, supplies, and other heavy items, and cannot accommodate additional traffic from
employees. If you need an elevator, use the passenger elevators near the Baywater Street
entrance on the north side of the building.

7. Why are the escalators being closed?

A. The need to be expanded to accommodate increased traffic.
B. They have been replaced by a new elevator.
C. Maintenance is being performed on them.
D. A special event is taking place in the lobby.
8. For how long are the escalators expected to be closed?
A. A few hours
B. One day
C. Two days
D. One week
9. What are employees asked to do?
A. Use the stairs
B. Work on the first floor only
C. Arrive one hour earlier
D. Take the freight elevator
23rd Annual NOEE Convention
Join more than two thousand elementary school teachers and administrators for the annual
convention of the National Organization for Elementary Educators (NOEE) in Seattle,
Washington, April 4-7. Highlights include:
• Keynote address – “Kids These Days” by Amy Fadden, host of the nationally
syndicated children’s television program Wake Up and Sing
• Video game fair – Meet representatives from Academic Gamer and Learning Curve
Games to discuss how to use educational video and computer games in your classroom.
• Interview sessions – Bring your resume and meet with human resources personnel from
school districts throughout the country.
All convention activities will take place at the historic Montrose Hotel, which also offers easy
access to restaurants, shopping, and museums.
Register for the conference or schedule a job interview today! Visit the NOEE Web site at
10. Where would this announcement most likely be found?
A. In a tourist brochure about Seattle
B. In an advertisement for the Montrose Hotel
C. In a magazine for teachers
D. In an elementary school textbook
11. What is suggested about the NOEE?
A. It produces educational children’s games.
B. It holds a convention every two years.
C. It sponsors children’s television programs.
D. It helps its members find jobs.
12. What is indicated about Amy Fadden?
A. She is a former NOEE president.
B. She will give a speech at the convention.
C. She has been a teacher for twenty three years.
D. She has written several books for children.

Mazahreh Graphics
Offices in London, New York, Atlanta
P.O.Box 32569 * Atlanta, GA 30301
September 12
Nicole Bourg
Benchmark Publishing
Atlanta, GA 31306-8542
Dear Ms. Bourg:
Thank you for the opportunity to meet with you at Benchmark Publishing. It was a pleasure to
talk to you about your upcoming publications. I hope that following our conversation, you will
consider Mazahreh Graphics when choosing an artist to create book-cover art for the Inspector
Andrews mystery series by Sven Jorgensen.
I’d like to reiterate that Mazahreh Graphics has created cover art for over 300 books, many of
which were published in series. We consistently deliver quality work ahead of schedule, at a
price I’m sure you will find competitive. I have enclosed additional examples of our recent
work that I did not have a chance to show you during our meeting yesterday.
Again, I enjoyed talking with you and hope to hear from you soon.
Saman Mazahreh
Saman Mazahreh
13. What is NOT indicated about Ms. Bourg?
A. She has written a series of books.
B. She has met with Mr Mazahreh.
C. She is looking for an illustrator.
D. She works for a publishing company.
14. What does Mr Mazahreh state about his company?
A. It is near the office of Benchmark Publishing.
B. Its prices are much lower than those of its competitors.
C. It has provided artwork for book covers
D. It can complete work faster than its competitors can
15. What does Mr Mazahreh include with his letter?
A. A contract
B. Letters of recommendation
C. Samples of artwork
D. An invoice
Hong Kong Today
Hong Kong’s Source of English News
Palais Hotel Gets Top Chef
The Palais Hotel, known by insiders as Hong Kong’s hidden jewel, is about to become very
well-known. The hotel’s Jade Restaurant has hired a new executive chef, cooking expert and
chef extraordinaire Mei-Yi Gan. Gan, who took over the restaurant last month, has already
made her mark by adding some of her signature dishes to the menu.
Gan has most recently worked as head chef Hong Kong’s four-star restaurant Room at the Top
but is best known for her previous work as editor of East and West, a cooking magazine with
an impressive international circulation. Gan, studied under Master Chef Chun-Yuen Li, who
praised Gan for being “a culinarily gifted student” and possessing “excellent instincts.”
So far, the Palais Hotel has been aptly nicknamed. Staying in one the luxurious rooms, or dining
at the sophisticated Jade Restaurant, one gets a sense of experiencing something special,
something still undiscovered. Based on the meals that Gan has produced there so far, we predict
that the addition of this exceptional chef will serve to bring the hidden jewel out of hiding.
16. Where does Ms. Gan currently work?
A. At Jade Restaurant
B. At East and West
C. At Room at the Top
D. At Hong Kong Today
17. What is implied about the Palais Hotel?
A. It appeals to travelers on the budget.
B. Its restaurant is large.
C. It is not conveniently located.
D. It is currently not widely known.
18. Who is Chun-Yuen Li?
A. A magazine editor
B. A hotel manager
C. A cooking teacher
D. A restaurant manager
Lo Wai Books
Hong Kong’s largest provider of books in English
Shipping for International Orders
We accept orders from overseas. To purchase products from Lo Wai Books, please use the
online order form. After an order has been placed, you may print the form as a record itemizing
the products and quantities purchased, prices, and an estimated shipping date.
Because each region of the world requires different shipping rates, the shipping charges will
be calculated separately. Please note that any extra charges resulting from shipping rates in
individual regions will be listed in an e-mail sent to you once your order has been processed.
Online orders take up to three days to process.
Although Lo Wai Books offers shipping by sea for large orders, we prefer to send overseas
orders by air. Please select “International Orders: Air Freight” to have your orders shipped by
air. Please note that methods other than air freight can delay your order by as much as three
19. What is NOT included in the order form?
A. Prices of individual products
B. Overseas shipping charges
C. An approximate shipping date
D. The quantities of ordered items
20. What is stated about online orders?
A. They are processed in three days or less.
B. They should be confirmed by the buyer in an e-mail message.
C. They are preferred in the case of large orders
D. They allow the buyer a lower shipping rate.
21. What does the company recommend that customers do?
A. Review shipping charges on the company Web site
B. Request that orders be shipped by air
C. Expect delays in all international shipments
D. Watch for special discount offers
Travel Watch
By Eduardo Espinosa, Travel’s Plus staff writer
In this month’s “Travel Watch,” I want to highlight the new fall fares to Europe offered by
Flier’s Choice Airlines. This airline, a long-time favorite of the budget traveler, offers
discounted, round-trip airfares to popular destinations like Madrid, Amsterdam, Paris, and
Rome. But we especially like the great deals to Germany. These are the lowest available fare
on the market at hundreds of dollars less than other advertised fall airline prices.
Flier’s Choice offers these fares between September 23 and November 30, but you must make
a reservation by August 5 to receive these low prices. For more information on specific
destinations and fares, visit our magazine’s Web site at
Check back in next month’s issue for great deals on hotels in Japan’s most popular destinations.

22. Why was the article written?

A. To promote a new airline
B. To encourage readers to subscribe to a magazine
C. to announce a tour of Europe
D. To alert readers to low prices
23. What does the article suggest about Traveler’s Plus magazine?
A. It is intended for professionals in the travel industry.
B. It focuses on European travel.
C. It is published monthly.
D. It can be found on Flier’s Choice aircraft.
24. What is stated about the airfares?
A. They are available until the end of the year.
B. They are listed on the magazine’s Web site.
C. They are offered by several different airlines
D. They are available only to Traveler’s Plus subscribers.
Filter Maintenance
The Desna drinking water filter guarantees clean drinking water from your faucet, provided
that a new cartridge is inserted into the filter once every six months. The procedure is easy and
safe to perform if the following points are observed.
Before you replace your old cartridge, make sure that the water is off. Turn the main faucet
tightly until it has stopped dripping.
Remember that your spare cartridge is enclosed in the package that came with the filter. New
cartridges may be purchases anywhere Desna products are sold.
Scalding hazard: Before you open the old filter for replacement, you may need to allow the
water inside it to cool. Do not drain the filter or remove the cartridge before you are sure it has
cooled down.

25. What are the instructions for?

A. Cleansing old faucets
B. Heating the water in the filter
C. Replacing filter cartridge
D. Measuring water temperature
26. What should users do first?
A. Clean the cartridge
B. Remove the filter
C. Turn off the water
D. Replace the faucet
27. According to the instructions, why should users be careful during the process?
A. The water may be hot.
B. The device is very fragile.
C. The tools used are sharp.
D. Dirty water may spill from the faucet.
Topic 1: Your dream holiday.
Topic 1: Your last holiday.
Topic 1: Your worst vacation.
Topic 1: The importance of the holidays.
Topic 1: Your plan for a holiday in another country.
Topic 1: The world’s best city that you know.
Topic 1: Your favorite place to live.
Topic 1: Your childhood dream job.
Topic 1: Your admirable job.
Topic 1: Your ideal job after your graduation.
Topic 2: Your most memorable festival.
Topic 2: Your favorite city/country in the world.
Topic 2: Your ideal life in the future.
Topic 2: The role of festivals in people’s life .
Topic 2: An achievement that you have got or would like to get in the future.
Topic 2: The typical features of Vietnamese culture.
Topic 2: The benefits of understanding about different cultures in the world.
Topic 2: An aspect of Vietnamese culture that you feel proud of.
Topic 2: The customs of Western culture which you would like to learn.
Topic 2: The role of ambitions and dreams in a person’s success.

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