IR Training Manual v1.53

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JAA I nst rum e nt Rat ing

Tra ining M a nua l

De c e m be r 2 0 1 0 v1 .5 3
T his ve rsion by V a sa Ba bic a nd La nc e Ple w s; ba se d on t he
g l BCFT I R T ra ining
g M a nua l by
y La nc e Ple w s

© 2010
I nt roduc t ion

• This manual is for the use of pilots at BCFT for JAA Instrument Rating initial, recurrent and instructor training

• It has also been made more widely available to the aviation community, as a contribution to IFR training and
safety. If you find this material useful, you are asked to consider BCFT for your training needs

• The authors retain copyright to all the original content. Whilst this manual may be used by any pilot as a
reference or for ad-hoc recurrent training, it may not be used without permission, in whole or in part, by a
Training Organisation for a formal course of instrument flight training

• Important Note: the charts, instrument procedure plates, AIP extracts, navigation logs and training
route descriptions in this manual must not be used for flight planning or navigation

Note: the page layout of this document fits a normal computer screen. If printing to A4 paper, select the “Scale to Fit Paper” printing option or its equivalent

Cont e nt s

I nt roduc t ory ground brie fings Phase 5: VOR, DME and basic procedures
a. Route and weather planning a. VOR instrumentation and tracking
b. Operating Minima b. Direct entries and Procedure turns
c. Performance planning and documents c. DME and fixes
d. Pre-flight checks and briefing d. DME Arc
e. Instrument appreciation e. VOR Hold
f. VOR Approach
Phase 1: IF basics and the full panel
a. Full
F ll P
Panell chart
h t Ph
Phase 6:
6 NDB ttracking,
ki h
ld and
d procedures
b. Selective Radial Scan a. The ADF receiver and RMI
c. Basic manoeuvres b. NDB tracking using the RMI
c. Holding procedures
Phase 2: Full panel IF (continued)
d. NDB Approach
a. Transfer to instruments after take
e. The Circle-to-Land
b. Climbing and descending turns
c. FP unusual attitudes Phase 7: Radar Procedures
a. The Transponder
Phase 3: Limited panel IF
b. Surveillance Radar Approach
a. LP flight and manoeuvres
c. Radar Vectored NDB Approach
b. LP compass turns
c. LP unusual attitudes Phase 8: ILS
a. The Instrument Landing System
Phase 4: Single engine procedures
b. ILS Approach
a. Normal Circuit
b. Engine failure in flight Phase 9: Airways IFR
c. Single engine rate 1 turns a. RTF
d. Single engine climb & descent b. Altimeter setting
e. Engine failure after take off c. Instrument departures
f. Engine failure drills d
d. Airways procedures
g. Asymmetric circuit e. Airways training routes

Pre pa ra t ion for flight
1 . Pre -flight Pla nning: Rout e a nd We a t he r

• To carry out the necessary Pre-Flight and • Acquire overall awareness of flight • It’s essential that thorough preparation is
Aim Airmanship Performance
Post-Flight procedures conditions and requirements done, so the flight runs smoothly

A. Ove ra ll pla nning C. We a t he r Pla nning

• Assess the required scope of the flight: route, destination and • Print the Met Office Forms 214 and 215; check validity is
alternates suitable for the expected time of flight
• Check NOTAMs • Print METARs and TAFs for Departure, Departure Alternate,
- Examiners report that candidates ‘familiarity with and preparation for Destination, Destination Alternate(s), other airfields enroute
NOTAM briefs is often ppoor’ • Prepare a weather brief to include the overall met picture and
• Check the Enroute chart and Terminal charts are available and trends, and specific conditions relevant to the intended flight
B. Rout e pla nning - Note freezing level, icing forecast and any enroute wx hazard
- Consider actions if icing encountered for each route leg
• Complete the BCFT Navigation Log
• For each sector, check • AIRFIELD MINIMA
- Minimum Safe Altitude (from the enroute chart) - Max wind 30kts
- facilities are within the Designated Operational Coverage - Max crosswind within aircraft limit (eg BE76 25kts)
when required p
- Check Departure and Arrival weather minima ((see Operating
p g
- facilities are serviceable Minima briefing page)
- expected drift, groundspeed and time
- alternate method of navigating (eg. cross-cuts) in case of D. Proc e dure Brie f
failure or poor reliability
• For all p
possible Terminal pprocedures
- check potential hold axis and reporting points in case of a
- likely wind
requirement to hold (eg. awaiting clearance into Class A)
- likely sector entry, and Sector Safe Altitude
- brief the procedure tracks, distances and time
• The principle of good Route Planning is simplicity; but have a
- note any alternate procedures
back-up in case of failure, change of runway etc.
- note procedure and circling minima
- brief the Missed Approach procedure

Ope ra t ing M inim a
U K Single -Pilot Public T ra nsport

De pa rt ure Arriva l

• RVR 1800m • As published on the Approach Chart, ie. the highest of

• Cloud
Cl d ceiling
ili 1000’ 1
1. Obstacle
Ob t l Clearing
Cl H i ht (OCH) appropriate
i Height i t tto th
Single- aircraft category (based on Vat) for the procedure
UK AIP AD1.1.2 para “The minima selected for all flights
Engine 2. The System Minima published in the AIP
by single engine aeroplanes should be adequate to ensure a high
probability of a successful forced landing being made should a
failure of the engine occur after take-off” Height
operating in accordance with Performance Class A
In the event of a critical power unit failure at any point during take-off, the
aeroplane can either stop or continue the take-off to a height of 1500 ft Descent
above the aerodrome while clearing obstacles by the required margins Height
• RVR is subject to runway • See table in AIP AD 1.1.2 para
(MDH) Note: we do not add PEC for the BE76 since the aircraft flight manual
li h i and
lighting d RVR measurement 4121 notes altimeter calibration as accurate
accurate. Otherwise
Otherwise, add 50’
available • EGHH Rwy 26 & 08 min is 250m
The “Approach Ban” :
• If nil Rwy lighting, min is 500m
descent below 1000’ AAL may not be initiated if RVR is
operating in accordance with Performance Class B or C below the appropriate minimum
The take-off minima must be established based upon the height from
which a one engine inoperative net take-off flight path can be constructed • As published on the Approach Chart, may be specific to the
that meets rele
ant obstacle clearance criteria aircraft category
Assumed engine failure height RVR/Visibility
Approach • However, for single pilot operations a minimum RVR of
above the take-off runway (Note 1) RVR less than 800 m is not permitted unless using a suitable
50 ft or less 200 m Minima autopilot coupled to an ILS or MLS, in which case normal
51-100 ft 300 m minima apply. The Decision Height applied must not be less
101-150 ft 400 m than 1.25 x the minimum use height for the autopilot
151 200 ft
151-200 500 m
201-300 ft 1000 m • MDA(H)
> 300 ft 1500 m (Note 2) Circling as published on the Approach Chart “Circle-to-Land” table for
BCFT Ops Manual (BE76) 800m Approach the appropriate aircraft category
Note 1: The reported RVR/Visibility value representative of the initial part of the take- MDA(H) • Visibility
off run can be replaced by pilot assessment and as published on the Approach Chart “Circle-to-Land” table for
Note 2: 1500 m is also applicable
pp if no p
positive take-off flight
g p path can be constructed the appropriate aircraft category (Cat A: typically 1500m)
Note 3: BCFT’s OPS manual increases the RVR required for take-off from 500m
(based on BE76 performance at EGHH) to 800m, to meet single pilot arrival criteria

Note: UK law permits an aircraft intending to conduct a Circling Approach to descend initially to the Approach minimum and then to recover to the Circling minimum at the MAPt. An IR examiner may expect this (he will
say so in his brief). An FAA pilot may be familiar with the US regulations which do not permit descent below the Circling Minima on the Final Approach if a circle-to-land is intended

Pre pa ra t ion for flight
2 . Pre -flight Pla nning: Pe rform a nc e a nd Doc um e nt s

E. Fue l Pla nning I . Airc ra ft Doc um e nt s

• Complete
p standard Fuel Plan in BCFT Navigation
g Log
g • Certificate of Airworthiness
1. Flight time • Flight Manual
2. Diversion time • Certificate of Registration (for flight outside the UK)
3. Contingency, 5% of 1+2 • Aircraft Radio Licence
4. 45 minutes Holding time • Weight and Balance schedule
5 20 minutes of Approaches
5. • Tech Log
Log, including
- Certificate of Release to Service
F. We ight a nd Ba la nc e - ARC (Airworthiness Review Certificate)
• Interception Procedures
• Complete the standard Loading Form specific to the particular • CAA Test Approval, if required
i ft check
h k registration
i t ti check
h kd dates
t and d validity
lidit off the
th above
• Check Examiner/Instructor actual weight with Ops Desk J . Pilot Doc um e nt s

G. Pe rform a nc e • Licence, Medical, Log Book

• 170A and Course Completion Certificate,, if required
• Note weather data (eg temperature, wind) and airfield elevation • Navigation Log and charts, Weather print outs, Flight Plan
• Check Terminal Charts and NOTAMS for any changes that may
impact minima or runway length available K . Equipm e nt
• Refer to Aircraft Flight Manual and complete standard BCFT
performance sheet for departure,
p p , destination and alternate • Headsets x2
• Aircraft Checklists x2
H . Flight Pla n • Pen, Stopwatch, CRP5
• Safety Equipment (Life raft, Lifejackets)
• Complete CA48 Flight Plan form • Fuel and Oil state, spare Oil
g and RMK/ for training
• Take care over Addressing g requirements
q • IF screens (check you can fit these) and Ltd Panel screens
• Fax, and check acknowledgement • Overall cleanliness and tidiness of aircraft

Pre pa ra t ion for flight
3 . Pre -flight Che c k s a nd Brie fings

Ex t e rna l Che c k s Pre -flight c he c k s

• Approaching
pp g the aircraft, check • USE THE CHECKLIST: be brisk but thorough g
- for any snow, slush, ice or frost. If present, it must be cleared - (see also the IFR Avionics checks briefing page)
completely from the aircraft, otherwise the flight must be - check P1 and P2 brakes using positive handover
delayed - check flight instruments with natural turns of the taxiway
- for any oil or fuel spills or leakage
- location of nearest fire fighting equipment I c iing B
i f
- location of aircraft will not cause slipstream damage after start
1. “For the actual conditions today I shall select pitot heat on
• Store equipment, fold and prepare charts for ease of handling 2. Should we encounter ice, I will ensure pitot heat on,
windshield defrost and carb heat are selected, and request a
• Use
U th the Ai
ft Ch
kli t as per th
the fifirstt fli
ht off th
the d
day l
l change
h or di
i with
ith attention
tt ti tto th
the MSA”
- pay particular attention to vents, drain holes, pitot and static Be prepared to perform these as touch drills and advise the examiner of what
sources, antennas, controls, flaps, trimmers, undercarriage your ATC request would be in the event of icing at any point in the flight
bays for ice/mud
- carefully check oil level and fuel level and sampling Ca pt a in
s Brie f: BE7 6 [t a ilor t o a c t ua l c ondit ions]
Pa sse nge r Brie f 1. “Departure is from Runway [08/26]. The surface is [dry/wet]
and the crosswind is within limits
1. “The seat belt operates so, the door operates so [demo both]. 2. Should an engine fail below our Vr of71kts, I shall close both
2. If we have to exit the aircraft, unlatch your harness, open the throttles and abort the takeoff
door and vacate to the rear. There is also an emergency exit 3. If a failure occurs between 71kts and 85kts, I shall close both
here, operated so [demo] throttles, check gear down and land on the remaining runway
3. A first aid kit is stored here [point], a fire extinguisher is stored 4. Above 85kts and insufficient runway remaining, I shall carry
here [point]. out the EFATO drills and [request vectors to the ILS to
4. Lifejackets are in your seat back (do not inflate inside the l d/ i
land/visual l circuit
i it tto land]
l d]
aircraft) and the Life raft is on the rear seats 5. In the event of an emergency, I shall remain in control unless
5. Any questions?” otherwise instructed by you”
I FR Avionic s c he c k s

Ga rm in GPS Che c k s Com Ra dio Che c k s N a v Ra dio Che c k s

if only Radio navigation is to be used • On • Test lights

• Select 133.725 Marker
• Select VLOC COM 2 • Rx Departure ATIS
• Check internal and external • Select 110.5
annunciators for nav source • Select 119.475 • Identify IBH or IBMH
• Check fly L/R display on HSI thru
• On 360O
if GPS is to be used for IFR navigation: • Select 133.725
• Rx Departure ATIS to check volume • Select 110.5
• Check self-test concludes satis COM 1 DME • Identify IBH or IBMH
• Check database Effective and • Select and monitor 121.7 or 125.6 • Check display of distance
Expiry dates before acknowledging as appropriate
cycle • Select 113.35
the “OK?” annunciation NAV 1
• Check any “MSG”
MSG annunciation • Identify SAM when airborne

• Enter flight plan • Select 110.5

• Check bearings and distances for • Identify IBH or IBMH
overall sense • Check fly L/R display on HSI thru
• If appropriate, check RNAV procedures NAV 2 360O
against paper charts
• Select 113.35
113 35
AUX • Utility sub-page: check RAIM prediction if
• Identify SAM when airborne
page required (not required for B-RNAV)

• Select NAV map subpage and range • Select 339

• Select data fields from MENU ADF • Identify BIA
• Check active waypoint
yp and magenta
g • Check display on RMI
line guidance
• Select 7000
• Test
• Select GPS or VLOC as required • Set SBY
• Check internal and external
annunciators for nav source

I nst rum e nt Appre c ia t ion
1 . Pre ssure inst rum e nt s

• To understand the workings of the aircraft’s • The International Standard Atmosphere; • Understanding how the instruments work
Aim Airmanship Performance
pressure instruments blockage of Pitot and Static sources and the errors they are subject to

ASI Airspe e d I ndic a t or V SI V e rt ic a l Spe e d I ndic a t or ALT Alt im e t e r

• Measures the difference between pitot (dynamic + • More sensitive than the altimeter. Indicates rate of • Any change in case pressure (from the static source)
static) pressure and static pressure: (D+S)-S=D change of static pressure, because, as aircraft climbs affects the sealed aneroid capsule
• Errors include position, density, compressibility and and descends, the case pressure (choked static feed) • Errors include position, density, temperature, lag and
instrument lags the capsule pressure (direct static feed) instrument
• Errors include lag and instrument

Source: illustrations from FAA H-8083-25A Pilot’s handbook of Aeronautical Knowledge Ch7

I nst rum e nt Appre c ia t ion
2 . Gyro inst rum e nt s

• To understand the workings of the aircraft’s • Understanding how the instruments work
Aim Airmanship • Vacuum vs. Electric gyros, failure modes Performance
gyro instruments and the errors they are subject to

T C T urn Coordina t or DI Dire c t iona l I ndic a t or AI At t it ude I ndic a t or

• Typically electrical (may be air driven) • Air driven, by a mechanical suction pump. Rotor is kept • Rotor maintains its position in space by a pendulous
• Gyro mounted vertically with canting of gimbal indicates vertical by air jets striking the rotor grooves and suspension unit and the instrument case moves relative
rate of yaw and roll applying a precession force when the rotor starts to tilt. to the rotor.
• Errors include instrument In effect, the gyro maintains its position in space • Errors include mechanical, friction, acceleration and
• Errors include mechanical, friction and drift (both toppling
• The canting of the gyro makes it quite sensitive to both bank and yaw,
d a recovery ffrom a tturn using
i ththe TC should
h ld iinclude
l d ab brief
i f over-
apparent and transport)
recovery before establishing a wings-level indication

• The older Turn Indicator (TI) gyro is not canted and has no roll
sensitivity. In this case, a wings-level correction should be anticipated
(ie. re-centralise the control column in the recovery when the TI
indicates about halfway between the rate one turn mark and the zero
turn mark)

Source: illustrations from FAA H-8083-25A Pilot’s Handbook of Aeronautical Knowledge Ch7

I nst rum e nt Appre c ia t ion
3 . Physiologic a l fa c t ors

• To understand the key physiological factors • Avoiding and recovering from • Understanding why the instrument scan
Aim Airmanship Performance
impacting instrument flight disorientation is essential to IF

• Humans maintain balance using 3 senses:

V isua
i l systt e m S
Som a t ose nsory systt e m V e stt ibula
ib l r systt e m
• eyes provide a sense of orientation based • nerves in the skin, muscles, and joints, • sense organs in the inner ear (vestibular
on the horizon and other visual references which, along with hearing, sense position canals) filled with fluid which detect
based on gravity, feeling, and sound angular motion of the head using gravity
as a reference
• On the ground, all 3 systems will agree and give a clear impression of how the body is positioned and moving
• In VMC flight, the visual sense is dominant, and will overcome any conflicting impression from the other two
• In IMC flight, the Somatosensory and Vestibular systems will give powerful, incorrect impressions that contradict the
instrument indications ((“the
the leans”) ignored and the pilot must consciously focus on using only visual
leans ). They must be ignored,
reference to the flight instruments
The “Leans”
The Vestibular System

Source: illustrations from FAA H-8083-25A Pilot’s Handbook of Aeronautical Knowledge Ch16 11
Cont e nt s

Introductory ground briefings Phase 5: VOR, DME and basic procedures

a. Route and weather planning a. VOR instrumentation and tracking
b. Operating Minima b. Direct entries and Procedure turns
c. Performance planning and documents c. DME and fixes
d. Pre-flight checks and briefing d. DME Arc
e. Instrument appreciation e. VOR Hold
f. VOR Approach
Pha se 1 : I F ba sic s a nd t he full pa ne l
a. F ll P
Full Panell chart
h t Ph
Phase 6:
6 NDB ttracking,
ki h
ld and
d procedures
b. Selective Radial Scan a. The ADF receiver and RMI
c. Basic manoeuvres b. NDB tracking using the RMI
c. Holding procedures
Phase 2: Full panel IF (continued)
d. NDB Approach
a. Transfer to instruments after take
e. The Circle-to-Land
b. Climbing and descending turns
c. FP unusual attitudes Phase 7: Radar Procedures
a. The Transponder
Phase 3: Limited panel IF
b. Surveillance Radar Approach
a. LP flight and manoeuvres
c. Radar Vectored NDB Approach
b. LP compass turns
c. LP unusual attitudes Phase 8: ILS
a. The Instrument Landing System
Phase 4: Single engine procedures
b. ILS Approach
a. Normal Circuit
b. Engine failure in flight Phase 9: Airways IFR
c. Single engine rate 1 turns a. RTF
d. Single engine climb & descent b. Altimeter setting
e. Engine failure after take off c. Instrument departures
f. Engine failure drills d
d. Airways procedures
g. Asymmetric circuit e. Airways training routes

Re fre she r: M ult ie ngine Pist on a irc ra ft
Be e c h Duc he ss BE7 6

•Engine St a rt Engine St a rt • Clim b Clim b • Syst e m s Se rvic e lim it a t ions

• Use Check List, VGLO – restricted vision • 25” 2500rpm Rich 100KIAS • Flap limits: 0-20deg 120KIAS
• Advance throttles to maintain MP in climb >20deg 110KIAS
•T a x i Taxi • 1000’ checks: lights, pumps, Ts&Ps
• Control Direction • Gear limits: extend 140KIAS retract 112KIAS
coordinated use of rudder, differential braking • Cruise Cruise
and differential power • 22” 2400rpm Lean 135KIAS • De sc e nt De sc e nt
• Taxi on the Centre Line • Cowl flaps closed • 18” 2400rpm Rich
wider undercarriage • Cruise checks • Fuel Pumps on
offset propellers • Note use of trim
trim, in sequence: pitch
pitch, yaw
yaw, roll • Retard throttles to maintain MP in descent
larger wingspan
• Anticipate • St a lls St a lls • Le ve l off Le ve l off
braking: more inertia • HASELL • 18” 2500rpm Rich 115KIAS (gear up)
turns: larger turning circle • 18” 2500rpm Rich 115KIAS • 22” MAX rpm Rich 115KIAS (gear down)
speed: high idle thrust, don’t taxi too fast or
id brakes
b k Clean config
Cl fi
• Be aware of Prop wash • Idle Max rpm Rich • Approa c h Approa c h/Circ uit
• Recover when instructed: SSR • Pre-landing checks: BUMP FFIHL
•Pow e r Che c k sPow e r Che c k s • 18” 2500rpm Rich 105KIAS Gear down Flap 0
• Use Check List, angle a/c off taxi way, be aware Base turn config • Flap as reqd: 10 deg 95KIAS
of p
p wash • 13” Max rpm
p Rich 20 deg
g 90KIAS
• Gear down, flap 20 30 deg 85KIAS
• T a k e -Off T a k e -Off • Enter 30deg bank • Smooth power on application
• Power to 2000rpm, hold the brakes • Recover at first indication of stall: SSR
• Check Ts&Ps, suction, charging • La nding La nding
• Release brakes Landing config • Reds Blues Greens
• Maintain centreline as aircraft accelerates • 13
13” Max rpm Rich • Cross wind landing: crab technique
• Check airspeed live • Gear down, flap 30
• Smoothly apply full power • Recover at first indication of stall: SSR
• Keep hand on both throttles
• Rotate at Vr 71 KIAS SSR - release back pressure
• Accelerate to TOSS 85 KIAS - full power
• Touch brakes, Gear up - rudder to control yaw
• Flaps retract - ailerons to level wings if speed permits
• Altimeters cross-check

Re fre she r: Ope ra t ion of Ge a r a nd Fla p

• To understand the technique for making • Observing limitations and checking • Vlo and Vfe limits have no positive
Aim Airmanship Performance
Flap and Gear selection indications tolerance: +0kts, - x kts as reqd

• A type of error frequently reported by IR Examiners relates to the “use of services” (ie. Gear and Flap)

• Examples include:
- a pilot who selects and calls out “gear down”, but does not check for 3 greens until later in the circuit/approach, and only then
notices that gear extension has failed
-ap pilot who observes the g
gear extension limiting g speed
p but not the ((lower)) g
gear retraction limit
- a pilot who observes the flap extension limit at the start of descent, but then accelerates to beyond that limit with flaps down
- a pilot who observes the correct limitation, but incorrectly leaves the flap selector in the wrong position (easily done in the BE76)

• All of these errors can be avoided by using the “Limitation – Operation – Indication” method for every gear and flap selection

LIMITATION - check the ASI is below the appropriate limiting speed

OPERATION - move the Gear lever or Flap selector as appropriate
INDICATION - check that the Gear lights or Flap position indicator show the expected outcome

• Each of these steps can be called out verbally. The “Operation” call should avoid the implication that the selection has been
successful until verified by the indication, eg. call “Gear down in transit” and then monitor and call “3 greens”, rather than calling
“Gear down” as you move the lever

BE76 Gear Limits BE76

6 Flap
ap Limits

Vlo Extension 140 KIAS Vfe up to Flap 20O 120 KIAS

Vlo Retraction 112 KIAS Vfe up to Flap 30O 110 KIAS

Source: Report of common errors and comments on L-O-I method are based on a note to FTOs by Capt. D. Riley, CAA Flight Examiner, Bournemouth

1 . I F ba sic s
a . T he Full Pa ne l

• To understand the key instruments for IFR • Understand cause and effect of Power
Aim Airmanship • Errors and failure modes Performance
flight and Attitude changes on Performance

ASI AI ALT Manifold
Airspeed Attitude Altimeter Pressure
Indicator Indicator


T rn Horizontal
H i t l Vert.
V t Speed
S d
Coordinator Situation Indicator

1 . I F ba sic s
b. T he Se le c t ive Ra dia l Sc a n

• To learn precision IF using the Full Panel • Recommended scan patterns merely place • Learn the scan elements for each
Aim Airmanship Performance
prior to starting Procedural training emphasis; do not prevent scan of other items manoeuvre

• With a given power set, the Selective Radial Scan is centred on the • The performance instruments are divided into 2
Attitude Indicator as the Master Instrument, with a scan to the groups, primary and secondary, as appropriate to
performance instruments to identify corrections to Attitude (and Power) each flight manoeuvre
needed to maintain the required performance

Master Primary Secondary


Instruments Straight
and Level
Performance Master Performance
Instrument Instrument
Level turn AI ALT, TC H SI , ASI

Climbing &
Performance Performance Performance
Instrument Instrument Instrument Climbing &
descending AI ASI , TC ALT, H SI

• The key to smooth, accurate instrument flight is to maintain the scan at all times, correcting with small adjustments
• Any performance deviation must be corrected promptly, otherwise it will only increase
• No-one can hand-fly on instruments without a constant scan; any lapse may result in a breach of tolerances

1 . I F ba sic s
c . Ba sic m a noe uvre s

• To achieve a desired flight path through a

Aim selective radial scan of the relevant instruments
Airmanship • Instrument checks, FREDA checks Performance • +/- 5O, +/- 100’, +/- 5kts

Straight and level flight Turning

AI AI Achieving:
ASI ALT Achieving: ASI ALT
Secondary Master Primary Secondary Master Primary
Instrument Instrument Power as Reqd
Power as reqd
Roll into turn using AI,
Wings level, bar on gentle back pressure on
the horizon control column
Secondary Primary Direction HSI, Altitude ALT Primary Secondary Monitor HSI turn progress

Trim Trim

Climbing Descending

AI Achieving: AI Achieving:
Primary Master Secondary Primary Master Secondary
Instrument Instrument 2400 RPM, 18” MP
2500 RPM, 25” MP or as reqd
Wings level, decelerate
Wings level, raise bar then lower bar below
above the horizon the horizon
Secondary Primary Secondary Secondary Primary Secondary
Monitor climb ALT Monitor climb ALT

Trim Trim

Cont e nt s

Introductory ground briefings Phase 5: VOR, DME and basic procedures

a. Route and weather planning a. VOR instrumentation and tracking
b. Operating Minima b. Direct entries and Procedure turns
c. Performance planning and documents c. DME and fixes
d. Pre-flight checks and briefing d. DME Arc
e. Instrument appreciation e. VOR Hold
f. VOR Approach
Phase 1: IF basics and the full panel
a. Full
F ll P
Panell chart
h t Ph
Phase 6:
6 NDB ttracking,
ki h
ld and
d procedures
b. Selective Radial Scan a. The ADF receiver and RMI
c. Basic manoeuvres b. NDB tracking using the RMI
c. Holding procedures
Pha se 2 : Full pa ne l I F (c ont inue d)
d. NDB Approach
a. Transfer to instruments after take
e. The Circle-to-Land
b. Climbing and descending turns
c. FP unusual attitudes Phase 7: Radar Procedures
a. The Transponder
Phase 3: Limited panel IF
b. Surveillance Radar Approach
a. LP flight and manoeuvres
c. Radar Vectored NDB Approach
b. LP compass turns
c. LP unusual attitudes Phase 8: ILS
a. The Instrument Landing System
Phase 4: Single engine procedures
b. ILS Approach
a. Normal Circuit
b. Engine failure in flight Phase 9: Airways IFR
c. Single engine rate 1 turns a. RTF
d. Single engine climb & descent b. Altimeter setting
e. Engine failure after take off c. Instrument departures
f. Engine failure drills d
d. Airways procedures
g. Asymmetric circuit e. Airways training routes

2 . Full pa ne l I F (c ont inue d)
a . T ra nsfe r t o inst rum e nt s a ft e r t a k e -off

• To transfer from visual to instrument • Selective radial scan, pre-conditioning and

Aim Airmanship Performance • +5 to -0kts, +/- 5O
reference during a critical phase of flight expectation

1. Line-up on the runway with the nose wheel straight and check the HSI
2 Smoothly increase the power and release the brakes
2. brakes, steering with the rudder
Check the ASI is increasing

3. Maintain the aircraft on the centre line by outside reference, however keep up an
instrument scan of the ASI and AI (the AI may show a pitch-up and slight roll
during the acceleration along the runway)

4. At Vr, rotate the aircraft and keep the wings level by outside visual reference.
Check the ASI

5 Now move the scan from the outside visual reference to the AI AI, note the pitch
(+8) and wings level. Hold this attitude – it is crucial not to allow the pitch attitude
to reduce or increase

Primary Master Secondary 6. Scan to the ASI, check speed and adjust attitude very slightly if required
7. Scan to the VSI for rate of climb
8. Trim
9. Now revert to the standard selective radial scan for the Climbing phase of flight
Secondary Primary
Once you have transferred from outside visual reference to the instruments,
never try to revert to a visual scan as a ‘back-up’

2 . Full pa ne l I F (c ont inue d)
b. Clim bing a nd de sc e nding t urns

• To conduct climbing and descending turns • Selective radial scan, Clearance, MSA
Aim Airmanship Performance • +/- 5kts
on instruments checks

g turn Descending turn

Master Master
Primary Primary Primary Primary
Instrument Instrument


Primary Secondary Secondary Primary Secondary Secondary

Achieving: Achieving:

2500 RPM, 25” MP 2400 RPM, 18” MP or as reqd

Pitch up just below the normal climb attitude, Pitch up just below the normal S&L attitude,
then roll into a Rate 1 turn then roll into a Rate 1 turn
Primary: ASI, ALT, TC for balance Primary: ASI, ALT, TC for balance
Secondary: VSI and HSI Secondary: VSI and HSI
Aircraft may tend to overbank, control with aileron

2 . Full pa ne l I F (c ont inue d)
c . Full pa ne l unusua l a t t it ude s

• Height for exercise is >3500’ agl. If the airspeed

• To recover promptly with minimum
Aim • Recovery from unusual attitudes Airmanship is within 10 kts of the stall, use a Standard Stall Performance
Recovery, accelerate before levelling the wings height loss

1 Check the ASI


ASI low and reducing ASI high and increasing

Approa c h t o St a ll S i l Dive
Spira Di


Centralise the ball Centralise the ball

3 AI 3 AI
At higher speeds, it may be
necessary to t rollll through
th h to
t aR
turn in the opposite direction, hold CHECK BACK
that for 1 sec, then to roll wings level

Ease control column FORWARD Ease control column BACK

4 As ASI needle changes direction, ASI 4 As ASI needle changes direction, ASI
check the control column back check the control column forward

Maintain heading & height Maintain heading & height

5 Re-adjust power AI ALT 5 Re-adjust power AI ALT
Re-trim if reqd Re-trim if reqd

Cont e nt s

Introductory ground briefings Phase 5: VOR, DME and basic procedures

a. Route and weather planning a. VOR instrumentation and tracking
b. Operating Minima b. Direct entries and Procedure turns
c. Performance planning and documents c. DME and fixes
d. Pre-flight checks and briefing d. DME Arc
e. Instrument appreciation e. VOR Hold
f. VOR Approach
Phase 1: IF basics and the full panel
a. Full
F ll P
Panell chart
h t Ph
Phase 6:
6 NDB ttracking,
ki h
ld and
d procedures
b. Selective Radial Scan a. The ADF receiver and RMI
c. Basic manoeuvres b. NDB tracking using the RMI
c. Holding procedures
Phase 2: Full panel IF (continued)
d. NDB Approach
a. Transfer to instruments after take
e. The Circle-to-Land
b. Climbing and descending turns
c. FP unusual attitudes Phase 7: Radar Procedures
a. The Transponder
Pha se 3 : Lim it e d pa ne l I F
b. Surveillance Radar Approach
a. LP flight and manoeuvres
c. Radar Vectored NDB Approach
b. LP compass turns
c. LP unusual attitudes Phase 8: ILS
a. The Instrument Landing System
Phase 4: Single engine procedures
b. ILS Approach
a. Normal Circuit
b. Engine failure in flight Phase 9: Airways IFR
c. Single engine rate 1 turns a. RTF
d. Single engine climb & descent b. Altimeter setting
e. Engine failure after take off c. Instrument departures
f. Engine failure drills d
d. Airways procedures
g. Asymmetric circuit e. Airways training routes

3 . Lim it e d pa ne l I F
a . LP flight a nd m a noe uvre s

• To fly the aircraft safely when the AI and/or • Safe IF is impossible without any gyro • Safe, accurate flight
Aim Airmanship Performance
HSI fail, eg. due to Vacuum Pump failure instruments, thus the TC is critical • +/- 15O, +/- 200’, +/- 10kts

• With the AI and HSI failed,, the turn coordinator becomes the Master Master Primary
y Secondary
Pitch ASI , V SI ALT
• The TC will indicate bank attitude only if the ball is centred
Bank TC Com pa ss Ba ll
Controlling Pitch: use the ASI (which reacts quickly to pitch changes) and the
Heading Com pa ss
VSI as a backup
Controlling Bank: use the TC (restricting turns to Rate 1) with the ball in the Yaw TC Ba ll
Progress of turn T im ing Com pa ss
• Do not chase the needles, and do note attempt turns whilst changing height
• It’s
It’ diffi
lt tto use th
the C
Compass iin tturns, use R
t 1 titimed
d tturns (i
(ie. 3d
/ )

• Straight and Level • Climbing & Descending

Compass Compass
Secondary Secondary

ALT Achieving: ASI ALT

Primary Primary Secondary
Power as reqd
q 2500 RPM,, 25” MP

Wings level on TC Wings level on TC

TC Scan ALT TC Scan ASI for Pitch

Master Monitor Compass Master Monitor Altimeter
Instrument Instrument

Trim Trim

3 . Lim it e d pa ne l I F
b. LP t im e d c om pa ss t urns

• To fly accurate, level turns on Limited • Maintain scan, use simple method to get • Establish heading +/-5O,
Aim Airmanship Performance
Panel using the Timing method correct sense/direction of turn and timing maintain +/- 200’, +/- 10kts

1. Identify turn direction (shortest) and time (Rate 1: 3O per sec)

2. Start timer M e t hod for c a lc ula t ing t im ing
3. Roll into Rate 1 turn using TC and maintain ball centred
4. Apply slight back pressure if reqd to hold ALT and zero VSI 1.
a Read the compass and set the current heading on the
5. Monitor timer, and when timing is up.... top marker of the RBI or VOR indicator card
6. y roll wings
...slowly g level,, and release any
y back p
pressure 2.
b Note the desired heading, shortest distance to it gives
7. Hold control pressure static for 5 seconds to stabilise Compass the direction of turn
8. Observe the Compass heading 3.
c Count the intervals from the top marker to the desired
9. If there is a residual error, correct with Rate 1/3 turns (1O per sec) 4. Allow 10 sec for every 30O and 3 sec for every 10O
until within 5 degrees of required
q headingg
For example, a turn from 270 O to 050 O

• Scan for level Select 270 using OBS

timed turn Timer Compass
Secondary Secondary
Achieving: of 30 O
Primary and 10 O
Power as reqd

Rate 1 on TC, a
ball centred
Identify 050 and
TC Scan ALT b note it’s a turn
Master Monitor Timing to the right
Slight back pressure to d Time is 4 x 10sec (30 O intervals) plus
maintain ALT if reqd 2 x 3 sec (10 O intervals) = 46 sec

3 . Lim it e d pa ne l I F
c . LP unusua l a t t it ude s

• Height for exercise is >3500’ agl. If the airspeed

• Recovery from unusual attitudes during • To promptly recover on Limited Panel
Aim Airmanship is within 10kts of the stall, use a Standard Stall Performance
Limited Panel flight Recovery, accelerate before levelling the wings with minimum height loss

1 Check the ASI


ASI low and reducing ASI high and increasing

Approa c h t o St a ll S i l Dive
Spira Di


Centralise the ball Centralise the ball

3 TC 3 TC
At higher speeds, it may be
necessary to t rollll through
th h to
t aR
turn in the opposite direction, hold CHECK BACK
that for 1 sec, then to roll wings level

Ease control column FORWARD Ease control column BACK

4 As ASI needle changes direction, ASI 4 As ASI needle changes direction, ASI
check the control column back check the control column forward

Maintain heading & height Maintain heading & height

5 Re-adjust power TC ALT 5 Re-adjust power TC ALT
Re-trim if reqd Re-trim if reqd

Cont e nt s

Introductory ground briefings Phase 5: VOR, DME and basic procedures

a. Route and weather planning a. VOR instrumentation and tracking
b. Operating Minima b. Direct entries and Procedure turns
c. Performance planning and documents c. DME and fixes
d. Pre-flight checks and briefing d. DME Arc
e. Instrument appreciation e. VOR Hold
f. VOR Approach
Phase 1: IF basics and the full panel
a. Full
F ll P
Panell chart
h t Ph
Phase 6:
6 NDB ttracking,
ki h
ld and
d procedures
b. Selective Radial Scan a. The ADF receiver and RMI
c. Basic manoeuvres b. NDB tracking using the RMI
c. Holding procedures
Phase 2: Full panel IF (continued)
d. NDB Approach
a. Transfer to instruments after take
e. The Circle-to-Land
b. Climbing and descending turns
c. FP unusual attitudes Phase 7: Radar Procedures
a. The Transponder
Phase 3: Limited panel IF
b. Surveillance Radar Approach
a. LP flight and manoeuvres
c. Radar Vectored NDB Approach
b. LP compass turns
c. LP unusual attitudes Phase 8: ILS
a. The Instrument Landing System
Pha se 4 : Single e ngine proc e dure s
b. ILS Approach
a. Normal Circuit
b. Engine failure in flight Phase 9: Airways IFR
c. Single engine rate 1 turns a. RTF
d. Single engine climb & descent b. Altimeter setting
e. Engine failure after take off c. Instrument departures
f. Engine failure drills d
d. Airways procedures
g. Asymmetric circuit e. Airways training routes

4 . Single e ngine proc e dure s
a . I nt roduc t ion: norm a l 2 e ngine c irc uit

• To fly a normal circuit and land in various • VGLO, pre-landing checks, finals checks,
Aim Airmanship Performance • +/- 5kts, +/- 100’
configurations, to perform a go-around speed & control, anticipation, spacing

85KIAS 25”
Vr 2 Engine
Reds Vat Gear Up 2500rpm
Blues 75KIAS 71KIAS Flap Up Rich
85KIAS 300’
Greens Flap 30 Ts&Ps,S&C
15deg bank
15deg bank Ref. point
Ref point

90KIAS Smoothly 100KIAS

apply full Drag Gear Climb 1000’
AR” 2500rpm Go Flap up in
power Flap retract and Attitude,
Gear down Around stages
pitch up retract secure 25” Power
Flap 20
+8O 2500rpm Trim
Avoid getting too low 18”
Anticipate turn 2500rpm
95KIAS All turns are 90 degrees plus or minus wind correction
16” 2500rpm to keep the ground track a rectangular pattern
Gear down (keep pumps
Flap 10 and lights on)

Don’t extend Don’t converge or diverge

Pre-Landing Checks
30degg bank
30deg bank
Ref. point
Ref. point
105KIAS Brakes Off RTF: call VGLO
18” Undercarriage 3 Greens downwind
2500rpm Mixture Rich
Gear down Prop 2500rpm
p 10 Fuel sufficient and pumps on
engine Instruments
Hatches and Harnesses
landing Lights

4 . Single e ngine proc e dure s
b. Engine fa ilure in flight

• To look at the effects of engine failure and

Aim Airmanship • Checks, seating, handover, touch drills Performance • +/- 10O, +/- 100’, +10kts/-5kts
to take corrective action

Effect of Engine
g Failure: in straight
g and level flight

• Begin in normal level cruise 22” MAX rpm 130KIAS • Each effect YAW.......... ROLL.....PITCH DOWN
• Close one throttle
• Visually observe effects, and then check on instruments; aircraft will • Needs a
YAW then ROLL..then..PITCH
YAW..then.. ROLL then PITCH DOWN then enter
DOWN..then enter..SPIRAL

Repeat demonstration with Instrument reference only

4 . Single e ngine proc e dure s
b. Engine fa ilure in flight ..... CON T I N U ED

Effect of Engine Failure: in turns

example: right hand turn


> slow to develop
> slow to develop
> slow to develop
X •

> fast to develop
> fast to develop
> fast to develop
• SPIRAL DESCENT > slow to develop • SPIRAL DESCENT > fast to develop

• Effects are slow to develop.. • Effects are fast to develop..

• ...harder to detect • ...easier to detect
• ...easier to correct • ...harder to correct

• Can be dangerous during a turn onto

finals: with low power and the outside
engine failing, the failure may not be
easily noticed

4 . Single e ngine proc e dure s
b. Engine fa ilure in flight ..... CON T I N U ED

Actions following an Engine Failure in cruise flight

Corrective action
• When an engine fails, the aircraft will immediately yaw towards the
failed engine. If uncorrected, it will roll wing-down into the failed engine
andd then
h pitch
i hd down. If uncorrected d further,
f h a spirali lddescent willill d
The first action therefore is:

• Correct the YAW by centring the ball with RUDDER
• Correct the ROLL with AILERON
• Correct the PITCH DOWN with ELEVATOR

• Set 25” 2500rpm on the live engine or full power if required

• A slightly higher pitch attitude is needed(+2)
• Check airspeed stabilising at 110kts
• Trim accurately, then.....

Scan in single engine cruise flight
• Diagnose
Di problem
bl and decide
dd id if a shut-down
h td off th
the failed
f il d engine
i iis
appropriate. If so.....
FEAT H ER (do not rush) Primary Master
Secondary Achieving:
• Dead engine THROTTLE : close to verify Instrument
• Dead engine PROP: feather 2500 RPM, 25”
25 MP
• Dead engine MIXTURE: ICO Wings level, Pitch +2
• When workload permits: Monitor ALT, VSI
Primary Primary Secondary Trim
Com p
ple t e Pha se 2 che ck s
• Use flow check method described on next page

4 . Single e ngine proc e dure s
b. Engine fa ilure in flight ..... CON T I N U ED

PHASE 2 Flow Checks after engine shut down

example: left engine failed/feathered

Live Engine
(Ts&Ps, Ammeter, Vacuum)
Live Engine

Live Engine Live Engine

2. Reverse the flow here, to
protect the Live engine
Dead Engine

Dead Engine

Dead Engine
Live Engine

Live Engine
Dead Engine COWL FLAP All checks are touch drills,, except
p cowl flapsp
COWL FLAP OPEN The simulated dead engine cowl flap should be closed to
CLOSED reduce cooling, and the live engine cowl flap must be
opened to prevent overheating during SE exercises
Live Engine
Dead Engine FUEL ON

1. Begin flow for Phase 2 checks here, securing the Dead engine

4 . Single e ngine proc e dure s
c . Single e ngine ra t e 1 t urns

• To carry out a co-ordinated rate 1 turn in

Aim Airmanship • Checks, selective radial scan Performance • +/- 100’, +10kts/-5kts
single-engine flight


Single engine rate 1 turn
• All tturns iin IFR fli
ht are rate
t 1
• In asymmetric flight, extra care must be taken to avoid overbanking
• Asymmetric turns are always level, never climbing or descending
TURNS INTO THE DEAD ENGINE Secondary Master Primary
• This is the more critical situation
situation, as the aircraft will tend to overbank
because the asymmetric yawing moment is “aided” by the horizontal
component of lift, producing a rolling moment
Primary Secondary

YAW from live engine

• Opposite aileron is required to maintain the angle of bank and rate of turn


• This is the less critical situation, with a tendency for the aircraft to roll out of
the turn. The asymmetric yawing moment “opposes” the horizontal 2500 RPM, 25” MP or as reqd
component of lift, producing an opposite rolling moment
B k as required
Bank i d for
f Rate
R t 1
1, Pit
h +2
Primary: TC for Rate 1 and ball centred, ALT level
Secondary: ASI steady, HSI turn progress

YAW ffrom li
live engine

• Therefore, the selective radial scan is very important in both situations

4 . Single e ngine proc e dure s
d. Single e ngine c lim b a nd de sc e nt

• To carry out a single engine climb and • Selective radial scan, Clearance, MSA
Aim Airmanship Performance • +/- 5kts, +/- 10O
descent checks

Single engine climb Single engine descent

• In the climb, more rudder will be required than in straight and level flight, due to the • In the descent, the amount of rudder pressure will be lower due to the lower thrust
increased asymmetric thrust and lower airspeed and higher airspeed
• The scan must be rigorously maintained, with particular attention to heading and • Anticipate the level-off, and apply power smoothly keeping the ball centred;
airspeed otherwise, an abrupt application of full power will result in uncoordinated yawing
• For continued climb, it is advisable to trim out as much rudder load as possible

Master Master Secondary
Primary Secondary Primary
Instrument Instrument
85kts 120kt
blue line


Secondary Primary Secondary
Primary Primary Primary

Ball Ball
centred centred

Achieving: Achieving:

Full Power 2400 RPM, 16” MP

Pitch +3, wings level Pitch -2, wings level

Primary: ASI 85kts blue line, TC ball centred, HSI Primary: ASI 120kts, TC ball centred, HSI
Secondary: VSI and ALT Secondary: VSI and ALT

Trim Trim

Note: the JAA method is never to apply bank into the Live Engine during a Single Engine climb in IMC, to avoid
disorientation. The FAA method is to apply the bank, so conversion candidates will need to be advised of the difference.

4 . Single e ngine proc e dure s
e . Engine fa ilure a ft e r t a k e off (EFAT O)

• To control the aircraft after an EFATO and • VGLO, Checks & engine instruments,
Aim Airmanship Performance • +/-100’, +/-5kts, air exercise at 3000’
to identify and feather the failed engine seating, handover, touch drills

Effect of engine failure after take-off

Take off Safety Speed, Vtoss Demonstration of why the EFATO drills are performed in a set order The EFATO Drills
• We see from the demonstration that the
• This is the minimum flight speed at • From cruise, set 18”MP and Max RPM. Wait until aircraft decelerates to 120kts EFATO drill sequence achieves the best
which the average pilot can safely • Lower the gear and set flap 10 possible performance
control the aircraft without throttling
• Climb aircraft at 85kts, progressively increasing power to Full on both engines
back the live engine following an
• Yaw will be severe and full
EFATO rudder may be required to
• The safety speed for the BE76 is
Ac t ion Configura t ion Pe rform a nc e centre the ball
• The airspeed will reduce
85kts quickly so it is important to
• Since the rotate speed Vr is 71kts, • Max rudder lower the nose to just above
• Close 1 throttle
the gear is not retracted until 85kts x • RoD
the ref. Horizon (+2)

• Should an engine failure occur

between 71kts and 85kts, both CON T ROL
throttles should be closed and the Che c k full pow e r
aircraft landed back on the runway
• Less rudder Ge a r U p
• Gear Up
x • Nil RoD

• Less rudder
• Flap Up
x • RoC
Fla p U p

I DEN T I FY (Dead leg > Dead Engine)

• Less rudder • Dead engine THROTTLE : close to verify
• Set Zero thrust
x • +ve RoC • Dead engine PROP: feather
• Dead engine MIXTURE: ICO

• Pitch for Vyse • Least rudder • St a bilise c lim b a t V yse a nd sc a n

blue line 85kts x • Best +ve RoC
• Com ple t e pha se 2 c he c k s

4 . Single e ngine proc e dure s
f. EFAT O drill – I R T e st form a t

In the climb-out (100kts 25”MP 2500RPM) the Examiner will obscure the throttle quadrant and retard the L or R throttle

• Correct the YAW by centring the ball with RUDDER Wings level
• Correct the ROLL with AILERON, wings level
• PITCH DOWN with ELEVATOR to +2 Ball centred

I DEN T I FY (Dead leg > Dead Engine) Note: the candidate has to identify the failed engine before the Examiner
reveals the throttle quadrant for the Max Power sweep forward of controls
• Call
C ll outt “L/R engine
i ffailure,
il any fire?”
fi ?”
• Examiner will reveal the quadrant, stating “fire” or “no fire”
• The normal EF training drill and
actual EF procedure is to check
full power and Gear & Flap up
before the IDENTIFY step Che ck Pow e r-Pow e r-Pow e r 3 2 1
• However, in the IR test, the (sweep all engine controls fwd in R-L sequence: Mixtures, Props, Throttles,
examiner will obscure the exceptt the
th throttle
th ttl th
the examiner
i h
has retarded)
t d d)
throttle quadrant until the GEAR FLAP
candidate has identified the
1 2
failed engine, so the Power and
Gear/Flap items are conducted Che ck Ge a r U P a nd Fla p U P
after the IDENTIFY step

FEAT H ER (t ouc h drill) 1 2 3

• Dead engine THROTTLE : close to verify
• Dead engine PROP: feather
• Dead engine MIXTURE: ICO
• Examiner
E i will
ill apply
l zero thrust
th t Wings level
Master Secondar
Primary 85kts
blue line
St a bilise clim b at V yse a nd sc a n
VSI Heading
Com ple t e pha se 2 che ck s Primary Primary y
• Use flow check method described previously centred

4 . Single e ngine proc e dure s
g. Single e ngine c irc uit

• To learn to fly a circuit and land following • VGLO, Asymmetric Committal Height • +/- 5kts, +/- 100’.
Aim Airmanship Performance
EFATO and go-around (200agl), Zero Thrust, Touch Drills • Single engine speeds +10kts/-0kts

Max Power (sweep)
Asymmetric Committal Height (200agl) G
Gear & Flap
Fl up
G gear down R runway clear Single Engine
TOSS 100KIAS Identify (DL-DE)
A approach stable P permission to land Feather
85KIAS 25”
Vr Gear Up 2500rpm 85KIAS Blue Line
Reds Vat
71KIAS Flap Up Rich Continue ahead until stable
Blues 85KIAS 75KIAS
Greens Flap 30 >300’
15deg bank
15deg bank Ref. point
Ref. point ENGINE VGLO
VGLO If any of the 4 FAILURE
criteria are not
met then... 85KIAS
AR 2500rpm
AR” Smoothly apply full power
Climb Climb
Gear down Go Pitch up +2O Gear and Max MP & rpm
Flap 20 Around Control yaw Flap retract Rich 85KIAS
Blue line Max MP
Prevent pitch and roll
95KIAS Max rpm 1000’
16” 2500rpm Rich Attitude,
o d gett
g too low
o All turns are 90 degrees plus or minus wind correction
G down
d power, trim
Anticipate turn to keep the ground track a rectangular pattern
Flap 10
25” 2500rpm
Undercarriage Pre-Landing Checks Rich 105KIAS
down in transit
Able to descend Brakes Off
once 3 greens Phase 2 checks
Undercarriage Defer Don’t converge
confirmed when stable
Don’t extend Mixture Rich or diverge
15deg bank 15deg bank
Ref. point Ref. point
105KIAS Prop 2500rpm RTF: call
18” Fuel sufficient and pumps on downwind
2500rpm engine Instruments
Gear down Hatches and Harnesses
Flap 10 landing Lights

Cont e nt s

Introductory ground briefings Pha se 5 : V OR, DM E a nd ba sic proc e dure s

a. Route and weather planning a. VOR instrumentation and tracking
b. Operating Minima b. Direct entries and Procedure turns
c. Performance planning and documents c. DME and fixes
d. Pre-flight checks and briefing d. DME Arc
e. Instrument appreciation e. VOR Hold
f. VOR Approach
Phase 1: IF basics and the full panel
a. Full
F ll P
Panell chart
h t Ph
Phase 6:
6 NDB ttracking,
ki h
ld and
d procedures
b. Selective Radial Scan a. The ADF receiver and RMI
c. Basic manoeuvres b. NDB tracking using the RMI
c. Holding procedures
Phase 2: Full panel IF (continued)
d. NDB Approach
a. Transfer to instruments after take
e. The Circle-to-Land
b. Climbing and descending turns
c. FP unusual attitudes Phase 7: Radar Procedures
a. The Transponder
Phase 3: Limited panel IF
b. Surveillance Radar Approach
a. LP flight and manoeuvres
c. Radar Vectored NDB Approach
b. LP compass turns
c. LP unusual attitudes Phase 8: ILS
a. The Instrument Landing System
Phase 4: Single engine procedures
b. ILS Approach
a. Normal Circuit
b. Engine failure in flight Phase 9: Airways IFR
c. Single engine rate 1 turns a. RTF
d. Single engine climb & descent b. Altimeter setting
e. Engine failure after take off c. Instrument departures
f. Engine failure drills d
d. Airways procedures
g. Asymmetric circuit e. Airways training routes

5 . V OR, DM E a nd ba sic proc e dure s
a . V OR inst rum e nt a t ion

• To learn to use the VOR for both tracking • Current charts, Instrument ground checks, • To learn to track within 5O (1/2 scale
Aim Airmanship Performance
and position fixing FREDA, S-I-D, deflection) & +/- 5kts, +/- 100’

Air Exercise : VOR Instrumentation

• VOR ground stations operate in the VHF band and transmit a reference
and a rotating-phase signal to encode direction • Using the VOR, we can identify which radial we are on, and
- Line of sight range increases with height; approx 60nm at 2000’ also intercept and track a radial
- Range nm ≈ 1.25 (√Ht + √Hr) with Ht, Hr in feet • To find out what radial from a VOR you are on
• The Course Deviation Indicator (CDI) or HSI (Horizontal Situation Indicator) is 1. tune and ident the beacon
used to display VOR navigation information 2. rotate the OBS to centralise the needle with the FROM
- the Omni Bearingg Selector ((OBS)) is used to select the required
q radial flag showing
- the TO/FROM flags show whether the radial selected will take you to or from the station
- the Deviation needle moves over a scale of dots 2O apart
3. read the radial above the course pointer (HSI) or at the top
of the instrument (CDI)
Standby Active VOR freq
frequency • In this example, the aircraft is on the 180 radial from the VOR.
Nav source An exact fix can be found by tuning to another VOR in range
Freq toggle annunciator and seeing where the 2 radials cross

Freq select Nav source 240
The VOR transmits directionally coded radials,
in a pattern like the spokes of a wheel

pointer In a modern aircraft, a GPS NAV/COM unit
HDG bug may provide both Radio and GPS
Deviation navigation
g signals.
g It is important
p that the
needle ‘Display’ item in the “S-I-D” check includes
the appropriate switches and annunciators,
to ensure the correct source is being Heading
To/From flag, in displayed on the instrument 240
From position

Radial 180 Radial 180

Compass card
slaved to master
OBS knob HDG bug flux compass
setting knob
5 . V OR, DM E a nd ba sic proc e dure s
a . V OR t ra c k ing t o

• Current charts, Instrument ground checks, • +/-5O (1/2 scale deflection)

Aim • To intercept a particular track to a VOR Airmanship Performance
FREDA, S-I-D, DOCs • +/- 5kts, +/- 100’
Air Exercise : Tracking to a VOR
11.If the aircraft drifts off-track, turn as indicated by the beam bar to re-intercept the radial, and apply
a drift correction. As you get closer, smaller heading changes will be needed to re-intercept

9.As the aircraft approaches the radial, the beam bar will start to move
towards the centre (in this illustration, 5degrees from the radial, the beam
bar is at half-scale deflection)
10.Check how quickly the needle is moving and turn to intercept accordingly. 13. Beacon passage will
The closer you are to the facility, the larger the lead in (1in60 rule). The 12.As you approach the be indicated by the
larger the intercept angle, the larger the lead in required facility, the beam bar will TO flag disappearing
become erratic, do not and the FROM flag
chase it, but maintain drift- showing
080 assessed heading

6.Mentallyy p
picture where yyou are an
add or subtract the intercept angle
to/from the required TO radial (not
the aircraft heading). 080- 4.Set the required radial on the HSI (080) and note how
60degrees = 020 intercept heading many degrees off you are (080-030=50 degrees)
7.Turn onto the intercept heading 5.Check the distance from the facility and work out an
intercept angle (60 degrees) The closer you are to the
facility, the small the intercept and vice versa. The
i iintercept
t t iis 85 d
8.The needle will show a FLY LEFT, 180
but maintain the intercept heading;
especially using a CDI, where the
picture is less intuitive. Remember
the aircraft heading has no effect
1.Tune and identify the VOR (SID)
on the needle presentation; ie. If

2 Find out what radial you are on TO the


you turned left to chase the needle,

you could fly 360 without changing
3.On the HSI, centralise the beam bar with
the presentation
the TO flag showing (030)

5 . V OR, DM E a nd ba sic proc e dure s
a . V OR t ra c k ing from

• Current charts, Instrument ground checks, • +/-5O (1/2 scale deflection)

Aim • To intercept a particular track from a VOR Airmanship Performance
FREDA, S-I-D, DOCs • +/- 5kts, +/- 100’
Air Exercise : Tracking from a VOR
11.If the aircraft drifts off-track, turn as indicated by the beam bar to re-
intercept the radial, and apply a drift correction. As you get further away,
larger heading changes will be needed to re-intercept



8.The needle will show a FLY RIGHT,

9.As the aircraft approaches the radial, the but maintain the intercept heading;
beam bar will start to move towards the centre especially using a CDI, where the
(in this illustration, 5 degrees from the radial, picture is less intuitive.
the beam bar is at half-scale deflection) Remember the aircraft heading has
10.Check how quickly the needle is moving and no effect on the needle presentation;
turn to interceptp accordingly.
g y The closer yyou ie If you turned right to chase the
are to the facility, the larger the lead in (1in60 needle, you could fly 360 without
rule). The larger the intercept angle, the larger changing the presentation
the lead in required

6.Mentally picture where you are an add or subtract the intercept angle to/from the required
FROM radial (not the aircraft heading). 260+40degrees = 300 intercept heading
7 Turn onto the intercept heading
7.Turn 1.Tune
1 T and
d id
tif th
the VOR (SID)
4.Set the required radial on the HSI (080) and note how many degrees off you are (260-210=40) 2.Find the radial you are on FROM the VOR
5.Check the distance from the facility and work out an intercept angle (40 degrees) The closer 3.On the HSI, centralise the beam bar with the
you are to the facility, the small the intercept and vice versa. The max intercept is 85 degrees FROM flag showing (210)

5 . V OR, DM E a nd ba sic proc e dure s
b. Dire c t e nt rie s a nd Proc e dure t urns

Direct Entry to a Procedure turn and Base Turn 45/180 Procedure turn
• Unless the procedure specifies particular entry restrictions, reversal procedures • Approaching the required turning waypoint, which may be a radial/dme, timing
shall be entered from a TRACK within +/-/ 30 degrees of the outbound track of a from a facility or RNAV waypoint:
reversal procedure 1. set up the turn on the HSI – with the heading bug on the 45 degree heading
(direction as depicted on the chart, left turn is typical. On airways you may choose
either direction, downwind is preferable), and the CDI on the reciprocal of the
current course
30 degrees 2. at the waypoint, start the timing: Cat A&B 1min, Cat C&D 1min15”
3. turn 45 degrees on to the heading bug
30 degrees 4. at the end of the timing, turn 180 degrees in the opposite direction to intercept
the inbound track on the CDI O
Rate 1 turn through 180

3 Use the HSI picture to

confirm the direction of
the 180O turn from the
45O heading bug track:
1 2 towards the tail of the
OBS course pointer

80/260 Procedure turn

• At the required turning point, which may be a radial/dme, timing from a facility or
RNAV waypoint:
• However, for base turns where the +/- 30 degrees does not include the reciprocal 1. Set the heading bug 80 degrees from the heading (direction as depicted on the chart,
of the inbound track, the entry sector is expanded to include it
left turn is typical. On airways you may choose either direction, downwind is preferable) and the
CDI to the new, reciprocal, track.
Reciprocal of 2. Turn on the 80 degrees onto the Heading bug
inbound track 3. As soon as the 80 degree off-heading is reached, reverse the turn 260
degrees in the opposite direction to intercept the inbound track

Rate 1 turn
3 through 260O
2 80O

• The 80/260 turn is an alternative to the 45/180, unless specifically excluded

5 . V OR, DM E a nd ba sic proc e dure s
c . T he DM E inst rum e nt a nd fix e s

• To learn to use the DME and to establish • Current charts, Instrument ground checks,
Aim Airmanship Performance • +/- 5O, +/- 5kts, +/- 100’
aircraft position using DME and VOR FREDA, S-I-D

Air Exercise (i) Use of DME Air Exercise (ii) VOR/DME fix

• The DME is a system incorporating a ground-based transponder and an airborne • A VOR can be used to provide a position line by selecting and identing the VOR,
transmitter designed to give distance information between the two centring the CDI needle with the FROM flag showing, and drawing the indicated
radial on a chart from the centre of the compass rose of the VOR
Display 3 position function switch for remote tuning (RMT), frequency
display (FREQ) and Groundspeed/Time-to-station display (GS/T) • A DME can similarly be used to provide a position arc from a DME station by
g a circle segment
g using
gappair of compasses
p and the chart scale

• A fix based on two VORs is simply the intersect of the two position lines

• The easiest fix is from a collocated VOR and DME, since the distance along the
position line can be determined directly, using the chart scale and indicated DME
On/Off switch Frequency selector knobs
• However, care must be taken when using a VOR position line and the arc from a
• Aircraft equipment varies in presentation. Another DME which is not collocated: this will result in two fixes: a good and false one. In
common installation uses a remote display slaved this case, a second VOR is required:
to the NAV1 or NAV2 frequency

• The DME is operated in the standard S-I-D manner: the device turned on, the
correct frequency is selected (remote or direct entry), the station is idented and the
display is verified to be indicating a sensible reading c A second VOR position line is needed
to confirm which DME fix is good
• The actual distance display will be that of a line from the ground station to the
aircraft – the “slant distance”. The difference between slant distance and ground
distance is small at lower altitudes and distances of more than a few miles, but
overhead a DME facility at 6000’, the display will read 1nm.
b b

At 6000’ DME provides both a a

overhead the good and false fix VOR p
provides a
station, DME position line
indicates 1nm
Ground distance
error small

5 . V OR, DM E a nd ba sic proc e dure s
d. T he DM E Arc

• Current charts, Instrument ground checks,

Aim • To learn to intercept and track a DME arc Airmanship Performance • +/- 1nm, +/- 5O , +/- 5kts, +/- 100’

Air Exercise : EGHH 15nm DME arc

1.Select and identify the directional facility collocated with the DME
(VOR or NDB), and display the bearing on the RMI (BIA 339) Wind
2.Select and identify the DME (IBH 110.5) 310/20 11. A drift correction will mean that
3.Turn towards the facility, using the RMI needle to track directly to it needle is not kept on the beam mark
of the RMI. If the drift assessed
heading is away from the facility, the
14.8 needle will be aft of the beam mark
16 0
16.0 and vice-versa

15.4 10. Make corrections by steering away from the head

of the needle if the DME distances is too low and RMI VOR needle not illustrated
vice-versa. If too close, note that the arc is curving
you, so use a smaller 5O heading correction
towards you
per 0.1nm distance error

9. Track along the arc by keeping the RMI

needle exactly abeam the aircraft heading; Note: A DME arc may be flown, if required, without the aid of
making tiny heading changes towards the a collocated directional facility. In this case, track towards the
facilityy as you
y progress
p g g the arc. For
along DME station using an estimated position and heading. When
4. Use 0.5nm as the lead-in distance example, at 120kts on a 15nm arc, you will be approaching the arc distance, turn 90O left or right (as
at 120kts turning approximately 1 degree per minute. appropriate). Use the DME distance changes to judge
5. Nearing15.5d, set the heading bug corrections, adjusting as required. The DME displays ground
90O left or right (as appropriate) of speed towards or away from the station, so a very low DME
the heading direct to the facility 7. Monitor the turn to roll-out at exactly the desired G/S may be used as an indication of a heading along the
6. At 15.5d, turn at Rate 1 onto the DME arc distance DME arc. However, note that the speed readout in this
heading bug 8. If needed, use an intercept of 10O per 0.1nm; for situation will lag heading changes, have an error of +/- 10
examplel if att 15
2d you still
till h
have 20O to
t turn,
t hold
h ld kts, and not indicate whether speed is to or from the station.
the 20O intercept until 15.1d, then reduce the
intercept to 10O etc
Note: dip error is small when the NDB is abeam
the aircraft, so it may be ignored when intercepting
a DME arc, and, of course, there is no dip error if
following a VOR-DME arc

15 DME arc IBH

5 . V OR, DM E a nd ba sic proc e dure s
e . T he V OR H old (se e a lso Pha se 6 for de t a il on H old proc e dure s)

• To learn to fly a published VOR hold to the • Current charts, Instrument ground checks, • ½ scale deflection
Aim Airmanship Performance
required standard using an HSI and RMI FREDA, S-I-D • +/- 5kts, +/- 5O, +/- 100’

Air Exercise : Jersey JSY VOR/DME hold

1.Select and identify the JSY VOR 112.2 on NAV1.
Select the inbound holding track on the HSI (266O)
2.Identify the direct track to the JSY using the RMI 9. Closing the VOR, maintain the drift corrected heading
(or NAV2 and #2 CDI) 10. Use the reversal of the HSI To/From flag as the indicator
3.Select and identify the JSY DME 112.2 of VOR passage – not the RMI needle or DME
4.Track direct to the JSY
5.Identify which hold entry is required, in this case a
Direct Entry The intercept and tracking technique is exactly the same as using a VOR enroute

6. Approaching the JSY, set the

heading bug to the Outbound heading
(086O) plus drift
7. Overhead the JSY, hold the heading 2.0
for 10 seconds to compensate for the Approx
join angle, then turn Rate 1 onto the DME
heading bug reading

6. When abeam the JSY, the tail

of the RMI VOR needle will
i di t 176
7. Being the timing for the 8. At the end of the timing,
outbound leg when abeam or turn at Rate 1 to intercept
wings level, whichever is later the inbound track, using
2.5 the HSI CDI presentation


0.7 Tail indicates

116 radial
116 radial
the “gate”, 30 degs from
the Outbound track
If the 30 degree “gate”
gate is reached prior to the
146 radial timing expiring, turn to track along the gate
176 radial
RMI ADF needle not illustrated

5 . V OR, DM E a nd ba sic proc e dure s
f. T he V OR Approa c h: flying t he EGJ B V OR DM E Rw y 2 7 proc e dure

• To fly the published VOR Rwy27 procedure • Planning, charts & plates , instrument • ½ scale deflection
Aim Airmanship Performance
and missed approach to IR Test standards ground checks, SID, MDA • +/- 5O, +/- 5kts, +/- 100’; MDA +50’/-0’

C i ththe IAF
IAF: Established on
At the FAF 2 Engine
ATIS received Time- Turn-Talk inbound track
Check Alt
Approach briefing complete
Pumps ON Start time Flap 10
Radio/Altimeter/Ice checks
Lights ON
2000’ 2000’
• The “Approach
Approach Briefing”
Briefing is a
review and call-out of the
Flap up
applicable items on the 18” 2400rpm 1000’ 3 greens 0.4d before FAF
Jeppesen “Briefing Strip” 120KIAS 3.0 Reds 0.2d before FAF
(see page 61) – ie. primary Gear Down
facility, final approach track, Flap 20
minima, MSA and missed Greens
Not visual; at the MAP: MDA
Go-around 660’
M 22” MAX rpm
Smoothly apply full power 100KIAS
Pitch up +8O Level-off
d ag Flap
ap retract
et act
Gear retract and secure 2.5 5.6
Just before the procedure turn, set
Flap up in stages
the HSI OBS to the inbound track
100KIAS of 274O. Use the heading bug for
Cleared to descend with the proc. the 139O and 319O tracks and
Climb Altimeters x-checked then intercept the HSI needle
25” 2500rpm Established +/- 5O on inbound track
094O 7 6


Climb ahead to 2000’ or 3DME, whichever is later

Then turn right direct to the VOR 7 6d outbound:
At 7.6d
Time (1 min)
When time expires, turn Rate 1 to
Turn to 139O
heading 319 to intercept QDM274

Cont e nt s

Introductory ground briefings Phase 5: VOR, DME and basic procedures

a. Route and weather planning a. VOR instrumentation and tracking
b. Operating Minima b. Direct entries and Procedure turns
c. Performance planning and documents c. DME and fixes
d. Pre-flight checks and briefing d. DME Arc
e. Instrument appreciation e. VOR Hold
f. VOR Approach
Phase 1: IF basics and the full panel
a. Full
F ll P
Panell chart
h t
Pha se 6 : N DB t ra c k ing, holds a nd proc e dure s
b. Selective Radial Scan
a. The ADF receiver and RMI
c. Basic manoeuvres
b. NDB tracking using the RMI
Phase 2: Full panel IF (continued) c. Holding procedures
a. Transfer to instruments after take
off d
d. NDB Approach
b. Climbing and descending turns e. The Circle-to-Land
c. FP unusual attitudes
Phase 7: Radar Procedures
Phase 3: Limited panel IF a. The Transponder
a. LP flight and manoeuvres b
b. Surveillance Radar Approach
b. LP compass turns c. Radar Vectored NDB Approach
c. LP unusual attitudes
Phase 8: ILS
Phase 4: Single engine procedures a. The Instrument Landing System
a. Normal Circuit pp
b. ILS Approach
b. Engine failure in flight
Phase 9: Airways IFR
c. Single engine rate 1 turns
a. RTF
d. Single engine climb & descent
b. Altimeter setting
e. Engine failure after take off
c. Instrument departures
f. Engine failure drills
d. Airways procedures
g. Asymmetric circuit
e. Airways training routes

6 . N DB t ra c k ing, holds a nd proc e dure s
a . T he ADF re c e ive r a nd RM I

• To learn to use the ADF and RMI for both • Current charts, Instrument ground checks, • To learn to track within 5O
Aim Airmanship Performance
tracking and position fixing FREDA, S-I-D & +/- 5kts, +/- 100’

Air Exercise (i) : Use of ADF Air Exercise (ii) : Use of RMI
• N
Di ti lBBeacons (NDBs)
(NDB ) operate t bbetween
t 200
800 kHz
kH iin th
the L
Low andd • Th
The RMI iinstrument
t t combines
bi a compass card,d slaved
l d ffrom th
the HSI master
Medium frequency bands (European NDBs are in the 225-455kHz range) compass, with 2 needle pointers indicating magnetic bearing to radio aids.
• Enroute NDBs have a range of ~100nm and airfield locator beacons ~20nm • In the Bendix/King KI229 instrument, the narrow green needle is a VOR pointer,
• The Automatic Direction Finder receiver (example below) is used to obtain the NDB whose source may be selected between the NAV 1 and NAV 2 radios, and the
station bearing from the aircraft, which is displayed on the Radio Magnetic Indicator wide yellow needle is the ADF pointer. Other models of RMI may have slightly
(RMI) or the ADF Indicator (this manual only refers to the RMI) different styles of needle presentation and selection.
Aircraft magnetic
heading reference



• With a Nav Aid selected and idented, the RMI needle head displays QDM
(magnetic bearing to the facility) and the tail displays QDR (magnetic bearing from)
• Tracking to an NDB (or VOR) is performed by turning the aircraft on to the head of
the needle (ie. the QDM) and adjusting heading for estimated drift.

ADF mode must The Instrument Scan during RMI tracking

be engaged for
the RMI to When tracking g with the RMI,, the
display correctly normal scan is modified to
disregard the DI/HSI and use the ASI ALT
• Errors: 2ndry
RMI instead. However, heading
- Receiver not in ADF mode, or wrong frequency selected (check ident)
changes (other than minor
- Station too distant, check AIP for DOC range
corrections) should be made
- Faulty station or receiver, interference from other stations
using the HSI and Heading Bug,
- Signal distorted by night effect
effect, coastal effect
effect, thunderstorms or static in heavy rain TC RMI
with the scan reverting to the 2ndry Primary
- Dip Error (see next page)
RMI when established on the
• The ADF-RMI does not have any means of alerting the user to an erroneous indication such new heading
as a warning flag. The NDB should be re-idented at intervals after the initial S-I-D operation

6 . N DB t ra c k ing, holds a nd proc e dure s
a . T he ADF re c e ive r a nd RM I c ont inue d

Air Exercise (iii) : Dip Error • Dip Error is higher when the aircraft is:
• An ADF indicates QDM by rotating a loop antenna to find the “null position” when the - heading directly towards or away from the beacon
antenna plane is as perpendicular as it can be to the vertically polarised NDB - nearer the beacon
transmission. However, the QDM is only accurate in flight with wings level. - at a higher altitude
• The plane of the loop antenna is vertical and the radio signals from the NDB are received Near and high, the NDB transmission Far and low, the transmission is
at an upward tilt, because the aircraft is above the transmitter. In un-banked flight (level, is received by the vertical elements of almost perpendicular to the
climbing or descending) this tilt does not matter, because no rotation of the loop left or loop antenna at a higher tilt angle plane of the loop antenna, so
right will result in a better “null” the vertical elements receive it
symmetrically even when the
aircraft is banked
Aircraft banks
and vertical motor
elements of loop rotates the loop
antenna are no in the direction
longer in null of the bank to
Vertical elements position....... achieve a null
of loop antenna In both examples below, the loop antenna (with a vertical element at each end)
in null p
position is in the null position
position, perpendicular to the direction of the NDB transmissions
Heading to/from the beacon, a bank
will induce an imbalance in reception
between the two vertical elements,
as described on the LHS of the page

True QDM is still With the beacon abeam the aircraft, any bank will result in
360, but in a bank, both vertical elements tilting symmetrically with respect to
the RMI needle the NDB transmission, so no Dip Error is induced
“dips” into the turn,
and the Indicated
• Dip Error always results in the needle moving from the correct QDM towards the
QDM has a Dip Error
low wing in a bank. A typical error in a Rate 1 turn, whilst heading to or from a
beacon, iis 7 d
• If the aircraft is heading towards the beacon, the two vertical elements of the loop
antenna will be aligned perpendicular to the flight path. If the aircraft is banked, the
antenna motor will find a new null position by rotating the loop slightly into the turn and
Actual QDM 020 Actual QDM 020 Actual QDM 020
thus making the loop plane closer to perpendicular to the NDB signal. This will result in a
Banked left Wings level Banked right
QDM indication with Dip Error
• This e
planation is simplified rather than rigoro
s A modern ADF recei
er like the KR87
KR87, uses
ses the
phase relationship between a number of fixed loops to electronically resolve the azimuth of the
NDB signal.
• Note that the VOR does not suffer from Dip Error Indicated QDM 012 Indicated QDM 020 Indicated QDM 028

6 . N DB t ra c k ing, holds a nd proc e dure s
b. N DB t ra c k ing int roduc t ion

Air Exercise (i) : Judging intercept and correction headings • Heading 090, QDM 075 Track Intercept example 1 • Heading 035
• Desired track is QDM 120 1.Identify current QDM: 075 • QDM 075 being “pushed“ to 120
2.Note desired QDM change (in the 4
1 2
Illustration of “pushing the head” and shortest direction): needle head
pulling the tail
tail” of the needle needs to be pushed rightg by y 45O
3 3.Determine the intercept heading
(eg. 60O) referenced from the
desired QDM in the opposite
Using this understanding of how the needle direction to the QDM change. If
moves on any given heading, a suitable that is close to the current QDM
intercept heading to achieve a desired QDM (needle won’t be pushed enough),
or QDR may y be determined (see
( examples)) use a larger intercept (eg. 90O)
4. Turn on to intercept heading
(eg. 120-090O = 030)

• Heading 035, QDR 255

Track Intercept example 2 • Heading 120
Similarly, the tail of the needle is “pulled” • Desired track is QDR 180 1.Identify current QDR: 255 • QDR 255 being “pulled“ to180
around the compass card towards the 2.Note direction of desired QDR: 4
heading reference needle tail needs to be pulled left
3.Determine the intercept heading
(eg. 60O) referenced from the
339 BIA
desired QDM and in the same
3 direction as the QDM change
One can imagine the small orange required (left in this case)
reference airplane in the centre of the 4. Turn on to intercept heading
RMI moving forward
forward, and the needle
needle, (180-060 O =120)
pointing to its fixed ground station, thus 1
being pushed around 2

Aircraft Track Correction example • Heading 040

heading • Heading 080, QDM 060
reference • Desired track is QDM 080 1.Identify current QDM: 060 • QDM 060 being “pushed“ to 080
2 2 Note desired QDM change:
2.Note 4
In still air and on any given heading (other needle head needs to be pushed
3 right by 20O
than directly to or from the beacon) the
head of the needle will always be “pushed” 3.Determine the intercept heading
as twice the QDM change in the
around the compass card away from the
opposite direction (ie. 40O left
aircraft heading reference turn) referenced from the desired
4. Turn on to intercept heading
(080-040 O = 040)
(Correct in the same direction as the QDR
change when tracking the needle tail)

6 . N DB t ra c k ing, holds a nd proc e dure s
b. T ra c k ing t o a n N DB

• To learn to use the ADF and RMI for both • Current charts, Instrument ground checks, • To learn to track within 5O
Aim Airmanship Performance
tracking and position fixing FREDA, S-I-D & +/- 5kts, +/- 100’

Air Exercise (ii) : Intercepting and holding a specified track to a beacon

Wind 010/20

4. As the needle approaches the required QDM, allow enough

lead-in to turn the aircraft onto the required track.
Use the 1-in-60 rule; for example, at 10nm a 5O lead-in is a 6. ...turn the aircraft left by 2x the QDM error
distance of ~0.5nm, about right for a 60 O rate 1 turn at 120kts (eg. in this example, error is 5O, so turn left
from 080 to 070) to re-intercept the QDM and
then establish a drift-assessed
drift assessed heading
Required track
QDM 080
5. If the needle drifts left
(eg. QDM now 075 and
heading 080) .......
• Within 40 degrees of the vertical from the NDB,
transmissions are weak and the RMI needle will not
indicate correctly – this is called the “cone of confusion”
1.Tune and identify the NDB (SID)
2.The needle will indicate QDM to the beacon (065) • At 3000’, this cone is ~0.4nm in radius, and ~0.8nm at
regardless of the heading of the aircraft 6000’. Within the “cone”, you must hold a constant drift-
3.Determine the direction to turn and the intercept
p assessed heading, g, and not chase the RMI needle
angle (in this example a right turn for a 60 degree
intercept, so a heading of 020) cone of confusion


6 . N DB t ra c k ing, holds a nd proc e dure s
b. T ra c k ing from a n N DB

• To learn to use the ADF and RMI for both • Current charts, Instrument ground checks, • To learn to track within 5O
Aim Airmanship Performance
tracking and position fixing FREDA, S-I-D & +/- 5kts, +/- 100’

Air Exercise (iii) : Intercepting and holding a specified track from a beacon
1.Tune and identify the NDB (SID)
2.The needle tail will indicate QDR from the beacon (020)
4. As the needle approaches the required QDM,
regardless of the heading of the aircraft.
allow enough lead-in to turn the aircraft onto the Required track
Always use the needle tail to track from a beacon, as this
required track. QDR 064
will show the radial you are on (QDR) and remind you the
Use the 1-in-60 rule; for example, a 60 O rate 1
aircraft is tracking away
turn at 120kts needs ~0.5nm, so at 3nm from the
3 Determine the direction to turn and the intercept angle
beacon a lead-in of 10O could be used (ie. QDR
(in this example the existing heading of 090 is already
054) since 10O @ 3nm is ~0.5nm (1-in-60)
pulling the needle tail around towards the desired QDR of QDR
064. However, this is a modest intercept angle of 26O, a 069
60O intercept is illustrated on a heading of 124)

7. Once the QDM is re-intercepted,
maintain a drift-assessed heading
and monitor the needle tail

6 ...turn
6. turn the aircraft left by 2x the QDM error
(eg. in this example, error is 5O, so turn left
from 064 to 054) to re-intercept the QDM

5. If the needle tail drifts

right (eg. QDM now 069
and heading 064) .......

Summary Notes
• Correcting a QDM track when the head of the needle has drifted from the heading, you turn into and through the needle head,
to set up a relative bearing that will “push” it back on to the desired QDM.
• Correcting a QDR track when the tail of the needle drifts off, you turn away from the tail, to “pull” it back onto desired QDR
• Correction angles can be 2x the track error, or 3x to account for stronger drift. However, near the beacon, limit corrections to
th DME di
the t /10 F
distance/10. l att 1
For example, ti = 10O; att 0
1nm, max correction 5
0.5nm, ti = 5O; closer
max correction l th 05
than 0.5nm, you are
in the cone of confusion, so hold a drift-assessed heading.
• The closer you are to the beacon, the smaller the correction angle and the larger the lead-in angle

6 . N DB t ra c k ing, holds a nd proc e dure s
c . H olding proc e dure s (i) T he I CAO holding pa t t e rn

Standard hold with right-hand turns 1 Hold begins at the holding fix

The Inbound leg is defined by a track to the holding fix

Holding Fix
2 Outbound Turn
On passing the holding fix, a
Inbound leg Rate 1 turn to the right is
Inbound Turn established.
At the end of the Outbound
leg, a Rate 1 turn to the right
is established, to intercept
the Inbound track 5
end The Outbound leg is defined by timing
(1 minute) and track (as published)

“H ldi side”
“Holding id ”

“Non-Holding side” Outbound leg 3 The Outbound leg begins at

the Abeam position, or when
Abeam position established on the Outbound
track, whichever is later
The design of the Holding Area and the Buffer Area (ICAO PANS OPS Doc 8168 Part II Section 4)
• The hold is designed to be flown at a max speed of 230KIAS (280KIAS in turbulence) below 14,000’. The max speed increases in stages to Mach 0.83 above 34,000’. Holds
specified as only for Category A & B aircraft are designed for a max speed of 170KIAS. Helicopters are assumed to fly holds at 100KIAS.
• The turns are assumed to use Rate 1 up to a maximum angle of bank of 25O
• The outbound legg timing
g is 1min below 14,000’
, and 1min30s above 14,000’.
, Note that the ICAO hold is no longer
g defined as a 4min p
pattern;; so,, strictlyy speaking,
p g, the
outbound leg time need not be corrected for wind
• A holding area is designed around these specifications, with various tolerances for the fix position, the beginning of turns, time to establish a bank, track accuracy, and the
effect of 95% probable winds at the max holding speed. The holding area provides 1000’ of obstacle and terrain clearance. The buffer area extends to 5nm beyond the
holding area, and provides obstacle clearance of 1000’ at 1nm, tapering to 200’ at 5nm. In mountainous areas, the obstacle clearance is greater.
• In general, the holding area is much larger than required for a light aircraft, because it is designed for jets holding at 230-280KIAS. However, the hold area is not designed for
every adverse combination of strong winds and light aircraft speeds
speeds, and ICAO PANS OPS expects that “the the normal operational adjustments made by the pilots of such
aircraft should keep the aircraft within the area”. Hence, we fly holds making adjustments to track and timing to compensate for wind.
• Note that a published hold may specify a different timing or limiting speed from the ICAO standard, and ‘non-standard’ left-hand turns

6 . N DB t ra c k ing, holds a nd proc e dure s
c . H olding proc e dure s (ii) T he I CAO hold e nt ry proc e dure s

Standard hold with right-hand turns

Heading to the fix at 70O from the
The hold entry Sector is determined by the
outbound track to the holding side
heading to the holding fix. There is a zone of
Se c t or 3 : flexibility 5O either side of the sector boundaries
Dire c t Ent r y within which the pilot can select either sector

The Direct Entry is flown like a normal holding pattern

once over the fix, with a right turn onto the outbound leg. Se c t or 2 :
During this turn, you may level the wings with 90O to go and
hold that heading briefly, in order to avoid the outbound track Offse t Ent r y
g flown too close to the inbound. 1sec for every
being y 10O of After crossing the fix
fix, the Offset Entry is flown by turning
deviation on the direct entry heading from the inbound track is onto a track 30O from the reciprocal of the inbound track,
a good rule of thumb. For example, the dark blue arrow is a
on the holding side. This track is maintained for 1min
heading of 135 with an inbound track of 090. During the
outbound turn, a course of 180 could be held for 5s. and followed by a right turn to intercept the inbound track
to the holding fix

Heading to the fix on

the outbound track


Se c t or 1 :
Pa ra lle l Ent r y
After crossing the fix, the Parallel Entry is flown by turning
onto the reciprocal of the inbound track and maintaining
this for 1min outbound, before turning left to track directly
Heading to the fix at 70O from the back to the beacon (or, alternatively, to intercept the
• The mnemonic P-O-D can be used to inbound track to the non-holding side inbound track)
Note that the parallel leg is flown on the non-holding side, you
remember the 3 entry names h ld not attempt to iintercept the
should h reciprocal
i l off the
h inbound
i b d lleg.
(Parallel-Offset-Direct for sectors 1-2-3)

6 . N DB t ra c k ing, holds a nd proc e dure s
c . H olding proc e dure s (iii) Ex a m ple of non-st a nda rd (le ft ha nd) holding pa t t e rn

Published BIA hold at EGHH, with left-hand turns

Heading to the BIA of 148 O

Arriva l from t he N or t he a st :
Se c t or 1 Pa ra lle l Ent r y

Heading to the BIA of 258 O

Arriva l from t he Sout he a st :

S c t or 2 Offse
Se Off t EEntt r y

Arriva l from t he We st a nd Sout h:

Se c t or 3 Dire c t Ent r y

Heading to the BIA of 328 O

Working out the correct entry for an unfamiliar hold:
• The sector diagram can be drawn on any hold by
- extending the inbound track beyond the fix
- drawing a line through the fix that cuts the short end of the hold, with the slice being wider on the outbound side
• Sector 1 is the “sliced end”, Sector 2 is the narrow one opposite the hold, and Sector 3 is the semicircle

6 . N DB t ra c k ing, holds a nd proc e dure s
c . H olding pa t t e rns a nd proc e dure s (iv) Flying t he BI A hold (st ill a ir)

• To enter and fly the published BIA hold to • Current charts, check Weather and Wind • Establish inbound track within 5O for 30s,
Aim Airmanship Performance
IR test standards aloft, S-I-D, time-turn-talk +/- 5kts, +/- 100’

Monitoring progress of inbound turn (example in still air) • Select and identify the BIA NDB 339
• Select and identify the IBH/IBMH DME 110.5 1. Start 1min timing abeam
i turn, the heading should be 168 (with 90 O
Halfway around the turn • Set holding power (BE76: 18”MP 2400RPM 120KIAS) the facility or wings level,
of turn remaining) The true QDM should be 093, and the • Perform hold checks (Arrival) whichever is later
indicated QDM should be ~093 (abeam, hence no Dip Error) • Execute correct Sector Entry (see previous page) then
ii With 60 O of turn remaining, the heading will be 138. The true
QDM should be 088, and the indicated QDM should be ~086 2. If the 30 degree gate is reached prior to the 348 QDR
(Dip Error is smaller when closer to the abeam position) timing expiring, turn to fly along the gate
the 30O “gate”: 3 At the
3. th end d off the
th timing,
ti i commence a Rate
R t 1
iii With 30 O of turn remaining, the heading will be 108. The true turn to the left
QDM should be 083, and the indicated QDM should be ~078 288 QDR 258O 348

(Dip Error approaching its head-on maximum of ~7O)

approximate DME indication for a
correctly flown hold at 120KIAS
0 9
4. Monitor the RMI to assess
the progress of the turn
168 (See expanded view on left)


iii 15O

2.2 5O 0.5

078O 5. Maintain the inbound track, using 10O corrections to 1nm,

then 5O. Closer than 0.5nm, do not adjust heading

• If the turn appears to be too wide, continue the turn onto a heading (eg. 070) to intercept the inbound track. Do not wait to roll-out onto the
inbound heading and then realise you need to correct to the north; it is better to anticipate the Dip Error and the true QDM whilst in the turn.
Remember, you may not tighten a turn by exceeding Rate 1
• If the turn appears to be too tight, roll out on a 30 degree intercept (position iii) and wait for the indicated QDM to reach 083 (the indicated QDM
will be accurate when wings level) and then complete the turn. You should do this in preference to reducing the rate of turn below Rate 1

6 . N DB t ra c k ing, holds a nd proc e dure s
c . H olding pa t t e rns a nd proc e dure s (v) Effe c t of w ind on t he BI A hold

Basic Wind We have little flexibility on 3 of the 4 legs of the hold: we must turn at
Effect of Wind Rate 1, and we must fly the inbound track. Therefore, the outbound
Corrections heading and timing is the main adjustment we can make for wind

We extend the outbound timing g by

y 1.5s for every
y Increase timing
The 1 min outbound leg is estimated knot of headwind, and check this correction
Westerly shortened and the inbound extends the outbound leg to ~2.5dme
turn is elongated, leaving Alternatively, we can measure the time during the
less time to intercept the outbound turn from crossing the fix to abeam the fix,
inbound track and use this as the time for the outbound leg. This
only works if the fix is crossed on the correct inbound
track, ((which it often isn’t during
g the hold entry)

On the outbound leg, when the 30O gate is reached,

we track along it for the remainder of the timing. The
inbound turn will be wide, because we can not turn
Northerly The outbound turn is
more steeply than Rate 1, but the intercept onto the
squashed and the inbound
inbound track will be more satisfactory. A better
turn elongated, making it
alternative is to use an adjusted
j g
gate angle
g of 35-40O
hard to intercept the
(see example on next page). If we estimate a drift
inbound track
correction inbound and apply 2-3x drift on the
outbound leg, the wind effect should be negated, but
we still use the gate as a back-up

The ICAO hold specifies 1min outbound, and No correction for wind
the holding area is designed to accommodate
Easterly The timing will begin when the effects of wind. At light aircraft speeds, we
wings are level, well beyond will remain within the holding area under any
the abeam point; thus the conceivable easterly wind strength, so there is
entire hold is elongated no need to reduce the outbound leg timing. We
fly the hold as if it were still air, and accept the
resulting flight path.

On the outbound leg, when it is apparent the 30O gate

will not be reached, we make a heading adjustment
towards the hold. The inbound turn will be tight, and a
The outbound turn is
Southerly 30O intercept should be maintained until the inbound
elongated and the inbound
track is established. The best method is to estimate a
turn squashed, requiring a
drift correction inbound and apply 2-3x drift on the
very large intercept to
tb d leg,
l still
till using
i ththe gate
t as a b
k Th
establish the inbound track
requirement for this drift correction is apparent if our
DME distance when abeam the holding fix is greater
than 1nm

6 . N DB t ra c k ing, holds a nd proc e dure s
c . H olding pa t t e rns a nd proc e dure s (vi) Flying t he BI A hold w it h w ind c orre c t ion (pa ge 1 )

• To enter and fly the published BIA hold to • Current charts, check Weather and Wind • Establish inbound track within 5O for 30s,
Aim Airmanship Performance
IR test standards aloft, S-I-D, time-turn-talk +/- 5kts, +/- 100’

Estimating the wind and wind components at altitude Applying corrections to the still-air BIA hold procedure
There are 4 adjustments we can make to the hold:
• Refer to the Met Office Form 214 50N 0230W 1. Apply Drift to the Outbound heading 3
(Low Level Spot Wind) forecast 24 350 40 -33 2. Adjust the Outbound timing
appropriate to the time of flight 18 340 40 -21 3. Adjust the Gate angle
• The 50N 0230W box is the best one to 4. Hold an intercept during the Inbound turn
10 340 30 -05 4
use for the EGHH area
• Interpolate for the likely holding level,
05 320 25 +05 1. Apply Drift to the Outbound heading
eg. 4000’ 02 290 10 +11 We may use 3x the estimated Drift on the outbound leg, to account for the effects of drift
01 280 10 +13 during the 2 turns and the leg itself. However, the actual drift experienced will reduce as
the correction brings us closer to the wind direction. In this case, 3x 8O drift gives a heading
• In this example, 4000’ is 2/3rds of the way from the “02” to the “05” forecast of 258 + 24 = 282. We may chose to apply 2.5x drift instead, for an Outbound Heading of
levels. So we estimate: 278.
e e is
s no
o pa
t cu a formula,
o u a, we
e just est
ate a su
tab e co
ect o bet
ee 2x a
d33x d
t With
t a
- wind direction = 2/3rds(320 290) + 290 = 20 + 290 = 310 O
more northerly wind, we might use 3x; with a more westerly one, 2x drift
- wind speed = 2/3rds(25-10) + 10 = 10 + 10 = 20kts
2. Adjust the Outbound timing
• Hence, estimated wind is 310/20
We can add 1.5s to the timing for every knot of headwind component, so our Outbound
time = 60s + 1.5 x 15kts = 1min 23s
Estimating Drift and Head/Tail Wind Component
After we first pass the beacon on the inbound track (ie. not an Entry track), we can time
• We use the 1-in-60
1 in 60 rule, in the form of: Max Drift angle = Wind Speed * 60 how long it takes to reach the Abeam position
position. In still air
air, this will be 60s
60s. The actual time
TAS thus measured can be used for our Outbound timing, since it will accurately reflect the
• In this example, using 120KTAS as the holding speed, the Max Drift is effect of wind on a notional 60s leg.
(20kts wind speed * 60) / 120KTAS = 10O 3. Adjust the Gate angle
Wind With a northerly wind component, even if we turn inbound from exactly the right position on
• We use a simple rule of thumb to 310/20 90O the 30O gate, our Rate 1 turn will be elongated southwards beyond the Inbound track. We
f t the
factor th max drift
d ift and
d wind
i d speed
d 60O can’t tighten the turn, so instead we adjust the gate to the north by a Single Drift angle of
for the angle between the aircraft 1x 8O. The Gate QDR becomes 288O + 8O = 296O.
track and the wind: Combined with the longer timing, this should mean that we start our Inbound turn north of
• In this example, the wind is at ~50O 30O 0 .8 x the actual hold pattern, allowing us to roll-out from the elongated turn on the inbound track
to the desired track, so we use 0.8x
4. Hold an intercept during the Inbound turn
• Hence,
0 .5 x During the inbound turn
turn, we monitor the RMI to assess progress
progress. Our only option for
0O adjustment during this turn is to hold an intercept heading, eg. rolling wings level with 30O
Drift = 0.8 * 10O = ~8O
Headwind = 0.8 * 20kts = ~15kts 258O to go. This is most likely in the case of a Southerly wind squashing the turn, but it may be
needed when flying this example if we have over-corrected for drift

6 . N DB t ra c k ing, holds a nd proc e dure s
c . H olding pa t t e rns a nd proc e dure s (vi) Flying t he BI A hold w it h w ind c orre c t ion (pa ge 2 )

• To enter and fly the published BIA hold to • Current charts, check Weather and Wind • Establish inbound track within 5O for 30s,
Aim Airmanship Performance
IR test standards aloft, S-I-D, time-turn-talk +/- 5kts, +/- 100’

5. The first time outbound after the entry, use the estimate of
60s + 1.5x HW of 15kts = 1min 23s for the outbound leg timing. 2. Start the timing abeam the facility or wings level,
On the second hold, time from the fix to the abeam point and whichever is later.
use this time for the outbound leg
Wind 310/20 6. When the time expires, turn left at Rate 1 to intercept the
In this example the turn is likely to be completed
well before the Abeam position, so the timing will
estimated drift: 8O inbound track start abeam
estimated H/W comp: 15kts
3. Use a gate adjusted with 1x drift: hence 288
+ 8 = gate QDR of 296 348 QDR 1. Roll out of the Outbound turn on the
4. If this gate is reached prior to the timing Drift Assessed heading of 282
Adjusted gate: expiring, turn to fly along the gate (using 2.5x drift on the track of 258)
Track with 296 QDR 258O
wind correction
2.5 0.9

9. Within 0.5nm of the BIA, maintain

the drift assessed heading 0.5

7. Monitor the RMI to assess the progress of the 078O 8. Maintain the inbound track, using initially the
estimated drift of 8O. Correct as required, and if
turn eg, with 30 O of turn remaining to the
a different drift angle is apparent, use this for
inbound track, the heading will be 108. The true
the next outbound leg
QDM should be 083, and the indicated QDM
should be ~078

Track if no wind correction applied

6 . N DB t ra c k ing, holds a nd proc e dure s
d. T he N DB Approa c h (i) t he ba sic N DB proc e dure

ATIS received Crossing the IAF: Cleared to descend 2 Engine

Approach briefing complete Time- Turn-Talk Altimeters x-checked
Radio/Altimeter/Ice checks Established +/- 5O on outbound track

Flap up Pumps ON
18” 2400rpm Lights ON
120KIAS Flap 10
14” 2500rpm
14 R t 1 turn
Rate t tto
120KIAS Level-off intercept final
Descend 18” 2500rpm approach track
Arrival segment 120KIAS

Not visual; at the MAP: Go-around

Smoothly apply full power 1000’ Reds, Blues, Greens
Simultaneously Established
Pitch up +8O
+/- 5O on
drag Flap retract inbound track
Gear retract and secure
Flap up in stages 0.4d before FAF
At the FAF
100KIAS Check Alt Gear Down
Climb Start time
3 greens
25” 2500rpm 16” 2500rpm 0.2d before FAF
• Although the MAP is the point at which you must go-around if not visual, Flap 20
this does not mean you may land if you become visual at any point At the MDA Descend
before the MAP. The MAP may be well beyond the threshold, thus you
might become visual too late to execute a safe landing. 22” MAX rpm
• Only land if you can do so using normal landing manoeuvres, otherwise 100KIAS
continue to the MAP and fly the Missed Approach Level-off
• If, in climbing from the MDA on the Missed Approach, you can maintain
visual reference at or above the Circling minima, you may request a
circle-to-land from ATC and land from that instead

6 . N DB t ra c k ing, holds a nd proc e dure s
d. T he N DB Approa c h (i) t he ba sic N DB proc e dure

Approach briefing complete Crossing the IAF: Cleared to descend Single Engine
ATIS received Time- Turn-Talk Altimeters x-checked
Radio/Altimeter/Ice checks Established +/- 5O on outbound track
Differences from
2 Engine procedure
Flap up Pumps ON
22” MAX rpm Lights ON
120KIAS Flap defer
14” 2500rpm
14 R t 1 turn
Rate t tto
120KIAS Level-off intercept final
Descend 22” 2500rpm approach track
Arrival segment 120KIAS

Not visual; at the MAP: Go-around

Smoothly apply full power 1000’ Reds, Blues, Greens
Simultaneously Established
Pitch up +2O
+/- 5O on
Gear retract and secure inbound track
Flap up
85KIAS At the FAF 0.4d before FAF
Climb Check Alt Gear Down
Max MP Max rpm Start time
3 greens
16” 2500rpm 0.2d before FAF
Flap 10
At the MDA Descend
Smoothly coordinate the throttle with rudder pressure, to
maintain balanced flight – especially when making large
25” MAX rpm
power increases at the Level off before the FAF and MDA 100KIAS
and on the Go-Around Level-off

6 . N DB t ra c k ing, holds a nd proc e dure s
d. T he N DB Approa c h (ii) EGH H N DB DM E Rw y 2 6 proc e dure c ha rt

Communications Asterisk indicates not H24

Frequencies listed in order of X after freq means On Request
normal use for arrival

Note: only the primary navaid

appears here in the Briefing Strip Minimum Safe
Altitude by Sector,
Briefing Strip extends to 25nm
Key approach data, radius from fix
Missed approach text, MSAs specified

Notes applicable to the procedure

eg. altimetry, crew & equip. reqs.
Hence the NDB final approach track is 255O, compared with 258O on the ILS

Asterisk indicates navaid

does not operate H24

MHA=Minimum Holding Altitude

[square bracket grey]

waypoint names are the
Approach Plan view identifiers used in a GPS
A chart of the approach,
drawn to scale, unlike
Terminal procedure charts
or the Profile view

On arriving at the BIA, may proceed

directly outbound if heading within 30O
th 061O outbound
off the tb d ttrack,
k otherwise
th i Shadowed box indicates the
perform a racetrack (hold entry) join primary navaid for the approach


6 . N DB t ra c k ing, holds a nd proc e dure s
d. T he N DB Approa c h (ii) EGH H N DB DM E Rw y 2 6 proc e dure c ha rt (c ont ’d)

Altitude at DME fix
Pilot may elect to fly this, “Locator” NDB
or a steeper profile which Recommended
remains at/above the “grey continuous
box” mandatory minima descent profile
Crossing Height Recommended
on recom’d profile profile altitude at fix
Profile View

Point Grey box shows mandatory Missed
minimum altitude in segment Approach
On some
charts, depicts
Lighting Box initial actions
Conversion table on the missed
May also include timing Details ALS, VASI/PAPI &
from FAF to MAP REIL. Blank if not installed.

Note: exceeds UK Single Aircraft Approach Categories can be read across from
Pilot RVR minimum of 800m the left to Max Circling speeds here. A pilot may elect
to fly a higher speed and use the appropriate minima
Aircraft Approach Categories
(BE76 is Cat A)

A h Minima
Mi i


6 . N DB t ra c k ing, holds a nd proc e dure s
d. T he N DB Approa c h (ii) flying t he EGH H N DB DM E Rw y 2 6 proc e dure

• To fly the published NDB Rwy26 procedure • Planning, charts & plates , instrument • within 5O, +/- 5kts, +/- 100’
Aim Airmanship Performance
and missed approach to IR Test standards ground checks, SID, MDA • MDA +50’/-0’

ATIS received Crossing the IAF: Pumps ON

pp briefing
g complete
p Time- Turn-Talk Lights
g ON
Radio/Altimeter/Ice checks If late descent has been given by ATC, it may be necessary to:
Flap 10 • request an extension to the outbound leg
2 Engine
14” 2500rpm • and/or to reduce power further
3000’ 120KIAS • and/or to fly a higher descent speed (eg. 140KIAS with No Flap)
Flap up
18” 2400rpm
18” 2500rpm
At the FAF
Check Alt 1500’
Start time
3 greens 0.4d before FAF
4.0 0.2d before FAF
710 Gear Down
MDA Flap 20
Not visual; at the MAP: M
2.0 4.5 6.5
Smoothly apply full power 22” MAX rpm Rate 1 turn to intercept
Pitch up +8O 100KIAS 1000’ Reds, Blues, Greens final approach track
drag Flap retract Level-off
Gear retract and secure
Flap up in stages Cleared to descend
Monitor RMI to see
Altimeters x-checked progress of turn. You
100KIAS Established +/- 5O on will typically need to
Climb outbound
tb d ttrack
k rollout on HDG 225 to
25” 2500rpm intercept QDM of 255

4.0 2.0 4.5 6.5 255O

Continuous climb to 3000’
Established +/- 5O on inbound track
At 4DME, turn left direct to the BIA

6 . N DB t ra c k ing, holds a nd proc e dure s
d. T he N DB Approa c h (ii) flying t he EGH H N DB DM E Rw y 2 6 proc e dure

• To fly a single-engine NDB Rwy26 and • Planning, charts & plates , instrument • within 5O, +/- 5kts, +/- 100’
Aim Airmanship Performance
missed approach to IR Test standards ground checks, SID, MDA, engine checks • MDA +100’/-0’

ATIS received Crossing the IAF: Pumps ON

pp briefing
g complete
p Time- Turn-Talk Lights
g ON
Radio/Altimeter/Ice checks If late descent has been given by ATC, it may be necessary to:
Flap defer • request an extension to the outbound leg
Single Engine
14” 2500rpm • and/or to reduce power further
3000’ 120KIAS • and/or to fly a higher descent speed (eg. 140KIAS) Differences from
Flap up 2 Engine procedure
22” MAX rpm
22” MAX rpm
At the FAF Coordinate adding
Check Alt 1500’ power with rudder
Start time pressure, to maintain
3 greens 0.4d before FAF balanced flight at the
0.2d before FAF Level offs and on the
4.0 710’
710 Gear Down Go Around
MDA Flap 10
Not visual; at the MAP: M
2.0 4.5 6.5
Smoothly apply full power 25” MAX rpm Rate 1 turn to intercept
Pitch up +2O 100KIAS 1000’ Reds, Blues, Greens final approach track
Gear retract and secure Level-off
Flap up
Cleared to descend
85KIAS Monitor RMI to see
Altimeters x-checked progress of turn. You
Climb Established +/- 5O on will typically need to
Max MP Max RPM outbound
tb d ttrack
k rollout on HDG 225 to
intercept QDM of 255

4.0 2.0 4.5 6.5 255O

Continuous climb to 3000’
Established +/- 5O on inbound track
At 4DME, turn left direct to the BIA

6 . N DB t ra c k ing, holds a nd proc e dure s
e . T he Circ le -t o-La nd

Ove rvie w Circ ling pa t t e rn e x a m ple s

• The Circle-to-land is a visual manoeuvre conducted under IFR
• It takes places at the end of an instrument approach, when the final approach
track is not suitable for landing on the intended runway. Typically this is:
- either because the final approach is offset from the runway (eg. where
terrain limits the siting of a radio aid or the alignment of the approach track)
- or because the airport does not have an instrument approach for the particular
runway in use (eg. when wind conditions favour a non-instrument runway)
- or because the final approach gradient is too steep to allow a straight-in
straight in
landing (and therefore straight-in minima are not published)
• Circle-to-land minima provide 300’ of obstacle clearance within an area defined
by the turning radius of the aircraft category plus a buffer
• The circle-to-land should begin as soon as there is visual contact with the
a d g runway,
landing u ay, o or at tthe
e VFR ccircuit
cu t height,
e g t, whichever
c e e is
s lower
o e
• In the UK, you may descend to the approach minima and then recover to the
(higher) circling minima. In other countries, it is more common that circling
minima apply to the overall approach if a circle-to-land is intended
• During the circle-to-land, you must maintain visual reference with the landing
runway at all times. If that reference is lost, you must initiate a missed approach
and turn towards the MAPt
• You must always be in a position to land safely using normal aircraft
manoeuvring, otherwise you must initiate a missed approach
• You may not descend below the circling minima except whilst executing a Source: illustrations from FAA Pilot’s Handbook of Aeronautical Knowledge
normal visual landing
Pattern A is a circle-to-land from an offset final approach
pp track
• The circling minima are published on
the far right of the Approach Minima Whatever your Pattern B is used if the visual reference is established too late to permit
strip on a Jeppesen plate aircraft category, pattern A. When training for the circle-to-land, we typically fly this kind of
you must use the pattern back to the active runway the approach was conducted to
• The 4 speeds correspond to minima appropriate
Approach Categories A-D to the max speed Pattern C is used to land on a reciprocal runway. The initial turn to downwind
you will fly the circle is 45O from the final approach track, not a 90O crosswind turn
• The visibility required is the pilot manoeuvre at
determined inflight visibility, not a Pattern D is used to land on a cross runway. Note that you always overfly the
reported RVR landing runway first, before turning downwind

Cont e nt s

Introductory ground briefings Phase 5: VOR, DME and basic procedures

a. Route and weather planning a. VOR instrumentation and tracking
b. Operating Minima b. Direct entries and Procedure turns
c. Performance planning and documents c. DME and fixes
d. Pre-flight checks and briefing d. DME Arc
e. Instrument appreciation e. VOR Hold
f. VOR Approach
Phase 1: IF basics and the full panel
a. Full
F ll P
Panell chart
h t Ph
Phase 6:
6 NDB ttracking,
ki h
ld and
d procedures
b. Selective Radial Scan a. The ADF receiver and RMI
c. Basic manoeuvres b. NDB tracking using the RMI
c. Holding procedures
Phase 2: Full panel IF (continued)
d. NDB Approach
a. Transfer to instruments after take
e. The Circle-to-Land
b. Climbing and descending turns
c. FP unusual attitudes Pha se 7 : Ra da r Proc e dure s
a. The Transponder
Phase 3: Limited panel IF
b. Surveillance Radar Approach
a. LP flight and manoeuvres
c. Radar Vectored NDB Approach
b. LP compass turns
c. LP unusual attitudes Phase 8: ILS
a. The Instrument Landing System
Phase 4: Single engine procedures
b. ILS Approach
a. Normal Circuit
b. Engine failure in flight Phase 9: Airways IFR
c. Single engine rate 1 turns a. RTF
d. Single engine climb & descent b. Altimeter setting
e. Engine failure after take off c. Instrument departures
f. Engine failure drills d
d. Airways procedures
g. Asymmetric circuit e. Airways training routes

7 . Ra da r proc e dure s
a . T he T ra nsponde r

• Current charts, Instrument ground checks,

Aim • To learn to use the Transponder in flight Airmanship Performance • Comply with ATC squawk instructions

The Garmin GTX330 Transponder Ground Equipment: ATC Radar

ti • Th
The Transponder
T d is
i partt off the
th Secondary
S d Surveillance
S ill Radar
R d (SSR) system,
• “OFF” powers down the unit; pressing any of “STBY”, “ON”, “ALT” will turn it on, which is totally separate from Primary radar, although SSR and Primary data is
display the last previously selected code, and place the unit in that mode often superimposed on ATC display screens
• In STBY mode, the transponder does not reply to interrogations • In its basic form, the SSR system uses computer-generated graphics to depict
• In ON mode, it replies with the Mode A code, but not Mode C altitude information aircraft position, track, Mode A code and Mode C pressure altitude. Mode S
• In ALT mode, it replies with both the Mode A code and Mode C altitude equipment enables a more sophisticated display and feature set
Mode selection keys Mode indication • Illustration of ATC SSR display: Most recent radar return is large
“X”, small “x”s are older returns

Fl 055 X X X X
Triangle appears
around a return
Display includes 045 when the IDENT
airways, airspace button is pressed
Function display (eg. pressure
Active Mode A code boundaries, VRPs,
altitude from encoder selected)
runways, etc
• Code selection does not require changing to STBY mode; a new code will 3073
become active only after the fourth digit is entered. The “CLR” button moves the 055
cursor back to the previous digit. The “CRSR” button cancels a new code entry,
reverting to the previous code
• Use the “IDENT” button only when requested by ATC; press once
Mode A code Mode C altitude
• The “VFR” button selects a previously configured code (usually 7000 in Europe)
• The GTX330 is a Mode S transponder,
p and Item 10 of the FPL should end with “/S” • The Mode C altitude derives from an Encoder in the aircraft which supplies
pp altitude
• There is no test button, the unit will display “FAIL” prominently if it malfunctions data to the Transponder
• This Encoder is not adjustable by the pilot, and it always operates from the
Standard squawk codes standard 1013 hPa barometric reference
• 7000 Conspicuity (used VFR or IFR when not assigned a code by ATC) • Thus, the altitude information ATC receives is Pressure Altitude, irrespective of the
• 7500 Hijacking 7600 Radio Failure 7700 Emergency pressure setting on the aircraft altimeters
• 2000 FIR Boundary y crossing
g when no code assigned
g by
y ATC • The Transponder
p also replies
p to interrogations
g from aircraft ACAS ((Airborne
• Avoid selecting 7500 and any code in the range 7600-7777 (unless required, or Collision Avoidance System) equipment and other active traffic interrogating
directed by ATC); these codes trigger alerts in various automated facilities devices. There are also passive traffic alerting systems that monitor replies to SSR
interrogation in areas of SSR coverage only.

7 . Ra da r proc e dure s
b. T he Surve illa nc e Ra da r Approa c h (SRA) for EGH H Rw y 2 6

• To fly an SRA Rwy 26 and missed • Planning, charts & plates , instrument • within 5O, +/- 5kts, +/- 100’
Aim Airmanship Performance
approach to IR Test standards ground checks, SID, MDA • MDA +50’/-0’

ATIS received Flap up

pp briefing
g complete
p Cleared to descend Pumps ON
18” 2400rpm Lights ON
Radio/Altimeter/Ice checks Altimeters x-checked 2 Engine
120KIAS Flap 10 The published descent gradient
is 5.4%, slightly steeper than a
At or above MSA 14” 2500rpm 5.2% (3O) ILS.
120KIAS Estimate the rate of descent in
fpm as 5.5x groundspeed in kts
Vertical profile published on SRA
chart and transmitted as target 18” 2500rpm
altitude at each fix by ATC
MAP is defined by
1340’ 1500’
time from the 2nm Approach
terminates at 2nm
termination, or as 1nm
from TH (see chart)
1010’ 3 greens 0.4d before FAF
4.0 680
680’ 0.2d before FAF
MDA Gear Down
510’ Flap 20
Not visual; at the MAP: M
1.0 2.0 3.o 4.o 4.5 Fixes are radar
Smoothly apply full power range, not DME
Pitch up +8O 1000’ Reds, Blues, Greens
Rate 1 heading changes
drag Flap retract as directed by ATC
Gear retract and secure
Flap up in stages
25” 2500rpm Radar turns aircraft
onto final approach
and asks pilot to
prepare for descent
4.0 1.0 2.0 3.o 4.o 4.5
Descent clearance and the
Continuous climb to 3000’ degree glide path to follow will
Range and required altitude be given at the FAF range
At 4DME, turn left direct to the BIA will be given at each fix

7 . Ra da r proc e dure s
c . Flying a Ra da r-V e c t ore d EGH H N DB DM E Rw y 2 6 a pproa c h proc e dure

• To fly a Radar-Vectored NDB 26 procedure • Planning, charts & plates , instrument • within 5O, +/- 5kts, +/- 100’
Aim Airmanship Performance
and missed approach to IR Test standards ground checks, SID, MDA • MDA +50’/-0’

Approach briefing complete Flap up

ATIS received Cleared to descend Pumps ON
18” 2400rpm Lights ON
Radio/Altimeter/Ice checks Altimeters x-checked 2 Engine
120KIAS Flap 10
At or above MSA 14” 2500rpm

18” 2500rpm
At the FAF
Check Alt 1500’
Start time
3 greens 0.4d before FAF
4.0 0.2d before FAF
710 Gear Down
MDA Flap 20
Not visual; at the MAP: M
2.0 4.5
Smoothly apply full power 22” MAX rpm
Pitch up +8O 100KIAS Rate 1 heading changes
drag Flap retract Level-off as directed by ATC
Gear retract and secure
Flap up in stages
25” 2500rpm Radar turns aircraft
onto intercept for
1000’ Reds, Blues, Greens final approach track
and asks pilot to
255O call established

4.0 2.0 4.5

Continuous climb to 3000’ Established +/- 5O on inbound track
At 4DME, turn left direct to the BIA Cleared to descend with the procedure

Cont e nt s

Introductory ground briefings Phase 5: VOR, DME and basic procedures

a. Route and weather planning a. VOR instrumentation and tracking
b. Operating Minima b. Direct entries and Procedure turns
c. Performance planning and documents c. DME and fixes
d. Pre-flight checks and briefing d. DME Arc
e. Instrument appreciation e. VOR Hold
f. VOR Approach
Phase 1: IF basics and the full panel
a. Full
F ll P
Panell chart
h t Ph
Phase 6:
6 NDB ttracking,
ki h
ld and
d procedures
b. Selective Radial Scan a. The ADF receiver and RMI
c. Basic manoeuvres b. NDB tracking using the RMI
c. Holding procedures
Phase 2: Full panel IF (continued)
d. NDB Approach
a. Transfer to instruments after take
e. The Circle-to-Land
b. Climbing and descending turns
c. FP unusual attitudes Phase 7: Radar Procedures
a. The Transponder
Phase 3: Limited panel IF
b. Surveillance Radar Approach
a. LP flight and manoeuvres
c. Radar Vectored NDB Approach
b. LP compass turns
c. LP unusual attitudes Pha se 8 : I LS
a. The Instrument Landing System
Phase 4: Single engine procedures
b. ILS Approach
a. Normal Circuit
b. Engine failure in flight Phase 9: Airways IFR
c. Single engine rate 1 turns a. RTF
d. Single engine climb & descent b. Altimeter setting
e. Engine failure after take off c. Instrument departures
f. Engine failure drills d
d. Airways procedures
g. Asymmetric circuit e. Airways training routes

8 . I LS
a . T he I nst rum e nt La nding Syst e m (i) T he Be ndix /K ing K CS 5 5 A Com pa ss Syst e m

KCS 55A Compass System KI 525A Horizontal Situation Indicator (HSI)

• The KCS 55A is a slaved compass system that includes a
- magnetic slaving transmitter and remote-mounted flux compass
- slaving control and compensator unit (KA 518)
- directional gyro and Horizontal Situation Indicator (KI 525A)
• Until power is applied to the system and the directional gyro is up to speed, a red flag labelled
“HDG” will be visible in the upper right quadrant of the KI 525A Indicator. Subsequently, this
warningg flag
g will appear
pp if the p
power supply
pp y or gy
gyro speed
p become inadequate
• Unless a usable signal is being received from the Navigation Source (eg. a VOR/Localiser or
GPS CDI signal from the #1 Garmin GNS430 unit) a red flag labelled “NAV” will be visible in the
upper left quadrant of the KI 525A
• The glideslope deviation pointers will become visible on both sides of the display when a usable
glideslope signal is received. There is no glideslope warning flag; if the pointers are not in view, a
usable signal is not being received

Slaving Control
• The KA 518 Slaving Control and Compensator Unit is panel-mounted and provides a means of
selecting either the “slaved gyro” or “free gyro” modes. The unit also contains a meter which
indicates when there is a difference between the KI 525A compass card and the aircraft’s
magnetic heading as signalled by the flux compass
• When the unit is first powered up, if the KCS 55A System is in the slaved KA 518
gyro mode, the compass card will automatically fast slave at the rate of
180 degrees per minute to align the gyro to the magnetic heading. This
movement should be distinctly visible to the pilot
• If required, the KCS 55A System may be operated in free gyro mode, and
the manual slave switch used to align the system with the indication of
the standby magnetic compass
• Note: there is no flag to indicate that the slave mode is not engaged, or to
warn of a failure of either the slaving system or the flux compass.
Therefore, the HSI heading should be checked periodically against the
standby magnetic compass
• The checklist used for IR Training includes a pre-flight check of gyro and
magnetic compass alignment, and of the operation of the slaving control CCW/CW = counter
clockwise and clockwise

8 . I LS
a . T he I nst rum e nt La nding Syst e m (ii) T he Loc a lise r a nd Glide slope

• The ILS ground equipment consists of two radio services The Localiser and Glideslope are considered to be 5O
- a Localiser (LOC) transmission providing horizontal (or ‘azimuth’) guidance and 1.4O wide, respectively, since this is the deflection
- a Glideslope (GS) transmission providing vertical guidance limit of typical deviation instruments (although a signal is
• The combination of Localiser and Glideslope meets the ICAO criteria for a Precision Approach present outside these boundaries)

The Localiser track is normally aligned with the 1.4O
runway; if there is a small offset, the angle will be
published on the chart. The chart may also detail a Glideslope
Localiser-only (non-precision) procedure to be used if
the Glideslope is unavailable 2.5O
Typically, the centre of the
glideslope is 3O above the
horizontal. The exact angle will
be published in the procedure
chart; the ICAO standard is
between 2.5O and 3.5O. Some
runways may require a steeper
approach, which is normally
restricted to specifically
approved aircraft and flight
The CDI needle (or ‘beam bar’) represents
the Localiser track relative to the aircraft
position at the centre of the scale.
The Glideslope Pointer represents the
desired glide path relative to the aircraft
position at the centre of the scale. Each dot of deviation represents 0 5O;
Full-scale deflection indicates a deviation of the sensitivity is 4x that of a VOR
0.7O or greater. Different instruments have
different kinds of marking; in this example Full-scale deflection indicates a deviation of 2.5O or greater, ie. the aircraft
one dot = 0.35O deviation could be exactly on the boundary of the localiser, or well beyond it.

• If a full-scale deflection in either the LOC or GS occurs, we must initiate a missed approach, since it is not safe to attempt to correct an effectively
unknown deviation. ILS obstacle clearance buffers are designed assuming that the aircraft flies to within half-scale deflection, hence this is the
performance standard for the IR

8 . I LS
a . T he I nst rum e nt La nding Syst e m (iii) Flying t he Loc a lise r

Scan during Localiser tracking

3. If there is a crosswind pushing you on to the 2. As the needle begins to centre, turn
localiser, the heading should “lead” the towards the Localiser course, to keep the
needle byy the estimated drift. top of the needle aligned with the aircraft
ASI AI ALT In this example, drift is 5O,so leading the heading reference (‘lubber line’). This is a 1. During the turn onto the
Primary Master Primary needle with the lubber line by 5O, you should simple way of completing the intercept with Localiser, if the CDI needle has
roll out on the drift-assessed heading of 263, the aircraft centred on the localiser track not moved with 30O of turn to
with the needle centred. The Bug should be and aligned with the localiser heading go, roll out and maintain a 30O
set to this drift-assessed heading. intercept (more in a headwind,
If the crosswind is pushing you away from the less in a tailwind)
TC HSI VSI Localiser, lagg the needle byy a single
g drift.
Secondary Primary 4. The Scan now becomes
AI : Master
ASI, HSI, ALT : Primary
T/C, VSI: Secondary

5. The edges of the Heading Bug are each 5O from

the centre “v”
v . When correcting deviations on the
Localiser, turn towards the CDI needle but keep
the adjustment within the width of the heading
bug (ie. max 5O)
In this example, the aircraft has drifted left and the Wind
needle is deviating right. A heading correction of 350/10
5O towards the needle, at the edge of the Bug,
has been applied

As the aircraft progresses down the Localiser, smaller heading
changes are required for a given needle deflection. In this example,
the grey arrow represents a correcting turn which would be fine at
5nm, but which is excessive in the narrower Localiser at 2nm

0.0 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0

• The “golden rule” for flying the Localiser is to action corrections on the AI with reference to the HSI

8 . I LS
a . T he I nst rum e nt La nding Syst e m (iv) Flying t he Glide slope

Scan flying the Glideslope

4 2 1
3. As the Glideslope is about to centre, perform 2. With 3 greens 1. Anticipate the
the Final Approach Point (FAP) check of confirmed, at Glideslope pointer
o e Altimeter vs
vs. DME distance quarter scale
quarter-scale descending from
ASI AI ALT Secondary 4. When the Glideslope is centred on the datum, the top of the
Primary Master Primary reduce power to 16” MP and pitch down to -3O; scale. At half-scale
select FLAP 20
the aircraft is now flying down the glideslope deflection, select
5.The Scan becomes GEAR DOWN
AI : Master
ASI, HSI, ALT : Primary
T/C, VSI, Power: Secondary
Secondary Primary

Since POWER + ATTITUDE = PERFORMANCE, the correct power and attitude should result in the aircraft
y gp
flying y down the 3O g
precisely glideslope
p jjust as easily
y as maintaining
g level flight.
g The rate of descent required
q is
a function of groundspeed. A rule-of-thumb is ROD fpm = 5x Groundspeed kts. The approach chart also has
an accurate table of this relationship.

6 FlFlying
i the
h glide,
lid the Glideslope
h Glid l Pointer
P i iis a reference
Both Power and Attitude are used to adjust the glide. If the ASI is indicating the correct speed, then
make small attitude corrections. For example, if the aircraft goes above the glide and:
- if speed is high > reduce power a touch, and pitch down a small amount
- if speed is correct > pitch down a small amount, monitor ASI and reduce power a fraction if req’d
- if speed is low > pitch down a small amount (and the speed should increase)
.... and vice-versa for deviations below the glide

As the aircraft progress down the Glideslope, smaller pitch changes are needed to correct a given pointer deflection. In this example, the grey arrow
represents a correcting pitch-down which would be fine at 5nm, but which is excessive in the narrower Glideslope at 2nm.
Remember, the LOC needle and GS pointer are Indicators only, of relative position. They are not Directors, so a half-scale deflection does not mean
a significant attitude correction is appropriate. Approaching the DA, the LOC and GS ‘cone’ is so narrow, that only very small corrections are needed.

0.0 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0

• The “golden rule” for flying the Glide is to action corrections on the AI with reference to the ASI and Power

8 . I LS
b. I LS Approa c h (i) t he ba sic I LS proc e dure

ATIS received Crossing the IAF: Cleared to descend 2 Engine

Approach briefing complete Time- Turn-Talk Altimeters x-checked
Radio/Altimeter/Ice checks Established +/- 5O on outbound track

Flap up Pumps ON
18” 2400rpm Lights ON
120KIAS Flap 10
14” 2500rpm
120KIAS Rate 1 turn to
Descend intercept Localiser
18” 2500rpm
Arrival segment 120KIAS

Go-around initiated at the DA

Smoothly apply full power 1000’ Reds, Blues, Greens
Simultaneously Established within
Pitch up +8O
half-scale deflection
drag Flap retract of Localiser needle
Gear retract and secure
Flap up in stages ½ scale above
At the FAP
100KIAS Check Alt the glide datum
Climb and DME Gear Down
25” 2500rpm 16” 2500rpm
100KIAS ¼ scale above
Descend the glide datum
Flap 20
at the Decision Altitude (DA)
Look up, and decide immediately if the visual reference for a landing is
present. If not, Go-Around. If there is any doubt: Go-Around.
The tolerance for making this decision is -0’, but the aircraft may sink below
DA if a go-around has been initiated

8 . I LS
b. I LS Approa c h (i) t he ba sic I LS proc e dure

ATIS received Crossing the IAF: Cleared to descend Single Engine

Approach briefing complete Time- Turn-Talk Altimeters x-checked
Radio/Altimeter/Ice checks Established +/- 5O on outbound track
Differences from
2 Engine procedure
Flap up Pumps ON
22” 2500 rpm Lights ON
120KIAS Flap defer
14” 2500rpm
120KIAS Rate 1 turn to
Descend intercept Localiser
22” 2500 rpm
Arrival segment 120KIAS

Go-around initiated at the DA

Smoothly apply full power 1000’ Reds, Blues, Greens
Simultaneously Established within
Pitch up +2O
half-scale deflection
Gear retract and secure of Localiser needle
Flap up
85KIAS At the FAP ½ scale above
Climb Check Alt the glide datum
Max MP Max rpm and DME Gear Down
16” 2500rpm
100KIAS ¼ scale above
Descend the glide datum
Smoothly coordinate the throttle with rudder
pressure, to maintain balanced flight – Flap 10
at the Decision Altitude (DA)
especially when making the large power
increase on the Go-Around Look up, and decide immediately if the visual reference for a landing is
present. If not, Go-Around. If there is any doubt: Go-Around.
The tolerance for making this decision is -0’, but the aircraft may sink below
DA if a go-around has been initiated

8 . I LS
b. I LS Approa c h (ii) EGH H I LS DM E Rw y 2 6 proc e dure c ha rt

Communications Asterisk indicates not H24

Frequencies listed in order of X after freq means On Request
normal use for arrival
Note: only the primary navaid
appears here in the Briefing
g Strip
Minimum Safe
Briefing Strip Altitude by Sector,
Key approach data, extends to 25nm
Missed approach text, MSAs radius from fix

Notes applicable to the procedure

eg. altimetry, limitations, etc.

If ATC delay our outbound descent, we can elect to

t d the
th outbound
tb d leg
l tot 7.5d,
7 5d as per the
th CAT
C&D procedure; and advise ATC accordingly

MHA=Minimum Holding Altitude

Asterisk indicates navaid does
not operate H24
(eg. IBH is shut down when Rwy
08 procedure in use)

Approach Plan view

A chart of the approach,
drawn tto scale,
l unlike
Shadowed box indicates the
Terminal procedure charts
primary navaid for the approach
or the Profile view
On arriving at the BIA, may proceed
directly outbound if heading within 30O
of the 064O outbound track, otherwise
perform t k (h
a racetrack ld entry)
(hold t ) jjoin


8 . I LS
b. I LS Approa c h (ii) EGH H I LS DM E Rw y 2 6 proc e dure c ha rt (c ont ’d)

Glideslope Altitude
at DME fix
Also a recommended profile “Locator” NDB
for the non-precision Mandatory
LOC-DME procedure glideslope
descent profile
Crossing Height
Profile View on glideslope

Missed Approach Point

is intersect of the
Glideslope and the DA Final Approach Point (FAP) is the intersect of Missed
LOC and GS at 1500’, the Altimeter and DME Approach
should be x-checked here
On some
charts, depicts
Lighting Box initial actions
Conversion table on the missed
..of glideslope into RoD Details ALS, VASI/PAPI &
at different speeds REIL. Blank if not installed.

Decision Altitude
(we do not need to add Aircraft Approach Categories can be read across from
PEC, as per Alt calibration the left to Max Circling speeds here. A pilot may elect
in BE76 Flight Manual) to fly a higher speed and use the appropriate minima

Aircraft Approach Categories

(BE76 is Cat A)

A h Minima
Mi i N P i i
Approach (NPA)
Min if Approach minima when
Note: 550m is below Lights out of Glideslope not used
the UK Single Pilot service
RVR min of 800m, so
we use 800m


8 . I LS
b. I LS Approa c h (iii) Flying t he EGH H I LS DM E Rw y 2 6 proc e dure

• To fly the published ILS Rwy 26 procedure • Planning, charts & plates , instrument • half-scale deflection LOC & GS
Aim Airmanship Performance
and missed approach to IR Test standards ground checks, SID, DA • +/- 5kts, +/- 100’, DA +50’/-0’

ATIS received Crossing the IAF: Pumps ON

pp briefing
g complete
p Time- Turn-Talk Lights
g ON
Radio/Altimeter/Ice checks If late descent has been given by ATC, it may be necessary to:
Flap 10 • request an extension to the outbound leg
2 Engine
14” 2500rpm • and/or to reduce power further
3000’ 120KIAS • and/or to fly a higher descent speed (eg. 140KIAS with No Flap)
Flap up
18” 2400rpm
120KIAS At the FAP
18” 2500rpm
Check Alt
and DME 1500’
1000’ Reds,
3 greens ½ scale above GS
Blues, Greens
4.0 ¼ scale above GS
Gear Down
DA Flap 20
Not visual; at the DA:
2.0 4.5 6.5
Smoothly apply full power Rate 1 turn to intercept
Pitch up +8O final approach track
drag Flap retract
Gear retract and secure
Flap up in stages Cleared to descend
Monitor RMI to see
Altimeters x-checked progress of turn. You
100KIAS Established +/- 5O on will may need to rollout
Climb outbound
tb d ttrack
k on HDG 238 to
25” 2500rpm intercept the Localiser

4.0 2.0 4.5 6.5 258O

Continuous climb to 3000’
Established on LOC to ½ scale deflection
At 4DME, turn left direct to the BIA

8 . I LS
b. I LS Approa c h (iii) Flying t he EGH H I LS DM E Rw y 2 6 proc e dure

• To fly a single-engine ILS Rwy 26 and • Planning, charts & plates , instrument • half-scale deflection LOC & GS
Aim Airmanship Performance
missed approach to IR Test standard ground checks, SID, DA, Engine checks • +/- 5kts, +/- 100’, DA +100’/-0’

Approach briefing complete Crossing the IAF: Pumps ON

ATIS received Time- Turn-Talk Lights
g ON
Radio/Altimeter/Ice checks If late descent has been given by ATC, it may be necessary to:
Flap defer • request an extension to the outbound leg
Single Engine
14” 2500rpm • and/or to reduce power further
3000’ 120KIAS • and/or to fly a higher descent speed (eg. 140KIAS with No Flap) Differences from
Flap up 2 Engine procedure
22” 2500 rpm
120KIAS At the FAP
22” 2500 rpm
Check Alt Coordinate adding
and DME 1500’ power with rudder
1000’ Reds, pressure, to maintain
3 greens ½ scale above GS balanced flight at the
Blues, Greens
¼ scale above GS Level off and, in
4.0 DA Gear Down particular during the
200’ Flap 10 large power change on
the Go-Around
Not visual; at the DA:
2.0 4.5 6.5
Smoothly apply full power Rate 1 turn to intercept
Pitch up +2O final approach track
Gear retract and secure
Flap up
Cleared to descend
85KIAS Monitor RMI to see
Altimeters x-checked progress of turn. You
Climb Established +/- 5O on will may need to rollout
Max MP Max RPM outbound
tb d ttrack
k on HDG 238 to
intercept the Localiser

4.0 2.0 4.5 6.5 258O

Continuous climb to 3000’
Established on LOC to ½ scale deflection
At 4DME, turn left direct to the BIA

8 . I LS
b. I LS Approa c h (iii) Flying a Ra da r-V e c t ore d EGH H I LS DM E Rw y 2 6 proc e dure

• To fly a radar-vectored ILS Rwy 26 and • Planning, charts & plates , instrument • half-scale deflection LOC & GS
Aim Airmanship Performance
missed approach to IR Test standards ground checks, SID, DA • +/- 5kts, +/- 100’, DA +50’/-0’

Approach briefing complete Flap up Pumps ON ATC may give you a higher
ATIS received Cleared to descend Lights ON platform level for the base turn
18” 2400rpm
Radio/Altimeter/Ice checks Altimeters x-checked Flap 10 and intercept of the LOC. eg. 2 Engine
120KIAS 2000’. In this case, the FAP
14” 2500rpm
At or above MSA becomes the intersect of LOC
120KIAS and GS at 2000’ (ie. ~6nm)

At the FAP
Check Alt
and DME
18” 2500rpm
1000’ Reds, 1500’ 120KIAS
Blues, Greens
3 greens ½ scale above GS
4.0 ¼ scale above GS
DA Gear Down
200’ Flap 20

Not visual; at the DA:

2.0 4.5 6.0
Smoothly apply full power
Pitch up +8O Rate 1 heading changes
as directed by ATC
drag Flap retract
Gear retract and secure
Flap up in stages
100KIAS Radar turns aircraft onto
Climb Localiser interceptp and asks
pilot to call established.
25” 2500rpm Clearance may be to
descend when established,
or may be deferred for

4.0 2.0 4.5 6.0 258O

Continuous climb to 3000’
Established on LOC to ½ scale deflection
At 4DME, turn left direct to the BIA

Cont e nt s

Introductory ground briefings Phase 5: VOR, DME and basic procedures

a. Route and weather planning a. VOR instrumentation and tracking
b. Operating Minima b. Direct entries and Procedure turns
c. Performance planning and documents c. DME and fixes
d. Pre-flight checks and briefing d. DME Arc
e. Instrument appreciation e. VOR Hold
f. VOR Approach
Phase 1: IF basics and the full panel
a. Full
F ll P
Panell chart
h t Ph
Phase 6:
6 NDB ttracking,
ki h
ld and
d procedures
b. Selective Radial Scan a. The ADF receiver and RMI
c. Basic manoeuvres b. NDB tracking using the RMI
c. Holding procedures
Phase 2: Full panel IF (continued)
d. NDB Approach
a. Transfer to instruments after take
e. The Circle-to-Land
b. Climbing and descending turns
c. FP unusual attitudes Phase 7: Radar Procedures
a. The Transponder
Phase 3: Limited panel IF
b. Surveillance Radar Approach
a. LP flight and manoeuvres
c. Radar Vectored NDB Approach
b. LP compass turns
c. LP unusual attitudes Phase 8: ILS
a. The Instrument Landing System
Phase 4: Single engine procedures
b. ILS Approach
a. Normal Circuit
b. Engine failure in flight Pha se 9 : Airw a ys I FR
c. Single engine rate 1 turns a. RTF
d. Single engine climb & descent b. Altimeter setting
e. Engine failure after take off c. Instrument departures
f. Engine failure drills d
d. Airways procedures
g. Asymmetric circuit e. Airways training routes

9 . Airw a ys I FR
a . (Ra diot e le phony) RT F (i)

• This section includes only some key points on RTF relevant to the IR course and training routes from Bournemouth
• The best sources for information on UK RTF are the appropriate CAA publications, in particular:

CAP 413 CAP 413 S

l t AIP ENR 1-1-3-2
the CAA’s RTF manual A condensed version of CAP413 for IFR pilots Lost Communications procedures

• However, there is not a “formula” for every RTF situation. If in doubt, use the standard phraseology and state the message in a
simple, direct way, paying particular attention to clearance items such altitude/level, headings, procedure names etc.

A. Re que st ing c le a ra nc e B. During De pa rt ure

The initial call to Approach/Radar

must include Bournemouth Radar,
Request IFR clearance Exam 01, Request clearance
• Aircraft callsign Exam 01
• SID or assigned route/heading Climbing straight ahead
Exam 01, no delay • Call sign, slot time • Current level passing AND Passing altitude 1200’
Cleared to BIA • Clearance limit waypoint • Cleared level Climbing to altitude 2000’
Via NEDUL and THRED • Route
y , request
If non-airways, q type
yp of service
Cli b straight
Climb t i ht ahead
h d to
t • D
t altitude
ltit d restriction
t i ti
altitude 2000’, then left turn
on track
When instructed, climb and • Cruise level (but not yet cleared to)
Exam 01, Squawk ident Squawk ident, Exam 01
maintain FL50
Squawk 7365 • Transponder code
Only ident when requested and
Cleared to BIA
then press the IDENT button once
Climb straight ahead to
altitude 2000’, then left turn Exam 01, identified Direct THRED
on track Route direct THRED Climb FL50
Read back the entire
When instructed, climb and Climb FL50 Exam 01
clearance, exactly as given
and in the same order maintain
i t i FL50
Squawk 7365
Exam 01

9 . Airw a ys I FR
a . RT F (ii)

C. Posit ion re port ing a nd e nrout e D. Airw a ys joins a nd e x it s

The “traditional” IFR position report is Example: In a ‘normal’ airways flight, ATC clear you before take-off to fly a SID that joins the
• Callsign Exam 01 airway. At the end of your route, a sector or approach controller you will give you a
• Position
P iti and d time
ti THRED 27 clearance to leave the airway via a STAR
• Current level FL50 In a training route like EGHH – “SAM283035” – EXMOR – EX, which does not use
• Next position and estimate NEDUL at 32 departure or arrival procedures, you will have to request the airways clearance
• Intention BIA next yourself from an appropriate ATSU.
In practice, this is rarely used in a modern radar environment. More typically, you are Example 1: enroute from SAM283035, you are handed over to Yeovilton Radar:
handed over to the next en-route frequency and must make an “initial call”
Yeovilton Radar, Exam 01
The mandatory items in an initial call are Example: FL65 direct EXMOR
• Callsign London Control 47 is your estimate for EXMOR Request Traffic Service and
• Level cleared to Exam 01 N864 join at EXMOR time 47
• ATC assigned Heading, Speed Climbing FL60 Exam 01,
or other instructions Direct ORTAC Traffic Service ATC are unable to give you a clearance
Remain outside controlled now, but
b t they
th advise
d i you off when
h to t expectt
The Level report is simply “FLxx” if not climbing or descending. The only time you report airspace. to receive the clearance (not the time you
both current and cleared level is under a “climb/descend when ready” clearance; eg. Time is 27, expect joining need to be at EXMOR, you’ve already
Exam 01 When ready, climb FL80 clearance 39 given your estimate as 47)
When ready, climb FL80 Contact Jersey 125.2
Contact Jersey Zone 125.2 Exam 01
p 2: south of EXMOR on N864,, yyou wish to leave the airway
Example y direct to EX
Jersey Zone, Exam 01
Maintaining FL60 Exam 01
Cleared FL80 Request direct EX, leaving
Exam 01
controlled airspace in the
Exam 01, Direct EX
A heading is always preceded by “Heading”
Heading and expressed as 3 individual digits
digits. A
change in heading is not, and is spoken as a normal number (ie. ‘twenty’ not ‘two zero’) Route direct EX Descend altitude 3000’ QNH
Descend altitude 3000’ QNH 1017
1017 Exam 01
Exam 01
Left heading zero-two-zero
Turn left heading zero-two- ...and as you descend through the airway base
Exam 01
zero degrees
Exam 01, Exeter 128
Leaving controlled airspace Exam 01
Exam 01 Left twenty degrees, new
Contact Exeter Approach
Turn left twenty degrees, heading is zero-one-five
report the heading Exam 01

9 . Airw a ys I FR
a . RT F (iii)

E. H olding a nd Arriva l F. Approa c he s

ATC may direct you to fly a non-published hold, or you may elect to fly an ad-hoc hold The standard reports you will be asked to make are “beacon outbound” when within 5O
outside controlled airspace whilst waiting for a clearance. In either case, the of the outbound track, and “base turn complete” when intercepting the NDB final
information to be transmitted is as follows: approach or “established”
established when within a half
scale deflection of the Localiser
Exam 01, holding The RTF for descent depends on whether ATC can clear you for the entire procedure
a) Fix BCN 170 radial 35d or they need to delay your descent clearance because of other traffic. If in any doubt,
b) Level FL70 do not descend but ask ATC for clarification.
c) Inbound track 283 degrees inbound
If ATC do not need to impose a descent restriction, the clearance will be, for example:
d) Right or left turns Left hand turns
e) Time of leg 1 minute outbound After you call “Outbound”
Outbound on the NDB procedure
You must read this clearance back in full.
Exam 01 Exam 01, After you call “Base turn complete”, you may
Roger Descend with the procedure, be asked to report 3DME, but you do not need
report base turn complete to report beginning the final approach descent
at the FAF
When cleared to a hold, you will usually be asked to report “taking up the hold”.
Y make
You k thi
this reportt the
th first
fi t time
ti you cross the
th Holding
H ldi Fix
Fi during
d i theth hold
h ld entry
t Aft vectoring
After t i ffor Localiser
L li intercept
i t t on the
th ILS

Exam 01 Cleared to the BIA Exam 01, You must read this clearance back in full. You
Cleared to the BIA Maintain 4000’ 1017 When established on the do not need to report “Localiser established”,
localiser, descend on the or descending on the glideslope, since neither
Maintain altitude 4000’ QNH Wilco, Exam 01
ILS has been requested
p takingg up
p the hold Cross the BIA:TURN-TIME then TALK:
However, if ATC do need to impose a descent restriction, this could take place either
Taking up the hold Outbound and/or on the Final Approach. For example:
Exam 01 After vectoring for Localiser intercept on the ILS
Exam 01, Report established on the
When you have completed holding practice, you may request an approach, typically Report established on the localiser
whilst in the outbound ((ie. westbound at EGHH)) leg
g of the hold: localiser Maintainingg 2000’ QNH 1017
Maintain altitude 2000’ Exam 01
Exam 01
QNH 1017
Westbound in the hold
Exam 01 Request NDB 26 procedure Exam 01
Cleared for the NDB 26 Exam 01, Localiser Established
procedure Descend on the ILS
Maintain 4000’ QNH 1017
Report beacon outbound Descend on the ILS
Report 3DME
QNH 1017
In the case of Rwy 08 procedures, you will receive a “next time over the beacon, Report 3DME
cleared for the procedure” or a direct clearance to continue outbound into the procedure Exam 01

9 . Airw a ys I FR
b. Alt im e t ry a nd c ruising le ve ls

Alt im e t e r Se t t ing Cruising Le ve ls

• Altitudes are flown on a QNH setting; a barometric pressure referenced to sea level • Cruising levels are based on Magnetic Track
• Flight Levels are flown on the standard pressure setting of 1013 hPa
IFR flight inside Controlled Airspace below 19,500’
• The Transition Altitude (TA) defines the boundary between where Altitudes and QNH are
used vs Flight Levels and 1013. In the UK, the Transition Altitude is 3000’ except for the The ICAO
following airspace notified in the UK AIP ENR Semicircular
Rule applies

= =
Note that a sector starts with its first cardinal point
and ends one degree short of its last one
ie. 000-179, 180-359, 090-179 etc
• Flight
g Levels are available in 500’ increments. The Transition Level ((TL)) is the first Flight
g ATC may clear you to levels other than the Semicircular Rule ones if traffic
Level above the Transition Altitude management requires this. Some charted routes may have a different (opposite) rule
for example, with a TA of 3000’ published (eg. see N864 BCN to BHD)
QNH TL QNH TL The rule to remember is that low QNH “raises”
the Transition Level. A low QNH means that
992 FL40 1014 FL30
3000’ on the QNH will be above 3000’ on 1013
IFR flight outside Controlled Airspace above 3000’
QNH TL QNH TL (ie. FL30), therefore the Transition Level must
1013 FL35 1033 FL25 b hi
be higher...and
h d vice-versa.
i UK Quadrantal Rule
is mandatory
• At or below the Transition Altitude, QNH is set on Altimeter #1 and Altitudes are flown
• Above the Transition Altitude, 1013 is set on Altimeter #1 and Flight Levels are flown, Even Odd
starting with the level 500’ above the Transition Level , because the TL itself may be as + 500’
little as ~30’ above the TA, depending on the QNH
Odd +
• The exception to the above is when inside controlled airspace: Even
- if cleared to climb from an altitude to a flight level, you immediately set 1013
- if cleared to descend from a flight level to an altitude, you immediately set QNH
• These rules for the #1 Altimeter setting aid vertical separation by ensuring that potentially The exemptions to the mandatory Quadrantal rule are
conflicting traffic is using the same pressure reference. Altimeter #2, however, is always 1. When operating under a De-Confliction service
set to QNH for terrain separation, since charted elevations are altitudes rather than FLs. 2. When operating under an ‘Advisory Approach Control Service’, a procedural
i ffrom a non-radar
service d A ApproachhCControl
t l unit
it outside
t id controlled
t ll d airspace
• The UK has 21 “Altimeter Setting Regions” (ASRs) each with a reported QNH. Inside an 3. Holding outside controlled airspace.
ATZ, or within the boundaries of a CTR, CTA or TMA, the QNH reference used is the 4. Climbing or descending to a level in order to comply with a clearance to join or
Airport reported QNH. Outside of these areas, the ASR QNH is used. cross controlled airspace.

9 . Airw a ys I FR
b. T a ble of a lt im e t e r se t t ing proc e dure s

Also refer to UK AIP ENR 1.7

Altimeter Setting

ASR = Altimeter Setting Region

TA = Transition Altitude Altimeter #1: Traffic separation Altimeter #2: Terrain separation
FL = Flight Level
TL = Transition Level
1013 Airport QNH ASR QNH Airport QNH ASR QNH

Take-Off Airport QNH Take-Off Airport QNH

Cruising at an
assigned Altitude
or when cleared to Airport QNH Cruise, Climb Airport QNH
climb or descend or Descent
Inside If more than one airport
to an Altitude QNH could apply to a
Controlled Inside an
Cruising at an particular zone, yyou may
p y
Airspace ATZ; below or use any one of them and
assigned FL within 25nm of a assume they are
or when cleared to 1013 if Altitude reports are requested, read from Alt #2 CTR/CTA/TMA effectively the same
climb or descend
to a FL
Inside an
ATZ; within 25nm or
Airport QNH Cruise, Climb
At or below TA, below a
or Descent
or descending CTR/CTA/TMA
Outside below TL Outside an Outside an
Controlled ASR QNH
ATZ; >25nm from or ASR QNH ATZ; >25nm
above a zone from or above a
Above TA 1013

Arrival to IAF
Arrival and Arrival and
pp oac Airport
po t QNH
Q Airport
po t QNH
L di
Landing L di
Missed Approach
The rules for when to use Airport QNH vs ASR QNH are identical for Altimeter #1 (traffic)
and Altimeter #2 (terrain) – ie. If QNH is used on Alt #1, it is the same setting as on Alt #2
9 . Airw a ys I FR
c . I nst rum e nt de pa rt ure s

• To fly an instrument departure in a multi- • Planning, charts & plates, instrument • Follow ATC and published procedure
Aim Airmanship Performance
engine aircraft ground checks, checklist and briefing • +/- 5O,+/- 5kts, +/- 100’

The instrument departure has a high workload: flying the aircraft, performing checks, making the initial
call to Radar, establishing the turn onto track, etc. The key is to stay calm and prioritise tasks:
1. Fly the attitude and maintain the scan
2. Comply with your ATC clearance (eg. heading, climb restriction)
These two are the critical items; use your judgement as to what comes next. Deferring a task because
another task is more important is acceptable when the priorities are right, and the item is completed
later as workload permits.
Top of Climb:
Fuel pressure, pumps off 22 2400rpm
Radios com as reqd, nav S-I-D 140KIAS
Engines Ts&Ps, throttles fwd to Cowl Flaps CLOSE
maintain 25”, carb heat
Lights OFF
85KIAS Altimeters x-checked
Pumps OFF Ice Check
Gear UP
Ts&Ps check Cruise checks
Pitch +8
Avionics ident Climb
Cli b check
h k Fuel contents & on
Wings level every 1000’
Altimeters check Radios com, nav aids S-I-D
When cleared to line-up ...then...
Ice Check Engines Ts&Ps, cruise power set
Lights ON 100KIAS
Altimeters x-check, setting correct
Pitot Heat ON Max MP” 25” 2500rpm 1000’ check DI (HSI) slaving, nav
Transponder ALT Max rpm MSA
Vr 71KIAS Mixtures lean
Ice Check
After take-off

Note take-off
take off time but
don’t use that for next During the IR test, think of the screens as representing real cloud in
waypoint ETA unless Your Examiner will close the screens at
about 200’, to simulate IMC. Make sure sub-zero OAT. To save having to look at the wing leading edges for
Before calling Ready for Departure but within 60O of track
you maintain wings level and climb ice accumulation, you simulate this by calling “Ice Check”. When the
after receiving Clearance
attitude in the initial transition to Examiner’s reply is “Ice” instead of “No Ice”, you should perform the
Brief departure heading, altitude touch drills described in your pre-flight Icing Brief (pitot heat on,
and first track to intercept instruments. Nothing else matters until
you have settled into a stable
stable, windshield defrost and carb heat selected)) and tell the Examiner what
Radios and Instruments set you would request from ATC in terms of a climb, descent or diversion.
accordingly controlled climb and scan.
You should have an icing plan in advance for every leg of the flight,
taking into account MSA and the vertical limits of controlled airspace.

9 . Airw a ys I FR
d. Airw a ys Proc e dure s

• To fly an airways route complying with ATC • Checklist, nav log, altimeter setting & • Follow ATC and published procedures
Aim Airmanship Performance
and managing the flight to IR standards MSA, SID and DOC, trim and scan • +/- 5O,+/- 5kts, +/- 100’

Pl tto requestt a d
Plan descentt as early
l as
feasible whilst remaining in controlled
airspace. This should position you
Top of descent
favourably for a hold and approach with Arrival checks (prior to hold fix or IAF)
less delay and avoiding a rapid descent Altimeters x-check, setting correct
MSA check Approach briefing complete
Weather destination ok ATIS received
Crossing each Waypoint Radios check COM and NAV
Altimeters check
Time note
Ice check
Turn capture next track
Talk RTF call as reqd
Altimeters x-check, setting correct 18” 2400rpm
Avionics update and S-I-D
Slow the aircraft down, get the ATIS, brief the
Ice Check
procedures and complete the “Arrival” checks
Update nav log as reqd
in plenty of time before the holding fix or IAF
is reached

Steer a sensible DR heading until 22” 2400rpm

navaids are identified and within DOC 140KIAS
Cruise checks Flight Management Priorities
Complete the cruise checks every Fuel contents & on 1. Instrument flying (AI & scan)
Calculate your next ETA just ~5mins. Use each item as a prompt for Radios com, nav aids S-I-D 2. Navigation
prior to crossing a waypoint tasks that could help you stay ahead in Engines Ts&Ps, cruise power set 3. Radio aids
(ATC may ask for it as soon managing the flight ; eg. setting up and DI (HSI) slaving, nav 4. Altimeter setting
as you cross) identing the next nav aid, getting Altimeters x-check, setting correct 5. Icing & cruise checks
destination weather MSA 6. ATC liaison
Mixtures lean 7. Performance
e o a ce ((IAS, S, etc)
Ice Check 8. Charts, plates, nav log etc.

9 . Airw a ys I FR
e . Airw a ys t ra ining a nd t e st rout e s

T ra ining Rout e s T e st Rout e s

• The training routes are a building block towards practising • The test routes are representative of the airspace
airspace, navigation and approaches
the full IR test routes, introducing principles of flight you are likely to fly in the IR skills test. Many, but not all, of the route
planning, management and airways procedures variations the Examiner may chose are included in this training syllabus.

1 . Ye ovil BI A-SAM -SAM 2 8 3 0 3 5 -Y V L-BI A

BI A-SAM 2 8 3 0 3 5 -SAM -BI A
2 . Sout ha m pt on A BI A-T H RED-SAM -SAM 2 8 3 0 3 5 -BI A
3 . Sout ha m pt on B BI A-T H RED-SAM -Y V L-BI A
4 . Sout ha m pt on C BI A-T H RED-PEPI S-SAM -
SAM 2 8 3 0 3 5 -BI
Note: “SAM283035” is a training waypoint we use. It is not charted, or included in 5 . Exe t e r BI A-M U LI T-AT WEL-EX -BI A
GPS databases. In filing flight plans and communicating with ATC, you must not use
the former name ADSON (which may appear in some older training materials) but 6 . Ca rdiff BI A-SAM 2 8 3 0 3 5 -EX M OR-CDF-BI A
SAM283035 instead.
7 . Brist ol BI A-SAM 2 8 3 0 3 5 -EX M OR-BRI -BI A
8 . Filt on BI A-SAM 2 8 3 0 3 5 -EX M OR-OF-BI A
9 . Alde r ne y BI A-ALD-BI A
1 0 .Gue r nse y BI A-GU R-ALD-BI A

9 . Airw a ys I FR
e . Airw a ys t ra ining rout e : BI A – SAM 2 8 3 0 3 5 – SAM – BI A

SAM 2 8 3 0 3 5
SAM 2 8 3 r 3 5 d
Track 103
Leg 35nm 17'
climb FL55 SAM
MSA 31 1 1 3 .3 5
Track 243
Leg 20nm 10'
desc. 4000’
MSA 24 ADF 339
ADF 339 Track 320 DME 110.50
DME 110.50 Leg 22nm 10'
NAV1 110.50 NAV2 113.35
NAV1 113.35 NAV2 113.35 climb FL45
MSA 31 08/26 243
104 243 08 departure
290 to intercept 5.0
5 0

26 departure ATIS received

350 to intercept Approach brief
Arrival checks
Holding speed

BI A 3 3 9


9 . Airw a ys I FR
e . Airw a ys t ra ining rout e : BI A – T H RED – N EDU L – BI A

ATIS received
Approach brief
BI A 3 3 9 Arrival checks ADF 339 SAM
Holding speed
DME 110.50 1 1 3 .3 5
NAV1110.50 NAV2 113.35
5.0 08/26 026
08 dep
26 dep
Track 303
Leg 13nm 6'
Track 161
MSA 24
ADF 339 Leg 17nm 9'
climb 3000’ N EDU L
DME 113.35
MSA 24 SAM 2 0 6 r 1 9 d
NAV1113.35 NAV2 113.35
026 026

Track 026
Leg 11nm 5'
MSA 24


9 . Airw a ys I FR
e . Airw a ys t e st rout e 1 . Y e ovil (BI A-SAM -SAM 2 8 3 0 3 5 -Y V L-BI A)

ADF 343
ADF 343
DME 109.05
DME 113.35
NAV1 113.35 NAV2 113.35 SAM 2 8 3 0 3 5
SAM 2 8 3 r 3 5 d NAV1 113.35 NAV2 113.35
283 283
283 283
Track 252
Leg 17nm 07'


3 4 3 N DB Track 283 SAM
1 0 9 .0 5 DM E Leg 35nm 16' 1 1 3 .3 5
FL65 MSA 31

Track 112
Leg 33nm 15'

FL55 MSA 24

ADF 339 ADF 339

Track 064
DME 110.50 5.0 Leg 22nm 10' DME 113.35
NAV1 110.50 NAV2 113.35 FL70 MSA 31 NAV1113.35 NAV2 113.35
08/26 064 064 064
BI A 3 3 9
ATIS received
Approach brief
Arrival checks
Holding speed


9 . Airw a ys I FR
e . Airw a ys t e st rout e 2 . Sout ha m pt on A (BI A-T H RED-SAM -SAM 2 8 3 0 3 5 -BI A)

ADF 343
DME 113.35
SAM 2 8 3 0 3 5
NAV1 113.35 NAV2 113.35
SAM 2 8 3 r 3 5 d
283 283

Track 283
Leg 35nm 16' SAM
Track 140 1 1 3 .3 5
ADF 339 Leg 22nm 10
10' FL65 MSA 31

DME 110.50 climb FL55

MSA 31
NAV1110.50 NAV2 113.35
08/26 064


BI A 3 3 9
ATIS received
Approach brief
Arrival checks
Holding speed
08 dep change
26 dep 190
130 Track 026
Leg 30nm 14'

Track 161 FL70 MSA 24

ADF 339
g 17nm 9'
DME 113.35
113 35
climb FL70
NAV1 113.35 NAV2 113.35 MSA 24
026 026

SAM 2 0 6 r 3 0 d

9 . Airw a ys I FR
e . Airw a ys t e st rout e 2 . Sout ha m pt on B (BI A-T H RED-SAM -Y V L-BI A)

ADF 343 ADF 343

DME 109.05 DME 113.35
NAV1 113.35 NAV2 113.35 SAM 2 8 3 0 3 5
NAV1 113.35 NAV2 113.35
SAM 2 8 3 r 3 5 d
283 283 283 283
Track 252
Leg 17nm 07'
Track 283
FL60 SSA 30 Leg 35nm 16' SAM
1 1 3 .3 5
FL65 MSA 31
3 4 3 N DB
1 0 9 .0 5 DM E Track 112
Leg 33nm 15'
ADF 339 FL55 MSA 24
DME 110 50
NAV1 110.50 NAV2 113.35 5.0 BI A 3 3 9
08/26 064
ATIS received
Approach brief
Arrival checks No
Holding speed 08 dep change
26 dep 190
130 Track 026
Leg 30nm 14'

Track 161 FL70 MSA 24

ADF 339
Leg 17nm 99'
DME 113.35
climb FL70
NAV1 113.35 NAV2 113.35 MSA 24
026 026

SAM 2 0 6 r 3 0 d

9 . Airw a ys I FR
e . Airw a ys t e st rout e 4 . Sout ha m pt on C (BI A-T H RED-PEPI S-SAM -SAM 2 8 3 0 3 5 -BI A)

Procedure turn into wind,

heading either 332O or 062O

ADF 343
DME 113.35
NAV1 113.35 NAV2 113.35 PEPI S
SAM 0 1 7 r 1 5 d
SAM 2 8 3 0 3 5 283 283 339
Track 197 ADF
SAM 2 8 3 r 3 5 d Leg 15nm 06' 113.35
Track 017 DME
FL60 MSA 24 Leg 15nm
L 15 06' NAV1 113.35 NAV2 113.35
FL70 MSA 24 017 197
ADF 339 Track 283
Track 140 Leg 35nm 16'
DME 110.50
Leg 22nm 10' FL65 MSA 31
NAV1110.50 NAV2 113.35 SAM
climb FL55
08/26 064 MSA 31 1 1 3 .3 5


BI A 3 3 9
ATIS received
Approach brief
08 dep
Arrival checks 190
26 dep No
Holding speed Track 026
Leg 30nm 14' change

FL70 MSA 24
Track 161
ADF 339 Leg 17nm 9'
DME 113.35 climb FL70
NAV1 113.35 NAV2 113.35 MSA 24
026 026


9 . Airw a ys I FR
e . Airw a ys t e st rout e 5 . Ex e t e r (BI A-SAM 2 7 7 0 4 5 -M U LI T -AT WEL-EX -BI A)

BCN BH D0 3 0 Hold east of BHD030r until

1 1 7 .4 5 ra dia l cleared to join N864 ADF 339
ADF 337 DME 113.35
Cli b to FL70
FL 0 prior
i to entering
DME 112.05 controlled airspace NAV1 113.35 NAV2 112.05
NAV1112.05 NAV2 117.45 277 189
189 189 M U LI T
BH D 0 0 9 r 3 7 d
BCN 1 8 9 r 4 3 d Track 277
Leg 32nm 13

Track 189 FL65 SAM

Leg 10nm 5' SAM 2 7 7 0 4 5 1 1 3 .3 5
MSA 42
N864 note: SAM 2 7 7 r 4 5 d
Even FLs N-bound,
S 42
Odd FLs
FL S-bound
Sb d Track from BIA is chosen to Track 300
ATIS received be a sensible intercept of the Leg 29nm 15'
AT WEL Approach brief SAM radial to MULIT
climb FL65
BCN 1 8 9 r 5 3 d Arrival checks
MSA 31
BH D 0 0 9 r 2 7 d Holding speed
Track 092
147O EX 3 3 7 Leg
g 55nm 25'
7nm 04' 5.0
1 1 2 .0 5 ADF 337 FL55 ADF 339 BI A 3 3 9
MSA 32 ATIS received
DME 109.90 Approach brief DME 110.50
Arrival checks
NAV1 109.90 NAV2 117.45 NAV1109.90 NAV2 113.35
Holding speed
08/26 189 08/26 064


9 . Airw a ys I FR
e . Airw a ys t e st rout e 6 . Ca rdiff (BI A-SAM 2 8 3 0 3 5 -EX M OR-CDF-BI A)

ATIS received ADF 339

Approach brief
Arrival checks
DME 113.35
Holding speed NAV1 113.35
113 35 NAV2 113.35
113 35
114 114
CDF 3 3 8
ADF 338
DME 110.70
NAV1110.70 NAV2 110.70
Track 114
12/30 12/30 Track 008 Leg 44nm 21'
Leg 13nm 06'
BCN 1 7 0 ra dia l FL55 MSA 42
FL60 MSA 42

BCN 1 8 9 r 3 3 d SAM 2 9 4 r 3 6 d ATIS received
BH D 0 0 9 r 4 8 d Track 283 Approach brief
Arrival checks
N864 note: Leg 42nm 20'
Holding speed
Even FLs N-bound, Odd FLs S-bound Hold east of
Even though you will request clearance BCN170 until FL65 MSA 42
Descend to Track 150
direct CDF, you still need to be at the FL60 prior to cleared
l d to
join N864 at
SAM 2 8 3 0 3 5 Leg 27nm 12'
correct northbound level at EXMOR entering
EXMOR ADF 339 SAM 2 8 3 r 3 5 d SAM
controlled FL55 MSA 31
airspace DME 113.35 1 1 3 .3 5

NAV1 113.35 NAV2 117.45 ADF 339

Track 320
283 189 DME 110 50
L 22nm
Leg 22 10'
climb FL65
5.0 NAV1109.90 NAV2 113.35
MSA 31 08/26 064

BI A 3 3 9

9 . Airw a ys I FR
e . Airw a ys t e st rout e 7 . Brist ol (BI A-SAM 2 8 3 0 3 5 -EX M OR-BRI -BI A)

ADF 414
DME 110.15 BCN 1 4 1 ra dia l

NAV1 110.15
110 15 NAV2 110.15
110 15
09/27 09/27
ADF 339
ATIS received DME 113.35
Approach brief Track 068 NAV1113.35 NAV2 113.35
Arrival checks Leg 27nm 12'
Holding speed Track 141 141 141
FL60 MSA 42 Leg 26nm 12'

BCN 1 7 0 ra dia l FL55 MSA 31

BCN 1 8 9 r 3 3 d ATIS received
BH D 0 0 9 r 4 8 d SAM 2 8 3 0 3 5 Approach brief
Track 283
SAM 2 8 3 r 3 5 d Arrival checks
N864 note: Leg 42nm 20'
Hold east of
BCN 1 4 1 r 5 6 d Holding speed
Even FLs N-bound, Odd FLs S-bound
g yyou will request
Even though q clearance BCN170 until FL65 MSA 42
Descend to
direct CDF, you still need to be at the FL60 prior to cleared to
correct northbound level at EXMOR entering join N864 at ADF 339
EXMOR Track 140 SAM
controlled DME 113.35
airspace Leg 22nm 10' 1 1 3 .3 5
NAV1 113.35 NAV2 117.45 FL55 MSA 31
283 189 ADF 339
Track 320
Leg 22nm 10' DME 110 50
climb FL65 NAV1109.90 NAV2 113.35
MSA 31 5.0 08/26 064

BI A 3 3 9

9 . Airw a ys I FR
e . Airw a ys t e st rout e 8 . Filt on (BI A-SAM 2 8 3 0 3 5 -EX M OR-OF-BI A)

ATIS received
Approach brief
Arrival checks OF 3 2 5
Holding speed BCN 1 4 1 ra dia l
ADF 325 Track 214 ADF 414
Leg 10nm 04'
DME 110.55 climb FL55
MSA 31
NAV1 110.55 NAV2 110.55
09/27 09/27 BRI
ADF 339
Track 059 414
Leg 35nm 16' DME 113.35
FL60 MSA 42 NAV1113.35 NAV2 113.35
Track 141 141 141
Leg 26nm 12'

BCN 1 7 0 ra dia l FL55 MSA 31

BCN 1 8 9 r 3 3 d ATIS received
BH D 0 0 9 r 4 8 d SAM 2 8 3 0 3 5 Approach brief
Track 283
SAM 2 8 3 r 3 5 d Arrival checks
N864 note: Leg 42nm 20'
Hold east of
BCN 1 4 1 r 5 6 d Holding speed
Even FLs N-bound,
N bound, Odd FLs S S-bound
Even though you will request clearance BCN170 until FL65 MSA 42
Descend to
direct CDF, you still need to be at the FL60 prior to cleared to
correct northbound level at EXMOR entering join N864 at ADF 339
EXMOR Track 140 SAM
controlled DME 113.35
airspace Leg 22nm 10' 1 1 3 .3 5
NAV1 113.35 NAV2 117.45 FL55 MSA 31
283 189 ADF 339
Track 320
Leg 22nm 10' DME 110.50
climb FL65 NAV1109.90 NAV2 113.35
MSA 31 5.0 08/26 064

BI A 3 3 9

9 . Airw a ys I FR
e . Airw a ys t e st rout e 9 . Alde rne y (BI A-ALD-BI A)

ATIS received
Approach brief BI A 3 3 9
Arrival checks
Holding speed
Track 161 climb FL60
ADF 339 Leg 17nm 9' MSA 24
DME 110.50
NAV1 109.90 NAV2 113.35
08/26 064 Track 011 Leg
47nm 22'
SAM 2 0 6 r 3 0 d
cruise A30 DME 113.35
MSA 24 NAV1 113.35 NAV2 113.35
Track 206 206 206
Leg 33nm 15'
cruise FL60
MSA 24
ADF 383
y departure from
If on a westerly
EGJA, intercept GUR 038r to Ortac ORT AC
SAM 2 0 6 r 6 3 d
GU R 0 3 8 r 4 1 d
ADF 383 Track 027 Leg
19nm 09' Track 207
DME 109.40 Leg 19nm 09'
MSA 19
NAV1 109.40
109 40 NAV2 133.35
133 35 MSA 19
038 026

ALD 3 8 3
ATIS received
Approach brief
Arrival checks
Holding speed


9 . Airw a ys I FR
e . Airw a ys t e st rout e 1 0 . Gue rnse y (BI A-GU R-ALD-BI A)

ATIS received
Approach brief BI A 3 3 9
Arrival checks
Holding speed
Track 161 climb FL60
5 0
ADF 339 Leg 17nm 9' MSA 24
DME 110.50
NAV1 109.90 NAV2 113.35
08/26 064 Track 011 Leg
47nm 22
SAM 2 0 6 r 3 0 d
cruise A30 DME 113.35
MSA 24 NAV1113.35 NAV2 113.35
Track 206 206 206
Leg 33nm 15'
cruise FL60
MSA 24
ADF 383
DME 109.40
NAV1109.40 NAV2 109.40 ORT AC
SAM 2 0 6 r 6 3 d
224 212 GU R 0 3 8 r 4 1 d
DR Track 224
Leg 23nm 10'
Track 027 Leg ADF 383
MSA 19
19nm 09'
MSA 19
DME 109.40
ADF 383 BRI LL NAV1 109.40 NAV2 133.35
DME 108.10 GU R 0 3 2 r 1 8 d ALD 3 8 3 048 026
NAV1108.10 NAV2 109.40
Track 212 Leg
09/27 212 18nm 08' Track 048 Leg
5.0 23nm 10'
MSA 15
MSA 15
ATIS received
Approach brief
GU R Arrival checks
1 0 9 .4 0 Holding speed DO NOT USE FOR NAVIGATION

Appe ndix

a . T ra ining a nd T e st rout e N a viga t ion Logs

b. Flight plan questions and answers

FPL Route Item 15: 1.
Date Aircraft
F070 - DCT SAM/N0150F065 DCT Y EOV I L
SAM283035/N0150F060 DCT
Blocks Off T/O Ldg Blocks On
N avigat ion Log Dept Time Fuel/Time Route Winds 2000ft Route Winds 5000ft

Nav 1 Display Nav 2 Display ADF DME
EGHH/BIA MSA Alt/FL TAS Dist Track(T) Hdg(T) G/S Hdg(M) Time ETA ATA Remaining
M 31 F70 22 064 10’’
SAM283035 31 F65 35 283 16’
YVL 30 F60 17 252 7’
Approach 10’
EGHH/BIA 24 F55 33 112 15’

Station Service Freq Station Type Freq DOC Fix Station Radial Distance
YEOVIL Radar 127.35 BIA NDB 339 20 SAM 283r 35d
Westland App 130.80 SAM VOR 113.35 100

Westland Twr 125.40 YVL NDB 343* 20

YVL DME 109.05 25

USG Type Position

Start Up & Taxi 6 Route Route
A. Route Fuel 20 Position Alt / FL
B. Alternate Fuel 10 Altitude Time
5% of A + B 2 Heading (M)
Code Rwy Wind Vis Cloud Cloud Temp DP QNH QFE RQNH
Hold 45mins 15 ETA
Min Fuel Reqd 53 Request
Fuel Available 100
FPL Route Item 15: 2.
Date Aircraft
F070 - DCT THRED Q41 Sout ha m pt on A
SAM/N0150F065 DCT
SAM283035/N0150F055 DCT BIA
Blocks Off T/O Ldg Blocks On
N avigat ion Log Dept Time Fuel/Time Route Winds 2000ft Route Winds 5000ft

Nav 1 Display Nav 2 Display ADF DME
EGHH/BIA MSA Alt/FL TAS Dist Track(T) Hdg(T) G/S Hdg(M) Time ETA ATA Remaining
HRED 24 F70 17 161 9’’
SAM 24 F70 30 026 14’
Approach 10’
SAM283035 31 F65 35 283 16’
EGHH/BIA 31 F55 22 140 10’

Station Service Freq Station Type Freq DOC Fix Station Radial Distance
BIA NDB 339 20 THRED SAM 206r 30d
SAM ATIS 113.35 SAM VOR 113.35 100 SAM 283r 35d
BCN VOR 117 45
117.45 125

USG Type Position

Start Up & Taxi 6 Route Route
A. Route Fuel 20 Position Alt / FL
B. Alternate Fuel 10 Altitude Time
5% of A + B 2 Heading (M)
Code Rwy Wind Vis Cloud Cloud Temp DP QNH QFE RQNH
Hold 45mins 15 ETA
Min Fuel Reqd 53 Request
Fuel Available 100
FPL Route Item 15: 3.
Date Aircraft
F070 - DCT THRED Q41 Sout ha m pt on B
SAM/N0150F065 DCT
SAM283035/N0150F060 DCT
Blocks Off T/O Ldg Blocks On
N avigat ion Log Dept Time Fuel/Time Route Winds 2000ft Route Winds 5000ft

Nav 1 Display Nav 2 Display ADF DME
EGHH/BIA MSA Alt/FL TAS Dist Track(T) Hdg(T) G/S Hdg(M) Time ETA ATA Remaining
HRED 24 F70 17 161 9’’
SAM 24 F70 30 206 14’
SAM283035 31 F65 35 283 16’
YVL 30 F60 17 252 7’
Approach 10’
EGHH/BIA 24 F55 33 112 15’
Station Service Freq Station Type Freq DOC Fix Station Radial Distance
YEOVIL Radar 127.35 BIA NDB 339 20 THRED SAM 206r 30d
Westland App 130.80 SAM VOR 113.35 100 SAM 283r 35d
Westland Twr 125.40
125 40 YVL NDB 343* 20
YVL DME 109.05 25

USG Type Position

Start Up & Taxi 6 Route Route
A. Route Fuel 24 Position Alt / FL
B. Alternate Fuel 10 Altitude Time
5% of A + B 2 Heading (M)
Code Rwy Wind Vis Cloud Cloud Temp DP QNH QFE RQNH
Hold 45mins 15 ETA
Min Fuel Reqd 57 Request
Fuel Available 100
FPL Route Item 15: 4.
Date Aircraft
F070 - DCT THRED Q41 Sout ha m pt on C
PEPIS/N0150F060 Q41
SAM/N0150F065 DCT
V FR / I FR SAM283035/N0150F055 DCT BIA
Blocks Off T/O Ldg Blocks On
N avigat ion Log Dept Time Fuel/Time Route Winds 2000ft Route Winds 5000ft

Nav 1 Display Nav 2 Display ADF DME
EGHH/BIA MSA Alt/FL TAS Dist Track(T) Hdg(T) G/S Hdg(M) Time ETA ATA Remaining
HRED 24 F70 17 161 9’’
SAM 24 F70 30 026 14’
PEPIS + Proc Turn 24 F70 15 017 6’+4’
SAM + Approach 24 F60 15 197 6’+10’
283 BCN 140 BIA BCN
SAM283035 31 F65 35 283 16’
BCN 140 IBH 258
EGHH/BIA 31 F55 22 140 10’
Station Service Freq Station Type Freq DOC Fix Station Radial Distance
BIA NDB 339 20 THRED SAM 206r 30d
SAM ATIS 113.35 SAM VOR 113.35 100 SAM 283r 35d
BCN VOR 117 45
117.45 125 PEPIS SAM 017 15d

USG Type Position

Start Up & Taxi 6 Route Route
A. Route Fuel 25 Position Alt / FL
B. Alternate Fuel 10 Altitude Time
5% of A + B 2 Heading (M)
Code Rwy Wind Vis Cloud Cloud Temp DP QNH QFE RQNH
Hold 45mins 15 ETA
Min Fuel Reqd 58 Request
Fuel Available 100
FPL Route Item 15: 5.
Date Aircraft
F065 - DCT SAM277045 DCT EX ET ER
MULIT/N0150F070 N864
V FR / I FR EX/N0150F055 DCT BIA
Blocks Off T/O Ldg Blocks On
N avigat ion Log Dept Time Fuel/Time Route Winds 2000ft Route Winds 5000ft

Nav 1 Display Nav 2 Display ADF DME
EGHH/BIA MSA Alt/FL TAS Dist Track(T) Hdg(T) G/S Hdg(M) Time ETA ATA Remaining
SAM 277 IBH 258 BIA
M2 045 31 F65 29 300 15’’
MULIT 42 F65 32 277 13’
BHD 189 BCN 189 EX BHD
ATWEL 42 F70 10 189 5’
EX 32 A35 7 147 4’
Approach 10’
SAM 262 IBH 258 EX SAM
EGHH/BIA 32 F55 55 092 25’
Station Service Freq Station Type Freq DOC Fix Station Radial Distance
Exeter ATIS 119.32 BIA NDB 339 20 MULIT BCN 189r 43d
SAM VOR 113.35 100
BCN VOR 117.45 125
BHD VOR 112.05 85
EX LOM 337* 25

USG Type Position

Start Up & Taxi 6 Route Route
A. Route Fuel 24 Position Alt / FL
B. Alternate Fuel 10 Altitude Time
5% of A + B 2 Heading (M)
Code Rwy Wind Vis Cloud Cloud Temp DP QNH QFE RQNH
Hold 45mins 15 ETA
Min Fuel Reqd 57 Request
Fuel Available 100
FPL Route Item 15: 6.
Date Aircraft
CDF/N0150F055 DCT SAM294036
Blocks Off T/O Ldg Blocks On
N avigat ion Log Dept Time Fuel/Time Route Winds 2000ft Route Winds 5000ft

Nav 1 Display Nav 2 Display ADF DME
EGHH/BIA MSA Alt/FL TAS Dist Track(T) Hdg(T) G/S Hdg(M) Time ETA ATA Remaining
M283035 31 F65 22 320 10’’
EXMOR 42 F65 42 283 20’
CDF 42 F60 13 008 6’
Approach 10’
SAM294036 42 F55 44 114 21’
EGHH/BIA 31 F55 27 150 12’
Station Service Freq Station Type Freq DOC Fix Station Radial Distance
Cardiff ATIS 132.47 BIA NDB 339 20 SAM 283r 35d
SAM VOR 113.35 100 EXMOR BCN 189r 33d
BCN VOR 117 45
117.45 125
CDF NDB 388 40

USG Type Position

Start Up & Taxi 6 Route Route
A. Route Fuel 26 Position Alt / FL
B. Alternate Fuel 10 Altitude Time
5% of A + B 2 Heading (M)
Code Rwy Wind Vis Cloud Cloud Temp DP QNH QFE RQNH
Hold 45mins 15 ETA
Min Fuel Reqd 59 Request
Fuel Available 100
FPL Route Item 15: 7.
Date Aircraft
Blocks Off T/O Ldg Blocks On
N avigat ion Log Dept Time Fuel/Time Route Winds 2000ft Route Winds 5000ft

Nav 1 Display Nav 2 Display ADF DME
EGHH/BIA MSA Alt/FL TAS Dist Track(T) Hdg(T) G/S Hdg(M) Time ETA ATA Remaining
M283035 31 F65 22 320 10’’
EXMOR 42 F65 42 283 20’
BRI 42 F60 27 068 12’
Approach 10’
SAM283035 31 F55 26 141 12’
EGHH/BIA 31 F55 22 140 10’
Station Service Freq Station Type Freq DOC Fix Station Radial Distance
Bristol ATIS 126.02 BIA NDB 339 20 SAM 283r 35d
SAM VOR 113.35 100 EXMOR BCN 189r 33d
BCN VOR 117 45
117.45 125
BRI NDB 414 40

USG Type Position

Start Up & Taxi 6 Route Route
A. Route Fuel 25 Position Alt / FL
B. Alternate Fuel 10 Altitude Time
5% of A + B 2 Heading (M)
Code Rwy Wind Vis Cloud Cloud Temp DP QNH QFE RQNH
Hold 45mins 15 ETA
Min Fuel Reqd 58 Request
Fuel Available 100
FPL Route Item 15: 8.
Date Aircraft
F065 - DCT SAM283035 DCT FI LTON
OF/N0150A040 DCT
Blocks Off T/O Ldg Blocks On
N avigat ion Log Dept Time Fuel/Time Route Winds 2000ft Route Winds 5000ft

Nav 1 Display Nav 2 Display ADF DME
EGHH/BIA MSA Alt/FL TAS Dist Track(T) Hdg(T) G/S Hdg(M) Time ETA ATA Remaining
M283035 31 F65 22 320 10’’
EXMOR 42 F65 42 283 20’
BCN 189 BHD 009 IFB
OF + App 42 F60 35 059 16+10’
31 climb 10 214 4’
4 BCN 140
31 F55 26 141 12’ IBH 258 SAM BIA IBH
31 F55 22 140 10’
1:22 Clearances
Station Service Freq Station Type Freq DOC Fix Station Radial Distance
Bristol ATIS 126.02 BIA NDB 339 20 SAM 283r 35d
SAM VOR 113.35 100 EXMOR BCN 189r 33d
BCN VOR 117.45 125
BRI NDB 414 40
OF NDB 325* 25
USG Type Position
Start Up & Taxi 6 Route Route
A. Route Fuel 27 Position Alt / FL
B. Alternate Fuel 10 Altitude Time
5% of A + B 2 Heading (M)
Code Rwy Wind Vis Cloud Cloud Temp DP QNH QFE RQNH
Hold 45mins 15 ETA
Min Fuel Reqd 60 Request
Fuel Available 100
FPL Route Item 15: 9.
Date Aircraft
Blocks Off T/O Ldg Blocks On
N avigat ion Log Dept Time Fuel/Time Route Winds 2000ft Route Winds 5000ft

Nav 1 Display Nav 2 Display ADF DME
EGHH/BIA MSA Alt/FL TAS Dist Track(T) Hdg(T) G/S Hdg(M) Time ETA ATA Remaining
HRED 24 F60 17 161 9’’
ORTAC 24 F60 33 206 15’
ALD 19 F60 19 207 9’
Approach 10’
GUR 038
ORTAC 19 A30 19 027 9’
EGHH/BIA 24 A30 47 011 22’
Station Service Freq Station Type Freq DOC Fix Station Radial Distance
BIA NDB 339 20 THRED SAM 206r 30d
SAM VOR 113.35 100 ORTAC SAM 206r 63d
GUR ATIS 109.4 GUR VOR 109.4 ? GUR 038r 41d
ALD NDB 383 ?

USG Type Position

Start Up & Taxi 6 Route Route
A. Route Fuel 25 Position Alt / FL
B. Alternate Fuel 10 Altitude Time
5% of A + B 2 Heading (M)
Code Rwy Wind Vis Cloud Cloud Temp DP QNH QFE RQNH
Hold 45mins 15 ETA
Min Fuel Reqd 58 Request
Fuel Available 100
FPL Route Item 15: 10.
Date Aircraft
Blocks Off T/O Ldg Blocks On
N avigat ion Log Dept Time Fuel/Time Route Winds 2000ft Route Winds 5000ft

Nav 1 Display Nav 2 Display ADF DME
EGHH/BIA MSA Alt/FL TAS Dist Track(T) Hdg(T) G/S Hdg(M) Time ETA ATA Remaining
HRED 24 F60 17 161 9’’
ORTAC 24 F60 33 206 15’
GUR + Approach 19 F60 41 218 18+10’
ALD + Approach
19 A30 23 048 10+10’
10 10’
19 A30 19 027 9’ SAM IBH 258 BIA SAM
24 A30 47 011 22’


Station Service Freq Station Type Freq DOC Fix Station Radial Distance
BIA NDB 339 20 THRED SAM 206r 30d
SAM VOR 113.35 100 ORTAC SAM 206r 63d
GUR ATIS 109.4
109 4 GUR VOR 109.4
109 4 ? GUR 038r
038 41d
ALD NDB 383 ? BRILL GUR 032r 18d

USG Type Position

Start Up & Taxi 6 Route Route
A. Route Fuel 35 Position Alt / FL
B. Alternate Fuel 10 Altitude Time
5% of A + B 2 Heading (M)
Code Rwy Wind Vis Cloud Cloud Temp DP QNH QFE RQNH
Hold 45mins 15 ETA
Min Fuel Reqd 68 Request
Fuel Available 100
FPL Route Item 15:
Date Aircraft Captain

Blocks Off T/O Ldg Blocks On
N avigat ion Log Dept Time Fuel/Time Route Winds 2000ft Route Winds 5000ft

Nav 1 Display Nav 2 Display ADF DME
MSA Alt/FL TAS Dist Track(T) Hdg(T) G/S Hdg(M) Time ETA ATA Remaining

Station Service Freq Station Type Freq DOC Fix Station Radial Distance

USG Type Position

Start Up & Taxi Route Route
A. Route Fuel Position Alt / FL
B. Alternate Fuel Altitude Time
5% of A + B Heading (M)
Code Rwy Wind Vis Cloud Cloud Temp DP QNH QFE RQNH
Hold 45mins ETA
Min Fuel Reqd Request
Fuel Available
Appe ndix

a. Training and Test route Navigation Logs

b. Flight pla n que st ions a nd a nsw e rs


Flight Pla n t e m pla t e Priority

1 Addressee(s)
EGDYZPZX Yeovilton Radar, EGHGZTZX Westland Approach
<< ≡
EGTEZPZX Exeter App EGDMZPZX Boscombe Radar
Filing time Originator
8 << ≡
I for IFR, V for VFR Specific identification of addressee(s) and/or originator
Y for IFR then VFR, Z for VFR then IFR
In item 15, specify transition point
3. Message type 7. Aircraft identification 8. Flight rules Type of flight
< ≡ (FPL
< EXMnn I G <<≡
10 9. Number Type of Aircraft Wake turbulence cat. 10 10. Equipment
S for standard Nav equipment, G for GPS, BE76 / L SR / S << ≡
R for B-RNAV approval, 13 13. Departure Aerodrome Time
EGHH << ≡
/S for Mode S, /C if Mode C only (VFR) 15 15. Cruising speed Level Route
N0150 Fnnn
Speed or altitude change, enter the point
followed by a slash and new speed or altitude
(e.g., THRED/N0250A045). << ≡
Total EET
16 16 Destination Aerodrome
16. hrs/min Alternate 2nd alternate
Flight rule change—enter the point/designator
followed by a space and the new flight rule (e.g., << ≡
ORTAC VFR, ORTAC/N0150F050 IFR) 18 18. Other information
F “normal”
“ l” ((non-airways)
i ) IFR airways
i flight
fli ht
Supplementary information (Not to be transmitted in FPL messages)
19. Endurance Emergency Radio
ACCEPTED, to increase chances of the IFPS
Hrs / min P.O.B UHF VHF ELBA
accepting the flight plan E/ P/ R/ X X E

For a non-airways Cross-Channel flight, enter Survival Eq. Polar Desert Maritime Jungle Jackets Light Flares UHF VHF
the FIR crossing estimate EET/xxxx tttt S X X M X J / X X X X
EGTT=London FIR, LFFF=Paris LFRR=Brest Dinghies
Number Capacity Cover Colour
For IFR training enter REQ/ and the training D / 01 004 C YELLOW << ≡
required as a code sequence
Aircraft colour and markings
nH (number of holds) A/ WHITE
RI: radar vectored ILS, PI: procedural ILS
RF: radar vectored non-precision approach
PF: procedural non-precision approach
X /
<< ≡
...then airport code and time at the hold or IAF

Flight Pla n t ra ining t e st que st ions (A)

Que st ion Answ e r

1 1. Why are additional addressees used? • Because a non-airways flight plan will not be sent to all the enroute ATC services you may need
to inform of your flight and training requests

2. What must prefix the list of additional addressees? • AD at the beginning of the last line in the addressee section

3. Which additional addressees would you put for a route from • Yeovilton, because they process your request to join at EXMOR; Bristol because it is the
Bournemouth to SAM283035 EXMOR then landing at Cardiff, controlling back-up for Cardiff.
and why? • Cardiff, as the filed destination, and the filed alternates, will automatically receive the FPL

4. What two additional addresses are mandatory when joining • Cardiff, because it is the controlling agency for lower levels at EXMOR, and Bristol because it is
N864 at EXMOR and why? the back up if Cardiff have a radio failure

5. What additional addressees would you put for a route to • Southampton, because they control your initial climb, and descent on the return leg. Jersey,
Alderney and back, and why? because you enter their zone at ORTAC. Guernsey, because they provide approach control for
Alderney; Alderney because you are making an approach but not filing it as a destination

6. Which additional addressees would you put for a route from • Yeovilton, because they process your request to join at MULIT; Cardiff and Bristol because they
Bournemouth to YVL MULIT and Exeter then returning to land control the area around MULIT, Exeter because you are not landing there (and so it will not be
at Bournemouth? addressed as a destination)

1 3 7. What g ( ) Is it local or UTC?

goes in the time box (13)? g g
• Estimated off-blocks UTC time, as a four digit p

1 5 8. What speed goes in the cruising speed box? • Estimated TAS (not IAS) as a 4 group preceded by N for Knots (eg. 140 kts TAS entered as

9. What is the significance of the Flight Level you put in the box • This is the first level required on departure, if joining airways direct from the airfield, it is also the
before the route section? joining level for the airway. A Flight Level is preceded by “F” and an altitude by “A”, both are 3
digit groups in hundreds of feet (eg.
(eg FL60 = “F060”
F060 , 3000
3000’ altitude = “A030”)
A030 )

10. In the route section, how are turning points defined (both on • ICAO designators for a VOR, NDB or a 5 letter waypoint (but not the 4 letter airport code)
and off airways)? • A latitude and longitude in the form “nnnnN nnnnW”, eg 5241N 0145W
• A radial form and a range from a navaid in the form NNNrrrddd, eg. SAM285008 is 8 miles from
SAM on the 285 radial

11 What does “DCT” mean in the route section?

11. • Direct to

12. Which two methods are used to denote flight between 2 • “DCT” if the route between the points is not an airway
points in the route section? • The airway designator if they are on an airway

Flight Pla n t ra ining t e st que st ions (Ai) I R t ra ining rout e :
E(LO)3 2 3 Oc t 2 0 0 8

in sector

BCN 189r 33d
BHD 009r 48d
EX BCN 33d arc
Track 189
Leg 31nm 15'
BCN SAM 283r 35d 100
MSA 42 170r
35d Track 283
N864 Note: Leg 42nm 20'
Even FLs N-bound, FL65
Odd FLs S-bound MSA 42

Track 320
Leg 22nm 10'
climb FL65
MSA 31
MSA 32

Track 092
Leg 55nm 25' 19d
25 Stay N of DOC
BHD 009r 17d SAM 262r to
Track 052 clear DA
Cross SAM
Leg 8nm 04' 258r @ 46d,
just N of

EX DOC limit
SAM 52d
85 BIA 30d

Flight Pla n t ra ining t e st que st ions (B)

Que st ion Answ e r

1 5 13. How do you show flight along an airway route in the flight • By using the airway designator,
plan? eg. flying along Q41 from THRED to ORTAC, “THRED Q41 ORTAC”

14. What 3 components are used to show flight along an airway? • Entry point on the airway, airway designator, exit point on the airway
Is this correct: “EXMOR N864 CDF”? • CDF is not a point on the N864 airway, so this is incorrect. “EXMOR DCT CDF” must be used.

15. What 2 main methods define turning points and reporting • 3 letter designators for navaids (occasionally 2 letters for NDBs)
points on airways? • 5 letter designators for intersections (of VOR radials) and RNAV waypoints

16. Can these (ref q15) be used as turning points off-airways • Yes

17. Is this the entry correct for an airways flight, and why? • No. At FL60 you are in the airway between THRED and ORTAC, hence the correct entry is

18. Is F050....DCT NEDUL DCT SAM correct, and why? • Yes, this is an instrument training route inside the Solent CTA: see the EGHH AIP extract in (Bi),
i iis b
it below
l the
h Q41 airway,
i whose
h b
base iis 6000’ north
h off KUMIL
KUMIL, iinside
id the
h SSolent

19. Is F070...DCT NEDUL Q41 SAM correct and why? • Yes, FL70 is the lowest northbound level available in the airway, so the airway designator is used

20. Is EXMOR/N0150F070 N864 BHD011030 correct and why? • No, because BHD011030 is not a waypoint on the N864 airway.

21. Is
s EXMOR/N0150F070
O / 0 50 0 0 DCT
C BHD011030
0 030 co
ect and
a d why?
y • Yes,, this is one way
y of defining
g a route segment
g to an off-airway
y waypoint

22. What is an alternative method of defining a route from • EXMOR/N0150F070 N864 TINAN (with the intention of requesting departure from controlled
EXMOR to Exeter? airspace in the descent direct to Exeter, prior to TINAN)

23. You wish to route Bournemouth THRED SAM at FL50 • F050.....DCT THRED DCT SAM DCT, you do not put DCT BIA at the end because this would
followed by radar-vectored approaches at Bournemouth. imply homing to the BIA NDB, instead you want a direct routing from SAM to EGHH using normal
What would you put in the route section? i t
instrumentt approach
h procedures

24. You wish to do the same route as above, but joining the hold • F050.....DCT THRED DCT SAM DCT BIA - ending with “DCT BIA” because, in this case, you
at Bournemouth. What is the route entry? do want to home to the BIA to take up the hold

25. You wish to fly the same route as q23, but at FL70, what do • F070.....DCT THRED Q41 SAM DCT
you put in the route section?
26. In q25, where do you show the level you wish to join the • The entry in the “Level” box in Item 15 is the first requested level – in the case of a direct airways
airway at THRED? join, this will also be the airways joining level

Flight Pla n t ra ining t e st que st ions (Bi)

Base of Q41 is 6000’ north of THRED

Flight Pla n t ra ining t e st que st ions (C)

Que st ion Answ e r

1 5 27. Is F045...DCT THRED/N0150F060 Q41 ORTAC correct? • No, there are no quandrantal levels in airways or other controlled airspace. The Level in FPL Item
15 should be the airways joining level in the case of a direct join from Bournemouth

28. Where do you find airways levels to use? • In the Enroute AIP section 3 (EG-ENR 3), see page (Ci)
• Avoid using an Enroute chart for this initial planning

29. What is the minimum FL to use on Q41 from THRED to SAM, • FL70, and London Control 132.30 MHz
and which frequency will be controlling? • See page (Ci) overleaf

30. You wish to route from Bournemouth to NEDUL then at FL50 • F050....DCT NEDUL DCT EAS DCT (with EGHH as Departure and Destination)
to hold at the EAS NDB, followed by an NDB approach at • You enter EAS rather than SAM, since it is an NDB hold using the EAS beacon, not a VOR hold
Southampton and then a radar vectored approach at • Your route after EAS ends with DCT, therefore it is direct to the filed destination (Bournemouth)
and not to the BIA hold or procedure. You do not enter the Southampton approach details in the
Bournemouth. What do you put in the route section?
route, but as a REQ in Item 18 of the FPL

31 How do you show changes of speeds and levels in the Route

31. • You use the format of “Waypoint”
Waypoint “/”
/ followed by an 9 character alphanumeric group in the form
section? NnnnnFnnn (N for Knots, F for Flight level), eg FL70, 160 knots = EXMOR/N0150F070
• You always enter the complete 9 character group, even if only one of level or speed is changing

32. Is the speed in the level & speed change group in q31 in • TAS, all FPL speed references are TAS
terms of IAS or TAS • We use N for Knots (always as a 4 digit group with a leading zero), jets use M for Mach (and a 3
digit group). Sometimes K for kilometres per hour may be used.

33. You are flying Bournemouth to Yeovil (EGHG) for a • F045....DCT YVL/N0160F050 DCT SAM283035/N0160F055 DCT SAM/N0160F050 DCT
procedure, then routing to SAM via SAM283035 for a radar • Strictly speaking, you are joining controlled airspace 8nm from SAM on the 283 radial, so this
vectored approach at Bournemouth. What would you put in should be included as a point in the route, with the F050 level, but the computer will accept the
abbreviated version. You are responsible for descending from the correct quadrantal eastbound
the route section?
from SAM283035 (FL55) to the correct level for joining controlled airspace eastbound (FL50)

34. For the previous example (q33), where do you show the first • In the Level box in Item 15, before the route text box
flight level out of Bournemouth?
35. What is the lowest normal level from THRED to ORTAC on • FL60
Q41? Where would you show this on the flight plan? • In the Level box in Item 15, before the route text box

36 What is the Ro
36. te section entry
Route entr for Bo rnemo th to THRED
• F060....DCT
to ORTAC then Alderney and return using airways. • You don’t need a transit altitude from Ortac to Alderney, it will be allocated by ATC, so the
Speed/Level group following ALD is to indicate that FL50 is your level for the rejoin of Q41

Flight Pla n
que st ions (Ci)

2. Identify start and end

points of airway
1. Find airway from
alphabetical list in AIP
Section ENR-3-1-1

4. Identify lowest
cruising level available
for the required
direction of flight

3. Identify vertical bounds

of airway and type of
controlled airspace

(note ENR 3.1 is Lower

ATS routes,, ENR 3.2 has
upper airways)
5. Note controlling ATS

Flight Pla n t ra ining t e st que st ions (D)

Que st ion Answ e r

1 5 37. You are routing SAM NORRI MALBY to the NDB at Filton for a • F070....DCT SAM Q41 NORRI/N0150F100 L9 MALBY DCT OF
landing. What Route would you file using the lowest available • The minimum available level on L9 westbound is FL100 on the NORRI to KENET segment
airways levels?
38. What would you file in order to route SAM283035 EXMOR to • F065.....DCT SAM283035 DCT EXMOR/N0150F060 DCT CDF
join the hold at Cardiff followed by an approach and landing? • The reason for the EXMOR group is that you are joining N864 at EXMOR and immediately
exiting it, however, since your track after join is northbound, you need to specify a level at
EXMOR that complies with the North/Evens rule for N864

39. You are routing overhead Yeovil (EGHG) to join the airway at • N864
EXMOR then to hold at the EX NDB, then to land at Exeter after • FL70 (since Southbound is Odd Levels on N864)
an approach. Which airway is it? What level do you need for • In the route section with a speed/level group: EXMOR/N0150F070
the airway, and where do you show it on the flight plan?
40. What do y
you enter in the Route section for the whole route in • F065....DCT SAM283035 DCT EXMOR/N0150F070 N864 TINAN DCT EX
q39 above?
41. After landing at Exeter, what Route do you file to perform a • F080....N864 EXMOR/N0150F055 DCT SAM283035 DCT
radar vectored approach at Exeter then route to EXMOR on the • If the airfield is directly under the airway, you may join direct by climbing enroute and joining
airway then to SAM283035 and to Bournemouth for a radar from below, indicated by starting the Route list with the airway designator
• Note that for normal airways flight, the Brussels IFPS computer will not accept an airways
y jjoins could you
vectored ILS? What different airways y file?
designator without an entry point
point. The entry point must allow for a climb to the minimum joining
level – so TINAN would be rejected as too close to Exeter, but BHD or EXMOR would be ok.

42. You wish to route direct to the EX from Bournemouth at FL60, • F060.....DCT EX DCT TINAN/N0150F080 N864 EXMOR/N0150F055 DCT SAM283035 DCT
hold, do an NDB approach, and then join N864 north to • Note that if filed with IFPS, the computer will reject the EX DCT TINAN segment as per q41
EXMOR routing back to SAM283035 and then Bournemouth for
a radar vectored ILS
ILS. How could you join the airway
airway, and how
would you indicate this on the FPL route?
43. You wish to depart Bournemouth, join N864 at EXMOR and • F065....DCT SAM283035 DCT EXMOR/N0150F060 BCN191020 DCT BRI
route north to a point 20nm from BCN before going direct to
the BRI NDB at Bristol. What Route segments would you use?
44. You are routing N864 southbound from MULIT at FL70 to • Since you are below the lowest northbound level (F080), you can request descent at any point,
Exeter, but you know that you need to be a 3500’ at the EX. since this will take you out of the airway, without turning away first. In the descent, you will be
Can you descend in the airway, or must you turn out of it first? handed over to Exeter Approach as you exit controlled airspace.

Flight Pla n t ra ining t e st que st ions (E)

Que st ion Answ e r

1 5 45. From EXMOR at FL60, you wish to route via CDF and then to • EXMOR/N0150F060 DCT CDF/N0130A030 DCT BRI
BRI at 3000’ and 130kts to enter the hold. What is the Route?

46. Is it mandatory to specify the altitude from CDF in q45? • No, ATC will allocate a level or altitude based on traffic

47. You are returning to Bournemouth from the Channel Islands • No. You will be given descent by ATC, you only need to specify the airways joining level at
on Q41 for a radar vectored ILS. Do you need to specify a ORTAC.
transit altitude from THRED on the FPL route?
48. If, instead (re: q47), you wished to join the hold at the BIA, do • No, ATC will give you an altitude for the hold
you need to show an altitude for the THRED-BIA segment?
16 • EGFF
49. You are routing to Cardiff for an approach and landing,
g to return to Bournemouth. What do you
y p put in the
destination box (Item 16) in the FPL?
50. You are routing to Cardiff for an approach, then landing at • EGHH
Bournemouth. What do you put as the destination?
51. What is the significance of nominating airfields as Alternates • The FPL will be addressed to them automatically. If you have potential diversions not listed as
in Item 16 of the FPL? Item 16 Alternates
Alternates, they should be addressed individually at the top of the FPL
52. In Item 18, how do you indicate your training requirements? • RMK/REQ followed by the codes: H hold, R radar vectored or P procedural + I ILS or F non-
precision facility (ie. NDB or VOR) plus the 4 letter airfield code and the ETA at the hold or IAF.
For example, to request a 2 Holds, a Radar Vectored ILS and an NDB Procedure at
Bournemouth, estimating joining the hold at the BIA at 1435, it would be:
• See the FPL example at the beginning of this section.

53. You have an early morning flight, and wish to submit the FPL • You must enter the date of flight in Item 18 in the format DOF/yymmdd
the afternoon before. How do you indicate the flight is for the • eg. 23 March 2009 is DOF/090323
following day?

RT F t ra ining t e st que st ions (F)

Que st ion Answ e r

54. What is the format for a full position report? • Time last point – current level (and cleared level if any) – time next point
• Eg: “Callsign, NEDUL 40, FL50, SAM at 51” . Note, the hour is dropped when reporting a time
ithi th
the nextt 60 mins

55. What is the abbreviated report and when do you use it? • Callsign, current flight level or current flight level and cleared level.
• On handover to an airways control frequency.

56. How do you check in with London Control when told to • Callsign, current flight level, eg. “London Control, Exam01, Flight Level 50”
contact them on joining an airway?
57. Do you need to give a full position report on an airway? • No. Full position reports date from the era of procedural control in airways. Frequencies today are
too congested, and the abbreviated report is used.

58. What information do you need to give in order to request an • What – where – when – level
airways join at EXMOR for N864? • eg. “Exam 01, request clearance to join N864 northbound at EXMOR, time 41, Flight Level 60”

59. You are in the hold at Bournemouth, and ready for the ILS 26 • When you have crossed the beacon, turned and begun timing for the outbound leg, call “Exam
procedure. What do you say? What about for the ILS08 proc? 01, westbound, ready for the procedural ILS runway 26”; or “westbound, ready for the procedural
ILS runway 08 next time over the beacon”

60. Is the call in q59 standard at all airfields? • Not always. It is best to spell out exactly where you are and the specific procedure and runway
you wish to use.

61. What do you say on the “beacon outbound” call? • “Exam 01, outbound for the procedural ILS runway 26 to land....or....go around for further
procedure...or...go around into the visual circuit”. This helps the Approach controller co-ordinate
you with other traffic and with the Tower.

62. What is the RTF call when rolling out on the Localiser? • “Exam01, Localiser established”

63 Within what limits can you call Localiser established?

63. • Within half-scale
half scale deflection on the HSI or CDI

64. What is the RTF call when rolling out on the inbound track of • “Exam01, base turn complete”
an NDB procedure?
65. What 3 things do you include in your call when handed over • Distance – type of approach – intention. The Tower frequency is busy and you do not need to say
by Approach to the Tower on an instrument procedure? any
y more.
• eg. “Exam01, 4d, ILS, to land”

End of Doc um e nt

p g
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