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Version 6.3
December 2018
Userguide Version 6.3 Contents • i

1 SIMONE – SIMULATION AND OPTIMIZATION ON NETWORKS .......................................................................... 2
1.1 BASIC CONCEPTS .................................................................................................................................................. 2
2 SIMONE DESKTOP ............................................................................................................................................ 5
2.1 DESKTOP LAYOUT ................................................................................................................................................. 5
2.2 APPLICATION BUTTON ........................................................................................................................................... 6
2.3 QUICK ACCESS BAR ............................................................................................................................................... 7
2.4 HOME TAB .......................................................................................................................................................... 7
2.4.1 NETWORK................................................................................................................................................ 7
2.4.2 SCENARIO ................................................................................................................................................ 8
2.4.3 SIMULATION............................................................................................................................................. 9
2.4.4 VIEW ...................................................................................................................................................... 9
2.4.5 REVIEW ................................................................................................................................................. 10
2.5 DESIGN TAB ...................................................................................................................................................... 10
2.5.1 PICTURES ............................................................................................................................................... 10
2.5.2 TABLES .................................................................................................................................................. 11
2.5.3 TOPOLOGY VIEW ..................................................................................................................................... 11
2.6 TOOLS TAB ........................................................................................................................................................ 12
2.6.1 IMPORT ................................................................................................................................................. 12
2.6.2 SHORTCUTS ............................................................................................................................................ 12
2.6.3 CS CHECK .............................................................................................................................................. 12
2.6.4 ARCHIVE ................................................................................................................................................ 12
2.6.5 MACROS ............................................................................................................................................... 12
2.6.6 SCRIPTING.............................................................................................................................................. 13
2.6.7 EXTERNAL PROGRAMS.............................................................................................................................. 13
2.7 USEFUL SHORTCUTS ............................................................................................................................................ 13
2.8 STATUS BAR ...................................................................................................................................................... 14
2.9 DISPLAY AREA .................................................................................................................................................... 15
2.9.1 NETWORK SCHEME.................................................................................................................................. 15 NAVIGATION WITHIN THE NETWORK SCHEME ................................................................................................... 15 SELECTING OBJECTS GRAPHICALLY .................................................................................................................. 15 OBJECT ORIENTED INTERACTION ................................................................................................................... 16 DISPLAY OF RESULTS ................................................................................................................................... 17
2.9.2 PICTURES AND WINDOWS ......................................................................................................................... 18 STANDARD AND CUSTOMIZED PICTURES ........................................................................................................... 19 INVOKING PICTURES AND WINDOWS FROM THE COMMAND LINE............................................................................ 19
2.9.3 COMMAND LINE FEATURES ........................................................................................................................ 20
2.9.4 VIEWING RESULTS TABLES......................................................................................................................... 20
2.9.5 PRINTING............................................................................................................................................... 21
2.10 CUSTOMIZATION ................................................................................................................................................ 22
2.10.1 COMMON .............................................................................................................................................. 22
2.10.2 GRAPHS ................................................................................................................................................ 22
2.10.3 SIMULATION........................................................................................................................................... 22
2.10.4 PRINT ................................................................................................................................................... 23
2.10.5 UNITS ................................................................................................................................................... 23 REFERENCE CONDITIONS .............................................................................................................................. 23
2.10.6 LICENSE SETTINGS ................................................................................................................................... 23
3 NETWORK EDITOR ...........................................................................................................................................26

 Copyright LIWACOM Informationstechnik GmbH and SIMONE Research Group s.r.o.

All rights reserved
ii • Contents Userguide Version 6.3

3.1 NETWORK EDITOR - OVERVIEW ............................................................................................................................. 26

3.2 THE WINDOW HEADER........................................................................................................................................ 28
3.3 APPLICATION BUTTON ......................................................................................................................................... 29
3.4 QUICK ACCESS BAR ............................................................................................................................................. 29
3.5 START TAB ........................................................................................................................................................ 30
3.5.1 EDIT ..................................................................................................................................................... 30 SEARCH ................................................................................................................................................... 31 GLOBAL CHANGES...................................................................................................................................... 31 ELEMENT DATA ......................................................................................................................................... 31 NODE DATA ............................................................................................................................................. 32 ATTRIBUTE DEFINITIONS .............................................................................................................................. 32 ATTRIBUTE VALUES .................................................................................................................................... 32 SUBSYSTEMS ............................................................................................................................................. 32
3.5.2 ELEMENTS ............................................................................................................................................. 32
3.5.1 GAS ...................................................................................................................................................... 33 DEFAULT VALUES ....................................................................................................................................... 35
3.5.2 SELECTION ............................................................................................................................................. 36
3.5.3 TRANSFORMATION .................................................................................................................................. 36
3.6 VIEW TAB ......................................................................................................................................................... 36
3.6.1 VIEW .................................................................................................................................................... 36 COMPARE NETWORK WITH ........................................................................................................................... 37 VIEW PROPERTIES ...................................................................................................................................... 37
3.6.2 OPTIONS ............................................................................................................................................... 38
3.7 PARAMETERS TAB ............................................................................................................................................... 38
3.7.1 DEFAULTS .............................................................................................................................................. 38 PARAMETER VALUE SETS .............................................................................................................................. 39 ELEMENTS ................................................................................................................................................ 39 LABELS .................................................................................................................................................... 40
3.7.2 OPTIONS ............................................................................................................................................... 41 LAYER DEFINITION ..................................................................................................................................... 41 SET AUTOSAVE .......................................................................................................................................... 42 VALIDATE NETWORK .................................................................................................................................. 42
3.8 TOOLS TAB ........................................................................................................................................................ 42
3.8.1 GRID ..................................................................................................................................................... 42
3.8.2 LABEL.................................................................................................................................................... 43
3.9 SHORTCUTS ....................................................................................................................................................... 44
3.10 EDITING THE NETWORK ........................................................................................................................................ 44
3.10.1 SELECTING ELEMENTS ............................................................................................................................... 45
3.10.2 CREATING AN ELEMENT ............................................................................................................................ 46
3.10.3 EDITING THE ELEMENT PARAMETERS ........................................................................................................... 46
3.10.4 REVERSE AN ELEMENT .............................................................................................................................. 47
3.10.5 CREATE KNEES ........................................................................................................................................ 47
3.10.6 SEGMENT ELEMENTS................................................................................................................................ 47
3.10.7 DISCONNECT ELEMENTS ........................................................................................................................... 47
3.10.8 EDIT NODES............................................................................................................................................ 47
3.10.9 JOIN NODES ........................................................................................................................................... 48
3.10.10 DELETE ELEMENTS ............................................................................................................................ 48
3.10.11 ADD / EDIT LABELS ............................................................................................................................ 48 LABELS .................................................................................................................................................... 49 OPTIONS.................................................................................................................................................. 50 LAYERS .................................................................................................................................................... 51 BACKGROUND ........................................................................................................................................... 51
3.10.12 COPY LABELS .................................................................................................................................... 52
3.10.13 ADD IMAGE, EDIT IMAGE ................................................................................................................... 52 IMAGE..................................................................................................................................................... 52 OPTIONS.................................................................................................................................................. 52 LAYERS .................................................................................................................................................... 53 BACKGROUND ........................................................................................................................................... 53

4 SCENARIO EDITING ..........................................................................................................................................54

 Copyright LIWACOM Informationstechnik GmbH and SIMONE Research Group s.r.o.

All rights reserved
Userguide Version 6.3 Contents • iii

4.1 WHAT IS A SCENARIO? ........................................................................................................................................ 54

4.2 SCENARIO PROPERTIES ........................................................................................................................................ 54
4.3 COPY, INCLUDE, COMPARE SCENARIOS ................................................................................................................... 55
4.3.1 SAVE AS................................................................................................................................................. 55
4.3.2 INCLUDE ................................................................................................................................................ 55
4.3.3 DIFFERENCES .......................................................................................................................................... 55
4.3.4 COMPARE SCENARIOS .............................................................................................................................. 56
4.4 SCENARIO PARAMETER EDITING ............................................................................................................................ 56
4.4.1 PARAMETER ATTRIBUTES .......................................................................................................................... 57
4.4.2 PUSH BUTTONS, FILTER AND SORTING OPTIONS ............................................................................................. 58
4.5 FUNCTION EDITING ............................................................................................................................................. 59
4.6 MACROS ........................................................................................................................................................... 60
4.7 LOAD PROFILES .................................................................................................................................................. 61
5 SCENARIO PARAMETER AND VARIABLE REFERENCE ........................................................................................63
5.1 SIMONE CONCEPT FOR SCENARIO PARAMETERS ..................................................................................................... 63
5.2 PIPE PARAMETERS AND VARIABLES ......................................................................................................................... 63
5.3 NODE PARAMETERS AND VARIABLES ....................................................................................................................... 65
5.4 VALVE PARAMETERS AND VARIABLES ...................................................................................................................... 69
5.5 RESISTOR PARAMETERS AND VARIABLES .................................................................................................................. 70
5.6 CONTROL VALVE PARAMETERS AND VARIABLES ......................................................................................................... 71
5.7 NON-RETURN VALVE AND METERING STATION PARAMETERS ........................................................................................ 73
5.8 COMPRESSOR STATION PARAMETERS AND VARIABLES................................................................................................. 74
5.9 SUBSYSTEMS...................................................................................................................................................... 77
5.10 SYSTEM PARAMETERS .......................................................................................................................................... 79
5.11 GENERAL VARIABLES ........................................................................................................................................... 81
6 FUNCTIONS .....................................................................................................................................................83
6.1 FUNCTIONS - INTRODUCTION ................................................................................................................................ 83
6.2 EXPRESSIONS ..................................................................................................................................................... 83
6.3 UNITS............................................................................................................................................................... 84
6.4 OPERANDS ........................................................................................................................................................ 85
6.4.1 CONSTANTS ........................................................................................................................................... 85
6.4.2 PARAMETERS AND VARIABLES .................................................................................................................... 85
6.4.3 USER DEFINED ATTRIBUTE VALUES.............................................................................................................. 85
6.4.4 UNITS ................................................................................................................................................... 85
6.4.5 WILDCARD VARIABLES AND USER-DEFINED EXTENSIONS .................................................................................. 86
6.4.6 FORMAL PARAMETERS AND USER-DEFINED FUNCTIONS ................................................................................... 86
6.4.7 PRE-DEFINED VARIABLES ........................................................................................................................... 86
6.4.8 FUNCTION CALLS ..................................................................................................................................... 86
6.5 OPERATORS ....................................................................................................................................................... 87
6.5.1 ARITHMETIC OPERATORS .......................................................................................................................... 87
6.5.2 RELATIONAL OPERATORS .......................................................................................................................... 87
6.5.3 LOGICAL OPERATORS ................................................................................................................................ 88
6.6 BUILT-IN FUNCTIONS ........................................................................................................................................... 88
6.6.1 MATHEMATICAL AND SPECIAL FUNCTIONS .................................................................................................... 88
6.6.2 FUNCTIONS OF TIME ................................................................................................................................ 91
6.6.3 FUNCTIONS FOR LIMIT CHECKING ................................................................................................................ 91
6.7 USE OF FUNCTIONS ............................................................................................................................................. 92
6.8 USE IN LABELS .................................................................................................................................................... 92
6.8.1 USE IN GRAPHS ....................................................................................................................................... 92
6.8.2 USE IN SCENARIO DEFINITIONS ................................................................................................................... 92
6.8.3 DIRECT USE OF EXPRESSIONS...................................................................................................................... 93
7 USER DEFINED ATTRIBUTES .............................................................................................................................95
7.1 SIMONE CONCEPT FOR USER-DEFINED ATTRIBUTES ................................................................................................. 95
7.2 DEFINING ATTRIBUTES ......................................................................................................................................... 95

 Copyright LIWACOM Informationstechnik GmbH and SIMONE Research Group s.r.o.

All rights reserved
iv • Contents Userguide Version 6.3

7.3 DEFINING ATTRIBUTE VALUES ............................................................................................................................... 96

8 OBJECT SETS AND PATHS .................................................................................................................................97
8.1 OBJECT SETS AND PATHS - INTRODUCTION .............................................................................................................. 97
8.2 SELECTING OBJECTS GRAPHICALLY .......................................................................................................................... 97
8.3 DEFINING A PATH OR ROUTE ................................................................................................................................. 97
8.4 SEARCHING OBJECTS............................................................................................................................................ 98
8.5 REVIEWING AND STORING OBJECT SETS ................................................................................................................... 98
8.6 USING OBJECT SETS ............................................................................................................................................. 98
9 RESULTS TABLES ............................................................................................................................................101
9.1 RESULTS TABLES - INTRODUCTION........................................................................................................................ 101
9.2 CREATING A TABLE ............................................................................................................................................ 101
9.3 EDITING EXTENSIONS ........................................................................................................................................ 102
9.4 EDITING VARIABLES........................................................................................................................................... 102
9.5 LIMIT TABLES ................................................................................................................................................... 102
9.6 LAYOUT OF A PATH TABLE ................................................................................................................................... 103
9.7 EDITING A TABLE WITH TIME COLUMNS ................................................................................................................. 103
9.8 MODIFYING THE OBJECT SET DEFINITION................................................................................................................ 103
9.9 SAVING A TABLE ............................................................................................................................................... 104
10 ARCHIVE UTILITY ...........................................................................................................................................106
10.1 GENERAL ........................................................................................................................................................ 106
10.2 ARCHIVE ......................................................................................................................................................... 106
10.3 NETWORK ....................................................................................................................................................... 106
10.4 EXTRAS ........................................................................................................................................................... 107
11 INDEX ............................................................................................................................................................109

 Copyright LIWACOM Informationstechnik GmbH and SIMONE Research Group s.r.o.

All rights reserved
Userguide Version 6.3 SIMONE – Simulation and Optimization on Networks • 1

 Copyright LIWACOM Informationstechnik GmbH and SIMONE Research Group s.r.o.

All rights reserved
SIMONE – Simulation and Optimization on Networks • 2 Userguide Version 6.3

1 SIMONE – Simulation and Optimization on


SIMONE is a software package for simulating all the processes in gas

pipeline networks, in transient and steady state flow scenarios. It is highly
standardized and offers a choice of different features and modeling
depth, all controllable by the same user friendly graphical user interface.

1.1 Basic Concepts

SIMONE is a software package for simulating all the processes in gas
pipeline networks, in transient and steady state flow scenarios. It is highly
standardized and offers a choice of different features and modeling
depth, all controllable by the same user friendly graphical user interface.
SIMONE distinguishes networks, i.e. the basic description of pipes,
valves, compressor stations, etc. making up a pipeline system, and
scenarios, defining particular loads and other conditions describing a
given simulation task to be solved. A scenario contains the task specific
data which is attached to the static network description in order to define
a simulation or optimization task.

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All rights reserved
Userguide Version 6.3 SIMONE – Simulation and Optimization on Networks • 3

Once a network description has been completed, any number of different

simulation or optimization scenarios can be defined for that network.
A SIMONE scenario is defined by its properties (i.e. the type of simulation
or optimization task, timing information etc) and the specification of its
parameters (i.e. supply and offtake and flows, gas parameters, control
information, alarm limits).
Once a scenario is executed, additional quantities are calculated (flow
rates, pressures, line pack, speed of flow, etc.). These are called (output)
Both scenario parameters and variables are addressed using a simple,
straightforward concept. For each type of object like e.g. nodes, pipes,
valves, etc. the relevant data items (e.g. flow, pressure, etc.) are
distinguished by a short-hand abbreviation that is presented along with a
short descriptive text in the scenario parameter table or used as a default
heading in displays or result tables.

 Copyright LIWACOM Informationstechnik GmbH and SIMONE Research Group s.r.o.

All rights reserved
SIMONE – Simulation and Optimization on Networks • 4 Userguide Version 6.3

 Copyright LIWACOM Informationstechnik GmbH and SIMONE Research Group s.r.o.

All rights reserved
Userguide Version 6.3 SIMONE Desktop • 5

2 SIMONE Desktop

2.1 Desktop Layout

SIMONE is a menu-controlled program structured as close to the
Windows standard as possible.
The application window:

 Copyright LIWACOM Informationstechnik GmbH and SIMONE Research Group s.r.o.

All rights reserved
SIMONE Desktop • 6 Userguide Version 6.3

1. Application Button, presents a menu of basic commands to handle

networks, info about the installation, handling of access rights etc.
2. Quick access bar, displays often used functions for the simulation.
3. Ribbon tab. The main ribbon tab is named Home and presents the
most used commands for the handling of scenarios and simulations.
SIMONE uses 4 tabs: Home, Design, Tools and, for Online systems,
4. Groups. The commands of a ribbon tab are devided in several groups
according to their function.
5. The ? invokes the Online help
6. Display Area. For the current network and scenario, the display area
is used to show either the Network Scheme, on which Scenario
Definitions as well as Result Tables may be popped-up, or a Picture or a
Report Table.
7. Statusbar. The status bar shows the names of the network as well as
the name and the state of the current scenario.

2.2 Application Button

The application button contains the commands you need to prepare the
base conditions for the simulation.
Pressing the application button invokes the following menu:

New creates a new network.

Open opens an existing network.
Close Closes the actual network
Save as copies the selected network under another name.
Save as The current network will be used as template when creating a
default new network
Delete deletes a network and all associated files.
Info displays some statistics and history info about the network,
allows to add/edit a comment
Change allows to change the current directory of networks
Access Rights allows to set up access rights to the current network (multi
user installation)..
Print/Print prints the display area, Invokes the printer setup dialog
About shows the SIMONE installation information and the actual
license specification
Release Notes Shows the release notes of the last SIMONE Versions in
chronological order
Prepare allows to prepare a zip-file with logging and configuration
System information about the current SIMONE Installation, with the
Information current network and scenario data attached if requested. This
file is intended to be sent by e-mail along with a problem

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All rights reserved
Userguide Version 6.3 SIMONE Desktop • 7

Request Starts a remote control which allows LIWACOM Support to

Online connect to your machine
Settings sets SIMONE common, graphics, simulation, printing and
unit defaults
Help Invokes the online help
Documents Allows to access the most recent versions (regarding the
installed software level) of the Userguide and further items
from the standard documentation set in PDF format.
Exit Exits SIMONE

2.3 Quick Access Bar

Initial Time sets the display time to the start of scenario period.

Display Time sets back the display time one step.

Display Time advances the display time one time step.
Terminal sets the display time to the end of the scenario period.
DT Display time step – select the pace for up/down buttons
Command Accepts commands to invoke pictures and further
line control, see Display area,-> pictures, .and/or ->command
line features
Quick Searches for objects by their name or alias and
search navigates to a chosen object in the topology view

2.4 Home Tab

This ribbon tab is the first tab and contains the most frequently used
commands. It is divided in 5 task groups.

2.4.1 Network
Edit calls the Network Editor which is used to set up the network
scheme, the static parameters of the network objects and the
default gas parameters

CS-Edit1 Provides a dialogue to edit the description of the compressor

station equipment as well as the description of the
compressor station configuration(s).

CS- Opens the editor for the description of the compressor

Configuration1 station configuration, stored in a text file

 Copyright LIWACOM Informationstechnik GmbH and SIMONE Research Group s.r.o.

All rights reserved
SIMONE Desktop • 8 Userguide Version 6.3

CS-Equipment2 Opens the editor for the description of the compressor

station equipment, stored in a text file

CV- Opens the editor for the description of the control valves
Characteristics characteristics, stored in a text file

Activate activates a network description, i.e. the inactive (edited)

Changes version becomes the active version. The descriptions of
compressor and blending stations and of control valve
characteristics are activated, as well.

All results from existing scenarios are deleted (they may be

re-computed, however, if their definition is still applicable to
the new network version).
Remove removes the inactive (edited) versions of the network, and/or
changes the descriptions of compressor stations and of control valve
Attribute Opens a window to define, edit or delete user-defined
definitions attributes.

Attribute values Opens a window to define, edit or delete user-defined

attribute values for network objects.
Functions Opens an editing dialoge to define functions of the simulation
variables to be used with scenario input or results.See
chapter functions for more detail.

1) GENERIC parameters only if enhanced compressor modelling not

2) Requires enhanced compressor modelling being licenced

2.4.2 Scenario
A scenario contains the task specific data which is attached to the static
network description in order to define a simulation or optimization task.
The commands in this task group help to manage scenarios.

Open opens an existing scenario for the current network

New defines a new scenario for the current network

Close Closes the actual scenario

Save as saves the current scenario under another name and allows to
modify some of its properties

Delete … opens a dialogue to delete scenarios.

Copy from copies a scenario from another network. No scenario must be

open at this time.
Include imports input from another scenario into the current one.

Properties changes the properties of the current scenario

Restore restores the current scenario to the definitions which have

applied to the last execution, i.e. all changes since the last
execution are removed.
Data gets input data from SCADA system (online installations only)

 Copyright LIWACOM Informationstechnik GmbH and SIMONE Research Group s.r.o.

All rights reserved
Userguide Version 6.3 SIMONE Desktop • 9

2.4.3 Simulation

Execute triggers the computation of the current scenario

Parameters allows to edit the parameters of the current scenario

Load Profiles defines load profiles for reference by the current scenario.

Messages shows the diagnostic messages for a computed scenario

2.4.4 View

Full View restores the original display scale of the network

Zoom View displays a zoom view of the network scheme

Values/Names toggles the display between object names and valuesin

default labels or others with symbolic names (tvext)
Search objects searches and optionally selects network objects in the
network scheme

Result Tables Provides access to the list of defined result tables. A

Result Table is a spread-sheet which contains
simulation results and scenario parameters for the
currently selected scenario. See the respective chapter
for more details.
Initial State invokes a summary report of the initial state for the
current scenario
Terminal State invokes a summary report of the terminal state for the
current scenario
Optimization shows a result protocol of steady state or long term
Results optimization for the current scenario (if this is an
optimization scenario)
Selection Invokes a dialogue to review or store the current
selection or to load a saved object set
Close all Closes all popup windows

Views invokes coloring of the network scheme as chosen from

the following list:

P+M shows the current network section colored

according to pressure together with flow through

Q+M shows the current network section colored

according to flow through elements together with supply
/ off-take flow.

CV+M shows the current network section colored

according to calorific value together with flow through

T shows the current network section colored according

to temperature.

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All rights reserved
SIMONE Desktop • 10 Userguide Version 6.3

V shows the current network section colored according

to flow velocity.

Commands invokes a pre-defined command as defined here and in

the command shortcut dialogue.
Path_Picture shows profile graphs (value vs. location)
along a user defined path through the current network.
This applies to the currently selected path. The Find
Path / Find Route tool can be used to select a path.
Path_Window shows a profile graph of a single in a
popup display. The type of value displayed can be
changed when clicking the right mouse in the label area
of the graph.
Balance shows trend graphs of line pack, sum of supply
and offtake quantities etc.
Further commands can be selected as defined in the
shortcuts database, which can be edited under Tools ->
Command shortcuts.
Predefined commands include marking locations with
supply/offtake quantities assigned or limits violated.

2.4.5 Review

Swap Scenarios Swaps the currently selected scenario with the comparison
Compare inserts the results of a second scenario for comparison into
Scenarios trend and profile displays

Scenario Shows differences in the input table of the current scenario

Differences against a selected other one.

Find Path connects the currently selected network nodes by the

shortest path
Find Route like find path, but not crossing closed elements and not
passing operated elements in reverse direction

2.5 Design Tab

The ribbon tab design provides user defined design possibilities
regarding pictures, tables and the topology view.

2.5.1 Pictures
Pictures are collections of simulation result displays containing trend
graphs (value vs. time), profile graphs (value vs. location), envelope
graphs (working point trajectory within a compressor characteristic
diagram) etc. This menu serves to manage picture definitions. There is a
set of pre-defined common pictures that are invoked from context menus.
These can be edited but not deleted. Rather edited versions as well as
additional user-defined pictures are kept separate as custom pictures. (If
an edited version exists, it is marked by an ‘*’ in the list) This allows to
install new or changed pictures when updating the installation without

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Userguide Version 6.3 SIMONE Desktop • 11

overwriting any user edited pictures. Also, by deleting custom versions of

pre-defined pictures, it is possible to return to their retained original


Common manages default and user-defined picture definitions which

can be commonly used for all networks
Specific manages user-defined picture definitions which are specific to
the currently opened network

Common deletes default and user-defined picture definitions which can

be commonly used for all networks
Specific deletes user-defined picture definitions which are specific to
the currently opened network
Layouts manages picture layout definitions, color, grid size, etc.

Equipment manages the layouts for the equipment check.


2.5.2 Tables
Tables are user defined views of simulation results. This menu item
serves to manage table definitions. There is a set of pre-defined common
tables which can be edited but not deleted. Rather edited versions as
well as additional user-defined tables are kept separate as custom tables.
(Edited versions are therefore marked as ‘custom’ in the list if available
tables)This allows installing new or changed tables when updating the
installation without overwriting any user edited tables. Also, by deleting
custom versions of pre-defined tables, it is possible to return to their
retained original.
Result table definitions can be created interactively in a dialogue under
Create and be deleted under Delete. :

Create allows to create a spreadsheet-style results table. See also Chapter

Results Tables -> Creating a table|topic=Creating a table
Delete to delete a table

2.5.3 Topology View

Layer In this dialogue the visibility of labels in different layers can be

Definition set.
It defines the display of presentation layers for the current
network scheme. Changes are temporary . Changes of the
layer definition may only be saved in the network edtior.
Dynamic define colors and value ranges used in coloring the network
Colors graph regarding pressure, flow, etc.

Hide Legend Toggle: shows/hides the legend for the dynamic coloring

Hide Toggle: shows/hides the window for the actually selected

Selection object(s)

 Copyright LIWACOM Informationstechnik GmbH and SIMONE Research Group s.r.o.

All rights reserved
SIMONE Desktop • 12 Userguide Version 6.3

2.6 Tools Tab

This menu item provides access to various import/export interfaces,
SIMONE default settings and data validation tools.

2.6.1 Import
The format of the text files for import below are described in detail in the
separate Supplements document.

Scenario Imports scenario parameters from a text file


Profiled Imports profiled offtake/supply flows from a text file


Boundary imports offtake and supply flow profiles from a Boundary

Conditions Condition (BCA) file used in previous SIMONE versions

Network imports a network from another network directory of the same or

another SIMONE installation (of the same platform like Windows
or LINUX). In particular, this feature allows to import SIMONE
networks which are produced by previous SIMONE versions
Network imports a network description from an external non-SIMONE
description source (e.g. GIS or other databases) using a text file format.

Element imports network element parameters from an external source

Parameters (e.g. GIS or other databases) using a text file format.

2.6.2 Shortcuts
Command define shortcuts for command line commands, which will also
shortcuts be selectable from a combo box in the toolbar

2.6.3 CS Check
Equipment Displays the characteristics diagrams of the individual
Check1 compressor station components for verification.

Configuration Checks interactively the feasibility of a compressor

Test 2 station configuration to fulfill a compression task.

1) Requires enhanced compressor modelling being licenced

2) Requires appropriate license

2.6.4 Archive
Network Archive Invokes the archive utility

See chapter Archive UItility for more detail.

2.6.5 Macros
Macros (requires appropriate license) are named objects which define
complex or routine control tasks (e.g. coordinated multiple valve
operations). Macros are referred to in the scenario definition. This menu

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Userguide Version 6.3 SIMONE Desktop • 13

item serves to manage macro definitions. (see Macros in Chapter

Scenario Editing)

Create defines a new macro

Edit edits an existing macro

Delete deletes a macro definition

2.6.6 Scripting
Offers some scripting capabilities based on SIMONE-API. The basis of
the SIMONE scripting language is ECMA script (JavaScript). More details
see separate document (?->Documents->US->simone_scripting…)

Run Executes a SIMONE script file

Edit Edits an existing SIMONE script file

New Creates a new SIMONE script file

2.6.7 External Programs

Start This allows to configure programs (in particular API-programs) to be

launched from the SIMONE menu.
Remove Removes an external program

New Creates an external program

2.7 Useful Shortcuts

Shortcut Action Function
Left mouse button click and moves the network topology on the
drag screen
Alt+left mouse button drag a zooms in an area of the network
rectangle model
Left mouse button click selects the object

Shift+left mouse button click adds the object to the actual

Ctrl+left mouse click unselects the object or removes a
display item in the context menu of
an object
Ctrl+shift+left mouse click Opens the label editing dialogue

Ctrl+shift+left mouse drag Allows to move label

Left mouse button drag in a result picture (or window):

zooms in time
Alt+right mouse button or click in a result picture (or window)
the middle mouse button unzooms in time; alternatively use
(mouse wheel)

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the command “Time All” at the

command line
ESC click unselects all

Ctrl+A click selects all elements in a table

(previously click at the table)
Ctrl+P click prints a table
(previously click at the table)
Mouse wheel Click Full view of the network

2.8 Status Bar

The status bar contains the following basic information:

Network Name of the current network.

The icon indicates that an edited version of the network
description exists. The icon in front of the network name
indicates a modified compressor configuration that is not yet
been activated.
The Network can be changed via the dialogue invoked by
double clicking on the network name.

Picture Name of the picture which is currently shown in the Display

Scenario Name of the current scenario. The icon indicates the
scenario contains parameters (marked in blue) edited since the
last calculation. The icon shows that there are no results
available yet (or have been removed when activating networks
The Scenario can be changed via the dialogue which is
invoked by double clicking this status field.
Comparison Name of the second scenario which is loaded for comparison.
Scenario The possible icons are the same as for the first scenario.
The comparison scenario can be changed via the dialogue
which is invoked by double clicking this status field. With a
click at the “Swap” button (Ribbon tab Home, Review) it is
possible to swap both, the first scenario and the comparison
Initial Time Start time of the current scenario period.

Terminal Time End time of the current scenario period.

Display Time Point in time for which the currently shown simulation results
The Display Time can be altered using the time setting tools or
by the dialogue which is invoked by double clicking the display
time shown in this status field.
2nd Display Second point in time for which simulation results are shown for
Time comparison.
The Compared Display Time can be altered via the dialogue
which is invoked by double clicking this status field.
Date the date defined for the scenario.

Scenario the type of the scenario (static, dynamic, ...).


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Object shows the name of the object that has the focus

2.9 Display Area

For the current network and scenario, the display area is used to show
either the Network Scheme, on which Scenario Definitions as well as
Result Tables may be popped-up, or a Picture or a Report Table. These
display features are described in the following, while editing of scenario
parameters is detailed in the chapter scenario editing.

2.9.1 Network Scheme

The Network Scheme displays the topologic arrangement and
interconnections of the network's objects. It is used to present simulation
results, and is the user's control center to object-oriented interaction in
order to call up pictures, graphs or reports and to define scenario
parameters. The Network Scheme is created and edited by the Network
Editor. Only editing or adding labels is also possible here, if no edited
version of the network yet exists. Navigation within the Network Scheme

To shift the scheme just move the mouse to the desired direction with the
left mouse key depressed.
To zoom in or out use the mouse wheel. To zoom an area, drag out a
rectangle by moving the mouse with the left mouse button and the Alt-
key held pressed and moving the mouse into any diagonal direction.
To unzoom, use the “Full View” in tab Home -> group View)
Use “Search objects” ( tab Home, group View) to find looked-for objects
(nodes, elements, sub-systems) within the network scheme. The search
key to look for a special name can contain wildcards such as * and ?
(strings are represented by *, single characters by ?). The checkboxes
can be used to select the wanted object types. With “Alias name
checked, the search pattern is applied to the alias names of objects only.
Pressing SEARCH starts the process.
All matches are listed in the window. The names in the list can now be
marked or unmarked with the mouse. Show marked objects: The
network display will be zoomed to display the objects marked.
Marked objects can also be added to the current selection using ‘select
marked objects’.
“Intersect with selection” reduces the selection to objects that are in the
search result as well as in the actual selection.
The selected objects are listed in a movable window (selection feedback)
in the network scheme. Objects chosen from this list by the left mouse
button are zoomed and displayed in the middle of the screen. Selecting objects graphically

Object sets and paths may be selected and highlighted graphically in the
network diagram. The graphical selection methods are:
- click a single object with the left mouse button to select it
- Shift + left mouse button to add the object to the current selection.

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- Ctrl + left mouse button to unselect object(s)

All currently selected objects form the current selection (set). The current
selection set is shown in the selection feedback window (on the desktop,
if not visible: Toggle with tab Design, group Topology View>Hide
selection feedback) The current selection can be deselected by pressing
the escape-key only.
See also object sets and paths Object Oriented Interaction

Object-oriented interaction within the network scheme serves to enter or
view scenario parameters and to view graphs or reports of simulation
results. Editing or adding labels is also possible, if no edited version of
the network yet exists.
Clicking the right mouse button on a network object (node, element)
opens an object-specific context menu. Scenario parameters for the
network as a whole can be edited by clicking on open space outside a
network object. Also in a picture or a result table an object can be
identified by clicking the right mouse button. A context menu is provided,
differing in some items depending on whether the object is an element or
a node, Also items to set most commonly used parameters for the type of
object clicked are included.

Display invokes a list of pre-defined displays with simulation results for

the selected object. The list differs depending on the type of
Display > invokes a pre-defined picture of simulation results for the
Picture selected object.
Display > .v1 opens a popup window showing trend graph(s) for the
v2 … selected object and the listed variables A variable shown in
the graph can be (re-) selected clicking it in the legend of the
window with the right mouse.
Info > Table invokes an small table which contains the scenario
parameters and simulation results for the object at the current
Display Time.
Info > Object displays general information on the selected object
Info > Topo positions the network scheme display to show the current
object. This is useful if the menu is invoked from a picture or a
result table item.
SCADA invokes the SCADA sub-menu, if the SIMONE installation is
licensed and configured for on-line use. The SCADA sub-
menu is outlined in a separate document.
Parameters shows the settings of scenario parameters for the current
object and allows to edit them.
Subsystem > invokes a pre-defined picture of simulation results for the
Picture* subsystem to which the selected element belongs to.

Subsystem> shows the settings of scenario parameters for the related

Parameter* subsystem and allows to edit them.

Subsystem > The defined attribute values for the subsystem are shown in a
Attribute table
Subsystem > marks all objects of the appropriate Subsystem

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Flood Nodes only: „floods“ the pipes that are connected with the
respective node up to the next disconnection by closed valves
or controlled elements.
Attribute Shows the attribute values defined for the current object in a
values table.
Copy picture Copies the actual picture (e.g. the network scheme or a table)
into the clipboard.
Copy object Copies the name of the object that has the focus into the
name clipboard.
- Edit Invokes the label editor (as in the network editor)
- New Text create a new text label for the object
- New Image create a new image label for the object

* For elements only Display of Results

The network scheme provides various possibilities to configure the
results which are to be displayed in graphic and numeric form.
The Display Time for which the simulation scenario parameters apply,
as well as for which simulation results are displayed within the network
scheme, pictures or tables can be selected either by using the Time
setting tools offered in the Quick Access Bar or by double clicking the
display time field in the status bar (7th status field from left).
Simulation results which apply at the Display Time are included in the
Network Scheme by Dynamic Coloring of the objects. Closed objects
are displayed in red color, whereas open or by-passed objects are in
green. The color of the pipe legs indicates some simulation result, for
which the legend is shown in the upper left corner of the network
scheme. The type of variable controlling the dynamic coloring can be
selected from the "main views" list box in the view group of the home tab
or when invoking the dynamic colors dialogue in the design tab. The
dialogue allows to define the coloring of pipe legs according to sub-
ranges of simulation results for a selected parameter type (extension).
The sub-ranges may be either calculated automatically from the values
for the pipe legs in the displayed part of the network scheme (dividing the
full range into equal parts according to the number of different colors
defined or distributed by a percentage of the full range as defined). Also
the sub-ranges can be defined by explicit values of the selected
The defined coloring table can be stored under a chosen name. By
checking ‘public’ it will be made accessible to other users as well.
A ‘default’ table is defined (and can be changed) for ‘any’ parameter. This
default table is used whenever no specific one for a parameter is defined.
Also it can be (re-)selected to be applied for a parameter from the ‘name’
The parameter used for coloring can not only be chosen from the
supplied list, but this can also be extended by just typing the additional
name in the combo box. Closing the dialogue with OK will save the last
recent definition and set the coloring to the selected parameter.
Click ribbon tab Design, group Topology View, Layer definition to select
the layers for the user defined labels. User defined labels mainly serve to

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present the simulation results and can be allocated by the user to 63

different layers. More see Layer Definition.
Click ribbon tab Home, group View, Values/Names to toggle between the
presentation of names and values in generated default labels of others
displaying ‘tvext’..

2.9.2 Pictures and Windows

Clicking an object in the network scheme with the right mouse button
invokes a context menu from which under the item Display a standard
picture or a popup window can be selected to visualize simulation results.
A window pops up on the network scheme and can be managed
(moved, resized, etc.) the usual way. It contains initially a one or more
trend graph(s) with the variable(s) of the object. Clicking the window with
the right mouse button opens a context menu from which another
variable valid for the object can be selected for display (If more than one
variable is displayed in the window, click on the name of the variable you
want to replace in the legend).
The values for the same variable(s) but for another object of the same
type can be included in the graph, if the name of the respective object
was copied into the clipboard before (click with the right mouse button at
the respective object -> “copy object name”), this name will appear in the
list of variables offered (the variable if applicable for the current object as
If the list of variables in a display has been changed like this, it can be
added to the choice list for Display in the context menu by selecting the
respective item ‘Add to choice list …’ in the windows context menu.
A picture is a fixed collection of graph windows, each having a fixed size
and position within the display area. The selected picture replaces the
network scheme in the display area and will show the most commonly
accessed simulation results for the respective object.
Generally input parameters (like setpoints and boundary flows) are
shown along with the results, their meaning differentiated by colors and
style. A legend is provided within the graph as to indicate the respective
Setpoints will be also taken from the initial state, which is assigned to the
current scenario in the scenario definition.
Changes in the scenario input will be shown immediately. At this time
both graphs (of e.g. specified boundary flow Q and Q (old)) representing
the quantity with which SIMONE has calculated before) could be varying
from each other. After executing the simulation, they should be identical.
Time Zooming is implemented in trend graphs to analyze the simulation
results within a smaller time interval. To zoom in time, draw a box on the
trend graph by keeping the left mouse button pressed. To un-zoom the
time scale, press <Alt> + right mouse button
Pictures and windows may be invoked by several methods. The above
described context menu can not only be invoked by clicking an object or
a related label in the Network Scheme, but also by clicking a cell in a
table, or a graph in a picture, if an object is related to it.
Also, from the "main commands" list box in group View in the Home
tab, pictures and windows may be invoked, e.g. a profile along a
currently selected path (see above). Any defined picture can also be
invoked by command entry in the toolbar (see below).

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Standard and customized pictures are composed of graphs that may
display simulation results either in time (trend), location (profile) or as
trace of the working point within an envelope diagram (trajectory)..
Pictures may be either common (valid for all networks) or specific
(defined only for the current network).
A SIMONE standard installation already provides a choice of pre-defined
Common Pictures. These can be edited but not deleted. Rather edited
versions as well as additional user-defined pictures are kept separate as
custom pictures. This allows to install new or changed pictures when
updating the installation without overwriting any user edited pictures.
Also, by deleting custom versions of pre-defined pictures, it is possible to
return to their retained original. Invoking pictures and windows from the command line

The following table contains some useful pictures, with which also easily
further parameters and variables, not represented in standard pictures
can be displayed (<object> denotes the object name and <ext> the name of the
SIMONE variable type)

Syntax Description
T1 <object> .< ext> trend graph of a single variable
T2 <object1> . <ext1> two separated trend graphs of two variables
T1N object1> . <ext1> Up to 4 trend graphs in a single picture
<object2>.<ext2> …
SD <object1> <ext1> Trend graph of the status of a controlled object.
(mode of a compressor station or a control
XY <object1> . <ext1> Displays e.g. variable1 (y-coordinate) versus
<object2>.<ext2> variable2 (x-coordinate)
PX <ext> If a current path is highlighted in the network
scheme, this displays a profile of <ext> along
this path.

The possible names for <ext> are to be found completely in the sections
scenario parameter and variable reference.
If enclosed in parentheses, also the value of expressions can be
displayed, e.g. T1 (A.Q+B.Q).
If the picture name is preceded by a colon (;), the picture is displayed in a
popup window.
If you would like to call up a picture of the pressure trend of the node X
and Y, you might take the T2-Picture by typing in the following command
into the command line:
T2 X.P Y.P
<Object1/2> means the objects name (in this case <Object1> represents
the node X , < Object2> the node Y) and <ext1/2> the SIMONE variable
P for the pressure.

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2.9.3 Command line features

Some display features are controllable by commands:

TIME <t1> <t2> can be used as an alternate to set the time interval for trend
graphs (use TIME ALL to reset to complete available time
TREQ <t0> can be used to directly specify the display time.
HI_LIGHT allows to highlight a named object set by making it the
<object_set> current selection.
HI_LIGHT allows to highlight all objects matching a logical expression,
<expr> e.g. use HI_LIGHT %.p>50 to see all objects with a
pressure greater 50 (in selected default units)

Any command including those described above for invoking pictures can
be remembered under ribbon tab Tools - group Shortcuts -> Command
shortcuts to be included in the Main Commands tool or also be used in
defining label actions triggered when (double) clicking a label defined in
the network editor (see Options in Chapter Add/edit Labels).

2.9.4 Viewing Results Tables

A Result Table is a spread-sheet which contains simulation results and
scenario parameters for the currently selected scenario.
The Display Time for which the simulation results are shown within the
Results Table can be selected either by using the time setting tools
offered in the toolbar or by double clicking the display time field in the
status bar.
When a scenario is selected, click ribbon tab Home – group View -
Results to access the list of Results Tables defined. A standard SIMONE
installation already comes with a choice of pre-defined tables. New
Tables can be created under ribbon tab Design – Tables - Create or by
modifying an existing table and store it under another name (see also
section Result Tables)
The contents of a Result Table (including the row and column
descriptions) can be copied to the Clipboard by clicking (right mouse
button) the upper left corner cell of the spread-sheet. Also export to
HTML, SYLK, CSV or text file format can be requested. The data can
then be further processed e.g. by standard spread-sheet or word
processing software.
A results table can also be printed pressing <ctrl> P whenever it has the
input focus (click to any cell of the table to force this if necessary).
Clicking the row header invokes an object-sensitive menu (similar to the
pop-up menus in the network scheme or pictures) that allows to
add/delete/edit scenario entries or to get some information for the
respective object.
The following useful tables have been pre-defined and are included in the

CS gives an overview about compressor stations, their configuration

and setpoint settings. Furthermore pressure and flow conditions
and information about the fuel gas consumption is output.
CV is similar to CS for control valves.

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Limits Shows a special overview on defined limits and marks those in

Path lists data about nodes and elements along a path in the network
(e.g. pressure, flow, etc.) and hence is applicable only if a path or
route has been selected.
The accumulated length of the path in km is given in the first column
as well as the accumulated ‘travel time’ of the gas along the pipe
(under the assumption the currently valid conditions would be
steady state).
NO is a results table for all nodes except supply nodes. It shows
calculated values for the pressure, the absolute offtake quantity and
the qualities (calorific value and relative density) at the respective
Offtakes is similar to NO but lists only nodes where the offtake quantity is
greater than zero.
NS is similar to NO but only for supply nodes.
Supplies is similar to NS but lists only nodes where the supply quantity is
greater than zero.
Pipes is a table of static parameters (e.g. diameter, length, etc.) and
simulation results (e.g. pressure, velocity, etc.) about all pipes of the
network. The column Nm3 shows the current line pack in standard
volume. This allows to easily determine the line pack for a selected
area or pipe section.
RE gives an overview about operating conditions (e.g. resistance,
mode, etc.) and results (e.g. pressure, flow, etc.) concerning
resistor elements.
SUBSYS reflects results for SIMONE subsystem variables (e.g. line pack,
accumulated offtake/supply, etc.).
VA presents mode-, pressure- and flow information concerning all
valves within the network.

2.9.5 Printing
For special printouts header and footer lines can be configured pressing
the application button - Settings - Print. Three parts allocated left,
centered and right in the line may be set.
For some information special names, prefixed by % may be specified,
that are replaced at the time of printing by the actual values. These are

%screen_1_name is replaced by the title bar (program, version)

%network is replaced by the name of the current network
%cdate is replaced with the current date in form 'DD.MM.YYYY'
%ldate is replaced with the current date/time in form
'DD.MM.YYYY hh:mm'
%pg is replaced with the current page number
%sc_name is replaced by the name of the current scenario
%sc_type is replaced by the type of the current scenario
%sc_date is replaced by the date of the current scenario
%sc_start is replaced by the start time of the current scenario
%sc_end is replaced by the end time of the current scenario
%sc_inic is replaced by the initial state of the current scenario

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%sc_cmnt is replaced by the comment of the current scenario

%sc_owner is replaced by the owner of the current scenario

Results tables can be printed pressing <ctrl> P whenever it has the

input focus (click to any cell of the table to force this if
necessary).Predefined header or footer lines are also printed.
The current picture in the display areas can be printed clicking the
application button and then the menu item “Print”->”Print”. Predefined
header or footer lines are also printed
The current network scheme can be printed clicking the application
button and then menu item “Print”>”Print”. Predefined header and footer
lines will not be printed here.
Popup windows cannot be printed with the printing function of SIMONE.

2.10 Customization
The settings dialogue provided by pressing the application button and
then settings allows to customize various aspects of the SIMONE user-

2.10.1 Common
Allows to define whether or not the current working environment (i.e. the
current network, scenario and display) is being saved upon exit from
SIMONE and to be restored upon next startup of the SIMONE desktop.
Allows to set the language to be used when starting SIMONE next time
(only possible if multiple languages have been installed).
The license settings are shown and may be configured (see chapter
License settings).
The number of recent network directories, networks, scenarios to be
remembered for quick return can be set.

2.10.2 Graphs
The line thickness for axes and plots can be set as well as the font to be
used in pictures and for the user interface.
The menu style for the user interface can be selected to return to the
previous versions menu and toolbar instead of the new ribbon style
The background and foreground color for the network view is changeable
as well as color themes for the presentation of the results in pictures.

2.10.3 Simulation
Various default settings for scenario execution can be pre-defined such
as time-step, compressibility formula, quality tracking on/off, etc.
These settings take effect when a new scenario is created only. The
respective control parameters are then automatically inserted to the
scenario definition (if different from the basic default assumed by the

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These settings apply to the network and are shared by all users.

2.10.4 Print
Allows to define the layout of header and footer lines for printouts, see
printing under display area.

2.10.5 Units
Allows to set the default units of measure to be used in SIMONE. To
ease customization for different working environments, several sets of
defaults are supported: metric, imperial, general, user-defined.
Within each set, a particular choice of units is provided for all types of
quantities like pressures, flows, temperatures, …In the metric set the
most commonly used metric units are offered, in the imperial set the
same is true for customary units. The general and user-defined sets are
pre-defined to contain the list of both types of units. Having chosen a set,
the default units for the individual type of quantity may be re-defined.
Clicking on the SETUP Button, it is possible to configure unit lists for the
different types of quantities. Only the units marked here as "Show" will be
available in the settings dialogue for the respective quantity.
Switching the active set changes the default units for all types of
The default units thus defined are immediately applied and retained
unless re-defined again using this dialogue. The settings apply to and are
saved for the current user only.

There are a lot of opportunities, however, where you may define

particular units for display: in labels in the network scheme, graphs and
tables units may be defined differently from the default for a particular
variable displayed. This can be accomplished by appending the unit
abbreviation (in square brackets, as shown in this dialogue) to the
variable name. Abbreviations using special characters like °C, m 3 can be
also written as C, m3 as commonly used. Reference conditions

The units of flow (in standard volume), calorific value, units of linepack
(volume/energy), etc. are referring to standard conditions. These are
selectable from a list of most commonly used sets of reference pressure
and temperature (including the combustion temperature relevant for the
definition of heating value) differently for metric and imperial units.

The reference conditions can be selected in the network editor only and
are stored for the network. All data entered/displayed for the network is
then interpreted to be referring to these reference conditions. When
switching between metric and imperial units the re-calculation will respect
the change in reference condition according to ISO 13443.

2.10.6 License Settings

SIMONE uses a hardware dongle and a license key to check for the
individual set of licensed options. The dongle may be checked either
locally or, in a networking environment, also by a license server.

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The following basic information is displayed under license settings

(application button – settings – common tab)

License type local dongle check or license server

License server the name of the computer where the license server used is
running, if applicable
Default license The ID of the installed license used by default.
Full license Online systems: The ID of the interactive license configured
Viewer License Online systems: The ID of the viewer license configured
Online cycle Online systems: The ID of the background license used for
license the automatic cyclic functions.

The ‘configure’ button is provided to invoke the license manager, that

allows to update and configure the licenses and their usage if necessary.
It is also automatically invoked if SIMONE detects a problem with getting
a valid license on start-up so as to allow fixing it.
The license manager allows to change the following options

License selects whether a local dongle or a license server should be

type used
License select the license server to be used (by defining the name of the
server computer where it is running)
Dongle type if a local dongle is used, it may be necessary to switch the
hardware type of the dongle

The CUSTID and the serial number of the attached dongle is displayed
for information, as well as a list of available licenses in a table. If local
dongle check is used, only a single license can be stored.
A button ‘add license’ is provided to allow entering a new license key.
This changes the active license in case of local dongle checking, for a
license server environment it adds to the list of available licenses (or
updates an existing one, if a license of the same ID was already present).
The button ‘activation key’ enables entering a key to re-enable a dongle
provided for an evaluation license after it has expired.
If multiple licenses are available, the usage of the licenses for the current
user can be determined in the table. The available ‘usage types’ are:

Standalone Normal use as default license

Full Used as interactive license
Viewer Used as viewer license
Online Used for the cyclic functions running in the background (only
Cycle possible to be changed by the SIMONE Administrator)
Unused License not used by the current user

The Full/Viewer and Online Cycle usage normally apply for online
systems only. The usage type settings should be done according to the
information provided along with the license sheets.

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Network Editor • 26 Userguide Version 6.3

3 Network Editor

3.1 Network Editor - Overview

SIMONE has an editor by which networks can be created and edited. The
elements in a network are displayed graphically using symbols and lines to
represent the various elements in the network and how they are connected.
In the network editor all static model parameters like length, diameter and
roughness of pipes as well as defaults for the basic gas parameters have to be
defined. Also the reference conditions for standard volume and calorific value
units that are used later have to be selected here.
The graphic topology view created in the editor is afterwards used to allow for
easy object-oriented interaction with the system and provides the basis for
graphical representation of results. That’s why the editor not only allows to draw a
scheme of the network and to enter the basic data for the elements, but also
features a lot of possibilities to add and configure labels and to influence the
layout of the graph.
A layer concept has also been introduced to support different views of the
network according to user selection as well as depending on the zoom-state.
Creating and editing of networks in SIMONE is separated from the working
environment. Changes are always made in a copy of the actual network
description. The copy is called the “inactive” version of the network. To make the
changes become effective, the item Network > Activate changes has to be
selected from the main menu of the SIMONE Desktop.
Once a network description has been completed, and activated, any number of
different simulation or optimization scenarios can be defined for the network. The
definition of a scenario includes the dynamic setting of simulation parameters
such as supply and offtake quantities

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1. Windows header The window header contains the following information

network name, network version (active/inactive)
2. Application button, presents a menu of basic commands to handle the
network, like New, Save, Import, Print and Exit
3. Quick access bar, displays often used functions for the editing.
4. The ? invokes the Online help
5. Ribbon tab. The main ribbon tab is named Start and presents the most used
commands for the editing. SIMONE uses 4 tabs: Start, View, Parameter and
6. Groups. The commands of a ribbon tab are divided in several groups
according to their function.
7. Network overview The left area called “Network overview” shows a reduced
presentation of the whole network. This Overview can either be hidden (View-
8. Selection feedback a window with the names of the actually selected
elements and labels (black: visible in the actual screenshot or layer; red: not
visible in the actual screenshot or layer
9. Main working area. The network graph is entered and displayed graphically in
the main working area.
10. Statusbar. The status bar shows the zoom level of the network display, the
used resources as a progress bar (number of used elements and nodes as share
of the maximum number of elements) and a help text for the actual used edit
function. To see the help text in a box, please just keep the mouse for a few
seconds over the help text.

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3.2 The Window Header

The window header contains the following information:

• Network name
• Network version (active/inactive)
Character * (asterisk) if the network has not been saved
• read only, if applicable.

The editor recognizes two versions of the network: active and inactive. All
scenarios are carried out with the active version.

The inactive version, if present, is automatically loaded by the network editor,

otherwise the active network is used (e.g. with a new network). Initially the
inactive version is a copy of the active version and is marked active* in the
header line until it has been saved. Once an inactive version exists both versions
can be viewed in the network editor. The active version is now marked as read
only however and cannot be edited.
The inactive version of the network is activated by selecting Network > Activate
changes from the main SIMONE menu.

Activating a new network deletes all previous scenario results.

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3.3 Application Button

The envoked menu enables new files to be created and saved and existing files
to be opened for further editing. The pull-down menu is as follows:

New Erases the current network graph thus allowing to create a new
Alt+N network from scratch
Save Saves the edited inactive version.
Import Import another network description
After selecting the network for import, a click with the left mouse
button determines the position of the imported network in the
The import is started by pressing the left mouse button. If names of
elements or nodes array exist in the current network, new unique
names are automatically generated.
Print Prints the current network section in the display using the current
Ctrl+P printer settings
Exit Exits the network editor. If changes were made, you will be asked
whether or not you want to save these changes and to activate
them directly in case that they are not relevant to the simulation

3.4 Quick Access Bar

Shows / hides the ribbon menu of the ribbon tabs to have more
place for the network editing
Saves the edited inactive version

Resizes the network to the full view after zooming in

Undoes the last actions.

Redoes the last actions

Click to draw a pipe

Click to draw a valve

Click to draw a compressor station

Click to draw a control valve

Click to draw a non-return valve

Click to draw a resistor

Click to draw a storage

Click to draw a metering station

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Click to draw a joint

3.5 Start Tab

This ribbon tab is the first tab and contains the most frequently used
commands. It is divided in 5 task groups.

3.5.1 Edit

Full View Resizes the network to the full view after zooming in
Copy Copies the selected element(s) into the editor clipboard.
Ctrl+C Copy also with Ctrl+C, the appropriate button of the
toolbar, and, for labels and pictures, with the context menu
(right mouse button)
Cut Copies the selected element(s) into the editor clipboard
Ctrl+X and deletes the selected element(s).
Paste Inserts elements from the editor clipboard at the mouse
Ctrl+V position This action does not empty the clipboard.
Delete Deletes the selected element(s). The key <DEL> has the
Del same effect. As the deleted elements are not stored in the
clipboard, recovery is only possible with the choice Undo.
Unselect Deselects the previously selected element(s)
Search opens a window with a search dialog to find elements and
Ctrl+F the corresponding labels.
Undo Enables the last action to be undone. The buffer contains
Ctrl+Z all actions of the current SIMONE session.
Redo Redoes actions which have previously been undone.
Global Allows changes in element parameters to be made for all
changes selected elements or for the complete network.
Element Data Opens an edit dialogue that contains a table of all selected
F5 elements arranged according to type. If nothing is
selected, the table lists the whole network. The data can
then be edited.
Node Data This feature is similar to the foregoing feature (Element
F6 Data). The table contains the columns Name, Alias, Height
and Supply. Except for the column Supply, which is only
for information purposes, all columns may be edited.
Attribute Opens a window to define, edit or delete user-defined
definitions F4 attributes.
Attribute Opens a window to define, edit or delete user-defined
values F3 attribute values for network objects.
Subsystems Invokes a table with all subsystems of the network.
Alt+S Subsystems and subsystem attributes can be defined. All
elements of the subsystems can be edited.

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Enables the whole network to be searched for objects, subsystems, element

names, node names and alias names.
The search key can contain wildcards such as * and ? (strings are represented
by *, single characters by ?). Even a condition may be used as a search factor.
All elements with a diameter greater 1000:
All elements with a diameter equal 900:
Corresponding labels may also be searched.
After a successful search the following actions are possible:
- Make a selection of the result
- Mark the selected objects or labels. Attention: this is an additive
selection which includes already selected elements.
- Create an intersection with the already marked objects in the network model
- Show marked objects in the middle of the screen. Global Changes

This function can be used to carry out global changes to selected parameters for
selected element types. If there are selected elements (see selection feedback
window), the changes concern only these elements. If nothing is selected (use
“unselect all”), the changes will affect the whole network.
The window shows three tabs on the left: parameter attributes and properties. On
the right side the choice of types can be limited.
All parameters for the selected elements with its values and its units are shown in
a table. If the selection of elements has different parameters the entry is “multiple
The attributes name, type and value are shown. For different values of the
corresponding elements the entry is “multiple values”.
Shows the name of the subsystem, the symbol size, pipe width (line width) and
pipe width mode (dependency of the pipe width, for example the pipe diameter). Element Data

A table shows all parameters of the selected elements (or of all elements, if
nothing is selected).
The entries can be edited. Invalid entries are shown with a red background.

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The parameters of all selected nodes (or of all nodes, if no node is selected) are
shown in a table.
The entries can be edited. Invalid entries get a red background. With the change
of the height of a node that is connected with active elements all heights of nodes
that are connected with these active elements (compressor stations, control
valves, valves…) will get a red background and are to be adjusted. Attribute Definitions

Opens a window to define, edit or delete user-defined attributes. The parameters
of existing attributes are shown and can be edited or deleted.
New attributes can be defined, besides the extension, description and type a
lower and an upper limit can be determined.
The right side of the table shows the allocation of attributes to element types.
See also Chapter 6 “User defined Attributes” Attribute Values

Opens a window to define, edit or delete user-defined attribute values for network
objects. After selecting the extension, all already assigned values are shown.
With “Add Value” a new value can be defined for a specific object.
The “Edit Element” dialogue (context menu for elements) also provides to define
attribute values.
See also Chapter 6 “User defined Attributes” Subsystems
When a new network is created, all elements are assigned to a subsystem
named “default”.
Existing subsystems are shown in a table. The first column contains the
subsystem names. The respective attributes of the subsystem – if defined - are
shown by a click at the cell in the second column. The third column shows the
number of assigned elements. A click with the left mouse button on that
information invokes a table with the information of all elements of the respective
subsystem. Each element can be edited by clicking on “…” (Column “Edit”).
“Select all” selects all elements of the subsystem in the network model. New
subsystems are created with “Add Subsystem”. Groups of selected elements can
be assigned to the new subsystem by the menu item “Edit>Global
changes>Properties”, individual Elements by invoking the “Edit” context menu
with a click of the right mouse button
Elements may only belong to one subsystem.

3.5.2 Elements

The network description is a structured list of all the elements contained

in the network. The elements can be selected from the following list :

Pipe A section of pipeline with constant diameter

and absolute roughness

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Valve Two possible states - on and off,

considered to be of zero volume

Compressor A simplified representation of a gas

station compression system. Detailed definition of
the elements within a compressor station is
available as an additional program option.
Control valve An element controlled to a prescribed set-
point (input pressure, output pressure, flow
rate, etc.).

Resistor Used to represent an element with

pressure drop but without length or volume,
such as a partially close valve or pipe
bends. May also be used to model a
constant pressure drop, regardless the
Gas storage A container of fixed volume, considered to
have zero length. A storage element only
represents an additional capacity. No kind
of temperature computation concerning
heat-transfer-effects is supported.
Joint Enables a single node to be given two
different names. A joint can be used for
creating two or more nodes with different
properties (e.g. supply/offtake node) at the
same place.
Non-return This element allows flow only in one
valve direction.

Metering A metering station by default is like a

Station control valve in bypass. Usable in
reconstruction only.

3.5.1 Gas

Gas properties… Gas parameters and gas components

Default Values… Display/Adjustment of some default values
Reference conditions… Pressure and temperature of the standard
Quality tracking Defines the mode for the quality tracking
options… Gas properties and user-defined quality parameters

This menu item allows for the definition of properties and composition of default
gas and gas supplied in each supply node.
Also user-defined quality parameters can be defined here for tracking purposes.
SIMONE does not care for their physical meaning, but just tracks and mixes them
as if they were gas properties (i.e. a volume based mixing rule is applied). At
minimum the properties and/or composition of the default gas have to be defined.
Only if quality tracking is intended to be used in the simulation, it makes sense to

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also define (default) values for the supplied gas(es) at the different supply nodes.
Defining the composition is based on specifying the fraction of different gas
components present in a particular gas expressed as molar or volume
percentage. A set of 21 gas components as used and necessary for some
equations of state (like AGA8-DC92 or GERG2004)- is pre-defined.
The physical gas properties used in SIMONE such as relative density, calorific
value, pseudo-critical pressure and temperature, etc., can be calculated on basis
of the gas composition or being set directly. This can be selected when right-
clicking a parameter. If the calculation option is chosen, the parameter is also re-
calculated during a simulation if parameter changes are defined in the scenario
input for the supplied gas at the respective supply node At this point the sum of
all components must be 100 % (for components not specified in the scenario
input, the last recent value or from the default set here in the editor is being
used)..If the sum is not 100%, the component fractions are normalized by
applying and appropriate factor to all non-zero components). However, the
calculated value (like density R) is only used if not explicitly set in the scenario.
The physical properties and gas components as well user-defined parameters are
addressed as quality parameters and shown and managed together in the basic
table invoked under this menu item.
The equations of state supported in SIMONE use different sets of gas properties
or components that might need to be tracked if different gases are transported in
the network. As memory demands can be high if a full set of components shall be
tracked in a large network, the quality tracking options dialogue allows to set the
quality tracking ‘style’ to only track the physical properties. In that case, however,
it is only possible to use equations of state (like the default PAPAY.formula) not
requiring any components.The only exception being implemented for SERG88: If
YCO2 and/or YH2 are defined as user-defined gas parameters, their values are
used instead of XCO2 and XH2 (but the values need to be in fractions then, not
The basic table showing gas properties, gas composition and user-defined
parameters uses the following columns for each parameter:

Quality The names of quality parameters (max. 4 characters) are used to

parameter address them in the scenario definition as well as for displaying
names their resulting values in nodes.
Unit Units of respective quality parameters.
Description A more descriptive text for the quality parameter or gas
component is shown here.
Default gas Value of the respective parameter valid for the default gas (used
to initially fill the network).
Supply nodes Values valid for the gas supplied in the respective supply node are
shown in subsequent columns. All nodes defined as supply nodes
in the network are automatically entered into this list.

The table shown is vertically divided into the following sections:

• User-defined quality parameters. User defined quality parameters can be
edited and deleted.
• Gas physical properties – i.e. the following quality parameters:
R Relative density of gas (at selected reference conditions, see Tools-
CV Volumetric heating value of gas (at selected reference conditions)
TC (Pseudo)critical temperature of gas
PC (Pseudo)critical pressure of gas
ACF Acentric factor of gas

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CP0A,,CP0B, CP0C Ideal gas specific heat coefficients

By clicking a value with the right mouse button, the respective gas
property can be either marked to be calculated from the gas composition
(the resulting value is then shown in gray color) or its value can be
directly entered (shown by black color).
• Gas composition – molar fractions of gas components.. The user can
enter the gas composition in molar % or volumetric % (these are defined
for standard condition like flow rate units). The sum must be equal to
100.00% (if not the fractions column is shown in red).
From the gas composition the gas properties of supplied gas both in the
network editor and in scenarios can be calculated. Default Values

This menu item invokes a dialogue to set the dead state values and some gas

Dead state Pressure and temperature values for dead state (INIT).
A ‘dead state’ is generated with the activation of a network
and can be used as the initial conditions for a scenario when
no other initial conditions are available (e.g. with a new
network). All nodes are set to this pressure and temperature,
the flows are set to zero, compressor stations and control
valves are by passed and all valves are considered to be
Gas Adiabatic coefficient and dynamic viscosity of the gas
parameters mixture. Reference conditions

The units of flow (in standard volume), calorific value, units of linepack
(volume/energy), etc. are referring to standard conditions. These are selectable
from a list of most commonly used sets of reference pressure and temperature
(including the combustion temperature relevant for the definition of heating value)
differently for metric and imperial units.
The reference conditions can be selected in the network editor only and are
stored for the network. All data entered/displayed for the network is then
interpreted to be referring to these reference conditions. When switching between
metric and imperial units the re-calculation will respect the change in reference
condition according to ISO 13443. Quality tracking

Type of Quality Physical properties tracking

tracking When quality tracking is turned on in a simulation, only
the user-defined quality parameters and gas physical
properties are tracked.
Relative density, heating value, pseudo critical pressure
and temperature are tracked.
The acentric factor and specific heat coefficients are only
tracked together with the gas components (Gas
composition tracking), only then the 3-parametric
formulae for ZET can be used.

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The tracking of first four gas physical properties is the

default option if Quality Tracking is licensed.
Gas composition tracking
All gas physical properties and molar fractions of active
gas components are enabled for tracking. Active gas
components are shown and used in the gas properties
and components table.
Hydrate Enables the Hydrate Formation Risk module to be used,
formation risk i.e. adds 2 required quality parameters WC and IC.
This option must be separately licensed and is only
applicable if quality tracking is enabled, i.e. Gas
properties tracking or Gas composition tracking option is
available and set.
Higher If a number greater zero is entered here, the results
resolution database is prepared to store also quality flags inside a
displaying single pipe leg, so the quality distribution along a pipeline
quality will be shown in higher resolution in x-series graphs. The
distribution number entered is a hint of how many flags per pipe
element may occur (on average) and is used to pre-
allocate resources. A value of 10 is recommended

3.5.2 Selection
In this group several options to select nodes – elements – labels are
Selection determines whether elements, labels or nodes are
Filter selected in the following. As default all types are selected.

Basic Select Shift and left mouse button – drawing a rectangle to select

Circle Multi Same way like the basic select – drawing a circle to select

Path Select Elements along a path are selected

3.5.3 Transformation

Move Sets the mouse into the move mode

Rotate Rotates the selected element around a rotating point

Scale scale the selected objects by keeping the geometric arrangement

of the elements. This means that orthogonality and parallelism is
being considered and maintained.
Stretch scale the selected objects without keeping the geometric
arrangement of the elements.
Mirror Mirror mirrors the selected objects. If nothing is selected, the
whole Network is mirrored.

3.6 View Tab

3.6.1 View
Additional network Opens a second network in read only mode to be
Alt+O viewed in parallel to the edited network.

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Compare Network Compares the actual network with a second one.

with… Alt+C

Load active Version the active version of the network is loaded.

Load inactive If any, the inactive version is loaded into the editor.

Focus selection shows the actually selected elements in the middle

Alt+F of the screen

View properties… Opens a window with several parameters for the

screen performance.
Regenerate Regenerates the default labels for all elements. On
default labels F7 request existing (user-defined labels) are not
overwritten. Compare network with

After selecting a second network for the comparison, the following results are
Create text report: invokes a result table with following content:
- Nodes in network A (actual network), but not in network B (compared
- Elements in network A, but not in network B
- Nodes in network B, but not in network A
- Elements in network B, but not in network A
- Objects in both but with different parameters

Show differences: the second network is loaded in read only mode with those
elements selected that are different.

Show changes: selects those elements in the actual network that exist in both
networks but with different parameters. View Properties

Opens a window with several parameters for the screen performance:
Hide nodes when zoom is smaller than %
Either enter an adequate number for the zoom level or click at “Calculate suitable
threshold”. This gets SIMONE to calculate a suitable value for the displaying of
the nodes. A minimum distance of nodes in the network model is taken into
account to guarantee a fitting result.

Hide marked nodes when zoom is smaller than %

Hides supply nodes, fuel gas nodes and offtake nodes (only displayed with a
simulation) when the zoom level is smaller than the number set here.

Set the current zoom to 100 %

Sets the current display of the network to 100 % related to the screen shot

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Size factor for the display of the nodes (0.1-10)

Size factor for the display of the font (0.1-10000)

Element unit length (in world coordinates)

The basic settings for font size and symbol size are automatically chosen in
relation to how a typical element appears in size, which depends on the distance
of its two nodes in world coordinates. When creating a network interactively,
coordinates are set up appropriately and you need not care. However, when
importing a network from an external source, like a GIS, the import function use
the shortest length of an element as the size hint for the element unit length.
Should this for any reason be inappropriate, it may be set here to another value.
Restart the editor afterwards to have a full feedback on the effect.

3.6.2 Options

Knees Shows the knees

Overview Switches the network overview (left side of the main

working area) on respectively off (Toggle).
Label marker Shows the position of element and background labels that
are actually not shown because of their view parameters
(zoom level, font size). Blue -> if the label is not shown
because of its layer definition, green -> if it is not shown
because its too small font size
Grid Shows a grid for a better orientation when positioning the
View label Toggles the display of user-defined labels between
definitions definitions and sample figures (0.000).

Show Shows a window with the names of the actually selected

selection elements and labels (black: visible in the actual screenshot
feedback or layer; red: not visible in the actual screenshot or layer

3.7 Parameters Tab

3.7.1 Defaults

Displays dialog boxes containing the default element settings for the selected
network. The information is then used to set up default names and parameters for
elements newly created. A newly created pipe, connected to an existing one,
automatically gets the same parameters.

Default settings only apply to the network not to the system as a whole.

Parameter Provides to define/to edit parameter sets – named value

value sets sets for an object type. These parameter value sets can

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be assigned to an object type by using the function “set

parameter value sets” in the edit dialogue for an element.
Elements Defines the default values for all newly created elements.

Labels The default values for the automatically labeling of

elements are defined in that dialogue.
These default labels are created when creating a new

Set Sets the default subsystem for the next created elements.
Subsystem Parameter value sets

Provides to define/to edit parameter sets – named value sets for an object type.
At first you have to appoint the object type and then a name for the parameter
value set. At least the parameters and values are to be defined, according to the
object type.
These parameter value sets can be assigned to an element by using the function
“set parameter value sets” in the edit dialogue of an element. Parameter value
sets can be assigned to elements by their names. Elements
For each object type various default values have to be defined: object names,
names for start and end nodes, symbol size factor, pipe width factor, pipe width
mode (fix or dependent on the pipe diameter) as well as object dependent
parameter defaults as diameter, min. input pressure, max output pressure etc..
Several symbol sets are provided for the drawing of elements. To change the
drawing of existing elements they have to be selected first. “Update draw model
for all selected elements” will redraw all selected elements with of the respective
object type.

Name rules
The naming of the elements and nodes uses a mixture of fixed text and string
variables defined under Name Rules. Even user defined variables may be
defined here. The following variables are already defined

Fixed variables:

NR The next consecutive number

NR0 The last recently used NR
SUB Subsystem name
SN Start node
EN End node

User definable variables:

pi Pipe node names (Default PI)

va Valve and valve node names (Default VA)
cs Compressor and compressor node names (Default CS)

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cv Control valves and control valve names (Default CV)

re Resistors and resistor node names (Default RE)
rv Gas storage and node name (Default RV)

The fixed variables NR and SUB are part of the automatic naming and NR
increases numerically each time it is used. NR0 takes the last value of NR as its
current value.
Fixed and user-defined symbolic names can be combined with alphanumeric and
allowed special characters. Each variable must be enclosed in $.
A node or element name can therefore be defined as follows:
$CS$$NR$ result (with the first use) CS001
$CS$-$NR0$A result (with the first use) CS-001A
$CS$-$NR0$B result (with the first use) CS-001B
$PI$_$NR$ result (with the first use) PI_001
$PI$_$NR$ result (with the first use) PI_002

Blank is not allowed in the name! Labels
For every object type the default labeling can be defined.
First the desired object type has to be selected from a list of all object types. On
the right side of the window the appropriate label defaults are shown, divided in
label lines, options, layers and background.
Label lines
The individual lines of the element label are to be defined. A click with the right
mouse button into the first column “Text” invokes a selection box with all available
parameters. The alignment (left, center, right) of the text may be determined as
well as the number of decimals (precision) and a lower and upper bound.
The following options for the labels can be defined:
- Scale on zoom – the font will be zoomed when zooming the network model
- Draw description frame
- Draw object origin line
- Auto oriented – the label will rotate with the corresponding element
- Rotation (DEG) – shows the amount of rotation (DEG:360°)
- Reference point – the “rotation center point” for the label
In this dialogue the visibility of labels in the different layers can be set by
assigning the labels to certain layers.
This dialogue is to define the color of the description frame, the background color
or a background image.
With “gradient” as background mode, point1 and point2 are to be defined as
coordinates as well as the colors for the color gradient.

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A change of the default values causes a change of labeling when creating new
elements. To change all labels, even those of existing elements, use “Edit >
Regenerate Default Labels” (Main menu).

3.7.2 Options
Layer definition This dialogue defines the visibility of labels in the different
Alt+L layers.
Set autosave Activates the autosave function
Validate Network Shows a table with errors of the current network with the
opportunity to resolve them
Wallpaper is Toggle: if enabled, the background image defined to be
interactive wallpaper can be edited Layer Definition

In this dialogue the visibility of labels in the different layers can be set.
This concept may be used to prepare different views of the network graph (by
selecting different sets of labels). These can be selected at run-time using the
layer-definition dialogue from the main menu of SIMONE.
“Layer definition” invokes a window with a table showing all existing Layers.
Layers are defined by a name and a display mode. This display mode has one of
three states:
- Always – all labels and pictures assigned to that layer are always visible
- Never – these labels and pictures are never visible
- Range – all labels and pictures of those layers are visible in a certain zoom
The maximum number of layers is 63. Within a new network model two layers for
automatically defined default labels are defined by SIMONE:
- Element description – for default element labels
- Node description – for default node labels
User defined labels and background labels or pictures are automatically assigned
to layer “Labels”.
These three layers may not be deleted, but renamed by the user.
Beside these three layers up to 60 layers can be defined.
Labels or pictures may also be assigned to several layers.
By clicking at a row with the right mouse button a popup is invoked with the
commands “Delete layer layer name” and “Select all labels in layer layer name”.
Layers can be deleted as long as no label or picture is exclusively assigned to it.
The name of the deleted layer is colored in red and remains until the dialogue is
To delete a layer with labels/pictures in it, just select all the labels/pictures (click
with the right mouse button). Then leave the layer definition dialog and click with
the right mouse button on one of the selected labels/pictures. This invokes an
editing dialogue which applies to all selected labels/pictures. Now you may
change the layer in the layer tab, close the dialogue and delete the empty layer.

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With that function an automatic save with a time factor is started/stopped.
According to that time factor SIMONE will check whether or not there has been a
change – if so, SIMONE will make an automatic save. In case of a crash the
network model can be reloaded. Validate Network

An error table for the network is invoked. The errors can be selected in the first
column of the table. A click with the right mouse button on the first column offers
the possibility to select/unselect all errors. The second column shows the error
text, a click with the right mouse button on that column allows to select the
respective element in the network and to zoom on that element “Hide this type of
error” hides all errors of the same type (see table below). The button “Show
hidden errors” cancels the hiding of the errors.
The following errors are shown in the table. SIMONE offers to resolve the error
automatically as described below:

Error Solution
Node nn is not Removes the node
connected to an element
Invalid name Creates a valid name based on the old name
Invalid Alias nn for Creates a valid alias based on the old alias
object nn
Nn is not a valid nn for Sets the current value to the minimum value
element nn (element
The non-pipe element sets the height of the end node the height of the
nn connects nodes with start node. If the end node is connected to other
different heights non-pipe elements then the height of their nodes
is changed, too.
The height change for sets the length of the element to the height
element nn is more than change + 1 (in meter)
its length.
The height change for sets the height of all relevant nodes to the height
element nn is more than of the start node

The following errors are shown but they cannot be resolved automatically:

• Object nn is referenced by object nn and is not part of the model

• Name nn is shared nn times
• No supply node

3.8 Tools Tab

3.8.1 Grid
The display window contains a grid to enable easy positioning of the network
elements within the window.

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Create Shows/hides grid for easy placement of elements on the

default grid screen. Where needed, a blue auxiliary line can be added
(and removed) by keeping the CTRL key pressed and
clicking the mouse wheel.
Create grid The orientation of the grid will depend on the selected
from elements: a node will appear exactly at a crossing point, the
selection length of an element determines the grid spacing.

Remove grid Removes the display of the grid

3.8.2 Label
Clicking Label from the main menu results in the following pull-down

Increase Font Increases the font size for all selected labels
Decrease Font Decreases the font size for all selected labels
Show Reference Shows the reference points of the labels. Reference
Points points are the pivot points for the labels.
Select default Selects all default labels

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3.9 Shortcuts
Shortcut Function
Alt+N New Network
Ctrl+S Save
Ctrl+P Print
Ctrl+C Copy
Ctrl+X Cut
Ctrl+V Paste
Del Delete
Esc Unselect all
Ctrl+F Search
Ctrl+Z Undo
Ctrl+Y Redo
F2 Global changes
F5 Element data
F6 Node data
F7 Regenerate default labels
F4 Attribute definitions
F3 Attribute values
Alt+S Subsystems
Alt+O Open network
Alt+C Compare network with
Alt+F Focus selection
Alt+L Layer definition
Alt+G Gas properties
F1 Help
Left mouse button Moves the display area
Shift+left mouse Selection rectangle resp. circle
Alt+left mouse button Zoom into the rectangle
Strg+left mouse button Remove from selection
Ctrl+A Select all/Unselect all (Toggle)
Mouse wheel Full view

3.10 Editing the network

The network graph is entered and displayed graphically in the main
working area.
A small overview of the whole network can be invoked by ribbon tab
View, group Options > Overview. If only a section of the network is
shown on the screen, a green frame shows the position of this section in

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the network. With a click of the left mouse button it is possible to jump at
a desired point of the network.
A grid ribbon tab View, group Options > Grid) is provided by the editor for
a better orientation when positioning the elements. Individual lines can be
highlighted in blue color as auxiliary lines by keeping the CTRL-key
pressed and clicking the mouse wheel. An additional click removes the
blue coloring of the line.

3.10.1 Selecting elements

To select an element, just click on it with the left mouse button. To add an
element to the current selection, just press shift with the left mouse
As soon as an element is selected, a window with the name of the
selected element is invoked on the left upper side of the main working
area (selection feedback). The names are shown in red if the position is
outside the screen shot. The window can be switched off by clicking the
“Selection Feedback” toggle of the ribbon tab View, group Options.
There are different methods to select more than one element (ribbon tab
Start, group Selections):
At first a selection filter can be set. This filter determines whether
elements, labels or nodes are selected in the following. As default all
types are selected.

The default selection is the rectangle selection Just press shift and
hold the left mouse button pressed and drag out a rectangle by moving
the mouse over a curve. Pressing CTRL and the left mouse button
unselects all objects inside the rectangle.

As an alternative the circle multi select can be used in the same


With the Path-Select all elements along a path are selected as

follows: First click at the path select button, then select start and end
node of a path.

Only the visible elements will be selected. Elements or pictures

that are not visible in the actual layer are not selected.

Edit->Unselect all deselects the previously selected element(s).

With the combination of CTRL and Shift and a click of the left mouse
button elements are removed from the selection.
All selected elements are listed in the selection feedback window, with a
click on an element in that window it will be focused.
The nodes context menu, invoked by pressing the right mouse button at
a node, provides “Flood area” and “Flood separable area”. Flood area
floods the whole network. This is to prove whether the network is
contiguous. Flood separable area floods the network from the node up to
the next active element.

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3.10.2 Creating an element

The subsystem for the new object is chosen by ribbon tab Parameters,
group Defaults > “Set Subsystem”. When starting the network editor,
always the first subsystem of the list, sort in alphabetical order, is
selected. During the ongoing session the last used subsystem is the
actual one. A group of selected elements can be assigned to a
subsystem by ribbon tab Start, group Edit > “Global Changes”
An element type is selected by clicking the corresponding element
selection button in the ribbon tab Start, group Elements. The parameters
of the new element are assigned by the default values, they can be seen
and edited by the item ribbon tab Parameters, group Defaults >
To position the element in the main working area, the start and end
nodes have to be defined. This is done by clicking the left mouse button
at the start node and then again at the end node. Then the new element
is displayed on the screen. A second element of the same type may
directly be inserted. With ESC the cursor is free to be positioned.
To connect a new element with an existing element just press the alt
button. The start node of the element will snap to the next possible node.
Each element is represented by a pre-defined symbol that can be altered
if necessary for each network. All elements (except gas storage
elements) have a start node and an end node which defines the
orientation of the element.
This orientation has no bearing on the flow direction through a pipe. The
flow rate is positive if the flow direction coincides with the element
orientation, and otherwise negative (e.g. if the direction is clarified by
direction arrows, possibly the absolute value is displayed.)
By default one label is assigned to every object. The corresponding
presetting may be edited by the item ribbon tab Parameters > group
Defaults > “Labels”.

3.10.3 Editing the element parameters

There are different ways to edit the element parameters.
Ribbon tab Start >group Edit >”Global Changes” allows so called mass
operations for element data. Changes of parameters only apply to the
actually selected elements – if nothing is selected, the changes apply to
the elements of the whole network.
Ribbon tab Start >group Edit >”Element data” invokes a table of all
elements or, if elements are selected, of all selected elements. Every row
represents one element.
Ribbon tab Start >group Edit >”Subsystems” individual elements, sort by
their subsystems, can be edited.
Clicking the right mouse button on an element invokes a context menu to
edit the parameters of the element. It shows a three tab dialogue as
- General
This is to define/edit the name (not for pipes), alias name, subsystem
as well as the object parameters and their units.
- Drawings

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The graphical symbols for the element, the symbol location, a size
factor for the symbol and the line width for the pipe can be
defined/edited. The pipe width mode determines whether the line
width should depend on the diameter of the pipe or whether it should
be a fixed number.
- Attributes
All attributes that are available for the respective object are shown to
be filled with values.

3.10.4 Reverse an Element

The reverse command is available in the context sensitive menu of the
according element. The direction of the selected element will be reversed
graphically. This action only effects the simulation when reversing
compressor stations and control valves.

3.10.5 Create Knees

SIMONE provides knees – auxiliary nodes to represent elements and
pipes graphically as polygons. To do so, the element symbol is drawn in
a selectable section.
For the simulation knees are irrelevant; the element or the pipe remains
one object. Nevertheless, they are interesting for the graphical display,
when a selected knee the element can be bent by moving the knee.
To add one or more knees to an element, just invoke the context
sensitive menu of the desired element. There are two commands as
- Create Knee: Any number of knees may be inserted to the selected
element. All knees are inserted left to the objects symbol. With one
existing knee the user may define the segment to place more knees.
- Add Knee to Element element name: Inserts a knee at cursor
A click ribbon tab View, group Options > “Knees” makes the knees visible.
Selected knees can be deleted by pressing the del button.

3.10.6 Segment Elements

Command of the context menu, that divides the appropriate element/pipe
into any number of smaller objects of the same type.

3.10.7 Disconnect Elements

To disconnect elements the context menu has to be invoked just on that
node where the disconnection shall take place. At first the element that
will be separated from the node has to be selected. The respective
command is “Disconnect”.
The two elements are disconnected at the node. A new node is
automatically generated for this purpose.

3.10.8 Edit nodes

Just like elements nodes can be edited in different ways.

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Ribbon tab Start >group Edit > ”Global Changes” invokes a dialogue for
mass operations on selected nodes or, if nothing is selected, on all
Ribbon tab Start >group Edit > “Node Data” invokes a table with the
parameters of all (selected) nodes. Every row shows the parameters of
an individual node.
By clicking with the right mouse button at a node a context menu
provides “Edit”. A dialogue to edit the actual selected node is invoked.
This dialogue has two tabs:
- General
The name, alias name, height and unit are shown to be edited. If the
node is a start or end node of an element (not of a pipe or joint), all
connected nodes are listed in a table. When changing the height of
the actual node, the height of all the connected nodes will change as
At least it is to define whether the node is supply node or not. If so,
the button “Gas properties” is activated, and the gas properties can
be edited.
- Attributes
All attributes available for nodes are shown in a table to add values.

3.10.9 Join Nodes

Two or more selected nodes can be joined by invoking the context menu
on the remaining node and selecting “Join nodes”.

3.10.10 Delete Elements

To delete one or more selected elements, nodes or labels just click “Cut”
in the ribbon tab Start, group “Edit” or use the Del key.

With deleting a node all connected elements will be deleted.

A single node cannot be deleted.

The whole network is deleted by deleting all elements or with”New” from

the menu that is invoked with the Application button. All old, active and
inactive versions of the network are kept until the file is saved.

3.10.11 Add / edit Labels

SIMONE features user-defined labels that provide full flexibility as for
positioning, contents and layout including font selection. They are by
default displayed with fonts scaled to the actual zoom-state. Background
labels may also be defined that are not connected to a network object.
Labels are managed in Layers. SIMONE offers any number of layers to
which user defined labels may be assigned. By default user defined
labels are assigned to layer “Labels”.
In addition to user defined labels SIMONE provides default labels for
elements. They are automatically assigned when creating an element
and allocated to layer “Element labels” or “Node labels”.
A special feature of default labels is the presetting with the parameter
%TVEXT. At runtime this presetting allows a switching of the label from

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showing names to showing values(flow, pressure, temperature…).by

clicking “Label definitions” (ribbon tab View, group Options).
A context menu for elements or nodes is invoked by clicking on it with the
right mouse button, while clicking on a free area allows for creating a
background label or a background image.
The context menu for elements or nodes provides commands to create
element/node labels.

A double click with the left mouse button at a text allows a quick and
easy editing of the label text.

All kinds of labels can be edited by invoking the edit command of the
respective context menu (right mouse button). A 4 tab dialogue opens
with the sections: Labels – Options – Layers – Background. Labels
The section labels serves to add or edit information to be displayed.
A label is considered to be a multi-line text-element and hence this
section of the dialogue is organized as a table, where each row defines a
line of information.
In the first column label any text and/or the value of a SIMONE variable
or expression can be defined for display. It may be embedded in the
surrounding text like:
The surrounding text must be separated from the %parameter by one
space at minimum.
The part Parameter may specify a SIMONE variable or, if the label is
connected to a node or element, only the type of variable (extension)
need to be given. In this case also a user-defined extension may be
used. Also an expression is allowed, if written in parentheses.
The properties of the current scenario may be inserted by using the same
special names (sc_ name, sc_type etc) as when specifying this for the
header lines of a printout.
Furthermore the definition of the desired unit may be suffixed with the
form '['<unit abbreviation>']'. The <unit abbreviation> must match the unit-
type of the variable, otherwise an error message occurs.
With an asterisk (*) specified as <unit abbreviation> the asterisk will be
replaced by the current default unit when displayed.
For functions or expressions this only works, if their unit-type and unit is
known. These can be defined in the function editor or by appending a unit
specifier to the expression (like [P,*] for pressure, see the section about
units in the chapter functions.
Pressure %P [*] outputs the pressure in a node
label in default units.
Wobbe number outputs the Wobbe number in a
%(%.CV/SQRT(%.R)) node label.

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Linepack %TOTAL.ANM3 [MIL.Nm³] outputs the total linepack in

million standard m³ in a
background label.
%(%,P+1) [P,*] [*] Outputs the result of the
expression in default units for

The extension can also be selected from a pop-up menu when clicking
the field by the right mouse button. As a special value also the name of
the object can be specified.

The parameters, which can be selected from a list, depend on the object
type. Clicking a cell by the right mouse button invokes a list of all
possible parameters for the selected element type.

From this menu also the text color for each line may be selected by
pressing the color selection button at the end of the text line. The button
is colored according to the selected color, the default color is black. This
button is also available (at the end of the line) for lower bound and upper
The font for the label as a whole is selected in a font selection dialogue
invoked using the font button. The font size can be selected to be
appropriate for the current zoom level. If afterwards the network display is
zoomed in or out, the font is scaled accordingly (if not ”scale on zoom” is
selected under options).
In the second column alignment the text elements can be adjusted
within the label box (right-, centered, or left-aligned).

In the third column precision the number of decimal places can be fixed.
In the last two columns lower bound and upper bound the values of
limits can be specified. If the value to be displayed at run-time is not in
this range, it is shown in the respective color selected by pressing the
color selection button.
Fully qualified variable names like TOTAL.ANM3 or SUB1.AOFF are
used when defining background labels. Options
This dialogue section allows for setting drawing options for a label.

Scale on zoom While zooming in / out the font scales its size.

Draw description Draws a frame around the label.


Draw object Draws a line between the object and the connected
origin line label. (This is very helpful if there is not enough space
next to the object)

Use fixed Keeps the text at fixed position relative to the screen.

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Placement The options are Foreground - the label covers a pipe

for example and Background - a pipe would cover
the label.
Auto oriented The slope of the label follows the rotational angle of
the corresponding element and adapts when
Orientation Displays the degree of slope (360°: DEG)
Reference object The corresponding element

Reference point The position of the rotation point for the label

Show only if a condition which decides whether the label shall be

following drawn or not can be indicated here. Example::
condition is true %.P>50 -> the label only appears if the pressure at
the node connected to the text is greater 50.
On event Choice: "click left" or "double-click left" at the label.

execute this an action can be indicated in accordance with the

action syntax in the command line, e.g. the display of a
picture.. Layers
In this dialogue the label is assigned to one or more layer(s).
This concept may be used to prepare different views of the network
graph (by selecting different sets of labels). These can be selected at
run-time using the layer-definition dialogue from the main menu of
The layer definition dialogue is also available in the network editor under
options and can be used to name individual layers to ease managing with
them. Also a condition for displaying the labels depending on the zoom
state can be set. To ease specifying a zoom state, the current zoom level
is always displayed in the status bar of the editor. Background
This tab serves to define graphical properties for the frame and the
background of the label.
The default color for the frame is black.
As “background mode” the following options are available:
- None: that means no color for the background, the background will
be transparent.
- Plain: there will be one color in the background.
- Gradient: there will be a gradient between two colors. Two colors and
two coordinates for the orientation of the gradient have to be defined.
With “Background image” an image for the background of the label can
be defined.

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3.10.12 Copy labels

All kind of labels may be copied and inserted at any position using the
context menu (click with the right mouse button). Invoking the context
menu at a node or an element with a label in the clipboard, the context
menu offers “Paste as element label” or “Paste as node label”. All texts,
parameters and options are taken over.
To change the text of the copied label, just double click at it with the left
mouse button.

3.10.13 Add Image, Edit Image

Images (*.bmp, *.jpg, *.png etc) can be attached to nodes or elements or
simply put on the background without reference to a network object.
Clicking a network object allows to add an image, clicking an existing
image offers the further editing possibilities.
A background image is created in a free space. Without any selection (no
selection feedback) a click with the right mouse button invokes a menu
for “Creating new background image”.
The background image can also serve as a wallpaper for the whole
network. To do so, the option “is Wallpaper” is to be activated. Only one
background image can serve as wallpaper. The menu item “Wallpaper is
interactive” of the ribbon tab Parameters, group Options controls the
behavior of the image with regard to the editing of the wallpaper.

A four tab dialogue will be shown with the following sections: Image
To load the image file it is possible to insert the path of the file, or to
search by clicking at “…” in the column “Options”. A preview of the image
is shown. Options
Is wallpaper A wallpaper is a background image that serves as a
wallpaper for the whole network.
Scale on zoom the image size will be scaled dependent on the zoom
Draw description Draws a frame around the image
Use fixed screen keep the screen position affected by the zoom factor
position and the screen section.
Placement The options are Foreground - the image covers a pipe
for example and Background - a pipe would cover the
Orientation (DEG) Displays the degree of slope (360°: DEG)
Scale factor A scale factor in relation to the original size of the
Reference object: The corresponding element (grey if background
Reference point Point of rotation

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Show image only a condition may be specified to decide whether the

if following image, connected with an element, is shown or not.
condition is true: Example: : %.P>50 -> the image is shown only if the
pressure at the node, to which the image is connected,
is greater than 50.
On event Choice: "click left" or "double-click left" at the image.
execute this an action can be indicated in accordance with the
action syntax in the command line. Layers
In this dialogue the visibility of images in the different layers can be set.
The default setting for all images is visible in layer Labels. Background
Graphical properties like the frame color and the background are defined
in that dialogue. The frame for the image is black by default. As
“background mode” the following options are available:
- None: that means no color for the background, the background will
be transparent.
- Plain: there will be one color in the background.
- Gradient: there will be a gradient between two colors. Two colors and
two coordinates for the orientation of the gradient have to be defined.
With “Background image” an image for the background of the image can
be defined.

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4 Scenario Editing

4.1 What is a Scenario?

Once a network description has been completed, any number of different
simulation or optimization scenarios can be defined for that network. A
SIMONE scenario is defined by its properties (i.e. the type of simulation
or optimization task, timing information etc) and the specification of its
parameters (i.e. supply and offtake and flows, gas parameters, control
information, alarm limits).
Once a scenario is executed, additional quantities are calculated (flow
rates, pressures, line pack, speed of flow, etc.). These are called (output)
Both scenario parameters and variables are addressed using a simple,
straightforward concept. For each type of object like e.g. nodes, pipes,
valves, etc. the relevant data items (e.g. flow, pressure, etc.) are
distinguished by a short-hand abbreviation that is presented along with a
short descriptive text in the scenario parameter table or used as a default
heading in displays or result tables.
A concise overview on all available scenario parameters and variables is
given below under Scenario Parameters and Variables Reference.

4.2 Scenario Properties

To create a new scenario from scratch Scenario > New may be
selected from the ribbon tab Home to invoke a dialog that allows to define
the name of the scenario and the following basic properties:

Type of dynamic, static (steady state), reconstruction, optimization, etc.

Initial state name of the initial state of the network, from which the
calculation shall start. This can be INIT (dead state - created
automatically when activating the network) or the terminal state
of another (previous) scenario, indicated by its name.
Date, start Reference (starting) day, start and end time.
and end
Comment a comment, saved with the scenario definition.

Selecting Scenario - Open in the ribbon tab Home, or double clicking the
field Scenario in the status bar (third field from the left) invokes an
overview of already existing scenarios, from which a scenario to be
opened may be selected.
The properties of the current scenario may be changed selecting
Scenario - Properties. The type of task cannot be changed, however !
A new scenario can also be created as a copy of the current one using
Scenario - Save as.

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4.3 Copy, Include, Compare Scenarios

The following possibilities are available in the scenario or review group of
the home tab:

4.3.1 Save as
With Scenario - Save as a copy of the actual scenario is created. The
invoked dialogue provides the opportunity to change all properties of the
scenario, including the type of task.

4.3.2 Include
Scenario - Include copies input from another scenario into the current
one. Depending on the type of the task to be included, the invoked
dialogue features the following opportunities:
• Checking do not overwrite existing parameters, all
parameters for objects appearing in the first scenario
remain untouched, and the additional parameters only
are included. With overwriting the existing parameters,
all entries of the first scenario remain, but if there are
different values for objects that appear in both scenarios,
the values are taken from the scenario to be included.
• If the scenario to be included is dynamic, a time interval
can be specified. Then only the parameters of the
dynamic scenario within this interval are included.
• If both scenarios are dynamic and their dates are
different, Adjust time according to date may be checked.
This causes the time parameters of the included
scenario to be adjusted.
• If a static scenario is to be included in a dynamic one,
the parameters can be included for a particular time
('include with time').
• If both the current scenario as well as the scenario to be
included are dynamic, the option erase matching
parameters before insert can be checked. With this
option set all matching parameters in the source
scenario are deleted before inserting the parameters of
the scenario to be included. The match is defined by
object and parameter being equal. Then all such entries
in the current scenario are erased regardless of their
time before including entries of the other scenario.
For checking the overwrite, however, the time is respected, i.e.
parameters are overwritten only if also their time is equal (unless the
option Do not overwrite existing parameters is set).

4.3.3 Differences
Ribbon tab Home, group Review - Scenario Differences shows
differences in the input table of the current scenario against a selected
other one Only parameters that are different or only appearing in one of
both scenarios are displayed in a table. Differences in values are colored
in red.

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4.3.4 Compare Scenarios

Ribbon tab Home, group Review – Compare Scenarios inserts the results
of a second scenario for comparison into trend or profile displays.
The name of the second scenario which is loaded for comparison is
shown right to the name of the first scenario in the status bar. The
possible icons are the same as for the first scenario.
The comparison scenario can be changed via the dialogue which is
invoked by double clicking this status field or clicking “Compare” in the
ribbon tab Home, Review With a click at the “Swap” button (Ribbon tab
Home, Review) it is possible to swap both, the first scenario and the
comparison one.
It is also possible to include a scenario from another network for
comparison. Use the ‘select network’ button in the selection dialogue to
choose another network. The name of a scenario selected from another
network will then be prefixed by the network name in the status bar.
Of course this makes only sense provided the both networks have been
developed from the same original version and hence have enough in
common. Also the scenarios in the other network must have been
calculated with a version 6.22 or higher.

4.4 Scenario Parameter Editing

The scenario parameters can be defined and edited by means of spread-
sheet style scenario parameter tables. A scenario parameter table can
only be edited if a scenario is selected (or has just been created as
described above). It can be accessed by either of the following methods

• Clicking ribbon tab home, group Simulation - Parameters

invokes a full table containing all parameters (unless
filtered, see below).
• Clicking (with the right mouse button) an object in the
network scheme and selecting Parameters from the
pop-up menu invokes a table with only those scenario
parameters which apply to the specific object.
• The same table is invoked when one of the most
commonly used scenario parameters for the specific
object is selected from the popup. In this case a new
entry corresponding to the parameter selected is already
inserted in the table. If no value is needed for the entry to
be completely defined, the entry may be made without
showing the table (this behavior can be requested by
checking the respective box in the dialogue).
• Clicking to empty space allows to invoke a table for
system parameters (i.e. parameters that apply to the
scenario as a whole).
Any number of tables invoked in the described fashion for the current
scenario can be on the screen at the same time, representing different
views to the common scenario parameter database linked with the
scenario. If changing or adding parameters, all tables will promptly be
updated reflecting the proper state of all parameters shown.

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4.4.1 Parameter Attributes

Most parameters may be specified with a time (in a dynamic scenario)
since which their value should become valid or at which it should change.
Also a condition for the parameter to take effect can be defined, based on
a function of other parameters (defined in the function editor accessed by
clicking ribbon tab Home – group Network - Functions in the toolbar).
A scenario parameter table displays the different attributes of the
parameters using the following columns:

Time Time for the parameter to take effect (if not specified, it takes
effect since the initial time of the scenario, for steady state
scenarios this column is omitted)

Condition Condition (IF, IF NOT etc.) for the parameter to take effect

Object Name of the object, to which the parameter applies

Type Type of the object (compressor station, pipe, valve etc.) or

INCL if the row is representing the hidden set of parameters
coming from another source

Parameter Identification and short descriptive text for the parameter

Value Value of the parameter (if applicable)

Unit Unit of the parameter (if applicable)

Source Information about the origin of the parameter (if imported

from another scenario or from earlier version SIMONE files or
generated as ‘expansion’ of a macro, see below,).

Comments User defined remarks.

Clicking the column headers, sorting of the parameters according to the

respective column can be requested in the usual windows style.
A new row or a copy of a row can be created by selecting from the popup
menu accessible when clicking in the left-most (header) column. The
same menu also allows to mark a row to become inactive, in which case
it will no longer be respected when executing a scenario.
A new (empty) row can be filled as described below. It is marked in red
color until it is complete. A completed new row (as well as a changed
row) is normally marked in blue (indicating that it has not yet been
respected in execution of the scenario). Clicking a cell with the right
mouse button in the column Condition invokes a popup where a
condition can be set selecting its type (e.g. IF, IFN etc.) and a function
previously defined in the function editor.
In the column Object the name of the network object must be given. It
may be typed if not already set (what is the case if the parameter was
selected when clicking an object or the row has been created as a copy).
The content of the cell Type is automatically filled by the object type
(compressor station, valve, node etc.).
Clicking the right mouse button on the cell Parameter invokes a context
menu offering the most frequently used parameters applicableto the
object’s type, provided the cell is empty or the row is still red because it is
not yet completed. Once a parameter is completely specified, the
parameter type can no longer be altered, except if it is a control mode
Most of the parameters need a value (input pressure, offtake quantity
etc.), which can be set in column Value. If the value is a number or an

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Scenario Editing • 58 Userguide Version 6.3

expression, it may be simply typed. Right clicking a value or a condition

defined by function allows to select “Edit Function” to open a focused
function editor window. Otherwise, pressing the right mouse button
invokes a popup, by which a value can be selected from a list. This
applies e.g. to configurations (which have names) or for system
parameters (which also may have distinct values like on or off). But also if
a load profile (previously defined in the profile editor) or a function is used
to define the value, this may be accomplished using the popup. If a
profile is to be set, a multiplication factor for the profile (default > 1.0) can
be defined via an additional dialogue appearing after selecting the profile.
If a value is newly entered the Unit column reflects the default unit set in
Settings-Units as the respective default. Changing the unit means, that
the value is re-calculated to the unit selected. This might be different from
the visualization of the simulation results in a picture, where the default
units from the settings dialogue will be considered. The unit may be also
selected before the value is entered.
The column Source reflects the origin of the data which may have been
included from another scenario or from a file format of earlier SIMONE
versions. If the row was generated by a macro expansion (see below), it
contains the name of the macro. Clicking the cell source opens a popup,
from which showing the expansion can be enabled and disabled. Also the
whole set of parameters included from another source can be hidden,
only a single row containing the keyword INCL in the column type and the
name of the source under source remaining. The popup also offers to
delete all parameters coming from that source.
The column Comments is free for the users remarks.
To all columns except type, unit and source the data may also be typed if
the proper syntax is respected. In any case only a correctly filled row is
accepted and stored.

4.4.2 Push Buttons, filter and sorting options

Almost all entries in the scenario parameter table are supported by
mouse clicks as known from standard windows applications and
described above. At the lower left corner of the dialogue there are three
buttons Close, Reduced / Extended and Filter which offers additional
features (except Close).
The button Close closes the scenario parameter table.
Clicking the Reduced button reduces the number of columns of the
scenario definition table to the most important topics Time, Parameter,
Value and Unit. The button toggles between Reduced and Extended.
Clicking Extended enlarges the table again.
The global scenario parameter table shows all parameters, if no
parameters are selected (see Object Sets and Paths|topic=Object Sets
and Paths). Otherwise only the entries regarding the selected objects are
The Filter button (only available in the global scenario parameter table)
invokes a filter dialogue with three filter options:
• Object Type > Filters for marked types of objects.
• Parameter Type > Filters for marked types of
• Source > Filters for the marked sources named in the
column. Also showing Source.

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For more clarity the scenario definition table can be structured

individually as mentioned in the section before. Clicking with the left
mouse button on the top of the columns Time, Condition, Object, Type or
Parameter changes the sorting/order from ascending to descending and
the other way around.
The combination of the filter and sorting tool allows a very individual
presentation of the scenario parameters, not at least because of the
possibility to call up several scenario parameter tables with different
filtering / sorting options.

4.5 Function Editing

SIMONE allows to define functions, that calculate values derived from

other parameters or variables..
Functions are defined in a function editor invoked the ribbon tab Home –
group Network - Functions. They are stored under a user-defined name
and are defined by an expression.
For more detail on the capabilities and syntax of functions see also the
chapter Functions|topic=Functions.
Functions may be local, i.e. they are stored and defined only for the
current scenario, or global, i.e. they are stored and defined for the
network as a whole.
Clicking Functions invokes the function editor as a table with the already
defined functions organized in rows with the columns name, type,
function, unit type and unit. Clicking the column headers, sorting of the
functions according to the respective column can be requested in the
usual windows style.
A click with the right mouse button on any cell of the table highlights (in
blue) functions referenced to the function of the actual row and invokes a
popup menu:

New inserts an empty row for a new global/local function at

- global the cursor position
- local
Delete deletes the row that has the focus
Cut deletes the row but retains its contents in an internal
Copy saves a copy of the row to the internal clipboard
Insert inserts a row from the internal clipboard as a global or
local function.
Move moves the row with the focus for one position up or down
References Offers to focus on functions referenced and , at the same
Focus/Select time, selects any network objects referencing the function
or being referenced by it. Further the input variables are
shown. Selecting them invokes a window with the
respective time series.
Window shows a picture of the function, if a value is actually
Picture same as window, but the picture is shown on the whole

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Import Imports functions from a text file

Export Exports functions into a text file

Unit-Type and Unit

As functions may define rather complex operations, nor the type of
quantity nor the unit of the result can be automatically determined. To
allow for proper display and unit conversion, the unit type as well as the
unit of the result may be defined for a function. Clicking with the right
mouse button the in the unit type cell offers to select the unit type from a
popup menu.. Once the unit type is defined, the same way also a definite
unit can be selected. If no unit is selected, the function value is assumed
to be in the current default unit of the unit type defined. This. Is typically
true, e.g. if the expression is a simple sum of flows, that are specified
without a dedicated unit. Then the expression will be evaluated in the
current flow units.

4.6 Macros
Macros are named objects which define complex or routine control tasks
(e.g. co-ordinated multiple valve operations). A macro allows to set
parameters for a group of elements by editing a single entry (row) in the
scenario definition. Different sets of parameters can be defined for the
macro, each set forming a state of the macro that is given a name by
which it can be selected.
Macros are edited under the ribbon tab Tools, group Macros. They are
defined in a table, the rows labeled by selected network objects, the
columns labeled by user-defined names for the ‘states’ of the macro. The
contents of the table’s cells define which parameter for the row’s object
should be assigned which setting, when the macro is ‘put’ to the column’s
state. For instance, if the object is a valve, the cell contents may be
simply ON or OFF to define the desired state of the valve.
The rows can be assigned objects by either typing their names or by
simply selecting them in the network scheme. The cell’s contents can
then be edited like scenario parameters, i.e. the setting can be selected
from a context menu that appears when clicking the cell with the right
mouse button.
Actually, the cell contents is set and can also be edited as simple text,
which is interpreted to define a scenario parameter setting. This is done
using the keywords from Version 4.X control statements, i.e. either a
mode (BP, ON, OFF) or control mode (PI, PO, M, …) designator, or any
special parameter setting keyword..
For mode settings the keyword naturally is sufficient, for control modes
and parameter settings of course a value needs to be supplied, like e.g.
PO 56 to set the element named in the row label to a outlet pressure
setpoint of 56. More detail on the respective Version 4.X keywords can
be found in the Version 6 compatibility chapter in the supplements.
Instead of entering definite values in a macro definition, also replaceable
parameters can be used. If %1% %2% …is entered in a macro table cell,
this will be replaced by the string(s) supplied when activating a macro
state in the scenario table.
To activate a macro state in a scenario, a row with the following scenario
parameter attributes assignment is used:

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Parameter Description
Name of Name of Macro
Type of MACRO
Parameter Macro state (Column of Macro)
Value If the Macro definition contains Symbolic Names %1%…,
the respective texts to be used are stored here. Texts are
separated by comma.
Units Not used.

The other attributes have the same meaning.

The set of parameters resulting from the ‘expansion’ of the macro is also
stored and shown in the scenario parameter table but cannot be edited.
The respective rows contain the name of the macro in the column source.
Showing the macro expansion can also be disabled in the filter dialogue
in the tab source.

4.7 Load Profiles

The profile definition table is accessed by clicking ribbon tab Home –
group Simulation – Load Profiles. Because the profile definition is a part
of the scenario, the table is accessible for editing only if a scenario has
been selected.
Profiles are oriented in columns or rows of the table; the button Time
toggles between the x/y orientations.
When clicking with the right mouse button in the upper left cell, the
invoked popup menu enables to copy the complete table into the
Clicking the profile label invokes the following popup menu:

New Creates a new profile

Delete Deletes the profile. If the profile is referenced in the scenario
definition, this item is inactive.
Copy as Makes a copy of the profile under a new name.

Rename Renames the profile. All references to the profile are
automatically redirected.
Adjust Enables to set the sum or mean value of the series. The profile
is then recalculated to fulfill the defined value.
Inter- Sets the type of interpolation between the values of a profile
polation (when used as boundary conditions of the simulation). Two
types of interpolation are offered:
Linear interpolation between the values of the series.
Stepwise interpolation – the later value is valid for the whole
time step.
Show Invokes a picture/window to show the profile graphically.

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Clicking the time label invokes the popup menu below:

Time step Sets the Profile-series time step.

Time Sets the initial and terminal time of the profile. These times
interval need not correspond to the initial and terminal time of the

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5 Scenario Parameter and Variable Reference

5.1 SIMONE Concept for Scenario Parameters

In SIMONE all data are addressed using a simple, straightforward
concept. For each type of object like e.g. nodes, pipes, valves, etc. the
relevant data are distinguished by a short-hand abbreviation that is
presented along with a short descriptive text in the scenario definition
table or is used as a default heading in the results table.
In places where the data needs to be referred to in writing like when
defining functions or creating user defined pictures, the same
abbreviation is used as an extension to the object name. In this case the
syntax <object-name>.<extension> is used.
The objects distinguished in SIMONE are naturally mainly the network
objects, i.e. the elements (and their connecting nodes) from which the
network has been constructed in the Network Editor. But also other
objects like e.g. compressor units are included in this concept of
addressing data.
In the following all possible input and output data are listed with their
abbreviation, descriptive text and some explanation.
They are grouped according to the objects to which they belong and
whether they are scenario parameters, i.e. input data, or simple
variables, i.e. values calculated only.
All data can be also reviewed graphically the same way, regardless of
whether they are input or output parameters or variables.

5.2 Pipe parameters and variables

Pipe elements in SIMONE are characterized by their (inner) diameter,
length, and (absolute) roughness. The pressure drop equation to be used
can be selected by the (system) parameter LAMBDA (see System
Parameters|topic=System parameters).
The effect of a different elevation of the input and output node is also
respected, the elevation is set as a parameter H to the respective nodes.
Though all mentioned parameters are already set in the Network Editor,
they may be re-defined for the actual scenario.
For each pipe element basically the flow is calculated in a simulation,
which in case of a transient scenario is a mean value characterizing the
transport process in each time step. But also further variables of interest
like velocity and pressure drop are available.

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Pipe Parameters
Parameter Description
D Diameter Redefine inner diameter (mm) for the
current scenario
L Length Redefine length (m) for the current
RR Roughness Redefine roughness for the current
factor scenario (multiply the value set in the
network editor by the given factor)
COR_LAM Pipe efficiency Redefine the pipe efficiency by a factor
(e.g. 0.9 means 90% of the efficiency as
defined by the initial parameters as set in
the network editor)

▼ Heat Dynamics only ▼

GT Ground Sets the soil temperature [°C] (only
Temperature effective if the heat dynamics option is
active, 10°C is used as default).
HTC Heat Transfer Sets the Heat Transfer Coefficient
Coefficient [W/(m2K)] (only effective if the heat
dynamics option is active, 2 is used as

Pipe Variables
Variable Description
M Flow rate (mean) flow rate through the pipe
PD Pressure drop pressure drop across the pipe element.
PR Pressure ratio pressure ratio (outlet/inlet pressure)
V Speed of flow (mean) flow speed. [m/s]
RHO Operating density (mean) operating density of the gas in
the pipe element (Kg/m³). This value is
used for highly accurate line-pack
ANM3 Line pack Actual amount of gas (in volumetric
units) contained in the pipe element.
GWH Line pack Line pack of the pipe element in energy
ED Roughness Roughness of pipe element

▼ Hydrate Formation Risk only ▼

HFR Hydrate formation Qualitative result of the Hydrate
risk indicator Formation Risk model for pipe element:
1 = no risk
2 = water condensation risk
3 = hydrate formation risk
DTDP Gas sub cooling Maximum difference of gas and water
with respect to dew point temperature [C] in the pipe
water dew point element. If negative, free water may be
present (in part) of the pipe element =
water condensation risk.

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DTHE Gas sub cooling Maximum difference of gas and hydrate

with respect to equilibrium temperature [C] in the pipe
hydrate equilibrium element.
DTHF Gas sub cooling Maximum difference of gas and the
with respect to temperature of gas – hydrate – free
hydrate formation water equilibrium [C] in the pipe
temperature element. If negative, the hydrate
formation is possible in (part of) the
pipe element = hydrate formation risk.

5.3 Node parameters and variables

SIMONE distinguishes supply nodes and other nodes. Only at nodes
marked as supply nodes in the Network Editor gas may be supplied to
the network, whereas to any other node an offtake quantity can be
assigned, the node type indicates the direction of flow rather than the
numeric sign. However, to allow for bi-directional flow at the same place,
a negative quantity assigned at a supply node is counted as an offtake.
Both supply nodes and other nodes feature the same parameters and
variables, with the exception that only for supply nodes the parameters of
the supplied gas can be specified. This is denoted by appending a .Q. to
the node name first and then the respective quality parameter name. In
the quality tracking algorithm in effect the supplied quantity of gas is
blended in the node with the gas streaming into the node from other
source (e.g. an upstream pipe) and the mixture leaving the node is then
tracked further.
Gas Parameters reflecting physical properties (like relative density,
calorific value, etc.) for the supplied gas can either be set directly or be
calculated from the composition parameters set.This depends on the
respective setting done in the network editor, refer to the respective
section on gas parameters. The calculation requires the sum of
components to be 100%, If this is not the case, a warning message is
issued at run-time, and a normalization is done, changing all components
by an appropriate factor. However, a calculated value is only used, if the
respective physical parameter has not been set explicitly yet (in the
current or a foregoing scenario).
Gas composition (‘quality’) parameters can be also set in any node. This
has to be carefully distinguished from the above described situation of
supplying gas of a different quality in a node. Setting of a gas quality
parameter in a node will be respected in the quality tracking algorithm as
overwriting the respective quality parameter in the node, i.e. the quality of
the gas streaming to the node is replaced by the quality set and used for
tracking the gas streaming from the node. This also applies for gas
components, but without any checking or normalization as described
above for supplied gas.
Gas quality parameters should only be set with the quality tracking option
switched on! The parameter PSET allows to define a pressure desired to
be reached in a node. This is called a pressure condition. If this pressure
is in conflict with pressures defined elsewhere or with supply/offtake
quantities specified, SIMONE calculates a ‘fictitious offtake’ (QP) in the
node needed to meet the pressure. This offtake can in effect also be a
supply, in which case it takes a negative sign. The (optional) parameters
MAXQP and PSETDP allow to set a limit for the fictitious offtake as well

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as a pressure (difference) range in which it shall apply. PSETDP sets the

difference dp between the desired pressure value P and the real value P*
i.e. the 'accuracy' of achieving the pressure condition. The default values
for both parameters, if not given, are set by the system using local
current conditions.

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Node Parameters
Parameter Description
Q Supply/Offtake Defines supply / offtake quantity.
QCORR Flow correction a factor to be applied for the flow
defined by Q
PSET Set pressure Define a pressure condition.
PSETDP Set pressure range Sets a pressure (difference) range for
MAXQP Sets allowed QP Sets a maximum fictitious offtake
quantity allowed to reach the pressure set
quality1) Node quality Overwrites the value of the named
quality parameter
Q.quality1) Source quality Sets value of the named quality
parameter for the supplied gas (supply
node only)
T Temperature Sets the temperature (°C) or
overwrites it (if the heat dynamic
function is switched on)
Q.T Source Sets the temperature (°C) for the
Temperature supplied gas (supply node only)
RUPT Rupture Defines a rupture of the pipe in the
node. The size of the rupture is
specified by the equivalent diameter
[m] of a hole in the pipe.
√2 * pipe diameter defines a full
The leak flow is shown as QP
RUPTQ0 Rupture Like RUPT, but any offtake in the node
is disregarded for the calculation
PM Metered pressure metered pressure (reconstruction only)
PMDP Metered pressure +/- delta p trust interval of metered
accuracy pressure (reconstruction only)
Can be set to -1 if metering supplied
for visualization only.
SIGMA Assigned flow Relative accuracy of metered Q
accuracy assigned (reconstruction only)

▼ Hydrate Formation Risk only ▼

.PDPR Reference Reference pressure for water dew
pressure for water point (used to calculate the water
dew point content from TDPR)
.Q.PDPR Reference Reference pressure for water dew
pressure for water point of the supplied gas (used to
dew point calculate the water content from
TDPR, supply node only)
.TDPR Water dew point Rewrite the water dew point
temperature temperature in the node (related to
last recently specified reference
pressure PDPR described above)
.Q.TDPR Water dew point Water dew point temperature of the
temperature supplied gas (related to last recently
specified reference pressure PDPR
described above, supply node only)

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1 thenames of quality parameters are user-defined in the network editor,

so quality is used here for description instead of the actual name.

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Node Variables
Variable Description
H Geodetic height Above sea level height of the node (m)
P Pressure Pressure calculated
PM Metered Pressure set (by PSET) or metered
pressure pressure (in reconstruction)
QP Fictitious offtake additional offtake/supply quantity calculated
in order to fulfill the pressure condition (a
supply quantity takes negative sign) or the
leak flow caused by a rupture (see RUPT
T 1) Temperature Calculated temperature (°C) (different from
the temperature set only for outlet nodes of
compressor stations and control valves or if
the heat dynamic function is switched on)
quality1) Node Quality the calculated (tracked) value of the named
quality parameter (different from the default
value set in the network editor only if the
quality tracking function is switched on)

▼ Hydrate Formation Risk only ▼

TDP Water dew point Temperature of water dew point [C] for the
temperature nodal temperature T, pressure P and water
content WC

THE Hydrate Temperature of hydrate equilibrium [C] for

equilibrium the nodal temperature T and pressure P

1 this
variable ‘overlays’ the above described parameter of the same
name, i.e. unlike with other parameters, the respective parameter set can
NOT be reviewed graphically.

5.4 Valve parameters and variables

Valves in SIMONE are normally working as simple block valves, i.e. they
may be open or closed.
By specifying a resistance coefficient, however, they may be also
operated as a resistor (see below)
While opening, the resistance of a valve is continuously reduced in such
a way that the speed of flow does not exceed 30 m/s. Closing the valve is
done promptly. As the speed of flow is derived from the diameter, this
should be set to comply with the diameter of the surrounding pipe
elements, as the valve is supposed not to cause a pressure drop when
open (Note: if not operated, an open valve is removed from the
calculation topology.)
The state of valve can be changed from ”closed” to ”open” using a by-
pass. The process begins by opening the by-pass in full. The gas
streams through the by-pass tube of a defined diameter (BPDIAM) by the
speed limited to the critical value from the inlet to the outlet side of the
main valve until the specified pressure drop (BPDP) is reached. Then,
the main valve is opened in standard way described above.
The parameters OFF, ON, BP, RE and REPD differ from other
parameters in that they specify a desired mode of operation rather than a

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normal parameter value (only RE, REPD are also specifying a value). To
be able to review the mode of operation, the variable MODE is provided.

Valve Parameters
Parameters Description
ON Open Opens a valve
OFF Close Closes a valve
BP By-Pass Opens a valve using a by-pass first (as
described above)
BPDIAM By-Pass Sets the diameter of a by-pass opened first
diameter (BPDP has to be set as well)
BPDP Pressure When the given pressure difference is
difference under passed, the valve is fully opened
(BPDIAM has to be set as well)
RE Resistance Resistance coefficient for a partially open
valve (operate like a resistor. see below)
REPD Fixed Operates like Resistor (see below), but for
pressure drop a fixed pressure drop

Valve Variables
Variable Description
MODE MODE Operating mode of the valve
M 1) Flow (Normal) Flow through the valve
V 1) Speed of flow Speed of flow through the valve (m/s)
PD Pressure pressure drop over the valve.
PR Pressure pressure ratio (outlet/inlet pressure).

1)this variable is only computed and available for display, if the valve is
operated in the current scenario, as non-operated valves are removed
from the network before the computation to save computation effort

5.5 Resistor parameters and variables

A resistor element has no length nor capacity, but causes a pressure
The pressure drop is calculated according to the flow and the specified
resistance coefficient. Using the following equation

Pout  Pin  12 * R *  * * 

Pin inlet pressure [Pa]

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Pout outlet pressure[Pa]

 density [kg/m3] (under the actual conditions)

v speed of flow [m/s]
The value R must be inside the interval < 0, 20000>.
Also the temperature drop caused by the Joule-Thomson effect is
respected, if the option heat dynamics is active.
If a fixed pressure drop shall be used, this can be specified by using the
parameter REPD. (For compatibility with previous versions, also
specifying the pressure drop [in bar] as a formally negative resistance
coefficient is still supported.)
Resistor Parameters
Parameter Description
RE Resistance Sets the resistance coefficient or the
desired pressure drop [bar] (value <0)
REPD Fixed pressure Specifies the required pressure drop
OFF Close Closes the resistor, i.e. it acts like a closed

ON Open Opens the resistor, i.e. the resistance

equals zero.

Resistor Variables
Variable Description
MODE Operating mode Operating mode of the resistor (OFF/RE)
M Flow (Normal) Flow through the resistor
V Speed of flow Speed of flow through the resistor
PD Pressure drop pressure drop over the resistor
PR Pressure ratio pressure ratio (outlet/inlet pressure)

5.6 Control valve parameters and variables

A control valve in SIMONE can be controlled to almost any type of
setpoint: Flow (normal/volumetric), inlet/outlet pressure and pressure
ratio. If the control valve characteristics are described, also the
percentage of opening can be used to control the operation. Also the by-
pass and off mode like with a normal valve are available.
The minimum inlet and maximum outlet pressure are observed in the
simulation as a restriction that is given priority over the setpoint.
The pressure limits as well as the inlet/outlet resistance set in the
network editor can also be re-defined for the actual scenario.
The diameter of the control valve set in the network editor is used to
calculate the resulting pressure drop (as outlined for the resistor

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The outlet temperature is computed reflecting the change in state of gas.

Pre-heating can be respected by specifying the available pre-heating
power and the desired outlet temperature.

Control valve Parameters

Parameter Description
SM Flow setpoint Defines the normal flow rate setpoint
(normal volume per time)
SPO Output Defines the output pressure setpoint
SPI Input pressure Defines the input pressure setpoint
MMAX Flow limit In association with the SPO or the
SPI parameters, MMAX restricts the
flow to the given value.
SQVOL Volumetric flow- Defines the volumetric flow rate
rate setpoint setpoint (actual volume at inlet
conditions per time m³/s)
SCVO Percent Defines the percentage of opening
opening (only possible if valve characteristics
are described)
SR pressure ratio Defines the (internal) pressure- ratio
setpoint setpoint
VMAX Speed limit Restricts the gas velocity while the
control valve is operated..
BP By-Pass Switches the control valve to By-
OFF Close Switches the control valve to OFF.
RIN Input resistance Redefine the input resistance for the
current scenario
RINPD Input pressure Defines required pressure drop on
drop inlet resistance.
ROUT Output Redefine the output resistance for
resistance the current scenario.
ROUTPD Output Defines required pressure drop on
pressure drop outlet resistance.
PIMIN Min input Redefine the min input pressure for
pressure the current scenario.
POMAX Max output Redefine the max output pressure
pressure for the current scenario
POMIN Min output Requests a minimum output
pressure pressure while the control valve is
PDMIN Minimum If a setpoint is active, this defines
pressure the minimum pressure drop across
difference the control valve for the actual

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CVPMAX pre-heating Sets the available pre-heating

power power.
CVTO Required outlet Sets the required temperature of the
temperature expanded gas (only maintained as
far as CVPMAX is sufficient)
MM Measured flow measured flow rate (reconstruction only)
SIGMA Metered flow Relative accuracy of flow metering
accuracy (reconstruction only)

Control valve Variables

Variables Description
MODE Operating mode Operating mode of the control valve
M Flow (Normal) Flow rate through the control
PI Inlet pressure Calculated inlet pressure.
PO Outlet pressure Calculated outlet pressure.
PD Pressure drop pressure drop over the control valve.
PR Pressure ratio pressure ratio (outlet/inlet pressure).
IPI Internal Input The pressure behind the inlet resistance
Pressure RIN
IPO Internal Outlet The pressure in front of the outlet
Pressure resistance ROUT
V Speed of flow Speed of flow through the control
TO Outlet Calculated outlet temperature.

POWER Preheating Calculated preheating power [kW]

power (available when CVTO and CVPMAX are

OPEN Percent opening Shows the percentage of opening (only

possible if valve characteristics are

5.7 Non-return valve and metering station parameters

Non-return valves and metering stations are treated in some ways similar
to control valves, but with special restrictive operational scheme.
A non-return valve by default works like a control valve with pressure
ratio one (i.e. no reverse flow allowed, but fully open). It does not accept
any other control or constraint setting, expect for OFF or BP.
A metering station by default is like a control valve in bypass, and only in
a scenario of type reconstruction accepts the special control mode MEA.
In this an assigned flow measurement (MM) is respected by adjusting the
state estimation to get close to the flow without assuming a pressure

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5.8 Compressor station parameters and variables

A compressor station in SIMONE in the basic mode can be controlled to

the basic types of setpoint: Flow (normal/volumetric), inlet/outlet pressure
and pressure ratio. Also the by-pass and off mode like with a normal
valve are available.
The minimum inlet and maximum outlet pressure are observed in the
simulation as a restriction that is given priority over the setpoint.
The pressure limits as well as the inlet/outlet resistance set in the
network editor can also be re-defined for the actual scenario.
The diameter of the control valve set in the network editor is used to
calculate the resulting pressure drop (as outlined for the resistor
In addition to the basic mode (FREE mode), a compressor station can
also be modeled in the GENERIC mode (observing rough restrictions as
max. power, max. compression ratio and max. volumetric flow) as well as
in the enhanced modeling using configurations of compressor units
described in detail under CS Equipment (the latter requires the respective
option being licensed).
Depending on the modeling options used, additional setpoints and other
parameters and variables may become relevant.

Compressorstation Parameters
Parameter Description
CONF Configuration Sets the compressor station
configuration. Without this parameter
the station works in FREE mode.
GENERIC or a configuration may be
specified to switch to the respective
mode of modeling.
TAMB Ambient Sets new value of ambient temperature
temperature for the compressor station [oC]. This is
an auxiliary parameter to the CONF;
default value is 12.
SM Flow setpoint Defines the normal flow rate setpoint
(normal volume per time)
SPO Output pressure Defines the output pressure setpoint
SPI Input pressure Defines the input pressure setpoint
MMAX Flow limit In association with the SPO or the SPI
parameters, MMAX restricts the flow
to the given value.
SQVOL Volumetric flow- Defines the volumetric flow rate
rate setpoint setpoint (actual volume at inlet
(m³/s) conditions per time)
SR pressure ratio Defines the (internal) pressure- ratio
setpoint setpoint

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BP By-Pass Switches the compressor station to By-

OFF Close Switches the compressor station to
RIN Input resistance Redefine the input resistance for the
current scenario
RINPD Input pressure Defines required pressure drop on
drop inlet resistance.
ROUT Output resistance Redefine the output resistance for the
current scenario.
ROUTPD Output pressure Defines required pressure drop on
drop outlet resistance.
PIMIN Min input Redefine the min input pressure for the
pressure current scenario.
POMAX Max output Redefine the max output pressure for
pressure the current scenario
SRPM Revolution Switches the compressor station to
setpoint speed control. Only possible if a
configuration is selected.
SRRPM Relative Switches the compressor station to
Revolution speed control. The setpoint is
setpoint expressed in relation to the nominal
speed. Only possible if a configuration
is selected.
MAX Max power Requests the compressor station to
work at maximum power. Only possible
if GENERIC mode or a configuration is
OPER Operated Requests the compressor station to be
operated (possible for steady state
optimization only).
PRMAX Pressure ratio Sets the maximum pressure ratio for
restriction GENERIC mode. (default: 2)
QVOLMAX Volumetric flow Sets the maximum volumetric flow rate
restriction (m³/s) for GENERIC mode (default: 100m³/s)
POWERMAX Performance Sets the maximum power for
restriction (kw) GENERIC mode (default: 100 kw)
EFFCS Compressor Sets the compressor efficiency for
Efficiency GENERIC mode. (default: 0.8)
EFFDRIVE Drive Efficiency Sets the driving unit efficiency for
GENERIC mode. (default: 0.3)
MM Measured flow measured flow rate (reconstruction
CVPMAX Max. cooling Defines the available cooling power for
power maintaining CVTO..
CVTO Max. Discharge Limits the discharge temperature
temperature assuming sufficient cooling. CVPMAX
(Cooling setpoint) allows to set a maximum cooling
PRMIN Minimum Sets a minimum pressure ratio.
Pressure Ratio Default is 1.
MM Measured flow measured flow rate (reconstruction

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Compressor station Variables

Variables Description
QVOL Volumetric flow Working flow under suction conditions
rate. (m3/s)
HAD Adiabatic head isentropic enthalpy change (kJ/Kg)
PERF Total total (shaft) power of the station (kW)
CONS Total energy total energy consumption of the station
consumption (kW)
MODE Operating Operating mode of the station
CONR Reached Name of the used (reached) configuration
configuration (after computation, this may differ from
the configuration set, which may be still
reviewed under CONF)
SUCC Set-point A status variable expressing the success
reached in reaching set-point. The values are
displayed as: {OK | FB | LBP | MIN | MAX}
COMB Combined cy- A status variable expressing the status of
cle status the combined cycle configuration and the
steam powered unit. The values are
displayed as: {OFF | START | RUN | LBP
TI Input Input temperature (oC)
TO Output Output temperature (oC)
POWER Cooling power Calculated cooling power used (available
when CVTO and CVPMAX are set)
PI Input pressure Calculated suction pressure.
PO Output Calculated discharge pressure.
PD Pressure drop pressure drop over the compressor
PR Pressure ratio pressure ratio (outlet/inlet pressure).
IPI Internal Input The pressure behind the inlet resistance
Pressure RIN
IPO Internal Outlet The pressure in front of the outlet
Pressure resistance ROUT
MCF Multiple Multiple configuration factor; an integer
configuration number <1,15>

Compressor Variables
The following result variables are available for compressor units, if a
configuration is selected.

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Variables Description
QVOL Volumetric flow Working flow under suction conditions
rate. (m3/s)
HAD Adiabatic head isentropic enthalpy change (kJ/Kg)
PI Input pressure Calculated suction pressure.
PO Output pressure Calculated discharge pressure.
TAC Cooler input Cooler inlet temperature (C)
TBC Cooler output Cooler outlet temperature (C).
EFF Efficiency Current efficiency of the compressor
PMA Shaft power Used shaft power of the unit.
PTU Max shaft power Maximum shaft power available from
the drive.
CSM Energy Energy consumption of the unit.
RPM revolution Current speed of the compressor.

STAT Status Status of the unit [OFF, OK, MIN,

information CHOKE, MAX, SURGE]
QBP Flow rate Recycled by-Pass flow rate

STAG Stage assignment An integer value [1] expressing the

stage which the compressor unit is
working in.

5.9 Subsystems
A subsystem is a group of network elements defined in the network
editor. Each element can belong to one only subsystem! The name
“TOTAL” is used to denote the whole network.
The changes in the below listed parameters are applied to all elements
which belong to the defined subsystem.
Subsystem Parameters
Parameter Description
D Diameter Re-define the diameter [mm] for the
current scenario (mm).
L Length Re-define the length [m] for the current
scenario (m).
RR Roughness Re-define the roughness for the current
QCORR Flow correction A factor to be applied to all boundary
flows [Q] in the subsystem
COR_LAM Pipe efficiency Redefine the pipe efficiency (see also
pipe parameters)

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▼ Heat Dynamics only ▼

GT Ground Sets the soil temperature (C) (only
Temperature effective if the heat dynamics option is
HTC Heat Transfer Sets the Heat Transfer Coefficient
Coefficient W/m²K (only effective if the heat
dynamics option is active).

Subsystem Variables
Variable Description
ACCU Line pack Total amount of gas (in volumetric units)
within the subsystem. Based on
summation of mass.
ANM3 Line pack Total amount of gas (in volumetric units)
within the subsystem. Based on
summation of standard volumes.
GWH Energy line pack Line pack in subsystem expressed in
energy units.
AQP Fictitious off-take Sum of all fictitious off-takes all over the
ASUPP Total supply Sum of all supplies all over the
AOFF Total off-take Sum of all off-takes all over the
APMIN Minimum Minimum pressure value within the
pressure subsystem.
APMAX Maximum Maximum pressure value within the
pressure subsystem.
AVMAX Maximum speed Maximum speed of flow within the
AIPMIN Node with min Node in which the minimum pressure
pressure within the subsystem occurs.

AIPMAX Node with max Node in which the maximum pressure

pressure within the subsystem occurs.

AIVMAX Node with max. Node in which the maximum speed of

speed flow within the subsystem occurs.

▼ Hydrate Formation Risk only ▼

AHFR Hydrate formation Qualitative result of the Hydrate
risk indicator Formation Risk model for subsystem
1 = no risk
2 = water condensation risk
3 = hydrate formation risk
ADTDP Difference of gas Maximum difference of gas and water
and water dew dew point temperature [C] over the
point temperature subsystem. If negative, free water may
be present in (some) pipes of the
subsystem = water condensation risk.

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ADTHE Difference of gas Maximum difference of gas and hydrate

and hydrate equilibrium temperature [C]
ADTHF Difference of gas Maximum difference of gas and the
and hydrate temperature of gas – hydrate – free
formation water equilibrium [C]. If negative, the
temperature hydrate formation is possible in (some)
pipes of the subsystem = hydrate
formation risk.

5.10 System parameters

Some scenario parameters apply to the scenario as a whole, as they
control general aspects of the computation, such as time step, calculation
formulae or options to be used. They are formally included to the concept
of parameters by assigning them to a system (_SYS) object. The
respective table can be invoked clicking to empty space in the network

Parameter Description
DT Time step Redefines the simulation time step (s)
TW Recording time Minimum time interval for storing
step of results (s). If not specified, the
results of every time step
computed are stored
QT Quality tracking Switches the quality tracking mode
on and off. If not specified, QT is
HD Heat dynamics Switches the heat dynamics
mode to SIMPLE, FULL, or OFF
JTEP Suppress Joule- Turns on/off Joule-Thomson effect for
Thomson effect temperature profile along pipe
No Do not suppress
Yes Suppress
Default value is No (i.e. take Joule-
Thomson effect into account).
ZET Compressibility Sets the equation for calculating
the compressibility factor. If not
specified, the PAPAY formula is
LAMBDA Pressure drop Sets the equation for calculating
equation the pressure drop. If not specified,
the Hofer (Colebrook White)
formula is used.
TA Time control Maximum time span (s) for a change
in control parameter (like e.g.
setpoint) to become active. If not
specified, a default of 180 s is used.
TQ Time control Maximum time span (s) for
changing quality parameters If not
specified, a default of 900 s is used.

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SB Number of Switch to iterative computation with

simulation steps fixed (‘stopped’) boundary conditions
as valid at the respective time. Used
to calculate a steady state result in
transient mode.
SBDT SB time step Time step to be used with SB
THETAEQ Theta equation Selects formula for discharge
temperature of compressor:
Default value is Basic.
For more information, please refer to
the title SIMONE Equation and
THETACOR Theta correction Selects correction to formula for
discharge temperature of compressor
using the compressibility factor
Default value is Basic.
KAPPA Isentropic Selects calculation method for
exponent isentropic exponent used in
calculation compressor modeling:
RG Equation
Equation of state
Default value is Constant.
RECYC Recycle By default, SIMONE disregards the
temperature temperature effect of recycle
handling operation. Setting this parameter to
ON, the working point and discharge
temperature of a recycling
compressor is adjusted accordingly
(enhanced modeling only).
HF Hydrate Selects/suppresses the Hydrate
Formation Risk Formation Risk model:
No Suppress HFR
Default value is No.
For more information, please refer to
the title SIMONE Equation and
IT Hydrate Inhibitor Selects/suppress the use of hydrate
Type inhibitor for Hydrate Formation Risk
No Suppress use of inhibitor
MeOH Methanol
EG Ethylenglycol
DEG Diethylenglycol
Default value is No.
WCC Water Dew Selects the method of water dew
Point point calculation for Hydrate
Calculation Formation Risk model

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Bukacek (default value)

5.11 General Variables

All Simone objects have some general properties, that can also be
addressed as variables for display in text form, e.g. in tables.

NAME The name of the object

ALIAS The alias-name of the object

TYPE The type of object, i.e.

NS - supply node
NO - other node
CS - compressor station
CV - control valve
VA - valve
RE - resistor
PIPE - pipe element

SUBSYS The name of the subsystem to which the object


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6 Functions

SIMONE allows to address all its parameters and variables, but

sometimes also further quantities like the sum of flows, the ratio of
pressures or more complex figures, that can be derived from the
parameters or variables may be of interest for evaluation of results or to
control a simulation.
For this purpose functions have been introduced, that enable to define
and reference such derived values.

6.1 Functions - Introduction

Functions are defined in a function editor invoked from the toolbar. They
are stored under a user-defined name and are defined by an expression.
Functions may be local, i.e. they are stored and defined only for the
current scenario, or global, i.e. they are stored and defined for the
network as a whole. To make some functions of general interest more
easily available, further a set of ‘universal’ functions is managed, that are
known in all networks. The expression defining a function allows for
arithmetic, relational and logical operations on parameters and variables
as well as using user-defined and built-in functions thereof.
The parameter or variable in the expression need not be fully qualified at
the time it is defined. It may contain a ‘%’ sign instead of the object name
that is later on replaced by an actual object reference at run-time. This
allows to define ‘user-defined extensions’ described below.
It is also possible to refer to a parameter by %1, %2, etc. to allow ‘calling’
such user-defined function with actual parameters. Functions can be
used in various places: To set up parameter values and conditions in a
scenario as well as in definition of labels, graphs and tables.
Values of functions with fully qualified parameters can also be referenced
using the same scheme as for variables using the syntax
<function name>.DEF
in places where also normal variables are accepted.
Functions can be assigned to user-defined Categories” (for example by
application or by user) and then be filtered by those categories.

6.2 Expressions
An expression is formed by a sequence of operators and operands that
describe how to calculate the function value. Operands may be
constants, scenario parameters or variables, user-defined attribute
values, ‘wildcard’ variables, pre-defined variables and function calls. A
function call may reference a built-in function or a user-defined function.
Allowed operators are arithmetic, relational and logical operators detailed

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The expression is evaluated from left to right observing operator

precedence, parentheses can be used to force a desired sequence of
Values are always real values, logical operations yield a 0 for false and a
1 for true. Similarly, the operand of a logical operation is considered to be
false, if it is less or equal 0, otherwise it is considered to be true.

6.3 Units
As function expressions may define rather complex operations, nor the
type of quantity nor the unit of the result can be automatically determined.
To allow for proper display and unit conversion, the unit type as well as
the unit of the result may be defined in the function editor.
If expressions are used directly (in Labels or Table definitions), the unit-
type and unit can be defined by appending a specifier in square brackets
<expression> [<unit-type>,<unit>]
where unit-type may be one of the following strings

P pressure
Q flow
CV calorific-value,
T temperature,
AC line_pack, (volume)
GWH line_pack, (energy)
TRACE traced water-content
PWR power
HAD adiabatic head
QVOL volumetric flowrate
V velocity
L length
D diameter
RR roughness
TIME Time/Date format

The unit can be indicated by ‚’*’ to denote default units of the specified
type or a unit abbreviation can be used to define an explicit unit, so e.g.
(%.p+1) [P,*]
defines that the result of the expression (%.p+1) will be in the default unit
of pressure, or
(%.p[MPa]+1) [P,Mpa]
defines that the result of the expression will be in MPa (as forced by the
[MPa] specifier) in the expression.
By this, the result of the expression will be output and converted
appropriately and the current unit can be shown in the Label or Table as
with normal variables.

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6.4 Operands
Expressions can define operations on parameters, variables, constants
and use other functions. The special ‘wildcard’ variable construct allows
to build functions that can be used as ‘user-defined extensions’. The
formal parameter notation allows to create user-defined functions.

6.4.1 Constants
Allowed constants are numeric and string constants.
Numeric constants represent a real value, the integer and fractional
component separated by a decimal point. If the integer component is
zero, it can be omitted. Also if the fractional component is zero, it can be
omitted as well as the decimal point.
String constants are to be enclosed in double quotes. They can be used
to compare values of variables that have no meaningful numeric value
(like <object>.SUBSYS, <object>.MODE, etc.) to a particular value,(e.g.

6.4.2 Parameters and variables

Scenario parameters and variables are denoted using the syntax

Object-name may be the name of any SIMONE object, . extension may
be any from the list of abbreviations for parameters or variables listed in
the chapter scenario parameters and variable reference. Also user-
defined quality parameters and user defined attributes can be addressed
using their respective user-defined abbreviation as the extension.
Note: If your object names contain any of "<", ">", or "-", the names must
be enclosed in single quotes in expressions to avoid any confusion with
the operators "<", ">", and "-".

6.4.3 User defined Attribute Values

User defined attribute values are noted like variables with the following
<Object name>.< Attribute abbreviation >
The object name is the name of any SIMONE object, as attribute
abbreviation one of the abbreviations for attributes is used as described
in the chapter User defined Attributes.
Note: If your object names contain any of "<", ">", or "-", the names must
be enclosed in single quotes in expressions to avoid any confusion with
the operators "<", ">", and "-".

6.4.4 Units
The values of parameters and variables are by default processed in the
current default unit for their respective unit type. They can be requested
in a dedicated unit however by appending the unit abbreviation in square
brackets immediately behind the parameter, e.g. like ..+X.Q[m3/h].
NOTE: Using dedicated units allows to force the function value to be in a
particular unit. In this case also the dedicated unit of the result should be
assigned to the function in the function editor.

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6.4.5 Wildcard Variables and user-defined extensions

A ‘wildcard’ variable is specified as %.<extension>, i.e. a %-sign is
written instead of the object-name. A function that contains such
variables can be used as an extension to another object. When
evaluating the function, this object is then used in place of the %-sign.
Such a function can be regarded as a user-defined extension.

6.4.6 Formal parameters and user-defined functions

A ‘formal parameter’ is specified as %<digit>, e.g. %1 or %2. A function F
that contains such parameters can be ‘called’ with specifying actual
arguments, like F(a,b). When evaluating the function, the actual
parameters are used. The formal parameter may also be extended by
adding an object extension, e.g. %1.P. In this case the actual parameter
must be an object to get a proper evaluation. Functions containing formal
parameters are regarded as user-defined functions.

6.4.7 Pre-defined variables

Some pre-defined variables are available:
TIME designates the actual time for which the function value is being
BTIME designates the start time of a scenario
ETIME designates the end time
DT yields the length of the time interval between the actual time and
the previous time for which a value was computed and stored. This
interval mainly equals the time step of the simulation.
The times are in ‘decimal hours’, e.g. 6:30 is shown as 6.5

6.4.8 Function calls

A function may reference another user-defined function by writing
<function name>.DEF or only the function name.
User defined functions are referenced by <function-name>(<parameter-
list>).Also built-in functions can be called writing <function-
The list of available built-in functions is given below.

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6.5 Operators
An expression can be defined using arithmetic, relational and logical

6.5.1 Arithmetic Operators

Operator Function Example

+ Addition x+y
- Subtraction x–y
* Multiplication x*y
/ Division x/y
** Exponentiation A**y

Note: The unusual operator for subtraction \ (backslash), which was used
in earlier versions instead of the minus sign is still supported for
compatibility. If your object names contain any of "<", ">", or "-", the
names must be enclosed in single quotes in expressions to avoid any
confusion with the operators "<", ">", and "-".

6.5.2 Relational Operators

A relational operator compares the values of two operands. The result is
either ”true” or ”false”. As SIMONE uses only real values, a resulting
logical value ”true” is a number 1 and the value ”false” a 0.
There are six relational operators used in SIMONE as shown in the
following table.

Operator Function Example

< less than x<y x.LT.y
<= less than or equal x≤y x<y
== Equals x=y x == y
!= not equal x≠y x != y
> greater than x>y x>y

Note: The unusual relational operators like .LT., .LE. which were used in
earlier versions are still supported for compatibility. If your object names
contain any of "<", ">", or "-", the names must be enclosed in single
quotes in expressions to avoid any confusion with the operators "<", ">",
and "-".

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6.5.3 Logical operators

There are three logical operators allowed in SIMONE as shown in the

following table:
Operator Function
! Not
&& And
|| Or

The logical operation yields a value ”true” or ”false”, as shown in the

following table:
Example Interpretation
!x The expression is “true” only if x is “false”
x && y The expression is “true” only if both x and y are “true”
x || y The expression is “true” if either x or y is “true”

Remember that values are always represented by real values, i.e. by 0

for false and by 1 for true. Similarly, the operand of a logical operation is
considered to be false, if it is less or equal 0, otherwise it is considered to
be true.
Note: The unusual logical operators like .Not., .And. and .Or., which were
used in earlier versions are still supported for compatibility.

6.6 Built-in functions

Built-in functions are called with parameters, the parameters may be
expressions again.
Standard mathematical and special functions operating on just the actual
time are available as well as functions computing values over time like
mean values, integrals and derivatives.

6.6.1 Mathematical and special functions

Function Interpretation
ABS(x) Absolute value
TRUNC(x) Cut off decimals from x
MIN(x,y…) Minimum of x,y,…
MAX(x,y…) Maximum of x,y,…
SUM(x,y,…) Sum of x,y…
SIN (x) Sine
SQRT(x) Square root of x
COS (x) Cosine
TAN (x) Tangent
LOG (x) Natural logarithm
LOG10(x) base 10 logarithm

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RAND(x) x is multiplied by random values with the

mean value 1 and with equal distribution
RANDN(x) x is multiplied by random values with the
mean value 1 and with normal
ROUND(x) Rounds to next integer number
DIST (node, name) Shortest distance (km) of node from
another one or a set of objects, indicated
by name of set or a node
TFNUL(x) TFNUL(x) =0 if x is undefined, else
ISFNUL (obj.ext) If obj ext value is fnul, then 1 otherwise 0
VALID(x) For real time input data, like pressure
readings, this yields 0 if the value has
been sent as INVALID.
FNUL Returns fnul value (‘undefined’), this
value is not shown in graphs or as white
space in tables.
VALT(x,t0) Value ot x at time t0 (specified in hours
as float value)
IF(expr,x1,x2) Returns x1 if expr is true, else x2
SELECT(i,v0,... vn) Returns value vi
PWLF (x,x0,y0, x1,y1,... ,xn,yn) Piecewise linear function, if:
x≤x0, then PWLF=y0
x≥xn, then PWLF=yn
else linear interpolation between two
nearest points xi≤x≤xi+1
VALX(obj,ext) Returns the value for obj.ext. Provided to
allow to define the both parts separately
and as string constant (like
MATCH(<string>,pattern>) wild card match: returns 1.0 if pattern
matches string and 0.0 otherwise
XTYPE(object) Returns the type of an object,
differentiating also for non-retrurn valves
(NRV), metering stations (MS) and fuel
nodes (NF)
POSX(node) Returns the (internal) X-coordinate of a
POSY(node) Returns the (internal) Y-coordinate of a
INSET(<object> [,<setname>]) Returns 1.0 if the supplied <object> is part
of the supplied object set.
If <setname> is missing, the current object
set is scanned.
VAL2(<variable>[,<time>]) Allows accessing data from he current
comparison scenario in expressions and
scadaid(<object>,<fieldkey- Allows to query the scada-id defined in the
str>,[<mapping-db>]) data mapping dialog for <object> and
<fieldkey-str>. <fieldkey-str> may contain
(online installation only) the wildcard character '*', which causes
the function to return the scada-id of the
first matching fieldkey only.
<mapping-db> is an optiontional
parameter and can be set to 1 to request
the scada-id from the active data mapping-

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db or 2 for the edited version of the data

If the parameter is missing the value 1 is
used as default. *)
MatchAttrValue(<object>,<attr- Returns the first matching attribut value for
ext-name>,<attr-value>) the supplied object or the empty string if
no match can be found.
<attr-ext-name> and <attr-value> may
contain '*' or '?' as wild card characters. *)
MatchAttrExt(<object>,<attr-ext- eturns the attribut extension name of the
name>,<attr-value>) first matching attribut value for the
supplied object or the empty string if no
match can be found.
<attr-ext-name> and <attr-value> may
contain '*' or '?' as wild card characters. *)

*) In expressions the return value may also be tested numerically for the
length of the returned string (e.g. matchattrvalue(…)>0
The function TFNUL is provided, as SIMONE normally considers the
value of an expression to be undefined, if any of the operands is
undefined. So using e.g. TFNUL(node.QP) instead of simply node.QP
ensures the expression to be computed also in case that currently there
might be no QP value defined.

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Userguide Version 6.3 Functions • 91

6.6.2 Functions of time

The following functions are computing values over a time period.

Function Interpretation
INTG (x) Integral of x since the initial time*) calculated by linear
interpolation using the values of each time step
INTG2(x) Like intg, but using the step function formed by the right
hand values on time intervals
DER(x) Differential of the time series of x (actual value minus
preceding value divided by the time interval)
MEANH(x) Hourly average of x
MEANX(x,dt) Floating average of x over the past dt hours
MINH(x) Minimum of x in the actual hour
MAXH(x) Maximum of x in the actual hour
MEAND(x) Daily average of x
MIND(x) Minimum of x in the actual day
MAXD(x) Maximum of x in the actual day
MINT(x) Minimum of x over time since start*)
MAXT(x) Maximum of x over time since start*)
MEANT(x) Average of x over time since start*)

*) start may be also specified as optional 2nd parameter, like INTG(x,t0)

6.6.3 Functions for limit checking

The following functions support checking for limit violations.

Function Interpretation
TESTLIM (o) Returns TRUE if any limit is defined for object o.
CHECKLIM(o,x) Returns +/-1 if upper/lower the limit for parameter x at
object o was breached, else 0
CHECKLIMT(o,x) Returns the time of a limit breach for parameter x at
object o (in decimal hours), else 0
REFEXT(%) In a limit table, allows to reference the associated limit
LOWLIM(%) In a limit table, allows to address associated the
HIGHLIM(%) lower/upper limit parameter.

The TESTLIM and CHECKLIM(T) functions are also made available as

user defined extensions by the pre-defined universal function definitions.
That also allows to simply use e.g. <node>:CHECKLIMT>0 to check if
any limit violation occurred (the parameter x is optional, if not present, the
first extension for which a limit is defined will be used).dheck are made
available to testh over object o.r limit vilolations. set the coloring to the
selected parameter.ust typing anto

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Functions • 92 Userguide Version 6.3

6.7 Use of Functions

Functions can be of different types, depending on how they are defined:
• Standard functions, i.e. functions that do not contain
‘wildcard’ variables
• User-defined extensions, i.e. functions that do contain
‘wildcard’ variables
• User-defined functions, i.e. functions that do contain
’formal parameters’
Both types can be defined as local, i.e. pertaining to the current scenario
only, or global, i.e. valid for the network as a whole. This definition simply
depends on in which part of the function editor dialogue they are defined.
If a local function is defined with the same name as a global function,
however, the respective global function becomes inaccessible once the
respective scenario has been selected.
Normally functions can only be evaluated if a (computed) scenario is
selected. If the expression defining a function contains only static model
parameters (like pipe-diameter, length, etc.), however, the function value
can always be computed.

6.8 Use in labels

When defining labels in the network editor, also function values or
expressions can be edited to be displayed.
Standard functions can be specified like normal variables using the
syntax <function-name>.DEF.
Expressions must be enclosed in parentheses.
User-defined extensions can be used like normal extensions, i.e. writing
%<function-name>. A valid result, however, can only be computed if the
type of the object and the extension(s) of the ‘wildcard’ variables in the
function expression are compatible.

6.8.1 Use in graphs

When defining a picture, standard functions can be specified in the
same places and like normal variables using the syntax <function-
User-defined extensions can be used in the same places (with the
exception of x-series) and like normal extensions using the syntax
<object-name>.<function-name>. A valid result, however, can only be
computed if the type of the object and the extension(s) of the ‘wildcard’
variables in the function expression are compatible.
If a picture is defined using variable names or extensions as replaceable
parameters, functions can also be used in a compatible fashion.

6.8.2 Use in scenario definitions

Use of functions in a scenario definition is possible in two places:
• As a condition to a parameter definition.
• As a parameter value.

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Userguide Version 6.3 Functions • 93

In both cases applicable functions are offered in the respective pop-up

menus while editing the scenario.
If a parameter value shall be defined by an expression, this may also be
typed directly in the value field of the scenario table. This will internally
create a local function and – though remaining invisible - be referenced
and processed as such.
Also note that the numerical value of the function may depend on the
currently set default units. This should agree with the unit set for the
parameter in the scenario table that uses the function. To ensure
consistency, it may be necessary to explicitly define the units of
parameters used in the function expression.

6.8.3 Direct use of expressions

In labels, result tables, picture definitions or as parameters on the
command line when calling pictures, expressions may be also typed
directly when enclosed in parentheses.

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Functions • 94 Userguide Version 6.3

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Userguide Version 6.3 User defined Attributes • 95

7 User defined Attributes

7.1 SIMONE Concept for user-defined Attributes

For all types of objects in a network like nodes, pipes, valves etc
attributes may be defined specifying a data type and extension. Attribute
values may then be assigned to all objects (elements, nodes etc.) for
which the attributes are defined within the network editor and according
to the defined data type. Possible data types are numbers, text, date or
logical values.
Wherever scenario parameters or scenario variables are being referred
to, e.g. in functions, tables and pictures, also user-defined attributes may
be accessed with the following syntax: <objectname>.<attribute
extension >.
Attribute definitions and attribute values are global and saved for the
whole network (for all scenarios).
Attribute values of numeric type (float or integer) may also be overwritten
in a scenario like most parameters of topology objects.

7.2 Defining Attributes

To access the user-defined attribute values with the syntax
<objectname>.<attribute extension > first the attributes have to be
Attributes are defined using the menu Edit (network editor) respectively
ribbon tab Home - Network (SIMONE Desktop) - Attribute Definitions. In
the invoked dialogue attributes may be shown, defined, modified or
Attributes are used globally (in all scenarios) with the following properties:

Property Description
Attribute Extension for the attribute obligatory
Syntax: <objectname>.< extension >.

The abbreviation must be unique in the

actual network, no identical extension for
scenario parameters or scenario variables
and no identical gas quality parameter may
exist .
Type Integer obligatory
string array for combo boxes

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User defined Attributes • 96 Userguide Version 6.3

Description Description of the attribute optional

Default A default value may be defined for all optional
value attribute values without extra defined value.

Lower limit The range of values for the attribute values optional
may be limited with upper and/or lower limits.
Upper limit optional

For use with The attribute mask defines which object obligatory
types may use the defined attribute.
By default all objects may use the attribute.

7.3 Defining Attribute Values

Having defined attributes, there are two methods to define, modify or
delete attribute values for all network objects: editing all attribute values
of an object or editing all attribute values of an attribute definition.
In the network editor a click with the right mouse button at a node or an
element invokes the edit dialogue with three different tabs. By choosing
Attributes a dialogue is shown for the selected object with all valid
attribute definitions and attribute values. The attribute values may be
modified. If no special attribute value is set for an object, the default value
is used, if a default value is set for the attribute.
In the SIMONE Desktop the dialogue for editing the attribute values is
invoked by clicking with the right mouse button on the respective element
and choosing Attribute values in the called menu.
To edit all attribute values of an attribute definition, use the menu item
Edit (network editor) or ribbon tab Home - Network (SIMONE Desktop) -
Attribute values. A dialogue is invoked with a list of all defined attributes.
If there are any objects selected, only the attributes of the selected
objects are provided. For a chosen attribute all values and assignments
to objects may be defined. In this dialogue only network objects with
individually defined attribute values are shown. Default values from the
attribute definition valid for all other network objects, are not shown.
Values of numeric attributes can also be specified in the scenario editor
as parameters with their extension. This may be used to locally re-define
and override the values stored and defined by the specific attribute

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Userguide Version 6.3 Object Sets and Paths • 97

8 Object Sets and Paths

8.1 Object Sets and Paths - Introduction

Sometimes it is helpful to get an overview on results for particular sets of
objects like ‘all control valves’ or ‘all offtakes’ or ‘all nodes with a pressure
less than …’ - or simply to know where they are.
To support this task the concept of object sets has been introduced A
special case of such a set is the ordered sequence of objects forming a
path in the network, for which the value of some variable may be drawn
in a profile (also called x-series in Simone) along its length.
Object sets can be defined, stored, and used to display tables and

8.2 Selecting objects graphically

Object sets and paths may be selected and highlighted graphically in the
network diagram. The graphical selection methods are:
- click a single object with the left mouse button to select it
- Shift + left mouse button to add the object to the current selection.
- Ctrl + left mouse button to unselect object(s)

All currently selected objects form the current selection( set). The current
selection set is shown in the selection feedback window (on the desktop,
if not visible: Toggle with View>Hide selection feedback) The current
selection can be deselected by pressing the escape-key only.

8.3 Defining a path or route

A path can be easily established by clicking some nodes only (e.g. the
start and end point) and then clicking the ‘find path’ icon in the ribbon tab
Home – group Review.This will then connect the selected nodes by the
shortest path and highlight it as a whole. If the path should be
constructed such that gas would be able to flow along it, i.e. it should not
cross closed valves or pass through actually controlled elements in
reverse direction, the find route icon in the ribbon tab Home – group
Review can be used as an alternate possibility. Finding a route requires
of course a scenario to be selected and uses the state of elements
defined for the current display time.
To visualize the data in the path, the standard profile display invoked
from the ribbon tab Home, group View - main views -> path or the
standard result table path can be used.

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Object Sets and Paths • 98 Userguide Version 6.3

8.4 Searching objects

The search object dialogue invoked from the ribbon tab Home, group
View - Search allows to find objects by name or alias (including ‘wild
cards’), type or condition, or any combination of these.
A condition is an expression containing ‘wildcard variables’ as described
under functions. For all objects matching the other criteria (name and
type) the given expression is evaluated and, if it is true, the object is
included in the list of objects found. So, e.g. if ‘*’ or no string is given for
the name, but the nodes box in the dialogue is checked, a condition
%.P<30 will find the list of nodes with a pressure less than 30 (in current
units). NOTE: The expression defining the condition is evaluated using
the data of the currently selected scenario and display time. If no data are
found, the expression is considered to be false.
All or some from the list of objects can be marked, and the marked
objects can be selected. This means, the set of marked objects and the
current selection set are joint and hence also the objects found and
marked are then highlighted as if they had been selected graphically.
Another possibility is offered by the intersect with selection button. In this
case, the intersection of the set of marked objects and the current
selection set is determined and made the current selection. This allows
e.g. to first graphically select a part of the network and then restrict this
selection to only those objects in the area that match some additional
The standard tables accessible from the ribbon tab Home, group View -
results allow to view the data related to the selected objects.

8.5 Reviewing and storing object sets

Under ribbon tab Home, group View - Selection the set of currently
selected objects can be reviewed in a table listing the name, type,
subsystem and alias of all objects in the set. Clicking the row header of
the table with the right mouse button offers a pop-up menu to delete the
respective object from the set To delete more than a single object block
selection is possible by clicking and dragging the left mouse button over
the appropriate objects and then clicking the row header of the table to
select an action.
The dialogue containing the table also allows to save the current set
under a name or to load a stored set by selecting its name. To save the
set a name must be typed into the selection combo box before pressing
Return and save. Loading a set makes it the current selection set.
A set is stored by remembering the way it was defined. So if the set was
created using a condition, the definition of the basic set (e.g. ‘all nodes’)
and the condition is stored. When loaded again later, the set is re-
constructed using the description and evaluating the condition again
using the data actually valid. Thus storing a set in this case can be
regarded as storing a selection request. When using the search object
dialogue, this only works, however, as far as all objects found are
marked and selected. Otherwise, the marked objects are put to the
selection explicitly.

8.6 Using object sets

Result tables can be defined to use the current selection set, a named
(stored) set, or an explicit set defined and stored particularly with the

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Userguide Version 6.3 Object Sets and Paths • 99

table. All these sets are defined and edited with the tools described here,
how to connect or store them with a table, see -> result
tables|topic=Results Tables.
The standard tables accessible from the ribbon tab Home, group View -
results are defined to use the current selection set..
Profile displays (x-series) can also reference sets in a similar way. They
can only display sets that form a path, however. The standard profile
display invoked from the toolbar under main commands -> path_picture
or path_window is defined to use the current selection.
A number of object sets is pre-defined:

ALLNS All supply nodes.

ALLNO All non-supply nodes.
ALLCS All compressor stations
ALLCV All control valves
ALLPIPES All pipe elements

These are particularly useful together with functions like MIN, MAX, SUM
to define e.g. the sum of all offtakes, which can be written as
SUM(ALLNO,Q). Also, when defining e.g. XSUMQ as a user defined
extension with the expression SUM(%.Q), the ‘variable’ ALLNO.XSUMQ
will yield the same result of summing all .Q for all non-supply nodes.

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Userguide Version 6.3 Results Tables • 101

9 Results Tables

9.1 Results Tables - Introduction

A Result Table is a spread-sheet which contains simulation results and
scenario parameters for the currently selected scenario.
The Display Time for which the simulation results are shown within the
Results Table can be selected either by using the time setting tools
offered in the quick access bar or by double clicking the display time field
in the status bar.
When a scenario is selected, click Results in the ribbon tab Home, group
View to access the list of Results Tables defined. A standard SIMONE
installation already comes with a choice of pre-defined tables.
The contents of a Result Table (including the row and column
descriptions) can be copied to the Clipboard or exported into a HTML,
text or sylk file by clicking (right mouse button) the upper left corner of
the spread-sheet. The data can then be further processed e.g. by
standard spread-sheet or word processing software. At the same place it
is possible to modify the width of the header column.
Clicking the row header invokes an object-sensitive menu (similar to the
pop-up menus in the network scheme or pictures) that allows to
add/delete/edit scenario entries or to get some information for the
respective object.

9.2 Creating a table

To create your own table, you may edit an existing table and save it
under another name or use Tables ->Create from the main menu.
A result table displays data for a set of objects. The basic layout of a
table is given by defining what is to be displayed in rows and columns.
There are three types of tables:
- Objects – Extension
- Objects/Extension – Time
- Variable – Time
These data can be displayed line by line, i.e. one line for one object with
the respective data. In that case the names of the extensions are shown
in the header line and the object names in the header column.
Alternatively the data for the object set may be arranged column by

The type Objects - Extensions means that the value of a specified

variable or parameter is shown, defined by the object valid for a
row/column together with the particular extension. The extension may
also be a user-defined extension.

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Results Tables • 102 Userguide Version 6.3

Objects/Extension – Time allows the display of data of several objects for

different times. At first the combination Object – Time is chosen, then the
extensions can be added by clicking at a cell with the right mouse button,
choosing “Edit” or “New”.
Tables with time display values of the same parameter or variable but for
different times.
The combination time with variable displays the value of several objects
with different extensions. After inserting the object's name in the Edit
dialogue the corresponding extensions are available by pressing .

9.3 Editing Extensions

The table layout can be modified by clicking the column/row header with
the right mouse button. The upcoming dialog offers to add, delete or
modify a column/a row.
Pressing Delete simply deletes the respective column/row from the table
Pressing New or Edit allows to add a new column/row to the table or to
make changes concerning existing entries:
Heading can be any header text for the column/row.
Extension is a SIMONE Variable / a SIMONE Parameter corresponding
to the description for Scenario parameter/variables, defined by its
extension, e.g. P for pressure etc.. An expression that forms a valid user
defined extension or a user defined attribute can also be specified. To
allow for proper display of the unit, an expression should be followed by a
specifier for unit-type like e.g. [P,*], see chapter
Width means the column width in characters,
Decimals defines the number of decimals to be output.
Alignment defines the alignment (right, center, left) of values within the
Furthermore, the sum, the minimum, the maximum and the mean value
can be output by activating the respective checkbox(es).Appropriate rows
are then automatically allocated at the bottom of the table. To get the
accumulated value in each cell of column/row, the accumulated values
box can be checked.

9.4 Editing Variables

When creating a table with Variable – Time, the complete definition of the
variable, i.e. <objectname.extension> has to be inserted. Another
possibility is just to insert the object's name and choose the matching
extension from a list.
Selected objects can be inserted to the table by pressing "Inserting
selected objects".

9.5 Limit Tables

A special type of object set is created when ‘Limits’ is chosen to be
shown in rows. Then for the objects in the actual set it is checked,
whether there are limits defined for any parameter of the object (in the
current scenario). If not, the object is discarded, otherwise it is retained
and the limit parameter stored with the object. If limits are defined for

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Userguide Version 6.3 Results Tables • 103

more than one parameter of an object, the object is repeated

appropriately. The special function REFEXT() can be used in this context
to refer to the limit parameter when defining the column contents.A
sample LIMIT table is provided with the installation that demonstrates the

9.6 Layout of a path table

If path is chosen in the basic table layout, the columns/rows are edited as
described above.
The rows, however, are arranged and labeled in a particular way. There
is one row/column created per element in the path. This row/column is
labeled by either the name of its starting node, if it is a pipe, or by the
name of the element, if it is any other type of element. The data in the
row/column are taken from the respective node, if it is a node
parameter/variable, or from the element, if it is an element

9.7 Editing a Table with time columns

If time is chosen in defining the basic table layout, the data for different
times are displayed. Clicking a column/row header with the right mouse
button invokes a pop-up menu that allows to modify the time interval and
the time step for which the simulation results are to be shown.
For the start- and end time of the scenario the respective fields in the
dialogue may be left blank or the characters b (begin) and e (end) can be
used for this.
The time step interval must be entered in hours, so e.g. a time step of 15
minutes must be entered as 0:15, whereas a time step of an hour can
simply be entered as 1. If this field is left blank, all times for which
SIMONE has computed results are shown.
Clicking a cell (not header cells) with the right mouse button invokes a
dialog that allows to add, delete or to modify Parameters/Variables that
are arranged in rows. The items Parameter, Width, Decimals and
Alignment can be set/modified as described above.
Defining more than one Parameter/Variable will create the corresponding
number of rows/columns per object, labeled by the respective
Parameter/Variable name followed by the extension.

9.8 Modifying the object set definition

The object set|tag=Object Sets and Paths -
Introduction;document=simhelp.doc to which a table should apply, can be
specified in a dialogue accessible when pressing the Object Set button at
the bottom of the table.
The basic selection of a set is current, world or a named set (see also ->
object sets). This selection can be further restricted by checking the
boxes for element type and/or providing a condition. So e.g. choosing
world and checking the nodes element type box will produce a table for
all nodes. If current is chosen, in this example the table will show all
nodes contained in the current selection set. If nothing is currently
selected, the definition of current acts like world.
A condition that can be given is an expression containing ‘wildcard
variables’ as described under functions. A row for an object then is only

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Results Tables • 104 Userguide Version 6.3

displayed, if the given expression is evaluated to be true. So if %.P.<.30

would be written for the above example, only nodes with a pressure less
than 30 (in current units) would appear in the table.
See Object Sets and Paths|tag=Object Sets and Paths -

9.9 Saving a table

A table can be saved globally to be used in all networks or it may be
stored specific to a network. Also it can be defined to re-use the currently
defined object set whenever it is invoked again. This is selected by
checking the box ‘store with explicit object set’. To be used in any
network, however, the object set being defined for the table must not be
explicit, hence if checking this box, the table is always stored as specific.

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Userguide Version 6.3 Results Tables • 105

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Archive utility • 106 Userguide Version 6.3

10 Archive utility

10.1 General
The archive utility is a tool to store networks and scenarios aside in a
separate archive in a compressed form. This may be useful for long term
conservation and backup of the data as well as for dispatching it to
another user (e.g. by email).
If requested, the scenario data are additionally stored in a dump format,
which needs to be used for the purpose of transferring the network with
its scenarios in between different platforms (e.g. unix <> windows).
It is strictly not recommended just to copy the network or scenario data at
the operating system level, in between platforms this is even not feasible.
In particular when transferring networks and scenarios from one platform
to another it is required to use the archive utility (with the dump format
option for scenarios selected) Clicking ribbon tab Tools – group Network
Archive ) invokes a dialogue to set up and organize network archives.
The window shows three main menu items: archive, network and extras
and, if available, a table with the name and the content of the last
recently used archive.
An archive is defined by its name and may contain one or several
networks (also several copies of the same network can be stored
successively documenting a revision history). In addition the table shows
the SIMONE version and the platform from which the archived network
originates, as well as the archivist, the date, an archive comment and the
archive rights.

10.2 Archive
The item Archive -> New sets up a new archive. Besides the archive
directory and name an archive comment can be defined.
Archive -> Open opens an existing archive.
Archive -> Exit leaves the archive utility.

10.3 Network
The item Network->Archive invokes a dialogue to archive a network.
After specifying the network to be archived, a comment can be noted..
Existing scenarios are shown with their specifications in a table. By
default all existing scenarios are archived without their results – it is
possible to change that by marking the respective scenarios. If later on
they should be extracted and used on another platform, it is necessary to
archive a scenario dump, too.
The archive access rights policy for a network can be public, protected
and private.

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Userguide Version 6.3 Archive utility • 107

If public is marked, everybody in a multi-user environment is able to

extract the network from the archive.
Protected – only users with the respective access rights for the network
may extract the network from the archive.
Private – only the user who archived the network may extract it,
optionally with a password.

Network -> extract extracts the actually marked archived network into a
selectable folder. Should the selected folder already exist, it is checked
whether this and the archived network are compatible. If the both
topologies are the same and there has no editing occurred since the
network was archived, it is offered just to extract the scenarios contained
in the archive, leaving everything else untouched.
Network -> delete deletes the actually marked archived network.
Network -> Info invokes a window with the archive information of the
actually marked archived network.
Network -> import archive element imports an archived network from a
zip-file as exported from another archive into the actually opened archive.
Network -> export archive element exports an archived network as a zip-
file to a selectable disk location, from where it may be e.g. sent by mail

10.4 Extras
Extras-> Archive info invokes a window with all information of the actually
opened archive.

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Userguide Version 6.3 Index • 109

Configuration 74
Drive Effiency 74
Flow limit 74
Flow setpoint 74
operation mode 74
11 Index Power 74
Pressure 74
Resistance 74
Revolution 74
Temperature 74
Compressor station parameters and variables 73
Compressor station Variables 75
Adiabatic head 75
Combined cycle 75
A Configuration 75
Access Rights 6 Energy consumption 75
Activate changes 26 Flow rate 75
Active Network 28 Operating mode 75
Adiabatic head Pressure 75
Compressor station Variable 75 Shaft power 75
Application Button 6, 27, 29 Temperature 75
archive Compressor Variables 76
access rights 107 Adiabatic head 76
Archive 12 Efficiency 76
archive utility 106 Energy consumption 76
Attribute Flow rate 76
define user-defined 95 pressure 76
Attribute Definitions 32 revolution 76
Attribute values 96 Shaft power 76
definition 96 Stage assignment 76
Attribute Values 32, 85 Status information 76
User defined 85 temperature 76
Attributes Configuration
properties 95 Compressor station Parameters 74
user defined 95 Compressor station Variable 75
Control valve parameters 72
Flow limit 72
B Flow setpoint 72
Boundary conditions Operation mode 72
Import 12 Percent opening 72
Built-in functions 88 Pre-heating power 72
By-pass 69 Pressure 72
Required outlet temperature 72
Resistance 72
Control valve parameters and variables 71
Change network directory 6 Control valve Variables 73
Close Flow 73
Network 6 Operating mode 73
Combined cycle Outlet temperature 73
Compressor station Variable 75 Percent opening 73
Command line Preheating power 73
Invoking pictures 19 Pressure 73
Compare Scenarios 56 Speed of flow 73
Compressibility CS Check 12
System parameters 80 CS Equipment 74
Compressor Effiency
Compressor station Parameters 74 D
Compressor station 74
Compressor station Parameters 74 Dead state 35
Compressor Effiency 74 Default Values

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Index • 110 Userguide Version 6.3

Dead state, Gas Parameters 35 Pipe Variable 64

Delete Flow setpoint
Network 6 Compressor station Parameters 74
Delete elements 48 Control valve parameters 72
Design Tab 10 FREE mode 74
Pictures Group 10 Function calls 86
Desktop Layout 5 Function editor 59, 83
Diameter Functions 83
Pipe Parameters 64 global 59, 83
Subsystem Parameters 77 Graphs 92
Display Area 6, 15 in Labels 92
Documents 7 in scenario definitions 92
Drive Effiency local 59, 83
Compressor station Parameters 74 Syntax 83
dump 106 Use of 92
Functions of time 91
Creating an element 46 Gas
Element data 31 Gas reference conditions 35
Element Defaults 39 properties 33
Element Parameters Gas Composition 35
Global Changes 31 Gas composition parameters 65
Import 12 Gas Parameters 33, 35
Element Search 31 Default values 33
Energy consumption Define 33
Compressor station Variable 75 Quality parameters 34
Exit 7 Reference conditions 33
Network Editor 29 Set 26
Expression Supply nodes 34
Evaluation 84 Gas Properties
Expressions 83 physical 34
direct use of 93 Gas subcooling
Extended Pipe Variable 64
About 6 Subsystem Variables 77
Prepare System Information 6 GENERIC mode 74
Request Online Support 6 Geodetic height
External Programs 13 Node Variable 69
Global changes 31
F Graphs
Functions 92
Fictitious offtake 65 Settings 22
Node Variable 69 Grid 42
Fictitious off-take show 43
Subsystem Variable 77 Ground Temperature
Fixed pressure drop Subsystem Parameters 77
Valve Parameters 70 Groups 6, 27
Flood 16
normal/volumetric 74
Resistor Variables 71 Heat Dynamics
Valve Variable 70 Subsystem Parameters 77
Flow correction System parameters 80
Node parameters 67 Heat Transfer Coefficient
Flow limit Pipe Parameters 64
Compressor station Parameters 74 Subsystem Parameters 77
Control valve parameters 72 Help 7
Flow rate Home Tab 7
Compressor station Variable 75 Hydrate equilibrium temperature

 Copyright LIWACOM Informationstechnik GmbH and SIMONE Research Group s.r.o.

All rights reserved
Userguide Version 6.3 Index • 111

Node Variable 69 Label Editor 48

Hydrate formation risk Label marker 38
Pipe Variable 64 Labels
Subsystem Variables: 77 Functions 92
Hydrate Formation Risk 36 Use of Functions 92
Node parameters 67 Layer concept 26
Node Variable 69 Layers
System parameters 80 Label 48
Hydrate Inhibitor Type Length
System parameters 80 Pipe Parameters 64
Subsystem Parameters 77
I license manager 24
License Settings 23
Image Limits
Background 53 values 50
Layers 53 Line pack
Images Subsystem Variable 77
Add, Edit Image 52 Load Profiles 61
Boundary condition 12
Element parameters 12
Foreign network 12 Macros 12, 60
Network Editor 29 activate 61
SIMONE network 12 edit 60
Import Group Scenario definition 60
Boundary Conditions 12 Main Menu
Element Parameters 12 Scenario 2
Network 12 Main working area 27
Network description 12 Mathematical Functions 88
Profiled Boundaries 12 metering station
Scenario Parameter 12 Parameter 73
Inactive Network 28
Info N
Network 6
Object 16 Network
Picture 16 Activate Changes 7, 28
Table 16 Active 28
Topo 16 Active Elements 7
Window 16 Attribute Definitions 8
Invoking pictures 19 Attribute values 8
Example 19 Edit 7
Isentropic exponent calculation Edit 30
System parameters 80 Editor 26
Elements 32
extract 107
Functions 8
Knees Global Changes 31
Show 38 Group Network 7
import 107
L Inactive 28
Remove Changes 8
Label 49 Search Object 31
Adjustment 50 Network Archive 12, 106
Background 51 Network editor
Copy labels 51 selecting elements 45
Label Editor 48 Shortcuts 44
Layers 41, 51 Network Editor
options 50 Active Version 37
Label definition Attribute definitions 30
show 38 Attribute values 30

 Copyright LIWACOM Informationstechnik GmbH and SIMONE Research Group s.r.o.

All rights reserved
Index • 112 Userguide Version 6.3

Compare Network 36, 37 QP quantity 67

Copy 30 Quality tracking 65
Create Knees 47 Rupture 67
Creating an element 46 Source quality 67
Cut 30 Supply/Offtake 67
Default Element Settings 38 Temperature 67
Default Label Settings 38 Water dew point 67
Default labeling 40 Node parameters and variables 65
Default Values - Elements 39 Node quality
Defaults 38 Node parameters 67
Delete 30 Node Quality
Disconnect Elements 47 Node Variable 69
Edit Element Data 30 Node Variables 69
Edit element parameters 46 Fictitious offtake 69
Edit Node Data 30 Geodetic height 69
Edit nodes 47 Hydrate equilibrium temperature 69
Element Selection Buttons, List 32 Hydrate Formation Risk 69
Fixed Variables 39 Node Quality 69
Focus Selection 37 Pressure 69
Gas Properties 33 Temperature 69
Global changes 30 Water dew point 69
Grid 42 Non-return valve 73
Inactive Version 37
Join nodes 48 O
Label 43
Labels 49 Object sets
Layer definition 41 reviewing and storing 98
Network Overview 38 using 99
Options 41 Object Sets and Paths 97
Parameter Value Sets 38 Introduction 97
Paste 30 Object-oriented interaction 16
Quality tracking 35 Objects
Quality tracking options 33 defining a path or route 97
Redo 30 search 98
Regenerate default labels 37 selecting graphically 15, 97
Reverse an element 47 Offtake
Screen Performance 37 Subsystem Variable 77
Search 30 Open
Segment Elements 47 Network 6
Set autosave 42 Operands 85
Subsystems 30 Constants 85
Undo 30 Scenario parameters and variables 85
User defined Variables 39 Wildcard Variables 86
Variables 39 Operating density
View Properties 37 Pipe Variable 64
Network element Operating mode
Orientation 46 Compressor station Variable 75
Network Scheme 15 Resistor Variable 71
Navigation 15 Valve Variable 70
Pictures 18 Operation mode
New Compressor station Parameters 74
Network Editor 29 Control valve parameters 72
new network 6 Valve Parameters 70
Node data 32 Operators 87
Node parameters 67 arithmetic 87
Flow correction 67 logical 88
Hydrate Formation Risk 67 relational 87
Node quality 67 Orientation
Pressure 67 Element 46
Purchase Price 67

 Copyright LIWACOM Informationstechnik GmbH and SIMONE Research Group s.r.o.

All rights reserved
Userguide Version 6.3 Index • 113

P Print/Print setup 6
Printing 21
Parameter Value Sets 39 Results tables 21
Parameters Settings 23
Compressor Station Paramters 74 Purchase Price
Control Valve Parameters 72 Node parameters 67
Node Parameters 67
Pipe parameters 63
Resistor Parameters 71 Q
Scenario Parameters 63 QP quantity
Subsystem Parameters 77 Node parameters 67
System Parameters 78 Quality parameters 34
Valve Parameters 70 User-defined 33
Percent opening Quality tracking
Control valve parameters 72 System parameters 80
Pictures Quick access bar 6, 27
Time Zooming 18 Quick Access Bar 7
Pictures Group
Delete 10
Edit 10 R
Equitment Check 10 Reference conditions 23
Layouts 10 Required outlet temperature
Pipe Parameters Control valve parameter 72
Diameter 64 Resistance
Heat Transfer Coefficient 64 Compressor station Parameters 74
Length 64 Control valve parameters 72
pressure drop 63 Valve Parameters 70
Roughness 64 Resistance coefficient 69
Temperature 64 Resistor Parameters 71
Pipe parameters and variables 63 Operation mode 71
Pipe Variables Resistance 71
Flow rate 64 Resistor parameters and variables 70
Gas subcooling 64 Resistor Variables
Hydrate formation risk 64 Flow 71
Operating density 64 Operating mode 71
Pressure drop 64 Pressure drop 71
Pressure ratio 64 Pressure ratio 71
Speed of flow 64 Speed of flow 71
Power Result Table
Compressor station Parameters 74 copy 101
Pre-defined variables 86 Results
Pre-heating power Display of 17
Control valve parameters 72 Display Time 17
Pressure Dynamic Coloring 17
Compressor station Parameters 74 Results Tables 20, 101
Compressor station Variable 75 create 101
Control valve parameters 72 editing columns 102
Node parameters 67 extensions 102
Node Variable 69 layout 101
Subsystem Variable 77 object set definition 103
Valve Parameters 70 path table 103
Valve Variable 70 predefined 20
pressure condition 65 pre-defined 101
Pressure drop 70 saving 104
Equation 70 time columns 103
Pipe Variable 64 Review Group
Resistor Variable 71 Compare Scenarios 10
System parameters 80 Find Path 10
Pressure ratio Find Route 10
Pipe Variable 64 Scenario Differences 10
Resistor Variable 71

 Copyright LIWACOM Informationstechnik GmbH and SIMONE Research Group s.r.o.

All rights reserved
Index • 114 Userguide Version 6.3

Swap Scenarios 10 show 38

Revolution settings 22
Compressor station Parameters 74 Settings 7
Ribbon tab 6, 27 Shaft power
Roughness Compressor station Variable 75
Pipe Parameters 64 Shortcuts 12
Subsystem Parameters 77 Simulation See: Scenario
Rupture Settings 22
Node parameters 67 Simulation Group 8
Execute 9
S Load Profiles 9
Messages 9
Save Parameters 9
Network Editor 29 Simulation Results
Save as Results Tables 20
Network 6 Simulation steps
SCADA 16 System parameters 80
Scenario Source quality
change properties 55 Node parameters 67
Comment 54 Special functions 88
Date, start and end 54 Speed
Definition 3, 54 Subsystem Variable 77
Differences 56 Speed of flow
graphs 16 Pipe Variable 64
initial state 54 Resistor Variable 71
Load Profiles 61 Standard functions 92
new 55 Standard pictures 19
New 54 static model parameters
parameters 16 set 26
Parameters Tables 56 Status bar 14
reports 16 Statusbar 6, 27
Type 54 store networks 106
Scenario - Include 55 Subsystem 77
Scenario - Save as 55 Picture 16
Scenario definition table 63 Subsystem Parameters 77
Scenario Editing 54 Diameter 77
Scenario Group Ground Temperature 77
Close 8 Heat Dynamics 77
Copy from 8 Heat Transfer Coefficient 77
Data Preparation 8 Length 77
Delete 8 Roughness 77
Include 8 Subsystem Variables 77
New 8 Fictitious off-take 77
Open 8 Gas subcooling 77
Properties 8 Hydrate formation risk 77
Restore 8 Line pack 77
Save as 8 Offtake 77
Scenario parameters 78 Pressure 77
Scenario Parameters 16, 63 Speed 77
Attributes 57 Supply 77
defining and editing 56 Subsystems 32
Push Buttons, filter and sorting options 58 New subsystems 32
Results Tables 20 Supply
Scenario Properties 54 Subsystem Variable 77
Scenarios Supply/Offtake
Compare 56 Node parameters 67
Copy, Include, Compare 55 System object 78
Scripting 13 System parameters 78
Search 31 Compressibility 80
Selection feedback 15 Heat Dynamics 80

 Copyright LIWACOM Informationstechnik GmbH and SIMONE Research Group s.r.o.

All rights reserved
Userguide Version 6.3 Index • 115

Hydrate Formation Risk 80 Variables

Hydrate Inhibitor Type 80 Compressor Station Variables 75
Isentropic exponent calculation 80 Compressor Variables 76
Pressure drop 80 Control Valve Variables 73
Quality tracking 80 Fixed 39
Simulation steps 80 General Variables 80
Theta correction 80 Node Variables 69
Time control 80 Pipe Variables 64
Time step 80 Restistor Variables 71
Water Dew Point Calculation 80 Subsystem Variables 77
User defined 39
T Valve Variables 70
View Group
Tables 11 Close all 9
Tables Group Commands 9
Create 11 Full View 9
Delete 11 Initial State 9
Temperature Main Views 9
Compressor station Parameters 74 Optimization Results 9
Compressor station Variable 75 Results 9
Node parameters 67 Results Tables 9
Node Variable 69 Search objects 9
Pipe Parameters 64 Selection 9
Theta correction Terminal State 9
System parameters 80 Values/Names 9
Time control Zoom View 9
System parameters 80
Time step
System parameters 80
Tools Tab 12 Water dew point
Topology View Node parameters: 67
Dynamic Colors 11 Node Variable 69
Hide Legend 11 Water Dew Point Calculation
Hide Selection Feedback 11 System parameters 80
Layer Definition 11 Window Header 28
Topology View Group 11

Settings 23
Useful Shortcuts 13
User-defined extension 86
User-defined extensions 92
User-defined functions 92

Validate Network 42
Valve Parameters 70
Fixed pressure drop 70
Operation mode 70
Pressure 70
Resistance 70
Valve parameters and variables 69
Valve Variables 70
Flow 70
Operating mode 70
Pressure 70

 Copyright LIWACOM Informationstechnik GmbH and SIMONE Research Group s.r.o.

All rights reserved

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