Evaluation and Instrumentation of The Drop Weight Tear Test: Servaas Vervaet, Wim de Waele

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Servaas Vervaet1, Wim De Waele2

Ghent University, Belgium
Ghent University, Laboratory Soete, Belgium

With the use of high strength and high toughness steels in the pipeline industry it has become necessary to
better understand the factors which influence the reliability and integrity of oil and natural gas pipelines. The
Drop-Weight Tear Test (DWTT) is a common test method to determine the fracture appearance and
fracture ductility of steel. Its fundamental purpose is to determine the appearance of propagating fractures
in steels over the temperature range where the fracture mode changes from brittle to ductile. But there are
still many subjects of discussion concerning which results must be obtained, in which manner they should
be obtained and how they should be interpreted. Is it still possible to deduce a shear appearance from
samples which have such an abnormal fracture that they used to be discarded as invalid ? Could results
from the DWTT be correlated with the Crack Tip Opening Angle (CTOA), which is particularly important for
finite element modelling ? What to think about methods such as the two specimen CTOA and the simplified
single specimen method ? How severe is the effect of tunnelling in contemporary linepipe steels and how
can this be dealt with ? Many questions still remain and many aspects are still vague despite the correlating
ecological, economical and safety issues. Therefore, there is a major necessity for further investigations.
Keywords: DWTT; Abnormal Fracture Appearance; CTOA


A high degree of integrity and reliability of pipelines is needed for several reasons. First of all to guarantee a
constant supply of oil and natural gas which have become indispensable in our society. Secondly because
it is difficult to locate a defect in a huge network of pipelines which or often remote and/or buried. Third
aspect is the high repair cost, certainly in case of cracks which can propagate through several segments.
Finally one should also take the safety of persons and the ecological aspects in consideration. Although
integrity and reliability might not seem to be a high demand for a few kilometres of pipes, one has to keep in
mind that this becomes much more difficult to achieve when we are talking about hundreds or thousands of
kilometres. The following examples illustrate these rather vague terms with concrete numbers. The U.S.
operates almost 4 million kilometres of natural gas and hazardous liquid pipelines. Between 1989 and
1998, 2241 pipeline incidents occurred, resulting in 226 deaths, 1030 injuries, $ 700 million in property
damage and release of 1,5 million barrels of crude oil and gasoline [1]. Although much knowledge and
experience has been gathered, further investigations are still required. This not only to better understand
and control the same processes of the last decades, but also because of the higher demands on the
working conditions and the new materials used.
Nowadays, linepipe steels with high strength and excellent low-temperature toughness are needed to
transport oil or natural gas produced in extremely cold regions such as Alaska and Siberia. Steels with
higher strength and toughness are needed because one tends to increase the thickness and diameter of
pipelines in order to raise their transportation efficiency over long distances.


To evaluate the fracture properties of linepipe steels, various laboratory testing methods which try to closely
correspond with full-scale fracture behaviour have been developed. Previously, in low toughness steels, the
resistance to ductile fracture propagation generally showed a linear relation with the (upper shelf)
absorption energy measured from Charpy impact test. However, in high toughness steels with high
absorption energy, this correlation is less obvious. Consequently this test is replaced by the (Battelle) Drop
Weight Tear Test or (B)DWTT (Figure 1). Large scale experiments (West Jefferson or WJ tests) revealed
that a correlation exists between percentage shear area and transition temperature of DWTT specimen and
the full-scale pipe, see Figure 2 [2].
Figure 1: Schematic representation of BDWTT set-up [2].

Figure 2: Comparison of transition temperature obtained by Charpy impact test, BDWT test and West
Jefferson test [2].

The broken sample from the DWTT is inspected to determine the percentage of the area that failed by
shear fracture, called the shear appearance. When this value is 85% or more (Battelle criterion) the steel is
supposed to have sufficient toughness and will not exhibit brittle fracture behaviour in full-scale conditions.
The temperature at which this threshold is reached is called the shear appearance transition temperature
and is assumed to have a very good match with the Fracture Propagating Transition Temperature (FPTT)
of an actual pipeline.
Other characteristics of the DWTT, such as the load-displacement diagram of Figure 3, are often measured
and might give a clearer result, but its usefulness should be further investigated. Another trend in the
modelling of stable crack growth is the use of CTOA. This is a measurement which can be used in many
different tests, but is rather difficult to obtain in a DWTT because of the high speed. As a result various
theories have been developed to correlate CTOA with other characteristics obtained in the DWTT.
Figure 3: Experimental CTOA and load versus displacement for
a DWTT specimen from an X70 linepipe steel [3].


In practice, one has to determine and quantify which part of the DWTT specimen has been broken by shear
and which by cleavage fracture. The distinction between shear and cleavage fracture becomes more
difficult and subjective with the use of high strength and high toughness steels because of their abnormal
fracture appearance. In such case some samples should be discarded. According to the most widely used
standard, namely the API 5L3 [4], a sample that does not exhibit cleavage fracture at the notch tip is invalid.
This is questionable, as it becomes almost inevitable with the use of the high strength steels [5,6].
Furthermore, most types of abnormal fracture appearance are not mentioned in the standard. The figure
below shows three different types of abnormal fracture appearance which have each their own intrinsic
causes. By gaining knowledge of these causes, we can better judge the results and/or reduce their

Figure 4. Three types of abnormal fracture appearance in DWTT specimens [6].

In the first type, the so-called “inverse fracture” appears. A cleavage fracture mode occurs in the hammer
impacted zone of the fracture surface where the width of fracture surface increases abruptly. This fracture
originates from the enhanced transverse compressive strain which is produced by the coupled effect of
hammer compression, bending of the specimen and the frictional force of the test machine supports, at the
hammer impact region. Rolling supports of the test machine could reduce the frictional force and the
transverse compressive strain of specimens during fracture, and so reduce or prevent this type of abnormal
fracture appearance. [6]
In the second type of abnormal fracture appearance, a large cleavage fracture zone extends from the
centre to the end of the fracture surface. The residual thickness around this zone is clearly larger than the
original thickness of the specimen. Along with this compression, the toughness of the material has
degraded. This abnormal fracture appearance problem can be partially solved by using an alternative notch
type instead of the conventional pressed notch. Examples are a static pre-crack, a fatigue pre-crack, an
electron-beam weld, and the most frequently used chevron notch [5,6]. Thanks to the sharp notch that
gives a higher constraint, a reduction of the fracture initiation energy is obtained. This also means a
reduction of the maximum load during fracture and the region influenced by the hammer impact. However
this chevron notch has a few disadvantages. There is for instance a larger variation in the test results,
which depends on the variation of the machined notches. The chevron notch has a more complicated
shape than the pressed notch and requires a higher level of precision. The higher cost of machining is also
a disadvantage for its use in quality control of products. Consequently, the API 5L3 standard recommends
the pressed notch for lower toughness linepipe steels and the chevron notch for high toughness linepipe
steels [4]. This recommendation is rather vague despite of a non negligible influence of this choice on the
shear appearance.
The third type of abnormal fracture appearance is characterized by a large region of cleavage fracture
which is restricted to the centre of the fracture surface. Here the residual thickness of the cleavage fracture
zone is smaller than the original thickness of the specimen at the fracture surface. The cause of this type of
fracture is the change of stress state and dynamic effect during crack propagation, and is impossible to
prevent by modifying the notch shape and/or the test method. This fracture type corresponds to the intrinsic
fracture behaviour of materials and it is therefore not justified to regard these specimens as invalid [6]. But
this specific zone of cleavage fracture may, according to several authors, not be included in the shear area
percentage rating [5,6].
Contrary to the third type, the first and second type show a local increase in thickness and compression
deformation. This does not correspond to the fracture of an actual bursting pipeline where there is a
decrease of the pipe wall thickness as a result of the three-dimensional crack tip stresses. Therefore the
second type of abnormal fracture appearance cannot be evaluated. In the first type however, the cleavage
region is small and lies often out of the region of evaluation so that these samples can be treated as valid


4.1 General
The breakdown in the usefulness of Charpy upper shelf energy as a predictor of fracture toughness has led
investigators, since the 1980s, to look towards more theoretical approaches based on fracture mechanics
variables such as crack-tip stress or strain, crack tip opening displacement (CTOD), crack tip opening angle
(CTOA, see Figure 5), crack tip energy release rate. Several important research institutes have concluded
that the most appropriate variable for modelling stable crack growth is the CTOA measured at a specified
distance from a crack tip [7].

Figure 5. Different techniques to measure the CTOA.

The use of elastic-plastic finite element analyses to simulate fracture of laboratory specimens and structural
components using the CTOA criterion has expanded rapidly. The possibility to model in 3D was an
important step forward because it allowed to simulate a more appropriate state of stress at the crack tip
whereas one had to assume plain-stress or plain-strain behaviour with 2D models [8]. Although the
constant CTOA criterion has been successfully applied to numerous structural applications such as aircraft
fuselages and pipelines [8], there are still many aspects which remain doubtful. For instance the clearly
notable higher value of the CTOA at the beginning of the crack propagation is normally neglected. The
variation of the CTOA value through the thickness of the specimen is only recently observed and needs to
be further investigated along with the effect of crack tunnelling [9,10]. These effects are normally not
considered in a simulation, but tend to become more important with the utilization of higher strength and
toughness materials. Figure 6 shows an example of the tunnelling effect in an interrupted DWTT
specimen [10].
Figure 6. Tunnelling in an interrupted DWTT specimen [9].

4.2 Optical measurement

The fracture propagation in a DWTT specimen at normal speed takes only a few milliseconds so that the
use of an expensive high-speed camera is necessary. During fracture it is (almost) impossible to measure
the CTOA at the interior of the specimen. One possibility is to interrupt the test by stopping the falling mass
using two rigid steel cylindrical blocks [11]. Another possibility is to execute the test quasi-statically, but this
will influence the result [9,10]. Subsequently the specimen can be cut in two by electrical discharge
machining [1] or one can use the specimen as a kind of mold to make a silicon negative of the crack after
which it is possible to perform measurements [10].
Several methods exist for the actual measurement of the angle. The most commonly used are represented
in Figure 5 and Figure 7. A first method uses data from the crack profile to fit lines from the crack tip to pairs
of reference points back from the crack tip. Hereby the difficulty lies in the exact localisation of the crack tip.
Another method uses points located near this tip instead of the crack tip itself and consider the increment. A
third method, is to calculate the angle of two lines which are each fitted with several points. Besides these
methods, one need also to decide at which distance one should measure behind the crack tip and if one
uses points on the crack edge or further away from it. These choices have their influence on the mean
value and the deviation of the CTOA [1,12].

Figure 7. CTOA measurement methods [1,12]. (a) different methods to determine the angle, (b)
measurements according to the different methods of a, (c) measurements further from the crack edge.

4.3 Indirect measurements

Several methods exist to circumvent the difficulties of a direct measurement. They all make use of the load-
displacement diagram. Measurements therefore do not demand extra labour and test machines are often
already installed with the right equipment.
One technique which worked quite well for lower toughness steels, is the two specimen DWTT. By using
the absorbed energies from two specimens with different notch depths and subtracting one from another,
one tried to eliminate the unwanted influence of the initiation energy. Results obtained for higher toughness
steels were not satisfying [3].
Another method is to evaluate the propagation energy which is assumed to be absorbed after the peak
load. A linear relationship between this propagation energy and sin(2*CTOA) is observed, but still needs
more validation [7].
A more recent method called the simplified single specimen (S-SSM) method uses the slope of a
logarithmic load displacement diagram measured in the steady-state region as most important parameter in
their calculation. Figure 8 shows a few results of which the correlation of the S-SSM method with the mid-
section CTOA looks promising [9].
Figure 8. CTOA for quasi-static DWTT by different measurement methods [9].


Further investigations for an adequate DWTT method for the determination of the toughness of modern
line-pipe steels are needed. With the utilization of increasingly higher strength and toughness materials has
grown the difficulty to evaluate linepipe steels with the percentage shear appearance. This is a qualitative
testing method which needs to be adapted and verified with full scale burst tests for new materials. But a
successful correlation for one type of high toughness steel and its abnormal fracture appearances shall not
be automatically useful for other steels. Performing these experiments for each new type of steel would be
too expensive. That is why a shift to more fracture mechanics based testing methods, which would need
less expensive verification, is probable. This could for example involve the use of the Crack Tip Opening
Angle (CTOA). These measurements are well known in other laboratory tests such as the compact tension
specimen, but are not often used in the DWTT. A direct optical measurement of the CTOA in a DWTT could
bring more clarification as it combines both the frequently used experiments of the DWTT with the theory of
CTOA. Some other already existing methods using the DWTT are also promising but need more tests to
evaluate their usefulness and reliability.


[1] National Institute of Standards and Technology, Pipeline Safety,

[2] M. Erdelen-Peppler, R. Gehrmann, G. Junker, G. Knauf, A. Liessem, Significance of DWT testing for
line pipe safety, Proceedings of the 11 Int. Conf. on Fracture, Turin (Italy), 2005, 6 pages.
[3] D.L Rudland, G.M Wilkowski, Z Feng, Y.-Y Wang, D Horsley, A Glover, Experimental investigation of
CTOA in linepipe steels, Engineering Fracture Mechanics, Vol70, Issues 3-4, 2003, Pages 567-577.
[4] API R 5L3, Recommended practice for conducting drop-weight tear test on line pipe, API, 1996
[5] B. Hwang, S. Lee, Y.M. Kim, N.J. Kim, J.Y. Yoo, C.S. Woo, Analysis of abnormal fracture occurring
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[6] Z. Yang, C.B. Kim, Y. Feng, C. Cho, Abnormal fracture appearance in drop-weight tear test specimens
of pipeline steel, Materials Science and Engineering: A, Volumes 483-484, 2008, Pages 239-241.
[7] N. Osbrone, Instrumented Drop Weight Tear Test, Imatek, 2008
[8] J.C Newman Jr., M.A James, U Zerbst, A review of the CTOA/CTOD fracture criterion, Engineering
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[9] S. Xu, W.R. Tyson, R. Eagleson, C.N. McCowan, E.S. Drexler, J.D. McColskey, Ph.p. Darcis,
Measurement of CTOA of pipe steels using MDCB and DWTT specimens. In : Proceeding of the 8th
International Pipeline Conference, Calgary, Canada, 2010
[10] E. Marotta, M. Minotti, P. Salvini, Effect of fracture tunneling in DWT Tests, Engineering Fracture
Mechanics, 2011,
[11] S. Xu, R. Eagleson, W.R. Tyson, and D.-Y. Park, Crack tunneling and crack tip opening angle in drop-
weight tear test specimens, Int J Fract 2011; DOI 10.1007/s10704-011-9635-5
[12] Ph.P. Darcis, C.N. McCowan, H. Windhoff, J.D. McColskey, T.A. Siewert, Crack tip opening angle
optical measurement methods in five pipeline steels, Engineering Fracture Mechanics, Volume 75,
Issue 8, 2008, Pages 2453-2468.

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