Absolute Pitch Practice

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Welcome to a new you! This new you hopes for nothing and expects everything.

new you is better than the old you. And this new you knows that you will become
even better!

So let's get started on the path to ABSOLUTE PITCH POWER!

First, take the time to let yourself daydream about something relaxing. Focus on
your breath flowing in and out. When you are relaxed and attentive, read on.

The first step to having absolute pitch is to believe that YOU CAN have absolute

Imagine not knowing red from blue. It's difficult to imagine, isn't it? But did you
know the names of colors when you were two years old? Not yet, you didn't. So just
imagine that your ear is only two years old and you are now going to learn the
different pitches. Doesn't sound so hard, does it?

You already have this ability in your ear. All the mechanisms are there. Nothing
physical has to change in order to have absolute pitch. So then, what does need to


And the best part about changing your mind is that it's simple, easy and extremely
powerful! The subconscious mind doesn't know the difference between what's real and
what's vividly imagined. That's why nightmares can be so scary and why fantasies
are so much fun! So change your mind...

...and change your life!

Lesson 1: Get Leverage

Imagine how good it would feel to have absolute pitch. Really feel it. Make it
real. Picture a time when absolute pitch could be useful. How about this, you're
sitting in first class on a flight from your home town to New York where you're
performing tonight. You've just eaten a delicious meal and are now washing your
hands with a moist warm towel when...WHAMMO...you hear a great piece of music in
your mind. Now imagine pulling a piece of manuscript paper from your carry-on and
simply write down the idea just like you can transcribe every note that you hear.
Make this scene real. Hear the sounds, feel the pen in your hand (you don't use
pencils because you don't make mistakes anymore :), see the details of your
surroundings. Now make these sensations bigger, closer, brighter, louder, clearer
and more vivid. Bring the scene closer still. Make it even more intense. Visualize
some other scenes where absolute pitch could be a great asset.

GREAT! Now you know how good it feels to have absolute pitch and you know the
pleasure it can bring.

Next, think of the opportunities you could miss by not having absolute pitch. What
would be the worst thing about not having absolute pitch? Would it be the missed
opportunities, the wrong notes, the lack of musical influence you'll have, the poor
self-esteem, or simply the lack of an amazing experience?

Now that you've used pain and pleasure to make having absolute pitch a must, decide
to take action and create a plan. Set aside some time each day to work on your ear.
Write it down. Seriously, WRITE IT DOWN. Sorry, didn't mean to yell. But writing it
down makes it real. Writing your goal down sends the universe a message that you
mean business! Put the date next to it. Now, make a fist and say it out loud. Now
you're really putting it out into the world. Shout it! Vibrate the air with your
dedication to having absolute pitch!

EXCELLENT! You're on your way. You're one of the few that do!

Now, here's your musical exercise:

Go to your instrument and play a C. But before you do, hum a C. Just pretend you
know what a C sounds like and hum it. Don't worry about being wrong. If you are
wrong, figure out what note you hummed. Then play the C again. Really listen to the
C. Notice how it makes you feel. Does it have an emotion attached to it or a color
or a thought? Let the C affect you and simply listen. Be aware. Now hum the C.
Then, play the C again and just listen. Do this for a couple of minutes. Alternate
humming and listening. If you were lucky and correct the first time, don't get too
excited. An ego only gets in the way of learning. Just say, "that's interesting,"
and follow the rest of the exercise of humming and then listening. The whole point
of this exercise is to listen deeply.

For your homework, do the visualization and the musical exercise a couple of times
over the next few days. Learning requires action so make this a priority. It
doesn't take long- just 5 minutes at a time. And these 5 minutes are worth a
lifetime of musical excellence!


In order to have absolute pitch, we must re-learn how to listen. And luckily, since
you're alive, you can learn to do anything! So get ready for an amazing experience
and get ready for lesson two.

I know you did the visualization and the exercises. Didn't you?

If you didn't, then get to it. Each lesson builds on top of the previous lesson so
moving out of order will only hinder your results. If you are one of the few who
do, then let's continue on the path to ABSOLUTE PITCH POWER!

Now, take the time to let yourself daydream about something relaxing. Focus on your
breath flowing in and out. When you are relaxed and attentive, read on.

The second step to having absolute pitch is to prepare your mind to memorize. In
order to maximize your concentration and optimize your condition for learning, we
first need to understand a little brain theory.

The upper part of your brain is known as the cerebrum and it's divided into two
parts or sides. These are the left and right hemispheres. Your brain is essentially
a mixture of electricity and chemistry. There's a continuous flow of electricity
across the left and the right hemispheres that varies in frequency throughout the

Each hemisphere processes information in a slightly different way. For example, the
left-brain is more specialized in serial processing, and analyzing information in a
linear way, one piece after the other. This side of the brain is extremely logical.
The right brain is more specialized in parallel processing. In other words, taking
several bits of information at the same time. The right brain is better suited for
processing pictures and emotions. It's highly active during dreaming.

Memorizing pitch requires spatial analysis. Spatial awareness is a right-brain

function while analysis is a left-brain function.

If we want absolute pitch, we need to access both sides of the brain for a balanced
solution. The reading you're doing now is primarily left-brained. You're logically
analyzing the argument for absolute pitch.

We also must access the right brain. When you listen deeply, your brain slows down
to about seven or eight cycles a second. This is called the alpha state and it's
perfect for concentration and receiving information.

Now it seems that the peak-learning state is the alpha state. So ideally you want
to be quiet, relaxed and somewhere without distractions. This will slow your brain
waves down to alpha where we can receive information and memorize pitches.

Sidebar- What is Hypnosis?
Hypnosis is a direct route to the subconscious mind. That's the simple definition.
But a definition isn't complete without mentioning the benefits of hypnosis.

You might regard Hypnosis as a way of programming the mind. Hypnosis heightens the
senses, enhances the logical powers of the mind, alters the physical body, can
produce anaesthesia and can create cellular change!

I've found Hypnosis to be of great benefit to musicians. With Hypnosis, a musician

can hear better, play more confidently, become more creative and have a more
focused vision.

Can anyone be hypnotized? YES. You go in and out of a hypnotic state all day.
You're just not aware of it.

The greatest use for hypnosis with musicians is definitely absolute pitch. Music is
a hearing art. If there's one skill that is of critical importance to a musician,
it is to hear. And more importantly, to listen. With hypnosis, you enhance the
sense of hearing and focus the skill of listening!

Absolute Pitch Power is a breakthrough for music education. We've entered a new era
in musical development. You can now experience an evolution of the ear! You now can
have the "Holy Grail" of musicians- absolute pitch!


Lesson 2: Prepare your mind

The first step is to close your eyes and breathe deeply. When you breathe in, hold
your breath as long as you can. Right before you begin to feel uncomfortable,
release your breath and push it all the way out. Do this for a few minutes.

Next, consciously relax every part of your body from your head down to your toes.
Release all tension and repeat the word "relax" quietly in your mind.

It may help to imagine a peaceful setting like the beach or a garden. It may also
help to visualize walking down stairs or being in an elevator and going down. Any
image of descending, such as falling through space (as long as it doesn't scare
you!), will help you relax to the desired level.

At this point, we can do two things. First, we can suggest positive beliefs to our
subconscious mind regarding the learning of absolute pitch. Say things like, "I
memorize tones easily and effortlessly" or "I listen deeply and recall thoroughly"
You can make up your own but remember to make them positive and keep them in the
present tense.
The second thing we can do is to play single long tones on our instrument. Do this
in a relaxed manner and don't get excited or analyze too much. Try to remain in
trance throughout this process. Play any note and just listen. Let the notes come
to you. Listen effortlessly with a very relaxed attention. Do this without a goal
in mind. Do this for the benefit of making friends with each and every note. Soon,
the notes will be your best friends!

Do this mind preparation a couple times each day for the next few days. Not only
will this exercise enhance your hearing, it will benefit your health! You'll find
that your focus and clarity of mind will increase and you may even get absolute
pitch! How about that?

"I have been doing this program for 2 weeks and

I can already pick out pitches in music!"
-Robert Fulton

You've created the leverage and you've prepared your mind, now what?


Now, take the time to let yourself daydream about something relaxing. Focus on your
breath flowing in and out. When you are relaxed and attentive, read on.

The third step to having absolute pitch is to program your mind. This is the most
exciting part!

It's highly recommended that you continue to do the exercises from the previous two
lessons. This will insure fast results.

This is the process:

You must first go to alpha level using the instructions from lesson 2. With your
instrument, while in alpha, choose any four notes for this exercise (it's best to
choose notes that also use relative pitch in the beginning, like a C major 7 chord,
D minor 7 chord, etc.). Play each tone about 5 times in a row. In between playing
each tone, imagine the tone in your mind. Do this in as relaxed a manner as
possible. Listen deeply and easily. Don't try to listen, just relax and let the
tones come to you. In 3 sessions, you will have programmed the entire chromatic
scale. It's that simple! The important thing is not to ask too many questions about
this process. Asking questions brings the critical mind into the picture and slows
down the programming process.

In all of life, it's very important to be aware of the critical mind. The critical
mind is extremely important- such as when searching for the truth about a
situation. But when we want to program a positive behavior or belief, the critical
mind can negatively influence our decision to do so.

So when directed, the critical mind can be a wonderful problem solver. When
undirected and unfocused, the critical mind can build barriers to positive
programming or even cause you to cling to negative programming! We'll talk more
about the critical mind and how it relates to absolute pitch in lesson 5.

There you go, an extra life-lesson thrown in for free :)


Now, it must be understood that you might recognize these tones in some situations
but not in others. For instance, while practicing or ear training, you may know
what a C sounds like before you play it but, while listening to the radio, you
might not recognize that a song is in the key of C. You will better activate this
mind programming in the next session!

These exercises should be practiced over the next week or so. Choose 3 groups of 4
notes and stick to a single group for a few days before moving on to the next
group. When you've done this, lesson 4 will already be in your inbox!

You might want me to do all the work for you using the latest mind technologies for
extremely fast results.

"Yes. I want Absolute Pitch Power now!"

PS - Look for lesson 4 in about a week. And remember to do the exercises!

Lesson 4: Absolute Pitch Activation!

Now, take the time to let yourself daydream about something relaxing. Focus on your
breath flowing in and out. When you are relaxed and attentive, read on.

You are near the end of your journey to unshakable absolute pitch! Soon you will
posses the "Holy Grail" of musicianship. Get ready to experience the mastery of
your art and the sense of personal accomplishment. World domination comes a little
later :)

Absolute pitch activation involves doing the opposite of what you've learned so
far. Up until now, you've been receiving information. Now it's time for action.

Here's how it works:

Sing a C. You probably can do this now. If you're having trouble, don't worry. Soon
you will sing any note without fail. Sing a B, sing an F, sing an A flat, are you
getting the picture? We are now activating the learnings by acting as if we have
absolute pitch. Mistakes are only opportunities to correct yourself. Just keep
singing notes. By the way, don't worry if you don't have a great voice or sing a
little flat or sharp. You know what the tone sounds like in your mind and that's
what counts.

Do this over and over and over and over, etc. It's like any new skill. You just
keep trying and trying. Each so called "failure" is really another step toward
success. You've probably heard about Edison's 11,000 or so "failures" before
creating the light bulb. He kept his attitude positive and that's what you must do.

If you find this difficult, do not despair. Lesson 5 will take care of any
roadblocks to your achievement. Above all, continue to believe in yourself, use
pleasure and pain to increase the amount of leverage, prepare your mind with alpha-
level programming, program your mind by pitch memorization and now, activate
absolute pitch!

Here's some frequently asked questions about Absolute Pitch Power
Question: How long does it take to complete the program?
Answer: Each session takes about 1 week. If you don't have absolute pitch after
session 6, then session 7 will help you find out why. After session 7, you may need
to listen to some of the earlier sessions again.

Question: Can you explain more about going onto a trance? That stuff kinda scares
Answer: Hypnosis is nothing to be afraid of. In fact, everyone goes into a hypnotic
state many times a day, you just don't know it. With Absolute Pitch Power, you will
remain conscious throughout the process. Hypnosis is a powerful tool to create

Question: I'm a singer, do I have to work on a piano?

Answer: No, all you need is your voice. You can work on a piano if you want.

Question: How often and for how long should I do the exercises (I've got a job, and
my spare time is not that much).
Answer: You can go at your own pace. Each session is no longer than 25 minutes and
most are 15 minutes. I recommend spending a half hour a day. What will speed up
your process is doing a little extra during the day. For instance, session 2 is
less than 15 minutes so you might actually do it twice in one day. Or just checking
yourself with a tuning fork throughout the day will make a big difference in the
speed of absolute pitch development. If you can only work at it 2 or 3 times a
week, that's ok too. It's up to you.

Question: How does the guarantee work exactly?

Answer: If at any time you are not satisfied, return Absolute Pitch Power for your
money back. No questions asked.

PS - Be proud of yourself. You're on your way to Absolute Pitch Power!

Are you ready for the most important stage of absolute pitch?

This session is for those of us who have trouble getting absolute pitch even after
a lot of hard work.

Lesson 5: Demolishing self-sabotage

Now, take the time to let yourself daydream about something relaxing. Focus on your
breath flowing in and out. When you are relaxed and attentive, read on.

Sometimes, we have hidden internal motives that don't want us to succeed. You see,
we all have many different parts that make up who we are. This is normal and simply
describes our internal process of thinking and decision making. For example, a part
of you might want to go out for dinner and a part of you might want to stay in.
These points of view may be considered separate, but overlapping, parts that are
each working in the best interest of the self. Each part has "its" own reasons for
supporting a different point of view.

With overweight people, a part of that person might actually want to stay
overweight as a protection against being hurt. If that person remains overweight
and never gets close to anyone, then the chances of being hurt lessen. So the part
that wants to be healthy and in good shape is in direct conflict with the part that
wants to remain overweight and avoid loss. But both parts have the best interest of
the self in mind. They are simply coming from very different angles.

How these separate parts relate to having absolute pitch is different for each
individual. But a lot of times we hinder our own absolute pitch development. I
experienced this as a fear of the responsibility of having an outstanding ear.
Living up to the high standards of absolute pitch scared me and caused me to hinder
my own personal growth. But once I realized and acknowledged that part of me and
what that part of me wanted, which was to protect me, I was able to make friends
with both parts and actually make them whole.

You may know of someone who said this, or maybe you said it yourself, that absolute
pitch would make listening to music difficult. That part was simply protecting the
self from being let down. But we know that absolute pitch is absolutely a hearing
enhancement, not a hindrance.

This part of Absolute Pitch Power is extremely difficult to do as an individual.

Perhaps just knowing this information will help you.

PS - Be very very proud of yourself. The majority of people don't get this far!

Lesson 6: Triggers

Now, take the time to let yourself daydream about something relaxing. Focus on your
breath flowing in and out. When you are relaxed and attentive, read on.

Pick your favorite song, preferably a song from your adolescence or a song you've
written, and imagine it. Now listen to that song and see if you imagined it in the
correct key. Chances are, you did.

When I was learning absolute pitch, I had a trigger for every note. The opening
riff to Marvin Gaye's "Let's Get It On" gave me a trigger for 4 notes!

This technique will prove that you have a good memory for pitches and you will
build your confidence. Build a catalog of pitch triggers and test yourself
throughout your day. Don't worry if you're wrong some of the time. Eventually,
you'll be 99.99 percent correct!

I hope you're enjoying this free absolute pitch course. To be perfectly honest, I'm
surprised you haven't ordered Absolute Pitch Power yet. I'm not exactly sure what
is holding you back. So if you have any questions, please email me.

Remember, Absolute Pitch Power is more than just another audio course to add to
your library, you're getting a complete and interactive ear training system!

Here's what you get:

3 CDs with step-by-step instructions (This is all you need to get absolute pitch!)
Access to a members only website
Ear training software downloads
Personal coaching
Ear training audio downloads
The latest and most effective ear training exercises
FREE Absolute Pitch Power course updates
Bonus absolute pitch sessions and MORE!
And don't forget that Absolute Pitch Power is guaranteed for life! You've got
nothing to lose and everything to gain!

You'll be hearing everything you've ever dreamed of (and more!) very soon after you
PS - I hope you're taking action. Knowing this information isn't enough.

Now it's time to understand the overall goal of Absolute Pitch Power.

Lesson 6: Narrow your focus

Now, take the time to let yourself daydream about something relaxing. Focus on your
breath flowing in and out. When you are relaxed and attentive, read on.

How is your absolute pitch progress coming along?

If you're actually doing the lessons, then your pitch recall range should be
narrowing. What I mean by this is, if you had no idea where a C was before, you
probably now know that it's not a G or an F because that would be too far away.

What the entire Absolute Pitch Power process is doing is focusing your ear. So you
might notice that when you try to guess a C, you are aware that an F is too high to
be a C and a G is too low to be a C. Soon you will recognize that an E flat is too
high to be a C and an A is too low to be a C. And when you have absolute pitch,
you'll know that a C is only a C. And you'll be able to refine it even further to
know how sharp or flat any given C is. But whereas this level of absolute pitch
takes a lot of time and practice, simply being able to name notes will come much

So, if you would, please tell me your success stories. And if you let me post it
online, I have a gift for you!.

Thanks for all of the hard work you have put in. You, are one of the few who do.
Pat yourself on the back, give yourself a big kiss, and prepare yourself for
Absolute Pitch Power!

"I have been doing this program for 2 weeks and

I can already pick out pitches in music!"
-Robert Fulton

PS - The gift is groundbreaking!

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