Rajasthan The Land of Maharajas

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Rajasthan the Land of Maharajas

The Maharajas once ruled Rajasthan with bejewelled fists, these passionate monarchs also had a great love of all things exquisite. The splendour and extravagance of these erstwhile rulers still lives on in this fabled land. The first interaction a visitor has with the power and prestige that the royalty commanded is by witnessing the magnificent forts, ethereal palaces , intricate havelies, splendid temples, elaborate wells, handsome mansions and memorials that dot the landscape. Built of burnished sandstone and marble, these architectural marvels contain intricate carvings on walls, elegant facades, elaborate balconies and majestic domes and turrets. What is more, step into the interiors of these mansions and be transported back in time to an age where hundreds of attendants served the monarchy, walk along the corridors where heavily veiled princesses treaded lightly and ride up the ramparts on the back of beautifully decorated Elephants like any worthy visitor to the King. A riot of colours A land of striking beauty Rajasthan has a mystical, magical allure all its own. Its people are known for their valour and their tales of gallantry are now a part of folklore, often expressed through dance and music. They also express themselves through colour. Amidst the background of golden sand dunes it is not uncommon to find towns decorated in riotous colours and the locals dressed in heavily embroidered and intricate thread and mirror work costumes, always in celebration of their precious heritage. Abundant in art The kings of yore were also great patrons of art and culture, a precious tradition that Rajasthan still maintains. The beauty of the Rajasthani miniature paintings remains unparalleled and as an art form they are unique and distinct. Though canvas and paper have always been the obvious choice for a painting, it is not uncommon to see brilliant frescoes and paintings decorating the ceilings and walls Tailormade Your Tour of the royal residences. Steeped in old world charm Experience this land as the regal monarchs traversed it, choose from the gilded palace on wheels to a desert safari, partake in the Polo matches and Champagne dinners, experience the high life but don't miss out on all that the bazaar has to offer. With its tiny stores along narrow curvy lanes, the marketplace, unaltered since centuries , is a perfect way to experience Rajasthan's heartwarming hospitality and old world charm and of course shop for those precious mementoes. Among its many wares silver ornaments are sold by the kilo, fistfuls of precious and semi-precious stones offered off pave-ments, mountains of hand-block printed fabrics piled up in shops, quilts strung up to hang, as colourful as the veils fluttering in stores, rows upon rows of terecotta pots, evenly arranged rows of embroidered shoes, piles of paintings, and amazing heaps of wood and metal crafted objects. It truly is a medieval bazaar come to life.

Festivals and fanfare Immerse yourself in the spirit of this land by visiting some of the many fairs and festivals it has to offer. Celebrations range from the religious to the popular. Music and dance play an important role in these festivals, troupes of tribal musicians and dancers can hypnotise you with their enchanting rythms and nimble movements. The Chari , the Ghoomar and the Fire dance are some of the more popular and stirring performances. The Maand is the traditional form of court music that narrates tales of the ruler-patrons. The fairgrounds are also a melting pot of the different clans and tribes within Rajasthan , each one displaying their decorative handicrafts and jewellery, trading camels, racing elephants and indulging in some good old fashioned revelry. Delightfully delicious A cuisine specific to a land has to be experienced for one to truly understand its culture. The royal kitchens of Rajasthan have not ever disappointed their kings and you are sure to love these preparations as much. The cuisine culled Tailormade Your Tour from the few ingredients such as millets, beans and pulses , the only crops to grow in such an arid climate, will leave you astounded by the inventiveness of their preparations. High on the list of must-sample dishes would be the sumptuous daal-bati-choorma, crisp makki ki roti, savoury gatte-ka-saag, a lapsi for dessert and perhaps a glass of lassi at the end of the meal. If you are fond of your meats be sure to try the the local non-vegetarian delicacy, the kebabs popularly known as sula. Bon voyage and Bon Apetite.

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