Note If Your Answer Is True No Need To Justify
Note If Your Answer Is True No Need To Justify
Note If Your Answer Is True No Need To Justify
Prior Knowledge Assessment Below are statements about contextualization. Determine whether the
statements are True or False.
Statements Answers Feedback
1. Learners relate better to TRUE
concrete, tangible
examples and experiences
than to abstract conceptual
2. Action learning is based TRUE
on the premise that
learners will learn from
their mistakes and/or learn
from one another.
3. Contextualization is a TRUE
degree of localization.
4. When you incorporate FALSE You can’t say you are
activities that are related to indigenous people if you
the actual situation in the are not a member of their
community and you utilize tribes. As a teacher, you
materials that are available are only adopting and
in the locality of the school, utilizing materials that are
you are already available in the locality of
indigenizing. the school.
5. Contextualization is one TRUE
of the main features of the
K to 12 Curriculum.
6. DepEd mission FALSE This is not the highlights of
highlights that the Deped mission. It is the
curriculum shall be flexible standards and principles,
enough to enable and when appropriate, in
allow schools to localize, developing the enhanced
indigenize, and enhance basic education curriculum.
the curriculum based on
their respective
educational and social
7. Contextualization is also TRUE
one of the provisions in
Republic Act 10533 or the
Enhanced Basic Education
Act of 2013.
8. Zone of Proximal TRUE
Development (ZPD) is the
gap between what is
known and what is being
9. Contextual learning TRUE
should be an integrated
learning process of
problem-solving learning
and work-based learning to
encourage and stimulate a
higher-level thinking.
10. Situational learning is FALSE Action learning is a
based on the premise that systematic process through
learning requires action which individuals learn by
and action requires doing. It is based on the
learning. premise that
learning requires action an
d action requires learning.
Required Task 2: Think-Pair-Share Using the legal bases supporting the practice of contextualized
teaching, write down the phrases and clauses referring to contextualization. Discuss them with your
co-newly hired teacher/s or mentor. Use the template below.
Legal Basis Statements/phrases Feedback from the Insights during the
highlighting mentor Sharing
1. Article XIV Culture- based – It seeks to develop It is the grounding of
Section 14 1987 The State shall among Filipinos a greater instruction and
Philippine foster the awareness,understanding student learning in
Constitution preservation, and appreciation of these ways
enrichment, and arts,history ,and heritage including
dynamic evolution towards the evolution of values ,norms ,kno
of a Filipino national consciousness that will wledge ,beliefs ,pra
culture based on the improve the quality of our ctices ,experiences,
principle of unity in life. and language that
diversity in a climate are foundation of
of free artistic and culture
2. Republic Act The curriculum shall develop contextualized The development
10533 Enhanced be contextualized curriculums that fit the and evolution of
Basic Education Act and global The needs of the time and these global goals
of 2013 curriculum shall be place and people that for education have
flexible they are serving. given rise to the
global curriculum,
which aims to
“promote a
curriculum, unifying
identification, and
respect of regional
3. DepEd’s Mission Culture-based Family, Family, community
Family, community community, and other and other
and other stakeholders are actively stakeholders has
stakeholders are engaged and share also a big role or a
actively engaged responsibility for part in attaining
developing life-long schools’ mission
learners. and vision in
promoting equity
and improved basic
quality education.
Teacher Mary Ann Indigenization
presented the lesson Teacher Mary Ann
Identify elements of a by mentioning focus on the socio-
short story community activities or cultural community
cultural practices that activities and cultural
inherently use the practices as an
concept of ratio like example.
bringing sacks of rice
to markets using
carabao (one carabao
to the number of
Teacher Melody
Indigenization because
Identify star patterns instructed her learners
teacher melody wants
that can be seen at to interview the
her learners to
particular times of the chieftains in the
research about the
year villages of the learners
history of their place.
and asked for stories
of origin depicting their
Teacher Hanadee Teacher Hanadee
presented the uses the strategy
elements of a short Indigenization in the
story using a local teaching-learning
legend “Ang Alamat ni processes in relation to
Daragang Magayon” the bio-geographical of
their place.
Teacher Ailyn It focuses on the bio-
mentioned the geographical content
community’s name for of the lesson.
prominent stars while
retaining the use of the
Greek constellations
Teacher Lester It focuses on the socio-
discussed the cultural content of the
community’s own lesson.
calendar of star
patterns and its
background before
discussing the Greek
Required Task 1: Tell whether the following situations illustrate Localization or Indigenization.
I promise to engage my students in active learning while assisting them to make meaning out of the
information they are obtaining. I will help students learn language skills by teaching the skills using
the authentic contexts in which students must use those skills in the real world.
I will utilize the importance of teaching localization and indigenization in my lesson.
Required Task 2
Now to fully understand REACT Strategy, read the following Classroom Observation Notes by a
Master Teacher to Teacher Romano in his Science Class. Then answer the questions that follow with
your colleagues and mentor.
Now challenge your understanding by answering these questions together with your colleagues and
Discussion Questions Answers Feedback
Did Teacher Romano utilize YES Teacher Romano employs a
contextualization? sociolinguistic or contextualization
strategy in which language (both
spoken and physical language) is
used to convey important
components of a conversation.
What degree of LOCALIZATION Presenting local materials may
contextualization is presented encourage greater learning and
in the sample lesson? make the content more
relevant to the students.
Which part in Teacher REACT methods can be used
Romano’s lesson showed the When the students perform to ensure learners' active
REACT Strategy? Outline the the activity engagement and even to build
portions that demonstrated the a suitable learning
REACT strategy. environment.
Was the anticipated learning The REACT approach ensures
outcome realized through the YES that students participate
REACT Strategy? actively in order to encourage
enjoyable and active learning.
As a teacher, can you replicate Yes, especially in sessions that REACT technique was more
any lesson or topic using the involve direct experience to effective and recommended for
REACT Strategy? How? guarantee that the learners use in a class when the
understand the process or students needed direct
steps of a particular topic. experience.
Required Task 3: You were assigned to teach in a community with learners from an indigenous
group. Think of a topic that you will be discussing and write a lesson outline using the REACT
Strategy. Think of ways to promote an inclusive, culture-responsive, and relevant education for your
learners. Use the template below. Be ready for a discussion with your mentor and colleagues.
Optional Task: Complete the table Get to know your community. Complete the table below to get
acquainted with your school community. If you have no answer for some items, you may leave it
Name of School Community (School name and Barangay):Cupang Antipolo CIty, (SAMPLE ONLY)
Identify Problems: Before you make the Action Plan, you need to identify the root cause of the
problems. Identify these problems and accomplish the table in a LAC Session with your mentor. You
may also refer to the existing action plans from the school to accomplish the tasks.
Observable Reasons: What Resources: What Action: What can Action: What can
Problems: What might be the resources do you you do as their your school do to
are the problems reason? have in your teacher? face the
that hinder the school community challenge? Are
learning process that you can there any efforts
during this time of utilize in easing your school is
pandemic? out the identified doing to ease the
problems in your problem?
Availability of Lack of finances A learning module Visit each home Look for someone
internet of the families that may be sent while carrying who can help the
connection and to their house, their instructional school keep the
gadgets. allowing them to modules. Look for students informed
continue their stakeholders that and up to date on
studies even if can assist me in the lectures.
they don't have keeping my Consulted the
access to a students informed Barangay officials
device. and updated to be given aid
about our lesson. and assistance in
visiting students
and distributing
learning modules.
Make an Action Plan The identified problems can be solved by planning before execution. Continue
this activity by filling out the table below.
Action steps: What Responsible Personnel Time frame When Potential barriers What
tasks should be done? Who are the people to should the tasks be hinders the
perform the tasks? accomplished? accomplishment of
these tasks?
Maintain a positive Teachers and Year around The availability of
connection with Principals as well as stakeholders and the
government offices by the learners’ parents. funding required for the
coordinating with as search for potential
many stakeholders as stakeholders to satisfy
feasible. school demands.
Session 2: The School and Community Relationships
Key Topic 1: Laws and Existing Policies
Required Task 1 Write TRUE if the statement is correct and FALSE if not.
Statement Answer Feedback
1. The wider school community TRUE The school is conducive to
can be a source of learning. learning when it has a
harmonious interaction with the
2. Batas Pambansa Blg. 232 is TRUE This policy intends to construct
also known as An Act Providing and maintain a comprehensive,
for the Establishment and appropriate, and integrated
Maintenance of an Integrated educational system that is
System of Education. relevant to national
development goals.
3. The community is required to FALSE The community was not
provide the needs of the compelled to meet the school's
school. needs, but they might assist the
school in meeting those needs.
4. The School Governing FALSE The learning of the kids was not
Council (SGC) is accountable the responsibility of SGC.
to the learning of the students Because an SGC's role is to
in the school. create a platform for parents,
students, teachers, community
stakeholders, and the school's
principal to collaborate and
improve student learning
5. Frequent communication TRUE School should maintain a
with the learners’ parents/ harmonious relationship to the
guardians contributes to a community especially to the
healthy school-community learners’ parents/guardians.
6. A farmer or fisherman in the FALSE Internal stakeholders are those
community is considered an who have a direct connection to
Internal Stakeholder of the the institution.
7. The school alone can FALSE To create a secure and
provide for the life-long learning pleasant learning environment,
skills the learners need. the school need community
8. During Family Day, teachers TRUE Providing various school
get the chance to know the activities that foster
parents/ guardians and some of relationships between students
the members of the family of and their parents/guardians
the learner. may be extremely beneficial to
the students' learning process.
9. Having open and healthy FALSE Having a healthy relationship to
communication between the the learners’ parents/guardian
teacher and the learners’ may be extremely beneficial to
parents/ guardians has nothing the students' learning process.
to do with the academic nor in
the social behavior of the
10. An established linkage TRUE Having a positive relationship
between the teachers/ school with the community can help
and the community can help in learners learn more effectively.
the development of the learner
2. Who are the persons in the school community that you can tap to help you establish a good
relationship with parents?
ANSWER: We might tap our students and seek our administration for permission to organize a school
activity that would benefit both teachers and parents, especially the students to maintain and develop
a positive connection with parents and the community.
Session 3 – Strengthening and Sustaining Good Relationships with the School Community
Preliminary Activity: During your first month of teaching, were you able to get to know the parents of
your learners? What were your struggles and how did you overcome them? Limit your response to
200 words.
Reach out to your colleagues (preferably newly-hired teachers) and share your thoughts with your co-
teachers. Write down the ideas you got from them:
During my first month of teaching I was able to get to know some of the parents of my
pupils.Some of my struggles was communication with other parents and lack of participation of
school activities. We all know that a good relationship between families and schools is a top factor in
positive students outcomes.But when families are hard to reach or seem reluctant to
participate ,building those relationships can be tough.I overcome those struggles by offering the
option or having meetings over the phone or via video conferencing for those parents that are not
able to attend the meeting.And let them know that I want to work with them towards our shared goal
of helping their child thrive.
Key Topic: Role of Parents? (K Melhuish, S., E. Sammons, P. Siraj-Blatchford, & B. Taggart (2004))
Required Task 1: Writing The following are some common school situations. Write the strategy that
you think will best suit the situation to be able to create a good relationship with the parents/guardians
and the wider school community. Limit your response to 100 words for each situation.
1.Claire is always absent and you never receive an excuse letter from her parents/guardians.
Answer: When a student is chronically absent, contacting parents is usually effective especially if you
emphasize how you've missed the student in class and hope he or she is all right, rather than
demanding to know the reason for the absence. It's also helpful to have a conversation with the
student the next time they attend class, stressing that you've noticed their absence, and you care
about them and their education.
I always try to avoid asking a student why they've been absent. In my experience, if they've been
absent for a legitimate reason, they'll tell you. Other times, there are personal or family issues they
may prefer not to share. When a student with a string of absences returns to class, it's important to
welcome them back and help them get up to speed on missing work. Giving your students a hard
time about poor attendance is counterproductive and doesn't make them want to return to school in
the future.
2. Your lesson for tomorrow is about different professions/jobs. You want your learners to meet
professionals and those working in the community. In planning the lesson, you wanted to prioritize the
safety and maximize the learning experience at the same time. You thought about conducting a field
trip, but it will be very costly and will require rigorous planning to make sure that the activity will be
safe. What is an alternative way to conduct this activity?
Field trips are often considered a key part of the school experience. Students often look back on them
as some of their favorite and most memorable days of school. However, traditional field trips are not
always feasible options. They can be expensive, time-consuming to organize, and quite stressful in
Perhaps your most simple and convenient option for a field trip alternative is to show your class about
documentary of different professions/job. Movies have a very unique ability to transport our learners
to other places, and documentaries in particular can be very educational and revealing about a
faraway place or topic. No matter the subject, you can find a documentary that your students will be
interested in.
3. Mrs. Cruz, a parent, went to your class confronting you because her daughter told her that you
moved the child’s seat away from her friends to make her concentrate on your lessons. Your actions
were triggered by her non submission of assignment and throwing a crumpled paper at you. How will
you explain your side to Mrs. Cruz?
Instantly thank the parent for bringing her concern to your attention. Apologize for both the problem
and for causing parents concern. Take any steps necessary to calm Mrs. Cruz and help her to relax.
Discuss with Mrs. Cruz about misbehavior of her child in a nice way and the reason why you move
her child away from her friends to make her concentrate on your lesson. Be careful the language
used when communicating with parents. End your conversation by reiterating that you’re going to
take care of the problem.
4. The general PTA meeting is fast approaching, and you need to ensure at least 90 percent
attendance of parents. How are you going to invite the parents to ensure their attendance and
To ensure their attendance and participation I will send home personal letters to notify parents of
conference dates. Outline an agenda that will interest them and emphasize the importance of the
conference to their children's education. Schedule conferences for students who have siblings in the
same school first and coordinate conference times with the siblings' teachers. Do everything possible
to avoid scheduling siblings' conferences on different days or at widely disparate times. Base the
length of the conferences on the needs of the students. If necessary, schedule two consecutive
periods with parents you suspect might require more time. Send home personal invitations to the
conferences and ask parents to RSVP by a specific date. Telephone parents who do not respond and
encourage them to attend. Send home reminders one week before the conferences. Contact parents
who do not show up and try to reschedule.
Required Task 2: Scenario Analysis Read the following scenarios. Write YES if it talks about a
healthy parent-teacher relationship and NO if otherwise.
_______NO____ 1. Benedick, a Grade 1 pupil, never speaks in the class of Teacher Consuelo.
Teacher Consuelo seeks for advice from Benedick’s previous teachers. Contrary to what she knows,
the teachers said that Benedick was a talkative pupil. During the distribution of cards, she talked to
the student’s mother and found out that after his father’s death, he got upset, which led to Benedick’s
disinterest in socialization. Teacher Consuelo consulted Benedick’s condition with the School
Guidance Counselor.
_____NO______ 2. Mrs. Maureen De Cello was an alumna of Bucao Integrated School and a mother
of a Kinder learner in the same school. She was impressed by the improvements made in the school
and expressed her willingness to contribute to the further improvement of the school. She asked the
teacher of her daughter, of what else she can contribute to the school. However, nothing came into
______YES_____ 3. Angelo always skips class every afternoon. He never does his assignments too.
He is one of the struggling learners in Ms. Bada’s class. Since he has been acting this way for almost
two weeks, Ms. Bada immediately called his father, Mr. Cruz and set an appointment. She told Mr.
Cruz of Angelo’s behavior in school and he promised that he will be watchful of Angelo.
_______NO____ 4. During the online class where Janna is attending, she failed to understand the
instructions of the teacher because of internet connection failure. Mrs. Manza, her mother, sent a
message to her teacher and asked for further discussion about the instruction because Janna was
not able to get it correctly. Her teacher did not respond to her.
____YES_______ 5. Mrs. Hugo sent three activity sheets to Lerio’s house through the Barangay
Health Worker (BHW) for her to answer. As soon as Lerio finished answering, her mother brought
back the activity sheets to school. She explained that she is on her way to the market so she didn’t
wait for the BHW to come over and get back the activity sheets. Mrs. Hugo was very grateful.
Optional task: List down top 5 strategies to increase parental involvement in school and share it with
your co-teachers.
1.Connect parents and schools
2.Create an organizational structure
3.consider parent’s time
4.Identify and support learning environment
5.Home visits and parent teacher conferences