Folleto de Ingles 2do Parcial 2022 Con Respuestas

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Could you close the door please?

Can you open your book on page 14?
May you shut yours books the class is over.
Can you write the letter as soon as posible?
Please don’t point at people.
Can you touch the animal with your hand?
Can you give me the book please?
Could you pass me the schoolbag please.
She appear after the game.
I promise to talk later
We leave before the game
I wish to Learn more language.
5 ejercicios de cualquier verbo..
What happen in the room
I am very much agree with that boy
I will have to start again.
He shoot the wrong person
I going to ask for a flower.
Can people to get Money.
How can people gets Money?

Identifique la palabra en plural incorrecta y corríjala:

1) Apples, penciles, teachers.
2) Tomatoes, tables, windowes.
3) Walls, cherrys, papers.
4) Students, knifes, strawberries.
5) Childs, markers, prunes.
6) Guavas, celerys, radishes.
7) Prooves, melons, grapes.
8) Boys, rooves, exercises.
9) Eraser, rooms, tables.
10) Keys, kisses, leafs.
11) Lettuces, babyes, knives.
12) Doubts, pictures, handkerchives.

Personal pronoun Will Verb Complement
I will see you tomorrow.
You will do Exercises. Workout (2-5)
He will feel good in the morning.
She will become a millionaire.
NEGATIVE FORM INTERROGATIVE FORM Personal pronoun Will Negative form (contraction) Verb Complement
I will not (won´t) see you tomorrow.
You will not (won´t) do exercises.
He will not (won´t) feel good in the morning.
She will not (won´t) become a millionaire.
It will not (won´t) be find.
You will not (won´t) do homework.
We will not (won´t) hear the telephone.
They will not (won´t) come on Tuesday.
They will not (won´t) come on Tuesday.
Personal pronoun Will Interrogative form Verb Complement Short answer
Will I see you tomorrow? Yes, I will No, I won´t
Will you do Exercises? Yes, I will No, won´t
Will he feel good in the morning? Yes, he will No, he won´t
Will she become a millionaire? Yes, she will. No, I won´t
Will it be fine? Yes, it will No, it won´t
Will you do Homework? Yes, we will No, we won´t
Will we hear the telephone? Yes, we will No, we won´t
Observación: Cuando se hace la pregunta usando You (usted o tú) En su forma singular,
Will you do exercise? ¿Usted hará ejercicios?
Se contesta Yes, I will. Si, yo haré
No, I won´t No, yo no haré
En su forma plural,
Will you do homework? ¿Ustedes harán tareas?
Se contesta Yes, we Will Si, nosotros haremos
No, we won´t No, nosotros no haremos
Utilizando la forma simple WILL, redacte correctamente en inglés, cada una las siguientes oraciones (la palabra en
paréntesis es el verbo principal de la oración.
Example: You (earn) a lot of money. (Tú ganarás mucho dinero.) You will earn a lot of money. a) You (travel) around the
world. (Tú viajarás alrededor del mundo) _
You will travel around the world
b) You (meet) lots of interesting people. (Tú conocerás mucha gente interesante)
You will meet lot of interesting people
c) Everybody (adore) you. (Todo mundo te adorará)
Everibody will adore you,
d) You (not / have) any problems. (Tú no tendrás nada de problemas)
You will not or won’t have any problems
Escribe oraciones afirmativas en futuro simple (WILL)
a) (I/do/this/later) I will do this later
b) (we/go shopping We will go shopping
c) (the sun/shine) The sun will shine
d) (Peter/call/you) Peter will call you
e) (they/be/there) They will be there
Completa las oraciones con futuro simple (will).
a) - It (rain/) it will not rain tomorrow.
b) + it will rain tomorrow
a) It (rain/not) it wil not or won’t rain tomorrow.
b) I promise I will not or won’t promise be late (be/not late.
c) We (start/not) We wiil not or won’t start to watch the film without you.
d) The bus (wait/not) The bus will not or won’t wait for us.
e) He (believe/not) He will not or won’t believe us.
Formula oraciones interrogativas en futuro simple (will).
Ejemplo: (you / come / soon) Will you come soon?
a) (they / learn / to dance)? Will they Learn to dance?
b) (it / snow ) will it snow ?
c) (you / get home / early) ? Will you get home early?
d) (she / forgive / me) Wiil she forgive me ?
The sky is gray - It is going to rain El cielo está gris {lo lógico es que} Va a llover.
Because of coronavirus - We are going to have a hard time. Por el corona virus {causa} {La predicción lógica sería}
Nosotros vamos a tener un tiempo difícil.
Conjugue los verbos entre paréntesis, en futuro simple (going to).
Lea bien cuando las oraciones son negativas.
1. I (not /tell) am not going to tell you the secret.
2. She (not /ring) is not ring me.
3. We (not / invite) are not invite him to our party.
4. Greg (not / work) is not work broad.
5. Her parents (not / lend) are not lend her any more money.
Formule oraciones interrogativas en futuro simple (going to). No se le olvide colocar el signo de interrogación (?) al final de
la oración.
1. (you/help/me) Are you going to help me? (ejemplo)
2. (she/study/in Glasgow Is she going to study in Glasgow?
3. (they/paint/the room) Are they going to pain the room?
4. (he/apply/for that job) Is he going to apply for that job?
Vocabulary / vocabulario
1. Turn off the cellphone apagar el teléfono
2. Walk on the grass caminar en la grama
3. Tidy out your bedroom ordenar su dormitorio
4. Clean our house limpiar nuestra casa
5. Mistreat animals maltratar animales
6. Study hard estudiar duro
¿Cómo usar el verbo modal MUST or MUST NOT? Este verbo modal usualmente lo usamos para expresar reglas de
comportamiento ya sea en la casa, la escuela y la comunidad.
She must be quiet.
You must not walk in the grass
She must tidy out her bedroom
I must not eat a lot of chocolate.
AUXILIAR 'HAVE TO' para expresar obligación (su uso es muy frecuente).
• SE FORMA: con have to + el verbo infinitivo Ver las diferentes formas que se utiliza “have to” para formar oraciones
I have to...
He has to…
I don´t have to...
He doesn´t have to...
He has to work every day. (Él tiene que trabajar todos los días)
You have to work every day (Tú tienes que trabajar todos los días)
He doesn´t have to work every day. (Él no tiene que trabajar todos los días).
He does not have to work every day
You don´t have to work every da. (Tú no tienes que trabajar todos los días.
You do not have to work every day
Exercises: Complete la oración con el verbo auxiliar have to, has to, don´t have to or has to.
AUXILIAR MODAL SHOULD - SHOULD NOT (SHOULDN’T) Para dar consejos (give advice). Examples:
1. I think you should go to the doctor. (Creo que debes ir al médico)
2. You shouldn’t drink alcohol. (No deberías beber alcohol)
3. You shouldn’t smoke in here. (No deberías fumar aquí)
Exercises: Escoge el inciso correcto para completar la oración.
1. They should send their parent a gift to celebrate their anniversary. Ellos deberían enviar a sus padres un regalo para
celebrar su aniversario.
a) should send
b) send should
2. You shouldn’t disrespect your parents. Tu no deberías irrespetar a tus padres
a) Shouldn´t
b) Should

If (Si en condición)
Se usa en pregunta (es un condicional) - te importaría o les importaría Es muy común usar después de la expresión would
you mind, el verbo principal verb+ing.
a) Weston, would you mind opening a bottle of coke for mom? Weston, te importaría abrir una botella de vino para mamá?
b) When we get to London, would you mind helping Lady Rose? Cuando lleguemos a Londres, te importaría ayudar a Lady
Después de la palabra IF el verbo debe estar en tiempo pasado
a) Would you mind if I (use)used your phone to make a call?] Not at all, go ahead. ¿Le importaría si yo uso o usase tu
teléfono? No en absoluto, adelante
b) Would you mind if I (sit) sat down? No, go ahead. ¿Le importaría si me siento? No, adelante.
Complete los siguientes ejercicios, escribiendo el verbo correctamente el que está en paréntesis (verifique si está utilizando
IF o no).
1. Listen, would you mind (read) read in the other room? N
2. Would you mind if you (take care) taken care of my cat? Y
3. Listen, would you mind not (smok) smoked in the house. N
4. Excuse me, would you mind (leave) left a picture with us? N
5. Would you mind if you (take care) taken care of my cat? Y
6. Would you mind If I (present) presenting next week? Next month, year. Thursday. Y

I am in group B we go to the school Tuesday and Thursday also Saturday

Do you like go to the mal for shopping. Me too

My Wonderful Family
I live in a house near the mountains. I have two brothers and one sister, and I was born last. My father teaches
mathematics, and my mother is a nurse at a big hospital. My brothers are very smart and work hard in school.
My sister is a nervous girl, but she is very kind. My grandmother also lives with us. She came from Italy when
I was two years old. She has grown old, but she is still very strong . She (cook) cooks the best food! My family
is very important to me. We do lots of things together. My brothers and I like to go on long walks in the
mountains. My sister (like) likes to cook with my grandmother. On the weekends we all play board games
together. We laugh and always have a good time. I love my family very much. We will working togheter the
next year.

My day Actividades presente del dia y verbos en pasado.

First, I wake up. Then, I get dressed. I walk to school. I do not ride a bike. I do not ride the bus. I like to go to school. It
rains. I do not like rain. I eat lunch. I eat a sandwich and an apple. I play outside. I like to play. I read a book. I like to read
books. I walk home. I do not like walking home. My mother cooks soup for dinner. The soup is hot. Then, I go to bed. I
do not like to go bed. I don’t

A great summer vacation Pasado

I just returned from the greatest summer vacation! It was so fantastic, I never wanted it to end. I spent eight days in
Paris, France. My best friends, Henry and Steve, went with me. We had a beautiful hotel room in the Latin Quarter, and
it wasn't even expensive. We had a balcony with a wonderful view. We visited many famous tourist places. My favorite
was the Louvre, a well-known museum. I was always interested in art, so that was a special treat for me. The museum is
so huge, you could spend weeks there. Henry got tired walking around the museum and said "Enough! I need to take a
break and rest.” We (take) took lots of breaks and sat in cafes along the river Seine. The French food we (eat )ate was
delicious. The wines were tasty, too. Steve's favorite part of the vacation was the hotel breakfast. He said he would be
happy if he could eat croissants like those forever. We had so much fun that we're already talking about our next

Going to the Supermarket presente y presente continuo 97051900

Martha is at the grocery store, getting ready for a house party. She has a list of what she needs with her as she (go) goes
along. The first section she comes has produce. Martha (see) sees apples, bananas, cherries, grapes, and strawberries.
She (check) checks her list:
- 6 apples
- 1 bag of cherries
- 1 bag of grapes –
2 cartons of strawberries

Martha get her items and looks the bananas. They are on sale for much cheaper than they are normally. She picks 3
bananas. Next are vegetables. She sees potatoes, carrots, tomatoes, onions, mushrooms, and salad in bags. She checks
her list:
- 5 pounds of potatoes
- 6 carrots
- 4 tomatoes
- 2 onions
- 4 mushrooms
As she is putting her items into her cart, Martha checks the many bags of salad and chooses 2 of them. She (push)
pushes her cart ahead. The next section is meat and dairy. She (see) sees meat, fish, cheese, eggs, and milk. She checks
her list: -
2 fish (salmon)
- 1 block of cheese (cheddar)
- 1 dozen eggs
- 2 gallons of milk

She looks at the meat(Carne res, hamburguesa, cerdo,pollo) that is on sale and chooses a 5-pound roll of hamburger.
She gets the rest of the items in that section. She still needs rice, bread, salt, sugar, and flour. She gets:
- 2 bags of rice
- 4 loaves of bread
- a 2-pound bag of sugar
- a 2-pound bag of flour
Martha then realizes that she has forgotten something. She runs back(regreso) and gets 1 container of salt and then
rushes to the checkout. She puts her groceries into her car and leaves.
Nota: Cuando se habla de terceras personas se le agrega al verbo la letra s y cuando termina en h se le agrega es She,
he. It.

Jobs and Professions

As has been the case for many years, jobs, or forms of employment where in employees perform a service or duty in
exchange for financial compensation, play a prominent role in society. Furthermore, all jobs—even those of seemingly
little significance—are important, as they simply wouldn't exist if their specific responsibilities weren't of value to
employers (companies or persons that pay others for their work), customers (individuals who pay money for a product
or service), and the economy generally.

Teachers, or educational professionals tasked with helping students understand certain subjects and topics, are
especially crucial today. In short, teachers help their students to become qualified for their future careers. Goals()

Doctors, or medical professionals who specialize in providing health-related assistance to patients, are some of the most
respected individuals in America and the world. It's the responsibility of doctors to help those who feel less-than-stellar
to determine the underlying health issue(s) and recommend an effective treatment (or remedy to a disease, disorder, or

There are quite a few types of specialty doctors in America (besides MD, which simply means "medical doctor"), all of
whom can be referred to simply as "Doctor (Name)." Dentists (mouth/teeth doctors), dermatologists (skin doctors), and
psychiatrists (mental-health doctors) are just a few examples of the many different types of doctors.

Additionally, nurses are medical professionals who help to administer doctor-ordered treatments to patients.

Police officers are law enforcement professionals whose job it is to protect citizens, solve crimes, and assure that rules
and regulations are followed. Similarly, firefighters serve the public by responding to fires (and other emergency
situations) and using high-tech equipment to extinguish these fires, while bringing any individuals who're in danger to
Farmers maintain fields of crops (or vegetable/fruit plants) and/or collections of animals with the intention of selling
these products as food.

Chefs/cooks prepare meals in professional settings, including restaurants, cafeterias, and other venues wherein food and
drink are sold, for customers. Chefs are generally experienced in cooking and managing kitchens.

Waiters bring menus, beverages, meals, and ultimately, the check (or a bill of the foods and drinks purchased in a
transaction) to tables in restaurants and other establishments that serve food.

Artists produce art, or works of creative significance, including music, paintings, drawings, poetry, writing, and more.

Students realize, analize and made a lot of activities inside the school, home and outdoor, to became as a profesional
after they gradúate, someday they will come a Doctor, engennier, Lawer, Secretary, etc. Making each other personal

Stephanie recently took a weekend trip to Los Angeles, California. Los Angeles is a coastal city situated along the Pacific
Ocean. Many celebrities earned their claim to fame here. Although the town offers many attractions centered around
Hollywood culture, there is a lot to see and visit in Los Angeles.

Of course, all things related to Hollywood are popular tourist attractions. The Hollywood Sign, located the Hollywood
Hills of the Santa Monica Mountains, is a famous landmark for this star-studded town. Once in downtown Hollywood,
it's possible to take a stroll along the Hollywood Walk of Fame. This landmark contains more than 2500 brass stars
dedicated to celebrities who have made a significant impact on the entertainment industry. In Hollywood, visitors can
even take tours of popular movie studios. Stephanie had a chance to visit Universal Studios, which produces her favorite

Los Angeles is also a popular beach town, offering plenty of opportunities for sunbathing and surfing. A common beach
destination is the Santa Monica Pier, which offers rides and attractions to its visitors. Here, Stephanie rode the iconic
Ferris wheel, which offered her a spectacular view of the city and coast.

These are just some of the things Stephanie experienced during her visit to Los Angeles. She loved her trip, and she
hopes to return someday soon.

Hometown : nació, crio.

Downtown : Centro histórico
Landmark : Marca de territorio. ENP
Iconic: La coca cola. Cienaguita. Bajamar.
Trademark : Marca de tradición. Converse All Start, Levi’s 501
My class is over.
Game over.
We done the class.
Shut down your books.
See you tomorrow.
We almost finish.

Windy city.
Keith recently came back from a trip to Chicago, Illinois. This midwestern metropolis is found along the shore of Lake
Michigan. During his visit, Keith spent a lot of time exploring the city to visit important landmarks and monuments.

Keith loves baseball, and he made sure to take a visit to Wrigley Field. Not only did he take a tour of this spectacular
stadium, but he also got to watch a Chicago Cubs game. In the stadium, Keith and the other fans cheered for the Cubs.
Keith was happy that the Cubs won with a score of 5-4.

Chicago has many historic places to visit. Keith found the Chicago Water Tower impressive as it is one of the few
remaining landmarks to have survived the Great Chicago Fire of 1871. Keith also took a walk through Jackson Park, a
great outdoor space that hosted the World's Fair of 1892. The park is great for a leisurely stroll, and it still features some
of the original architecture and replics of monuments that were featured in the World's Fair.
During the last part of his visit, Keith managed to climb the stairs inside of the Willis Tower, a 110-story skyscraper.
Despite the challenge of climbing the many flights of stairs, Keith felt that reaching the top was worth the effort. From
the rooftop, Keith received a gorgeous view of the city's skyline with Lake Michigan in the background.

Affirmative sentences
• They practice soccer everyday
• Alice studies English at night
• My brother listens to rock music
You can see that negative sentences just need the word “don´t/ doesn’t” before the action verb. (Puede ver que las
oraciones negativas solo necesitan la palabra “don’t/doesn´t” antes del verbo de acción).
Note: When we use doesn´t, the verb will not have “s”. (Cuando usamos doesn’t, el verbo no tendrá “s”, es decir se
elimina la regla). Using the previous scheme notice when we use “don’t” and “doesn’t”. (Usando el esquema previo,
note cuando usamos “don’t” y “doesn’t”).

Exercise 2:
Circle the answer you consider correct to complete the next sentences. (Encierre la respuesta que considere correcta
para completar las siguientes oraciones)
1) I ___dont’n ___________________ (go) to the city on weekends. He, she, it goes to the city
a) goes b) don’t go c) doesn´t go
2) Ana ____ doesn´t studies ___________ (study) French at school.
a) don´t studies b) studies c) doesn´t studies
3) We ____ don´t sing ______ (sing) at the library. I, you, we, they don´t sing
a) don´t sing b) sings c) doesn´t sing He, she, it doesn´t sing
4) You __ don’t are________________ (be) my best friend.
a) are b) don´t are c) is

Exercise 3:
Look at the next conversation and complete with the missing words. (Observe la siguiente conversación y complete con
las palabras faltantes, recuerde usar do/does para oraciones negativas con verbos de acción)
Hi everybody. My name _IS_(be) Leo. I _AM___ (be) an English student.
I _AM (be) 16 years old. I _DON’T work (not work) because I AM_(study).
I (have) one sister. She __ ___ (be) Maria.
Maria _______ (play) basketball but she ______ (not play) soccer.
She _works_____ (work) as a teacher, she is very good with me.
I __DO LOVE____ (love) my sister a lot
I do love mexican food
mexican food I love it

Courtesy Forms
Courtesy is the use of polite manners. A courteous person is respectful and considerate. Good Manners: it not only say
´´thank you´´ or ´´you´re welcome´ ´ is about our behavior. Do you embarrass yourself or others? Looks for ways to help
others, open the door for someone whose hands are full? People who lack courtesy may have trouble with their family
relationships, friendships and in their occupation. • How to practice courtesy and kindness Hold open doors for people,
in traffic, with the elderly people and be generous Fórmulas de Cortesía: La cortesía es el uso de buenos modales. Una
persona cortés y educada es respetuosa y considerada. Buenos modales: no solo es decir “gracias” o “de nada” se trata
de nuestro comportamiento. ¿Te avergüenzas a ti mismo o a los demás? ¿Busca maneras de ayudar a otros, abrir la
puerta a alguien cuyas manos están llenas? Las personas que carecen de cortesía pueden tener problemas con sus
relaciones familiares, amistades y en sus trabajos. • Cómo practicar la cortesía y la amabilidad. Mantenga abiertas las
puertas para las personas, en el tráfico, con los ancianos y siendo generoso. Hi everybody. My name ____(be) Leo. I
_______ (be) an English student. I ___ (be) 16 years old. I ______ (not work) because I _______ (study). I _______ (have)
one sister. She _____ (be) Maria. Maria _______ (play) basketball but she ______ (not play) soccer. She ______ (work)
as a teacher, she is very good with me. I ______ (love) my sister a lot
Complete next dialogue:
1) Hello!, I want _TO__ ask you a question.
2) Well, tell me.
1) What color _IS___ laura´s hair?.
2) Only the color?.
1) Ok, how is _HER__ hair?.
2) Her hair is beautiful, long, brown, and straight.
1) How __ARE___ her eyes?.
2) Her eyes are big, pretty, blue, and very sexy.
1) And what ___IS__ her address and telephone number?.
2) _HER___ address is 254 reforma street and her phone number _IS__ 31253489.
1) Thank you very much!.

I clean my room by myself.
You did your homework by yourself.
Herself itself


How old am I?
How old are you?
How old is she?
How old are they?

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