Tefl Uts PG

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The meaning of this method should be connected directly with the target language without
translating to the native language.
Indirect Method
Direct Method
Community Language Learning Method
Total Physical Response Method

2. It is an oral-based approach to drill students in the use of grammatical sentence patterns.

answer choices
Grammar translation Method
The Audio-lingual Method
Direct Method
TPR Method
3. It is based on the idea that learning language successfully comes through having to communicate
real meaning
Direct Method
Communicative Approach
Community Language Learning Method
Grammar Translation method
4. It is a method in which learners work together to develop what aspects of a language they would
like to learn.
Communicative Approach
Grammar Translation Method
Audio-Lingual Method
Community Language Learning Method
5. What does TPR mean?

Technique Physical Response

Total Physically Response
Total Physical Response
Teaching Practice Race

6. It is a method in which students learn grammatical rules and apply them by translating  from L1 to
Gramar Translation Method
Audio-Lingual Method
Direct Method
Grammar Translation Method
7. What method does this image represent?
Communicative Approach
Total Phyical Response
Community Language Learning
8  This is a method which is based on the coordination of speech and action.
answer choices
Total Physical Response  Method
Direct method
Grammar Translation Method
Communicative Approach
9. In what century was the GTM formed?
answer choices
The 15  Century

The 20  Century

The 16  Century

The 19  Century

10. Which two elements are NOT associated with GTM?

memorization and translation
fluency and communication
native language and teacher centered instruction
rote memorization of vocabulary and grammar
11.  In a classroom that uses GTM, students are instructed in
the native language
the target language
12.  GTM places a focus on 
answer choices
memorization of conversational dialogues and new vocabulary.
memorization of vocabulary and grammar, and learning communicative techniques.
memorization of vocabulary and grammar, and translation of texts.
memorization of translations and speaking grammatically correct.
13. The learning happens in:
Active way, students participate and are the one responsible for their learning
In both responsability, teacher and students have the same amount of responsability
Passive learning, the teacher is the center of the class
14. Some of the techniques used in GTM are:
Reading comprehension questions, cognates and dictation
Self-correction, reading aloud and translation
Antonyms/synonyms, fill in the blanks and conversations
Composition, memorizations and use words in sentences
15. What is the role of the teacher?
The theacher is responsable in helping students doing exercises
The teacher is the authority in the classroom, but the students have enogh space to participate.
The teachers show the path students should go to have affective learning.
The teacher is the authority in the classroom, students do as she says so they can learn.
16. What is important in GTM?
answer choices
The ability of communicating in target language
Teach students about culture and fine arts
Learn grammar, know how to translate and speak simple sentences
Appreciate foreign language literature, learn grammar and grow intellectually.

17. In what century was the GTM formed?

The 15  Century

The 20  Century

The 16  Century

The 19  Century

18. Which two elements are NOT associated with GTM?

memorization and translation
fluency and communication
native language and teacher centered instruction
rote memorization of vocabulary and grammar
19.  GTM places a focus on 
answer choices
memorization of conversational dialogues and new vocabulary.
memorization of vocabulary and grammar, and learning communicative techniques.
memorization of vocabulary and grammar, and translation of texts.
memorization of translations and speaking grammatically correct.
Active way, students participate and are the one responsible for their learning
In both responsability, teacher and students have the same amount of responsability
Passive learning, the teacher is the center of the class
22. Some of the techniques used in GTM are:
Reading comprehension questions, cognates and dictation
Self-correction, reading aloud and translation
Antonyms/synonyms, fill in the blanks and conversations
Composition, memorizations and use words in sentences
23. What is the role of the teacher?
The theacher is responsable in helping students doing exercises
The teacher is the authority in the classroom, but the students have enogh space to participate.
The teachers show the path students should go to have affective learning.
The teacher is the authority in the classroom, students do as she says so they can learn.
24.What is important in GTM?
answer choices
The ability of communicating in target language
Teach students about culture and fine arts
Learn grammar, know how to translate and speak simple sentences
Appreciate foreign language literature, learn grammar and grow intellectually.


25. It is based on the idea that learning language successfully comes through having to communicate
Direct Method
Communicative Approach
Community Language Learning Method
Grammar Translation method
27. Students are talking about future verb tenses in small groups, teacher is observing them without
intervening their discussion. The teacher will provide feedback after the discussion.
answer choices
The Structural Approach
Communicative Language Teaching
28. Which one is not true about CLT?
The target language is exclusively used to maintain a cultural island in the classroom.
Grammar is inductively taught where learners are encouraged to make their own generalisation about
grammar rules.
The emphasis is on the mastery of language forms rather than the process of communication.
Not only accuracy, but also the fluency is evaluated by the teacher.
29. Which one is not a principle of CLT?
Students should learn to answer automatically without stopping to think.
Authentic language should be used.
The target language is a vehicle for classroom communication, not just the object of the study.
The teacher is the facilitator in setting up communicative activities.

30. Which one is not an activity used in CLT?

answer choices
Giving and obeying commands
Role plays
Language games
Scrambled sentences
31. Which one is the role of the Teacher in CLT?
answer choices
32. Which one is the disadvantage of CLT?
Grammar is more focused on than listening.
There are too many grammar structures presented.
It is difficult if the level of proficiency of students is low.
Only suitable for beginners of the language.

33. “Language learning start first with understand and ends with production”
answer choices
-James Bond, 1960
-James Asher, 1960
-James, 1960
-James Athur, 1960
34. The role of the teachers in TPR is similar with.....
Direct Method
Silent Way
Community Language Learning
35. In TPR, what does the teacher use in order to evaluate students?
Students’ fluency
Students’ action
Students’ excitement
Students’ gradea
36. TPR emphasizes the same language area as....
answer choices
Grammar-Translation Method
Direct Method
Audio-Lingual Method
Silent Way
37. Which of the following is not the goal of TPR?
answer choices
Let’s students enjoy experience of learning to communicate in another language
Reduce stress of people learning another language
Makes learning more comfortable
Encourage students to persist in their study beyond beginning level proficiency
38. Which one of these are not TPR techniques?
answer choices
Role reversal
Using commands to direct behaviour
Dialogue memorization
Action sequence
39. Which of the following is true about the technique, Role Reversal
answer choices
It can be called as action sequence or operation
Students only speak when they are ready
Students are force to talk
All of the above
40. Which of the following is the advantage of using TPR?
answer choices
It lifts the students mood
It is suitable for shy students
Students can express their creativity
all of the above
41. Which of the following is the disadvantage of TPR?
answer choices
Decreases students’ vocabulary
Difficult to be use in a small class
Can be a challenge for introverted students
All of the above

42. Audio-Lingual method strengths

answer choices
Encourage shy students to speak
Teachers do not have to be fluent in the TL
Activity/method facilitating alertness of pupils
Create a sense of fluency for students
43. Suggestopedia method strengths
answer choices
Thrive on analysing their own conversations
Teacher make a deliberate and skillful use of the
general learning atmosphere
Sets up a non-evaluative classroom
Learners will work as a team
44.Total Physical Response method strengths
answer choices
Activity/method facilitating alertness
of pupils
Helps retention by associating movement
with word
Thrive on analysing their own
Good tool for building vocabulary
46. Audio-Lingual method limitations
Fail to introduce all aspects of language
Does not allow questions makes learning inefficient
Difficult to transit from controlled drills to more
open-ended and creative language use
ALM frequently uses non-authentic language
49. Suggestopedia method limitations
Neglect learners their need for guidance
Tend to intervene too much
Teacher needs to be well-trained
Teacher needs have the right personality
50. Total Physical Response method limitations
answer choices
Tend to intervene too much
It is limited, since everything cannot be explained with this method.
Not as effective in higher levels of language
Teacher needs have the right personality
50. Audio-Lingual method applications
answer choices
Through sounds
Repetition drill
Chain drill
51. Total Physical Response method applications

Issues commands to learner
Develop flexibility
Working on the pronunciation
52. The level at which assumptions and beliefs about language and language learning are specified.
53.The level at which the theory is put into practice and at which choices are made abput the particular
skill to be taught, the content to be taught and the order in which the content will be presented.
54.The level at which classrooom procedures are described.
Disadvantages of the Oral and Situational Approach
answer choices
It´s an easy way to teach grammar.
Teachers find it very difficult to present all items in appropriate situations.
It focuses a lot on pronunciation and accuracy.
There´s not a lot of space for creativity.

1. Which approach allows learners to acquire a language as babies do, beginning with silent

the communicative approach

 the natural approach
 the direct method

2. Which approach doesn’t allow learners to use their native language in a language class?

 the communicative approach

 the natural approach
 the direct method
3. Which approach is geared towards learners whose main goal is to use English to communicate in
the real world?

 the communicative approach

 the natural approach
 the direct method

4. Learners must memorize grammar rules and vocabulary and translate large amounts of text into
English if their teacher is using a method called

 the inductive approach

 Grammar Translation
 the process approach

5. When learners of different levels form small groups that must complete tasks together, a method
called _______ is being used.

 product approach
 communicative learning
 cooperative learning

6. Which is a method of teaching grammar in which learners must discover the rules in context
themselves while reading and/or listening?

 Grammar Translation
 the deductive approach
 the inductive approach

7. Which is a method of teaching grammar in which the rules are given to the learner first, followed by
examples and exercises?

 the direct method

 the deductive approach
 the inductive approach

8. A method for teaching writing in which learners are given a model and then asked to create
something similar is called the _______ approach.

9. A method for teaching writing that walks learners through the stages of pre-writing, writing and
revision is called the _______ approach.


10. In the _______ method, learners are introduced to one learning item at a time with hopes that
mastering each skill will eventually lead to learning a language.

 form focused task

 formulaic speech
 functional language

The method developed by Georgi Lozanov is called...

answer choices
Silent way

Put these notions (approach, method, technique) in the hierarchical order beginning with the major one:
answer choices
method, approach, technique
technique, method, approach
method, technique, approach
approach, method, technique

There is a heavy dependence on imitating language models and memorization of dialogues

answer choices
Community Language Learning
Communicative language teaching
Grammatical structures and vocabulary are taught in isolation
answer choices
Communicative language teaching (CLT)
Community Language Learning
The US military provided funding for special intensive courses based on this method
answer choices
The Natural Approach
TPR:Total Physical response
The Audio-Lingual Method

1. Which method was used to teach the classical languages?

B) Grammar-Translation
C) Direct
D) Task-based
E) Audiolingual

2. In which method does the target "Culture" play an important role in the teaching of language?

A) Direct
C) Audiolingual
D) Content-based instruction
E) Community Language Learning

3. Which method uses deductive application of rules?

A) Audiolingual
B) Grammar-Translation
C) Content Based Instruction
D) Task-based
E) Direct

4. The main objective of the AUDIOLINGUAL method is ...

A) To produce language orally through memorizing chunks of language to be used in further opportunities.
B) To translate the classical language by applying vocabulary, grammar and spellling without exactly
understanding its meaning.
C) To self-correct by paying attention to silent cues signaled by the teacher.
D) To produce language orally by repeating exactly what the teacher translated in chunks said in the native
E) To produce written language through applying grammar rules and vocabulary seen before.

5. In this method, the class activities have a perceived purpose and a clear outcome within a specific
A) Task-based language teaching
B) Grammar-translation
C) Audiolingual
D) Direct Method
E) Communicative Language Teaching

6. In this method, the use of commands and performance is the leading technique

A) Task-based instruction
B) Total Physical Response
C) All of the above
D) Grammar-translation
E) Communicative Language Teaching

7. The teaching of subjects such as Math, Social Studies, Science or Biology to LT is an example of...

A) Content Based Instruction

B) Communicative Language Teaching
C) Audio-lingual
D) Community Language Teaching
E) Task-Based Language Teaching

8. This method states that having fun is relevant for the learning of a language.

A) Communicative Language Teaching

B) Direct Method
C) Total Physical Response
D) Communitiy Language Learning
E) Task-based Language Teaching

9. Which method states that relaxation and the lack of stress enhances student attention and understanding?

A) Total Physical Response

B) Communicative Approach
C) Audio-lingual
D) Dessugestopedia
E) Grammar-Translation

10. What approach states that the learner needs to carry out a series of activities within a sequence in order
to develop a determined skill?

B) Multiple intelligences
C) Content-based Instruction
D) Task-based Language Teaching
E) Learning strategy Training
11. Which method aims to carry the learner to self-correction at all costs?

A) The Silent Way

C) Community Language Teaching
D) Total Physical Response
E) Cooperative Learning

12. Modeling language pronunciation is a technique used by the following method:

A) Audiolingual method
B) Grammar-translation method
C) Dessuggestopedia, Task-based Instruction and The Silent Way
D) The Silent Way
E) Task-based approach

13. Which method implements the use of realia an mimicking to achieve understanding of the language in
the learner?

A) Grammar-Translation Method
B) Dessugestopedia
C) Experiential Learning
D) Direct Method
E) Audiolingual Method

14. Which teaching-learning approach defines a cycle of active experimentation, concrete experience,

reflective observation, and abstract conceptualization?

A) Dessugestopedia
B) Experiential Learning Model
C) Audiolingual
D) Direct Method
E) Content Based Learning

15. What is a TEACHING METHOD?

A) A recipe to obtain learning in the student through teaching actions.

B) A systematic way of teaching, containing clear steps and techniques as well as teacher/student roles to
accomplish determined actions with the purpose of achieving learning.
C) A methodology resulting from psychological, pedagogical, social, didactic, and reflective insights to design
teaching activities.
D) The result of many approaches which state what to do and what not to do in order to accomplish the teaching-
learning cycle.
E) A way of doing something with information and mainly plenty of activities so that the students feel comfortable
and enjoy their process in school.
16. What is an APPROACH?

A) A holistic view of the learning process underlying many things within the teaching process.
B) A theoretical view of methodologies and how should they be applied in terms of activities.
C) Teachers select techniques from various approaches according to the different needs of their learners. Most
coursebooks mix methods and techniques in this way.
D) The communicative approach is the best-known current approach to language teaching. Task-based teaching is
a methodology associated with it. Other approaches include the cognitive-code approach, and the aural-oral
approach (audiolingual method).
E) A way of looking at learning and teaching based on theories from different disciplines that leads to the
development and application of methods.

17. What is a STRATEGY?

A) The way an instructor chooses to convey information and facilitate learning through instructions and
B) Teaching strategies refer to methods used to help students learn the desired course contents and be able to
develop achievable goals in the future
C) The most common teaching strategies are: direct instruction, indirect instruction, interactive instruction,
independent study and experimental learning.
D) Teaching strategies vary according to the grade level and subject being taught but mainly to the learning needs
of the students.
E) A set of activities carefully chosen to target and achieve a specific learning outcome from the students.

18. What is an ACTIVITY?

A) A theory
B) An approach
C) A strategy
D) A method
E) A technique

19. Which elements influence an APPROACH?

A) Theories on the most advanced studies on technological uses for education.

B) Theoretical studies from psychology, pedagogy, sociology, lingüistics, and didactics-among others.
C) Theories on methods and their effects in student learning.
D) Theoretical dissertations on strategies and methods as well as their impact in society.
E) Theory on human nature and its ability to learn.

20. Which is the determining factor to select a method, strategy or technique that has to be used in class?

A) The satisfaction of the teacher upon student learning.

B) The time assigned to cover a determined content.
C) The happiness in the student´s experience.
D) The student´s learning needs.
E) The grammar issues necessary to teach.

1. Which method was used to teach the classical languages?

B) Grammar-Translation
C) Direct
D) Task-based
E) Audiolingual

2. In which method does the target "Culture" play an important role in the teaching of language?

A) Direct
C) Audiolingual
D) Content-based instruction
E) Community Language Learning

3. Which method uses deductive application of rules?

A) Audiolingual
B) Grammar-Translation
C) Content Based Instruction
D) Task-based
E) Direct

4. The main objective of the AUDIOLINGUAL method is ...

A) To produce language orally through memorizing chunks of language to be used in further opportunities.
B) To translate the classical language by applying vocabulary, grammar and spellling without exactly
understanding its meaning.
C) To self-correct by paying attention to silent cues signaled by the teacher.
D) To produce language orally by repeating exactly what the teacher translated in chunks said in the native
E) To produce written language through applying grammar rules and vocabulary seen before.

5. In this method, the class activities have a perceived purpose and a clear outcome within a specific

A) Task-based language teaching

B) Grammar-translation
C) Audiolingual
D) Direct Method
E) Communicative Language Teaching
6. In this method, the use of commands and performance is the leading technique

A) Task-based instruction
B) Total Physical Response
C) All of the above
D) Grammar-translation
E) Communicative Language Teaching

7. The teaching of subjects such as Math, Social Studies, Science or Biology to LT is an example of...

A) Content Based Instruction

B) Communicative Language Teaching
C) Audio-lingual
D) Community Language Teaching
E) Task-Based Language Teaching

8. This method states that having fun is relevant for the learning of a language.

A) Communicative Language Teaching

B) Direct Method
C) Total Physical Response
D) Communitiy Language Learning
E) Task-based Language Teaching

9. Which method states that relaxation and the lack of stress enhances student attention and understanding?

A) Total Physical Response

B) Communicative Approach
C) Audio-lingual
D) Dessugestopedia
E) Grammar-Translation

10. What approach states that the learner needs to carry out a series of activities within a sequence in order
to develop a determined skill?

B) Multiple intelligences
C) Content-based Instruction
D) Task-based Language Teaching
E) Learning strategy Training

11. Which method aims to carry the learner to self-correction at all costs?

A) The Silent Way

C) Community Language Teaching
D) Total Physical Response
E) Cooperative Learning

12. Modeling language pronunciation is a technique used by the following method:

A) Audiolingual method
B) Grammar-translation method
C) Dessuggestopedia, Task-based Instruction and The Silent Way
D) The Silent Way
E) Task-based approach

13. Which method implements the use of realia an mimicking to achieve understanding of the language in
the learner?

A) Grammar-Translation Method
B) Dessugestopedia
C) Experiential Learning
D) Direct Method
E) Audiolingual Method

14. Which teaching-learning approach defines a cycle of active experimentation, concrete experience,

reflective observation, and abstract conceptualization?

A) Dessugestopedia
B) Experiential Learning Model
C) Audiolingual
D) Direct Method
E) Content Based Learning

15. What is a TEACHING METHOD?

A) A recipe to obtain learning in the student through teaching actions.

B) A systematic way of teaching, containing clear steps and techniques as well as teacher/student roles to
accomplish determined actions with the purpose of achieving learning.
C) A methodology resulting from psychological, pedagogical, social, didactic, and reflective insights to design
teaching activities.
D) The result of many approaches which state what to do and what not to do in order to accomplish the teaching-
learning cycle.
E) A way of doing something with information and mainly plenty of activities so that the students feel comfortable
and enjoy their process in school.

16. What is an APPROACH?

A) A holistic view of the learning process underlying many things within the teaching process.
B) A theoretical view of methodologies and how should they be applied in terms of activities.
C) Teachers select techniques from various approaches according to the different needs of their learners. Most
coursebooks mix methods and techniques in this way.
D) The communicative approach is the best-known current approach to language teaching. Task-based teaching is
a methodology associated with it. Other approaches include the cognitive-code approach, and the aural-oral
approach (audiolingual method).
E) A way of looking at learning and teaching based on theories from different disciplines that leads to the
development and application of methods.

17. What is a STRATEGY?

A) The way an instructor chooses to convey information and facilitate learning through instructions and
B) Teaching strategies refer to methods used to help students learn the desired course contents and be able to
develop achievable goals in the future
C) The most common teaching strategies are: direct instruction, indirect instruction, interactive instruction,
independent study and experimental learning.
D) Teaching strategies vary according to the grade level and subject being taught but mainly to the learning needs
of the students.
E) A set of activities carefully chosen to target and achieve a specific learning outcome from the students.

18. What is an ACTIVITY?

A) A theory
B) An approach
C) A strategy
D) A method
E) A technique

19. Which elements influence an APPROACH?

A) Theories on the most advanced studies on technological uses for education.

B) Theoretical studies from psychology, pedagogy, sociology, lingüistics, and didactics-among others.
C) Theories on methods and their effects in student learning.
D) Theoretical dissertations on strategies and methods as well as their impact in society.
E) Theory on human nature and its ability to learn.

20. Which is the determining factor to select a method, strategy or technique that has to be used in class?

A) The satisfaction of the teacher upon student learning.

B) The time assigned to cover a determined content.
C) The happiness in the student´s experience.
D) The student´s learning needs.
E) The grammar issues necessary to teach.

1. Multiple-choice
Report an issue
30 seconds
5 points
When did Edward Anthony give the definition to his concept of “method”?
answer choices
2. Multiple-choice
Report an issue
30 seconds
5 points
Who made two principal contributions to our understanding of the concept of method?
answer choices
Richards and Rodgers
3. Multiple-choice
Report an issue
45 seconds
5 points
There was little to distinguish between the Grammar Translation Method and the Classical Method?
answer choices
4. Multiple-choice
Report an issue
45 seconds
5 points
Gouin was the founder of the Series Method.
answer choices
5. Multiple-choice
Report an issue
30 seconds
5 points
When was the Direct Method practiced?
answer choices
The end of the twentieth century
The beginning of the twentieth century
The middle of the twentieth century
6. Multiple-choice
Report an issue
45 seconds
5 points
Language is a system of rule-governed structures hierarchically arranged. Which method does this
definition represent?
answer choices
The Silent Way
The Total Physical Response
The Audiolingual
7. Multiple-choice
Report an issue
45 seconds
5 points
Cognitive Code Learning is a method.
answer choices

Questions and Answers

 1. 
This method dates back to the late nineteenth and early twentieth century
Grammar - Translation


Communicative Language Teaching (CLTA)


 2. 
This methodology is based on Structuralism and Behaviourism

Grammar - Translation



 3. 
This method places emphasis on the social and situational contexts of communication




 4. 
In this methodology, grammar is seen as a toll to facilitate effective communication




 5. 
There is a heavy dependence on imitating language models and memorization of dialogues




 6. 
There is heavy emphasis on written work to the virtual exclusion of oral productions




 7. 
The teacher is a facilitator, who creates a classroom climate conducive to language learning and provides
opportunities for students to use and practice the language




 8. 
The main activities are memorization of dialogues, question and answer practice, substitution drills and
various forms of guided speaking and writing practice




 9. 
Learners are given opportunities to use the target language within a real-life communicative context and
the language used is not totally predictable




 10. 
The emphasis on structural detail makes language learning strenuous and boring



 11. 
This methodology maintains a balance between activities that work on communication skills and those that
focus on the development of accuracy. 




 12. 
Language learning is meaningful, multisensory and appeals to a range of learning styles

o A. 


o B. 


o C. 


 13. 
This method was used to teach Latin and Greek




 14. 
Learning support consists of printed material which provide the texts of dialogues and the cues needed for
drills and practice exercises. A teachers' edition is also available.



 15. 
Understanding of grammar should be promoted through the use of contextualized practice




 16. 
Learners are engaged in meaningful and authentic language use




 17. 
This approach supports the development of skills necessary for the production of 'unrehearsed




 18. 
This methodology makes use of language labs, taped material and visual cues



 19. 
Learning support material reflects real-life use of the target language - newspapers, brochures, clippings,
songs, labels, packaging and realia

o A. 




 20. 
This method places emphasis on the social nature of learning. Learning is not an individual private activity
but a social one that depends upon interaction with others.




 21. 
Little or no attention is given to pronunciation




 22. 
Grammatical structures and vocabulary are taught in isolation




 23. 
Language mastery is assessed in terms of the learner's knowledge of structures and vocabulary

o Grammar-translation



 24. 
Opportunities are provided for the development of critical thinking skills, creativity and use of initiative

o A. 




 25. 
Learners are given greater responsibility for constructing their own knowledge




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