NPCL 8MW Solar PV Project in UP
NPCL 8MW Solar PV Project in UP
NPCL 8MW Solar PV Project in UP
in UP
29 September 2016
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Our ref.: Document No. P.009822-G-00008-003
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A Company of
Detail Project Report – Final
1. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY...................................................................................................................11
2. INTRODUCTION.................................................................................................................................15
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2.3. Scope of Services................................................................................................... 16
3.8. Justification............................................................................................................. 27
4. SITE ASSESSMENT............................................................................................................................27
4.1. Micro-Climate........................................................................................................... 28
4.3. Connectivity............................................................................................................. 30
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4.4. The Land.................................................................................................................. 31
5.1. Introduction............................................................................................................. 35
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5.3.4. Rainfall 41
7.1. Introduction............................................................................................................. 53
7.3. PV Module................................................................................................................ 55
7.4. Inverter..................................................................................................................... 55
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7.7. Losses in the Solar PV System..............................................................................57
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8.4.1. Module 72
8.4.2. String Monitoring Boxes (SMB)/Combiner Box.......................................................73
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8.15. Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA) System.............................82
12. AUTHORITY........................................................................................................................................86
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13.1. Application/ clearance............................................................................................87
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13.12. Operation and Maintenance Spares......................................................................97
TABLE 1.1: 8 MWAC SOLAR PV POWER PROJECT AT A GLANCE..........................................14
Table 3.1: Reserve of Fossil Fuels and Maximum Potential of RE in India..........................................19
Table 3.2: Target and Achievements of Renewable Energy Installations in India................................22
Table 4.1: Climatic Parameters at the Project Location.........................................................................29
Table 4.2: Photographs of the selected land...........................................................................................32
Table 5.1: Daily Solar Radiation over the Project Site...........................................................................37
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Table 6.1: Comparison of different Conventional Solar PV technologies.............................................48
Table 6.2: Comparison between Crystalline and Thin Film Technologies............................................51
Table 6.3: Comparative Chart of Available Technologies.....................................................................52
Table 7.1: PV module Technical Parameters.........................................................................................55
Table 7.2: Inverter Technical Parameters...............................................................................................55
Table 7.3: Minimum Pitch at different hours for different Tilts on 21st December..............................56
Table 7.4: Tilt Optimization Study.........................................................................................................57
Table 7.5: Technical Losses considered.................................................................................................57
Table 7.6: Monthly CUF of the Solar PV Power Project.......................................................................58
Table 7.7: Estimated Generation from the proposed Plant over 25 years..............................................59
Table 7.8: CUF at different Probability Levels......................................................................................60
Table 7.9: Net Energy and CUF for the Project Life at different Probabilistic Levels.........................61
Table 8.1: Summary of DC Field Layout...............................................................................................63
Table 8.2: Inverters and transformers details..........................................................................................65
Table 8.3: List of Codes & Standards.....................................................................................................68
Table 8.4: Technical Particulars of Auxiliary Transformer...................................................................76
Table 8.5: Technical Specification of 33kV Switchgear........................................................................77
Table 8.6: Technical Particulars of LV Switchboard.............................................................................78
Table 8.7: Technical Specification of DC System..................................................................................79
Table 8.8: Technical Specification of Solar Cables................................................................................80
Table 8.9: Technical Specification of Power and Control Cables.........................................................80
Table 13.1: Manpower deployment for 8 MWAC Solar PV Power Plant.............................................96
Table 14.1: Bill of Quantity....................................................................................................................97
Table 16.1: Capital Cost and O&M Expenses of SPV Projects..........................................................101
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Figure 3.1: Installed Capacity Growth in India......................................................................................18
Figure 3.2: All India Generating Installed Capacity as on June 2016...................................................19
Figure 3.3: All India Electricity Requirement and Deficit Scenario.....................................................20
Figure 3.4: All India Electricity peak demand Requirement and Deficit Scenario...............................20
Figure 3.5: Power generation through different Renewable Technologies...........................................23
Figure 3.6: Estimated Potential of Renewable Energy in India.............................................................25
Figure 3.7: Power supply position in UP in 2015-16.............................................................................26
Figure 4.1: District map of Gautam Buddh Nagar, Uttar Pradesh.........................................................28
Figure 4.2: Satellite view of the proposed location................................................................................30
Figure 4.3: Preliminary Plot Plan of the Project location......................................................................31
Figure 4.4: Minimum distance between two arrays of Solar PV Modules............................................32
Figure 5.1: Annual GHI over Project site using different data sources.................................................38
Figure 5.2: Monthly Global Horizontal Irradiance and Diffuse Horizontal Irradiance at the
Project Site..............................................................................................................................................39
Figure 5.3: Ambient temperature at the Project location.......................................................................40
Figure 5.4: Prevailing wind speed at the Project location......................................................................40
Figure 5.5: Relative Humidity at the Project Location..........................................................................41
Figure 5.6: Precipitation at the Project location.....................................................................................42
Figure 6.1: Solar PV Capacity Growth World-wide from 2005 to 2015...............................................43
Figure 6.2: Cumulative Installed Solar Capacity...................................................................................44
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Figure 6.3: Solar PV based installed capacity in India (MW)...............................................................45
Figure 6.4: Schematic of a Grid Connected Solar Photovoltaic System...............................................46
Figure 6.5: Mono-crystalline Silicon Solar Cell and Module................................................................47
Figure 6.6: Multi-Crystalline Silicon Solar Cell and Module................................................................47
Figure 6.7: Thin film Solar Cell and Module.........................................................................................48
Figure 6.8: Market Share of different Solar PV Technologies..............................................................49
Figure 7.1: Climatic zone map of India..................................................................................................54
Figure 8.1: Grid tied Power Conditioning Unit......................................................................................74
Figure 9.1: Block diagram showing boo model.....................................................................................85
AC : Alternate Current
ASI Archaeological Survey of India
AWS Automatic Weather Station
BOO Built, Own and Operate (BOO) model
BOS Balance of System
°C Degree Celsius
CERC Central Electricity Regulatory Commission
CDM Clean Development Mechanism
CdTe Cadmium Telluride
CIS Copper Indium – Selenide
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CIGS Copper Indium Gallium Di-Selenide
CSP Concentrating solar power
CUF Capacity Utilization Factor
DC Direct Current
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MVA Mega Volt Ampere
MW Megawatt
MWh Megawatt Hour
MU Million Units
NAPCC National Action Plan on Climate Change
NASA National Aeronautics and Space Administration
NPCL Noida Power Company Limited
NREL National Renewable Energy Laboratory
NPT Notice to Proceed
O&M Operation and Maintenance
RPO Renewable Power Obligation
RMU Ring Main Unit
SCADA Supervisory Control And Data Acquisition
SERC State Electricity Regulatory Commissions
SMB String Monitoring Boxes
SNA State Nodal Agencies
STC Standard Test Conditions
SLD Single Line Diagram
SPCB State Pollution Control Board
SPV Solar Photovoltaic
TWh TeraWatt-hours
P.009822-G-00008- A RESTRICT
UP Uttar Pradesh
UPNEDA Uttar Pradesh New & Renewable Energy Development Agency
UNCED United Nations Conference on Environment and Development
UNFCCC United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change
V Voltage
WEO World Energy Outlook
Wp Watt peak
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Solar energy is the most readily available source of non-polluting renewable energy
resource. It could be utilized in two ways viz. direct conversion in to electricity through
solar photovoltaic (PV) cells and indirect conversion through generating high
temperatures by concentrating collectors and hence run the steam turbine in line with a
conventional thermal Power Plant. Uniqueness of the solar technologies is it offers a
wide range of applications from milli watt to mega watt in solar PV while using through
solar thermal collectors, the generated heat could be utilised from domestic to industrial
applications and power generation.
India being a tropical country is blessed with good sunshine over most parts, and the
number of clear sunny days in a year also being quite high. India is located in the sunny
belt of the world. As per Ministry of New and Renewable Energy (MNRE), Government
of India (GoI), the country receives solar energy equivalent to more than 5,000 trillion
kWh per year with a daily average solar energy incident over India which varies from
4.0 to 7.0kWh/m2 depending upon the location. India’s equivalent solar energy potential
is about 6,000 million GWh of energy per year1.
The country has ambitious target of setting up 100000 MW capacities solar power
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Projects by year 2022 under Jawaharlal Nehru National Solar Mission (JNNSM) of GOI.
In addition to this several states have announced their Solar Power Policy under which a
large capacity of solar Projects are planned. By the end of July, 2016, the cumulative
capacity of grid connected solar power Projects was reported as 7,805 MW. Uttar
Pradesh state has announced its Solar Power Policy in year 2015 targeting 500 MW of
solar power generation through Grid connected Solar Power Plant till March 2017.
Realizing the overall aspects of solar power potential of Uttar Pradesh, Noida Power
Corporation Limited has planned to implement a solar PV power Project of the capacity
of 8 MWAC at the location at Sector 16 of Greater Noida in Gautam Buddh Nagar
district of Uttar Pradesh state.
The proposed solar plant area is located at Latitude 28.5827° North and Longitude
77.4948° East near Sector 16 of Greater Noida in Gautam Buddh Nagar district of Uttar
Pradesh state in India. The annual daily average global solar radiation over horizontal
surface has been estimated as 5.4 kWh/m 2. The selected Project location has well
established connectivity and accessibility through road and rail networks. The total land
available at the selected location is around 27 Acres for use in the solar PV Project. The
land is stable and suitable for setting up of 8 MWAC solar PV Power Plant based on
Mono crystalline based technology.
This section addresses review of the solar radiation resource assessment of the site at
Greater Noida, Uttar Pradesh. All the available Solar Database Resources indicate that
the annual average daily GHI at the selected Project location is more than 5.0 kWh/m 2
which suggests that the current location is suitable for setting up a solar power Project.
As Meteonorm interpolated database is considerably more accepted and widely used in
industry, Meteonorm database has been used for the Energy Yield Assessment of the
proposed PV Project. It has been observed that the Project location receives annual solar
radiation of 1973 kWh/m2 (i.e. 5.40 kWh/m2 daily); which is best suited for setting up
of large scale solar PV power Project. The annual average values of ambient
temperature, wind speed and relative humidity have been observed as 25oC, 1.8 m/s and
57% respectively.
Based on the techno-commercial aspects, maturity level, performance in hot and dry
climates and availability point of view; Monocrystalline solar PV technology has been
observed to be the most suitable option for the selected location. In order to estimate the
energy generation and designing of the Project layout, Sunpower manufactured
Monocrystalline Modules have been selected.
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The energy yield estimation has been carried using PVSyst software (V6.4.6) with Solar
Resource data from Meteonorm 7.1 Weather Database. The optimised pitch distance
considered for the Project is 7.3 m which will entirely eliminate the direct shading effect
between 9 am to 3 pm on 21 st December. At a row pitch of 7.3 m for a table of width
4.3m, the generated energy shall be maximum at a tilt angle of 23°. This section also
presents the technical parameters of the selected solar PV Modules and Inverter. The
technical losses (DC and AC) have been elaborated along with the energy generation.
From the Energy Yield Assessment based on Meteonorm Solar Resource Database, it is
observed that the proposed 8 MW AC PV plant could generate 17,065 MWh of
electricity annually (DC CUF of 20.57% / AC CUF of 23.87%). Long term performance
assessment of the Project on account of Module degradation (first five year degradation
has been considered as 1.0%/ year while degradation sixth year onwards has been
estimated about 0.4 % for the project life of 25 years) has also been carried out.
This section elaborates the plant philosophy and presents the layout (DC and AC) of the
proposed 8 MWAC solar PV Project over the available land. The string sizing of solar
PV Modules has been optimized through PVSyst simulation while the inter row spacing
and other design parameters have been taken as per the best practices.
The technical design aspect of the Project covers plant electrical design, applicable
codes and standards, specification of Solar PV Modules, Inverters, Transformers,
Switchgear (LT & HT), Grid Interface etc.
This section highlights the registration mechanism of the Solar PV Power Project along
with the statutory and non-statutory clearances required for Project implementation
with respect to the present 8 MWAC solar PV power Project in Uttar Pradesh.
Section 11 presents the Preliminary Project Implementation Schedule which covers the
major milestones in achieving Project completion. The major aspects of design
engineering, infrastructure and development of the site, civil and structural work,
selection & procurement of major equipment, erection, testing & commissioning along
with operation and maintenance issues have been covered in this section. A brief of
Operation and Maintenance aspects and manpower requirement for plant operation have
also been reported in the section.
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This section presents the Bill of Quantity of the major components of Solar PV Power
Project based on the Project Layout, Single Line Diagram and Estimated Energy Yield.
This section covers the mechanism of Clean Development Mechanism under Kyoto
Protocol of United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC)
under which the solar power Project could get the benefit of Carbon Credits.
This section presents the cost comparison of different projects in the industry. As per
the in-house database of LII it is observed that the actual expenditure of different
projects varies from around INR 6 Cr/MW to INR 8.5 Cr/MW whereas the CERC Cost
assumptions for year 2016-17 is INR 5.30 Cr /MW.
Table 1.1 below presents the major aspects of the 8 MWAC Solar PV Power Project
proposed at the location near Sector 16 of Greater Noida in Gautam Buddh Nagar
district of Uttar Pradesh.
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13. Plant DC capacity 9.47 MWp
NPCL has planned to implement a 8 MWAC Solar Power Project near Sector 16 of
Greater Noida in Gautam Buddh Nagar district of Uttar Parade. NPCL has around 26.93
Acre of land for implementation of the 8 MWAC capacity solar PV plant. The 10 MVA,
33/11 kV ESS-II Sub-station-cum-Switching Station has been identified as evacuation
point for the proposed Plant which is around 3 KM from the project site.
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Noida Power Company Limited (NPCL) distributes power in Greater Noida, near Delhi
in Uttar Pradesh. The Company reaches out to a population of about 7 lac spread across
hamlets, villages and a new township spanning an area of 335 sq. km. The Company
is a joint venture between the RP-Sanjiv Goenka Group and Greater Noida Industrial
Development Authority. The Company started its operations in December 1993 pursuant
to grant of license by the U.P. Government. Currently, the Customer base is 70,994 and
the peak load served is 265 MW. The load profile is dominated by large and heavy
industries that constitute 59% of energy sale and contribute as much as 62% of the
Company’s income.
Site assessment
Solar Resource Assessment and Meteorological study
Solar PV Technology Assessment and Evaluation
Energy Yield Estimation
Project Technical Design
Project Registration and Clearances
Operation and maintenance
Bill of quantity and
Financial Analysis
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The Detailed Project Report (DPR) is based on the following data/ documents and
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Renewable Power plants constituted 28% of the total installed capacity, Non-
Renewable Power Plants constituted the remaining 72%. India generated around 1272
TeraWatt-hours (TWh) in 2014-15.
300 272
Capacity, GW
100 64
50 27
9 17
12 3 5
The per capita average annual domestic electricity consumption in India in 2009 was 96
kWh in rural areas and 288 kWh in urban areas for people having access to electricity in
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contrast to the worldwide per capita annual average of 2,600 kWh and 6,200 kWh in the
European Union. The per capita total electricity consumption in India is around 1075
kWh4 in year 2015-16. Electric energy consumption in the agriculture is the highest
(18.5%) in India.
For a quick look into the Indian scenario for energy resources, Figure 3.2 shows the All
India Generating Installed Capacity as on 2016 while Table 3.1 below indicates the
estimated hydrocarbons and other energy reserves along with limitations either year-
wise and the MW potential for all forms of conventional fossil based fuels and present
form of renewable energy sources.
43 25
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Energy Resources Unit Cumulative Reserve Remarks
Figure 3.3 below shows the electricity requirement/ deficit for India. Although the
country saw some improvement, it is still reeling under energy deficit. Figure 3.4 shows
the peak demand requirement/ deficit for India.
42,428 38,138 23,557
2013-14 2014-15 2015-16
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Power, MW
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or less uniformly distributed over all tropical and sub-tropical regions of the earth.
According to the statistics of MNRE, the cumulative grid connected renewable energy
based power generation capacity was 44,244 MW6 till 30th June 2016. Out of this, wind
power accounts for 27,151 MW. Table 3.2 below presents the recent achievement of
renewable energy installations in India till 30.06.2016. The estimated potential of power
generation through renewable energy (wind, Solar, biomass etc.) resources has been
reported to be more than 1 Lakh MW by MNRE. In the present scenario, the
contribution of renewable energy resources towards power generation is more than 28%
in the country. Figure 3.5 shows the all India installed capacity with the percentage of
power generation through various RE technologies as per MNRE.
Sector Cumulative
FY- 2016-17 Achievements (as on
Target Achievement
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Biomass Gasifiers 2 0 18.15
-Industrial 8 0 164.24
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3.4. Promotion Schemes/ Incentives of
Government of India
MNRE has been promoting new and renewable energy sources in a big way in India.
The Government of India envisaged 44,245 MW cumulative capacity additions during
the 12th five year plan (2012-16) from renewable power generation. While about 27,151
MW is expected to be from wind power and 7,805 MW from Solar Power, the balance
is to be realized by other renewable energy systems. The Electricity Act 2003 clearly
mandates State Electricity Boards to adopt a minimum percentage for procurement of
electricity from renewable energy sources. Accordingly, about 13 State Electricity
Regulatory Commissions (SERC) have initiated action to meet this requirement.
Further, MNRE has formulated the guidelines on Generation-Based Incentive (GBI) for
Grid Interactive Solar Power Projects. In January 2008, MNRE had announced a
Generation Based Incentive (GBI) Scheme for setting up of solar energy based
demonstration Projects. MNRE was to provide, through IREDA, a GBI of a maximum
of Rs.12 per kWh to the eligible Projects which were commissioned by 31st December,
2009, after taking into account the power purchase rate (per kWh) provided by SERC or
the utility for the Project. Any Project commissioned after 31st December, 2009 would
have been eligible for an incentive with a 5% reduction and a ceiling of Rs.11.40 per
kWh and available for a maximum period of 10 years from the date of commissioning
of the Project. The scheme is limited to plant capacities of a total of 50 MW for the
country, with a ceiling of maximum 10 MW for a state.
In addition the State Nodal Agencies (SNA) of MNRE along with the State
Governments has announced several policies towards promoting large scale solar power
generation. Gujarat Solar Power Policy-2009 is the best example of State Policy under
which around 850 MW capacity solar PV power Projects have been connected to the
national grid. Presently a number of states have launched their Solar Power Policies
namely Karnataka, Madhya Pradesh, Tamil Nadu, Uttar Pradesh etc. In addition to the
policies Government is implementing Renewable Power Obligation (RPO) for the
Generators and the Distributors in the state towards promoting solar power by making
specific consideration under RPO.
The target of Uttar Pradesh Solar Policy -2012 has been to reach 500 MW of installed
capacity of Solar Power Project in the state by March 2017
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3.5. Energy Sector of Uttar Pradesh
Uttar Pradesh (UP) is the second largest state in India by area and the most populous
state. The State of UP is located in the northern region of India with installed electricity
generation capacity of 18616 MW7 (as on 31st March, 2016). The main source for
electricity generation is mainly from fossil fuels such as coal and natural gas. Renewable
power forms 3% of the total installed capacity (including small hydro). Figure 3.6 below
shows that Uttar Pradesh has around 3% of the total renewable energy resource potential
of India.
Gujarat, 8%
Rajasthan, 17%
Himachal Pradesh, 4%
Punjab, 1%
Orissa, 3%
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Nagaland, 1%
Mizoram, 1% Maharashtra, 8%
Meghalaya, 1%
Manipur, 1% Karnataka, 5%Jharkhand, 2%
Madhya Pradesh, 7%
Kerala, 1%
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Uttar Pradesh New & Renewable Energy Development Agency (UPNEDA)
administers and promotes RE development in the state as the state is having less
renewable energy in numbers as compared to other states. A target capacity addition of
500 MW of Grid connected Solar Power Plant has been envisaged to be achieved till
March 2017.
Solar power generation has emerged as one of the most rapidly growing renewable
sources of electricity. In January 2015 the Indian government significantly expanded
its solar plans, targeting 100 GW of solar capacity (including 40 GW from
rooftop solar) by 2022. Moreover Solar RPO of 1 % is implemented in the state of
Uttar Pradesh.
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The proposed site is located near Sector 16 of Greater Noida in Gautam Buddh Nagar
district of Uttar Pradesh state. Greater Noida lies between 28.38° and 28.61° North of
Latitude and between 77.43° and 77.61° East of Longitude. Gautam Buddh Nagar
district of Uttar Pradesh covers the geographical area of 1442 Sq. km
The district receives rain under the influence of southwest monsoons. As per Central
Ground Water Board (CGWB) 2009 Report, maximum rainfall occurs during the
monsoon period i.e., from June to September having the normal value of 600 mm which
is 85.7% of annual rainfall.
The climate of the district is sub-humid and characterized by hot summer and cold
season. After February, there is a continuous increase in temperature till May which is
generally the hottest month with average mean temperature of 33°C. The coldest month
is January with average mean temperature of 14°C followed by December with 15°C.
4.1. Micro-Climate
Gautam Buddh Nagar district is located in the ‘Composite’ Climatic Zone of the
country. According to the Meteonorm database, the Project location, near Sector
16 of Greater Noida of Uttar Pradesh state, receives a daily global solar radiation
ranging from around 3.71 kWh/m 2 (in December) to 7.16 kWh/m 2 (in May) over the
year. The annual daily average global solar radiation over horizontal surface has been
estimated as 5.4 kWh/m2 while the annual average daily global solar radiation over
inclined surface (i.e. at the latitude of the location) has been estimated as 6.13 kWh/m 2.
The climatic parameters namely the ambient temperature, relative humidity and wind
speed at the Project Location have been given in Table 4.1 below for each month of the
Mar 2 23.6 48
May 2.5 33 38
Aug 2 30.5 71
Nov 1 20.3 58
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4.2. The Project Location
The land in the proposed solar plant area appears stable and as per the details mentioned
in the District Ground Water Report of Gautam Buddh Nagar district, Uttar Pradesh,
2009, underground water is available at around 150 - 350 m depth. Overall, the area is
flat. Figure 4.2 below present the satellite map of the region indicating the proposed
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4.3. Connectivity
The selected Project location has well established connectivity and accessibility through
road and rail networks.
The nearest airport from the location is at Delhi which is located around 50 km from the
By Rail
Maripat railway station is the nearest railway station from the Project location which is
located around 1 km.
By Road
The location has good proximity with the National Highway. The Project area is located
at a distance of 4 kM from NH 34 and 14 kM from NH 24 and is well connected through
the approach roads.
Following key features and site characteristics of the selected location for setting up the
8 MWAC capacity Solar PV based Power Project have been observed during the site
Geographical coordinates of the Project location are 28.5827° North and
77.4948° East.
The location falls under the ‘Composite’ climatic zone of India.
The Project location has good accessibility from Greater Noida.
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This document is the property of Lahmeyer International (India) pvt. ltd. Any duplication or transmission to third parties is forbidden without prior written approval
While preparing the site plan, the Control Building, Guard House, Inverters and
Transformers need to be positioned in such a way so as to avoid any shadow on PV
arrays from these objects. A full scale Shade Analysis of the Plant Buildings and inter-
row spacing is required to be performed during detailed design and engineering. A
typical arrangement of Solar PV arrays from the point of view of inter-row shading is
given above in Figure 4.4. Table 4.2 below present the various aspects of the selected
site captured during the site visit.
As already explained in the earlier section, there are some shading elements adjacent to
the project location like trees and Transmission Tower which may cause shading effect
on the plant. The land is stable and suitable for setting up of 8 MWAC solar PV Power
Plant based on Mono crystalline based technology.
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Existing Building inside Plant Premises
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4.6. Water availability
Except for cleaning of the solar PV panels, there is very limited water requirement in
solar PV power Projects. Underground water through Bore holes shall be used during
construction and O&M stage. Alternatively, water can be procured from adjoining
villages through tankers for plant construction and cleaning purposes.
The interconnection between GSS and the Plant will be through 33 kV cables which will
be laid separately by NPCL.
As regards the aspect of site topography and terrain, shading aspects, accessibility and
connectivity and infrastructure availability, the selected location satisfies all major
criteria of site selection for implementation of the 8 MWAC solar PV power Project.
This section addresses review of the solar radiation resource assessment of the site at
Greater Noida, Uttar Pradesh.
5.1. Introduction
The electrical output of a solar Power Plant is dependent on the incident solar radiation it
receives. Outside the Earth’s atmosphere, on a surface normal to the solar beam, the
power density is 1,365W/m2 which is known as ‘Solar Constant’9. As the solar radiation
passes through the atmosphere, depending on the length of the atmospheric path
traversed by the solar radiation and the quantity of dust, water vapour, ozone, CO 2 and
other aerosols/ gases present, some amount of it is scattered and absorbed. The diffused
radiation plus the direct irradiance from the sun are together termed as Global (or Total)
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Irradiance. The diffused sunlight can vary from about 20% on a clear day to 100% in
heavily overcast conditions. The peak irradiance of 1,000 W/m 2 has been taken as the
standard value by which PV Modules are rated 10. However, the total solar energy
received in a day over a specific area, called Daily Solar Irradiance or Insolation, is more
important than the instantaneous solar irradiance. The solar resource is not equally
available in all regions of the globe. On a clear day in the tropics, when the sun is
overhead, the global irradiance can exceed 1000W/m2 but in higher latitudes, it rarely
exceeds 850W/m2. Similarly, Daily Solar Insolation may be 5-7 kWh/m 2/day in the
tropics but could be less than 0.5 kWh/m2/day in higher latitudes.
The solar constant is defined as the quantity of solar energy (W/m²) at normal incidence outside the atmosphere (extraterrestrial) at the mean sun-
earth distance. Its mean value is 1367.7 W/m².
1MW PV Power plant will generate 1MW of electricity in an irradiance of 1000W/m2 with a cell temperature of 25oC and Air Mass of 1.5.
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Projection/ statistical analysis) based on the national/ international databases. In context
to Project locations in the country, the following solar radiation and climatic databases
are usually availed of.
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20 years of data for GHI and other climatic parameters like ambient temperature,
humidity, wind speed etc. The data is collected from ground based weather stations and
supplemented with satellite data where there is a low density of ground weather stations.
Hourly values are calculated from the collected data using a stochastic model
comprising interpolation.
The monthly average of daily GHI at the selected Project location has been presented
using all possible weather data sources.
The annual GHIs derived from all the above databases for the selected Project location
of Uttar Pradesh have been presented in Figure 5.1 below.
2000 1843 1850
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Annual GHI kWh/m2
NREL NASA Meteonorm 7 Delhi-IMD
NASA and IMD provides monthly database whereas NREL and Meteonorm are hourly
databases. In order to get accurate Yield Estimation, it is recommended to use hourly
database. As Meteonorm interpolated database is considerably more accepted and
widely used in industry, hence Meteonorm database has been used for the Energy Yield
Assessment of the PV Project under reference in the Greater Noida, Uttar Pradesh.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9101112
All Solar Database Resources indicate that the annual average daily GHI at the selected
Project location is more than 5.0 kWh/m2 which suggests that the current location is
suitable for solar power Project.
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In addition to above, there are other databases available viz. ISHRAE, SolarGIS and
3TIER based on moderate and high resolution satellite data as well as statistically
processed ground data.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9101112
Ambient Temperature, C
Higher temperature will lead to higher temperature driven losses in the Solar PV
Modules thereby effectively reducing the generated energy. The Thin Film Modules will
typically have comparatively lower temperature losses than Mono / Multi-Crystalline
Solar PV Modules under such ambient condition as the temperature coefficient of Thin
Film PV Modules is lower than Mono/ Multi- Crystalline PV Modules.
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5.3.2. Wind Speed
Wind speed at the Project location is observed to be low. Using hourly data of
Meteonorm 7 database for the Project location, the minimum and maximum
instantaneous wind speeds have been observed to be varying between 0 m/s to
9.6 m/s respectively. The annual average wind speed is around 1.8 m/s. Figure
5.4 below presents the monthly average profile of prevailing wind speed at the Project
location over a typical year.
However, on a positive side, as the air velocity increases the cell temperature will
drop due to greater convective heat transfer from the Module surface which will result in
better PV better module performance.
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1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9101112
Relative humidity, %
Higher humidity causes higher scattering of solar irradiance due to presence of water
vapour particles in air which results in lower GHI. Moreover chance of humidity
ingression to the Solar Cell enclosure and corrosion of structures is increased during
high humidity season.
5.3.4. Rainfall
Using Meteonorm database, the annual rainfall has been observed to be around 721 mm.
Figure 5.6 below presents the monthly average profile of Rainfall at the Project location
over a typical year.
1 2 3 4 5 6 78 9101112
Precipitation, mm
During rainy season higher scattering of Solar irradiance due to presence of clouds occur
which results in lower GHI and lower generation.
However on the positive side, rain cleans the Module and reduces the soiling loss which
results in a better plant performance.
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Solar Photovoltaic (SPV) technology is primarily a solid-state semiconductor- based
technology, which converts a fraction of the incident solar radiation (photons) in to
direct electricity. Solar PV system can deliver electric energy to a specific appliance
and/or to the electric grid. Photovoltaic systems are flexible and modular; hence the
technology can be implemented on virtually any scale size, connected to the electricity
network or used as stand-alone or off grid systems, easily complementing other energy
sources. SPV offers several advantages viz.
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(Source: Renewable Global Status Report-2016)
This represents around three-times the India’s total installed power capacity today.
Although the available solar resource is the strongest in north and northwest of the
country (Rajasthan, Jammu and Kashmir), it is also of considerable value in a number of
other states, including Maharashtra, Madhya Pradesh, and Andhra Pradesh. India has
seen a quick growth in the installed capacity of Solar generation. Utility-scale solar
photovoltaic (PV) Projects have made the fastest in-roads, with about 7.8 GW of
capacity in place as on 30th June 2016 (up from 4.9 GW in 2015). The growth of
installed capacity of Concentrating solar power (CSP) on the contrary has been only
extremely slow with just around 200 MW in operation. Figure 6.3 below represents the
growth of Solar PV Power Project development in India in the last five years.
Indian Energy Outlook
Capacity, MW
3000 2650
2000 1400 1250
1000 450 450 410
2011-12 2012-13 2013-14 2014-15 2015-16
Solar power is at the heart of India’s push towards low-carbon energy sources. The
overall national target is to reach 100 GW of installed capacity by 2022, a huge task
given the starting point. This total is split between 60 GW of utility- scale Projects (both
solar PV and CSP), including a series of large solar parks, with capacity generally above
500 MW each, and a further 40 GW of rooftop solar applications for commercial users
and households, together with some small-scale schemes and off-grid capacities. A
range of national and state-level initiatives have been announced in support of these
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objectives. Since electricity is a shared responsibility between federal and state
authorities, the political commitment of individual states to development of solar power
is critical to the prospects for growth.
Albeit slower, India has also witnessed a growth in manufacturing of Solar PV Cells and
Modules. As of May 2016, the Solar PV Module production capacity of India stands at
5,620 MW, while the Solar Cell manufacturing capacity is 1,212 MW.
Solar cells represent the fundamental power conversion unit of a Photovoltaic System.
Solar PV technologies are usually classified into three generations; depending on the
basis material used and the level of commercial maturity.
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First generation PV System: Use of wafer based crystalline silicon (c-Si) either
single crystalline or multi-crystalline
Second Generation PV Systems: Based on the thin-film technology and
generally includes:
This is the most established and efficient solar cell technology till date, having a higher
Module efficiency up to around 22%. The Cell and Module fabrication technology is
well developed and reliable. These cells are manufactured from single silicon crystal.
During manufacturing, C-Si crystals are cut from cylindrical ingots and therefore the
cells do not completely cover a square solar cell Module.
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The production of Multi-crystalline cells is more cost-efficient. These are manufactured
by cooling a graphite mould filled with molten silicon. In this process, liquid silicon is
poured into blocks that are subsequently sawed into plates. During solidification of the
material, crystal structures of varying sizes are formed. These cells have Module
efficiency of around 15-17%.
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grey WO AR necessary. Best researched
coating solar cell material –
highest power/area ratio.
CdTe, 4% 1% CIGA, 2%
Mono -
crystalline , 24%
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Multi- crystalline
, 69%
The commonly used standards for Solar PV Modules as applicable in the Indian context
are as follows.
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14. IEC 60904 Photovoltaic devices
Manufacturing Mono-crystalline is produced by slicing Each of the three materials is amenable to large
Process wafers (up to 150mm diameter and 350 area deposition (on to substrates of about 1
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microns thick) from a high-purity single meter dimensions) and hence high volume
crystal Module. Mono-crystalline silicon, manufacturing. The Thin Film semiconductor
made by sawing a cast block of silicon layers are deposited on either coated glass or
first into bars and then wafers. stainless steel sheet.
Power High power per given area Low power per given area
Efficiency 11–22% 5 – 17 %
Effect of Effect is more on output power to Effect is less compared to crystalline silicon
Temperature (Higher temperature coefficient cells (Low temperature coefficient)
compared to Thin Films)
Logistics Fewer Modules - lower shipping cost More Modules - more shipping cost
Mounting structures Fewer Modules- less mounting More Modules- more mounting structures per
structures per kW kW
Accessories & Requires less cables, Junction Boxes etc. Requires more cables, Junction Boxes etc.
additional materials
For example, the temperature coefficient of power for a solar PV panel is -0.485% per degree C indicates that for every degree
rise of temperature above 25°C, the maximum power of PV panel will reduce by 0.485%.
The temperature coefficient of power is always negative. With increase in temperature, the solar PV module power will decrease
accordingly. Temperature coefficient for thin film silicon solar cell is around -0.3%/ oC while that of crystalline solar cell is
around -0.45%/oC which indicates that when the module operates at 50 oC cell temperature, compared to the efficiency reached
on 25oC test standard , thin film silicon solar module will lose around 7% while and the loss for crystalline will be around 11%.
Output Output depends on number of solar Directly proportion on the dimension of the
cells in the Module Module
1. 6 Efficiency 12% 10 7 7
2. 2 Temperature 11% 9 5 10
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3. 4 Shade Tolerance 10% 5 5 10
4. 8 Power Output 7% 10 7 7
5. 10 Market share 5% 8 10 3
6. 9 Environmental Issues 6% 10 10 3
7. 11 Balance of System 4% 10 7 4
(mounting structure,
cabling, etc.)
8. 12 Accessories & 3% 10 7 3
additional materials
9. 13 Inverter flexibility 2% 10 10 3
10. 1 Cost 13% 5 8 8
11. 14 Stabilization 1% 10 8 3
12. 7 Status of 8% 10 10 9
13. 5 Proven at MW scale in 10% 8 7 10
Hot climates
14. 3 Spectral gain 9% 3 3 10
Total 100% 7.8 7.0 7.7
Selection choice 1 2 3
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7.1. Introduction
The selected Project location at Greater Noida in Uttar Pradesh falls under the
‘Composite’ climatic zone of India. Figure 7.1 below presents the climatic zone map of
India indicating the Project location.
Ones who have provided own-brand, own-manufactured products to five different projects, which have been financed non-recourse
by five different (non- development) banks, in the past two years
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The location experiences a temperature ranging from 5°C to 45°C across the year. The
diffuse component of solar irradiance is around 38% of the Global Horizontal Irradiance
as per the Meteonorm Weather Database.
S. No PV module SunPower
1 Model X21-345
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8 Fill Factor 79
Standard Test Condition, STC
15 Module Efficiency 21.5 %
7.4. Inverter
Schneider Electric make solar Inverters (Model – Conext Core XC 680) have been
selected for the proposed 8 MW Solar PV Project. Technical Parameters of the selected
Schneider Electric inverter is shown in the table 7.2 below.
12 Weight, kg 1590
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The optimised pitch distance considered for the Project is 7.3 m which will entirely
eliminate the direct shading effect between 9 am to 3 pm on 21st December.
Generation from
Tilt GHI W/m2 GTI W/m2 PVSyst (MWh)
It has been observed that with the fixed tilt design, at a row pitch of 7.3 m for a table of
width 4.3m, the generated energy shall be maximum at a tilt angle of 23°.
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7.7. Losses in the Solar PV System
The technical losses considered for the estimation of Energy Yield have been
summarized in Table 7.5 below.
4. Soiling -2.0%
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Project has been presented in Table 7.6 below:
The Consultant has considered a degradation of 1%/ year for first five years and 0.4%
from the 6th year till the end of the Project life of 25 years.
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Generation DC CUF AC CUF
Year MWH % %
Year MWH % %
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7.10. Probabilistic Estimates
In the present case, the Solar Radiation data has been derived from the hourly
Meteonorm 7 data. The declared GHI Uncertainty of Meteonorm 7 data for the Project
location is 6%. Apart from the Uncertainty in Solar Irradiation data, there are other
factors like Ambient, Conversion to inclined surface, Soiling which contribute to the
overall uncertainty in the energy yield estimation from the proposed Project. The
combined overall Project Uncertainty of the Project has been analysed and computed to
be around 7.4%.
The energy generation and CUF at different probability levels for the Solar Project
under reference have been presented in the following Table 7.8.
The long term energy generation and CUFs (DC & AC) over the entire life of the Project
at different Probabilistic Levels using Mono-crystalline Solar PV Technology in fixed
tilt position have been presented in the Table 7.9 below:
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10 16067 19.36 22.48 15266 18.40 21.36 14544 17.53 20.35
Average 15922 19.19 22.27 15128 18.23 21.16 14413 17.37 20.16
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The major considerations which have been taken into account while planning layout of
various facilities in the plant are site coordinates, size and topography of land, approach
to the site, row to row distance, row to row shading of Modules, predominant wind
directions, water supply, tracking arrangement, selection of Modules, Inverters, Inverter
Transformers and other electrical equipments, optimization of cables, power
evacuation corridor, etc. The layout of the array structures shall be so designed that it
shall occupy minimum space without sacrificing the output of solar PV Modules.
Since the total output current of all the strings combined shall be very high, these
strings will be divided into several sub groups and connected to String Monitoring
Boxes (SMB)/ Combiner Boxes and the String Monitoring Boxes / Combiner Boxes will
be connected to the Inverter inputs. A summary of the DC Field layout is furnished in
Table 8.1 below.
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Sr. No. Priority Parameters
Each Inverter Station shall consist of four (s) Nos. of 680kW Inverters, 33kV Switchgear
& RMU, two winding, 10 kVA, 380/ 415V Auxiliary Transformers, LV Distribution
Boards, Inverter Transformer Protection Panels, UPS and Battery etc. there shall be six
nos. of three winding 1.4 MVA, 33kV/0.38-0.38kV Inverter Transformers outside each
Inverter Station. LT cables shall be provided to interconnect LV winding of Inverter
Transformers with the Solar Inverters. Ventilation system with air ducts for the Inverters
along with fire protection and detection system shall be provided at the Inverter Stations.
The Inverter Station shall be made of Pre-Engineered Building with proper thermal
insulation. The roof slope shall be kept at 1:15 with single sided slope.
Main Control Building
The Main Control Building shall consist of the 33 kV Switchgear Room, SCADA/
Control Room, Battery/ Auxiliary Room apart from One Administration Room, One
Staff Room & One Supervisor's Room, one Pantry along with Toilets, Stores etc. Air
conditioning shall be provided in the SCADA/ Control Room and Heat Ventilation
System shall be provided in the 33kV Switchgear Room, Auxiliary Room, Battery
Room and Toilets. The entire Building shall be provided with fire protection and
detection system.
The Control Building shall have RCC Plinth with RCC columns, brick walls and RCC
Roof. There shall also be an overhead water tank of 2000 Litres (mounted on separate
structures adjacent to the Building or on the roof of the Building), adequately sized
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septic tank and required wash basins. The MV Switchgear Room shall be provided with
mechanical ventilation system having a minimum of 8 air changes during normal
condition and 30 air changes in the event of fire. The Exhaust Fans shall be hooked to
the Fire Detection System. Energy efficient Split ACs will be provided in Control
Room, SCADA Room, Supervisor's Room & Staff Room with a nominal operating
temperature of 23 deg C and shall comply with all ASHRAE standards. Internal
electrification with minimum illumination of 400 Lux shall be maintained in all Control
The Plant shall be provided with one separate Tariff Metering Room having a Tariff
Metering Cubicle complete with the following equipment and accessories.
Current Transformers
Voltage Transformer
Bus Post Insulators as required
Tariff Meter
Locations of the Main Control Building and the Inverter Transformers shall be
optimized to reduce DC & AC cable losses. Details of the Inverter and Transformers
proposed to be used are given in Table 8.2 below.
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gate for pedestrians and visitors. The height of gate is kept equal to the height of the
boundary wall. While ashphalt road shall be provided from the Main Gate to the Main
Control Building, other Plant Interconnecting Roads connecting all the Inverter Stations,
Main Control Building, Pump House and 33kV Tariff Metering Room shall be 10T
Roller Compacted Roads with 150 mm gravel below. The Road width shall be 3.5 Mtrs
with 0.5 Mtrs shoulder.
All the individual input terminals of Inverter shall have disconnection facility. Solar
grade DC cables shall be provided for interconnection between Modules and the SMB/
Combiner Boxes.
DC Side Protection
The Solar Modules are made of Semiconductor material which will in turn act as a
Diode. These are connected in series to make the desired system voltage. The following
protection equipments shall be provided for the Solar PV Module Strings at the String
Monitoring Boxes (SMB)/ Combiner Box end.
Fuses for Short Circuit Protection.
Surge Protection Device – To protect from Transfer Surges at the DC side.
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AC Single Line Diagram
The Solar Inverter is the link between the PV Array DC system and the grid connected
AC system. Its basic task is to convert the DC electricity generated by the PV Modules
into AC by synchronizing itself to the frequency and voltage level of the Utility Grid.
The Inverter receives varying DC input power from the Module due to varying nature of
solar radiation and motion of Sun throughout the day & year, which is converted into
AC power by its highly efficient Power Electronics Circuit working based on Multi
MPPT mode and synchronizing to the Grid Frequency and Voltage. The output of the
Solar Inverter shall be 680kW, 380V, 50 Hz AC with ± 10 % voltage variation. Six (06)
Nos. three winding outdoor Inverter Transformers, each of rating 1.4 MVA, 33kV/0.380
0.380 kV are envisaged for the Plant. Two Nos. of 380kW Solar Inverters shall be
connected with one three Winding Inverter Transformer i.e. one Inverter per LV
winding. The Inverter Transformers will step up the Inverter output voltage of 380V,
50Hz AC to 33kV, 50Hz AC.
The power output of six Nos. Inverter Transformers i.e. total 8 MW approx. shall be
connected to the Main 33 kV Switchgear through 3 no. 33 kV RMUs and Cables. From
the 33 kV Switchgear, the generated power shall be evacuated to the Grid Substation.
For Auxiliary System Power Supply, each inverter station shall consists of 10 kVA ,
380/415V Unit Auxiliary Transformers, each fed from the LV winding of the Inverter
Transformer and MCR shall consists of one (01) 40kVA, 33/0.415kV Common
Auxiliary Transformer fed from 33kV Busbar to meet the common auxiliary load
requirements, have been envisaged. The capacities of the Unit Auxiliary Transformer
and Common Auxiliary Transformer shall be finalized during detailed engineering based
on proper sizing calculation. The Common Auxiliary Transformer shall be connected
with 415V LV Distribution Board for further distribution of auxiliary power. In order to
ensure reliability in the Auxiliary Power Supply, a Ring Main Scheme shall be
AC Side Protection: Inverter Protection
The followings monitoring/ protection features shall be provided for each Solar Inverter.
Over Voltage protection
Grid Monitoring – Adjustable Voltage and Frequency range
PV Generator connection – Insulation monitoring, polarity reversal protection.
DC Filter.
DC disconnect switch.
AC side Insulation monitoring device
Earth-fault protection.
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Each Inverter Transformer shall be protected through the VCB at the 33KV Local
Switchgear and Air Circuit Breaker (ACB) on the LV side. The following electrical and
mechanical protections for Inverter Transformers shall be provided:
50 – Instantaneous Over Current Relay
50N – Instantaneous Earth Fault Relay
51 – IDMT over current relay
51N – IDMT Earth Fault Relay
49WT – Winding Temperature protection - Alarm / Trip
49OT – Oil Temperature Protection - Alarm
OL – Magnetic Oil Gauge (MOG) - Alarm
63 – Buchholz Relay protection - Alarm / Trip
PRV – Pressure Release Valve - Alarm / Trip
The above protections will trip the 33 kV VCB through the Master Trip Relay (86). In
addition, the VCB shall be provided with the following protections.
The above protections will trip the 33 kV VCB through the Master Trip Relay (86). In
addition, the VCB shall be provided with the following protections.
95 - Trip Circuit supervision protection
94 - Anti Pumping Relay
Moulded Case Circuit Breakers (MCCBs) will be provided for the Incomers/ Bus Ties of
the LV Auxiliary Switchboards for short circuit and over current protections. Outgoing
feeders shall be provided with Miniature Circuit Breaker (MCB). The design concept of
the electrical system as a whole shall be based on the requirements for safe and reliable
operation of the Plant with provision for easy maintenance. The design and performance
requirements of equipment will be generally as per the latest Indian Standards and the
Codes of Practice, International standards like IEC. Indian Electricity Rules,
wherever applicable will also apply.
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8.3. Codes and Standards
All equipments of the PV Power Plant shall conform to international standards including
IEEE Standard for design and installation of grid connected PV system. The standards
shall cover various aspects such as PV Modules, cable types and selection, temperature
considerations, voltage ratings, BOS wiring, Inverter wiring, bypass diodes, disconnect
devices, grounding requirements, surge and transient suppression, power qualities,
protection features and safety regulations. The following codes and standards shall be
followed as a minimum at the time of design & construction of the Solar PV Plant.
Table 8.3 presents the non-exhaustive list of standards related to solar PV power plan.
Inverter Standards
Junction Box
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14. IEC 50548 Junction boxes
Switchboard Standard
AC Cables
DC Cable
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38. EN 50618 Electric cables for photovoltaic systems
33 kV Switchgear
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62. IS 7421 Specification of LV Porcelain Bushing
Outdoor Arrangement
73. CBIP Substation Manual Central Board of Irrigation and Power Manual on
Substation layout
8.4.1. Module
Mono-crystalline Silicon based Solar PV technology has been selected for the 8 MW
AC/ 9.5 MWp DC Solar PV Power Project. The Solar Modules offered should be
constructed according to the international standards such as IEC, etc. In order to connect
the solar Module in series, interconnection cables shall be provided. Solar to electrical
conversion of PV Module shall be of the highest efficiency in the class. Modules shall
be made of Transparent Toughened Safety Glass front surface giving high encapsulation
gain and with edge sealant for Module protection and mechanical support. All materials
used shall have a proven history of reliable and stable operation in external applications.
PV Modules must qualify to table 8.4 standards.
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Sr. No. Code/Standards Details
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18. UL 1703 Comply with the National Electric Code
(NEC), OSHA and the
The microprocessor based control circuit accomplishes PV system output power control.
The control circuit also has protective functions which provide safety grid
interconnection of PV systems. The Inverter output always follows the grid in terms of
voltage and frequency. This is achieved by sensing the grid voltage and phase and
feeding this information to the feedback loop of the Inverter. This then controls the
output voltage and frequency of the Inverter, so that Inverter is always synchronized
with the grid.
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Software controlled Maximum Power Point Tracking (MPPT) techniques are utilized in
the control system to optimize the solar energy fed into the grid. The control system
detects whether the insolation level is above a predetermined value and whether the grid
supply is within the preset limits in voltage and frequency. Under favourable conditions,
the Inverter synchronises with the Grid and starts exporting the available energy. The
control unit will automatically disconnect from the grid if the grid voltage or frequency
goes beyond the operating range. The unit will switch over to a low power sleep mode
at night and during periods of low insolation and automatically wake up, when the
insolation level rises above a preset point. Once the grid is back into its operating range,
the Inverter unit will synchronize and connect to the grid to export the energy generated
by the PV arrays.
The controller will have the following control and automated functions.
8.5.1. Cooling
For cooling the Solar Inverter, air shall be taken in through the ventilation openings at
the bottom of the front doors and the hot air shall be blown out via the fans mounted in
the roof of the Inverter. Ventilation ducts shall be installed in order to prevent
unnecessary heating of the Inverter Room and maintain the ambient temperature within
the permissible limits inside the room. Filters shall be provided at cooling air intake to
ensure dust free supply of air.
8.5.2. Islanding
The condition of a Distributed Generation generator continuing to power a location even
though power from the Electric utility is no longer present is termed a “islanding”.
Islanding of Inverter-connected PV-generator systems means any situation where the
source of power from the network operator’s distribution system is disconnected from
the network section in which the generator is connected, and one or more Inverters
maintain a supply to that section of the distribution system or consumer’s installation.
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The situation may cause an electrical shock hazard to service personnel operating on the
islanded network section while it has been supposedly shut down. Islanding can be
dangerous to Utility workers, who may not realize that the utility is still powered even
though there is no power from the Grid. For that reason, Distributed Generators must
detect Islanding and immediately stop producing power. Inverter shall be provided with
Islanding protection to isolate it from the grid in case of no-supply, under voltage & over
voltage condition to ensure safety. To provide this safety function, voltage, frequency
and current have to be monitored and in case of exceeding the limit, the system has to
1. Service Indoor
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4. Rated Capacity As per requirement
6. No. of Phases 3
7. Rated frequency 50 Hz
2. Service Indoor
3. Quantity As required
4. Enclosure IP-4X
6. Voltage 33000 V
7. Phase 3
8. Frequency 50 Hz
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Dedicated CT and PT shall be provided for Tariff metering inside the Tariff Metering
Panel. Accuracy class of CT and PT shall be 0.2s and 0.2 respectively. Tariff Metering
Panel shall be located separately adjacent to the Main Control Building within a Tariff
Metering Room as per the existing practice followed by the utility.
2. Service Indoor
3. Quantity As required
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4. Enclosure IP-4X
5. Voltage 415 V
6. Phase 3
7. Frequency 50 Hz
8.11.1. Battery
The Battery shall be of high discharge performance Tubular Lead Acid storage type. The
plates shall be designed for maximum durability during all service conditions including
high rate of discharge & rapid fluctuation of load. For the purpose of design, an ambient
temperature of 55°C and relative humidity of 100% shall be considered.
1. Voltage 220 V
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8.11.3. DC Distribution Board (DCDB)
Each DCDB will receive power from its respective DC Battery/ Battery Charger. DCDB
Incomers will be provided with positive mechanical interlocking facility to ensure that
different power supply sources will not operate in parallel to avoid fault level exceeding
their designated capability. Each DCDB will be of indoor, single front and non draw-out
type. These will be sheet metal enclosed, assembled to form a rigid, free-standing floor
mounted structure. Vertical units will be assembled to form a continuous line up of
panels. Compartmentalized multi-tier configuration will be provided. The degree of
protection will be IP4X. The DCDB will have short circuit ratings consistent with the
available short circuit current.
4. Approvals FIA/AC/ISI
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HV Power Cables
1. Voltage Grade 33 kV
LV Power Cables
Control Cables
3. Insulation PVC
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8.13. Lightning and Over Voltage Protection
The PV Power plant shall be provided with Lightning and Over Voltage protection
connected to proper earth mats. The main aim of the protection is to reduce the over
voltage to a tolerable level before it reaches the PV or other sub-system components.
The source of over voltage can be lightning or other atmospheric disturbances. The
Lightning Conductors shall be made as per applicable Indian or International Standards
in order to protect the entire Plant from Lightning strokes. Necessary concrete
foundation for holding the lightning conductor in position will be made. The lightning
conductor shall be earthed through flats and connected to the Earth mats as per
applicable Indian/ International Standards with earth pits. Each Lightning Conductor
shall be fitted with individual earth pit as per required Standards including accessories,
and providing masonry enclosure with cast iron cover plate.
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Automatic Weather Station (AWS) is required at the plant site in order to measure
climatic parameters and Global Solar Radiation periodically. The realistic climatic
parameters are required for performance testing of the proposed solar PV Power Plant.
The Weather Monitoring Station shall consist of
1 Kipp & Zonnen CMP11 pyranometers on horizontal plane. The sampling frequency of
AWS shall be 10 secs time interval with averaging at 5 minutes recording time. The
Weather Station along with data loggers shall be located at strategic point and shall be
capable of collecting the data points, sample frequency along with SCADA interface.
The Weather Station shall have capability of recording and storing environmental data
without AC power for two
(3) days. In addition, 1 No. Pyranometer shall be provided at the designed tilt and
located within the Plant premises at selected location.
The Automatic Weather Station (AWS) shall be provided with the following features:
The following points should be taken into account for the components of the AWS:
Each component should have a detailed instruction manual.
Each component should be highly durable.
Each component should be easily maintainable.
Standard devices and interfaces that are adaptable to technological progress
should be used.
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8.18. Power and Water Requirements
Power for construction activities at site can be arranged with the help of DG set during
construction period of the plant. Water for the construction activities as well as potable
water at site can be taken from tankers/ bore wells. Further distribution arrangement can
be established during construction period of the plant
The indoor quality of air conditioned areas served by air conditioning units shall be as
per ASHRAE Standard 62. Sufficient allowances for possible equipment heat loads shall
be kept and adequacy of system sizing shall be finalised through calculations. The
occupancy shall be considered as per ASHRAE Standards.
For proper ventilation of the air conditioned area, fresh air intake of 1.5 air changes per
hour or 0.57 m3/min of fresh air/person, whichever is higher shall be adopted. A
minimum design margin of 15% is to be considered while selecting the AC equipment
capacity for each area. All the equipment shall be designed for continuous duty.
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Switchgear Room
Inverter Room
Toilets, etc.
The design of the proposed PV plant in Greater Noida shall comply with all the
technical requirement of the Case-II Competitive Bidding Guidelines of
Ministry of New and Renewable Energy.
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Developer to recover its investment, operating and maintenance expenses in the Project.
In a BOO Project, ownership of the Project remains with the Project Developer.
Therefore, the Project Developer gets the benefits of any residual value of the Project.
This framework is used when the physical life of the Project coincides with the
concession period.
The Build-Own-Operate model is one of the models for development of solar PV based
power generating plant. In the BOOT model, the Project Developer builds, owns,
operates and transfer power plant after expiry of concession period. In BOO model, the
Project Developer does not transfer the PV systems to the NPCL. The Project Developer
shall operate and supply the power to the NPCL.
The Project developer shall construct the solar power plant; therefore NPCL do not bear
the capital cost. Operation and maintenance will be the responsibility of the Project
Developer without any risk to NPCL The NPCL will pay for the generated energy as per
PPA. Figure 9.1 shows the block diagram of BOO model.
For the proposed solar PV project in Greater Noida, UP, project developer shall adopt
the Design, Built, Own and Operate (BOO) model (as described in the this section).
The major Non-Statutory Clearances for Solar PV Projects are Clearance for National
Monuments from Archaeological Survey of India (ASI)/ Government of India etc. In
addition, sanction of Construction Power from the Office of the Chief Engineer of the
respective State, permission to use Ground Water and permission from Central Ground
Water Board, Ministry of Water Resources are the other clearances which might be
required. The permits, approvals and clearances required to be taken at different stages
of implementation of the 8 MWAC Solar PV Project have been presented in Table 10.1
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Establishment of a Project Execution Team
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Transformer Foundations, Inverter Stations etc, soil investigation has to be carried out.
The scope of soil investigation should cover execution of complete soil exploration
including boring, drilling, collection of undisturbed soil sample wherever possible,
otherwise conducting laboratory test of disturbed soil samples to find out the various
parameters mainly related to load bearing capacity, ground water level, settlement and
sub soil condition and submission of detailed Reports with recommendation regarding
suitable type of foundation for each bore hole and soil improvement wherever necessary.
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The major equipment involved in this Project covers the two packages viz. “solar PV
system” including array mounting structure, cables, connectors, Inverters and controls
and “Balance of System” including Transformers, HT Switchgear, Grid Interface and
Control equipments. These equipments shall be procured from different vendors based
on market availability and vendor’s interests/ activity/expertise.
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and commissioned on the scheduled date.
The Basic and Detailed engineering of the plant will aim at achieving high standards of
operational performance especially with respect to the following key parameters:
The plant instrumentation and control system should be designed to ensure high
availability and reliability of the plant to assist the operators in the safe and efficient
operation of the plant. It should also provide for the analysis of the historical data and
help in the plant maintenance people to take up the plant and equipment on preventive
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instrumentation, controls, and alarms is very dangerous. Although some compromise
could be made in regard to plant completion, the commissioning procedures should
never be compromised in terms of personnel and system safety.
A proper checklist procedure should be drawn up which should include all the sections
of the plant and shall take into account the contractual responsibilities, Site Acceptance
Test (SAT), the technological relationship between the various sections, pre-
commissioning, cleaning requirements etc. The checklists procedure helps in the
To ensure that the necessary checks are carried out on each item of the plant
before it is put into commercial service
To ensure that energy is supplied to equipment or a plant when it is safe to do so
To facilitate the recording of the progress on the various commissioning
To provide a basis for the plant history
The operation of the grid connected plant is an activity that must be properly
coordinated, within the plant as well as within the designated sub-station to which the
plant feeds power. Operation in parallel with the grid eventually makes the Solar PV
power plant a part of the State utility system and hence the power plant should assume
some of the same responsibilities of State utility system. The State utility system local
dispatch centre will have to monitor the incoming power from the Solar PV power plant
on a continuous basis.
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Efficient operation implies close control not only over the cost of production but also
over the cost of maintenance. There are two components in maintenance cost: one is the
direct cost of maintenance, (i.e. the material and labour), and the other is the cost of
production loss.
The following steps will help in reducing the breakdown maintenance and also in
planning for preventive maintenance:
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Unlike conventional Power Plants, Solar photovoltaic systems are highly reliable and
require minimal maintenance. However, thoroughly planned maintenance technique
should help to increase plant availability. Expected performance is totally dependent on
the quality and capability of operation and maintenance philosophy being adopted.
Several maintenance activities need to be completed at regular intervals during the
lifetime of the Plant. In order to maintain a Solar PV plant highly reliable, there are
several requirements which are to be maintained as discussed below:
The energy generation of the plant is usually monitored using the remote data
acquisition system connected to each inverter. Significant reduction in energy yield will
trigger specific maintenance requirements such as inverter servicing or module
replacement. In addition to this, typical scheduled maintenance of any PV plant is
described below:
General maintenance: Vegetation will need to be cut back if it starts to cause a fire
risk or introduce shading.
In case of tanker mounted pump cleaning system a water tanker is made to move
within the plant or module mounting structures. Tankers can be parked on the
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internal roads and modules can be cleaned using a flexible hose. This type of system
however gets the plant under a high risk of accidents, local pollution as aerosol that
may increase soiling on modules and increased maintenance of the internal roads. It
is therefore recomended efficient water supply piping network in the entire plant as
compared to water supply by tanker.
Water storage system may be located centrally to each piping system to reduce
friction losses in the system, provided there shall be adequate ground water
availability to bore wells to cater the water requirement for module cleaning. GI or
HDPE pipe may be used for underground piping network. HDPE pipe may be
economical solution. HDPE pipe requires electro-fusion welding for jointing and
therefore requires skilled labours.
Quality of Water to be used for cleaning of the module shall be as per recommendation
of the Module Manufacturer. Module cleaning needs to be carried out periodically to
remove dust and other particles on the Module and enhance the energy generation.
Module support structure: Frequent visual inspection for general integrity of the
structure, corrosion, damage and fatigue. All frame connections should be checked for
deflections or tears at the Module and cross beams to assess the need for replacement.
Wiring and junction boxes: Visual inspection for corrosion, damage such as
chafing, and damage by rodents and birds, and for overheating of cables and
connections. This requires the skills of an electrical technician.
The maintenance functions of a typical solar PV Power Plant can be categorized as given
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Removal of weeds and grass below PV Modules and pathways, if any
Inspection of solar PV Modules and arrays for any damage
Check the power terminals for corrosion and clean/ apply anti-oxidant jelly, if
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All heavy maintenance jobs and those of capital nature shall be contracted out. While
estimating manpower, it has been considered that the Maintenance Personnel will have
multidisciplinary skills so that occasional minor repairs and adjustments in all systems
could be carried out without waiting for Specialists. Table 11.1 below provides an
indicative manpower requirement for the proposed Power Plant.
3. Technicians 3 -4 Site
Total 11-14
Operating and maintaining a solar PV Power Plant requires certain degree of skills and
exposure to state of the art equipment and technology. In order to maintain a close knit
operation and safe maintenance team, it is required to have a fine tuned strategy for
recruitment and training in consultation with the OEM. It will be necessary for the
operating and maintenance personnel to have requisite qualifications, experience and
skill. Necessary arrangements have to be made for pre-installation and pre-operation
training for the Site Engineers and Maintenance Technicians by experienced personnel.
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Sr. No. Equipment Model/Type Rating Total Qty Remarks
3. DC Junction Box As
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17. Three Winding Oil Type, Outdoor 33/0.380 kV, 6 nos.
Inverter 1.4 MVA
The Kyoto Protocol allows developed countries to achieve their targets in different
ways. To help reduce the cost of meeting these reduction commitments, three market
based ‘flexible mechanisms’ were designed:
International Emission Trading (trading of emission allowances between
developed nations)
Joint Implementation (transferring emission allowances between developed
nations, linked to specific emission reduction Projects) and
Clean Development Mechanism (CDM)
While different in operation, the three mechanisms are based on the same principle; that
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industrialized countries are allowed to reduce emissions wherever in the world such
reductions are cheapest, and then count those reductions towards their national targets.
Joint Implementation (JI) and the CDM are called the ‘Project-based’ mechanisms
because they fund actual Projects. JI generally funds Projects in Annex-I countries
(normally in Eastern Europe and the former Soviet Union due to low costs); while CDM
Projects can only happen in developing countries which do not have any emission
reduction target under the Kyoto Protocol.
Annex I countries which have ratified the Protocol have committed to reduce their emission levels of greenhouse gasses to targets
that are mainly set below their 1990 levels. They may do this by allocating reduced annual allowances to the major operators
within their borders. These operators can only exceed their allocations if they buy emission allowances, or offset their excesses
through a mechanism that is agreed by all the parties to UNFCCC.
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areas as well as those residing on islands.
Need for maintaining a properly diversified energy mix. Such a diversified
portfolio would also help in minimizing the socio-economic impact if the supply
of a particular fuel were to break down.
Over the past decade, several RE technologies (RET) have attained technological
maturity, leading to commercialization. The focus has been on utilizing renewable
energy technologies that can help traditional fuels to be used in more efficient manner;
meet basic energy needs for cooking and lighting; and provide energy to rural industry
so as to improve the overall quality of life in India. RETs are also aimed at
complementing and/ or replacing fossil fuels in urban-domestic, commercial, and
industrial applications.
Non-Annex I Parties are mostly developing countries. Certain groups of developing countries are recognized by the Convention as
being especially vulnerable to the adverse impacts of climate change, including countries with low- lying coastal areas and those
prone to desertification and drought. Others (such as countries that rely heavily on income from fossil fuel production and
commerce) feel more vulnerable to the potential economic impacts of climate change response measures. The Convention
emphasizes activities that promise to answer the special needs and concerns of these vulnerable countries, such as investment,
insurance and technology transfer.
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5. Rajasthan 2015-16 50 6.63 5.0 5.72
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