Adverse Event Following Immunization (AEFI) Manual of Procedures, 2014

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National Epidemiology Center

Department of Health

Adverse Events
A Manual of Procedure for
Surveillance and Response to AEFI

Adverse Events Following

A Manual of Procedure for Surveillance and Response

The definitions and concepts of this revised AEFI Manual of Procedures
have been largely adapted with permission from the World Health
Organization Immunization Safety Surveillance, Guidelines for
Immunization Programme Managers on Surveillance of Adverse Events
Following Immunization, Third Edition, Western Pacific Region.

This revision would not have been possible without the support of the
WHO Country Office; to Dr. Sigrun Roesel, Ms. Maricel de Quiroz Castro and
Dr. Ananda Amarasinghe; Food and Drug Administration and to all
surveillance and EPI staff at the national and regional, city, provincial and
municipal health offices. We greatly appreciate their valuable efforts and
technical inputs for this manual.

For their resolute supervision to the National Vaccine Preventable Disease

Surveillance team, we would like to give appreciation to Dr. Vito Roque Jr.
and Ms. Dulce Cecilio Elfa.

The National Vaccine Preventable Surveillance team would also like to give
recognition to all our Regional Epidemiology and Surveillance Unit
colleagues for their unwavering dedication to serve the public. We are truly
humbled by your hard work and commitment to public health service.

We would also like to acknowledge the following Provincial and City Health
Office coordinators for their technical inputs during the writeshop for AEFI
Manual of Procedure: Dr. Mirabelle Benjamin, Ms. Concepcion Yusop, Ms.
Thelma Tejada, and Mr. Jose Mangunay Jr.

Our earnest gratitude goes to our revered and beloved director Dr. Enrique
A. Tayag; known for his remarkable acumen in Public Health Surveillance
and for his overwhelming support and continued guidance.

Vito G. Roque, Jr., RMT, MD, PHSAE

Medical Specialist IV
Chief, Public Health Surveillance and Informatics Division
National Epidemiology Center

Dulce C. Elfa, RN, MPH

Nurse IV,
National Vaccine Preventable Disease Surveillance Coordinator
National Epidemiology Center

Karen Joyce C. Esperanza, RN

Nurse II, Vaccine Preventable Disease Surveillance Officer
National Epidemiology Center

Ma. Romina P. Calalang, RN

Nurse II, Vaccine Preventable Disease Surveillance Officer
National Epidemiology Center

Jezza Jonah D. Crucena, RN

Nurse II, Vaccine Preventable Disease Surveillance Officer
National Epidemiology Center


Director IV

Vito G. Roque, Jr., RMT, MD, PHSAE

Medical Specialist IV
Chief, PHSI Division

Allan P. Ignacio Kris Pauline D. Martinez, RN

Administrative Assistant III Nurse II

June Cantata B. Corpuz, RN Francis Raize Nicholas L. Bautista, RN

Nurse II Nurse II

Lee Anne Q. Mappatao-Esguerra, RN Diana Marie L. Sadiasa, RN

Nurse II Nurse I

Ma. Romina P. Calalang, RN Joysa D. Lorico, RN

Nurse II Nurse I

Jezza Jonah D. Crucena, RN Van Farrah S. Ibea, RN

Nurse II Nurse I

Jobelle M. Aquino, RN Daisy Regine O. Pedron. RN

Nurse II Nurse I
The contributors of the following staff to the final adaptation of
manual during the write shop for AEFI manual of procedure are
gratefully appreciated:

Department of Health, Central DOH – Regional Offices

Regional Epidemiology and
Surveillance Unit (RESU) and
Expanded Program for
Immunization (EPI):
Maria Joyce U. Ducusin, MD, MPH
MS IV, National EPI Coordinator
National Center for Disease Prevention and
Control Ms. Maria Eloisa Sarmiento
RESU Nurse, RO I - Ilocos

Luzviminda C. Garcia, ChE, MPA Ms. Marilou Pajarillaga

Supervising Health Program Officer RESU Nurse, RO II - Central Luzon
National Center for Disease Prevention and
Jessie Fantone, MD PHSAE
RESU Head, RO III - Central Luzon
Ricardo A. Oraya, RN
Nurse II, New Vaccine Preventable Lailani Mangulabnan, MD, MPH
Disease Surveillance Officer EPI Coordinator, RO III - Central Luzon
National Epidemiology Center

Ms. Rosanna Rosell

RESU Nurse, RO III - Central Luzon
World Health Organization
Country Office:
Ms. Flor D’Lyn Gallardo
RESU Nurse, RO VI - Western Visayas
Ms. Maricel D. Castro
Technical Officer for EPI
WHO Philippines Ms. Elizabeth Arriola
RESU Nurse, RO NCR Metro Manila

Food and Drug Administration

Philippines: Mr. Noel Orrosco
RESU Coordinator, RO IV-B -
Ms. Lanette Lee A. Querubin MIMAROPA
Food-Drug Regulation Officer III
Food and Drug Administration
Ms. Ruth P. Tio
VPD Surveillance Officer, RO IV-A

Ms. Precious May. R. Gabalfin

VPD Surveillance Officer, RO IV-A
Throughout the years, we have been
implementing immunization campaigns which
aim to protect the public from vaccine
preventable diseases (VPD). These enormous
efforts have significantly increased the chances of
public’s safety from acquiring VPDs. As the age of
vaccines continues to progress from all global
efforts in research and studies, the social
awareness towards vaccine and immunization
has remained vague. Therefore, we should remain
vigilant in ensuring the safety and most
importantly, gaining the trust of the public. We
should remember that no vaccine is without risk;
and we are aware that at present, though modern
vaccines are considered safe; there are a number
of reported cases of adverse events following immunization (AEFIs). These reports
may or may not be entirely associated to vaccine itself. It may be coincidental, may
have caused from mishandling of vaccines or from an error in administration.

Being front liners in public health, I present the Adverse Events Following
Immunization (AEFI) manual of procedures for surveillance and response. This shall
serve as a guide for our healthcare professionals in understanding immunization
principles, immunization safety, new classification of AEFIs and the national AEFI
surveillance system. In understanding the entirety of AEFI, we will be able to protect
the public from VPDs and to encourage them to get vaccinated.

I give my thanks to World Health Organization for their continuous support to

our cause; all staff of the regional, provincial city, municipal and health offices
hospitals; staff of the Food and Drug Administration, national VPD surveillance and
EPI team whose perseverance have immensely contributed in making the revision of
this manual possible.


Director IV
National Epidemiology Center
List of Acronyms 10
Purpose 11
Introduction 12
Section 1 Principles of Immunization and Vaccine 13
Section 2 Adverse Event Following Immunization 19
Section 3 AEFI Surveillance 33
Section 4 Case Detection and Notification 34
Section 5 Case Investigation 38
Section 6 Causality Assessment 46
Section 7 Data Management and Utilization 56
Section 8 Feedback 64
Section 9 Response and Follow-up Activities 66
Section 11 Risk Communication 69
Section 12 Monitoring & Evaluation 73
A. AEFI Surveillance Flow 79
B. AEFI Case Report Form 80
C. AEFI Case Investigation Form 82
D. Adverse events and treatment 86
E. Recognition and Treatment of Anaphylaxis 91
F. Checklist for Immunization Safety Surveillance 96
G. Vaccine Preventable Diseases risks 97
H. Method of Causality Assessment Checklist 103
I. Websites in vaccine safety 104
J. References 105


AEFI Adverse Events Following Immunization

BCG Bacillus Calmette-Guerin
CIF Case Investigation Form
CRF Case Report Form
DRU Disease Reporting Unit
DRA Disease Reporting Advocate
DSC Disease Surveillance Coordinator
DSO Disease Surveillance Officer
DT Diphtheria-tetanus vaccine
DTwP Diphtheria-tetanus-pertussis (whole-cell )vaccine
EPI Expanded Program on Immunization
ESU Epidemiology and Surveillance Unit
FDA Food and Drug Administration
HiB Haemophilus influenza type B vaccine
MMR Measles-mumps-rubella vaccine
MR Measles-rubella vaccine
NEC National Epidemiology Center
NRA National Regulatory Authorities
OPV Oral Poliovirus Vaccine
PIDSR Philippine Integrated Disease Surveillance and Response
PV Pharmacovigilance
PVu Pharmacovigilance Unit
RESU Regional Epidemiology and Surveillance Unit
TT Tetanus Toxoid
VPD Vaccine-Preventable Disease
VPDS Vaccine-Preventable Disease Surveillance
WHO World Health Organization


This manual is guided by the policies issued by Department of Health to serve as

guidelines for on adverse events following immunization (AEFI).

It provides guidelines for managers of the national immunization program at all

levels, disease surveillance officers and others responsible for vaccine safety and
quality on the following:

• strategies and systems for ensuring quality and safety of vaccines and
• the objectives of immunization safety/AEFIs surveillance
• new classification of AEFIs and understanding vaccine reactions, AEFI
surveillance system: reporting, investigation and, causality assessment
• best use of surveillance data for response and follow up process
• communication strategy on immunization safety for the public and the media

© Department of Health, 2014

The goal of immunization is to protect the individual and the public from vaccine
preventable diseases (VPD). Although modern vaccines are safe, no vaccine is entirely
without risk; adverse reactions will occasionally occur following vaccination. Irrespective of
the cause, when adverse events following immunization (AEFIs) occur, people become
confused to the extent that they refuse further immunization of their children, making the
children susceptible to VPDs which are more disabling and life-threatening.

Since the establishment of the Expanded Program on Immunization in 1976 in the

Philippines, the immunization coverage of all individual vaccines has much improved. The
immunization program ensures that all infants/children, adolescents and mothers have
access to routine recommended infant/childhood/adolescent vaccines. However, public
concern regarding vaccine safety has increased due to rumors and incorrect information
readily available in the internet. And also, our National Immunization Program was
disturbed in a few occasions in the past with unproven AEFIs. However, with successful
response to those, the country’s National Immunization Program has improved. For
instance, the country’s over-all immunization coverage for infant is about 85%. In the
Philippines, all vaccines used are quality and safety assured.

As a result, more concerns on quality and safety of vaccine are highlighted and/or
demanded by service providers and the public. To determine whether a vaccine is causally
linked or a mere coincidence to an AEFI, detailed investigation and causality assessment are

In order to maintain and improve public confidence in national immunization

program, all health-care providers should comprehensively be aware of all aspects of AEFI
and remain prepared to respond to public concern any time. Timely response to public
concerns about the safety of vaccines as well as prompt communication will protect the
public and preserve the integrity of the immunization program.

The succeeding topics in this manual will easily guide us on how to conduct case
detection, notification, investigation, and response; cornerstone of AEFI surveillance.
Expected AEFI rates per vaccine are also included in this training manual to lead disease
surveillance officers and program managers during the calculation of AEFI rates in
determining vaccine safety.

This manual provide guidelines for health professionals from the public and private
sectors who are providing vaccination nationwide; the Department of Health (DOH)
concerned offices and attached agencies, epidemiology and surveillance units, private and
government health facilities, local government units and the community involved in the
surveillance and management of AEFIs to properly respond to these cases and maintain
public confidence with the immunization program of the Department of Health.


Immunity is the ability of the human body to tolerate the presence of material
indigenous to the “body” (self) and to eliminate “foreign” (non-self) material. This
discriminatory ability provides protection from infectious diseases, since most microbes are
identified as foreign by the immune system. Immunity to a microbe is usually indicated by
the presence of antibody to that organism. Immunity is generally very specific to a single
organism or a group of closely-related organisms.

Two basic mechanisms for acquiring immunity:

A. Active immunity

Active immunity is stimulation of the immune system to produce antigen-specific

humoral (antibody) and cellular immunity. Usually it lasts for many years, often a lifetime.
One way to acquire active immunity is to survive infection with the disease-causing form of
the organism. Upon re-exposure to the same antigen, these memory cells begin to replicate
and produce antibody rapidly to re-establish protection.

Another way to produce active immunity is by vaccination. Vaccines interact with

the immune system and often produce an immune response similar to that produced by the
natural infection, but they do not subject the recipient to the disease and its potential

B. Passive Immunity

Passive immunity is the transfer of an antibody produced by one human or animal to

another. It provides protection against some infections but is only temporary because the
antibodies degrade over time. The most common form of passive immunity is the transfer of
antibodies from the mother to the infant during conception, at birth and through
breastfeeding. The antibodies received from the mother protect the infant from certain
diseases for up to a year.

What is Herd Immunity?

Herd immunity is a type of immunity that occurs when the vaccination of a portion of
the population (or ‘herd’) provides protection to unprotected individuals. This theory
proposes that diseases passed from an individual to another makes it difficult to maintain a
chain of infection when large numbers of population are immune. There are infections for
which herd immunity is very important and those are diseases that transmitted directly
from person to person (e.g. measles, rubella, varicella) and for which humans are the
reservoir, or an important reservoir of infection (e.g. polio).
Herd immunity threshold is the proportion of immune individuals in a population
above which a disease may no longer persists. Its value varies with the virulence of the
disease, the efficacy and overall coverage of the vaccines, and the contact parameter for the

A vaccine is a biological preparation that improves immunity to a particular vaccine
preventable disease. It is intended to produce immunity to a disease by stimulating the
production of antibodies. Vaccine typically contains an agent that resembles a disease
causing microorganism or portion of it , and is often made from weakened or killed forms of
the microbe, its toxins or one of its surface proteins. The agent stimulates the
body's immune system to recognize the agent as foreign, destroy it, and "remember" it, so
that the immune system can more easily recognize and destroy any of these microorganisms
that it later encounters.

Essential qualities of Vaccine:

A. Safety

Vaccines are generally very safe, but it is unlikely that a vaccine will be 100 percent
free from any adverse reaction. It will produce protective immunity with only minimal
side effects (such as redness and soreness at the vaccination site) for the majority of
those who receive it. Discomfort caused by side effects may be acceptable depending
upon the severity of the disease the vaccine is intended to prevent.

B. Immunogenicity

It must cause a strong and measurable immune response. Vaccines usually contain
antigens, bits of material, sometimes from the disease-causing microbe itself that can
stimulate the immune system to respond and fight off a potential infection. When a
vaccine is immunogenic, it primes the recipient’s immune system to recognize the
disease-causing microbe and launch a counter-attack before an illness occur. In addition,
the vaccine must induce the right type of immunity. When microbes invade, they cause
disease in different ways, and different parts of the immune system respond to fight
them. Vaccines must stimulate the specific parts of the immune system that protect
against a particular kind of organism.

C. Potency

The potency of a vaccine must remain at a high level for the vaccine to evoke an
immune response. Maintaining cold chain is important to ensure the vaccine potency
and therefore proper cold chain must be maintained from the time the vaccine is
manufactured until the time it is administered. Storing vaccines in recommended storage
temperature ensures that vaccines remain potent and shall provide the desired immune

Table 1: Types of Vaccines

Live Derived from “wild” or disease-causing, virus or • Measles vaccine
• Mumps vaccine
attenuated bacteria. These are attenuated or weakened, in
• Rubella vaccine
vaccine a laboratory by repeated culturing. It has the
• Varicella vaccine
(LAV) ability to replicate (grow) in the vaccinated
• Yellow fever vaccine
person and produce immunity but rarely cause • Oral Poliovirus Vaccine
the disease and usually it is milder. The immune • Influenza vaccine
response to a LAV is virtually identical to that • Live JE vaccine
produced by a natural infection.
Live-attenuated bacterial
• BCG and oral typhoid
Inactivated Produced by growing viruses or bacteria in • Influenza vaccine
(Killed) culture media and then inactivating them with
• Hepatitis A vaccine
Vaccine heat or chemicals (usually formaldehyde).
• Pertussis vaccine
Generally safer than LAV, with no risk of
inducing the disease. Inactivated vaccines
always require multiple doses because primary
dose does not produce protective immunity but
rather, only “primes” the immune system.
Antibody titres against inactivated antigens
diminish with time. Therefore, it may require
periodic supplemental doses to increase, or
“boost” antibody titres.
Subunit Whole organism that is grown in culture media • Protein-based
and further treated to purify so that only the [Hepatitis B, acellular
essential components are included in the pertussis (aP))
vaccine. vaccines
Subunit vaccines are categorized in three groups: • Polysaccharide
protein-based, polysaccharide and conjugate vaccines
vaccines. (Meningococcal and
• Conjugated Vaccines
(HiB, PCV-7, PCV-10,
PCV-13 vaccines)

Toxoid Produced by purifying the toxin and altering it • Diptheria toxoid
• Tetanus toxoid
Vaccines chemically. The toxoid is still capable off
inducing a specific immune response protective
against the effects of the toxin

Source: Immunization Safety Surveillance, 3rd Edition, WHO Western Pacific Region

Other Components of Vaccines (Excipients)

Vaccines are made with a variety of ingredients including adjuvants, antibiotic,

preservatives, and stabilizers. Knowing precisely what is in each vaccine can be helpful
when investigating adverse events following vaccination and for choosing alternative
products for persons who have allergies or have had an adverse event known or suspected
to be related to a vaccine component.

Table 2: Components of Vaccines

Adjuvants A substance added to a vaccine to The commonly use
enhance the immune response by adjuvant are aluminum
degree and/or duration, making it salts (aluminum
possible to reduce the amount of hydroxide, aluminum
immunogen per dose or the total phosphate or potassium
number of doses needed to achieve aluminumsulfate). Oil-in
immunity. Adjuvants have been water emulsions (AS03
shown to be safe over seven decades and AS04) have used as
of use. Rarely, they may cause adjuvants in some
injection site reactions, including vaccines developed in
subcutaneous nodules, sterile recent years.
abscess, granulomatous
inflammation or contact

Antibiotics Antibiotics are used during the MMR vaccine and IPV
manufacturing phase to prevent each contain less than 25
bacterial contamination of the tissue micrograms of neomycin
culture cells in which the viruses are per dose (less than
grown. 0.000025 g). Persons
who are known to be
allergic to neomycin
should be closely
observed after
vaccination so that any
allergic reaction can be
treated at once.

Other antibiotics being

used are streptomycin,
polymyxin B,
chlortetracyline and
amphotericin B

Preservatives Chemicals added to killed or subunit Phenol derivatives,

vaccines in order to inactivate Thimerosal
viruses, detoxify bacterial toxins and
to prevent serious secondary
infections as a result of bacterial or
fungal contamination.

Stabilizers Stabilizers are used to help the MgCl2, MgSO4, lactose-

vaccine maintain its effectiveness sorbitol and sorbitol-
during storage. To confirm product gelatine.
quality (antigenicity) or stability,
compounds may be added to
vaccines to address problems with
acidity, alkalinity (pH), stability and
Vaccine stability is essential,
particularly if the cold chain is
unreliable. Instability can cause
decreased infectivity of LAVs and
loss of vaccine antigenicity.

Vaccine Contraindication and Precaution

A contraindication to vaccination is a rare condition in a recipient that increases the

risk for a serious adverse reaction. Ignoring contraindications can lead to avoidable vaccine
reactions. One of the worst and most serious vaccine reactions is anaphylaxis. There are two
types of contra indications: absolute or relative (temporary). Most contraindications are
relative or temporary, and the vaccination can be administered later. The only absolute

contraindication applicable to any vaccines is a history of a severe allergic reaction
(Anaphylaxis) after a prior dose of given vaccine or to a vaccine constituent.

Precautions are not contraindications, but are events or conditions to be considered

in determining if the benefits of the vaccine outweigh the risks (for example, if the recipient
is an immunocompromised person or pregnant woman). There is no evidence of risk to the
foetus from vaccinating pregnant women with inactivated vaccines or toxoids and for LAV,
it’s a theoretical risk to the foetus. Precautions stated in product labeling can sometimes be
inappropriately used as contraindications, resulting in missed opportunities to vaccinate.

The safety of vaccines in immunocompromised persons is determined by the type of

immunodeficiency and degree of immunosuppression. There is potential for serious illness
and death if immunocompromised people are under-immunized; however, inappropriate
use of LAV can cause serious adverse events in some immunocompromised people.


An Adverse Event Following Immunization is any untoward medical occurrence

which follows immunization and which does not necessarily have a causal relationship with
the usage of the vaccine. The adverse event may be any unfavorable or unintended sign,
abnormal laboratory finding, symptom or disease. Although people often think that a
medical incident after an immunization was caused by vaccines, many such incidents are
coincidental. This statement is supported by data from the Philippine AEFI surveillance
database that has been in place since 2007.

AEFIs were previously classified into five categories: vaccine reaction, program error
(programmatic error), coincidental events, injection reaction and unknown. In 2012, the
Council for International Organizations of Medical Sciences (CIOMS) and WHO revised the
existing categorization into a more cause-specific categorization of AEFIs. (See Table 3)

Table 3: Cause–specific categorization of adverse events following immunization

Vaccine product- An AEFI that is caused or precipitated by a vaccine due to one or
related reaction more of the inherent properties of the vaccine product.

Vaccine quality An AEFI that is caused or precipitated by a vaccine that is due to

defect-related one or more quality defects of the vaccine product including its
reaction administration device as provided by the manufacturer.

Immunization error- An AEFI that is caused by inappropriate vaccine handling,

related reaction prescribing or administration and thus by its nature is

Immunization An AEFI arising from anxiety about the immunization.

Coincidental event An AEFI that is caused by something other than the vaccine
product, immunization error or immunization anxiety
Source: Immunization Safety Surveillance, 3rd Edition, WHO Western Pacific Region

Note: “Immunization” as used in these definitions means the usage of a vaccine for the purpose of immunizing individuals.
“Usage” includes all processes that occur after a vaccine product has left the manufacturing/ packaging site, i.e. handling,
prescribing and administration of the vaccine.

The comprehensive explanations of cause–specific categorization of AEFIs are the following:


The new cause-specific categorization is important for decision making on a vaccine

product, as it clearly differentiates the two types of possible vaccine reactions;

a. Vaccine product-related reaction- it is caused or precipitated by a vaccine that is

due to one or more inherent properties of the vaccine product.

b. Vaccine quality defect-related reaction- it is caused or precipitated by a vaccine

that is due to one or more quality defects of the vaccine products. All vaccine
manufacturers should strictly follow the standards set by the National Regulatory
Authorities (NRA) under the Philippine Food and Drug Administration (FDA) to
avoid or minimize any reactions.

Vaccine reactions may be classified into common, minor reactions or rare, more
serious reactions. Most vaccine reactions are minor and settle on their own. More serious
reactions are very rare and in general do not result in long-term problems.

 Common, minor vaccine reactions

The purpose of a vaccine is to induce immunity by causing the recipient's immune

system to react to the vaccine. Local reaction, fever and systemic symptoms can result as
part of the immune response. In addition, some of the vaccine’s components (e.g. aluminium
adjuvant, stabilizers or preservatives) can lead to reactions. A quality and safe vaccine
reduces these reactions to a minimum while producing the best possible immunity. The
proportion of reaction occurrences are likely to be observed with the most commonly used
vaccines. (See Table 4)

• Local reactions include pain, swelling and/or redness at the injection site and can be
expected in about 10% of vaccinees, except for those injected with DTwP, or tetanus
boosters, where up to 50% can experience local reactions. . BCG causes a specific
local reaction that starts as a papule (lump) two or more weeks after immunization
that then becomes ulcerated and heals after several months, leaving a scar. Keloid
(thickened scar tissue) from the BCG lesion is more common among Asian and
African populations.

• Systemic reactions include fever and occur in approximately 10% or more of

vaccinees, except for DTP where it is again about half. Other common systemic
reactions (e.g., irritability, malaise, ‘off-colour’, loss of appetite) can also occur after
DTP. For live attenuated vaccines such as measles/MMR and OPV the systemic
reactions arise from vaccine virus infection. Measles vaccine causes fever, rash
and/or conjunctivitis, and affects 5-15% of vaccinees. It is very mild compared to
‘wild’ measles, but for severely immunocompromised individuals, it can be severe,
even fatal. Vaccine reactions for mumps (parotitis; swollen parotid gland) and
rubella (joint pains and swollen lymph nodes) affect less than 1% of children. Rubella

vaccine causes symptoms more often in adults, with up to 25% suffering from joint
pains. Systemic reactions from OPV affect less than 1% of vaccinees with diarrhea,
headache and/or muscle pain.

It is important to note that these observed vaccine reaction rates are expected as
vaccine reactions or response to vaccine antigen. Any significant increase in the observed
vaccine reaction rates for any vaccine requires comprehensive investigation to exclude
possible adverse reaction to the given vaccine.

Table 4: Frequency of Vaccine Adverse Reaction (VAR)

Vaccine Vaccine Adverse VAR frequency rate Frequency category
Reaction (VAR) or %
BCG Vaccine  Injection site Almost all vaccinees Very common
reaction [Papule,
mild ulceration or
 Suppurative 1 per 103 - 104 Uncommon to Rare
 BCG osteitis 1 per 3,333 -106 Uncommon to Very rare
 Disseminated BCG 1per 230,000- Very rare
disease or systemic 640,000
 Immunine 1 per 640,000 Very rare
Syndrome (IRIS)

Whole cell wP  Fever 37.80C -390C 12.4% - 44.5% Very common

vaccine  Injection site 16.4% - 56.3% Very common
 Swelling 22.4% -38.5% Very Common
 Pain ( Severe- 14.3% - 25.6% Very common
 Fussiness (Severe- 12.4% 29.1% Very common
 Drowsiness 62% Very Common
 Anorexia 35% Very common
 Vomiting 13.7% Very common
 Persistent screaming 3.5% Common
 HHE 57-250 per100,000 Uncommon to Rare
 Seizures 6 per 100,000 Very rare
 Encephalopathy 0-5.3 per 106 Very rare
 Anaphylaxis 1.3 per 106 Very rare

Acellular aP  Fever 37.80C -390C 2.8% - 20.8% Common to Very common

vaccine  Injection site redness 3.3% - 31.4% Common to Very common
 Injection site 4.2% - 20.1% Common to Very common
 Pain (Severe- 0.4%-6.5% Uncommon to Common
 Fussiness (Severe – 4.7%-12.4% Common to Very common
 Drowsiness 42.7% Very Common
 Anorexia 21.7% Very Common
 Vomiting 12.6% Very Common
 Persistent screaming 0-0.2% Uncommon
 HHE 14-62 per100,000 Rare
 Seizures 0.5 per 100,000 Very rare

Oral Polio  VAPP

virus Vaccine - Recipient VAPP 1 per 6.4 million Very rare
(OPV) doses
- Total VAPP 1 per 2.9 million Very rare
[ Risk is higher
following the first
dose (1 in 750 000),
and for adults and

Inactivated  Injection site 0.5%-1.5% Uncommon to Common

Polio virus erythema
Vaccine (IPV)  Injection site 3% - 11% Common to Very common
 Injection site 14%- 29% Very Common
Hepaptitis B  Fever > 37.70C 1%-6% Common
(HepB)  Headache 3% Common
Vaccine  Injection site pain 3%-29% Common to Very common
 Injection site redness 3% Common
 Injection site 3% Common
 Anaphylaxis 1.1 per 106 Very rare
Hib Vaccine  Fever 2% Common
 Injection site 10% Very common
Tetanus  Brachial neuritis 5-10 per 106 Very rare
vaccine  Anaphylaxis 1-6 per 106 Very rare
Measles  Fever 5% - 10% Common to Very Common
Vaccine  Rash 5% Common
 Injection site 17%-30% Very common
 Febrile seizures 1 in 2000-3000 Rare

 Encephalomyelitis 1 per 106 Very rare
 Thrombocytopenia 1 per 30,000 Very rare
 Anaphylaxis 1 -3.5 per 106 Very rare
Rubella  Fever 2% Common
Vaccine  Injection site 17%-30% Very common
 Acute Arthralgia 25% Very common
 Acute Arthritis 10% Very common
Mumps • Injection site Very common
Vaccine reaction
• Parotid swelling Common
• Aseptic meningitis Very common


Unconjugated  Fever > 390C <1% Uncommon

vaccine  Injection site 50% Very common
(PPSV) reaction

Conjugated  Fever > 390C <1% Uncommon

vaccine (PCV)  Injection site 10% Very common


Inactivated  Injection site 20% Very common

Mouse brain reaction
vaccine  Systemic reactions 5% - 30% Common to Very Common
[Headache, malaise,
myalgia, low-grade
fever, nausea,
vomiting, abdominal
pain, rash, chills and
 Allergic reaction 17 per 106 Very rare
 Neurological 1 -2.3 per 106 Very rare
Transverse myelitis
 Anaphylaxis 1 - 2 per 106 Very rare

Inactivated  Injection site 4% Common
Cell culture reaction
Vaccine  Headache, dizziness <1% Uncommon
 Fever > 380C 12% Very common
 Urticarial rash 6.6 per 105 Very rare

Live  High Fever 5 – 7 per 102-104 Uncommon to Common

attenuated  Skin rash 1 per 104 Uncommon

Human  Fever 3% Common

Papiloma  Headache 30% Very Common
Vaccine (HPV)  Injection site pain 78% Very Common
- Bivalent  Redness 30% Very common
 Swelling 26% Very Common
 Rash 1% Uncommon
 Arthralgia 10% Very common
 Myalgia 28% Very common
 Fatigue 33% Very common
 Gastrointestinal 13% Very common

Human  Fever 13% Very common

Papiloma  Headache 26% Very Common
Vaccine (HPV)  Injection site pain 5.7% Common
Quadrivalent  Redness 5.7% Common
 Swelling 5.7% Common
 Urticaria 3% Common
 Arthralgia 1% Common
 Myalgia 2% Common
 Gastrointestinal 17% Very common
 Anaphylaxis 1.7-2.6 per106 Very rare

Rotaviris  Intussusception 1-2 per 100,000 [For Very rare

Vaccine first dose in some
populations. No
apparent increase
identified with
subsequent doses]
Ty21a  Fever 0.3 % - 4.8% Uncommon to Common
 Vomiting 0.5% - 2.3% Uncommon to Common
 Diarrhoea 1.2% - 3.9% Common

ViCPS  Low grade fever < Up to 2% Common

 Local erythema 3% - 21% Common to Very common
 Soreness 8% - 33% Common to Very common
 Swelling 2% - 17% Common to Very Common

Vi-TT  Injection site pain Data not available

 Fever Data not avaialble
Varicella  Febrile seizures 4 – 9 per 10,000 Rare
vaccine [the risk depends on
age, with much lower
risk in infants age of
les than four months].
 Fever > 390C 15%-27% Very Common
 Injection site 7%-30% Common to Very Common
 Skin rash 3%-5% Common
Yellow Fever  Vaccine-associated 1 per 106 Very rare
vaccine viscerotropic disease
Source: WHO Fact sheets
Immunization Safety Surveillance, 3rd Edition, WHO Western Pacific Region

*Although encephalopathy is included as a rare possible reaction to measles, JE or DTP vaccines, it is not certain that these
vaccines in fact cause encephalopathy. Hence, further scientific evaluation is necessary.

 Rare, more serious vaccine reactions

An event that is causing a potential risk to the health/life of recipient leading to

hospitalization, disability/incapacity, congenital abnormalities/birth defects or death
defined as “serious” vaccine reaction. ‘Serious’ and ‘severe’ are often used as
interchangeable terms but they are not. Severe is used to describe the intensity of a specific
event (as in mild, moderate or severe). The event itself, however, may be of relatively minor
medical significance. (e.g. Fever is a common relatively minor medical event, but according
to its severity it can be graded as mild fever or moderate fever.) Anaphylaxis is always a
serious event and life threatening. Most of the rare and more serious vaccine reactions (e.g.
seizures, thrombocytopenia, hypotonic hyporesponsive episodes, persistent inconsolable
screaming) do not lead to long-term problems. Anaphylaxis, while potentially fatal, is
treatable without leaving any long-term effects. Although encephalopathy is included as a
rare reaction to measles or DTP vaccine, it is not certain that these vaccines in fact cause

Source: WHO (

Key points

• The information on observed vaccine reaction rates type of reactions for a

specific antigen or vaccine used in immunization program can be used to
identify if an event is related to the immunization or not.
• The antigen (vaccine) specific information sheets on observed rates of
Vaccine Reactions developed by WHO are a useful tool to the managers of
immunization program for decision making

Source: (

Prevention and management of vaccine reactions

Vaccines are very rarely contraindicated. However, it is important to check for

contraindications to avoid serious reactions.

• Vaccines are very rarely contraindicated. However, it is important to check for

contraindications to avoid serious reactions. For example, vaccines are
contraindicated if there is a possibility of serious allergy (Anaphylaxis) to a vaccine
or its components in previous vaccination.

• Live vaccines should not be given to immune-deficient children.

• Advice parents on how to manage common reactions and instruct them to return to
the nearest health facility if there are more serious symptoms. This will help to
reassure parents about immunization and prepare them for these common reactions.
(See Annex D)

• A feverish child can be cooled with a tepid sponge bath, and by wearing cool clothing.
Extra fluids need to be given to feverish children. For a local reaction, a clean cold
cloth applied to the site may ease the pain. Paracetamol, at a dose of up to 15mg/kg
every six to eight hours with a maximum of four doses in 24 hours, is useful for the
common minor reactions. It eases pain and reduces fever. However, it is important to
advise not to overuse Paracetamol as overdosing may harm the vaccinee.

• Practicing local remedies for any serious vaccine reaction can risk the health and life
of vaccinee and are strongly discouraged. Early medical care by a qualified clinician
will minimize any unwanted outcome and ensure early recovery and also save life.

• Adrenalin and other basic emergency items should be available at any health facility
to provide initial emergency care. All immunization providers should develop skills
and competence on managing anaphylaxis at immunization clinic/facility setting.
(See Annex E)


This AEFI type was previously categorized as Program-related errors, which is an

event caused by errors in vaccine preparation, handling, storage and administration.
Immunization error - related reactions are preventable and they derail the benefit of the
immunization program (See Table 5). The identification and correction of these errors in a
timely manner are of great importance. This type of AEFI may also lead to a cluster of events
associated with immunization. These clusters are usually associated with a particular
provider, or health facility, or even a single vial of vaccine that has been inappropriately
prepared or contaminated. Immunization error-related reactions can also affect many vials
(e.g. by freezing vaccine during transport leading to an increase in local reactions).

In the past, the most common immunization error was infection (including blood
borne virus) as a result of non-sterile injection. The infection could manifest as a local
reaction (e.g. suppuration, abscess), systemic effect (e.g. sepsis or toxic shock syndrome), or
blood borne virus infection (e.g. HIV, hepatitis B or hepatitis C). The introduction of auto
disabled (AD) syringes has reduced the occurrence of infection. Still, infection can occur in
cases of mass vaccination or disaster situations particularly if there is any shortage or
problems with logistics and supplies. This can be avoided by proper planning and
preparedness of programme managers.

The symptoms arising from an immunization error may help identify the likely cause.
For example, children immunized with contaminated vaccine (usually the bacterium
Staphylococcus aureus) become sick within a few hours; local tenderness and tissue
infiltration, vomiting, diarrhea, cyanosis and high temperature are the most frequent
symptoms. Bacteriological examination of the vial, if still available, can confirm the source of
the infection.
Sterile abscesses are rare (~1 per 100 000 doses) local reactions from aluminium
containing vaccines, especially DTP. Inadequate shaking of the vaccine before use,
superficial injection, and use of frozen vaccine increases the risk of sterile abscess and other
local reactions. Contamination of vaccine or injection equipment can also lead to a bacterial
abscess. For BCG vaccine, injection abscess can arise from improper injection
(subcutaneous rather than intradermal injection).

Table 5: Immunization error-related reactions

Error in vaccine Exposure to excess heat Systemic or local reactions due to
handling: or cold as a result of changes in the physical nature of the
inappropriate transport, vaccine such as agglutination of
storage or handling of aluminium-based excipients in
the vaccine (and its freeze-sensitive vaccines.
diluents where

Use of a product after Failure to vaccinate as a result of

the expiry date loss of potency or non-viability of an
attenuated product.

Error in vaccine Failure to adhere to a Anaphylaxis, Disseminated infection

prescribing or contraindication with LAV
non-adherence to
recommendations Failure to adhere to Systemic and/or local reactions,
for use vaccine indications or Neurologic, muscular, vascular or
prescription (dose or bony injury due to incorrect
schedule). injection site, equipment or

Error in Use of an incorrect Failure to vaccinate due to incorrect

administration diluent or injection of a diluent, reaction due to the inherent
product other than the properties of whatever was
intended vaccine administered other than the
intended vaccine or diluent.

Incorrect sterile Infection at the site of injection/

technique or beyond the site of injection,
procedure with a
multidose vial

Immunization team should be clearly aware of absolute and temporary (relative)

contraindications. Any uncertainty should be consulted with a higher level program
manager, pediatrician or physician. However, it is equally important not to overreact to
concerns of false contraindications which may lead to missed opportunity of vaccination,
reduced coverage and thereby, increase the risk of disease of both individuals and the

There should also be a clear understanding between contraindications and

precautions. Precautions are not contraindications, but decision on vaccination requires a
case-based assessment. The use of vaccines in pregnancy is limited or mostly not
recommended. The vaccines which are recommended in pregnancy would benefit and
protect both mother and the newborn. However, the limited use of vaccine in pregnancy is
largely due to the potential risk and harm to the fetus. The risk is mostly theoretical and
limited to live attenuated vaccines which have demonstrated evidence of potential risk and
harm, particularly in animal models. Vaccine manufacturers include pregnancy as a
contraindication not due to proven evidence, but as a precautionary measure against

Learning activity

In 2012, a 9 month old female died due to septic shock following immunization with
Measles Vaccine during the nationwide mass immunization campaign. Patient was sent
to a hospital and upon assessment, the patient had poor reflex, pale in appearance, had
swelling of the left thigh and with lock jaw. The baby was diagnosed with Sepsis.
Investigation revealed that the vaccinator used pre-filled syringes to vaccinate all her
target population.

 Cause:
Immunization error related reaction: Incorrect sterile immunization procedures resulting
in infection at the site of injection/beyond the site of injection.

To avoid immunization error:

• Maintaining cold chain at all levels is important and necessary
• Vaccines must only be reconstituted with specific diluent supplied by the
• Reconstituted vaccine should not be used for more than six hours after reconstitution
and must be discarded at the end of each immunization session and never retained.
• No other drugs or substances should be stored in the refrigerator of the health
• Health workers must be adequately trained and closely supervised to ensure that
proper procedures are being followed. Regular updates and refresher course on safe
immunization practices should be provided by the EPI.
• Cautious epidemiological investigation of an AEFI is needed to pinpoint the cause and
to correct immunization practices.
• Give adequate attention on contraindications.


Immunization Anxiety-Related Reactions, previously referred to as Injection

Reactions, are reactions NOT related to the content of the vaccine, but to the injection.
Individuals and groups can react on the sight of the syringe or in anticipation to and as a
result of an injection of any kind. Clear explanations about immunization from a well-
trained vaccinator will decrease the level of anxiety about the injections, and thus reduce
the likelihood of an occurrence.

• Younger children tend to react in a different way, with vomiting a common anxiety
symptom. Breath-holding may occur, which can end in a brief period of
unconsciousness, during which breathing resumes. They may also scream to prevent
the injection or run away.

• Another example is fainting which is relatively common, but usually only affects
children aged over five years. Fainting does not require any management beyond
placing the patient in a recumbent position. The likelihood of faints can be
anticipated when immunizing older children, and reduced by minimizing stress in
those awaiting injection, through short waiting times, comfortable room
temperatures, preparation of vaccine out of recipient’s view, and privacy during the

• Hyperventilation as a result of anxiety about the immunization leads to specific

symptoms (light-headedness, dizziness, tingling around the mouth and in the hands).
This is also common in mass vaccination campaigns.

• An anxiety reaction to injection can include convulsions in some case. These children
do not need to be investigated but should be reassured.

It is important to note that fainting (syncope) can be misdiagnosed as anaphylaxis

(see Annex E). Very careful observation and clinical judgement is necessary. However by
mistake, a health care worker may administer a single dose of Adrenaline (intramuscularly)
to a vaccinee with syncope; this will not cause any harm. To avoid such unnecessary medical
emergency interventions, continued training and awareness for health staff is necessary.

Learning activity

In 2004, a mass school based measles-rubella immunization campaign was conducted

among 12-19 years, in country D. On very first day, 44 cases school children were
hospitalized with either hyperventilation or/and vomiting. Investigation concluded
these events were due anxiety reactions, and except 2 cases all other were discharged
from hospital on same day.

 Cause
Immunization anxiety related reactions


Vaccines are normally scheduled early in life, when infections and other illnesses are
common including manifestations of an underlying congenital or neurological condition. It is
therefore possible for many events, including deaths, to be falsely attributed to vaccine
through chance association. An event may occur coincidentally with immunization and at
times may be falsely attributed as a result from the vaccine. In other words a chance
temporal association (i.e. event happens after immunization) is falsely considered to be
caused by immunization. These purely temporal associations are inevitable given the large
number of vaccine doses administered, especially in a mass campaign. For example, Sudden
Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS or cot death) incidence peaks around the age of early
childhood immunization. However, available evidences have shown that the association of
SIDS and immunization is coincidental and not causal.

Coincidental adverse events are predictable. The number of events to be expected

depends upon the size of the population and the incidence of disease or death in the
community. Knowledge of these background rates of disease and deaths, particularly age
specific disease incidence rates allows estimation of the expected numbers of coincidental
events. For instance, children aged 1-15 years are immunized in a mass campaign and the
background age specific mortality rate for this population is 3 per 1000 per year. Then, 250
deaths can be expected in the month after immunization and 8 deaths on the day of the
immunization, simply by coincidence. These deaths will be temporally associated with, even
though entirely unrelated to, immunization.

Learning activity

In 2012, a 2-month old male was vaccinated with 1st dose of DPT on left thigh, 2nd dose
of Hepa B on the right thigh, and 1st dose of OPV. Paracetamol 0.3ml for fever and
warm compression on the injection site was advised. In the afternoon, the child
became febrile, and Paracetamol 0.3ml was given. Warm compress was also applied
on the injection site. The mother breastfed her infant during the night. The following
day, the father discovered that his child was “paper white in color” and was not
breathing. Post mortem findings do not indicate any pathology or illness. Final
diagnosis indicated Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS) and upon investigation on
the vaccinator and cold chain, no deviation from the standard protocol for
immunization and storage were found to have caused an adverse reaction from
immunization. In addition, no other case/s of AEFIs was reported in the same area
wherein same lot/batch of vaccines was distributed.

 Cause
Coincidental Event

A similar calculation is shown in Table 6 for infant (aged under one-year) deaths in
selected Western Pacific countries for the number of deaths temporally associated with
routine DTP immunization. There will be many coincidental deaths in the day, week and
month after immunization, which are only temporally related to immunization. The actual
number of coincidental deaths depends on the population size, infant mortality rate, the
number of immunization episodes and the immunization coverage.

When comparing expected versus actual events, it is possible to do statistical analysis

to ensure that differences are not simply the result of chance. Note that the expected
number of death calculations presented here may be inflated as it assumes that children
who are near to death will still be immunized.

Table 6: Estimated coincidental infants deaths temporally would be linked to

immunization in the month, week and day after immunization of DPT/Pentavalent in
selected countries in the Western Pacific Region
Infant Estimated number of DTP/
Mortality Number of Estimated number of
Pentavalent vaccine
Rate per births per infant death in
Country immunizations* in
1000 live year
births (N) a a a
a month a week a day
(IMR) month week day
Australia 4 307,000 102 24 3 68,799 15,877 2,262
Cambodia 36 317,000 951 219 31 68,757 15,867 2,261
China 13 16,364,000 17,728 4,091 583 3,634,035 838,624 119,475
Fiji 14 18,000 21 5 1 3,993 922 131
Japan 2 1,073,000 179 41 6 240,942 55,602 7,921
Philippines 20 2,358,000 3,930 907 129 519,939 119,986 17,094

Source: Immunization Safety Surveillance, 3rd Edition, WHO Western Pacific Region
Note: Assumes uniform distribution of deaths and children who are near to death will still be immunized.
Infant mortality and births from 2011 immunization summary, WHO/UNICEF (2013).
IMR= Infant mortality rate per 1000 live birth; IMR/1000
*Assumed here to be three doses with 90% coverage for each dose of DPT or Pentavalent vaccine

In general, coincidental events are clearly unrelated and may not require any
investigation (e.g. pneumonia). However, certain serious events may be blamed on the
vaccine by the parents or public or media because of the close temporal association with
immunization, especially if the child was previously healthy. Such cases need to be
investigated, to allay public fear and maintain credibility. Responding to public concerns
about immunization safety is important in maintaining confidence in the immunization
program. Availability of information on background rates reported coincidental event may
be helpful in the investigation of an AEFI.

If the same or similar event also affected others in the same age group around the
same time, but did not receive the suspect vaccine(s), then a coincidental event is more
likely. There may also be evidence showing that the event is not related to immunization.


Surveillance is a process of systematic collection, consolidation, interpretation and

dissemination of data on AEFI to be used for immunization program monitoring and
evaluation, policy formulation, decision making, advocacy and health promotion, and
planning for public health intervention.

AEFI surveillance exists at national and local level to ensure effective monitoring and
prompt actions in response to AEFIs. This needs to be a collaborative venture between the
National Epidemiology Center (NEC), National Center for Disease Prevention and Control
(NCDPC) particularly the expanded program on immunization (EPI) and Food and Drug
Administration (FDA) which is responsible for the safety of vaccines. The links with the
aforementioned organization should be maintained at all time. It is also essential that the
functionality of AEFI surveillance system at all level is preserved to achieve highest
compliance and takes appropriate action in response to reported AEFI.

Specific objectives of the AEFI surveillance:

• To detect and timely identify problems with vaccines, which could be due to the
inherent properties of vaccines
• To detect, correct and prevent immunization error-related reactions (previously
classified as program errors)
• To estimate expected vaccine reaction rates (background rates) in the population (by
country, region and global)
• To identify clustering or unusually high rates of AEFI even if they are considered as
• To ensure that coincidental events do not negatively affect the immunization
• To ensure and facilitate causality assessment of coincidental, serious and
unexpected/unusual AEFIs
• To identify signals of unknown vaccine reactions; generating new hypotheses about
vaccine reactions that are specific to the given population
• To maintain the confidence of the community and health staff in the immunization
program by appropriately and timely responding to their concerns about
immunization safety
• To effectively communicate with parents, the community, media and other stake
holders, the occurrence of AEFIs without jeopardizing the immunization program
• To collaborate and share information at WPR region and globally (through post
marketing surveillance/PMS network), in order to generate new and additional
information on vaccine safety

In the Philippines, the overall administration of the AEFI surveillance system for DOH
was delegated to the National Epidemiology Center (NEC) of the Department of Health
(DOH) with active linkage to FDA (National Regulatory Authority) and EPI.

Case Detection and Notification

Case detection is the most important first step in AEFI surveillance. The primary
reporter who first reports an AEFI may be a field health worker, clinic or hospital staff,
volunteer or parent or any other person who detect the AEFI.

All AEFI cases, including minor AEFIs such as local reactions, fever and self-limiting
systemic symptoms should be reported to the next higher level on a weekly basis using the
AEFI Case Report Form (Annex B). However, in cases of serious/cluster of AEFI cases,
notification should be made to the epidemiology and surveillance unit of the next higher
level and the National Epidemiology Center within 24-48 hours of case detection by the
fastest means possible. Initial notification can be verbal using the telephone, text message,
or via facsimile or email. This is to notify the next higher level that an in-depth case
investigation is warranted. (see Annex A for AEFI Surveillance Flow)

It is intended that the case definition is broad so that the surveillance system for AEFI
would be very sensitive to capture all AEFIs that are related or caused by the vaccine (Annex
D; please see Case Definitions). All reported cases should provide with WHO recommended
minimum core variables (Table 8). The Philippine AEFI Case Report Form is incorporated
with these core variables.

To improve the detection capacity, a good knowledge in the primary reported of

AEFIs, its types and purpose of AEFI surveillance is necessary.

Places and Persons Involved in Case Detection and Notification

Cases may be seen from Disease Reporting Units (DRU) such as private and
government, hospitals and clinics, Municipal Health Offices [MHO], City Health Offices
[CHO], Barangay Health Stations [BHS], laboratories, and in the community.

Detection of AEFI cases is everyone’s responsibility. The Disease Reporting

Advocates (DRA) and Disease Surveillance Coordinators (DSC) are the first to detect cases
from the community, hospitals and clinics. Therefore, they should receive training in
detecting cases of AEFI. In some instances, concerned individual and or parent was also
encouraged to notify the vaccinator if there is untoward event happened to the vaccinee.

The detailed roles and responsibilities of the DRA and DSC are found in the
Administrative Order on the Revised Guidelines on Surveillance and Response to AEFI.

Table 8: Core variables with minimum information required reporting in
AEFI surveillance
ICH Core variable
Identity Date AEFI report first received at national level
Country where this AEFI reported
Location (address)
Worldwide unique number
Case Patient identifier
Date of birth (or)
Age at time of onset (or)
Age group at onset
Medical History
Vaccine Primary suspect vaccine name (generic)
Other vaccines given just prior to AEFI
Batch number
Vaccine dose number for this particular vaccinee
Event Date and time of vaccination
Date and time of AEFI onset
Adverse event
Outcome of AEFI
Reporter Name of first reporter of AEFI
e-mail Id
Other Comments (if any) by national officer before the
report is uploaded to Global Database

Reporting AEFIs during immunization campaigns

A campaign is an opportunity to strengthen or establish immunization safety

surveillance. Proper planning to reduce immunization errors-related reaction, monitor and
respond to AEFI can minimize adverse events and their effects during a campaign. Careful
planning will limit the potential for negative publicity from an AEFI.

In an event of mass immunization or special immunization program, it is of utmost

importance to ensure AEFI reporting for 2 reasons:

• Mass Immunization and special immunization program covers a large number of

individuals in a particular target group in a specified given time period and therefore,
excess number of adverse events may be reported within a short time period. Unless,
this is not properly investigated or analyzed, it can cause concern by the public and
also may affect the immunization program
• During special immunization program, a new vaccine may have been introduced with
no prior experience or with little information on adverse reactions. There is a
possibility of detection of signals through strengthening surveillance during special
immunization programs. (e.g. MR-SIA campaigns from 2011)

A specific AEFI case report form should be used to document all cases reported
during mass immunization or special immunization program. This will be beneficial in
tracking serious or clusters of minor AEFI cases in one particular area (see Annex B).

Barriers to reporting

Immunization service providers may not report AEFI for one or more of these
• not considering the event as related to immunization
• lack of knowledge about the reporting system and process
• lethargy - procrastination, lack of interest or time, inability to find the report form
• fear that the report will lead to personal consequences
• guilt about having caused harm and being responsible for the event
• diffidence about reporting an event when not confident about the diagnosis
• shortage of reporting forms

Staff must be encouraged to report adverse events without fear of penalty. The aim is
to improve systems or provide further training and not to blame individuals.

Private sector reporting

All private sector and/or medical institutions handling immunization services and
treating AEFI cases should report all AEFIs to Food and Drug Administration and
Department of Health.

Reporting from private sector is encouraged for two reasons:

a. Individuals seek medical care from the private sector, following vaccines
received at public institutions.
b. It is also important to monitor vaccines used in private sector and therefore
reporting of all AEFIs is necessary.

To maintain the reporting of AEFI of all vaccines used in the country, it is encouraged
that vaccines exclusively used in private sector are reported to the FDA and the vaccines
given under the national immunization program (Expanded Program on Immunization) and
other vaccines given by the DOH should be reported to the National Epidemiology Center of
the Department of Health.

Zero Case Reporting

Zero case reporting refers to the reporting of “zero cases” using the AEFI Case Report
Form when no cases have been detected by the reporting unit. This should be done on a
monthly basis. However, zero reporting may not always mean that there are no cases in the
area, but could also mean that there may be problems encountered in the surveillance

Possible reasons for consistently zero case reporting may include:

• Lack of attention on non-serious cases; assuming that non-serious are nt

• There are “missed” cases (cases that are self-managed or treated in
private sectors)
• Lack of supervisions or absence of DSC, who is in-charge of AEFI


The ultimate goal of a case investigation is to find the cause of an AEFI or clustering
of AEFIs and prevent the occurrence of the similar events in the future. If the cause is
identified as immunization error, remedial action needs to be taken promptly. Even if the
cause cannot be identified or the cause of the event was due to some other reason, the fact
that staff had investigated the incident itself will increase public confidence towards

The purpose of investigating AEFI cases are:

• To confirm the reported diagnosis or propose other possible diagnoses and clarify
the outcome of the medical incident.
• To identify the details of specifications of the vaccine used to immunize the affected
recipient. Most importantly, identify any vaccine related link to the given AEFI.
• To identify ‘possible/likelihood’ cause of the AEFI
• To examine the operational aspects of the program. Even if an event seems to be
vaccine induced or coincidental, immunization errors may have increased its
• To determine whether a reported event was a single incident or one of a cluster and
if it is a cluster where the suspected immunizations were given and what vaccines
were used.
• To determine whether unimmunized people are experiencing the same medical

Which reports should be investigated?

Not all AEFI reports will need investigation. Once the report has been received, an
assessment should be done to determine whether or not an investigation is needed.

The reported AEFI must be investigated if it:

• Is a serious event of known or unknown causes; all hospitalizations
• Cluster of minor AEFI
• Events associated with newly introduced vaccine
• Suspected to be caused by immunization error
• Appears on the list of events defined for AEFI surveillance
• Is causing a significant parental or public concern
• All deaths suspected to be caused by the vaccine

Who should investigate?

The primary responsibility of investigating an AEFI lies on the City/Provincial level,

depending on their capacities for AEFI case investigations. In instances when the LGU needs
assistance, the Regional level shall provide technical assistance.
It is strongly recommended that AEFI investigations are conducted by a team
composed of duly authorized representatives from the Epidemiology and Surveillance Unit
(ESU), Regional Food and Drug Regulation Officer (FDRO) the EPI coordinator and Health
Promotion Officer.

When to investigate?

Complete investigation and initial response activities shall be conducted within 48

hours upon reporting of a serious AEFI. The AEFI case investigation form (Annex C) shall be
used in the investigation of cases. The completed CIF for serious AEFIs, other severe and
unusual events occurring within 4 weeks after immunization and clusters of minor AEFIs
shall be submitted within 48 hours of after completion of investigation to the RESU for
initial causality assessment.

How to investigate?

It is important to investigate suspected AEFIs promptly and completely. An AEFI

investigation follows the standard epidemiological investigation principles. In addition,
investigation of the vaccine(s), immunization techniques and procedures, and service in
action needs to be conducted.

During investigation, each investigating team shall have the following roles:
a. ESU – primarily conduct epidemiologic investigation
b. EPI – assist in AEFI investigation, document immunization practices including
cold chain management
c. FDA/ FDRO – assist in AEFI investigation, document registration of distributed
vaccines including specific vaccine lot/batch number
d. Health Promotion Officer – conduct risk communication

The investigators will need to look directly at the suspected reaction as well as gather
information from the patient/parent, health workers and supervisors, and community
members. The information collected (and conclusions) should be recorded in the AEFI Case
Investigation Form (CIF).

Immunization errors and coincidences are the most likely causes of adverse events.
Therefore, the investigator should suspect immunization errors as the cause and examine
the evidence for any errors in the storage, handling, or administration of vaccines. Attention
can then focus on finding out more about the particular error and taking the necessary
corrective action. The investigator should seek to identify system problems rather than find
individuals to blame.

Below are the steps in AEFI investigation that follows standard epidemiological
investigation principles:

Table 9: Steps in an AEFI investigation
1 Confirm information in • Obtain patient’s medical file (or other clinical record)
report • Check details about patient and event from medical file
and document information.
• Obtain any details missing from AEFI Report Form.
• Identify any other cases that need to be included in the
2 Investigate and collect • Immunization history
data: • Previous medical history, including prior history of
About the patient: similar reaction or other allergies
• Family history of similar events.
About the event: • History, clinical description, any relevant laboratory
results about the AEFI and diagnosis of the event
• Treatment, whether hospitalized, and outcome.
About the suspected • Conditions under which the vaccine was shipped, its
vaccine(s): present storage condition, state of vaccine vial monitor,
and temperature record of refrigerator
• Storage of vaccine before it arrived at health facility,
where it has come from higher up the cold chain,
vaccine monitor card.
About other people: • Whether others received the same vaccine and
developed illness
• Whether others had similar illness (may need case
definition); if so exposure of cases to suspect vaccine(s)
• Investigate the local immunization service
3 Assess the service by: • Vaccine storage (including open vials), distribution,
Asking about: and disposal
• Diluents storage and distribution
• Reconstitution(process and time kept)
• Use and sterilization of syringes and needles
• Details of training in immunization practice,
supervision and vaccinator(s)
• Number of immunizations greater than normal?
Observing the service in • Refrigerator – what else is stored (note if similar
action: containers stored next to vaccine vials which could be
confused); which vaccines/diluents stored with other
drugs; whether any vials have lost their label
• Immunization procedures (reconstitution, drawing up
vaccine, injection technique, safety of needles and
syringes; disposal of opened vials)
• Do any open vials look contaminated?
4 Formulate a working • On the likely/possible cause(s) of the event
5 Test working hypothesis • Does case distribution match working hypothesis?
• Occasionally, laboratory tests may help (see text)
6 Conclude investigation • Reach a conclusion on the cause.
• Complete AEFI Investigation Form (Annex B)
• Take corrective action, and recommend further action

Quantitative and qualitative aspects of data collection need to be considered. In

addition, the DOH issued a Department Memorandum no. 2011-0308, which requires local
ESUs to submit hospital records, laboratory results, autopsy (if patient dies), and
preliminary investigation report (which consists of the current status of investigation,
actions taken, and preliminary causality assessment by regional AEFI committee) for
evidence-based causality assessment. Hence, securing copies of these reports during and
after the investigation is necessary.

Laboratory Testing: Vaccine

Laboratory testing may sometimes confirm or rule out the suspected cause: the
vaccine may be tested for sterility and adjuvant (such as aluminium salts); the diluent for
sterility and chemical composition; and the needles and syringe for sterility. Testing should
be requested on a clear suspicion and not as routine, and never before the working
hypothesis has been formulated. Determining which samples to send depends on the
working hypothesis for the cause of the event. If the used vial of suspect vaccine is available,
it should be sent together with unused vials of the same lot.

Key points

• Not every AEFI investigation requires testing of the implicated vaccine

• Laboratory testing should only be considered when a causality assessment
ruled out all other cases of the AEFI and upon recommendation of the
National AEFI Committee and/or the Food and Drug Administration (FDA).
• Vaccine specimens will only be tested in WHO recognized national control
laboratory and should be coursed through the:
Food and Drug Administration
Trunk line number: 857-1900
• For human specimen, please refer it to the clinical laboratory/facility that is
capable and qualified to perform the required testing.
Tertiary Level Laboratories in Regional/Provincial Hospitals
Research Institute for Tropical Medicine
Trunk line number: 827-2632
• For further advice, please contact:
National Epidemiology Center
Trunk line number: 651-7800 Loc. 2930

Laboratory Testing: Human Specimens

For biochemical, histo-pathological and microbiological examination specimens

should be handled at the local hospital and forwarded to the nearest laboratory, where
facilities are available to carry out requested laboratory testing. If facilities for essential
laboratory testing are not available at intermediate level (Region/Province/ Municipality)
institutions, sending samples to national laboratory or an accredited laboratory abroad
needs to be considered. However, testing should be requested on a clear suspicion and
not as routine.

It is critical to properly document the date, time of collection and type of every
vaccine sample collected, reports of clinical investigations and medical records related to
the incident such as microbiology, biochemistry, immunology, histopathology, hematology,
radiology, etc. Detailed history which includes past medical history, history of allergies and
findings of medical records should also be collected. Please see table below for reference:

Table 10: Laboratory testing to investigate AEFIs by working hypothesis

Working hypothesis:
Immunization error Specimens to send Laboratory test
is suspected
Vaccine Vaccine vial Visual test for clarity,
transportation or presence of foreign matter,
storage turbulence, discoloration or
flocculation (examine
under magnification)

Reconstitution error Vaccine vial and/or Chemical composition

diluents/s analysis for abnormal
components (e.g. suspect
drug used instead of
vaccine or diluent), or
microbiological culture for
bacterial contamination

Non-sterile injection Needle, syringe, vaccine vial Sterility, if an infectious

and diluents/s cause is suspected

Vaccine problem Vaccine vial Chemical composition

analysis: preservatives,
adjuvant level, etc. (e.g.
aluminium content) or
biological tests for foreign
substances or toxins if
abnormal toxicity is

Table 11: Guide to specimen samples obtained following selected AEFIs
Hypothesis Specimen Reason Specimen collection
Suspected bacterial Whole Bacterial culture Blood 8−10 mL in each of
sepsis due to blood 2 blood culture bottles.
contaminated vial, CSF Differential cell count, Sterile container
needle biochemistry, bacterial and viral Viral culture media
contamination, culture, PCR (HSV1/2,
coincidental enterovirus, other)
Suspected viraemia Serum IgM and IgG antibodies for viral Clotted blood 5−10 mls
due to vaccine virus pathogens
or coincidental CSF Differential cell count, Sterile container
disease biochemistry, bacterial and viral Viral culture media
culture, PCR (HSV1/2,
enterovirus, other)
Skin Viral culture Sterile container
vesicle Viral culture media
Suspected Serum Mast cell tryptase Clotted blood 5–10 mL
anaphylaxis Specific IgE Clotted blood 5−10 mL
Suspected toxin or Urine Drug screen Sterile container 1 mL
drug Blood Chemistry when indicated, liver Clotted blood or in Li
injection/ingestion, enzymes, glucose, electrolytes Heparin 5−10 mL
either programme
error or coincidental
Suspected VAPP or Stool Enterovirus and viral culture Sterile container
Source: Immunization Safety Surveillance, 3rd Edition, WHO Western Pacific Region

Investigating AEFI clusters

A cluster of AEFI is defined as two or more cases of the same adverse event related in
time, place or vaccine administration. The exact nature of the relationship between the
adverse events (e.g. duration of time, proximity of place) will differ by nature of the events
and the circumstances in which they occur. The criteria defining a cluster will depend on the
context (e.g. for a globally distributed vaccine, the batch may be more important than the
place) however in the case of immunization errors, the place will be an important criterion.

A cluster can be understood as a special kind of signal, where not only an increase in
the AEFI reporting rate has been seen but one or more common characteristics of the AEFI
reports have become apparent too. The characteristics are traditionally time, place and/or
vaccine, but could also be age group, genetic predisposition, disease or other characteristic
of the vaccinees which could constitute a risk factor for a certain AEFI.

Cluster investigation begins by establishing the case definition and identifying all
cases that meet the case definition. The immunization programme manager should then
take two actions (Figure 1).

1. Identifying the common cases (the cluster cases) including details of when, where
and which vaccines were given, by collecting and recording:
• Detailed data on each case
• Programme-related data (vaccine storage, handling, etc.), and
• Immunization practices and the associated health worker’s practices
2. Identify any common exposures among the cases, such as:
• All data on vaccine(s) used (name, lot number, etc.), and
• Data on other people in the area (also the non-exposed)

When an AEFI cluster has been identified, the cause specific definitions provide a
framework for investigation and causality assessment. Usually, the key considerations will
be to investigate the possibility of a vaccine quality defect as well as whether an
immunization error may have occurred. For relatively new vaccines or established vaccines
use in new target populations, a cluster may represent a previously unrecognized vaccine
product-related reaction. Knowledge of the background incidence of events which may
occur in causal relationship with a vaccine is, therefore, essential for assessing a cluster in
terms of the strength of the signal it may provide.

Table 13. Cluster characteristics of cause-specific categories of AEFI

Cause-specific AEFI Cluster characteristics
Vaccine reaction • If all cases received the same vaccine or lot, and
(product-related or there are no similar cases in the community.
quality defect-related) • If an increased frequency of events is reported
from multiple settings.
Immunization error- • If all cases received vaccines from the same
related health worker/facility and there are no other
Immunization anxiety- • Clusters of fainting after immunization are well-
related reaction recognized immunization anxiety-related
reactions during immunization programmes
targeting adolescent girls.
Coincidental • If cases include people from the same area in the
same age group who were not immunized.

Figure 1: Identifying cause of AEFI cluster

for the Revised WHO Classification. March 2013)

Investigation of Deaths

In the event of a death following immunization, the field investigation has to be

initiated promptly and death should be notified at all levels concerned including national
immunization program. The death investigation has to be conducted without any delay as it
can cause a public panic concern. An autopsy is preferred and recommended following
all deaths suspected to cause by vaccine / immunization.

However, in Philippine set up, conduct of autopsy examination should be within the
religious, cultural acceptance and legal framework of the country. An autopsy should be
done with least disturbance to the parents and the health staff should take all the possible
arrangements to carry out autopsy at earliest time possible.

The autopsy should include the following: review of detailed preclinical and clinical
history including laboratory and radiological findings, where possible visit to the death
scene for additional evidence, radiological examination, histo-pathological examination and
toxicological and microbiological examinations. Samples for microbiology, immunology,
histo-pathology and virology should be collected according to the instructions given by the
relevant laboratories. The adherence to a standard autopsy protocol which would enable
conducting of a comprehensive causality assessment of a reported death following
immunization is important and necessary3.


Causality is the relationship between two events (the cause and the effect), where the
second event is a consequence of the first. A direct cause is a factor in absence of which the
effect would not occur (necessary cause). Sometimes there are multiple factors that may
precipitate the event (effect) or may function as co-factors so that the event (effect) occurs.
Many challenges are involved in deciding whether an adverse event is actually caused by a
vaccine or vaccination. Vaccines are often administered to children at ages when many
underlying diseases become evident. Vaccines administered to adults can also coincide with
an entirely different risk factor for an event. The fact that a vaccine was administered within
a reasonable time period of the occurrence of an event does not automatically suggest that
the vaccine or vaccination caused or contributed to the event.

Causality assessment, on the other hand, is the systematic review of data about an
AEFI case to determine the likelihood of a causal association between the event and the
vaccine(s) received. This does not necessarily establish a definite relationship, but only
ascertains the level of certainties of causal association with the vaccine/vaccination.
Besides, a definite causal association or absence of association often cannot be established
for an individual event. This process is a critical part of AEFI surveillance and monitoring
system and enhances public and health worker’s confidence in the national immunization
programme. Whether an AEFI is attributable or not to the vaccine or to the immunization
program determines what steps need to be taken to address the event.

Causality assessment is important for:

• Identification of vaccine related problems

• Identification of immunization error related problems
• Excluding coincidental events
• Detection of signals for potential for follow up, testing of hypothesis and research
• A basis for estimation of rates of serious AEFIs
• Comparison of AEFIs between vaccine brands
• Validation of pre-licensure safety data with comparison of post marketing
surveillance safety data

The quality of the causality assessment depends upon:

1. The performance of the AEFI reporting system in terms of responsiveness,

effectiveness and quality of investigation of the reporting system
2. The availability of adequate medical and laboratory services and access to
background information; and
3. The quality of the causality review process

Causality assessment outcomes help raise awareness of vaccine-associated risks among

health-care workers; this, combined with knowledge of benefits of immunization, forms the
basis of vaccine information for parents and/or vaccine.
The scientific basis for the assessed criteria in the process includes the following:
• Temporal relationship: The vaccine exposure must precede the event occurrence.
Exposure always precedes the outcome. If factor “A” is believed to cause a disease,
then it is clear that factor “A” must always precede the occurrence of the disease. This
is the only absolute criterion.
• Definitive proof that the vaccine caused the event: Clinical or laboratory proof
that the vaccine caused the event. It is most often found in live attenuated vaccine
• Biological plausibility: Biological plausibility may provide support for or against
vaccine causality. In other words, the association should be compatible with existing
theory and knowledge related to how the vaccine works.
• Strength of the association: This is defined by the size of the association as
measured by appropriate statistical tests. The stronger the association, the more
likely it is that the relation of “A” to “B” is causal.
• Consistency of the association: The association is consistent when results are
replicated in studies in different settings using different methods. That is, if a
relationship is causal, we would expect to find it consistently in different studies and
among different populations. This is why numerous experiments have to be done
before meaningful statements can be made about the causal relationship between
two or more factors.
• Consideration of alternate explanations: In doing causality assessment, all
reasonable alternative etiologic explanations need to be considered.
• Prior evidence that the vaccine in question could cause a similar event: The
concept of ‘re-challenge’ which is more commonly used in drug causality, but has
also been helpful for certain vaccine-event considerations (for example, Gullian-
Barre Syndrome or GBS occurring on three separate occasions in the same individual
within weeks of administration of tetanus vaccine).

Case selection for AEFI causality assessment

Not all AEFI incidents that are reported and investigated need to have a causality
assessment. Generally, it is recommended that causality assessment should focus on the

• Serious AEFIs , as per definition (i.e. event that is causing a potential risk to the
health/life of recipient leading to death, life-threatening, requires in-patient
hospitalization or prolongation of existing hospitalization, results in persistent
significant disability/incapacity, congenital abnormalities/birth defects or required
intervention to prevent permanent impairment or damage.)
• Clusters of events above expected rate or severity.
• Signals: generated as a result of individual or cluster cases as they could signify a
potential for large public health impact.
• Other AEFIs outlined below if the reviewing team/committee decides that causality
needs to be determined as a special case or to conduct special studies:

- AEFIs that may have been caused by immunization error, (e.g. bacterial abscess,
severe local reaction, high fever or sepsis, BCG lymphadenitis, toxic shock
- Significant events of unexplained cause occurring within 30 days after a
vaccination (and not listed in product label),
- Events causing significant parental or community concern (e.g. HHE, febrile

In the Philippines, the National and Regional AEFI Committees are responsible
for determining final causality of an AEFI case or clusters of AEFIs. However,
investigation team may offer a “first opinion” on the causality of a particular AEFI or cluster
of AEFIs. The first opinion can be derived from the result of the investigation done by the
team in collaboration with key stakeholders at the regional and sub-regional levels.

Regional AEFI Committee (RAEFIC)

AEFI Committee must then be established at the Regional Level. The suggested
members are composed of the following:

Regional AEFI Committee:

• Chaired by the Regional Director or Assistant Regional Director

• 4 clinical experts (Medicine/infectious disease/pediatrician)
• Research specialist (academe), pharmaco-epidemiologist
• Regional Food and Drug Authority (observers)
• EPI program manager and cold chain manager (observers)
• RESU head/staff (secretariat)

For serious AEFIs, RESU shall convene the Regional AEFI committee within 7 days
after completion of investigation for causality assessment and recommendation for
appropriate response.

Roles and responsibilities of the RAEFIC:

a. Deliberate preliminary causality assessment upon receipt of complete AEFI case

investigation reports from the provincial/regional investigating team. The
committee should convene at least quarterly or as need arise.
b. Provide immediate written report regarding the deliberated preliminary assessment
to NEC and concerned LGU, copy furnish NCDPC and FDA.
c. Provide information of the final causality assessment and recommendations to the
Regional Offices/PHO/CHO and concerned LGU.
d. Monitor implementation of the recommendations by the responsible

National AEFI Committee (NAEFIC)

Cases that were not or cannot be classified by the RAEFIC are forwarded to the
National Epidemiology Center (NEC) with attached investigation reports. Every quarter,
NEC convenes the National AEFI Committee (NAEFIC) to provide final causality assessment
for these cases and make final decisions for inconclusive investigations.

Roles and responsibilities of the NAEFIC:

a. Review all reported serious and cluster of AEFI cases presented for expert opinion on
a quarterly basis or as the need arise, and provide a final causality assessment of the
AEFI cases as well as the cases that were not classified by the Regional AEFI
b. Ensure evidence-based causality assessment by recommending further investigation
and data collection as needed.
c. Make final decisions on causality assessment of inconclusive investigations.
d. Ensure standard protocols for AEFI surveillance and investigation are correctly
e. Engage with other national and international experts when requirements arise in
establishing causality and vaccine quality issues.
f. Provide recommendations to the National Immunization Program, NEC and National
Cold Chain Manager on improving immunization service delivery, compliance with
injection safety and effective vaccine management, etc. based on lessons from the
AEFI cases.
g. Serve as technical advisory group to the Secretary of health and the FDA on vaccine
and immunization safety-related issue of highest consideration such as immediate
recall of vaccine from market or temporary/permanent withdrawal of a vaccine from
the immunization program.
h. Serve as resource person in other AEFI related meetings, conference or capacity
building activities as requested.

Prerequisites for causality assessment

AEFI are usually reported through passive or stimulated passive surveillance, and
less frequently from active surveillance systems. Timely reporting of AEFI followed by
appropriate and detailed investigation is the key to successful causality assessment and
signal detection. An AEFI report should accomplish three prerequisites before causality
assessment, namely:

• Completed AEFI case investigation. Premature assessments with inadequate

information could mislead the classification of the event.
• Complete documents pertaining to the investigation such as hospital charts,
laboratory and autopsy findings should be available at the time of assessment.
• There must be a “valid diagnosis” (as explained below) for the unfavorable or
unintended sign, abnormal laboratory finding, symptom or disease in question.

Causality assessment method

Attribution of causality to AEFI, especially those considered severe, of public

importance, and programmatically disruptive are critical for ensuring vaccine safety. There
is a method developed by WHO in 2012 that allows the National AEFI Committee to screen
reported serious AEFI cases and assess for completeness and quality of information,
ensuring the objectiveness of the assessment2. Cases deemed incomplete remains pending
and follow up investigation and data collection is required. A repository in the form of a
database of all AEFI cases sorted through this new guideline is considered critical and
recommended to allow for future signal detection and determining the need for additional
epidemiological studies.

Four steps in causality assessment:

Step 1: Eligibility
To proceed with causality assessment, it is necessary to have a valid diagnosis for the
reported AEFI. The Brighton Collaboration provides every standard case definition and
should ideally be used if available. This can be accessed online at However if this is not possible, case definitions can
be adopted from standard medical literature, national guidelines or adopted locally. If the
reported event does not have a valid diagnosis, the AEFI cannot be classified and additional
information should be collected to arrive at a valid diagnosis.

Figure 2: Causality assessment method- eligibility

for the Revised WHO Classification. March 2013)

Step 2: Checklist
The checklist contains elements to guide the Committee or the assessor to collate the
evidence needed for case review. It is designed to assemble information on patient-
immunization-AEFI relationship in the following key areas:
1. Is there strong evidence for other causes?
2. Is there a known causal association with the vaccine / vaccination?
a. Relationship with vaccine ingredients
b. Immunization Error related
c. Injection Reaction (Immunization related anxiety)
If the response to question 2 was “yes”, then it is necessary to ask, “Is the event
within the time window of increased risk?”
3. Is there strong evidence against a causal association?
4. Other qualifying factors for classification: background rate of the event present and
past health condition, potential risk factors, medication, biological plausibility, etc.

Once the checklist is systematically completed, the answers in the checklist are
applied to the algorithm.

Figure 3: Causality assessment method- checklist

I. Is there strong evidence for other causes? Y N UK NA Remarks
Does a clinical examination, or laboratory tests on the patient, confirm
another cause?
II. Is there a known causal association with the vaccine or
Vaccine product(s)
Is there evidence in the literature that this vaccine(s) may cause the
reported event even if administered correctly?
Did a specific test demonstrate the causal role of the vaccine or any of
the ingredients?
Immunization error
Was there an error in prescribing or non-adherence to
recommendations for use of the vaccine (e.g. use beyond the expiry
date, wrong recipient etc.)?
Was the vaccine (or any of its ingredients) administered unsterile?
Was the vaccine's physical condition (e.g. colour, turbidity, presence of
foreign substances etc.) abnormal at the time of administration?
Was there an error in vaccine constitution/preparation by the
vaccinator (e.g. wrong product, wrong diluent, improper mixing,
improper syringe filling etc.)?
Was there an error in vaccine handling (e.g. a break in the cold chain
during transport, storage and/or immunization session etc.)?
Was the vaccine administered incorrectly (e.g. wrong dose, site or
route of administration; wrong needle size etc.)?
Immunization anxiety
Could the event have been caused by anxiety about the immunization
(e.g. vasovagal, hyperventilation or stress-related disorder)?
II (time). If “yes” to any question in II, was the event within the time window of increased risk?
Did the event occur within an appropriate time window after vaccine
III. Is there strong evidence against a causal association?
Is there strong evidence against a causal association?
IV. Other qualifying factors for classification
Could the event occur independently of vaccination (background rate)?
Could the event be a manifestation of another health condition?
Did a comparable event occur after a previous dose of a similar vaccine?
Was there exposure to a potential risk factor or toxin prior to the event?
Was there acute illness prior to the event?
Did the event occur in the past independently of vaccination?
Was the patient taking any medication prior to vaccination?
Is there a biological plausibility that the vaccine could cause the event?
Note: Y: Yes; N: No; UK: Unknown; NA: Not applicable.

Revised WHO Classification. March 2013)

Step 3: Algorithm
The algorithm is based on key questions given in the checklist. Stepwise approach in
algorithm helps determine if the AEFI could be consistent or inconsistent with an
association to immunization, indeterminate or unclassifiable. Responses IA, IIA and IIIA
have greater strength and these conclusions have greater weight. When the conclusion is
“unclassifiable”, the reviewers should determine the reasons why classification was not
possible and all attempts should be made to obtain the necessary supporting evidence for

Figure 4: Causality assessment method- Algorithm


User Manual for the Revised WHO Classification. March 2013)
Step 4: Classification
The final classification is based on the availability of adequate information. The
cause-specific definitions provide clarity on “A. Consistent causal association to
immunization” and “C. Inconsistent causal association to immunization” (coincidental). The
association is considered “B. indeterminate” when adequate information on the AEFI is
available but it is not possible to assign it to either of the above categories.

I. A Case with adequate information for causality conclusion can be classified as


A. Consistent Causal association to immunization

A1: Vaccine product-related reaction or
A2: Vaccine quality defect-related reaction or
A3: Immunization error-related reaction or
A4: Immunization anxiety-related reaction

B. Indeterminate
B1: Temporal relationship is consistent but there is insufficient definitive evidence
for vaccine causing the event (may be new vaccine-linked event).*
B2: Reviewing factors result in conflicting trends of consistency and inconsistency
with causal association to immunization

C. Inconsistent causal association to immunization (Coincidental)

C1: Underlying or emerging condition(s), or
*B1: These are potential signals and maybe considered for investigation

II. A Case without adequate information for causality conclusion is “Unclassifiable”

and requires additional information for further review of the causality. The available
information on unclassifiable cases should be kept in the electronic database which should
be periodically reviewed to see if additional information is available for classification and
to perform analyses for identifying signals.

Final classification (step 4) is critical, as it hints the follow-up actions. It is important

to note that final classification of a given AEFI may change with updated knowledge and
information. During the causality assessment process, in addition to this newly introduced
method, it is recommended to check: Causality assessment of an adverse event following
immunization (AEFI) – User manual for the revised WHO classification 2013

Figure 5: Causality assessment method-classification

When AEFIs occur as clusters, it is important to consider each case separately and do
an independent causality assessment for each case in the cluster and classify. After
classification, the cases should be line listed to see if a pattern emerges. Pattern
identification is important for action to be taken as well as identifying signals.

Figure 6: Causality assessment of an individual case vs. a cluster/signal

Challenges and pitfalls to causality assessment

1. Information of AEFI investigation report is incompleted therefore causality

assessment cannot be done.
2. Lack of experts at the regional level responsible for formal causality assessment
undermines credibility.
3. Non-analysis of the AEFI by regional responsible authorities in the context after
causality assessment may delay recognition of clusters and possible program


Data management is one of the core activities in AEFI surveillance. Data management
system supports efficient data capture and information flow, and that can provide a master
list of up-to-date case-based information. Through this process, identifying clusters can be
facilitated as well as monitoring of control measures can be done. The purpose of
surveillance data is to rationally utilize empowering decision makers to lead and manage
more effectively by providing timely and useful evidence – data for action!

The use of computer-based data storage and analysis is highly recommended in all
reporting units (RHU/CHO/PHO/RO). However, while some LGUs are still acquiring the
means and capacity for computerization, a paper-based reporting system and information
management should be used.

There are three main principles in data management:

• Production of complete data

• Production of accurate data
• Production of timely data

From the data management perspective, data collection is complete if all the cases
are reported with all required details available. The details reflected in the data should be
correct. The data should be available on time (depending on the surveillance activity) for
effective and efficient implementation of interventions.

Five basic steps of data management:

1. Data collection – Data should be collected weekly from ESUs and DRUs. It is
important that all units are aware of established deadlines for reporting and
submitting reports. Track submission by ESUs/DRUs through a use of a weekly
submission register to be able to identify units that are consistently reporting and
those that are considered “silent”.

2. Consolidation – If the unit encodes data from the peripheral levels, ensure that
forms submitted by ESUs/DRUs are compiled.

When merging data, ensure data files are complete and free from errors by
reviewing data for double entries and data inconsistencies. Compile paper copy of
CIF to level where data encoding was made for reference, particularly during the data
cleaning process.

3. Data analysis – Data analysis is largely focussed on identifying vaccine-related

issues, as it will lead to operational and policy decisions on vaccine procurement and
management. It also has an impact at the international level. Therefore, quality of
investigations and data analysis is important.

Basic analysis using the line listing should be composed of vaccine given, dose
(1st, 2nd,
3rd), time (by month), geographical location (barangay/province/city), type
of reaction/s (i.e. seizures, abscess). It is important that at regional and national level
that basic analysis should further expand to estimate antigen-specific AEFI reporting

Data analysis should include, but not limited to the following information:

• Number of AEFI reported

• Geographic and temporal distribution of AEFI reported looking for clustering
• Number of adverse events reported by antigen and type of adverse event by
antigen (i.e. injection site abscess, high fever, allergic reaction, nodule, seizures,
severe local reactions, lymphadenitis, arthralgia, shock)
• Geographic distribution of abscesses and possible immunization error - related
adverse events.
• Clustering of adverse events according to batch/lot

Who should analyze the data?

Data analysis should be carried out at different levels in the immunization

safety surveillance system; PESU/CESU, RESU, and national level. Analysis of data at
immunization service provider level is very important to identify the immunization
errors. This is largely to carry out corrective action in a timely manner. The extent
and purposes of analysis will vary by different level. (See Table 14)

How to analyze the data?

Step 1: Initial line listing is the basis for data analysis. It will help to initial
identification of clustering or any unusual or significant reporting events, those need
further analysis.

Step 2: Tabulating AEFI data by place, person and time and by antigens by type of
reported adverse events (high fever, abscess). This step further filtered the AEFI by
different variables and help program managers to generate clues for further analysis.
Even at this step, it is possible to identify common program errors. (e.g., increased
number of abscess by one immunization centre is more likely due to the
immunization error). However, further investigation of such observation is necessary
to confirm the causality.

Step 3: Calculating AEFI rates. Number of doses administered for each antigen is the
denominator for calculating reported AEFI rates for each antigen in a given time
period (by month, quarter or year). Analysis shall expand to the AEFI rates by first or
second or third dose, when the antigen is administered more than once. For this, the
number of doses administered of the given antigen by first, second or third need to
be used as the denominator.

The most challenging selection is to use a proper denominator. There are a
few options for selecting a denominator.
Denominator Limitations
Total administered Most reliable, but not often available
doses of vaccines
Distributed doses Greater than administered doses, thus may
reduce rate (underestimate)

Coverage x Population May be less accurate because of variability in

coverage estimates
Target population Proxy measure for vaccine population (may
also underestimate)

In the Philippines, the information of the denominator, i.e. vaccine doses

administered/ doses used / doses distributed, is available at the National EPI
Program. Therefore, at each administrative level, it is important to receive
necessary data from respective EPI units

The number of vaccine product-related reactions will naturally increase with

increased vaccine use, so it is essential to calculate antigen (vaccine) specific adverse
reaction reporting rate. In considering concerns with specific lots, it is important to
have as accurate a denominator of vaccine use as possible, as it is always the rate and
not the number of reports that needs evaluation (comparison with known vaccine
product-related rates).

For example, in a city X, the registered under-1 year child population is 5000.
The coverage of measles vaccine is 90%. During the same year, 20 febrile seizures
were reported following measles vaccination. How do you calculate rate of febrile

The numerator for this vaccine reaction (febrile seizures) is 20. Since no other
data is available, this example can use measles vaccine coverage (90%) to get the

Denominator = Target population x coverage

= 5,000 * 90%
= 4,500

The reported febrile seizures rate is 20/4,500*100= 0.44%

Multiplier: Use of proper multiplier in data analysis is important and also

varied by purpose and level of analysis. At local level, percentage (%) is the best
choice, whereas at intermediate and national levels, may use 1000, 100,000 or
million as multiplier. For common, minor vaccine reactions, percentage is used and
for rare serious reactions, 10,000 (104), 100,000 (105) or 1,000,000 (million) can be
used. (Refer Table 4)

The immunization program also provides the denominator on vaccine use
that helps to interpret AEFI reports. The number of reports cannot be interpreted
without accurate date on the use of that vaccine or specific lot, and its distribution to
different areas. Therefore, collection of vaccine distribution data is needed for
immunization safety surveillance.

Step 4: Comparison and interpretation of rates

Available expected vaccine reaction rates for each type of AEFI for a given
antigen (Tables 4) give a guide to make a decision on corrective action to be taken on
reported AEFIs. It is also important to know about background rates of reported
medical events in the country. Background rates are independent and not related
with the vaccine. Observed (reported) rates include both background rates and
vaccine-related rates. Comparison of background rates with reported rates of AEFI will
lead to a valid conclusion on possible type of AEFI.

Vaccine-related rates + Background rates = Observed (reported) rates

The following graphic shows a comparison of the background rate with the
observed rate of an event to determine the vaccine reaction rate (i.e. the rate of

events that are actually caused by the vaccine).

(Source: Global Manual on Surveillance of AEFI , WHO, 2014)

Vaccine reaction rates are further divided into two subcategories: expected
vaccine reaction rates (Y) and excess vaccine reaction rates (Z). The WHO vaccine
reaction information sheets give the “expected” vaccine reaction rates (the “Y”
component in figure), which are based on pre-licensure and post-licensure data.
These expected vaccine reaction rates are known rates due to the inherent properties
of the vaccines and the response by recipients. If the values exceed the known,
expected vaccine reaction rates, it needs to be considered if this is a true increase of
vaccine reaction rate or whether the values are due to other factors.
Comparison of background rates with reported rates of AEFI will guide to a
possibility of hypothesis of a coincidence. (e.g. febrile seizures are common among
young children with many etiologies and may also be possible for other vaccines as
well.) Therefore it is important to know the rate of febrile seizures due to other
reasons and expected rates following a given antigen. This comparison will
essentially lead to describe the causality.

Background rates differ from country to country because of difference in

national surveillance systems. Understanding the background rates in a specific
population is useful for monitoring the sensitivity of the AEFI surveillance system in
detecting changes in the frequency of vaccine reactions. Program managers are
encouraged to use information sheets on Observed rates of vaccine Reactions
worldwide, which is published by the WHO in this link:

If the values exceed the expected vaccine reaction rates, it needs to be

considered if this is a true increase of vaccine reaction rate or whether the values are
due to other factors.

Factors to consider when comparing rates of AEFIs*

a. Vaccines

Although a vaccine may have the same antigens, different manufacturers may
produce vaccines (or lots of the same vaccine) that differ substantially in their
composition, including the presence of an adjuvant or other components. These
variations result in vaccines with different reactogenicity (the ability to cause vaccine
reactions), which in turn affects the comparison of their vaccine-attributable rates.

b. Age
The same vaccine given to different age groups may result in different vaccine-
attributable rates. For example, MMR vaccine given to infants may cause febrile
convulsions. This symptom does not occur in adolescents who are given the same

c. Vaccine Dose
The same vaccine given as a ‘primary dose’ may have a different reactogenicity
profile than when it is given as a ‘booster dose’. For example, the DTaP vaccine given

as a primary dose is less likely to result in extensive limb swelling when compared
with the same vaccine given as a booster dose.

d. Case Definition
Adverse event may be defined differently in research studies that do not stick
to the same case definition. Not using standardized case definitions may
consequently affect the estimation of the AEFI rate. Brighton Collaboration has
developed cases definitions for many vaccines reactions (www.

e. Surveillance Methods
The way that surveillance data are collected may alter the rate. For example,
surveillance data may be collected actively or passively, using pre- or post-licensure
clinical trials, with or without randomization and placebo controls.

f. Background conditions
The background rate of certain events may differ between communities. This
can influence the observed rate even though the vaccine-attributable rate is the same
in both communities. For example, reports of death post-vaccination may be higher in
a country that has a higher background rate of deaths due to coincidental infection.

Table 14: Purpose of analysis at different level

Program Purpose of data analysis at
implementation What data to analyze? given level

Local level • Reported AEFIs by • Will assess indicators

(RHU, health Place (clinics, barangay (timeliness, completeness) of
centers or other hospitals), Persons & programme operation
health facilities time • Identification of
providing • Reported AEFIs by immunization errors will lead
immunization antigen to corrective action.

Intermediate • Number of reports by • These are program operation

level (CESU, Local levels indicators (timeliness,
PESU, RESU) • Reported AEFIs by completeness) at local level
Place (clinics, • Identify immunization errors
hospitals), Persons & and thereby will lead to
time corrective action.
• Cluster analysis • Cluster analysis too lead to
• Reported AEFIs by identify immunization errors,
antigen but also coincidence and
vaccine reactions
• Will identify vaccine reactions
and coincidence.

National level Number of reports by • These are program operation
(NEC, FDA) • Region, Province, City, indicators (timeliness,
Municipality completeness) at
• Reported AEFIs by intermediate level
Place (clinics, hospitals • Cluster analysis too lead to
or barangay), Persons & identify immunization errors,
time but also coincidence and
• Cluster analysis vaccine reactions too.
• Reported AEFIs by • Will identify vaccine reaction
antigen rates (antigen and age
• Signal detection
• Lead to take operational and
policy decisions on vaccine
and immunization safety

Although the epidemiology and surveillance unit of the different levels are
taking the lead in the epidemiological analysis, engagement and close
coordination with the corresponding EPI managers and FDA staff are necessary
and highly recommended as they could provide additional information (e.g.
number of children immunized, status of vaccine pre-qualification, international
rates, etc.) that will make the analysis more comprehensive.

It is critical to share the data and results of analysis to the FDA because they
are mandated to report to the WHO/Uppsala Monitoring Center where rates of
different adverse events of different vaccine antigens are closely monitored globally.

How should a cause be determined?

Until the investigation is complete a ‘working a hypothesis’ is all that can be

formulated. Later it will be possible to analyze the data and assign a ‘cause’ and
classified into the one of the categories of AEFI. For a few medical events, the
diagnosis itself will show the cause whether it is immunization error related or
vaccine-related or coincidental or injection reaction. In others, additional
information evidence may be required to identify the cause.

Comparing background data with reported (observed) data does not

conclude the causality. It only generates the hypothesis. To conclude that a vaccine
causes a particular vaccine reaction, it is necessary to demonstrate the risk in
vaccinated individuals is greater than the non-vaccinated, provided ruling out the
effects of confounders and bias. Estimating relative risk and attributable risk is
necessary and retrospective or prospective analysis of available data or designing
epidemiological studies (case series, case-control, cohort or ecological studies) will
lead to confirm the causality.

Data analysis is important to identify problems, generate hypothesis and

decision-making. Interpretation of data needs to be cautious: compare rates, but not

absolute numbers, and give attention to case definitions and used denominators.
WHO information sheets on vaccine reaction rates provide rates of reactions of
specific vaccines that can be helpful when comparing rates. Comparing background
data with observed vaccine reaction data does not conclude the causality. It only
generates the hypothesis. To conclude that a vaccine causes a vaccine reaction, it is
necessary to demonstrate that the risk in vaccinated individuals is greater than that
in the non-vaccinated.

4. Production of Reports – Surveillance data should be reported in regular or on-going

basis and should be provided promptly for rapid and efficient response.

5. Dissemination – Surveillance reports should be disseminated to stakeholders who

can use the data to take public health action. The findings should also be reviewed
regularly and reported back to the ESUs and DRUs where the data was gathered
from. This activity is called feedback. This will be discussed further in the next

Avoiding data management crisis

Data management crisis is a situation where the data is not being available when
needed. The data manager may have left suddenly or the computer bugged down. The
following is recommended to prevent such a situation:

1. Appoint a backup data manager; another member of staff should familiar himself or
herself with the data management procedures and the whereabouts of
2. Ensure that data back up procedures are made regularly on a medium external to
the computer or that copies should be kept in a safe place, e.g. in a locked drawer.
3. Ensure that all procedures are adequately documented and that the documentation is
easily accessible. Update the documentation whenever changes are made—it is
clearly not desirable to discover during a crisis that the documented procedures
describe a system no longer in use.


The term feedback refers to the process of sending back information, in the form of
reports, results of data analysis, guidance, outcomes of causality assessment,
recommendations, etc. to the different levels of the AEFI surveillance system where the
information is needed. Feedback is essential to modify or guide the next action or to verify
accuracy of information. There is a need to institute regular and timely feedback within and
between levels of the health delivery system. Data should be reported routinely from the
lower to higher levels of the health system and vice versa.

Positive feedback to health workers is essential. The feedback should include the
outcome of investigations or causality assessment when these are carried out and
recommendations on the management of child/recipient especially concerning the need for
future vaccination.

The reasons for providing feedback to reporting/periphery sites are:

• To facilitate the use of data by providing an analysis in greater depth. For example, if
the peripheral levels are not computerized, the central level may provide
computerized tables and graphs
• To place local data in the context of regional data, to allow comparison of disease
incidence and program performance; allow enhanced surveillance and preventive
measures in cases where disease is reported in the surrounding region but has not
been seen in that area; and improve performance by showing national progress
towards public health goals and comparing performance between regions
• To increase motivation of data providers by acknowledging their hard work and
making them aware that the data are analyzed and used
• Verify accuracy and completeness of data received by regional and other ESUs

A Feedback may come in two forms: verbal and written.

1. Verbal feedback from one health unit to another and can take place in various
venues, as follows:
• Telephone calls
• Meetings: weekly, monthly, quarterly, half-yearly and annually
• Health education activities

2. Written feedback may be in the form of the following:

• Investigation and causality assessment report
• Weekly Disease Surveillance Reports by NEC
• EPI Accomplishment Reports
• Any feedback reports produced by regions

Below is the recommended feedback process from the local, regional to the national

Unit/ Data Information Needed Provider of Frequency
Receiver Feedback
NEC • Complete AEFI Investigation reports RESU As needed
• Request for technical assistance
• Final classification of cases by the RAEFIC Quarterly
• Conclusions and recommendations by the
• Outcome of AEFI response interventions
• EPI coverage reports (number of doses RESU/EPI As needed
• AEFI cases from private sectors/ vaccine EPI Quarterly
• Status/results of vaccine pre-qualification FDA As needed
• International vaccine rates

FDA • AEFI surveillance database NEC Monthly

• Final classification of cases by the RAEFIC/
• Conclusions and recommendations by the
EPI • AEFI surveillance reports (including AEFI NEC Quarterly
• Final classification of cases by the RAEFIC/
• Conclusions and recommendations by the
• Status/results of vaccine pre-qualification FDA
• International vaccine rates

RESU • Laboratory results Laboratory/ As needed

• Final classification of cases by the NAEFIC FDA Quarterly
• Conclusions and recommendations by the NEC
• Investigation report
• Request for technical assistance PESU/CESU As needed
• Outcome of AEFI response interventions
PESU/ • Laboratory results RESU As needed
CESU • Final classification of cases by the Quarterly
• Conclusions and recommendations by the
RHU/ • Laboratory results PESU/CESU As needed
MHO/ • Final classification of cases by the Quarterly
TALS • Conclusions and recommendations by the As needed
• Problems encountered in surveillance


Response and Follow-up activities

Responding to AEFI may be immediate short-term and/or long-term follow-up

activities. Response and follow-up activities should base on findings of investigations,
causality assessments and recommendations by the investigation and expert committees.
Withdrawal of the implicated vaccine and/or suspension of its corresponding immunization
activity is not done following reports of AEFI unless upon declaration of the Secretary of
Health in consonance with FDA and Expanded Program on Immunization and with the
recommendations of the expert committees. Major follow-up actions may have impact on
national immunization program and as well as regionally and globally.

The epidemiology and surveillance unit leads the team in epidemiological

investigation and comprehensive data analysis. But, in terms of response activities, the EPI
program managers and FDROs in their corresponding levels shall take the lead to provide
corrective actions and monitor outcomes of response interventions.

Corrective actions

Patient care: Treatment must be the first response to an AEFI. Mild symptoms such
as mild fever, pain are likely to be of short duration and can be managed by assuring and
educating parents during immunization. Health workers need to know how to recognize,
treat, and report AEFI – immediately, if serious. It is of utmost importance to ensure that
proper and early treatment is received by affected vaccinees (patients).

Investigation: Depending on the nature of the event/s, the number of people

affected, and community perceptions, an investigation may be conducted. It is never
appropriate to discontinue the immunization program while awaiting the completion of the

Table 15: Actions to safeguard the public during an investigation

Stage of investigation Actions

Incident detected • Assess and investigate with appropriate degree of
• Possibly quarantine suspect vaccines
• Start communicate with all concern parties

Investigation starts • Ensure that investigator has adequate resources,

provide more if needed (Refer to chapter 5)
• Increase surveillance to identify similar cases in
and out of Area: some time it requires enhanced or

active surveillance to gather more
• Define any suspect vaccine
• Keep continue communication with all concern
parties on process of investigation: do not suggest
any hypothesis.
Investigator develops • Do not communicate working hypothesis until
working hypothesis confirmed
• If immunization errors are working hypothesis,
correct them
• If vaccine problem suspected, quarantine suspect
Investigator confirms • Advise community of cause, and of planned
working hypothesis response
• Communicate with all concern parties on findings

If AEFI causality is not established, depending on the nature of the event, its extent
and whether it is ongoing, a further investigation or epidemiological studies may be needed.
However, it must be accepted that in some cases the relationship to vaccine not clear.

Table 16: Actions to be taken upon completion of the investigation

Type of AEFI Follow-up action
Vaccine related - If a higher reaction rate than expected from a specific
reaction vaccine or lot then obtain information from the
manufacturer and consult with WHO /WPR regional
office to consider:
 withdrawing that lot
 changing manufacturing specifications or quality
 obtaining vaccine from a different manufacturer.

These are mainly the responsibility of the Philippine FDA

Immunization Correcting the cause of the error. This may mean one or
errors more of the following:
 change in logistics for supplying vaccine
 change in procedures at the health facility
 training of health workers
 intensified supervision

Whatever action is taken, it is important to review at a

later date to check that the immunization errors have
been corrected.

These are mainly the responsibility of the NEC/EPI

Coincidental Main task is communication to ensure that people are
persuaded that the link is just coincidental. This
communication can be challenging when there is
widespread belief that the event was caused by

Sometimes, it may be useful to enlist further expert

investigation to convince/ensure that the event truly
was coincidental. The potential for coincidental events
to harm the immunization program through false
attribution is immense.

Strengthening Immunization Program

a. Vaccine Cold Chain and Logistics

Immunization supply chain, injection safety and waste management are

part of immunization safety surveillance. Any AEFI case report that can be
attributed to gaps in management of cold chain management or supplies and
logistics should be used as an opportunity to promote improvement of effective
vaccine and logistics management throughout the supply chain (immunization
supply chain, injection safety and waste management etc.).
In vaccine-related reactions, decisions should be carefully thought out. The
impact on the immunization programme, alternate sources of vaccine, and the
reliability of the evidence on which the decision is based needs careful scrutiny.
Communication and coordination with the (FDA), vaccine manufacturer and WHO
is advisable before making any decision.

b. Review/Supportive Supervision

• Regular reviews at each administrative level to monitor and evaluate

performances of AEFI surveillance (Section 10) and EPI services
• Regular and continued supportive supervisions to ensure detecting and
reporting of AEFI cases, implementation of recommendations followed by
AEFI investigations and other corrective actions

c. Training and awareness

AEFI is an opportunity for training and awareness for staff. Irrespective of

type or outcome of AEFI, it can use to update knowledge and develop skills and
confidence among the staff. Awareness can expand to involving all stakeholders
link to the immunization program such as: NEC, EPI, medical professionals,
academe, teachers, volunteers, NGOs, policy makers, politicians and media.


Communication with parents, the community, health staff and the media need to be
carried out under all circumstances. They should be kept informed about the investigation,
results and action already taken or going to be taken regarding the AEFI. It is crucial to
highlight the benefits of immunization while communicating with the public/ medical/stake

Trust is a key component in the exchange of information at every level. Any

overconfidence about risk estimates that are later shown to be incorrect contributes to a
breakdown of trust among people involved. Admit uncertainty of AEFI, investigate fully, and
keep the community informed. Avoid making a premature statement about the cause of the
event before the investigation is complete. If the cause is identified as immunization error
related event, it is vital not to lay personal blame on anyone, but to focus on system- related
problems that resulted in the immunization error(s) and steps being taken to correct the


The goal of vaccine safety communication is to maintain public trust in vaccines and
immunization safety toward sustaining the immunization programme with high
immunization coverage’s to prevent and control vaccine preventable diseases in the

In communicating with the community, it is useful to develop links with community

leaders and the peripheral health workers so that information can be rapidly disseminated.
Maintaining lines of communication with the community is important throughout the
investigation. Upon completion of the investigation, the cause of the event(s) needs to be
communicated to the community. This communication must include information about the
steps being taken to remedy the situation and to prevent a recurrence, if such steps are

Communication with parents and community

Key points to consider when communicating with the parents/ relations of the
recipient, community, health staff:

• Listen empathetically to parents and their concerns.

• Reassure and support the parent or recipient but do not make false promises.
• Assist the parents/guardian for hospitalization, if necessary.
• Communicate frequently with the parents/guardian regarding the progress of the
• Prepare a factsheet on adverse events for parents, community, health staff and

• Build up and maintain relationship among health staff, community, and the media.
• Inform individual parent about possible common adverse events and how to
handle them.
• Continuously communicate with parents and community during the investigation
period to assure understanding the risk-benefit of vaccination.
• Do not blame the health worker(s) but focus on the correction and quality of the
NIP system.

Communication with health staff

Communicate among all level of health authorities involved.

• Reassure the staff confidence on immunization programme: quality of the vaccine,
partial investigation.
• Reassure their knowledge, ability, skills and performances.
• Do not blame the health worker(s) but focus on the correction and quality of the
NIP system.
• Keep updating on investigation process, progress, and findings.

Communicating with stakeholders

Vaccine safety information needs to be shared with other stakeholders in order to

ensure dissemination of correct information and, by doing so, ensure the smooth
functioning of national immunization programmme in the country. This may be done at two
stages: sharing preliminary information at initial stage and sharing the final data/report
after completion of investigation/causality assessment at a later stage. The stakeholders
may include:
• Department of Health
• Food and Drug Administration
• National and Local Government authorities
• Professionals / Academe
• Civil society
• International agencies: WHO, UNICEF
• Manufacturers

Communicating with the media

The media (newspaper, radio, television and the internet) play an important role in
public perception. Understanding what the media want from a story will assist
communication with them. In certain situations, media coverage can lead to public concern
about immunization. In these situations, it is important to coordinate with professional
organizations, health professionals and workers before responding to or addressing the
media. The coordination should include preparation on how to deal with public concern on
this issue, in order to minimize any potential harm. It is also useful to have other groups and
individuals that merit public respect and authority to publicly endorse and strengthen key

Advance preparation

Effective communication with the media includes advance preparation. This is part of
a communication plan. This is important particularly before a new vaccine is introduced or
before/during an immunization campaign or even as part of the on-going communication
support to routine immunization programmes. A good media plan consists of the following:

Table 17. Media Plan

Plan activity Details of Activities
• A list of print and electronic media journalists covering health (local,
A database of national, international) with contact information.
journalists • Use of a database where updating can be done immediately.
• Updating regularly any changes in the media list.
• An information package may contain the following documents both in
hard copy and e-copies:
• Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) on immunization in general, for
specific disease, and AEFIs.
• A factsheet or a technical brief on a specific vaccine preventable
• Recent updates: statistics, progress made in country, the Western
Pacific Region, globally.
• Contact addresses of spokespersons (experts) in the ministry.
Must specifically answer the six Ws for journalists:
• Who is affected/or responsible?
The draft • What happened? What is being done?
media release • Where did it happen?
• When did it happen?
• Why did it happen?
• Will it happen again?
Information • Local media: read and believed by more people in the community than
specific to national media.
media • National media: has a wider reach and influences national agendas.
characteristic • International media: can influence national agendas.
• Identify in advance an appropriate spokesperson (or several
spokespersons in the different agencies).
• Share contact details of spokesperson (or several spokesperson in
the different agencies).
• Ensure spokesperson(s) has experience or some training in dealing
with the media.

Crisis management

A crisis is a situation in which a real or potential loss of confidence in the vaccine

or in the immunization programme is triggered by information about an AEFI. Often,
crises can be avoided through foresight, care and training. If managed properly, the
crisis will strengthen the immunization programme and boost public confidence and

How to manage a crisis?

• Anticipate: do not wait until a crisis occurs. Prepare for the unavoidable.
• Develop a good relationship with the media.
• Good public awareness is necessary.
• Train staff at all levels to respond adequately: develop confidence responding to
the public and the media (particularly to local media) properly and correctly.
• Confirm all facts before making any public comments.
• Prepare a plan to react to a crisis when it occurs. This has to be done in advance,
identifying responsible persons to handle the crisis and preparing all supporting
documents and information


The immunization safety surveillance system should be evaluated regularly to determine

its effectiveness. This evaluation should be based on the following criteria:

a. The data reported by the AEFI surveillance system

• Overall reporting rate of AEFI; this will help to understand the functionality
of the AEFI system and also, can use for comparisons. However, since this is
a crude indicator, interpretation and comparison of this overall AEFI
reporting rate need a precaution.
• Number of adverse reactions reported
- by type of adverse reaction; non serious (e.g; high fever, local reactions
etc.,) and, serious
- by vaccine(s)
- by types of adverse reaction and by vaccine (most important technical
indicator on vaccine performances)
- by age groups ( under one, under 5 years, etc., )
- by geographical sites (e.g; (i) by sub national level; regions, provinces,
districts (ii) Programme implementation level) : important to identify
performances by level/places/institutions

To calculate rates for each above category, refer to options for denominators
recommended section 7.

b. Timeliness, completeness and accuracy of AEFI reporting: Monitoring information

from reports and site visits;
• Comparing reports with the facility patient register; and
• Talking to health workers and observing their work. (Refer to Training for
Mid-Level Managers: Disease Surveillance WHO/IVB/08.08)

c. Timeliness, completeness of investigations: Checking reports to ensure that those

meeting the investigation criteria were investigated;
• Checking that investigation began within the defined time criteria; and
• Confirming the adequacy of the investigation and soundness of the
conclusion reached and corrective action recommended.

d. Audit of corrective action: Review by national/regional assessor to check that

corrective action recommended has been done, and adequacy of change in practice to
prevent AEFI, particularly Immunization error related events.


I. Preparatory Phase

Planning regular visit for supportive supervision

Planning the visits for supportive supervision should be an integral part of the
annual/quarterly planning activities. It is important to use the data to determine areas
where the visits should be conducted.

The plan should indicate:

• Where to conduct visits – this may include priority areas with the following
− areas with cluster of AEFI
− areas with known mishandling of previous AEFI case
− areas with relatively high rate of AEFI
− area with consistent AEFI case report
− silent areas
− area where AEFI reporting and response are usually delayed or there is
lack of cooperation from the local health staff
− area where AEFI cases are often determined by media first indicating lack
of sensitivity of the AEFI surveillance system

• When to conduct visits – the frequency of visits will vary on the situation and
purpose of the visit. For example, frequent supervision is needed if upon
assessment, the motivation of staff needs to be improved. AEFI surveillance may
be incorporated in the VPD program monitoring and supportive supervision that
both aims to strengthen over-all capacity of the new staff for implementing
surveillance. This may also be combined with the EPI program monitoring and
supportive supervision as it may provide opportunities to monitor and reinforce
safe immunization practices.

These are the steps involved in planning the visit:

1. Determine areas to visit

2. Communicate – prepare correspondence to inform areas about the visit
3. Coordinate – create a travel itinerary in coordination with the local units,
arrangements on accommodations and transportations can also be made.
4. Prepare materials and logistics
a. Data and Powerpoint presentations – prepare surveillance data and
orientation slides that could be used during courtesy calls with
PHOs/CHOs, directors, chiefs and unit heads. This could also be used for
on the spot orientations.
b. Laptop
c. Case investigation forms/ WHO Guide Questionnaires
d. Copy of guidelines and DOH issuances

II. Conducting the visit

The following activities should be done during the visit:

1. Courtesy call
a. Explain reason of visit and activities that will be done
b. Present data and expected outcomes
2. Collecting information – Below are the information that can be collected and
assessed during the visit:


NATIONAL: It is important that the monitors assess the following
indicators during monitoring and supportive supervision at
NEC the National Level:
FDA • Timeliness, completeness and accuracy of AEFI reporting
EPI • AEFI report (total number of serious and minor)
• Presence of comparison of vaccine reaction rates
• Capacities for data management and analysis
• Presence of risk communication plan
• Availability of quarterly report/causality assessment
• Feedback reports and documentation of NAEFIC meetings
• Functionality of NAEFIC
• Proper implementation of safe immunization service
• Presence of monitoring and supportive supervision
• Need for trainings and capability building activities
REGIONAL: The following indicators should be assessed at the regional
RHO-RESU • Timeliness, completeness and accuracy of AEFI reporting
FDRO • AEFI report (total number of serious and minor)
REG’L EPI • Presence of comparison of vaccine reaction rates
COORDINATORS • Capacities for data management and analysis
• Presence of risk communication plan
• Availability of quarterly report/causality assessment
report of RO
• Feedback reports and documentation of RAEFIC meetings
• Functionality of RAEFIC
• Presence and understanding of AEFI guidelines,
immunization safety and other relevant guidelines that
will ensure proper implementation of immunization
• Presence of monitoring and supportive supervision
• Need for trainings and capability building activities

PROVINCIAL: The following indicators should be assessed at the provincial
PHO-PESU • Timeliness, completeness and accuracy of AEFI reporting
PROV’L EPI • AEFI report (total number of serious and minor)
COORDINATORS • Presence of comparison of vaccine reaction rates
• Capacities for data management and analysis
• Presence of risk communication plan
• Presence and understanding of AEFI guidelines,
immunization safety and other relevant guidelines that
will ensure proper implementation of immunization
• Presence of monitoring and supportive supervision
LOCAL: The following indicators should be assessed at the local level:
• Timeliness, completeness and accuracy of AEFI reporting
CITIES/ • AEFI report ((total number of serious and minor)
MUNICIPALITIES • Health worker’s capacity to investigate, respond and
CHO/RHU communicate to reported AEFI cases
HEALTH CENTERS • Presence and understanding of AEFI guidelines,
immunization safety and other relevant guidelines that
will ensure proper implementation of immunization
• Capacity to supervise and monitor the health center/s to
ensure quality immunization service delivery at this level

All DSO/DSCs, EPI coordinators, and FDROs should not limit their roles on the
above table. Activities may also include assessment of the health worker’s
understanding on AEFI surveillance (guidelines, case definition, reporting flow, etc.)
and provide on-site mentoring if there is need for further capacity building. Areas of
concerns such as barriers in reporting may also be monitored and addressed.

3. Problem-solving and feedback

Describe the findings to the health staff and its impact. Gather ideas and possible
solutions with the staff; make sure that solutions are acceptable and feasible.


After each visit, a feedback presentation and report with specific doable
recommendations should be made. The report is vital in planning corrective actions and
will serve as a reference for future supervisory visits. It should inform unit heads,
program managers and other stakeholders of the results of the visit.


Supportive supervision does not end with the conducted visit, follow-up should
be planned. Follow up visits provide continuity between previous and future visits, in
the following ways:

• determining resolution to problems previously identified
• reinforcing to the units visited that the findings found are relevant and still
• providing support the health worker on how recommendations can be further
implemented or modified as needed

Who is responsible for monitoring?

The role of monitoring is delegated to all health units. It includes the DOH –
Central Office, Regional Office, Provincial Health Office, City Health Office and Rural
Health Units. The offices shall be accountable for monitoring their own performance
based on the set criteria. In addition, monitoring shall be done by person/s
knowledgeable with AEFI surveillance and safe immunization practices who can easily
track discrepancies and give immediate action to it. Hence, an Epidemiologist,
DSO/DSCs, EPI coordinators, and FDROs shall be responsible of monitoring the system.


ANNEX A. AEFI Surveillance Flow

ANNEX B. AEFI Case Report Form

ANNEX C. AEFI Case Investigation Form

ANNEX D. Adverse events and treatment

Adverse event Case definition Treatment* Vaccines

Acute flaccid Acute onset of flaccid No specific OPV

paralysis paralysis within 4 to 30 treatment
(Vaccine days of receipt of oral available;
associated poliovirus vaccine (OPV), supportive care.
paralytic or within 4 to 75 days after
poliomyelitis) contact with a vaccine
recipient and neurological
deficits remaining 60 days
after onset, or death.

Anaphylactoid Exaggerated acute allergic Self-limiting; anti- All

reaction (acute reaction, occurring within histamines may be
hypersensitivity 2 hours after helpful.
reaction) immunization,
characterized by one or
more of the following:
 wheezing and
shortness of breath due
to bronchospasm
 one or more skin
manifestations, e.g.
hives, facial oedema, or
generalized oedema.
Less severe allergic
reactions do not need
to be reported.
 laryngospasm/larynge
al oedema

Anaphylaxis Severe immediate (within Epinephrine All

1 hour) allergic reaction
leading to circulatory
failure with or without
bronchospasm and/or
oedema (See Annex E).

Arthralgia Joint pain usually including Self-limiting; Rubella,

the small peripheral joints. analgesics MMR
Persistent if lasting longer
than 10 days, transient: if
lasting up to 10 days.

Brachial neuritis Dysfunction of nerves Symptomatic only; Tetanus
supplying the analgesics.
arm/shoulder without
other involvement of
nervous system. A deep
steady, often severe aching
pain in the shoulder and
upper arm followed in
days or weakness by
weakness and wasting in
arm/shoulder muscles.
Sensory loss may be
present, but is less
prominent. May present on
the same or the opposite
side to the injection and
sometimes affects both

Disseminated Widespread infection Should be treated BCG

BCG infections occurring within 1 to 12 with anti-
months after BCG tuberculous
vaccination and confirmed regimens including
by isolation of isoniazid and
Mycobacterium bovis BCG rifampicin.
strain. Usually in

Encephalopathy Acute onset of major No specific Measles,

illness characterized by treatment Pertussis
any two of the following available;
three conditions: supportive care.
 seizures
 severe alteration in level
of consciousness lasting
for one day or more
 distinct change in
behaviour lasting one
day or more.
Needs to occur within 48
hours of DTP vaccine or
from 7 to 12 days after
measles or MMR vaccine,
to be related to

Fever The fever can be classified Symptomatic; All
(based on rectal Paracetamol.
temperature) as mild (38
to 38.9oC), high (39 to
40.4oC) and extreme
(40.5oC or higher). Fever
on its own does not need
to be reported.

Hypotonic, Event of sudden onset The episode is Mainly

hyporesponsive occurring within 48 transient and self- DTP,
episode (HHE or [usually less than 12] limiting, and does rarely
shock-collapse) hours of vaccination and not require specific others
lasting from one minute to treatment. It is not
several hours, in children a contraindication
younger than 10 years of to further doses of
age. All of the following the vaccine.
must be present:
 limpness (hypotonic)
 reduced responsiveness
 pallor or cyanosis – or
failure to observe/ recall

Injection site Fluctuant or draining fluid- Incise and drain; All

abscess filled lesion at the site of antibiotics if
injection. Bacterial if bacterial.
evidence of infection (e.g.
purulent, inflammatory
signs, fever, culture),
sterile abscess if not.

Lymphadenitis Either at least one lymph Heals BCG

(includes nodes enlarged to >1.5 cm spontaneously
suppurative in size (one adult finger (over months) and
lymphadenitis) width) or a draining sinus best not to treat
over a lymph node. Almost unless lesion is
exclusively caused by BCG sticking to skin. If
and then occurring within so, or already
2 to 6 months after receipt draining, surgical
of BCG vaccine, on the drainage and local
same side as inoculation instillation of anti-
(mostly axillary). tuberculous drug.
Systemic treatment
with anti-
tuberculous drugs
is ineffective

Osteitis/ Inflammation of the bone Should be treated BCG
Osteomyelitis with isolation of with anti-
Mycobacterium bovis BCG tuberculous
strain. regimens including
isoniazid and
Persistent Inconsolable continuous Settles within a day DTP,
inconsolable crying lasting 3 hours or or so; analgesics Pertussis
screaming longer accompanied by may help.
high-pitched screaming.

Seizures Occurrence of generalized Self-limiting; All,

convulsions that are not supportive care; especially
accompanied by focal paracetamol and Pertussis,
neurological signs or cooling if febrile; Measles
symptoms. Febrile rarely
seizures: if temperature anticonvulsants.
elevated >38oC (rectal)
Afebrile seizures: if
temperature normal

Sepsis Acute onset of severe Critical to All

generalized illness due to recognize and treat
bacterial infection and early. Urgent
confirmed (if possible) by transfer to hospital
positive blood culture. for parenteral
Needs to be reported as antibiotics and
possible indicator of fluids.
program error.

Severe local Redness and/or swelling Settles All

reaction centred at the site of spontaneously
injection and one or more within a few days
of the following: to a week.
 swelling beyond the Symptomatic
nearest joint treatment with
 pain, redness, and analgesics.
swelling of more than 3 Antibiotics are
days duration inappropriate.
 requires hospitalization.
Local reactions of lesser
intensity occur
commonly and are trivial
and do not need to be

Thrombocytope Serum platelet count of Usually mild and MMR
nia less than 50,000/ml self-limiting;
leading to bruising and/or occasionally may
bleeding need steroid or
Toxic shock Abrupt onset of fever, Critical to All
syndrome (TSS) vomiting and watery recognize and treat
diarrhoea within a few early. Urgent
hours of immunization. transfer to hospital
Often leading to death for parenteral
within 24 to 48 hours. antibiotics and
Needs to be reported as fluids.
possible indicator of
program error.

*Brighton collaboration has developed cases definitions for many vaccines reactions
and available at:

**Attending physician will still be the one to decide the individual patient management
based on assessment of the illness.

ANNEX E. Recognition and Treatment of Anaphylaxis

Anaphylaxis is a very rare, unexpected, and occasionally fatal allergic reaction. It

is reported even more rarely from developing countries. In addition, misdiagnosis of
faints and other common causes of collapse as anaphylaxis, can lead to inappropriate
use of epinephrine (dosage). Vaccinators should be able to distinguish anaphylaxis from
fainting (vasovagal syncope), anxiety and breath-holding spells, which are common
benign reactions.

During fainting, the individual suddenly becomes pale, loses consciousness and
collapses to the ground. Fainting is sometimes accompanied by brief clonic seizure
activity (i.e., rhythmic jerking of the limbs), but this requires no specific treatment or
investigation. Fainting is relatively common after immunization of adults and
adolescents, but very rare in young children. It is managed by simply placing the patient
in a recumbent position. Recovery of consciousness occurs within a minute or two, but
patients may take some more time to recover fully.

An anxiety spell can lead to pale, fearful appearance and symptoms of

hyperventilation (light-headed, dizziness, tingling in the hands and around the mouth).
Breath holding occurs in young children and will lead to facial flushing and cyanosis. It
can end in unconsciousness, during which breathing resumes. Anaphylaxis develops
over several minutes up to a few hours and usually involves multiple body systems.
Unconsciousness is rarely the sole manifestation of anaphylaxis - it only occurs as a late
event in severe cases. A strong central pulse (e.g. carotid) is maintained during a faint,
but not in anaphylaxis.

Differences between a fainting attack and anaphylaxis

Fainting Anaphylaxis
Timing Before, during or few A short time, up to a few hours
minutes after injection
Skin Generalized pallor, Itching, generalized erythema,
cold clammy skin urticaria,
swelling of lips, face, tingling around
Respiratory Normal breathing Tachypnea, difficulty in breathing,
system Shallow breathing wheezing, stridor, hoarseness,
cyanosis, recession of intercostal
Cardiovascular Bradycardia, weak Tachycardia, weak pulse, carotid pulse
pulse, carotid pulse may be weak, hypotension - not
felt, hypotension may reversed by supine position
occur - reversed by
supine position

GIT Vomiting Vomiting, diarrhea, abdominal cramps
CNS Faintishness, light Anxiety and distress, loss of
headedness relieved consciousness not relieved by supine
by supine posture posture
Panic attack - No hypotension, pallor, wheeze, or urticarial rash or swelling.
May have flushing or blotchy skin

Before immunization, check for contraindications to immunization by asking

about known allergies and previous adverse reactions to vaccines. In cases of possible
serious allergies, check with a specialist before giving the vaccine.


Anaphylaxis is a severe reaction of rapid onset, characterized by circulatory

collapse. The early signs of anaphylaxis are generalized erythema and urticaria with
upper and/or lower respiratory tract obstruction. In more severe cases, limpness,
pallor, loss of consciousness and hypotension become evident in addition. Vaccinators
should be able to recognize the following signs and symptoms of anaphylaxis:

Diagnostic features of anaphylaxis

Respiratory Airway
• Throat and tongue swelling (pharyngeal/laryngeal
edema) - the patient has difficulty in breathing and
swallowing and feels that the throat is closing up.
• Hoarse voice.
• Stridor
• Bronchospasm
• Respiratory distress—2 or more of the following:
o Tachypnoea
o Increased use of accessory respiratory muscles
o Recession
o Cyanosis
• Grunting
• Respiratory arrest
Cardiovascular • Hypotension
• Clinical diagnosis of uncompensated shock,
indicated by the combination of at least 3 of the
o Tachycardia
o Capillary refill time >3 s
o Reduced central pulse volume
o Decreased level of consciousness or loss of
• Cardiac arrest
• Bradycardia (a slow pulse) is usually a late feature,
often preceding cardiac arrest

CNS • Confusion/Agitation
• Headache
• Loss of consciousness
Dermatologic or • Tingling of lips
mucosal • Generalized urticaria or generalized erythema
• Angioedema, localized or generalized (angioedema
is similar to urticaria but involves swelling of
deeper tissues, most commonly in the eyelids and
lips, and sometimes in the mouth and throat).
• Generalized itching of skin especially hands,
forehead and eyes in children
Note: skin changes alone without life-threatening cardio-
respiratory signd do not signify an anaphylactic reaction
Gastrointestinal • Diarrhea
• Colicky abdominal pain
• Vomiting
• Incontinence

Time scale Signs and symptoms of Severity

Early Warning Dizziness, perineal burning, Mild
Signs warmth, pruritus

Flushing, urticaria, nasal Moderate

congestion, sneezing, lacrimation, to
angioedema moderate
Hoarseness, nausea, vomiting, sub- Moderate
sternal pressure
Laryngeal edema, dyspnoea, Moderate
abdominal pain to severe

Bronchospasm, stridor, collapse, Severe

Late, life- hypotension, dysrhythmias

In general, the more severe type of reaction, the more rapid onset. Most life-
threatening reactions begin within 10 minutes of immunization. Keep the recipient
under observation for at least 20 minutes after the injection.

Symptoms limited to only one system can occur, leading to delay in diagnosis.
Biphasic reactions where symptoms recur 8 to 12 hours after onset of the original
attack and prolonged attacks lasting up to 48 hours have been described.

Epinephrine: Stimulates the heart and reverses the spasm in the blood vessels
and the lung passages, reduces oedema and urticaria, thus countering the anaphylaxis.
But this very potent agent can cause irregular heartbeat, heart failure, severe
hypertension, and tissue necrosis if used in inappropriate doses and routes, but not in

Each vaccinator must have an emergency kit with adrenaline, and be familiar
with its dosage and administration. The expiry date of the adrenaline should be written
on the outside of the emergency kit and the whole kit should be checked three or four
times a year. Epinephrine that has a brown tinge must be discarded.

Recommended minimum items for an emergency tray

Evaluation equipment Drug (local)
• Sphygmomanometer • Clearly labeled adrenaline
o adult and child cuffs) (Epinephrine) vials
• Stethoscope • Hydrocortisone vials
• Chlorphenamine vials
• Oxygen
Treatment equipment Resuscitation equipment
• Tourniquet • Pocket mask with –way valve
• Disposable syringes • Airways (small, medium, and
• Alcohol swabs large)
• IV solutions (LR, 0.9% • Ambu bag
Sodium chloride) • Tongue depressors
• ET tubes
Other materials: Laminated copy of updated protocol, Event record sheet/Pen/Pen torch

Events happen without warning. Emergency equipment must be immediately at

hand whenever immunizations are given. All vaccinators must be familiar with the
practical steps necessary to save life following anaphylaxis.

Initial Management
• Place the unconscious recipient in the recovery position and ensure the airway is
• Assess breathing and pulse (if strong carotid pulse is not anaphylaxis).
• If appropriate begin cardiopulmonary resuscitation.
• Give adrenaline (see below for dosage) by deep intramuscular injection.
• If the recipient is conscious after the adrenaline is given, place the head lower than
the feet and keep the recipient warm.
• Give oxygen by facemask, if available
• Send for professional assistance but never leave the recipient alone. Call an
ambulance, and medical practitioner if necessary, after the first injection of
adrenaline, or sooner if there are sufficient people present.
• If there is no improvement in the recipient's condition within 5 minutes, repeat the
dose of adrenaline up to a maximum of three doses. Recovery from an anaphylactic
shock is usually rapid after adrenaline.

Note: Hydrocortisone and anti-histamine may be used as adjunctive medication.

Nebulized salbutamol is helpful for bronchospasm and nebulized adrenaline for
laryngeal oedema.

Adrenaline in the initial management of acute anaphylaxis
Drug, site and Frequency of Dose Dose
route administration (adult) (child) *
of administration
Adrenaline Repeat in every 5– 0.5 mL According to
(epinephrine) 15 min as needed age;
1:1000, IM to the until there is <1years:
resolution of the 0.05mL
midpoint of the
anterolateral 2-6 years: 0.15
Note: Persisting or mL
aspect of the
worsening cough
middle third of the 6-12 years: 0.3
associated with
thigh immediately mL
pulmonary oedema
is an important sign Children > 12
of adrenaline years: 0.5ml
overdose and
*Note: The needle used for injection needs to be sufficiently long to ensure that the adrenaline is injected into muscle.
This treatment guide is optional and countries may practise their own country-specific protocols for treatment of
anaphylaxis with drugs of choice, steps to be followed and etc..

ANNEX F. Checklist for Immunization Safety Surveillance
1. Be prepared

• Clarify respective roles of the national regulatory authority and EPI, and agree on the
overall goal and specific objectives for the system.
• Identify the resources available and needed and establish political commitment to
immunization safety surveillance.
• Appoint or designate regional/national assessors for immunization safety.
• Establish expert regional/national Immunization Safety Committee.
• Develop and disseminate a list of events to be reported and their case definition; a
standard investigation procedure; and AEFI report and investigation forms.
• Designate and train staff to make reports (At lowest level: local public health authority),
complete report forms and investigate AEFI.
• Inform all health workers/clinicians of the need to report immediately an AEFI, and
which ones should be reported.
• Consider establishment of a compensation scheme for specified AEFI.

2. Receive a report (Investigating authority)

• Decide if the report is a genuine AEFI according to your definition, and whether it needs
investigating and/or advising to the public/media.
• Travel to the location of the AEFI, or delegate responsibility to another trained person or
team to do this.
• Decide if need to communicate with community and/or media to alleviate concern.

3. Investigate and collect data

• Ask about the patient, the event, and the vaccine.

• Ask about immunization service and observe it in action (emphasise that aim is to find
system error not to blame individual).
• Formulate a working hypothesis as to what was the cause of the AEFI.
• If appropriate, collect and dispatch specimens to the laboratory.
4. Analyze the data

• Review on-site investigation, clinical findings, and laboratory results (if sent).
• Review epidemiological findings e.g. clustering of cases in time or space or by vaccine
manufacturer or lot.
• Summarise findings and complete Investigation Form.
5. Take action

• Communicate with health staff (e.g. treatment, information).

• Communicate findings and action to the parents and public (and media).
• Correct problem (based on the cause) by improving training, supervision, and/or
distribution of vaccines/injection equipment (see Table 12).


Disease Disease Risk

Diphtheria is a potentially acute disease Complication
caused by exotoxin- producing Heart 10%-25%
Corynebacteriumdiphtheriae. Morbidity and CNS 20%
mortality result from the bacterial toxin that
may cause obstructive Pseudo-membranes in Mortality 2%-10%
the upper respiratory tract (croup) or damage
to myocardium and other tissues. Devastating
diphtheria epidemics affecting mainly
children have been described from many
countries throughout history. Diphtheria
toxoid is one of the oldest vaccines in current

Largely eliminated from the WPR through

successful immunization.

Haemophilusinfluenzaetype b (Hib)
Haemophilusinfluenzae b (Hib) is a common Disability
cause of bacterial meningitis, pneumonia and Neurological
septicemia in children. In industrialized Impairment 15%-30%
countries and some parts of the developing
world, immunization has greatly reduced the Mortality 5%
incidence of Hib disease.
Hib infection may manifest in a
Risk peaks in the second six months of life, variety of systems leading most
then decreasing to become very rare after the often to meningitis, pneumonia,
fifth birthday. epiglottitis. Also causes
septicaemia, cellulitis (often
facial), septic arthritis,

Hepaptitis B
Caused by hepatitis B virus (HBV), is a major Mortality
cause of acute and chronic hepatitis in the Acute hepatitis B <1%
world. The rate of progression from acute to Chronic hepatitis B 2%
chronic hep B is primarily determined by the
age of infection, the rate being approximately Complications
80-90% for those infected during the first Cirrhosis 5%
year of life, 30-50% for infections between the Hepatocellular
age of 1-4 years, and 5-10% for adult-acquired carcinoma (HCC)* 5%
infection. An estimated 350 million people
worldwide have chronic HBV infection. Lifetime risk of infection up to

Carrier prevalence of HBV differs in different 50% (or even higher) in some
parts of the world, and within country too. countries of Western Pacific
HBV, though similar to HIV in its primary compared to about 5% in
routes of transmission, is hundred times more Europeans.
infectious than HIV.

Human Papiloma Virus infections

Human papilloma virus (HPV) comprise of 5%-10% of infected women will
many genotypes which are associated with a progress persistent infection
diverse spectrum of clinical manifestations. In leading to precancerous lesions.
the genital tract, HPV infections are the HPV caused 70% of cervical
commonest sexually transmitted viral cancer.
infections leading to cervical cancer. Globally,
cervical cancer is the second highest cause of
cancer deaths in women and in many Morbidity
developing countries it remains the leading Around 0.5million/year
Prophylactic vaccines available are not Around 0.25 million/year
therapeutic to combat existing infection.

Human influenza viruses comprise three Morbidity
serologically distinct types: A, B and C. Type A 1918 Pandemic- 500million cases
infection occurs more frequently and is
responsible for most amounts of mortality and
morbidity associated with epidemics and Mortality
pandemics. The capacity of Influenza A and B 1918 Pandemic – 50-100 million
viruses to undergo gradual antigenic change 2009 Pandemic – 18,000
in their surface antigens complicates
vaccination against the disease. It also
necessitates annual changes in influenza
vaccine strains and annual administration of
the vaccine.

Japanese Encephalitis
Japanese encephalitis (JE), caused by a Morbidity
mosquito borne flavi virus, transmitted in Asia 30,000-50,000 cases/year
to North Australia. Children are highly
susceptible to JE.
Residual neurological psychiatric
sequale 25%-40%

Up to 0.3%-60%

Meningococcal disease
Bacteria called Neisseria meningitidis Morbidity
(meningococcus) is a leading cause of Developed
meningitis and fulminant septicaemia and a counties 1-5/100,000
significant public health problem in most
countries. In temperate regions the number of Developing
cases increases in winter and spring. The countries 10-25/100,000
largest burden of meningococcal disease
occurs in an area of sub-Saharan Africa Mortality:
known as the meningitis belt.
meningitis 5% - 10%
septicaemia 15% - 20%

meningitis 5% - 10%

Measles is an acute viral illness which is Otitis media 7%-9%
caused by a virus of the paramyxovirus family. Pneumonia 1%-6%
It is the complications of measles that kill, Diarrhoea 6%
rather than the disease itself. Complications of Encephalitis 0.05%-1%
the disease are more common in children (of these 15% die and 25%
under the age of 5 years. subsequently brain damaged)
It is high infectivity and can be a threat in Subacutesclerosing
situations of natural disasters and war, if Panencephalitis
preventative measures are not taken. (SSPE) 0.001%

Vaccination for measles has made a major Mortality 0.01-0.1%

impact on the morbidity and mortality in

Mumps is an acute viral illness caused by an Aseptic meningitis 10%
RNA virus in the Paramyxoviridae family Pancreatitis
transmitted by respiratory droplets. Usually a (usually mild) 4%
disease affecting primary school and pre- Encephalitis 0.06% -0.3%
school children and 85% of adults have Deafness
evidence of past infection. (Unilateral sensory) 0.007%

Orchitis in postpubertal males up

to 38% (little evidence that this
leads to sterility)
Oophoritis in post pubertal
females 5%

Mortality 0.02%

Mumps during the first trimester

of pregnancy is associated with an
increased incidence of
spontaneous abortions.
Nevertheless, no evidence has
suggested any congenital

Pertussis (whooping cough) caused by Complications
Bordetella pertussis is an important public Convulsions 1 - 3%
health concern even in countries with high CNS complications 0.1 to 0.3%
vaccination coverage. The clinical outcome of
pertussis depends on factors such as age and
vaccination status. Although most cases of Mortality (<1 year) 0.5%
clinically recognizable pertussis occur in older
children, adolescents and adults, pertussis is
often unrecognized because of its frequent
atypical course. However, older age groups
represent an important source of infection for
susceptible infants. The main aim of pertussis
vaccination is to reduce the risk of severe
pertussis in infancy.

Pneumococcal Infections
Pneumococcal disease is recognized as the Complications in invasive infection
world’s leading vaccine preventable child
killer. The introduction of pneumococcal Hearing impairment
conjugate vaccine (PCV) has changed Septicaemia
significantly the epidemiology of Septic arthritis
pneumococcal infections, including invasive Osteomyelitis
pneumococcal diseases. Furthermore herd Pneumonia
immunity has significantly reduced the Meningistis
incidence of such infections in the over 65
year age group, as well as in older children. Mortality
Although there has been some increase in the 1.4 million /year (<5 years)
incidence of pneumococcal infections caused
by serotypes not covered by PCV, the overall
incidence of pneumococcal disease has been
significantly reduced.

Although the global eradication program is Aseptic meningitis ~ 1%
rapidly clearing poliomyelitis from many parts Paralytic illness 1%
of the world, the threat of reintroduction
remains. Most infections were asymptomatic Mortality 2%-10%
or non-specific febrile illness. ( for paralytic case, increase with

Generally mild illness but can rarely cause Encephalitis 0.02%
more serious illness, similar to measles with Mortality
encephalitis. If infected in first eight weeks of Neonatal deaths 0.02%
pregnancy up to 85% of infants will be Other death 0.0005%
affected with one or more defects, including Fetal loss 0.005%
deafness, blindness, brain damage and heart Congenital Rubella Syndrome
problems (CRS):
Deaf children 0.06%
Deaf-blind children 0.03%
Mentally retarded children
Total CRS 0.16%

Tetanus is an infectious bacterial disease Mortality
caused by Clostridium tetani. Under favorable Neonatal tetanus
anaerobic conditions it may produce (without treatment) 95%
tetanospasmin, an extremely potent Neonatal tetanus
neurotoxin. The disease may affect any age (with treatment) 20-90%
group and protection against tetanus is
antibody-dependent and can be achieved only
through active (tetanus vaccine) or passive
(tetanus-specific immunoglobulin)
immunization. The immunized mother passes
antitoxin via the placenta to her fetus, thereby
preventing neonatal tetanus.

Typhoid fever is a life-threatening illness Morbidity
caused by the bacterium SalmonellaTyphi. With an estimated 16–33 million
Typhoid can be prevented and can usually be cases/year; an average 21 million
treated with antibiotics. A person may become cases/year.
an asymptomatic carrier of typhoid fever, Its incidence is highest in children
suffering no symptoms, but capable of and young adults between 5 and 19
infecting others. Approximately 5% of people years old
who contract typhoid continue to carry the
disease after they recover.

Large scale vaccine trails provide supportive Mortality
evidence that mass vaccination strategies are CFR 1-4% and 20,000 – 600,000
resulted in significant protection against deaths in endemic areas/year
typhoid fever.

Tuberculosis is a chronic disease caused by Morbidity
Mycobacterium tuberculosis. Primary infection 8.8million cases/year (2010)
often goes unnoticed clinically; tuberculin The risk of infection is variable.
sensitivity appears within few weeks and 95% of those infected enter a latent
lesions commonly become inactive. It may phase from which there is a lifelong
progress to pulmonary tuberculosis, military risk of reactivation.
tuberculosis or meningitis. The only vaccine Complication
available for the prevention of tuberculosis is The other 5% progress directly to
BCG (Bacillus Calmette Guerin), which was pulmonary tuberculosis or by
first developed in 1920s. lympho-haematogenous
dissemination of bacilli to miliary,
meningeal or other extrapulmonary
Infants, young children, older people and the
immuno-compromised are more likely to
Extra pulmonary manifestations
progress rapidly to severe generalized
infection with a poorer outcome occur in 15% of adults and 25% of
1.45 million/year (2010)

Varicella Infection (Chicken Pox)

Varicella is an acute infectious disease caused Complications
by Varicella Zoster virus (VZV). Varicella, the pneumonia
primary infection, is also called as Chickenpox. aseptic meningitis/ encephalitis
The secondary or recurrent infection is caused transverse myelitis GBS,
reactivated VZV associated with Herpes Myocarditis, arthritis, orchitis,
Zoster, also known as ‘Singles’. uveitis, iritis and hepatitis
Is primarily a disease of children under 10
years of age in most parts of the world,
particularly in temperate region? Now it has
even more frequently reported in adult and in
subtropics it is equally distributed between
children and adults. It is a highly contagious
disease with an attack rate of up to 90%
following exposure of susceptible individuals.

ANNEX H. Method of Causality Assessment Checklist

I. Is there strong evidence for other causes? Y/N/ Remarks

Does a clinical examination, or laboratory tests on the patient,
confirm another cause?
II. Is there a known causal association with the vaccine or
Vaccine product(s)
Is there evidence in the literature that this vaccine(s) may cause the
reported event even if administered correctly?
Did a specific test demonstrate the causal role of the vaccine or any
of the ingredients?
Immunization error
Was there an error in prescribing or non-adherence to
recommendations for use of the vaccine (e.g. use beyond the expiry
date, wrong recipient etc.)?
Was the vaccine (or any of its ingredients) administered unsterile?
Was the vaccine's physical condition (e.g. colour, turbidity, presence
of foreign substances etc.) abnormal at the time of administration?
Was there an error in vaccine constitution/preparation by the
vaccinator (e.g. wrong product, wrong diluent, improper mixing,
improper syringe filling etc.)?
Was there an error in vaccine handling (e.g. a break in the cold chain
during transport, storage and/or immunization session etc.)?
Was the vaccine administered incorrectly (e.g. wrong dose, site or
route of administration; wrong needle size etc.)?
Immunization anxiety
Could the event have been caused by anxiety about the immunization
(e.g. vasovagal, hyperventilation or stress-related disorder)?
II (time). If “yes” to any question in II, was the event within the time window of increased
Did the event occur within an appropriate time window after
vaccine administration?
III. Is there strong evidence against a causal association?
Is there strong evidence against a causal association?
IV. Other qualifying factors for classification
Could the event occur independently of vaccination (background
Could the event be a manifestation of another health condition?
Did a comparable event occur after a previous dose of a similar
Was there exposure to a potential risk factor or toxin prior to the
Was there acute illness prior to the event?
Did the event occur in the past independently of vaccination?
Was the patient taking any medication prior to vaccination?
Is there a biological plausibility that the vaccine could cause the event?
*Y- Yes, N- No, U-Unknown, NA- Not Applicable

ANNEX I. Websites on vaccine safety
Brighton Collaboration

Centre for Disease Control


Centre For Disease Control

And Prevention

Council for International

Organizations of Medical
Sciences (CIOMS)

Dept of Health, UK


Korea Centre For Disease

Control And Prevention

Public Health Agency of

Public Health, Depart of
Health, South Australia

Therapeutic Goods

Administration, Australia
The international Conference
on Harmonization

World Health Organization

Aide memoires on

investigation causality

Vaccine information sheet


Annex J. References
1. Immunization Safety Surveillance:
Guidelines for Managers of Immunization Programmes
on Reporting and Investigating Adverse Events Following Immunization
World Health Organization,
Western Pacific Regional Office (WPRO)

2. Causality assessment of an adverse event following immunization (AEFI):

User manual for the revised classification. March 2013

3. Verbal autopsy standards:

Ascertaining and attributing cause of death.
Geneva: World Health Organization; 2007,,
accessed 23 August 2014


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