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REG NO: ECE/B/01-02316/2017



This research proposal is my original work and has never been submitted elsewhere for
examination to any other university or college for the award of a degree or diploma in Electrical
and Communication Engineering.

Signature: ……………………….. Date: ……………………………………



This research proposal has been submitted with my approval as the Course Supervisor.

Signature: ……………………….. Date: ……………………………………

Eng. Prof. Sibilike K. Makhanu, Ph. D, MIEK, P. Eng

Modern Power System is a highly dynamic system comprising of sets of many and highly
nonlinear differential equations whose computation time is a real time challenge to the
manageability of the whole system. Still with the advent of the digital computers, system
equations still pose potential threats to the whole system at work due to their
complexity(nonlinearity). Consequently, the computation times, memory usage and stability
problems arise.

The proposal focuses on developing a computer algorithm that will linearize the system
equations, make them simpler and computer them in the shortest time with stringent observation
to accuracy of the resulting solution. With the simplified equations, memory usage of the control
computer is greatly reduced and this is a desired property of a powerful power system simulation

With incorporation of this algorithm, the whole system can be viewed at a scope and monitored
at instants of time. Similarly, an instant view of the system with this algorithm gives a snapshot
of the whole system. The system dynamics at play can also be monitored and thus stability
studies conducted with double precision. Gradual loading, small disturbances and large system
disturbances can accurately be calculated as opposed to the existing equal area criterion curve
estimation methods.

Lastly, the response time to fault of the system protection equipment is greatly reduced. This
means that the clearing time for the dangerous three phase faults majorly in the double lines is
also minimized. With the minimum fault clearing times, faster response to faults, reduce
computation times of the system equations and minimized memory usage, the system operations
are projected to be accurate and reliable to the consumers and utility companies.

CHAPTER ONE..............................................................................................................................1
1.1 Background................................................................................................................................1
1.2 STATEMENT OF PROBLEM..................................................................................................3
1.3 OBJECTIVES............................................................................................................................4
1.3.1 Main Objective........................................................................................................................4
1.3.2 Specific Objectives.................................................................................................................4
1.4 RESEARCH QUESTIONS.......................................................................................................5
1.5 Justification of Study.................................................................................................................6
1.6 Scope..........................................................................................................................................7
1.7 Limitations.................................................................................................................................8
CHAPTER TWO.............................................................................................................................9
LITERATURE REVIEW................................................................................................................9
2.1 Introduction................................................................................................................................9
2.2 Theoretical Review..................................................................................................................10
2.4 Summary..................................................................................................................................14
2.5 Research gaps...........................................................................................................................14
CHAPTER THREE.......................................................................................................................15
RESEARCH METHODOLOGY...................................................................................................15
3.1 Research Design.......................................................................................................................15
3.2 Population................................................................................................................................15
3.3 Sampling Frame.......................................................................................................................15
3.4 Sample and Sampling Techniques...........................................................................................15
3.5 Instruments...............................................................................................................................15
3.6 Data Collection Procedure.......................................................................................................15
3.7 Pilot Test..................................................................................................................................16
3.8 Data Processing and Analysis..................................................................................................16

1.1 Background
An improved economy and reliability were recognized well over half a century ago as benefits of
using interconnected network for transport of electric power. However, critical to its realization
was and is still the ability to predict the voltages and flows on a network component. As the
networks advanced, the challenge was to develop a tool that would produce this vital

Power flow (load flow) came to be a known tool for predicting this information when the status
of the generators and loads are known.AC calculation boards were used in solving early load
flows. However, the boards proved inferior on sophisticated computations and for a realistic
system, the boards filled several rooms, consumed substantial power and had to be rewired when
any modification was desired. The need for a flexible alternative became clear. With the advent
of digital computers, the AC calculating boards were rendered obsolete for all practical purposes.

The earliest load flow algorithms were based on Gauss-Seidel method, which made it possible
for the very first time to solve load flow problem for relatively large systems. The method
however, suffered relatively poor convergence characteristics meaning it was time consuming
and so many iterations were required and even in the long run, at times convergence was not
realized. Later on, Newton algorithm was developed to improve the convergence of Gauss-Seidel
method, but it was initially thought to be impractical for realistically sized systems because of
computational problems with large networks.

Fortunately, an observation of sparsity of the large system matrix gave rise to the development of
sparsity methods, a concept that made it possible to apply Newton method to systems of arbitrary
size to attain for the first time both speed and excellent convergence characteristics. Numerous
advances and extensions have been made in load flow methods for example the fast-decoupled
load flow which enhanced computational speed. These extensions included: representation of
components such as high-voltage direct current(HVDC) transmission lines, better methods for
loss calculation, solution of optimum power flow and state estimation problems, continuation

power flow, determination of spot prices of electricity in presence of constraints and
development of better ways of visualizing and presenting load flow results.

Power flow problems have proved too involved solving tens of thousands of highly non-linear
system equations. Elimination methods for example Gauss elimination cannot provide the
desired solution. If at all the elimination methods are to be applied, special techniques are to be
employed to significantly reduce computer memory usage and time requirements. These
techniques are aimed at making the system matrices sparse and thereby linearizing the system
equations. Application of these techniques however, poses challenges of time constraints and
accuracy in the system since the power system is largely dynamic and accurate results are
desired in real time as snapshots of every instant.

For any available solution to system equations, pertinent questions arise on;

-Whether the iteration solution converge to a unique solution

-The number of iterations required (convergence rate)

-Computer memory and computation time requirements

For the currently adopted methods, situations emanate when convergence is faster with a
particular method and not the other. For other scenarios, one method diverges while the other
converges and even at times all the methods diverge. Consequently, it becomes a daunting task
selecting an appropriate method for the system's highly dynamic characteristics.

From experience, power flow studies have shown that Newton-Raphson's solution to nonlinear
power equations converges in many cases where Jacobi and Gauss-Seidel methods diverge. Also,
the number of iterations required for convergence are independent of the size of the system
matrix and most power flow computed in this method converges in relatively fewer iterations.
However, the computer memory and accuracy requirements are not properly addressed. So, it is
obviously clear that no accurate, simple, faster and memory conservative load flow solution
exists for the higher order nonlinear system equations.

Power system being a highly dynamic system, the equations associated with it are highly non-
linear and complex in nature. Such equations require much computation time and bulk of
computer memory to converge to an accurate value. The most commonly applied method to
power flow is the Newton-Raphson algorithm. Other methods like Jacobi and Gauss-Seidel
algorithms do not converge in some cases and at times both completely diverge. The complexity
of these equations leads to poor response time of the supply protective equipment in case of any
fault. As a result, the lines are exposed to fault conditions for longer period of time of about 60
milliseconds at 50Hz for high voltage supply and 5 to 20 cycles for low voltage supply. The
result of longer exposure to fault is mass destruction of the equipment and the transmission lines.
Consequently, industries, business premises and thousands of residents suffer unplanned power

At times of busbar frequency and voltage mismatches, frequency sensitive connected loads such
as induction machines are prone to damage. The machines allow very little tolerance to
frequency deviation of about ±0.05 Hz. Beyond this tolerance, the machines are damaged or
stops running by means of an installed protection device. Short circuits on the other hand may be
caused by the system overvoltage due to lightning or switching surges. The short circuit currents
may be several orders of magnitude larger than the normal operating currents and if allowed for
longer periods, causes thermal damage to the power system equipment. Any connected load
which is inductive in nature have their windings suffer mechanical damage due to high magnetic
fields in fault current conditions.

Substation electrical fires and explosions damage supply lines and equipment. A high cost is
incurred repairing or replacing the damaged equipment as well as servicing the substation.
Workers at the substation and industries are also exposed to accidents as a result of the fires. The
fire’s cause power outages to industries, business premises and thousands of local residents. For
example, electrical fires were the main cause of the three major midsummer power outages in the
Unites States of America. Three city workers succumbed to the fault fires and an overall
replacement cost of damaged equipment was estimated to $25 million. The cost of damage in the
long run translates to the high cost of supplying a unit of electrical energy.


1.3.1 Main Objective

The main objective of this study is to create an accurate computer solution to daily power

1.3.2 Specific Objectives

The above main objective will be addressed through scrutiny of the following specific

1.To create a computer solution with minimal computation time

2.To develop a memory conservative computer solution to power system

3.To develop a solution to promote development.

4. To develop a solution to lower electricity tariffs.

5. To develop a solution which causes increase in power system efficiency.

The proposal will be investigated through the following research questions;

(i) Which computer solution has minimal computation time?

(ii) Which solution saves computer memory?

(iii) How ca we improve development by solving power system problems?

(iv) Which is the best way to minimize electricity tariffs?

(v) How can we improve power system efficiency?

1.5 Justification of Study
The information on power flow is essential for continuous monitoring of the current state of the
system and for analyzing the effectiveness of alternative plans for future system expansions to
meet the increased load demand. The study aims at limiting the tedious and time-consuming
processes in the existing load flow solutions. Through this study, linearization of the highly
nonlinear power flow equations are elaborated. This in turn helps in reducing the sophisticated
nature of approach to the infinite bus load flow problems. With reduced complexity of the
equations, it paramount that the computation time and computer memory consumption are
greatly reduce, which is a desirable characteristic of a reliable power flow control.

By implementing the study, problems of bus voltage mismatches are solved. Consequently, the
challenges of transmission line melting and breaking of insulation due to high voltages are
considerably reduced. With this in place the replacement and overall cost of power supply are
also minimized. The stability of the power system shall have also been greatly improved.

With a healthy power system, industrial and domestic loads are no longer exposed to damages of
short circuits. Industrial consumption of electrical energy is thus increased. This greatly leads to
an improved economy as a country's electrical power consumption is a measure of the country's
economic growth.

1.6 Scope
This research focuses on examining the existing power flow algorithms to come up with an
algorithm with minimal shortcomings in terms of computation time, memory requirement and
accuracy. Fault diagnosis and system protection are the major topics thoroughly scrutinized to
ensure the desired computer algorithm gives a power system configuration whose performance,
monitoring and control equipment realizes a real time accurately timed responses to
contingencies, catastrophic events and even serve as a prediction tool for the behavior of the
system components incase an expansion or extension is desired or under different loading

Frequency as a vital system parameter is researched on as most loads in the power system are
frequency sensitive. The consideration of this parameter has also given a rise to a reasonable
concept in time response of the system protection equipment in terms of cycles before a
protection mechanism is initiated. It is a parameter considered with rigour and vigour to ensure
proper dynamic analysis of the whole system at an instant of fault and at presumed fault-free
working conditions.

Draconian efforts have been put in place to ensure the algorithm meets the goals of a smart grid
which is an area currently under intensive research in Power Systems Engineering. A focus has
also been made on visualizing the electric grid in a visualization software which packs bulk of
information into a single computer image enabling viewers to interpret the data more rapidly and
accurately than ever before. This alone would be more useful and even indispensable as
electricity grids is interconnected in large areas prompting huge transactions and their resulting
complexities. The grid for this case has been presented as a single snapshot representing the
whole system.

The research encompasses on the currently adopted conventional computation analysis to power
flow, fault diagnosis and rectification as well as the generalized protection of the system
components and consumer connected loads. Case studies on behaviors of power system from
different parts of the globe have laid a building block to this work. Finally, this work has also
been based on High Voltage Power System Engineering as the most complex part of Electrical
Engineering discipline.

1.7 Limitations
The study faced the following challenges;

Financial constraints-Inadequate finance limited further travels to meet power engineers and
electrical specialist. Also, due to insufficient funds, purchase of other up-to-date simulation
software could not be made. This resulted in depending largely on power flow literatures and just
a few simulations. The result was that much time was spent on the slow running available
devices just to ensure accuracy of the obtained information.

Time-The duration allocated for the study was limited with no further extension. Time
constraints led to other information not fully exhausted.

Inadequate knowledge-The advent of modern computers means new information arrives almost
daily. Updating to the modern information is quite cumbersome. Knowledge of power simulation
software requires experience and much time is spent to gain access to the software. The limited
knowledge would mean spending much time and resources to gain the desired information.

Defective equipment-Most of the readily available computers are not compatible to the modern
simulation software. Some studies were not conducted due to lack of an appropriate device.

2.1 Introduction
The power system all over the world is continuously expanding in size and growing in
complexity. The need for various system studies is much more today than ever before. A large
number of the technique have been reported in literature over the past quarter century for solving
power flow and transient stability problems and yet there continues a constant and persistent
search to find batter and still better solution algorithm in terms of speed, memory and reliability
aspects. Electric power utilization must be improved in present scenario while taking into
account the security and reliability of power flow. Overall voltage profiles are deteriorated and
system stability and security are decreased due to the reason that, transmission line powers flows
are not uniform. In some lines it’s below the standard value whereas in some it’s way above the
normal power flow values. Due to this the low voltage condition comes into picture and hence
most of the electrical loads are connected to low voltage power distribution systems. Electrical
loads of a system can be told to be comprising of various residential, industrial and municipal
loads. Practically the active and reactive powers of loads of a distribution system are dependent
on system voltage and frequency variations. Also, the active and reactive power characteristics
of various types of loads differ from each other. Frequency deviation is considered insignificant
in case of static analysis like, load flow studies. The effects of voltage deviations are mainly
taken into account for getting faster and accurate results. The results improve the quality of all
following system studies that use the same load flow analysis for further calculations and
simulations. Load flow is the procedure used for obtaining the steady state voltages of electric
power systems at fundamental frequency [1] Load flow in power system parlance is the steady
state solution of the power system network. The power system is modeled by an electric network
and solved for the steady state powers and voltage at various buses. The direct analysis of the
circuit is not possible as the loads are given in terms of complex power rather than impedances
and the generator behaves more like power sources than voltage source. The main information
obtained from the load flow study comprises of magnitudes and phase angle of load bus voltage,
reactive powers and voltage phase angles at generator buses, real and reactive power flow on
transmission line together with power at the reference bus, other variable being specified. In load
flow analysis, we are mainly interested in voltage at various buses and power injection in to

transmission system. The power system network of today is highly complicated consisting of
hundreds of buses and transmission links. Thus, the load flow studies involve extensive
calculations. The main objectives of the survey are twofold to explore the possibilities of
developing some improved load flow algorithms and to investigate the possibilities to exploring
new and yet simple and efficient equivalency technique for realization of dynamic equivalents
suitable for transient stability studies. Accordingly, the work reported in this thesis has been
divided into two board sections, one dealing with development of some improved load flow
algorithms and the other with the development of some new dynamic equivalents for transient
stability studies. The load flow study provides information about line and transformer loading
(as well as losses) throughout the system and voltages at different points in the system for
evaluation and regulation of the power system.

2.2 Theoretical Review

In power engineering, the power-flow study, or load-flow study, is a numerical analysis of the
flow of electric power in an interconnected system. [3]A power-flow study usually uses
simplified notations such as a one-line diagram and per-unit system, and focuses on various
aspects of AC power parameters, such as voltages, voltage angles, real power and reactive
power. It analyzes the power systems in normal steady-state operation.

[4] Power-flow or load-flow studies are important for planning future expansion of power
systems as well as in determining the best operation of existing systems. The principal
information obtained from the power-flow study is the magnitude and phase angle of the voltage
at each bus, and the real and reactive power flowing in each line

Commercial power systems are usually too complex to allow for hand solution of the power
flow. [5] Special purpose network analyzers were built between 1929 and the early 1960s to
provide laboratory-scale physical models of power systems. Large-scale digital computers
replaced the analog methods with numerical solutions.

In addition to a power-flow study, computer programs perform related calculations such as short-
circuit fault analysis, stability studies (transient and steady-state), unit commitment and
economic dispatch.[1] In particular, some programs use linear programming to find the optimal
power flow, the conditions which give the lowest cost per kilowatt hour delivered.

A load flow study is especially valuable for a system with multiple load centers, such as a
refinery complex. The power flow study is an analysis of the system’s capability to adequately
supply the connected load. The total system losses, as well as individual line losses, also are
tabulated. Transformer tap positions are selected to ensure the correct voltage at critical locations
such as motor control centers. Performing a load flow study on an existing system provides
insight and recommendations as to the system operation and optimization of control settings to
obtain maximum capacity while minimizing the operating costs. The results of such an analysis
are in terms of active power, reactive power, magnitude and phase angle. Furthermore, power-
flow computations are crucial for optimal operations of groups of generating units.

In terms of its approach to uncertainties, load flow study can be divided to deterministic load
flow and uncertainty-concerned load flow. Deterministic load flow study does not take into
account the uncertainties arise from both power generations and load behaviors. To take the
uncertainties into consideration, there are several approaches that has been used such as
probabilistic, possibilistic, information gap decision theory, robust optimization, and interval

The Open Energy Modelling Initiative promotes open-source load-flow models and other types
of energy system models. Over voltages are caused on power systems due to external and
internal influencing factors. The voltage stress caused by over voltage can damage the lines and
equipment’s connected to the system. Over voltages arising on a system can be generally
classified into two main categories.
This type of over voltages originates from atmospheric disturbances, mainly due to lightning.
This takes the form of a surge and has no direct relationship with the operating voltage of the
line. It may be due to any of the following causes:

Direct lightning stroke

Electromagnetically induced over voltages due to lightning discharge taking place near the line,
called 'side stroke'.

Voltages induced due to atmospheric changes along the length of the line.

Electrostatically induced voltages due to presence of charged clouds nearby.

Electrostatically induced over voltages due to the frictional effects of small particles like dust or
dry snow in the atmosphere or due to change in the altitude of the
These over voltages are caused by changes in the operating conditions of the power system.
These can be divided into two groups as below:
This is caused when switching operation is carried out under normal conditions or when fault
occurs in the network. When an unloaded long line is charged, due to Ferranti Effect the
receiving end voltage is increased considerably resulting in over voltage in the system.
Similarly when the primary side of the transformers or reactors is switched on, over voltage of
transient nature occurs.
These are caused when some major load gets disconnected from the long line under normal or
steady state condition.
Over voltage tends to stress the insulation of the electrical equipment’s and likely to cause
damage to them when it frequently occurs. Over voltage caused by surges can result in spark
over and flash over between phase and ground at the weakest point in the network, breakdown of
gaseous/solid/ liquid insulation, failure of transformers and rotating machines.
The over voltage stresses applied upon the power system, are generally transient in nature.
Transient voltage or voltage surge is defined as sudden sizing of voltage to a high peak in very
short duration. The voltage surges are transient in nature that means they exist for very short
duration. The main causes of these voltage surges in power system are due to lightning impulses
and switching impulses of the system. But over voltage in the power system may also be caused
by, insulation failure, arcing ground and resonance etc.
The voltage surges appear in the electrical power system due to switching surge, insulation
failure, arcing ground and resonance are not very large in magnitude. These over voltages hardly
cross the twice of the normal voltage level. Generally, proper insulation to the different
equipment of power system is sufficient to prevent any damage due to these over voltages. But
over voltages occur in the power system due to lightning is very high. If over voltage protection
is not provided to the power system, there may be high chance of severe damage. Hence all over
voltage protection devices used in power system mainly due to lightning surge.
When a no-load transmission line is suddenly switched on, the voltage on the line becomes twice
of normal system voltage. This voltage is transient in nature. When a loaded line is suddenly
switched off or interrupted, voltage across the line also becomes high enough current chopping

in the system mainly during opening operation of air blast circuit breaker, causes over voltage in
the system. During insulation failure, a live conductor is suddenly earthed. This may also cause
sudden over voltage in the system. If emf wave produced by alternator is distorted, the trouble of
resonance may occur due to 5th or higher harmonics. Actually, for frequencies of 5th or higher
harmonics, a critical situation in the system so appears, that inductive reactance of the system
becomes just equal to capacitive reactance of the system. As these both reactance cancels each
other the system becomes purely resistive. This phenomenon is called resonance and at
resonance the system voltage may be increased enough. But all these above-mentioned reasons
create over voltages in the systems which are not very high in magnitude.
But over voltage surges appear in the system due to lightning impulses are very high in
amplitude and highly destructive.

Under voltage is defined as a sudden drop in the root mean square (r.m.s.) voltage and is usually
characterized by the remaining (retained) voltage. Under voltage is thus, short duration


[1] Low, S. H. (2013). "Convex relaxation of optimal power flow: A tutorial". 2013 IREP
Symposium Bulk Power System Dynamics and Control - IX Optimization, Security and Control
of the Emerging Power Grid. pp. 1–06. doi:10.1109/IREP.2013.6629391. ISBN 978-1-4799-
0199-9. S2CID 14195805.

[2] Aien, Morteza; Hajebrahimi, Ali; Fotuhi-Firuzabad, Mahmud (2016). "A comprehensive
review on uncertainty modeling techniques in power system studies". Renewable and
Sustainable Energy Reviews. 57: 1077–1089. doi:10.1016/j.rser.2015.12.070.

[3] Grainger, J.; Stevenson, W. (1994). Power System Analysis. New York: McGraw–Hill. ISBN

[4] Andersson, G: Lectures on Modelling and Analysis of Electric Power Systems Archived
2017-02-15 at the Wayback Machine

[5] Stott, B.; Alsac, O. (May 1974). "Fast Decoupled Load Flow". IEEE Transactions on Power
Apparatus and Systems. PAS-93 (3): 859–869. doi:10.1109/tpas.1974.293985. ISSN 0018-9510.

2.3 Critique of existing literature

The existing literature on load flow studies fails to offer an accurate computer model to load flow
analysis of highly dynamic power system. The resources tend to concentrate on the Gaussian
elimination methods at the expense of real world dynamic solution,accurate and time conscious.

2.4 Summary
Load flow (power flow) analysis is a basic analysis for the study of power systems. It is used for
normal, steady-state operation. It gives you the information what is happening in a system. It is
an answer to some fundamental questions, which power system engineer or electrical engineer
can have: What are voltage levels in all power system nodes during operation?

Are power system elements (transformers, generators, cables etc.) overloaded?

What are the weakest points of network?

Load flow analysis is an important prerequisite for whatever you do in power systems, whether
you do fault studies, stability studies, economic operation.

The load flow helps in continuous monitoring of the current state of the power system, so it is
used on daily basis in load dispatch/power system control centers. It can also be a support during
examining effectiveness of the alternative plans for future system expansion, when adding new
generators or transmission lines is needed. You can refer to the description of different load flow
cases for more information.

2.5 Research gaps

Computation time and reduction of complexity of the equations are not exploited and this creates
a research gap.

3.1 Research Design
For the research, the qualitative research design will be highly applicable. Data collection will be
through questionnaires and conducting computer simulations data. The design offers more
freedom to exploiting essential areas.

3.2 Population
The research targets industries and their employees in the electrical and control department as
well as automation sectors. It also targets Institutions offering Electrical Engineering at degree
and diploma levels to create insight in their students on the dynamic nature of Electrical

3.3 Sampling Frame

The various parameters will be investigated through real world selected industrial power
consumption simulations. Engineers and technicians in the industries will serve as source of
valid information. The local utility company (Kenya Power and Lightning Company) will be the
major source of data for analysis, comparison and exposure to real world dynamics of Electrical

3.4 Sample and Sampling Techniques

The study will majorly use non-probability sampling techniques which will involve nonrandom
selection based on suitability. Much data will be readily available for analysis from the local
utility company.

3.5 Instruments.
The instruments to be used for the study will questionnaires, tape and video recorders as well as
material sources such as books, journals, conference papers and engineering patents.

3.6 Data Collection Procedure

Questionnaires will be administered to industrial technicians and engineers and later collected
and recorded. Responses to interview will be recorded using tape recorder. Note taking will also
part of recording obtained information.

3.7 Pilot Test
In this study, a few questionnaires will be administered and few interviews conducted at selected
local industries. The primary reason for this being to create an understanding of the study
questionnaires and interviews as well as the primary data collection tools.

Length of time taken filling out the study questionnaires will also be assessed. Data analysis
software will be tested on its capability to understand the data involved. Time and financial
resources required for the actual study will also estimated at this crucial stage.

3.8 Data Processing and Analysis

The tools to be used in the data analysis will be; Power World simulation software, Digital
Multimeter, Arduino microprocessor and a three phase power supply.

Data will be presented as scripted files in folders and displayed in computer monitors and
projectors. Also printed versions of the simulated or successfully programmed data will be
available for future reference.

[1] Bergen AR. Power Systems Analysis. Delhi, India: Pearson Education India;2009

[2] Glover JD, Sarma MS. Power System Analysis and Design: With Personal Computer
Applications. Toronto, ON, Canada: International Thomson Publishing Company; 1994

[3] Glover JD, Sarma MS, Overbye T.Power System Analysis & Design, SIVersion. Noida,
India:Cengage Learning; 2012

[4] Grainger JJ, Stevenson WD,Stevenson WD. Power System Analysis.New York, USA; 2003

[5] Gross CA. Power System Analysis.Vol. 1. New York: Wiley; 1986

[6] Saadat H. Power System Analysis.Vol. 232. Singapore: WCB/McGraw-Hill;1999

[7] Electrical Reliability”, August 2006 issue of Power Quality World.

Marty Martin, “Common power quality problems and best practice solutions,”
Shangri-la Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia 14. 1997
[8] B.L. Theraja , “ A Text Book of Electrical Technology”,S. chand& company,
[9] Williams, B. W. (1992). "Chapter 11". Power electronics : devices, drivers
and applications (2nd ed.). Basingstoke: Macmillan.
[10] The Authoritative Dictionary of IEEE Standards Terms (IEEE 100) (seventh
ed.). Piscataway, New Jersey: IEEE Press. 2000


Annex 1



Registration No. ECE/B/01-02316/2017 Academic Year: 2020/2021 Sem. 2 Date:



Programme: B.Sc. (Electrical and Communication Engineering)

Theme of research: Describe in less than To develop accurate computer solution to power flow
100 word the area/theme that you wish to problems to detect and correct bus mismatches of
carry out your research. Example: To voltages and frequencies.
develop a pulse mobile charger that uses
human heart beat to detect COVID-19
anti-bodies in a human body.

How did you identify the above theme? (Tick and briefly explain)
Choose one or more from the following:
a. It is theory of my own interest.
b. It is something arising from daily
problems that I have experienced.
--I have been interested in finding a long-lasting
c. Is an issue of technological change.
d. I am prompted from research trends in this
solution to daily blackout and power fluctuations.
e. It is an unexplored area of research.
f. It arose from discussing with experts.


--Discussions with specialists in high voltage

g. Other (specify)
electrical power systems have prompted me to come up

with a solution to contribute in fixing the daily power



Problems to be addressed.
List at least 20 problems that your research 1. Iteration methods are time consuming.

will address – fit on one line ONLY in max 2. Iteration consume bulk of computer memory.
of 6 words each. 3. Power flow equations are highly non-linear.
e.g., For above theme: 4. Power flow equations are complex.
 Chargers are nuisance to carry around. 5. Frequency variations hinder industrial operations.
 Chargers are prone to damage 6. Over-voltages melts transmission lines.

 Chargers are too expensive

 Electrical power charging is 7. Bus voltage mismatches cause power fluctuations.

expensive. 8. High replacement cost for damaged lines.

 Solar chargers depend on weather. 9. Time consuming in replacing damaged lines.

10. High cost of power supply.
 Etc.
11. Mismatches damages connected loads.
12. Mismatches leads to deadly short circuits.
13. Causes increase in electricity tariff.
14 Decrease in power system efficiency.
15. More fault protection equipments are required.
16.Faulty causes frequent power blackout.
17. More technical personnels are required.
18. Damage of electricity generating equipments.
19. Fault may led to fire breakout.
20. Fault result into retarded development.

Annex 2


Variation hinders
industrial operation

Iteration Fault results Causes increase Decrease in
consume into retarded in electricity power system
bulky of development tariff efficiency

method is
Power flow
consuming Fault Faulty High cost High More fault
equations are may led causes of power replacem protection
complex to fire frequent supply ent cost equipments are
breakout power for required
blackou damaged

Power flow
Mismatches leads More Time Damage
to deadly short technical consuming of
ions are highly
circuits. personnels in electricity
non linear
are required replacing generatin
damaged g

Over- Bus voltage

voltages mismatches
melts cause power
s damages
transmissio fluctuations
n lines. loads.

Annex 3


Reduced power variation

Reduce Promote Lowering Improving power

memory development electricity tariff system efficiency
time requirement

Reducing Reducing Minimiz Avoiding Minimizing fault

complexity of fire ing Affordabl replacem protection
power flow breakout power e cost of ent cost equipment required
equation blackout power

Linearization of Eliminating short

Reducing Eliminatin Avoiding Avoiding
power flow circuits.
technical g time damage damage
personnels wastage of connected
required electricity loads.
Eliminating Reducing
over power
voltage fluctuations

To develop an accurate computer solution to solve daily power variation.


1.To create a computer solution with less computation time.

2.To develop a computer solution which requires less computer memory.

3.To develop a solution to promote development.

4.To develop a solution to lower electricity tariffs.

5.To develop a solution which cause increase in power system efficiency.


The existing power flow equations are highly non-linear. As a result, the equations are complex
and so consume a lot of computer memory. Because of these, power flow is subjected to

Mismatches leads to deadly short circuit which causes fire breakout and frequent power blackout
which in turn causes retarded development and these causes variation in power supply.

Over voltages are prone to melting of transmission lines and hence causing more time wastage in
replacing damaged lines and causing increase in number of technical personnels required, these
causes higher replacement cost. These altogether with high cost of power supply causes increase
in electricity tariffs. These thus causes variation in power supply.

Voltages mismatches causes power fluctuations which in turn leads to damage of electricity
generating equipment and still causes damage to connected loads thus more fault protection
equipment are required which decreases power system efficiency and thus causes variation in
power system efficiency.


Kindly fill in the study questions appropriately (Approximated time: 20 minutes)
Tick appropriately;
[1] Do power problems cause adverse effects on your daily operations? [YES] [NO]
[2] Are current simulations a complete solution to your power problems? [YES] [NO]
[3] Do you anticipate for a fast and accurate computer solution? [YES] [NO]
[4] Is industrial automation part of your daily concern? [YES] [NO]
[5] Should researchers focus on developing a fast and accurate solution? [YES] [NO]
Briefly explain;
[6] How reliable should a power system be to industries?
[7] In your opinion, how can the current methods be improved to suit the changing world?
[8] How best are you prepared to cope with the dynamically changing power system?

Interview Schedule

Month Dates Activities Station

February, 2022 5th Interview engineers Turkwel Power

and technicians Station

March, 2022 12th and 14th Interview County Nakuru county

electrical engineer

April, 2022 4th and 6th Interview power Kinangop Dairy

engineer industry


Item Quantity Description Price per Unit Total Cost

Laptop 1 500 Kshs.30,000 Kshs.30,000


PowerWorld 1 Latest version Kshs.1,500 Kshs.1,500


Photocopy 1 Ream Plain, white Kshs.350 Kshs.350

papers papers

Projector 1 Ms type Kshs.8,500 Kshs.8,500

Printer Machine 1 MAC type Kshs.6,000 Kshs.6,000

TOTAL Kshs.46,350

Work Plan

2O22 2022

Proposal writing
Proposal submission
Data collection
Data analysis
Report writing
Report presentation
Report submission


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