Passed 1678-13-21MELCS DepEd-CAR RO Adverbs

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Activity Sheets in English 6
Quarter 4 ● Weeks 5ꟷ8



place and time


Republic of the Philippines ● Cordillera Administrative Region

Republic of the Philippines
Wangall, La Trinidad, Benguet

Published by the
Learning Resource Management and Development System


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the work is created shall be necessary for exploitation of such work for profit.”

This material has been developed for the implementation of K to 12 Curriculum

through the DepEd CAR – Curriculum and Learning Management Division. It can
be reproduced for educational purposes and the source must be acknowledged.
Derivatives of the work including creating an edited version, an enhancement or
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commercial purposes and profit.


This activity sheet is a project of the Department of Education- CAR

through the Curriculum and Learning Management Division which is in response
to the implementation of the K to 12 Curriculum.

This learning material is a property of the DepEd-CAR. It aims to improve

performance specifically in English.

Writer/Developer: Alfredo B. Lanas

Illustrator: Mary Jane M. Lanas

Cover Design & Layout: Alfredo B. Lanas

Date of Development: December 3, 2020

Resource Location: DepEd CAR-LRMS

Learning Area: English

Grade Level: VI

Resource Type: Learning Activity Sheet

Code/ Learning Competency: MELC EN6G-Ig-4.4.1

Quarter/week: Quarter 4, Weeks 5-8


The developer would like to express his sincerest gratitude to all the
individuals who helped him in the success of this output. To the Lord who have
given him blessings and strength to finish this activity sheet. To his family for
being his inspiration, for the love and support they have given him. To his
colleagues and all his friends and to the Grade VI pupils who are the center of
this output.




Administrative Assistant II Librarian II


Teaching-Aids Specialist Educ. Program Supervisor- LRMS


Chief Education Supervisor , CLMD

OIC– Office of the Assistant Regional Director


Director IV/Regional Director


Copyright Notice ………………………………………..………………………..ii

Preface ………..……………………………...…………………………………. iii

Acknowledgment …………..……………………………………...…………… iv

Table of Contents …..…………...………………………………….………….. v

Lesson 1 ...………...…...…………………………….……………….………… 1

Activity 1………..………………...……….…..….…………………..…. 2

Activity 2………………..……………….…...…….……..……….…….. 2

Activity 3………………...…….…..………………………...……………3

Activity 4 ………..…………………….…......………...……………….. 3


Lesson 2……………………………………………..…………………………...5

Activity 1………..………………...…………...….…………………..…. 6

Activity 2………………..…………….……...…….……..……….…….. 6

Activity 3………………...…….…..….……………………...……………7

Activity 4 ………..……………………….…...………...……………….. 7

Lesson 3………………..………………………………………………………...8

Activity 1………..…………….……...………..….…………………..…. 9

Activity 2…………………...………………...…….……..……….…….. 9

Activity 3………………...……..….………………..……...……………10

Activity 4 ………..…………………….…...……..…...……………….. 10

Closure …………...…………………………..……..…...……...…………….. 11

Key to Corrections ………..……………………………...…..…………….… 13

References …………...…………..…………………………………….…….. 16

Daily Lesson Log …….……………………………………………………….. 17

Lesson 1

Adverbs of Frequency

Objective: Compose clear and coherent sentences using appropriate

grammatical structures (adverbs):
- Adverbs of frequency (MELC EN6G-Ig-4.4.1)

An adverb is a word that describes a verb, an adjective, another adverb or

a sentence that used to show time, manner, place or degree.

There are different types of adverb.

First is the Adverb of Frequency. This type of adverb shows how often you
do things. It answers the question “How often?”

Common examples are:

 Sometimes
I sometimes forget my cellphone at home.

 Always
She always takes a bath.

 Seldom
We seldom eat in fast food chain.

 Rarely
We rarely see the president on good mood.

 Daily
The employee goes to the office daily.

 Never
She never gave up her dreams.

Activity 1: Get To Know Me

Direction: Underline the following adverbs of frequency used in the


1. I rarely see that boy.

2. The employees receive their salaries monthly.
3. I take the bus to work sometimes.
4. She checks her temperature every hour.
5. She goes to school every day.
6. My family goes to Baguio City once a year.
7. He makes a call every now and then.
8. My mother goes to market every Sunday.
9. They seldom visit their grandparents.
10. I often see him crying.

Activity 2: Let’s Try This

Direction: Choose the correct Adverbs of Frequency and write on the blank
provided for.

1. The sun sets _________. (every morning, every afternoon)

2. The sun rises _________. (every morning, every afternoon)
3. I wake up ___________. (every morning, every night)
4. I sleep ______________. (every morning, every night)
5. Pupils should report to school ____________. (daily, every weekend)
6. We eat our meals _____________. (three times a day, once a day)
7. The earth revolves around the sun ____________. (once a month, once a
8. You have to take a bath ____________. (always, never)
9. I look up at the moon ___________. (every night, every morning)
10. We should attend mass ______________. (every Sunday, every year)

Activity 3: Let’s Do This

Direction: Use the following Adverbs of Frequency in a sentence.

1. usually
2. every now and then
3. every day
4. weekly
5. twice a day
6. once a month
7. seldom
8. never
9. rarely
10. always

Activity 4: The Write Moment

Direction: Construct a paragraph about your one year experience as

Grade 6 pupil. Make use of Adverbs of Frequency. Refer to the rubric on page 4.









Category More than Expected Less than Expectation

Expected (5) expected (3) not achieved
Introduction Introduction is Main idea is stat- Main idea is stat- Introduction and
interesting. Main ed in the introduc- ed in the introduc- main idea are
idea is clearly tion. Contents are tion however the not clear.
stated in the intro- conveyed too. contents are not Contents are not
duction. Contents comprehensively discussed in the
in the body are conveyed in the body.
comprehensively body.
conveyed too.
Organization The arrangement The development The arrangement Organization
of Idea of ideas are of the paragraph of the ideas are and
logical and is evident logical however presentation of
systematic however the the presentation is ideas are not
ideas are not not clear. evident.
clearly presented.

Conclusion The conclusion is The totality of The totality of The conclusion

striking and the opinion is clearly opinion is not is not enough
totality of opinion evident based on clearly conveyed and there is no
is clearly evident the presentation based on the focus.
based on the of ideas made. presentation of
presentation of ideas made.
ideas made.

Mechanics No discrepancies Minimal discrep- There is a lot of Major discrep-

is seen in the use ancies are seen discrepancies ancies are seen
of punctuation in the use of seen in the use of in the use of
marks, capitaliza- punctuation punctuation punctuation
tion and spelling. marks, capitaliza- marks, capitaliza- marks, capitali-
tion and spelling. tion and spelling. zation and

Use of 10 or more verbs 8-9 verbs in the 6-7 verbs in the 5 and below
Verbs in the past tense past tense form past tense form verbs in the past
form are used. are used. are used. tense form are

Lesson 2

Adverbs of Manner

Objective: Compose clear and coherent sentences using appropriate

grammatical structures (adverbs):
- Adverbs of Manner (MELC EN6G-Ig-4.4.1)

The second type of adverb is the Adverb of Manner. This adverb answers
the question “How?”. It tells how something is being done.

It is usually formed as follows;

adjective + ly

The secretary writes legibly on the board.
We met our visitors excitedly when they arrived.
She honestly answers the questions.
She is extremely proud of herself.
The turtle walks slowly.

Activity 1: Pick Me Up

Direction: Pick out the Adverbs of Manner in the group of words below.

hardly today usually nicely

daily gracefully rainy bravely
happily monthly always seldom
never everyday deliciously frankly
loudly neatly yearly quickly

Activity 2: Transform Me

Direction: Change the following adjectives into adverbs of manner to fit in

the sentences. Write your answers in the blank.

1. She greeted her teacher ___________. (polite)

2. Juana _____________ invited her friends. (cheerful)
3. Toni ________ bids goodbye to his mother. (sad)
4. The girl ________ hugs her grand father. (loving)
5. The speaker delivers her message __________. (clear)
6. She __________ went to the hospital when she heard the news. (rash)
7. The senator ______ disagreed with the decision. (strong)
8. The teacher ___________ discussed the lesson. (patient)
9. Ashley _______ gets up in bed when the clock alarms. (quick)
10. Dad __________ opened the door. (slow)

Activity 3: Choose Me

Direction: Choose the correct adverb of manner that fits in each sentence.

hurriedly tearfully strictly correctly tenderly

joyfully intentionally precisely humbly actively

1. The mayor ______________ call for an emergency meeting.

2. The pupils _________ participated in the contest.
3. The hard pork was cooked _____________.
4. Her mother plead to her _______________.
5. He got the answers of the test _________________.
6. All laws in the Philippine government are________________ implemented.
7. She was happy to see her mother, so she hugged her ____________.
8. She ____________ asked for apologies.
9. The speaker discussed her topics ______________.
10. She ________________ gets all her belongings.

Activity 4: Use Me

Direction: Construct a sentence using the following adverbs of manner.

1. hardly
2. nicely
3. gracefully
4. bravely
5. happily
6. deliciously
7. frankly
8. loudly
9. neatly
10. quickly

Lesson 3

Adverbs of Place and Time

Objective: Compose clear and coherent sentences using appropriate

grammatical structures (adverbs):
- Adverbs of Place and Time (MELC EN6G-Ig-4.4.1)

The third type of adverb is the Adverbs of Place and Time. Adverb
of Place tells where something happens. It answers the question “Where”.

Maria went to the market.
My sister washed her clothes in the river.
The boy sits beside me.

Adverb of Time tells when something happens. It answers the ques-

tion “When”.

The star shines brightly tonight.
She likes to go to the beach next week.
I will go to the office tomorrow.

Activity 1: Name Me

Direction: Tell whether the phrase is an Adverb of Time or Adverb of Place.

1. In the school
2. At one o’clock
3. Outside their house
4. Behind the tree
5. Last Sunday
6. On the 27th of November
7. On the year 2017
8. At Danglas Central School
9. In the church
10. At this time

Activity 2: Ring Me

Direction: Encircle the Adverbs of Time and Place in the sentences.

1. My father went fishing in the river.

2. Girlie wakes up at exactly six o’clock in the morning.
3. He was born on August 27, 1982.
4. My grandparents live at Bangued, Abra.
5. Mr. Tan goes to the office everyday.
6. Leila is studying at Western Abra National High School.
7. My mom meets dad at Vigan City.
8. He visits her parents during week ends.
9. Daddy promised to bring me to Manila.
10. I took my examination last week.

Activity 3: Fill Me

Direction: Fill in the blank with the correct adverbs of time or place.

1. Shaina goes to the market ___________. (daily, seriously, at two o’clock)

2. She will go to a party _______________. (tonight, every night, beautifully)
3. Ana says a little prayer _____________ she sleeps. (weekly, inside, before)
4. Nina and Ria are playing ____________. (fairly, everyday, in the house)
5. Lisa visited her mom ____________. (in the hospital, nicely, once a month)
6. Cow and carabaos work _____________. (diligently, once a day, at the farm)
7. She likes to swim _____________. (sometimes, today, peacefully)
8. Maria goes to school ____________ (early, everyday, at seven o’clock)
9. She attended mass ______________ (every Sunday, on Sunday, religiously)
10. People are very hospitable ____________ (in the Philippines, hospitably,
every time)

Activity 4: Construct Me

Direction: Construct sentences using the following adverbs.

1. In the school
2. At one o’clock
3. Outside their house
4. Behind the tree
5. Last Sunday
6. On the 27th of November
7. On the year 2017
8. At Danglas Central School
9. In the church
10. At this time


An adverb is a word that describes a verb, an adjective, another adverb

or a sentence that used to show time, manner, place or degree.

There are different types of adverb.

First is the Adverb of Frequency. This type of adverb shows how often
you do things. It answers the question “How often?”

Common examples are:

 Sometimes
I sometimes forget my cellphone at home.

 Always
She always takes a bath.

 Seldom
We seldom eat in fast food chains.

The second type of adverb is the Adverb of Manner. This adverb answers
the question “How?”. It tells how something is being done.

It is usually formed as follows;

adjective + ly

The secretary writes legibly on the board.
We met our visitors excitedly when they arrived.
She honestly answers the questions.


The third type of adverb is the Adverbs of Place and Time. Adverb of
Place tells where something happens. It answers the question “Where”.

Maria went to the market.
My sister washed her clothes in the river.
The boy sits beside me.

Adverb of Time tells when something happens. It answers the

question “When”.

The star shines brightly tonight.
She likes to go to the beach next week.
I will go to the office tomorrow.





Angeles, EB., Castillo, KE. 2016 Joy in Learning English 6. Quezon City: Vibal
Group, Inc.

Baygan, CB. 2015 Soaring to New Heights in Language 6. Quezon City: Abiva
Publishing House, Inc.

Balingit, PC. 1999 English for All Times 6 Language. Quezon City: JTW Corpora-

Ho, DF. 2010 Linkages for Excellence 6. Manila: Vicarish Publication & Trading,

K-12 Most Essential Learning Competencies with Corresponding CG Codes Eng-

lish 6 pp. 137-138.

Name of Teacher: Alfredo B. Lanas
Week: 1-6
Subject: English
Grade & Section: VI
Quarter: 4th Quarter

A. Content Standards Demonstrates a command of the conventions of standard English
grammar and usage when writing or speaking
B. Performance Speaks and writes using good command of the conventions of
Standards standard
C. Learning Compose clear and coherent sentences using appropriate
Competencies grammatical structures (verb tenses, conjunctions, adverbs):
Adverbs of Frequency (EN6G-Ig-4.4.1)

II. CONTENT (Subject Adverbs of Frequency

III. Learning Resources

A. References
1.Teacher’s Guide
2.Learner’s Materials
3.Textbook Pages
4. Additional Materials
from Learning Resources
(LR) Portal
B. Other Learning
A. Review Previous
B. Establishing purpose
for the Lesson
C. Presenting
examples /instances of
the new lessons
D. Discussing new Direction: Identify the following adverbs of frequency used
concepts and
in the sentence.
practicing new skills #1.
1. I rarely see that boy.
2. The employees receive their salaries monthly.
3. I take the bus to work sometimes.
4. She checks her temperature every hour.
5. She goes to school every day.
6. My family goes to Baguio City once a year.
7. He makes a call every now and then.
8. My mother goes to market every Sunday.
9. They seldom visit their grandparents.
10. I often see him crying.

E. Discussing new
concepts & prac-
ticing and concern
to new skills #2
F. Developing Mas- Direction: Underline the adverbs used in each sentence and
tery (Leads to identify what type of adverb it is.
Formative Assess- 1. She hurriedly walked to get home before the rain pours.
ment) 2. We will be having our trip tonight.
Guided Practice 3. I rarely see that boy.
4. I saw your younger sister in front of the library.
5. Can you write your name legibly.
6. The earth rotates around the sun.
7. She sings softly and nicely.
8. You have to take a bath always.
9. The employees receive their salaries monthly.
10. I excitedly opened the gift I received.

G. Finding Practi- Direction: Choose the correct Adverbs of Frequency for the
cal Applications of
sentence and fill in the blank.
concepts and
skills in daily living 1. The sun sets _________. (every morning, every afternoon)
2. The sun rises _________. (every morning, every afternoon)
3. I wake up ___________. (every morning, every night)
4. I sleep ______________. (every morning, every night)
5. Pupils should report to school _________. (daily, every
6. We eat our meals ____________. (three times a day, once
a day)
7. The earth revolves around the sun ____________. (once a
month, once a year)
8. You have to take a bath ____________. (always, never)
9. I look up at the moon ___________. (every night, every
10. We should attend mass __________. (every Sunday, eve-
ry year)
H. Generalization An adverb is a word that describes a verb, an adjective, another ad-
verb or a sentence that used to show time, manner, place or degree.
There are different types of adverb.
First is the Adverb of Frequency. This type of adverb shows
how often you do things. It answers the question “How often?”
Common examples are:
 Sometimes
I sometimes forget my cellphone at home.
 Always
She always takes a bath.

I. Evaluating Direction: Construct a paragraph about your one year
experience as Grade 6 pupil. Make use of Adverbs of Frequency.










J. Additional activi-
ties for application
or remediation

Name of Teacher: Alfredo B. Lanas
Week: 1-6
Subject: English
Grade & Section: VI
Quarter: 4th Quarter

A. Content Standards Demonstrates a command of the conventions of standard English
grammar and usage when writing or speaking
B. Performance Stand- Speaks and writes using good command of the conventions of
ards standard
C. Learning Compe- Compose clear and coherent sentences using appropriate gram-
tencies matical structures (verb tenses, conjunctions, adverbs):
- Adverbs of Manner (EN6G-Ig-4.4.1)

II. CONTENT (Subject Adverbs of Manner

III. Learning Re-
A. References
1.Teacher’s Guide
2.Learner’s Materials
3.Textbook Pages
4. Additional Materials
from Learning Re-
sources (LR) Portal
B. Other Learning Re-
A. Review Previous
B. Establishing pur-
pose for the Lesson
C. Presenting exam-
ples /instances of the
new lessons
D. Discussing new Direction: Pick out the Adverbs of Manner in the group of
concepts and practic-
words below.
ing new skills #1.

hardly today usually nicely

daily gracefully rainy bravely
happily monthly always seldom
never everyday deliciously frankly
loudly neatly yearly quickly

E. Discussing new
concepts & prac-
ticing and concern
to new skills #2
F. Developing Mas- Direction: Transform the following adjectives into adverbs of
tery (Leads to
manner to fit in the sentences. Write your answers in the blank.
Formative Assess-
ment) 1. She greeted her teacher ___________. (polite)
Guided Practice
2. Juana _____________ invited her friends. (cheerful)
3. Toni ________ bids goodbye to his mother. (sad)
4. The girl ________ hugs her grand father. (loving)
5. The speaker delivers her message __________. (clear)
6. She ______ went to the hospital when she heard the news.
7. The senator ______ disagreed with the decision. (strong)
8. The teacher ___________ discussed the lesson. (patient)
9. Ashley _______ gets up in bed when the clock alarms.
(quick) 10. Dad __________ opened the door. (slow)

G. Finding Practi- Direction: Choose the correct adverb of manner that fits in each
cal Applications of
concepts and
skills in daily living Hurriedly tearfully strictly correctly tenderly
joyfully intentionally precisely humbly actively
1. The mayor ______________ call for an emergency meeting.
2. The pupils _________ participated in the contest.
3. The hard pork was cooked _____________.
4. Her mother plead to her _______________.
5. He got the answers of the test _________________.
6. All laws in the Philippine government are____________ imple-
7. She was happy to see her mother, so she hugged her
8. She ____________ asked for apologies.
9. The speaker discussed her topics ______________.
10. She ________________ gets all her belongings.
H. Generalization The second type of adverb is the Adverb of Manner. This adverb an-
swers the question “How?”. It tells how something is being done.
It is usually formed as follows;
adjective + ly
The secretary writes legibly on the board.
We met our visitors excitedly when they arrived.
She honestly answers the questions.

I. Evaluating Direction: Construct a sentence using the following adverbs of

1. hardly
2. nicely
3. gracefully
4. bravely
5. happily
6. deliciously
7. frankly
8. loudly
9. neatly
10. quickly

J. Additional activi-
ties for application
or remediation

Name of Teacher: Alfredo B. Lanas
Week: 1-6
Subject: English
Grade & Section: VI
Quarter: 4th Quarter

A. Content Standards Demonstrates a command of the conventions of standard English
grammar and usage when writing or speaking
B. Performance Stand- Speaks and writes using good command of the conventions of
ards standard
C. Learning Compe- Compose clear and coherent sentences using appropriate gram-
tencies matical structures (verb tenses, conjunctions, adverbs):
- Adverbs of Place and Time (EN6G-Ig-4.4.1)

II. CONTENT (Subject Adverbs of Place and Time

III. Learning Re-
A. References
1.Teacher’s Guide
2.Learner’s Materials
3.Textbook Pages
4. Additional Materials
from Learning Re-
sources (LR) Portal
B. Other Learning Re-
A. Review Previous
B. Establishing pur-
pose for the Lesson
C. Presenting exam-
ples /instances of the
new lessons
D. Discussing new Direction: Tell whether the phrase is an Adverb of Time or
concepts and practic-
Adverb of Place
ing new skills #1.

1. In the school
2. At one o’clock
3. Outside their house
4. Behind the tree
5. Last Sunday
6. On the 27th of November
7. On the year 2017
8. At Danglas Central School
9. In the church
10. At this time

E. Discussing new
concepts & prac-
ticing and concern
to new skills #2
F. Developing Mas- Direction: Encircle the Adverbs of Time and Place in the sentenc-
tery (Leads to
Formative Assess-
ment) 1. My father went fishing in the river.
Guided Practice
2. Girlie wakes up at exactly six o’clock in the morning.
3. He was born on August 27, 1982.
4. My grandparents live at Bangued, Abra.
5. Mr. Tan goes to the office everyday.
6. Leila is studying at Western Abra National High School.
7. My mom meets dad at Vigan City.
8. He visits her parents during week ends.
9. Daddy promised to bring me to Manila.
10. I took my examination last week.

G. Finding Practi- Direction: Fill in the blank with the correct adverbs of time or
cal Applications of place.
concepts and 1. Shaina goes to the market _________. (daily, seriously, at two
skills in daily living o’clock)
. 2. She will go to a party ____________. (tonight, every night, beauti-
3. Ana says a little prayer _________ she sleeps. (weekly, inside,
4. Nina and Ria are playing __________. (fairly, everyday, in the
5. Lisa visited her mom ________. (in the hospital, nicely, once a
6. Cow and carabaos work ________. (diligently, once a day, at the
7. She likes to swim _____________. (sometimes, today, peacefully)
8. Maria goes to school ____________ (early, everyday, at seven
9. She attended mass __________ (every Sunday, on Sunday, reli-
10. People are very hospitable ____ (in the Philippines, hospitably,
every time)

H. Generalization The third type of adverb is the Adverbs of Place and Time. Adverb of
Place tells where something happens. It answers the question
Maria went to the market.
My sister washed her clothes in the river.
The boy sits beside me.
Adverb of Time tells when something happens. It answers
the question “When”.
The star shines brightly tonight.
She likes to go to the beach next week.
I will go to the office tomorrow.

I. Evaluating Direction: Construct sentences using the following adverbs.

1. In the school
2. At one o’clock
3. Outside their house
4. Behind the tree
5. Last Sunday
6. On the 27th of November
7. On the year 2017
8. At Danglas Central School
9. In the church
10. At this time

J. Additional activi-
ties for application
or remediation

For inquiries or feedback, please write or call:
Department of Education-Cordillera Administrative Region
Wangal, La Trinidad, Benguet
Email Address: [email protected]
Telefax: (074) 422-1318 / (074) 422-4074
Social Media: Tayo Cordillera

Regional LRMS TN: 1678-13-21MELCS


Activity Sheet in English

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