Year 4 Maths Test - Yearly Exam - Answers

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1. (c)
Step 1:
Look at the given number, 38790275, and identify the positions of 7.
7 is placed at the 2nd and 6th positions from the right.

Step 2:
At the 6th position, the place value of 7 is 7 ×100000 = 700000 .

Step 3:
At the 2nd position, the place value of 7 is 7 ×10 = 70 .

Step 4:
So, the sum of the place values of 7 in the given number is:
700000 + 70 = 700070

2. (a)
Step 1:
The number of workers is III or 3.

Step 2:
Each worker can construct II or 2 meters of the wall in one hour.

Step 3:
Now, calculate the total meters of wall that can be constructed by the 3 workers
in 4 hours.
3× 2 × 4 = 24 meters

Step 4:
The Roman Numeral for 24 is XXIV .
So, XXIV meters of the wall can be constructed by the workers in 4 hours.

Year 4: Exam Test © Ezy Math Tutoring | All Rights Reserved

3. 1301434
Step 1:
The number of men in the town is 532983.
The number of women in the town is 475402.
The number of children in the town is 293049.

Step 2:
Now, add the numbers of men, women and children in the town to calculate the
total population.
HTh TTh Th H T O
Carry  → 2 1 1 1 1
5 3 2 9 8 3
4 7 5 4 0 2
+ 2 9 3 0 4 9
1 3 0 1 4 3 4

So, 532983 + 475402 + 293049 = 1301434 .

Step 3:
Thus, the blank space will be filled with 1301434.

4. (b)
Step 1:
To find the amount left in his account, subtract the withdrawn amount from the
deposited amount.
$3892 − $528 = $3364

Step 2:
So, the amount left in Mark’s account is $3364 .

Year 4: Exam Test © Ezy Math Tutoring | All Rights Reserved

5. Step 1:
Subtract 84 from 740.

Step 2:
Now, we have to find the number that should be added to 56 so that the obtained sum is
656. To find that number, subtract 56 from 656.

Step 3:
So, the number 600 will make the given equation true.

6. (d)
Step 1:
We know that there are 12 bananas in one dozen of bananas.

Step 2:
The given number of bananas is 73500.

Step 3:
To find the number of dozens of bananas, divide the given number of bananas by
one dozen of bananas.
= 6125

Step 4:
So, 6125 dozen of bananas will make 73500 bananas.

7. (c)
Step 1:
Find the prime number that completely divides 391, starting with 2.
391 is not completely divisible by 2.
391 is not completely divisible by 3.
391 is not completely divisible by 5.
391 is not completely divisible by 7.
391 is not completely divisible by 11.
391 is not completely divisible by 13.
391 is completely divisible by 17, 391 = 23 .
391 can also be written as 391 = 17 × 23 .

Step 2:
As we cannot factorize 23 further, 23 is a prime number.

Step 3:
So, the prime factors of 391 are 17 and 23.
Year 4: Exam Test © Ezy Math Tutoring | All Rights Reserved
8. (b)
Step 1:
From the given pattern, it is observed that every next number in the pattern is
obtained by multiplying the previous number by 2.

Step 2:
So, the missing numbers in the given pattern are 16 and 32.

9. (a)
Step 1:
The fraction of pizza Daisy and Zoe ate together is .
The fraction of pizza Daisy ate is .

Step 2:
To find the fraction of pizza Zoe ate, subtract the fraction of pizza Daisy ate
from the fraction of pizza Daisy and Zoe ate together.
3 2 3− 2
− =
4 4 4

Step 3:
So, the fraction of pizza Zoe ate is .

10. 3234
Step 1:
Since multiplication is distributive over addition, we can write the problem as
42 × ( 70 + 7) = 42 × 70 + 42 × 7 .

Step 2:
To calculate 42× 70 , we can multiply 42 by 7 and insert one zero to the right of
the obtained product.

Step 3:
Now, we have 42 × 70 = 2940 .
42× 7 = 294

Step 4:
So, the final answer will be 2940 + 294 = 3234 .
Thus, the blank space will be filled with 3234.

Year 4: Exam Test © Ezy Math Tutoring | All Rights Reserved

11. (d)
Step 1:
First, add the weights in mg:
532 mg + 576 mg = 1108 mg
= 1000 mg +108 mg
= 1 g + 108 mg
Write 108 under the mg column and carry 1 to the g column.
g mg
Carry 
→ 1 1
732 532
+ 84 576

Step 2:
Now, add the weights in g:
1 g (carried over) + 732 g + 84 g = 817 g
Write 817 under the g column.
g mg
Carry 
→ 1 1
732 532
+ 84 576
817 108

Step 3:
So, the sum of 732 g 532 mg and 84 g 576 mg is 817 g 108 mg.

12. 3885
Step 1:
We know that there are 7 days in a week.
So, the number of days in 3 weeks is 7 × 3 days = 21 days .

Step 2:
The number of cycles made in one day is 185.
Calculate the number of cycles that will be made in 21 days by multiplying 185
by 21.
185× 21 = 3885 cycles

Step 3:
Thus, the blank space will be filled with 3885.

Year 4: Exam Test © Ezy Math Tutoring | All Rights Reserved

13. (a)
Step 1:
Round each term in the product to the nearest hundred.
892 becomes 900.
247 becomes 200.
398 becomes 400.

Step 2:
So, the given product will become 900 × 200 × 400 = 72000000 .

14. (b)
Step 1:
We know that the number of sides in a triangle is 3.

So, a triangle has 3 sides and 3 vertices.

15. Symmetry
We know that if we flip or turn a figure and it becomes exactly like another, it is
called symmetry.

16. (c)
Step 1:
David left his home at 8:10 AM or 08:10 hours.

Step 2:
He reached his office at 9:50 AM or 09:50 hours.

Step 3:
The time taken by him to reach office from his home is:
09 : 50 − 08 :10 = 01: 40 hours
So, the answer is 1 hour and 40 minutes.

17. 2
Step 1:
It can be seen in the given figure that a cylinder has 3 faces: two circular and a
rectangular (if the top and bottom of a cylindrical can are cut out and the
cylindrical part is flattened out, a rectangle will be obtained).

Step 2:
So, there are 2 edges and no vertices in a cylinder.
Thus, the blank space will be filled with 2.

Year 4: Exam Test © Ezy Math Tutoring | All Rights Reserved

18. (b)
Step 1:
Use the place value chart for the given decimal number.
Ones . Tenths Hundredths
9 . 3 7

Step 2:
So, 9.37 has 9 ones, 3 tenths and 7 hundredths.
Now, the value of the digit at the ones place is 9×1 , the digit at the tenths place
is 3× 1 and the digit at the hundredths place is 7 × 1 .
10 100

Step 3:
Thus, the expanded form is 9 ×1+ 3× 1 + 7 × 1 .
10 100

19. (d)
Step 1:
We know that the sum of all the sides of a figure is called perimeter.

Step 2:
Perimeter of a rectangle is 2 (length + breadth ) .

Step 3:
The length of the rectangle is 26 cm, and its breadth is 22 cm.
So, the perimeter of the rectangle is:
2 × ( 26 cm + 22 cm) = 2 × 48 cm
= 96 cm

20. $464
Step 1:
To find the cost of 8 chairs, multiply the cost of one chair by 8.
8× $58 = $464

Step 2:
So, the cost of 8 chairs is $464 .

Year 4: Exam Test © Ezy Math Tutoring | All Rights Reserved

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