16.-Internet Financial Fraud Detection Base

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Received February 10, 2021, accepted February 21, 2021, date of publication February 26, 2021, date of current version March 23, 2021.
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/ACCESS.2021.3062467

Internet Financial Fraud Detection Based on a

Distributed Big Data Approach With Node2vec
1 Department of Information Technology and Management, Hunan University of Finance and Economics, Changsha 410205, China
2 College of Engineering, The University of Alabama, Tuscaloosa, AL 35401, USA

Corresponding author: Sha Fu ([email protected])

This work was supported in part by the Scientific Research Project of Education Department of Hunan Province under Grant 20K021 and
Grant 20A080, in part by the Hunan Provincial Higher Education Teaching Reform Research Project under Grant HNJG-2020-1124,
in part by the Social Science Foundation of Hunan Province under Grant 17YBA049, and in part by the 2011 Collaborative Innovation
Center of Big Data for Financial and Economical Asset Development and Utility in Universities of Hunan Province.

ABSTRACT The rapid development of information technologies like Internet of Things, Big Data, Artificial
Intelligence, Blockchain, etc., has profoundly affected people’s consumption behaviors and changed the
development model of the financial industry. The financial services on Internet and IoT with new tech-
nologies has provided convenience and efficiency for consumers, but new hidden fraud risks are generated
also. Fraud, arbitrage, vicious collection, etc., have caused bad effects and huge losses to the development
of finance on Internet and IoT. However, as the scale of financial data continues to increase dramatically,
it is more and more difficult for existing rule-based expert systems and traditional machine learning model
systems to detect financial frauds from large-scale historical data. In the meantime, as the degree of
specialization of financial fraud continues to increase, fraudsters can evade fraud detection by frequently
changing their fraud methods. In this article, an intelligent and distributed Big Data approach for Internet
financial fraud detections is proposed to implement graph embedding algorithm Node2Vec to learn and
represent the topological features in the financial network graph into low-dimensional dense vectors, so as
to intelligently and efficiently classify and predict the data samples of the large-scale dataset with the deep
neural network. The approach is distributedly performed on the clusters of Apache Spark GraphX and
Hadoop to process the large dataset in parallel. The groups of experimental results demonstrate that the
proposed approach can improve the efficiency of Internet financial fraud detections with better precision
rate, recall rate, F1-Score and F2-Score.

INDEX TERMS Internet of Things (IoT), Internet finance, fraud detection, graph embedding algorithm,

I. INTRODUCTION consumer finance industry has been good, and various mobile
With the rapid development of the information technologies e-commerce companies have entered the consumer finance
like Internet of Things, Big Data, Artificial Intelligence, field through installment payments and small loans, which
Blockchain, etc., the digital life led by financial technology has promoted the development of related industries. Inter-
has profoundly affected people’s consumption behaviors and net financial services based on consumer credits in China,
changed the development model of the traditional financial such as Huabei launched by Ant Financial and Alipay of
industry to a certain extent [1]. In particular, technical prod- Alibaba Group, Jingdong Baitiao operated by JD.com, WeiL-
ucts such as mobile payment, IoT financial services and iDai launched by WeBank of Tencent, etc., have enabled
Internet financial wealth management have penetrated into consumers to enjoy the online shopping experience of ‘‘con-
lots of aspects of economic and social activities. From 2014 to sumption first, pay later’’, and covered the e-commerce
the present, the development momentum of China’s Internet installment shopping, cash borrowing and other businesses.
Especially in 2020, the COVID-19 pandemic [2] has caused
The associate editor coordinating the review of this manuscript and a surge in online transaction volume and brought a large
approving it for publication was Yang Xiao. number of online customers to online service providers. It has

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License. For more information, see https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/
43378 VOLUME 9, 2021
H. Zhou et al.: Internet Financial Fraud Detection Based on Distributed Big Data Approach With Node2vec

cultivated the habit of more groups of users to make online are usually performed based on historical transaction data to
purchases and payments through mobile phones and IoT convert the original data into characteristic data. After that,
devices, which brings continuous impetus to the development models such as machine learning regression or classification
of the Internet financial industry. are used for training and evaluation on the data set. Finally,
The rapid development of mobile and IoT financial pay- the model goes online for fraud detection.
ment services has not only provided convenience and effi- However, as the scale of financial transaction data con-
ciency for consumers, but also brought more hidden fraud tinues to increase dramatically, it is more and more difficult
risks. Due to the concealment of the complex network, there for rule-based expert systems and traditional machine learn-
could be a breeding ground for fraudulent activities by crim- ing model systems to detect transaction frauds or fraudulent
inals. The control of fraud risks is becoming more and more behavior patterns from large-scale historical data when faced
difficult and fraud cases occur frequently, which causes the with massive data levels. In the meantime, as the degree of
fraud losses to commercial banks and financial institutions specialization of financial fraud continues to increase, fraud-
are also increasing. The continuous happening of Internet sters can evade fraud detection by frequently changing their
financial fraudulent problems, such as the agreement cash-out own fraud methods. Nevertheless, it is difficult for fraudsters
incident of Huabei and Taobao merchants, and ‘‘Baitiao’’ to change all their associated relationships. When the associ-
multiple fraud incidents, have not only damaged the legit- ated network graph can cover a large area, even if a fraudster
imate rights and interests of the service platform, but also or fraudulent behavior is careful, it may unwittingly reveal
caused consumers to question the company’s account security clues. Therefore, in the context of large-scale financial data,
and risk identification capabilities. how to effectively mine the topological structure characteris-
A large number of violations are beyond the scope of the tics of the association network graph in real time and improve
industry’s existing laws and regulations, and industry regula- the effect of models for financial fraud detection is a new
tion has always lagged behind the innovative development of direction for researchers to explore. In this article, an intelli-
Internet consumer finance, which makes the regulatory laws gent and distributed Big Data approach for Internet financial
and regulations are often in a state of absence so that it impos- fraud detection is proposed to implement graph embedding
sible to deal with industry violations in a timely manner. algorithm Node2Vec to learn and represent the topological
Fraud, arbitrage, vicious collection and other phenomena are features in the financial network graph into low-dimensional
becoming more and more rampant in online financial service dense vectors, so as to intelligently and efficiently classify
platforms, which has caused bad effects and huge losses to and predict the data samples of the large-scale dataset with the
the development of consumer finance on Internet and IoT. deep neural network. The approach is distributedly performed
Fraud is an illegal or criminal deception aimed at obtain- on the clusters of Apache Spark GraphX and Hadoop to pro-
ing financial or personal benefits. Fraud generally has the cess the large dataset in parallel. The groups of experimental
attributes of abnormal or unfair transactions. Due to the results demonstrate that the proposed approach can improve
inconsistency with previous fund operation rules or other nor- the efficiency of Internet financial fraud detections with better
mal behaviors, fraudulent behavior presents various abnor- precision rate, recall rate, F1-Score and F2-Score.
mal characteristics, including abnormal transaction amount, The rest of the article is organized as follows. Literature
abnormal transaction time, abnormal transaction account, of related works is described in Section 2. Section 3 demon-
abnormal transaction IP, or abnormal personal credit rating. strates the graph embedding algorithm of Node2Vec repre-
Currently, fraud detection schemes in the industry sentation learning. An intelligent and distributed Big Data
mainly include rule-based expert systems and machine approach for Internet financial fraud detection is proposed
learning-based model systems. The rule-based expert sys- in Section 4. In Section 5, groups of experiments are
tem requires anti-fraud experts to manually analyze a large implemented to evaluate the efficiency of the proposed
amount of normal and abnormal transaction data, accurately approach. Conclusions and future works are summarized in
identify the behavior of fraudsters, find important features Section 6.
that can effectively distinguish fraud, and write expert rules
for fraud detection. Therefore, the rule-based expert system II. RELATED WORKS
strongly relies on the professional knowledge and business Beck points out that with the development of information
knowledge of the anti-fraud experts. If the experts cannot technology, the threshold for people to accept financial ser-
detect increasingly complex fraud patterns in a timely and vices has been lowered, and some credit risks are caused
keen manner, it will cause huge losses. by the problem of information asymmetry [4]. Weiss et al.
With the continuous increase of machine computing power, indicate out that Internet financial risks are mainly due to
model systems based on machine learning have emerged. The adverse selection and moral hazard caused by information
machine learning-based model system is generally divided asymmetry, and the entire Internet financial industry will be
into four modules: data preprocessing, feature engineering, affected [5]. Houston et al. believe that P2P online lending
model training and model prediction [3]. Data preprocessing is beneficial to the development of small and medium enter-
includes missing value processing, sampling and other steps. prises and can effectively supplement traditional banking ser-
After the processing is completed, cumulative calculations vices [6]. Allen et al. find that there are many credit channels

VOLUME 9, 2021 43379

H. Zhou et al.: Internet Financial Fraud Detection Based on Distributed Big Data Approach With Node2vec

in the United States and based on the research of American unsupervised model for credit card fraud detections [17]. The
household credit models, and that household consumption, SOM model does not require prior information, so the pro-
household income, credit banks and credit scale are obvi- posed automation system can continuously update the model
ously related [7]. Kregel studies the development trend of by using newly added transaction data. Srivastava et al. use
consumer finance and finds that the development of Internet the K-means clustering algorithm to classify the transaction
consumer finance companies must fully consider the current data set and build a fraud detection model based on the
market legal environment, financial market and consumer similarity of credit card fraud characteristics [18]. Zhou et al.
behavior factors, etc. Internet consumer finance is directly use data mining techniques, such as decision trees, neural
related to the current development of the national financial networks, Bayesian networks and other algorithms, to detect
system [8]. Momparler et al. take the American Internet fraud in financial statements [19]. Liu et al. use the random
consumer finance company as the research object, study forest algorithm on the financial fraud data set and compare it
the risks and advantages of the Internet consumer finance with other algorithms like logistic regression, nearest neigh-
platform, and design a related risk management model [9]. bor, decision tree and support vector machine, and find that
Jambulapati et al. point out that the function of Banking the random forest algorithm has the highest accuracy and
Act to prevent credit card risks and discuss the content of good interpretability [20]. Torgo et al. implement a hierar-
credit card bank supervision [10]. Through the data analysis chical agglomerative clustering algorithm on the transaction
of the consumption and credit segment in credit card usage, data set to detect fraudulent transactions [21]. Dharwa et al.
Shefrin et al. explore how families can make credit card propose a kind of density-based clustering algorithm for fraud
usage decisions quickly and relatively frugally and provide identification on the credit card transaction data sets [22].
online financial tools by a large credit card company to assist Akoglu et al. believe that graph structure data has a strong
consumers in making decisions on credit card usage [11]. expressive ability, so in the field of fraud detection asso-
Hem et al. analyze the relationship between the Internet and ciation analysis methods could pay more attention to the
credit card balances in American households through a sur- connection between fraudsters and other individuals in a
vey of American consumer financial data [12]. By studying relationship network graph [23]. Aggarwal et al. construct
the different effects of factors such as education, income a connected behavior model by dynamically dividing the
status, gender, age, race, etc. on credit card balances, anal- network to detect structural anomalies in large-scale net-
ysis shows that education reduces credit card debt, while work flows [24]. Based on the viewpoint that anomalous
the Internet increases credit card debt. Andrew et al. use nodes belong to multiple communities, Moradi et al. use a
the time cross-sectional data of the financial situation of community detection algorithm to detect anomalies by data
American consumers to analyze the difference between credit mining and finding communities that violate the community
card interest rates and credit lines and study the changes that boundary rules [25]. Paula et al. implement Auto Encoder
are taking place in the credit card market, and the results to detect export fraud related to data patterns, and verify it
show that the lenders are using more information of digital on Brazil’s export data of goods and products in 2014 [26].
finance than before [13]. Ficawoyi et al. analyze the positive The model is able to detect the abnormal situation of at
relationship between Internet exposure levels and credit card least 20 exporters. Pandey uses UCSD2009 data to prove
default through surveys on consumer finance and income the effectiveness of deep learning in the field of credit card
nodes [14]. The research points out that Internet access, low fraud, but the model used is a shallow model containing
income, and male families are more likely to cause credit only 2 fully connected layers and the framework used does
card defaults. Giudici et al. propose how to improve credit not support GPU implementation [27]. Rushin et al. com-
risk accuracy of P2P Internet financial platforms and of those pare the effects of logistic regression, gradient descent tree,
who lend to small and medium enterprises [15]. The augment and deep learning in credit card fraud detection, and prove
traditional credit scoring methods are put forward with ‘‘alter- that the predictive ability of deep learning methods is better
native data’’ that consist of centrality measures derived from than the other two methods [28]. The classification result
similarity networks among borrowers and deduced from their depends on the features constructed by domain expertise, and
financial ratios. The experimental findings suggest that the it does not consider other attributes of the data such as time
proposed approach improves predictive accuracy as well as attributes. Jurgovsky et al. take the fraud detection problem
model explainability. as a sequence classification task, and use long and short-term
In recent years, research in the field of financial fraud has memory (LSTM) to make predictions [29]. Experimental
mainly focused on bank fraud, insurance fraud, securities results prove that LSTM effectively improves the accuracy
and commodity fraud, and other related types. Bank fraud of credit card fraud compared to random forest. Fang et al.
includes fraud scenarios such as credit card fraud and money propose an assessment of Light Gradient Boosting Machine
laundering. Insurance fraud includes fraud scenarios such model to achieve a higher total recall rate in real dataset and
as auto insurance fraud, group insurance fraud, and medical fast feedback comparing with Random Forest and Gradient
insurance fraud. Other related financial frauds include fraud Boosting Machine algorithm, and the proposed model’s per-
scenarios such as marketing fraud and corporate fraud [16]. formance and efficiency in detecting credit card fraudulence
SOM model (Self Organizing Map) is proposed to build an are evaluated in the experiments [30].

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H. Zhou et al.: Internet Financial Fraud Detection Based on Distributed Big Data Approach With Node2vec

III. GRAPH REPRESENTATION LEARNING WITH Structural equivalence is mainly used to characterize the
NODE2VEC structural similarity between nodes, so the vertices of the
Through studying a large number of Internet financial fraud same structure should be similar in the representation learn-
cases, two important characteristics are found: ing of structural equivalence. BFS can traverse the adjacent
(1) The pattern of Internet financial fraud continues to vertex information around the vertex as much as possible,
evolve and develop over time, not just repeating the existing so BFS is more suitable for representing the structural equiva-
individual behavior patterns appeared in historical cases; lence of vertices. Through structural equivalence, we can find
(2) With the advancement of anti-fraud technology, it is the vertices of two similar structures that are completely dis-
getting harder for individuals to commit Internet financial connected in the entire graph, which has important practical
fraud. It needs to be organized and conducted through related significance in anomaly fraud detection, risk control, robo-
and connected groups. advisor recommendation, etc.
A graph is an abstract graph formed by a number of nodes Homophily characterizes the similar homogeneity of adja-
and the edges connecting each node [31], [32]. It is usu- cent vertices, which is similar to Word2Vec, that is, words
ally used to describe a specific relationship between things. that often appear together have the similar meaning in a high
A relational network graph refers to a graph-based data struc- probability. Because DFS can macroscopically reflect the
ture composed of nodes and edges. Each node represents an neighborhood of each vertex, DFS-based network homophily
entity, and each edge is the relationship between an entity and representations are more applied for group community
the other connected entity. The relationship network graph discovery.
connects different entities together according to their relation- In the following Figure 1, it is a simple example of BFS
ships, thus it could provide the ability to analyze problems and DFS in a graph. In the example, the vertex u and vertex
from the perspective of ‘‘relationship’’. S1 have the structural equivalence, while u and S6 are more
In anti-fraud applications, entities in the network graph, similar in the homophily.
such as people, equipment, mailboxes, card numbers, etc., can
be represented by nodes, and the relationships between these
nodes in the business can be represented by edges. Through
continuous construction and reproduction of the associated
relationships hidden covertly in Internet financial frauds,
fraud characteristics can be detected and corresponding risk
control strategies can be designed. The graph algorithms can
characterize various high-risk features in the Internet finance,
such as batch attacks, intermediary participation, etc., which
is more effective to identify abnormal group frauds from
normal behaviors.
Graph embedding is an efficient technique to map a
FIGURE 1. BFS and DFS search strategies from vertex u.
node in a graph from a high-dimensional sparse vector to
a low-dimensional dense vector [33], which learns and rep-
resents the topological structure of the node in the network Suppose there is a graph G = (V, E), V is the set of vertices
graph and the internal information of the node. Compared in the graph and E is the set of edges in the graph. Then,
with traditional graph data mining methods, by applying the goal of graph embedding learning is to learn a function f
graph embedding algorithms in anti-fraud business scenarios, to map a vertex to a feature representation vector, where
it could obtain a global perspective to gain a clearer insight f : V → Rd (1)
into the potential associations of different entities. Moreover,
graph embedding algorithms can use graph models to process and d is a pre-set hyperparameter that represents the dimen-
big data sets in the security field, which might be difficult sion of the feature representation of each vertex. R denotes
for the computing ability of traditional graph data mining the real number set.
methods. Thus, the final learning result is a matrix of size |V | × d
Node2Vec is a graph embedding algorithm [34] that intro- parameters, and for each vertex u ∈ V , NS (u) ⊂ V denoted
duces two biased random walk methods—BFS (Breadth First the network neighborhood of vertex u with the sampling
Search) and DFS (Depth First Search) on the basis of Deep- strategy S. Through extending the Skip-Gram neural net-
Walk [35], so as to respectively learn and represent the work model of Word2Vec, the cost function with maximal
structural equivalence and homophily of the network graph. log-probability is as follows:
Compared with random walk without any weight guidance, X
Node2Vec achieves the purpose of biased walk by introduc- max log Pr (NS (u) |f (u)) (2)
ing Return Parameter and In-out Parameter, that is, the entire
random walk process is switching between BFS and DFS by In order to make the optimization problem easier to handle,
setting different biases. two assumptions are made.

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H. Zhou et al.: Internet Financial Fraud Detection Based on Distributed Big Data Approach With Node2vec

from the vertex v to the next vertex x is:

πvx = αpq (t, x) · wvx (7)
The αpq is calculated in the following formula:


 , if dtx = 0

αpq (t, x) = 1, if dtx = 1 (8)
 1
 , if dtx = 2

And dtx denotes the shortest distance from the vertex t
to the vertex x. The value of dtx must be one of {0, 1, 2}.
FIGURE 2. A case of Node2Vec random walk procedure. Parameter p is called Return parameter and parameter q is
called In-out parameter.
(1) Conditional independence. Sampling each neighbor is Return parameter p controls the possibility of returning
independent of each other, so if the probability of sampling to the last time vertex in one walk. If the value of p is set
all neighbors need to be calculated, it can only multiply the relatively larger, then the probability of a walk from the vertex
probabilities of sampling each neighbor. The formula is as to the previous vertex is smaller, that is, the walk will go
follows: further away from the starting point. In this way, it is possible
Pr (NS (u) |f (u)) =
Pr (ni |f (u)) (3) to control whether to walk a certain starting point field or a
certain starting point deeper field. The parameter p does not
ni ∈NS (u)
directly control whether the whole walking process is DFS
(2) Symmetry in feature space. In the feature space, or BFS. It only controls whether the walking area is always
the effect between two vertices is symmetrical. For example, close to the starting point or gradually away from the starting
an edge connects vertices a and b, then when mapped to the point.
feature space, the effect of a on b and the effect of b on a In-out parameter q controls whether a walk moves inward
should be the same. The formula is as follows: or outward. When q>1, the random walk is biased towards
exp (f (ni ) · f (u)) the vertices close to the vertex t, that is to say, the walking area
Pr (ni |f (u)) = P (4)
v∈V exp (f (v) · f (u))
is more inclined to the neighborhood of the vertex t, which
is BFS search mode. When q<1, the random walk is biased
Combine the above three formulas to get the final result to towards the vertices far from the vertex t, which is DFS search
be optimized: mode.
Therefore, the parameter p determines the random walk
 
max − log Zu + f (ni ) · f (u) (5) area and the parameter q determines the random walk mode.
f After the combination of the two parameters, through several
u∈V ni ∈NS (u)
biased walks, the structural equivalence and homophily of the
For each vertex in G, vertices on the network graph could be more fully learned and
Zu = exp (f (u) · f (v)) (6)
Because the computation for function Zu is particularly IV. AN INTELLIGENT AND DISTRIBUTED BIG DATA
time-consuming in large network graph, Negative Sampling APPROACH FOR INTERNET FINANCIAL FRAUD
method is used to reduce time complexity. For each vertex DETECTION
v in V , originally f (v) would be computed. Then, negative In order to deal with the massively growing data set, dis-
sampling is applied to accelerate the training speed and tributed Big Data clusters are used to construct the intelli-
improve the quality of the embedding vectors. Unlike the gent risk management platforms for Internet financial fraud
original update of all weights for each training sample, neg- detections. In this article, our distributed Big Data approach
ative sampling only updates a small part of the weights of a deploys Apache Spark 3.0 as the big data infrastructure to dis-
training sample at a time, which will reduce the amount of tributedly implement the machine learning algorithms so as to
computation in the gradient descent process. improve the efficiency of Internet financial fraud detections.
Node2Vec uses the biased random walk that can achieve a The Spark cluster manager provides resources to all worker
smooth transition in BFS and DFS. For each walk, bias α is nodes as per need and it operates all nodes accordingly.
introduced to generate the biased random walk. In Figure 2, The Spark cluster manager mode is Hadoop Yarn, which
an example is illustrated about the 2nd order biased random works as a distributed computing framework to maintain job
walk procedure in Node2Vec. scheduling as well as resource management. In the cluster,
Assuming that the walk in Figure 2 has been transitioned master nodes and slave nodes are highly available. Hadoop
from the vertex t to the vertex v, the transition probability Yarn splits up the functionalities of resource management

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H. Zhou et al.: Internet Financial Fraud Detection Based on Distributed Big Data Approach With Node2vec

and job scheduling/monitoring into separate daemons by run-

ning a global Resource Manager (RM) and per-application
Application Master (AM). The Hadoop HDFS is initiated on
the cluster of data nodes where the dataset is distributedly
stored. Then Spark environment is created and client node
uses SparkContext to transform the processing request into
Directed Acyclic Graph (DAG) in driver program. Once a
DAG is generated, the graph is submitted to DAG scheduler.
The role of DAG scheduler is to create physical execution
plan and submit it to a real computation. This plan consists on
physical unit of execution known as stages. In order to opti-
mize the pipelining work by operations, sometimes several
transformations will be merged into a single stage. Usually
a DAG is analyzed into stage tasks and sent to the Resource
Manager that has initiated a Node Manager on each Spark
worker node. Each Node Manager receives one or several
computing tasks and initiates Executor containers to run the
tasks in parallel. FIGURE 3. The distributed storage with vertex cut.
Graph computing is widely used in networks that include
graph structures, such as credit networks and social networks of the sparse edge adjacency matrix, so as to guarantee a
with complex financial interactions. In these kind of net- bound on the number of vertex replication.
works, graph computing is required to calculate the connec- To improve the efficiency of Internet financial fraud detec-
tions between each other. tions, a distributed Big Data approach is proposed, which
Especially, when the scale of a graph is very large, a dis- majorly includes four modules: data preprocessing module,
tributed graph computing framework needs to be used. Spark normal data feature module, graph embedding module, pre-
GraphX is Apache Spark’s API for graphs and graph-parallel diction module. As it shown in Figure 4, data preprocessing
computation, with a built-in library of common algorithms. module removes most of the empty value fields and repeated
Spark GraphX introduces a new graph abstract data structure fields in the Internet finance dataset at first, and then extract
by extending Spark RDD (Resilient Distributed Datasets): a and generate the graph topological dataset and normal sample
directed multigraph that puts valid information into vertices dataset. Normal data feature module includes two procedures
and edges. Like every module of Spark, there is an abstract to divide the dataset into multiple data partitions and perform
data structure based on RDD that is convenient for self- a statistical analysis on each field of each data partition so
calculation. The scale of graphs in industrial applications is as to obtain the normal data features of the dataset. Graph
usually very large. In order to increase the processing speed embedding module constructs the network graph and imple-
and data volume, a distributed method is used to store and ments the Node2Vec algorithm on Spark GraphX to learn and
process graph data. There are roughly two ways of distributed represent the topological features of a vertex in the network
storage of graphs: Edge Cut and Vertex Cut. In the early graph graph into a low-dimensional dense vector. Prediction module
computing framework, the edge-segmented storage method implements the classification model of deep neural network
was used. Later, considering most of the large-scale graphs and accomplishes the final prediction results. The classifica-
in the real world are graphs with more edges than points, tion model contains four parts of the input part, convolution
so it is more reasonable to store them in the Vertex Cut part, fully connected part and output part. Each predicted
way. As shown in Figure 3, Vertex Cut can reduce the over- result is a floating number between 0 and 1, which represents
head of network transmission and storage. The underlying the probability that a data sample is a fraudulent one.
implementation is to store edges on each node, and when In the implementation of Node2Vec algorithm on
data exchange is performed, vertices are broadcasted between Spark GraphX, the modules of spark.graphx.{EdgeTriplet,
various machines for transmission. GraphX maintains a rout- Graph, _} and graph.{GraphOps, EdgeAttr, NodeAttr} are
ing table internally, so that the required attributes can be imported for the realization. The format of nodes in a graph
transferred to the edge partition through the routing table is initiated the as (nodeId, NodeAttr(neighbors: Array[(long,
mapping. For the interactive operation between a vertex and Double)], path: Array[long])), where nodeId denotes the ID
its neighbors, as long as the commutative law and associative of a node, neighbors denotes the adjacent node array, path
law are satisfied, Vertex Cut is effective. However, the price denotes the list of random walk. The format of edges in a
of Vertex Cut is that the attributes of some vertices may graph is initiated the as (srcId, dstId, EdgeAttr(dstNeighbor:
be redundantly stored in multiple copies, and there is data Array[long], J : Array[Int], q: Array[Double])), where srcId
synchronization overhead when updating vertex data. For the and dstId respectively denote the start node and end node of
partitioning strategy of Vertex Cut, EdgePartition2D strategy an edge, dstNeighbor denotes the neighbor nodes of end node,
is applied to assign edges to partitions using a 2D partitioning J and q are the values related to Alias sampling. Through

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H. Zhou et al.: Internet Financial Fraud Detection Based on Distributed Big Data Approach With Node2vec

FIGURE 4. The distributed big data approach with four modules.

the functions of GraphX, NodeAttr and EdgeAttr are used

in EdgeTriplet. According to the rule of Node2Vec biased
random walk, the transition probability of dstId is calculated
and stored in the dstNeighbor, J, q of EdgeAttr. The class of
Node2VecModel is defined to train the data and accomplish
the graph embedding according to the Word2Vec model.

Groups of experiments are carried out on a cluster consisting
of 30 identical machines, where one of them is designated as
the master node and the rest are designated as worker nodes.
Each machine has 8 physical cores and 64 GB of RAM.
The operating system is CentOS 7 with Java Development
Kit 10 and Scala 2.12. The stable release version of Apache FIGURE 5. Evaluation on precision with different datasets.
Spark 3.0 is running on top of the cluster resource negotiator
Hadoop Yarn and storage file system HDFS.
The original experimental dataset is obtained from a large one is under 43% for it is relatively incapable to learn the
Internet financial service provider in China. After the data topological characteristics of the nodes in the network graph.
preprocessing, there are 192586 data samples in the dataset Node2Vec applies the structural equivalence to increase
in which the number of fraud samples is 4375. There are the number of sampling occurrences of neighboring nodes
over 60 data fields of the dataset, such as initial amount, and reduce the variance of the neighboring nodes describing
currency, income level, payment records, financial status, the current node, while it applies homophily to reflect the
balance sheet, sale status, etc. For the reason to maintain data homogeneity between the current node and the further nodes.
confidentiality of sensitive information, not all the data fields Therefore, the recall test results of Node2Vec are better than
are mentioned. In order to evaluate the classification results of the other two algorithms, as shown in Figure 6. Among the
different machine learning models, the dataset is divided into fraudulent samples in the test, over 60% of them are detected
8 subsidiary datasets to conduct the cross-validation. Each and in some tests the results are near 70%. DeepWalk Maxi-
time the ration of training data and testing data is nearly 4:1. mizes the likelihood of random walk sequences and its recall
Groups of experiments are performed to compare the rates are between 40% to 50%, which is better than those of
machine learning algorithms of Node2Vec, DeepWalk, SVM SVM.
and the experimental results are evaluated. Evaluation F1-Score is a measure indicator of classification problems
results on precision with different datasets are demonstrated and it considers recall rate and precision to be equally impor-
in Figure 5. Node2vec introduces biased parameters and BFS tant. In Figure 7, the F1-Score test results of Node2Vec are
and DFS into the random walk sequence generation process between 67% to 73%, which is higher than the results of the
on the basis of DeepWalk, all of the precision test results other two comparative algorithms. This shows that Node2Vec
are over 70% and the highest rate is near 80%. DeepWalk is more stable in terms of overall performance and has better
uses the uniformly random walk to generate the sampling classification effects.
sequences so that the highest precision rate is 60% or so. The When detecting the Internet financial fraud behaviors, it is
precision results of SVM are just over 30% and the highest often more important to detect as many real frauds as possible

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H. Zhou et al.: Internet Financial Fraud Detection Based on Distributed Big Data Approach With Node2vec

proposed in this article. The approach mainly includes four

modules: data preprocessing module, normal data feature
module, graph embedding module, prediction module. The
graph embedding algorithm Node2Vec is implemented on
Spark GraphX and Hadoop to learn and represent the topo-
logical features of each vertex in the network graph into a
low-dimensional dense vector, so as to improve the classifi-
cation effectiveness of deep neural network and predict the
fraudulent samples of the dataset. The experiments evaluate
the indicators of precision rate, recall rate, F1-Score and
F2-Score, and the results show that due to the Node2Vec
properties of structural equivalence and homophily, the fea-
tures of samples can be better learned and represented and the
FIGURE 6. Evaluation on recall with different datasets. proposed approach is better than the comparative methods.
In future work, the inductive graph embedding network algo-
rithms, such as GraphSage, PinSage, etc., would be improved
and implemented to effectively learn the features of newly
generated vertices in a dynamic network graph, so as to
achieve the better effect of financial fraud detection.

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[35] B. Perozzi, R. Al-Rfou, and S. Skiena, ‘‘DeepWalk: Online learning of JUAN HU was born in Changsha, Hunan, China,
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Discovery Data Mining, Aug. 2014, pp. 701–710. data science and big data technology with the
Hunan university of Finance and Economics. She
has won three college level first-class scholarships.
She often participates in a number of academic
practices, such as data modeling for financial risk
management, big data engine, and parallel and
distributed computing.

HANGJUN ZHOU received the Ph.D. degree in

computer science from the National University of
Defense Technology. He is currently a Professor YING GAO is currently pursuing the degree in
with the Hunan University of Finance and Eco- data science and big data technology with the
nomics and a Senior Data Development Engineer School of Information Technology and Manage-
with the Ministry of Industry and Information, ment, Hunan University of Finance and Eco-
China. His research interests include big data min- nomics. Her main research interests include big
ing, artificial intelligence, the Internet of Things, data processing, financial risk evaluation, and user
and financial risk management. In these fields, behavior analysis.
he was the first author of more than 40 articles,
one national standard, eight national inventions, four treatises, and eight
provincial research projects.

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