Mockboard 122 Day 1 Am PP BL Hoa Tapp

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Friday, 20 August 2021

DAY 1 Morning (Professional Practice, Building Laws, History and TAPP)

14 January 2022 8am – 12nn


WARNING: If there are conflicts between a stated word and the number/amount/figure
described, the stated/spelled word shall prevail. Should there be conflicts between two (2.0)
stated quantities, the higher figure shall prevail.

1. How many safety inspectors are required in hazardous workplaces with 51-200 workers,
based on occupational safety and health standards?
a. 1
b. 2
c. 3
d. 4
e. A safety inspector is not required for hazardous workplaces with 200 or fewer

2. Which of the following is classified as a hazardous workplace?

a. Hospital d. Hotel
b. Construction site e. Shopping center
c. Commercial building

3. Who issues the CEI?

a. OBO c. Master Electrician
b. Professional Electrical d. Meralco
Engineer e. NGCP

4. Which is not included in the scope of services of Building and Facilities Administration?
a. Building Maintenance d. Building Equipment
b. Grounds and Landscaping Maintenance
Supervision e. Business Development and
c. Post Construction Evaluation Maintenance

5. In this post-construction service, the architect evaluates the initial design program against
the actual use of the facility.
a. Post Construction Evaluation d. Building Utilization Study
b. Building Maintenance e. Design Program Review
c. Building Appraisal

6. When the owner hires an architect or a firm to coordinate the whole range of
Comprehensive Architectural Services, this constitutes
a. Project Management d. Construction Management
b. Project Coordination e. Architectural Services
c. Comprehensive Architectural Coordination

Situation: Paulina is a 23-year-old architecture graduate from a prestigious university who is

preparing to take the Architects’ Licensure Examinations. She was asked by her grandfather to
design a new house that he was planning to construct in the province. Paulina came up with an

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original floor plan but in order to save time, she mostly copied the façade of a house designed by
Architect Lenny, her college professor who gave his students copies of the plans of that house for
a class exercise. Paulina prepared the detailed plans and the specifications but since she is not a
licensed architect yet, she asked her cousin Ariel, who is a civil engineer, to sign and seal the plans
for the purposes of obtaining a building permit. A permit was eventually issued, and construction
of the house commenced.

7. Analyze Paulina’s acts. Did she practice architecture?

a. Yes, because designing and preparing the plans for a house constitute practice of
b. No. Paulina is not a licensed architect so her acts cannot be considered as
constituting practice of architecture.
c. No, because she only prepared the plans, but she did not sign and/or seal them.
d. Yes, because she has already finished her architecture degree. Hence, her acts
constitute practice of architecture.
e. Both A and B

8. Paulina’s neighbor Santino, who is a physician, found out about what Paulina did and
wanted to report her to the authorities for the unauthorized practice of architecture. Who
may report such offenses?
a. Only licensed architects may file such a report
b. Only the public prosecutor may file such a report
c. Only persons who directly suffered losses or damages may file such a report
d. Anyone may file such a report
e. Both B and D

9. Assuming that Santino is authorized to report Paulina for the unauthorized practice of
architecture, to whom should he report her?
a. The PRC d. Either A or B
b. The PRBOA e. Either B or C
c. The Regional Trial Court

10. If Paulina were to be charged in Court, what would she be guilty of and what is the
a. Misdemeanor. Fine of P100k-P5M, or imprisonment of 6 months to 6 years, or
both, at the discretion of the Court
b. Malpractice. Fine of P100k-P5M, or imprisonment of 6 months to 6 years, or both,
at the discretion of the Court
c. Illegal practice of a profession. Fine of P200k-P10M, or imprisonment of 6 months
to 3 years, or both, at the discretion of the Court
d. Infringement. Fine of P200k-P10M, or imprisonment of 6 months to 3 years, or
both, at the discretion of the Court
e. Usurpation of office. Fine of P200k-P10M, or imprisonment of 6 months to 3 years,
or both, at the discretion of the Court

11. Architect Lenny later recognized that the façade design was copied from his own design.
Does he have the right to have the construction of the house stopped?
a. Yes, because his design was copied without his permission.
b. No, because the design is not 100% the same.
c. No, because even though the façade is mostly the same, the plans are different.
d. Yes, but only if he can prove that it was the whole design that was copied.

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e. Yes, but only if he can prove that at least 50% of the façade design elements were

National Artists for Architecture.

The Order of National Artists of the Philippines (Orden ng mga Pambansang Alagad ng Sining ng
Pilipinas) is an order bestowed by the Philippine government on Filipinos who have made
significant contributions to the development of Philippine art. Members of the Order are known as
National Artists. Originally instituted as an award, it was elevated to the status of an order in 2003.
The Order is administered by the Cultural Center of the Philippines by virtue of President
Ferdinard Marcos’ Proclamation № 1001 of April 2, 1972 and the National Commission for
Culture and the Arts. The first award was posthumously conferred on Filipino painter Fernando

12. Who was the first National Artist for Architecture in 1973?
a. Juan Nakpil d. Andres Luna de San Pedro
b. Juan Arellano e. Antonio Toledo
c. Pablo Antonio
13. Conferred as a national artist for architecture in 1976 and was known for his characteristic
adoption of Art Deco techniques that was considered radical during his days when
neoclassicism was the norm.
a. Juan Nakpil d. Andres Luna de San Pedro
b. Juan Arellano e. Antonio Toledo
c. Pablo Antonio
14. Which of the following is NOT a work of the second national artist for architecture?
a. Manila Polo Club d. FEU Admin & Science Buildings
b. Ideal Theater e. Meralco Building
c. Lyric Theater
15. The 2018 National Artist for architecture was acknowledged to have developed a legacy of
Philippine architecture that is imbued on his architectural works of original Filipino forms.
Which of the following is not his work?
a. La Mesa Watershed Resort & c. Chapel of the Holy Sacrifice
Ecological Park d. Our Lady of Peace Shrine
b. Chapel of the Risen Lord e. Tahanang Pilipino
16. One of the feature of the structure from the previous question was a floor mural, executed
in terazzo, done by a National Artist by the name of:
a. Arturo Luz d. Fernando Zobel De Ayala
b. Vicente Manansala e. Juan Nakpil
c. Leandro Locsin

Situation: Charlie invited Anna, an architect, to meet over coffee to discuss a potential restaurant
project. They agreed on a fee payable to Anna for the time she will spend discussing the project
with Charlie. During the meeting, Charlie was impressed by Anna’s clear expertise in designing
restaurants and decided to commission Anna to design the restaurant for him. They signed a
service agreement and Anna started working on the design for Charlie. However, while Anna was
working on the design several months later, the COVID-19 pandemic broke out. Charlie started to
worry if the project was still a good idea, so he asked Frank, an accountant, to do a feasibility
study in order to help him decide on whether to continue with the project or not. Frank submitted

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his report, recommending that Charlie cancel the project because of the market conditions
brought about by the pandemic. When Charlie informed Anna of his decision to cancel the
project, Anna was already in the middle of the Design Development Phase.

17. What service did Anna render when she met with Charlie over coffee to discuss the
potential restaurant project?
a. Consultation d. Space Programming
b. Feasibility Study e. Site Selection and Analysis
c. Pre-feasibility Study

18. For the service rendered in the preceding item, how should Anna charge Charlie?
a. She should charge Charlie based on the time spent
b. She should charge Charlie a lump sum amount
c. She should charge Charlie based on a percentage of the construction cost
d. Either A or B
e. Either B or C
19. What service did Anna render when she worked on the design of the proposed restaurant?
a. Schematic design service d. Predesign service
b. Regular design service e. Specialized architectural
c. Architectural programming service

20. Assuming Anna had the capability to do so, could she have also done the feasibility study
despite not being an accountant?
a. Yes. This is a service rendered by architects covered by SPP 201.
b. Yes. This is a service rendered by architects covered by SPP 202.
c. Yes. This is a service rendered by architects covered by SPP 203.
d. No, only a trained accountant may do feasibility studies.
e. Both A and C

21. Is Charlie entitled to cancel the project considering Anna was already in the Design
Development Phase?
a. Yes, because the client is entitled to cancel the project at any phase.
b. Yes, because the client is only barred from cancelling the project when the Design
Development Phase has been completed.
c. Yes, because the client is only barred from cancelling the project when the
Contract Document Phase has been completed.
d. No. The service agreement was signed and cancelling the project is tantamount to
a breach of contract.
e. No, because the client is barred from cancelling the project once the Design
Development Phase has started.

22. Assuming that the estimated project construction cost was P10M, how much should she
charge Charlie for the design work that she performed?
a. About PHP 25K d. About PHP 100K
b. About PHP 50K e. About PHP 150K
c. About PHP 75K

23. Assuming that the estimated project construction cost was P10M, how much should she
charge Charlie had Anna been able to complete the contract documents?
a. About 100K d. About 400K
b. About 200K e. About 500K
c. About 300K

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24. Assume that Charlie eventually changed his mind and decided to continue the project. He
repackaged it into a more delivery-oriented restaurant concept, and it became a roaring
success despite the pandemic. He decided to open a second branch back in his hometown
in Pampanga. He reused the same plans Anna produced for him and built the second
branch, based on the stipulation in the service agreement wherein Anna agreed to
subsequent reuse of the plans subject to payment of further fees. How much should he
pay Anna for the construction of the second branch?
a. About 50K d. About 200K
b. About 100K e. About 300K
c. About 150K
Historical Filipino Church Styles.
25. An architectural style coined to refer to the massive Filipino churches with thick walls and
elements of style such as scrolled buttress, volute, plain facade with pilasters, and
ornamental urns.
a. Baroque d. Rococo
b. Earthquake Baroque e. Gothic
c. Romanesque

26. An architecture style in Philippine churches during the 12th to mid 16th century
characterized by pointed arch, ribbed vault, flying butress, traceried window, slender pier
and column and lofty steeple.
a. Baroque d. Gothic
b. Romanesque e. Gothic Revival
c. Romanesque Revival

27. An architectural style in the late 19th century applying elements of style such as round
arch, thick wall, small window and division of interiors into compartment bays.
a. Baroque d. Gothic
b. Romanesque e. Gothic Revival
c. Romanesque Revival

28. The panel in the main altar, often of wood, decorated with biblical events and / or other
catholic iconography.
a. Kuwerpo d. Ramilyete
b. Reredos e. Retablo
c. Arbotante

29. The horizontal divisions of subdivisions of the retablo.

a. Kuwerpo d. Ramilyete
b. Reredos e. Retablo
c. Arbotante

30. A richly decorated framework behind the altar usually carved and painted with a ledge
and niche for the saints, and a tabernacle at the lower midsection.
a. Kuwerpo d. Ramilyete
b. Reredos e. Retablo
c. Arbotante
31. What is the architectural style of the church shown in Figure 1?
a. Baroque c. Romanesque
b. Earthquake Baroque d. Rococo

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e. Gothic

32. What is the architectural style of the church shown in Figure 2?

a. Baroque d. Rococo
b. Earthquake Baroque e. Gothic
c. Romanesque

The Papal Basilica of St.Peter in Vatican.

The Papal Basilica of Saint Peter in the Vatican, or simply Saint Peter's Basilica, is a church built in
the Renaissance style located in Vatican City, the papal enclave that is within the city of Rome. It
was initially planned to replace the aging Old St. Peter's Basilica, which was built in the 4th
century by Roman emperor Constantine the Great. Construction of the present basilica began on
April 18, 1506.

33. What year was it completed?

a. 1622 d. 1628
b. 1624 e. 1630
c. 1626

34. The original plan of the basilica was to be in a form of an enormous greek cross with a
dome inspired by which structure?
a. Pantheon d. Temple of Mercury
b. Domus Aurea e. Hagia Sophia
c. Red Basilica

35. Bernini’s first work at St.Peter’s was to design the:

a. Baldacchino d. Tomb of St.Peter
b. Cathedra Petri e. Bourdon
c. St.Peter’s Square

The basilica has six bells, placed in the room under the Roman clock. Three of them are visible
from ground level while the rest are hidden behind the bourdon.

36. What is the name of the oldest bell?

a. Campanella d. Rota
b. Ave Maria e. Campanone
c. Predica

37. Which particular bell announces the election of a new pope?

a. Campanella d. Rota
b. Ave Maria e. Campanon
c. Predica

Persian architecture was influenced by the Greeks, the Egyptians, and those from other provinces
of the Persian Empire.

38. Persepolis was the ceremonial capital of an empire and exemplifies what particular type of
a. Mesopotamian c. Akkadian
b. Achaemenid d. Sumerian

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e. Assyrian

39. What is the primary reason why the Persepolis was built?
a. To highlight the persian culture
b. To copy the structures of the Egyptian
c. To be the seat of the government of the empire
d. To be a showcase and spectacular center for the receptions of the kings and their empire.
e. All of the Above

40. Where is the Persopolis located?

a. Iran d. Syria
b. Iraq e. Israel
c. Cyprus
Gothic Cathedrals.
Cologne Cathedral is Catholic cathedral in Cologne, North Rhine-Westphalia. It is the seat of the
Archbishop of Cologne and of the administration of the Archdiocese of Cologne. It is a renowned
monument of Catholicism and Gothic architecture and was declared by UNESCO as a World
Heritage Site in 1996.

41. Where is it located?

a. Germany d. England
b. Italy e. Rome
c. France

42. Begun in 1248, the construction of this Gothic masterpiece took in several stages and was
not completed until several centuries later. What year was it completed?
a. 1876 d. 1882
b. 1878 e. 1884
c. 1880
43. The Basilica of Saint Denis is widely considered to be the first true Gothic building. Where
is this church located?
a. Germany d. England
b. Italy e. Rome
c. France

44. The Black Church is a magnificent Gothic Church and is Romania’s main Gothic Style
monument. It is also one of the largest and most important Lutheran places of worship in
the area. Where is this church located?
a. Transylvania d. Banat
b. Bucharest e. Crisana
c. Oltenia

45. A fine example of Gothic Architecture and is the tallest cathedral in France. It is believed
that this cathedral houses the head of John the Baptist when the relic was brought from
Constantinople after it was sacked in 1204.
a. Basilica of Saint Denis d. Amiens Cathedral
b. Salisbury Cathedral e. Wells Cathedral
c. Chartres Cathedral

46. Another magnificent example of French Gothic Architecture and is one of the best
preserved in Europe. It was built between the late 12th and Mid 13th Centuries and is
pretty much unchanged since then. Today it is both a place of pilgrimage and a major

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tourist attraction. It was listed as a UNESCO World Heritage Site in 1979 and is said to
house the tunic of the Virgin Mary.
a. Basilica of Saint Denis d. Amiens Cathedral
b. Salisbury Cathedral e. Wells Cathedral
c. Chartres Cathedral

47. The first monumental cathedral to be built in England and a beautiful example of Early
english gothic architecture.
a. Basilica of Saint Denis
b. Salisbury Cathedral
c. Chartres Cathedral
d. Amiens Cathedral
e. Wells Cathedral

Evoking legends, lore, and full-blown fantasy, castles possess a certain magic that draws in
modern travelers. The soaring structures and bountiful gardens of royal dwellings allow us to
revisit those worlds of our childhood bedtime stories.

48. Commonly known outside Transylvania as Dracula’s Castle, it is often referred to as the
home of the title character in Bram Stoker’s popular novel featuring a blood sucking
vampire —- altough the description of the castle on the novels does not match the actual
a. Poenari Castle d. Bran Castle
b. Peles Castle e. None of the Above
c. Corvin Castle

Matsumoto Castle is one of Japan's premier historic castles. It was the seat of Mastumoto Domain
under the Edo period. It is located in the city of Matsumoto, in Nagano Prefecture and is within
easy reach of Tokyo by road or rail.

49. This castle was more popularly known as:

a. Fukashi Castle d. Nagoya Castle
b. Himeji Castle e. Osaka Castle
c. Matsumoto Castle

50. The Matsumoto Castle is also known by this monicker due to its black exterior.
a. Crow Castle d. Dark Crow Castle
b. Black Crow Castle e. Hidden Crow Castle
c. Peculiar Crow Castle

51. On the contrary to Matsumoto Castle’s nickname, the “White Heron Castle” named after
its resemblance to a bird taking flight was the name of which popular Japanese Castle?
a. Fukashi Castle d. Nagoya Castle
b. Himeji Castle e. Osaka Castle
c. Matsumoto Castle

52. The oldest and largest inhabited castle in the world, and has acted as an official royal
residence for the United Kingdom monarchy for more than 900 years. William the
Conqueror began building Windsor around 1070 as both a residence and a fortress to
guard the western approach to London. The castle has seen many renovations from the
countless monarchs who have lived on the property, including Queen Victoria, who added

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her own private chapel. Even Queen Elizabeth and Prince Philip often escape to the quiet
palace for restful weekends.
a. Kensington Palace
b. Windsor Castle
c. Buckingham Palace
d. Broughton Castle
e. Hever Castle

Friday, 20 August 2021

Situation: Adore, Bianca, and Courtney are three undergraduate architecture students who
decided to make good use of their summer break by accepting ‘sideline’ work. Being architecture
students, they intentionally sought architecture-related small jobs in order to gain useful work
experience while earning money. Adore asked her mother to tell her amigas that she (Adore)
offers architectural services, specializing in the design of single-detached homes. Her mother,
though reluctant, complied with her daughter’s request. Bianca, meanwhile, looked for
draftsman/apprentice job postings on Jobstreet and applied. Finally, Courtney, being savvy with
social media, posted ads on Facebook Marketplace and other online listing platforms to advertise
her services, introducing herself as an “architecture student who can design many types of
buildings and can prepare complete contract documents for purposes of applying for the building
permit.” None of them, however, were hired or commissioned for any job or project so they
ended up not working at all the entire summer.

53. Did Adore violate the Architecture Act of 2004?

a. Yes. d. Both A and B.
b. No. e. Both A and C.
c. It depends.

54. Did Bianca violate the Architecture Act of 2004?

a. Yes. d. Both A and B.
b. No. e. Both A and C.
c. It depends.

55. Did Courtney violate the Architecture Act of 2004?

a. Yes. d. Both A and B.
b. No. e. Both A and C.
c. It depends.

56. Does Adore’s mother incur any liability under the Architecture Act of 2004?
a. Yes. d. Both A and B.
b. No. e. Both A and C.
c. It depends.

57. How many years of experience in building design and construction are required before one
may become a Building Official?
a. 2 years d. 10 years
b. 5 years e. 20 years
c. 6 years

58. The administration and enforcement of the provisions of the National Building Code and its
IRR, including the imposition of penalties for administrative violations thereof, is vested in
a. The Building Official d. The members of the Board
b. The Secretary of the DPWH e. The local government unit
c. The Secretary of the DILG

59. Maximum imprisonment duration imposed by the IRR of RA 9266.

a. 2 years d. 10 years
b. 5 years e. 20 years
c. 6 years

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60. Complete this sentence from the new Architect’s Credo: “I shall pursue moral and
professional excellence to the utmost level of integrity through industrious dedication and
meaningful application to my work that merits a reputation for quality of services worthy
of fair _____.”
a. Compensation d. Consideration
b. Remuneration e. Dealing
c. Salary

61. Which of the following may the landowner use as the best proof that he owns his parcel of
a. TCT d. Deed of assignment
b. Deed of sale e. Building Permit
c. Zoning clearance

62. The new Architect’s Credo was adopted and promulgated through Professional Regulatory
Board of Architecture Resolution No. ____, Series of 2018.
a. 99 d. 88
b. 2 e. 53
c. 5
63. Effectivity date of the new Architects' Credo
a. June 5, 2018 d. April 5, 2017
b. July 21, 2018 e. September 24, 2019
c. June 21, 2018

64. Which section of RA 9266 provides that a duly licensed architect shall affix the seal
prescribed by the Board bearing the registrant’s name, registration number and title
“Architect” on all architectural plans, drawings, specifications, and all other contract
documents prepared by or under his/her direct supervision?
a. Section 10 d. Section 17
b. Section 15 e. Section 2
c. Section 20
65. A newly licensed architect shall _____ become a member of the IAPOA.
a. Automatically d. At his option
b. Be required to e. Ideally
c. Has an obligation to

66. Which method of compensation is frequently used when there is a continuing relationship
on a series of projects?
a. Professional fee plus c. Per diem
expenses d. MDPE
b. Lump sum or fixed fee e. None of these

67. Which government agency governs the cutting down of trees present within the jobsite?
c. Forest Management Bureau

68. The character of occupancy of existing buildings may be changed subject to the approval
of the Building Official and provided the new or proposed use is _____ than the existing
a. Less hazardous b. Equally hazardous

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c. More hazardous e. None of these

d. Equally or less hazardous

69. Which is true of openings in a four-hour fire-resistive occupancy separation?

a. No openings are permitted in a four-hour fire-resistive occupancy separation
b. Openings in a four-hour fire-resistive occupancy separation shall be protected by a
fire assembly having a four-hour fire-resistive rating
c. Openings in a four-hour fire-resistive occupancy separation shall be protected by a
fire assembly having a three-hour fire-resistive rating
d. Openings in a four-hour fire-resistive occupancy separation shall be protected by a
fire assembly having a two-hour fire-resistive rating
e. All of the above

70. When the project is not yet executed, what happens to the intellectual property of the
architect over the design/drawings?
a. The intellectual property for the design does not exist until the project is built
b. The intellectual property for the design is the owner’s until the project is built
c. The intellectual property for the design remains the same because the construction
of the project is irrelevant to intellectual property
d. The intellectual property for the design is still the architect’s because it only
becomes the owner’s AFTER the project is built
e. The design/drawings are not the intellectual property of the architect. These are
tangible, physical properties and not intellectual properties.

71. Architect Arno, a member of the PRBOA, had to resign from his post due to health reasons
after having served for a full year. Architect Hector was appointed to replace Architect
Arno. How many years shall Architect Hector serve?
a. 4 years d. 1 year
b. 3 years e. 6 months
c. 2 years

72. Which body has the power to hear and decide administrative cases involving violations of
RA 9266 and to issue subpoenas to secure witnesses and produce documents in
connection with such administrative cases?
a. The UAP d. The Regional Trial Court
b. The PRBArch e. The Court of Appeals
c. The PRC

73. The decision rendered in the preceding item for administrative cases may be appealed to
a. The PRBArch d. The Court of Appeals
b. The PRC e. The Supreme Court
c. The Regional Trial Court

74. This method of compensation is a variation of the percentage based on project

construction cost. The remuneration under this method is based on cost per square meter
of the project, which may be derived from historical data on the average construction cost
per square meter of a similar project.
a. Rough Estimation d. Professional Fee Plus
b. Unit Cost Method Expenses
c. Value-Based Pricing e. Both A and C

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75. Any structurally attached portion of a building/structure that is outside its outermost walls
and which perform a utility or aesthetic function. Some examples are roof eaves, trellis,
canopies, balconies, and sunbreaker.
a. Projection d. Protrusion
b. Awning e. Overhang
c. Cantilever

76. This method of compensation is typically used for services which are not well-defined,
partial services, and additional services.
a. Lump Sum d. Unit Cost Method
b. Time-Based Fees e. Both B and D
c. Value-Based Pricing

77. In the multiple of direct personnel expenses method of compensation, a multiplier is used
to arrive at the professional fee to be charged to the client. Which is NOT an acceptable
multiplier to be used in such a computation?
a. 1.50 d. 3.00
b. 2.00 e. 5.00
c. 2.50

The Plaza Complex

During the Spanish period, the layout and placement of both civic and ecclesiastical buildings
around the central plaza is based on Ordenanza of 1573 (Prescriptions for the foundation of
Hispanic Colonial Towns) or the Laws of the Indies.

78. The term they use for a big house or apartment:

a. Casa de quatro aguas d. Casa de Vivienda
b. Casa de materiales Fuertes e. Casa grande
c. Casa de materiales ligaros

79.The term used for house made of light materials.

a. Casa de quatro aguas d. Casa de Vivienda
b. Casa de materiales Fuertes e. Casa grande
c. Casa de materiales ligaros

Malacanang Palace.
80. The seat of sovereignty in the Philippines since 1863, and now the official residence of the
President, the Malacanang Palace was once a charming riverside summer residence in the
Spanish Colonial era. Its many layers of frequent remodelling and additions have given
glimpse of the people in power through the centuries. Who was the original owner of this
a. An unnamed Spanish Aristocrat
b. Luis Rocha
c. Lucio Rocha
d. Lukas Rocha
e. None of the above

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Situation: Issa, a licensed architect, was commissioned to produce one set of contract documents
for the design of a house which was to be built several times in a housing project involving the
construction of several residential units under a DAEDS contract. The cost to construct one
house/unit is PHP 1M.

81. If the client built only 1 house using Issa’s design, how much should the client pay?
a. PHP 100K d. PHP 20K
b. PHP 60K e. None of these
c. PHP 50K

82. If the client built 10 houses using Issa’s design, how much should the client pay?
a. PHP 550K d. PHP 600K
b. PHP 330K e. None of these
c. PHP 1M

83. In the preceding item, how much of the total amount collected is Issa entitled to?
a. She is entitled to the total amount collected from the client.
b. She is entitled to 90% of the total amount from the client.
c. She is entitled to 60% of the total amount from the client.
d. She is entitled to 40% of the total amount from the client.
e. None of these

84. How much of the total amount collected must Issa allocate to pay for the engineering
consultants who worked on the project?
a. She must allocate 10% of the amount collected to pay for the engineering design
services rendered for the project.
b. She must allocate 40% of the amount collected to pay for the engineering design
services rendered for the project.
c. She must allocate 60% of the amount collected to pay for the engineering design
services rendered for the project.
d. She must pay what she thinks is fair and reasonable considering the time and effort
expended by the consultants, as well as the complexity of the project.
e. None of these

85. Kevin wanted to renovate his company’s offices in the city. Tilda, a licensed architect, was
commissioned to do the detailed planning and design of the indoor areas of the office
building. Tilda determined the size of the interior spaces, and the furniture layout, and
specified the finishes for the walls, floors, and ceilings as well as hardware and design of
signages. When the project was completed, the total cost of work (CoW) was PHP 1.50M.
How much should Tilda charge Kevin for the services she rendered?
a. PHP 50K d. PHP 300K
b. PHP 150K e. None of these
c. PHP 275K
86. In the preceding item, how much should Tilda’s first billing be?
a. She should collect 5% of the fee upon signing of the contract.
b. She should collect 30% of the fee upon submitting the preliminary design.
c. She should collect 50% of the fee upon submission of the final design.
d. There should be no first billing. She should collect the fee in bulk at the end of the
e. All of the above

87. According to UAP Doc. 301, when should the contract time begin to run as a general rule?

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a. 7 days after the contractor receives the Notice to Proceed

b. On the day the contractor receives the Notice to Proceed
c. 15 days after the agreement between the owner and the contractor is signed
d. On the day the contractor is able to mobilize
e. None of these

88. The Architect in this area of practice must have much more than the basic knowledge of
the Types of Architectural Office Operations, Architectural Office Management, Accounting
/ Finance / Taxation / Audit, Labor Code, Architectural Marketing and Project
Development, Proposals/ Negotiations/ Contracts, Contract Administration, File
Management and Limitations of Business Process Outsourcing (BPO) and Knowledge
Process Outsourcing (KPO) Operations.
a. Management of Architectural c. Architectural Office
Practices Management
b. Business Process Outsourcing d. Professional Services
e. None of these

89. The Consulting Architect in this area of practice places value on the building/ structure
condition and defects, and on its repair and maintenance, including the required
a. Building Appraisal d. Construction Appraisal
b. Quantity Surveying e. None of these
c. Building Valuation

90. In a design-build arrangement, who pays upfront for the costs of the labor and materials?
a. The client d. The bank
b. The architect e. None of these
c. The suppliers

91. In a design-build arrangement with a guaranteed maximum project construction cost, the
PCC is guaranteed by the architect to not exceed ___ of the estimated PCC.
a. 5% d. None of the above
b. 10% e. Both A and B
c. 15%

92. In a design-build arrangement, the architect shall pay for any amount in excess of PCC +
the allowable percentage. Is there a limit to this penalty chargeable to the architect?
a. No. The architect must pay for any excess because it was he/she who guaranteed a
maximum PCC.
b. Yes. The limit is his entire administration fee.
c. Yes. The limit is his entire design fee.
d. Yes. The limit is his administration fee and design fee combined.
e. None of these

93. You entered into a design-build contract to design and build a house which, per your
estimate, will cost PHP 2M to construct. Since the client had many industry connections,
the design service was under a DADS arrangement only. You did not guarantee the project
construction cost. Assuming the house was completed at PHP 2M, how much should your
total fee be?
a. PHP 200K b. PHP 260K

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c. PHP 320K e. None of these

d. PHP 400K

94. If in the preceding item, the actual cost exceeded your estimate and the house was
completed at the cost of PHP 2.5M, how much should your fee be?
a. PHP 150K d. PHP 400K
b. PHP 250K e. None of these
c. PHP 325K

95. How soon may the Board reinstate a revoked Certificate of Registration?
a. 6 months after revocation
b. 1 year after revocation
c. 2 years after revocation
d. 3 years after revocation
e. It depends on the gravity of the offense that led to the revocation

96. Foreign nationals who wish to render architectural services in the Philippines must first
secure a special/temporary permit. Where will they obtain this special/temporary permit?
a. From the UAP, subject to approval by the PRBArch
b. From the UAP, subject to approval by the PRC
c. From the PRBArch, subject to approval by the PRC
d. From the PRBArch, subject to approval by the UAP
e. From the PRC, subject to approval by the Office of the President

97. Which is not included in the TGFA?

a. Basement parking
b. Second floor
c. Roof deck
d. Covered areas used for parking
e. All of the above are included in the TGFA

98. Which is not included in the GFA?

a. Basement parking
b. Second floor
c. Balcony with an area of 7.50 sqm.
d. Mezzanine level
e. All of the above are included in the GFA

99. A building has a height of 15 meters. The horizontal distance from the OFB and the inner
edge of the sidewalk is 7.50 meters. The sidewalk is 1.20 meters wide. During construction,
what is required for the protection of pedestrians?
a. A 2.40-meter-tall fence only
b. A 2.40-meter-tall fence and a canopy
c. A 2.40-meter-tall fence and a net/screen extending from the uppermost part of the
construction to the ground level
d. A 2.40-meter-tall fence, a canopy, and a net/screen extending from the uppermost
part of the construction to the ground level

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e. A canopy only

100. A building has a height of 15 meters. The horizontal distance from the OFB and the
inner edge of the sidewalk is 5 meters. The sidewalk is 1.20 meters wide. During
construction, what is required for the protection of pedestrians?
a. A 2.40-meter-tall fence only
b. A 2.40-meter-tall fence and a canopy
c. A 2.40-meter-tall fence and a net/screen extending from the uppermost part of the
construction to the ground level
d. A 2.40-meter-tall fence, a canopy, and a net/screen extending from the uppermost
part of the construction to the ground level
e. A canopy only

101.What is the maximum angle of inclination of an escalator?

a. 15 degrees from horizontal d. 30 degrees from horizontal
b. 20 degrees from horizontal e. None of these
c. 25 degrees from horizontal

102. According to the NBC definition of outermost limits of building projections,

horizontal projections like canopies, balconies, eaves, terraces, and the like must not
exceed ___ of the prescribed setback.
a. 30% d. 75%
b. 50% e. 90%
c. 60%

The Phippines during the American Period

103. During the early years of American colonisation in the Philippines, epidemics due
to poor sanitation were rampant. To improve sanitation, the Americans introduced this
neighborhood concept in 1908.
a. Bahay Kubo d. Cubeta
b. Arkitektura Meztiza e. Tsalet
c. Sanitary Barrios
104. With the success of the neighborhood concept, the American authorities focused
on modernizing the Filipino house. The colonial architects and the sanitary engineers
introduced a new kind of architecture that utilised the Philippines’ tropical concepts with
hygienic design. What was the term they used to describe it?
a. Bahay Kubo d. Cubeta
b. Arkitektura Meztiza e. Tsalet
c. Sanitary Barrios
105. The first filipino to be awarded a formal degree in architecture from an American
university in 1907.
a. Carlos Barreto d. Juan Arellano
b. Antonio Toledo e. Arcadio Arellano
c. Tomas Mapua
106. The first Filipino employed by the Americans as one of their architectural advisors.
a. Carlos Barreto c. Tomas Mapua
b. Antonio Toledo d. Juan Arellano

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e. Arcadio Arellano

107. Which among the following is NOT a work of Juan Arellano?

a. Gota De Leche d. Malcolm Hall
b. Bahay Nakpil - Bautista e. Jones Bridge
c. Manila Yacht Club

Comparison of Architecture Styles

108. Romanesque architecture is a style that was based on roman architectural

elements while Gothic architecture was a style that represented giant steps away from the
previous, relatively basic buildings that had prevailed. Which among the following
statements is NOT true with regards to Romanesque and Gothic Architecture?
a. Romanesque churches utilised rounded arches while Gothic used pointed ones.
b. The main vault support of Romanesque churches are thick walls, while Gothic uses
exterior flying butresses.
c. Gothic has small windows while Romanesque can accommodate larger openings
due to its arches.
d. Gothic appears to soar, while Romanesque’s elevation are of modest height.
e. Gothic’s exterior are ornate while Romanesque is largely plain and solid.

Art Nouveau and Art Deco are two of the defining art movements of the 20th century. Where Art
Nouveau celebrates elegant curves and long lines, Art Deco consists of sharp angles and
geometrical shapes. Although often confused, the two movements mark entirely different
directions in the development of modern art.

109. From Figure 3. Which of the following is Art Deco?

a. 1
b. 1&2
c. 2&4
d. 1, 2 & 4
e. 1, 2, 3 & 4

110.From Figure 4. Which of the following is Art Nouveau?

a. 1
b. 1 & 2
c. 2 & 3
d. 2, 3 & 4
e. 1, 2, 3 & 4

International Architects & Their Architecture

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IM Pei is a Chinese - American architect and was the first foreign member of the Chinese Academy
of Engineering. In 1983, he was selected as the project architect commissioned to design the main
entrance to the Louvre Museum.
111. His design of the large pyramid made of glass and steel, as entrance to the Louvre
Museum, became a controversial landmark to which city?
a. Marseille d. Paris
b. Strasbourg e. Reims
c. Nice

112. The same year the Louvre pyramid opened, Pei included large glass pyramids on the roofs
of another building he designed in New York. What is the name of this building?
a. IBM Somers Office Complex d. Miho Museum
b. Rock and Roll Hall of Fame e. Bank of China Tower
c. Museum of Islamic Art

American architect Frank Lloyd Wright was both an inspiring and controversial figure.
Wright is particularly interesting because of the unique period in history which he occupied: as a
disciple of Louis Sullivan in the late 19th century, his work forms something of a bridge between
the traditional architecture of that era and the modernists which began to appear in the early 20th
century. Some of his later work is formally modernist, yet still retains a sensibility rooted in that
earlier period.

113. Frank Lloyd Wright was once offered a scholarship to study at the Ecole des Beaux Arts by
Daniel Burnham. Why did FLW declined the offer?
a. He had a previous scholarship from another architect.
b. He thinks classical education is at odds with his vision of modern american architecture.
c. He have a previous commitment to study at Bauhaus.
d. He was never offered a scholarship by Daniel Burnham.
e. He does not want to study further.

114. His only realized skyscraper built in Oklahoma

a. Mile High Tower d. Tower C
b. Price Tower e. Generali Tower
c. Trellick Tower

Zaha Hadid was a British Iraqi architect, artist and designer and was one of the major figure of
20th and 21st century architecture. She was the first woman to receive the Pritzker Architecture
Prize in 2004. In 2012, she was made a dame by Queen Elizabeth II.

115. Among Zaha Hadid’s major works was the structure shown in Figure 5. Identify the

a. London Aquatics Centre c. Olympiastadion (Munich)

(London) d. Bird’s Nest (Beijing)
b. National Aquatics Centre e. Spyros Louis Olympic
(Beijing) Stadium (Athens)

116. This project was considered as the “launching pad” of Zaha Hadid’s career. Currently the
structure serves as an exhibit space with display of works of famous architects such as

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a. Contemporary Arts Center c. Guangzhou Opera House

(Cincinnati) (China)
b. Phaeno Science Center d. Vitra Design Museum
(Germany) (Germany)
e. Vitra Fire Station (Germany)

The deconstructivist philosophy was influenced by French philosopher Jacques Derrida. In

architecture, Deconstructivism is characterised by surface manipulation, fragmentation and non -
rectilinear shapes which distort and dislocate architectural conventions concerning structure and
117. Who among the following architects DID NOT showcase deconstructivism in their
a. Zaha Hadid d. Ludwig Mies Van Der Rohe
b. Coop Himmelb(l)au e. Daniel Libenskind
c. Frank Gehry

118. Which among the following is NOT an example of Deconstructivism in Architecture?

a. Vitra Design Museum (Germany)
b. UFA-Kristall Filmpalast (Germany)
c. National Museum of Western Art (Tokyo)
d. Walt Disney Concert Hall (Los Angeles, USA)
e. Contemporary Arts Center (Ohio, USA)
Color Theory.
In architecture theory, colors affect our mood and perception. It can be classified according to
“temperature” (warm or cold) and effect (receding or advancing, positive or negative).

119. Which of the following colors tend to recede?

a. black d. Orange
b. White e. Violet
c. Yellow

120. Which of the following colors tend to advance?

a. Black d. Green
b. White e. Red
c. Blue

121. Which of the following is NOT a warm color?

a. Yellow d. Violet
b. Orange e. All of the Above
c. Red

122.What do you call colors that are adjacent to each other in the color wheel?
a. Analogous
b. Monochromatic
c. Monotone
d. Neutral
e. Primary

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123.When color palettes are derived from a single hue, the design approach is:
a. Analogous d. Neutral
b. Monochromatic e. Primary
c. Monotone

124.What color will not be affected when placed at the center of other colors?
a. Red d. Black
b. Orange e. Indigo
c. Violet

125.Which color has the shortest wavelength?

a. Red d. Black
b. Orange e. Indigo
c. Violet

126.Which color has the longest wavelength?

a. Red d. Black
b. Orange e. Indigo
c. Violet
127. The City of Arts and Sciences is a cultural and architectural complex in the city of Valencia,
Spain. It is the most important modern tourist destination in the city of Valencia and one of the
“12 Treasures of Spain”. Who is its architect?
a. Felix Candela d. IM Pei
b. Renzo Piano e. Eero Saarinen
c. Santiago Calatrava

128. Ieoh Ming Pei was a Chinese-American architect who grew unhappy with the focus of schools
he attended on Beaux-Arts architecture, so he spent his free time researching emerging
architects, especially Le Corbusier. He later joined the Harvard Graduate School of Design
(GSD) and became a friend of the Bauhaus architects Walter Gropius and Marcel Breuer.
What was his first major work?
a. Mesa Laboratory d. Miho Museum
b. Louvre Pyramid e. John Hancock Tower
c. Rock and Roll Hall of Fame

129. Juan Felipe de Jesús Nakpil known as Juan Nakpil, was a Filipino architect, teacher and a
community leader. In 1973, he was named one of the National Artists for architecture. Which
among the following is NOT among his body of work?
a. UP Carillon Tower
b. Gaeity Theater
c. Rizal Theater
d. Capitol Theater
e. Chapel of the Holy Sacrifice
130.Francisco "Bobby" Tronqued Mañosa was a Filipino architect considered one of the most
influential Filipino architects of the 20th century for having pioneered the art of Philippine
neovernacular architecture. What year was he given recognition as a National Artist of the
Philippines for Architecture?
a. 2012 d. 2018
b. 2014 e. 2020
c. 2016

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131. What is considered to be Manosa’s breakthrough project?

a. San Miguel Corporation c. EDSA Shrine
Headquarters Building d. Bamboo Organ Church
b. Coconut Palace e. World Youth Day Papal Altar




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