Writing Task

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It is believed that kids should help their parents with housework as soon as they

have the ability to do so. Although I agree that children need to help their parents
with household tasks, kids should not care too much about others as in their age,
there are much more things to concentrate on.

It is good that children can take care of household tasks. First, kids can be
more responsible with their family. Secondly, children can also respect others’
work ethic and value as they already have experience all difficulty by themselves
and so on they also can aware that there is no jobs that is useless or not worth to
show respect to so do not to take everything for granted . Thirdly, it is equal chance
of recreation for every family members that housework is not women-only role as
the women in many family recently is also the breadwinner . And after a busy day
they will feel tired and get angry more easily so the children helping with the
housework can also make the family more happier. Finally, the children doing the
housework can avoid risky potential caused from hiring a housekeeper as even
how close or trustfull you are to that housekeeper they are still stranger and we
can’t prevent anything when the bad situation has already happened especially. So
it is essential to let the children do the housework as soon as they are able to do so.

However, there are still some effect that we have to think through when let
the children help with the housework. First, as they don’t have enough experience
that they can not do everything perfectly as a professional even completely wrong
so the adults have to have to be tolerant towards anything and little by little teach
them how to do accurately. But, that will also lead to a form of awareness for kids
that “no matter how wrong you are, you will always be forgiven and everyone will
wait until you do accurately” and if that type of thinking still exist when you have a
jobs then the children will never get better in their career. Secondly, children need
time to study and play and even doing housework is more active than playing video
games or staying at home all the day but there is still no difference as that child still
do not communicate with people and the environment which is the best way for a
child to develop completely. Finally, others such as classmate or college might take
advantage of them that they usually do chores and feel like it is necessary to do so
and not acknowledge the true meaning of others then day by day it even become
bully. Maybe in the suburban there is little school having this situation but in some
local school or in some countries such as korea can even lead to worse situation
like sex harassment because treating someone as their own housekeeper is no
longer enough for them.
Conclusion, children should be required to help with household tasks as
soon as they are able to do so but not to spend too much time on that.

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