RPH Perayaan Hari Raya

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Minggu/Week :6 Tema : Perayaan (Hari Raya)

Tarikh/Date/Hari/Day : 25/04/2022 / Isnin / Monday Theme : Festival (Eid Mubarak)
Masa / Tunjang / Standard Standard Pembelajaran / Aktiviti / Strategi
Time Strand Kandungan / Learning Standard Activity / Strategy
Content Standard
0730 Rutin  Rutin (Mengambil Kehadiran Murid) Kehadiran
0740  Sarapan Lelaki 8 Jumlah 25
(10minit) Perempuan 17 Hadir / 25
0740 Morning  Singing the song Negaraku & Ibu Pertiwiku
0800 Circle  Nail hygiene check
(20minit)  Record attendance, greet the pupils and ask how they are feeling today
 Briefly recount the theme to be studied this week - Festival (Eid Mubarak)
SA 2.3 SA 2.3.1  Introduction : Pupils sing a song entitle “Me! Noodle & Pals |
0800 AP Carry out measurement Compare measurement of Super Simple Songs”.
0900 objects:  S1: Teacher show a word cards (long) and (short) and explain
(60 minit) (i) long - short
the meaning of the words to the pupils.
(ii) thick - thin
 S2 : Using an object surrounding of the classroom, teacher
(iii) big - small
(iv) tall - short explain which object is long and which object is short.
(v) heavy - light  S3 : Teacher show variety of picture cards and ask the pupils
Learning Objective: At the end of the lesson, children randomnly to compare the measurement of the objects.
were able to:  Closure : Worksheet are given as an reinforcement.
- Identify by showing the object correctly based
on measurement given
- State the measurement of the objects correctly

Success Criteria :
- Identify by showing the object correctly based Youtube :
on measurement given
- State the measurement of the objects correctly

Performance Standard :
TP 1
TP 2
TP 3

Reflection :

Teaching Aids : PdPC Strategies: CCE :

Picture Card / Toys Student Centered / Language Creativity & Inovation
Story Book Power Point Learn Through Play Environmental Entrepreneurship
Song/Muzic / Video / Inkuiry / Conservation
Model/Realia Speaker / Integrated Values ICT /
Chart TV/Computer / Theme Science & Tecnology / Global Sustainability
Etc : Project Patriotism Financial Education
Various Intelligence
HOTS : Values :
Apply Trust in God Prudence Courage / Simplicity
Analyze / Kind hearted Respect Honesty Tolerate
Evaluate Responsible Affection Hardworking
Creating Thankful Justice Cooperate
Teaching & Learning Evaluation :
Exercise Book Project Checklist
Worksheet / Group work Anecdotal Records
Quiz Simulation / Acting / Verbal Continuous Records
Today’s class could not be run because :
School programme Holiday Class will be / had been replace on :
Sick leave Courses
Outdoor activity
KM 4.1 KM 4.1.2  Induksi : Nyanyian lagu kanak-kanak “Selamat Hari Raya”
0900 AP Memahami Melibatkan diri dalam  L1 : Murid menonton suasana hari raya dan bersoal jawab
0930 warisan budaya sambutan mengenai video yang ditonton.
(30minit) masyarakat Malaysia perayaan utama
 L2 : Murid membuat lakonan semula video tersebut dengan
bimbingan guru.
Objektif Pembelajaran: Pada akhir p&p, mm akan  Penutup : Murid menyatakan perasaan mereka selepas aktiviti
dapat: dilaksanakan.
- Menyatakan nama perayaan yang mereka
- Menyatakan kaum dan agama yang meraikan
perayaan hai raya

Kriteria Kejayaan :
Youtube :
- Menyatakan nama perayaan yang mereka
- Menyatakan kaum dan agama yang meraikan
perayaan hai raya

Tahap Pencapaian :
TP 1
TP 2
TP 3

Refleksi :

BBM : Strategi PdPc : EMK :

Kad Gambar Alat Mainan Berpusatkan Murid / Bahasa / Kreativiti & Inovasi
Buku Cerita Power Point Belajar Melalui Kelestarian Alam Keusahawanan
Lagu/Muzik / Video / Bermain Sekitar
Model/Relia Pembesar Suara / Inkuiri Nilai Murni TMK
Carta TV/Komputer / Bersepadu Sains & Teknologi Kelestarian Global
Lain-Lain : Carta abc, kad huruf Bertema Patriotisme Pendidikan Kewangan
Pelbagai Kecerdasan
KBAT : Nilai Murni :
Mengaplikasi Kepercayaan kpd Tuhan Hemah Tinggi Keberanian Kesederhanaan
Menganalisis / Baik Hati Hormat Kejujuran Toleransi
Menilai Bertanggungjawab Kasih Sayang Kerajinan Keyakinan /
Mencipta Berterima Kasih Keadilan Kerjasama
Penilaian PdPc adalah melalui :
Buku Latihan Projek Senarai Semak
Lembaran Kerja / Kerja Kumpulan Rekod Anekdot
Kuiz Simulasi / Lakonan / Lisan Rekod Berterusan
PdPc hari ini tidak dapat dijalankan kerana :
Program Sekolah Cuti AM PdPc telah / akan diganti pada :
Cuti Sakit Kursus
Aktiviti Luar
 Pupils take turns washing their hands
0930 RECESS  Pupils recite their prayer before eating
1000  Pupils wash their hands and mouth after eating
BI 2.2 BI 2.2.5 Sing a Song : “If You Are A Kid, Dance Around”
1000 AP Apply sounds of letters Recognise and sound out
1030 to recognise words letters of the alphabet Activity 7a: Segmenting CV and VC syllables or words into their
(30minit) individual units 1 (as a class)
BI 3.1 BI 2.2.6 1. Teacher says /ca/. Teacher asks, ‘What is the first letter
Develop prewriting skills Recognise and sound out sound?’
initial, medial and ending 2. Children sound out their answer.
sounds in a word
3. A child is then asked to show the appropriate letter card on
the pocket chart, underlines it with his/her pointer finger of
BI 2.2.7
Blend phonemes (sounds) dominant hand in a left-to-right fashion and sound the
to form single syllable letter.
words 4. Teacher says /ca/. Teacher asks, ‘What is the last letter
BI 3.1.3 5. Children sound out their answer.
Develop hand-eye
6. A child is then asked to show the appropriate letter card on
coordination through
scribbling, drawing lines the pocket chart, underlines it with his/her pointer finger of
and patterns dominant hand in a left-to-right fashion and sound the
7. Teacher repeats the word /ca/.
8. A child is asked to form it on the pocket chart, underlines it
and read.
9. Repeat with /ma/, /ba/, /ab/, /ac/ and /am/.

Learning Objective: At the end of the lesson, children

were able to:
- Recognise and sound out letters of the alphabet
- Blend phonemes (sounds) to form single
Youtube :
syllable words correctly
- Develop hand-eye coordination through
scribbling, drawing lines and patterns
Success Criteria :
- Recognise and sound out letters of the alphabet
- Blend phonemes (sounds) to form single
syllable words correctly

- Develop hand-eye coordination through

scribbling, drawing lines and patterns

Performance Standard :
TP 1
TP 2
TP 3

Reflection :

Teaching Aids : PdPC Strategies: CCE :

Picture Card Toys Student Centered / Language / Creativity & Inovation
Story Book Power Point / Learn Through Play / Environmental Entrepreneurship
Song/Muzic / Video / Inkuiry Conservation
Model/Realia Speaker / Integrated Values ICT
Chart TV/Computer / Theme Science & Tecnology Global Sustainability
Etc : letter card, SP Chart Project Patriotism Financial Education
Various Intelligence
HOTS : Values :
Apply Trust in God Prudence Courage / Simplicity
Analyze / Kind hearted Respect Honesty Tolerate
Evaluate Responsible Affection Hardworking
Creating Thankful Justice Cooperate
Teaching & Learning Evaluation :
Exercise Book Project Checklist
Worksheet Group work Anecdotal Records
Quiz Simulation / Acting / Verbal / Continuous Records
Today’s class could not be run because :
School programme Holiday Class will be / had been replace on :
Sick leave Courses
Outdoor activity
MA 1.4 MA 1.4.2  Introduction : Pupils sing the song " Little Finger..Tap! Tap! Tap!"
1030 MA Recognise and form Copy patterns  S1: Teacher put the picture cards on the whiteboard.
1110 patterns  S2 : Teacher teach the pupils about pattern and how to form the
(40minit) MA 1.4.3
Complete the given
 S3 : Teacher pick the pupil randomly and ask them to complete
the pattern using picture cards.
Learning Objective: At the end of the lesson, children
 S4 : Worksheet are given as reinforcement activity.
were able to:
 Closure : Pupils sing the song "Little Finger Tap Tap Tap!"
- copy pattern correctly in the worksheet
- complete the given pattern in the worksheet
Success Criteria :
- copy pattern correctly in the worksheet
- complete the given pattern in the worksheet
Youtube :

Performance Standard : Preschool Module 6

TP 1
TP 2
TP 3
Reflection :

Teaching Aids : PdPC Strategies: CCE :

Picture Card / Toys Student Centered / Language / Creativity & Inovation
Story Book Power Point Learn Through Play / Environmental Entrepreneurship
Song/Music / Video Inkuiry Conservation
Model/Realia Speaker / Integrated Values ICT
Chart TV/Computer / Theme Science & Tecnology Global Sustainability
Etc : Project Patriotism Financial Education
Various Intelligence
HOTS : Values :
Apply Trust in God Prudence Courage / Simplicity
Analyze / Kind hearted Respect Honesty Tolerate
Evaluate Responsible Affection Hardworking
Creating Thankful Justice Cooperate
Teaching & Learning Evaluation :
Exercise Book Project Checklist
Worksheet / Group work Anecdotal Records
Quiz Simulation / Acting / Verbal / Continuous Records
Today’s class could not be run because :
School programme Holiday Class will be / had been replace on :
Sick leave Courses
Outdoor activity

1110 MAIN  Murid bermain / meneroka bersama kawan-kawan dengan guru sebagai pemerhati / fasilitator
1130 BEBAS
1130 Reflection Teacher:
1140 ●Make a reflection.
(10minit) ● Remind the pupils to complete their homework (if they have)
● Saying goodbye.

● Sing the song entitle : "Goodbye".
● Tidying up used equipment.
● Saying goodbye.
Minggu/Week :6 Tema : Perayaan (Hari Raya)
Tarikh/Date/Hari/Day : 26/04/2022 / Selasa / Tuesday Theme : Festival (Eid Mubarak)
Masa / Tunjang / Standard Standard Pembelajaran / Aktiviti / Strategi
Time Strand Kandungan / Learning Standard Activity / Strategy
Content Standard
0730 Rutin  Rutin (Mengambil Kehadiran Murid) Kehadiran
0740  Sarapan Lelaki 8 Jumlah 25
(10minit)  Perhimpunan (7:30-8:00) Perempuan 17 Hadir / 25
0740 Perbualan  Nyanyian lagu Negaraku & Ibu Pertiwiku
0800 Pagi  Pemeriksaan kebersihan kuku
(20minit)  Catat kehadiran, bertanyakan khabar murid dan perasaan mereka
 Menceritakan secara ringkas tema yang akan dipelajari pada minggu ini – Perayaan Hari Raya
BM 2.2 BM 2.2.2  Induksi : Nyanyian lagu kanak-kanak “Lagu Huruf Vokal”
0800 AP Mengenal huruf abjad Menyebut dan  L1 : Murid mengenal dan menyebut huruf vokal a,e,i,o,u dengan
0900 membunyikan huruf vokal bimbingan guru.
(60minit) BM 3.2
 L2 : Murid diperkenalkan dengan objek yang bermula dengan
Menguasai kemahiran BM 3.2.1
huruf vokal a,e,i,o,u
menulis Menulis huruf kecil dengan
cara yang betul  L3 : Permainan “Ingat & Cari”. Murid dipanggil secara rawak ke
depan kelas dan memilih kad gambar yang disimpan di dalam
“kotak ajaib”. Murid perlu memadankan gambar dengan huruf
vokal yang betul.
 Penutup : Lembaran kerja diberikan sebagai pengukuhan aktiviti.
Objektif Pembelajaran: Pada akhir p&p, mm akan
- Mengenal pasti, menyebut dan membunyikan
huruf vokal dengan betul
- Menulis huruf vokal dengan betul di dalam
lembaran kerja

Youtube :
Kriteria Kejayaan :
- Mengenal pasti, menyebut dan membunyikan
huruf vokal dengan betul
- Menulis huruf vokal dengan betul di dalam
lembaran kerja
Modul 6 Prasekolah

Tahap Pencapaian :
TP 1
TP 2
TP 3

Refleksi :

BBM : Strategi PdPc : EMK :

Kad Gambar Alat Mainan Berpusatkan Murid / Bahasa / Kreativiti & Inovasi
Buku Cerita Power Point Belajar Melalui / Kelestarian Alam Keusahawanan
Lagu/Muzik / Video / Bermain Sekitar
Model/Relia Pembesar Suara / Inkuiri Nilai Murni TMK
Carta TV/Komputer / Bersepadu Sains & Teknologi Kelestarian Global
Lain-Lain : Kad huruf vokal, kotak Bertema Patriotisme Pendidikan Kewangan
Pelbagai Kecerdasan
KBAT : Nilai Murni :
Mengaplikasi Kepercayaan kpd Tuhan Hemah Tinggi Keberanian Kesederhanaan
Menganalisis / Baik Hati Hormat Kejujuran Toleransi
Menilai Bertanggungjawab Kasih Sayang Kerajinan /
Mencipta Berterima Kasih Keadilan Kerjasama
Penilaian PdPc adalah melalui :
Buku Latihan Projek Senarai Semak
Lembaran Kerja / Kerja Kumpulan Rekod Anekdot
Kuiz Simulasi / Lakonan / Lisan Rekod Berterusan
PdPc hari ini tidak dapat dijalankan kerana :
Program Sekolah Cuti AM PdPc telah / akan diganti pada :
Cuti Sakit Kursus
Aktiviti Luar

0900 AP

 Murid mencuci tangan mengikut giliran

0930 REHAT  Murid membaca doa makan
1000  Murid mencuci tangan dan mulut selepas makan
BI 2.2 BI 2.2.5 Sing a Song : “If You Are A Kid, Dance Around”
1000 AP Apply sounds of letters Recognise and sound out
1030 to recognise words letters of the alphabet Activity 7b: Segmenting CV and VC syllables or words into their
(30minit) individual units 2 (individual)
BI 3.1 BI 2.2.6 1. Teacher says, ‘Show me the letter cap that makes the first
Develop prewriting skills Recognise and sound out sound in /ba/’.
initial, medial and ending 2. Children show the appropriate letter cap.
sounds in a word
3. Teacher then says, ‘Show me the letter cap that makes the
last sound in /ba/’.
BI 2.2.7
Blend phonemes (sounds) 4. Children show the appropriate letter cap.
to form single syllable 5. Teacher repeats /ba/ and children form it with their letter
words caps.
6. Children underline and read.
BI 3.1.3 7. Repeat with /ma/, /ca/, /ab/, /ac/ and /am/.
Develop hand-eye
coordination through
scribbling, drawing lines
and patterns

Learning Objective: At the end of the lesson, children

were able to:
Youtube :
- Recognise and sound out letters of the alphabet
- Blend phonemes (sounds) to form single syllable
words correctly ge4XGUYs&list=PLZ
- Develop hand-eye coordination through gMoiyPqiL_ellONsN
scribbling, drawing lines and patterns SmbtF2WZMuOqSV

Success Criteria :
- Recognise and sound out letters of the alphabet
- Blend phonemes (sounds) to form single syllable
words correctly
- Develop hand-eye coordination through
scribbling, drawing lines and patterns

Performance Standard :
TP 1
TP 2
TP 3

Reflection :

Teaching Aids : PdPC Strategies: CCE :

Picture Card Toys Student Centered / Language / Creativity & Inovation /
Story Book Power Point Learn Through Play Environmental Entrepreneurship
Song/Muzic / Video / Inkuiry Conservation
Model/Realia Speaker / Integrated Values ICT
Chart TV/Computer / Theme Science & Tecnology Global Sustainability
Etc : abc laminated card, SP Chart Project / Patriotism Financial Education
Various Intelligence
HOTS : Values :
Apply Trust in God Prudence Courage / Simplicity
Analyze Kind hearted Respect Honesty Tolerate
Evaluate Responsible Affection Hardworking
Creating / Thankful Justice Cooperate
Teaching & Learning Evaluation :
Exercise Book Project Checklist
Worksheet / Group work Anecdotal Records
Quiz Simulation / Acting / Verbal / Continuous Records
Today’s class could not be run because :
School programme Holiday Class will be / had been replace on :
Sick leave Courses
Outdoor activity
MA 1.4 MA 1.4.2  Introduction : Pupils sing the song " Little Finger..Tap! Tap! Tap!"
1030 MA Recognise and form Copy patterns  S1: Teacher put the picture cards on the whiteboard.
1110 patterns  S2 : Teacher teach the pupils about pattern and how to form the
(40minit) MA 1.4.3
Complete the given
 S3 : Teacher pick the pupil randomly and ask them to complete
Learning Objective: At the end of the lesson, children the pattern using picture cards.
were able to:  S4 : Worksheet are given as reinforcement activity.
- copy pattern correctly in the worksheet  Closure : Pupils sing the song "Little Finger Tap Tap Tap!"
- complete the given pattern in the worksheet

Success Criteria :
- copy pattern correctly in the worksheet
- complete the given pattern in the worksheet Youtube :
correctly https://www.youtub

Preschool Module 6
Performance Standard :
TP 1
TP 2
TP 3

Reflection :

Teaching Aids : PdPC Strategies: CCE :

Picture Card Toys Student Centered / Language Creativity & Inovation /
Story Book Power Point Learn Through Play / Environmental Entrepreneurship
Song/Music / Video / Inkuiry Conservation
Model/Realia Speaker / Integrated Values ICT
Chart TV/Computer / Theme Science & Tecnology Global Sustainability
Etc : scissors, glue Project Patriotism Financial Education
Various Intelligence
HOTS : Values :
Apply Trust in God Prudence Courage / Simplicity
Analyze / Kind hearted Respect Honesty Tolerate
Evaluate Responsible Affection Hardworking
Creating Thankful Justice Cooperate
Teaching & Learning Evaluation :
Exercise Book Project Checklist
Worksheet / Group work Anecdotal Records
Quiz Simulation / Acting / Verbal Continuous Records
Today’s class could not be run because :
School programme Holiday Class will be / had been replace on :
Sick leave Courses
Outdoor activity

1110 MAIN  Murid bermain / meneroka bersama kawan-kawan dengan guru sebagai pemerhati / fasilitator
1130 BEBAS
1130 Reflection Teacher:
1140 ●Make a reflection.
(10minit) ● Remind the pupils to complete their homework (if they have)
● Saying goodbye.

● Sing the song entitle : "Goodbye".
● Tidying up used equipment.
● Saying goodbye.
Minggu/Week :6 Tema : Perayaan (Hari Raya)
Tarikh/Date/Hari/Day : 27/04/2022 / Rabu / Wednesday Theme : Festival (Eid Mubarak)
Masa / Tunjang / Standard Standard Pembelajaran / Aktiviti / Strategi Masa / Time
Time Strand Kandungan / Learning Standard Activity / Strategy
Content Standard
0730 Rutin  Rutin (Mengambil Kehadiran Murid) Kehadiran
0740  Sarapan Lelaki 8 Jumlah 25
(10minit) Perempuan 17 Hadir / 25
0740 Perbualan  Nyanyian lagu Negaraku & Ibu Pertiwiku
0800 Pagi  Pemeriksaan kebersihan kuku
(20minit)  Catat kehadiran, bertanyakan khabar murid dan perasaan mereka
 Menceritakan secara ringkas tema yang akan dipelajari pada minggu ini – Perayaan Hari Raya
KE 3.2 KE 3.2.2  Induksi : Nyanyian lagu “Selamat Hari Raya”
0800 AP Mengetahui media Memilih media yang  L1 : Murid menonton video sambutan perayaan hari raya. Sesi soal
0900 dalam menghasilkan sesuai dalam jawab mengenai video yang ditonton.
(60minit) karya seni (Aplikasi penghasilan karya seni
 L2 : Murid diberikan lembaran kerja mewarna suasana hari raya.
 L3 : Murid mewarnakan lembaran kerja yang diberikan dengan cantik
Objektif Pembelajaran: Pada akhir p&p, mm akan
dapat: dan kemas.
- Mewarna lembaran kerja dengan cantik  Penutup : Hasil kerja murid dipamerkan.
dan kemas
Kriteria Kejayaan :
- Mewarna lembaran kerja dengan cantik
dan kemas

Tahap Pencapaian :
TP 1
TP 2 Youtube :
TP 3 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v

Refleksi :

BBM : Strategi PdPc : EMK :

Kad Gambar Alat Mainan Berpusatkan Murid / Bahasa Kreativiti & Inovasi /
Buku Cerita Power Point / Belajar Melalui Kelestarian Alam Keusahawanan
Lagu/Muzik / Video / Bermain Sekitar
Model/Relia Pembesar Suara / Inkuiri Nilai Murni TMK
Carta TV/Komputer / Bersepadu Sains & Teknologi Kelestarian Global
Lain-Lain : Warna Bertema Patriotisme Pendidikan Kewangan
Pelbagai Kecerdasan
KBAT : Nilai Murni :
Mengaplikasi Kepercayaan kpd Tuhan Hemah Tinggi Keberanian Kesederhanaan
Menganalisis Baik Hati Hormat Kejujuran Toleransi
Menilai Bertanggungjawab Kasih Sayang Kerajinan Keyakinan /
Mencipta / Berterima Kasih Keadilan Kerjasama
Penilaian PdPc adalah melalui :
Buku Latihan Projek Senarai Semak
Lembaran Kerja / Kerja Kumpulan Rekod Anekdot
Kuiz Simulasi / Lakonan / Lisan Rekod Berterusan
PdPc hari ini tidak dapat dijalankan kerana :
Program Sekolah Cuti AM PdPc telah / akan diganti pada :
Cuti Sakit Kursus
Aktiviti Luar
0900 FK 1.1 FK 1.1.3  Induksi : Nyanyian lagu “Selamat Hari Raya”
0930 FK Meneroka pelbagai Menggunakan  L1 : Murid menonton video sambutan perayaan hari raya. Sesi soal
(30minit) aktiviti yang melibatkan kemahiran motor jawab mengenai video yang ditonton.
motor halus halus melalui aktiviti
 L2 : Murid ditunjukkan dengan pelbagai jenis ketupat.
yang melibatkan
 L3 : Murid ditunjukkan cara menghasilkan ketupat satu persatu.
Objektif Pembelajaran: Pada akhir p&p, mm akan  L4 : Murid diagihkan dengan bahan-bahan yang diperlukan untuk
dapat: menghasilkan ketupat.
- Menggunakan kemahiran motor halus  L5 : Murid menghasilkan ketupat dengan bimbingan
melalui aktiviti yang melibatkan alatan  Penutup : Hasil kerja murid dipamerkan.
Kriteria Kejayaan :
- Menggunakan kemahiran motor halus
melalui aktiviti yang melibatkan alatan

Tahap Pencapaian :
TP 1
TP 2 Youtube : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MmFGRFL6Lio
TP 3

Refleksi :

BBM : Strategi PdPc : EMK :

Kad Gambar Alat Mainan Berpusatkan Murid / Bahasa / Kreativiti & Inovasi /
Buku Cerita Power Point Belajar Melalui Kelestarian Alam Keusahawanan
Lagu/Muzik / Video / Bermain Sekitar
Model/Relia Pembesar Suara / Inkuiri Nilai Murni TMK
Carta TV/Komputer / Bersepadu Sains & Teknologi Kelestarian Global
Lain-Lain : Kertas warna, gam, Bertema Patriotisme Pendidikan Kewangan
gunting Projek /
Pelbagai Kecerdasan
KBAT : Nilai Murni :
Mengaplikasi Kepercayaan kpd Tuhan Hemah Tinggi Keberanian Kesederhanaan
Menganalisis Baik Hati Hormat Kejujuran Toleransi
Menilai Bertanggungjawab Kasih Sayang Kerajinan / Keyakinan
Mencipta / Berterima Kasih Keadilan Kerjasama
Penilaian PdPc adalah melalui :
Buku Latihan Projek / Senarai Semak
Lembaran Kerja Kerja Kumpulan Rekod Anekdot
Kuiz Simulasi / Lakonan / Lisan Rekod Berterusan
PdPc hari ini tidak dapat dijalankan kerana :
Program Sekolah Cuti AM PdPc telah / akan diganti pada :
Cuti Sakit Kursus
Aktiviti Luar
0930  Murid mencuci tangan mengikut giliran
1000 REHAT  Murid membaca doa makan
(30minit)  Murid mencuci tangan dan mulut selepas makan
1000 BI 2.2 BI 2.2.5 Sing a Song : “If You Are A Kid, Dance Around”
1030 AP Apply sounds of letters Recognise and sound out
(30minit) to recognise words letters of the alphabet Activity 7c: Segmenting CV and VC syllables or words into their
individual units 3 (individual)
1. Teacher says, ‘Trace the first letter in /ac/ on the tactile
BI 2.2.7 mat.’
Blend phonemes (sounds) 2. Children write with pointer finger of dominant hand,
to form single syllable
underline it from left to right and read.
3. Teacher says, ‘Trace the last letter in /ac/ on the tactile
4. Children write with pointer finger of dominant hand,
underline it from left to right and read.
5. Teacher repeats /ac/ and children write it on tactile mat
with pointer finger of dominant hand, underlines it from left
to right and read.
6. Repeat for other syllables/words.

Youtube :
Learning Objective: At the end of the lesson, children
were able to:
- Recognise and sound out letters of the alphabet
- Blend phonemes (sounds) to form single
syllable words correctly

Success Criteria :
- Recognise and sound out letters of the alphabet
- Blend phonemes (sounds) to form single
syllable words correctly

Performance Standard :
TP 1
TP 2
TP 3
Refleksi :

Teaching Aids : PdPC Strategies: CCE :

Picture Card Toys Student Centered / Language / Creativity & Inovation
Story Book Power Point Learn Through Play / Environmental Entrepreneurship
Song/Muzic / Video / Inkuiry Conservation
Model/Realia Speaker / Integrated Values ICT
Chart / TV/Computer / Theme Science & Tecnology Global Sustainability
Etc : laminated card, SP Chart Project Patriotism Financial Education
Various Intelligence
HOTS : Values :
Apply Trust in God Prudence Courage / Simplicity
Analyze / Kind hearted Respect Honesty Tolerate
Evaluate Responsible Affection Hardworking
Creating Thankful Justice Cooperate
Teaching & Learning Evaluation :
Exercise Book Project Checklist
Worksheet Group work Anecdotal Records
Quiz Simulation / Acting / Verbal / Continuous Records
Today’s class could not be run because :
School programme Holiday Class will be / had been replace on :
Sick leave Courses
Outdoor activity
1030 MA 1.4 MA 1.4.2  Introduction : Pupils sing the song " Little Finger..Tap! Tap! Tap!"
1130 AP Recognise and form Copy patterns  S1: Teacher put the picture cards on the whiteboard.
(60minit) patterns  S2 : Teacher teach the pupils about pattern and how to form the
MA 1.4.3
Complete the given
 S3 : Teacher pick the pupil randomly and ask them to complete
Learning Objective: At the end of the lesson, children the pattern using picture cards.
were able to:  S4 : Worksheet are given as reinforcement activity.
- copy pattern correctly in the worksheet  Closure : Pupils sing the song "Little Finger Tap Tap Tap!"
complete the given pattern in the worksheet correctly
Success Criteria :
- copy pattern correctly in the worksheet
- complete the given pattern in the worksheet
Youtube :
Performance Standard : e.com/watch?v=eB
TP 1 VqcTEC3zQ
TP 2
TP 3
Preschool Module 6

Reflection :

Teaching Aids : PdPC Strategies: CCE :

Picture Card / Toys Student Centered / Language / Creativity & Inovation
Story Book Power Point / Learn Through Play /
Song/Muzic / Video / Inkuiry Environmental Entrepreneurship
Model/Realia Speaker / Integrated Conservation
Chart TV/Computer / Theme Values ICT
Etc : Project Science & Tecnology / Global Sustainability
Mastery Patriotism Financial Education
Various Intelligence
HOTS : Values :
Apply Trust in God Prudence Courage / Simplicity
Analyze / Kind hearted Respect Honesty Tolerate
Evaluate Responsible Affection Hardworking
Creating Thankful Justice Cooperate
Teaching & Learning Evaluation :
Exercise Book Project Checklist
Worksheet / Group work Anecdotal Records
Quiz Simulation / Acting / Verbal / Continuous Records
Today’s class could not be run because :
School programme Holiday Class will be / had been replace on :
Sick leave Courses
Outdoor activity

1110 MAIN  Murid bermain / meneroka bersama kawan-kawan dengan guru sebagai pemerhati / fasilitator
1130 BEBAS
1130 Reflection Teacher:
1140 ●Make a reflection.
(10minit) ● Remind the pupils to complete their homework (if they have)
● Saying goodbye.

● Sing the song entitle : "Goodbye".
● Tidying up used equipment.
● Saying goodbye.
Minggu/Week :6 Tema : Perayaan (Hari Raya)
Tarikh/Date/Hari/Day : 28/04/2022 / Khamis / Thursday Theme : Festival (Eid Mubarak)
Masa / Tunjang / Standard Standard Pembelajaran / Aktiviti / Strategi Masa / Time
Time Strand Kandungan / Learning Standard Activity / Strategy
0730 Rutin  Rutin (Mengambil Kehadiran Murid) Kehadiran
0740  Sarapan Lelaki 8 Jumlah 25
(10minit) Perempuan 17 Hadir / 25
0740 Perbualan  Nyanyian lagu Negaraku & Ibu Pertiwiku
0800 Pagi  Pemeriksaan kebersihan kuku
(20minit)  Catat kehadiran, bertanyakan khabar murid dan perasaan mereka
 Menceritakan secara ringkas tema yang akan dipelajari pada minggu ini – Perayaan (Hari Raya)
PM 6.1 PM 6.1.3  Induksi : Murid menyanyikan lagu “Selamat Hari Raya”.
0800 PM /PI Mengamalkan sikap Menunjukkan sikap  L1 : Guru menunjukkan kad ucapan selamat hari raya kepada murid
0900 hormat hormat kepada orang dan meminta murid untuk menyatakan pendapat mereka mengenai
(60minit) lain kad tersebut.
Objektif Pembelajaran: Pada akhir p&p, mm akan  L2 : Guru menerangkan kegunaan kad hari raya kepada.
dapat:  L3 : Murid diberikan bahan-bahan untuk menghasilkan kad hari raya.
- Menyatakan cara menunjukkan sikap  Penutup : Murid menunjukkan hasil kad raya mereka kepada guru
hormat perayaan orang lain dan rakan-rakan dan bertukar kad raya dengan rakan tanda meraikan
bersama serta saling menghormati.

Kriteria Kejayaan :
- Menyatakan cara menunjukkan sikap
hormat perayaan orang lain

Youtube :
Tahap Pencapaian :
TP 1
TP 2 o
TP 3
Modul 6 Prasekolah

Refleksi :

BBM : Strategi PdPc : EMK :

Kad Gambar Alat Mainan Berpusatkan Murid / Bahasa Kreativiti & Inovasi /
Buku Cerita Power Point Belajar Melalui Kelestarian Alam Keusahawanan
Lagu/Muzik / Video / Bermain Sekitar
Model/Relia Pembesar Suara / Inkuiri Nilai Murni / TMK
Carta TV/Komputer / Bersepadu Sains & Teknologi Kelestarian Global
Lain-Lain : Bertema Patriotisme Pendidikan Kewangan
Pelbagai Kecerdasan
KBAT : Nilai Murni :
Mengaplikasi Kepercayaan kpd Tuhan Hemah Tinggi / Keberanian Kesederhanaan
Menganalisis Baik Hati Hormat Kejujuran Toleransi
Menilai Bertanggungjawab Kasih Sayang Kerajinan
Mencipta / Berterima Kasih Keadilan Kerjasama
Penilaian PdPc adalah melalui :
Buku Latihan Projek Senarai Semak
Lembaran Kerja / Kerja Kumpulan Rekod Anekdot
Kuiz Simulasi / Lakonan / Lisan Rekod Berterusan
PdPc hari ini tidak dapat dijalankan kerana :
Program Sekolah Cuti AM PdPc telah / akan diganti pada :
Cuti Sakit Kursus
Aktiviti Luar

0900 AP

0930  Murid mencuci tangan mengikut giliran

1000 REHAT  Murid membaca doa makan
(30minit)  Murid mencuci tangan dan mulut selepas makan
1000 BI 2.2 BI 2.2.5 Sing a Song : “If You Are A Kid, Dance Around”
1030 AP Apply sounds of letters Recognise and sound out
(30minit) to recognise words letters of the alphabet Activity 7d: Segmenting CV and VC syllables or words into their
individual units 4 (in pairs)
BI 3.1 BI 2.2.6 1. Teacher calls out one CV/VC syllable/word at a time.
Develop prewriting skills Recognise and sound out 2. Children take turns to write it on partner’s wrist with pointer
initial, medial and ending finger of dominant hand, underline it from left to right and
sounds in a word

BI 2.2.7
Blend phonemes (sounds) Activity 7e: Segmenting CV and VC syllables or words into their
to form single syllable individual units 5 (individual)
words 1. Teacher says a syllable or word.
2. Children air-write it with pointer finger of dominant hand,
BI 3.1.3 underline it from left to right and read.
Develop hand-eye
coordination through
scribbling, drawing lines
and patterns
Learning Objective: At the end of the lesson, children
were able to:
Youtube :
- Recognise and sound out letters of the alphabet
- Blend phonemes (sounds) to form single
syllable words correctly
- Develop hand-eye coordination through SmbtF2WZMuOqSV
scribbling, drawing lines and patterns
Success Criteria :
- Recognise and sound out letters of the alphabet
- Blend phonemes (sounds) to form single
syllable words correctly
- Develop hand-eye coordination through
scribbling, drawing lines and patterns

Performance Standard :
TP 1
TP 2
TP 3

Reflection :

Teaching Aids : PdPC Strategies: CCE :

Picture Card Toys Student Centered / Language / Creativity & Inovation /
Story Book Power Point Learn Through Play / Environmental Entrepreneurship
Song/Muzic / Video / Inkuiry Conservation
Model/Realia Speaker / Integrated Values ICT
Chart TV/Computer / Theme Science & Tecnology Global Sustainability
Etc : abc laminated card, SP Chart Project Patriotism Financial Education
Various Intelligence
HOTS : Values :
Apply Trust in God Prudence Courage Simplicity
Analyze / Kind hearted Respect Honesty Tolerate
Evaluate Responsible Affection Hardworking /
Creating Thankful Justice Cooperate
Teaching & Learning Evaluation :
Exercise Book Project / Checklist
Worksheet Group work Anecdotal Records
Quiz Simulation / Acting / Verbal / Continuous Records
Today’s class could not be run because :
School programme Holiday Class will be / had been replace on :
Sick leave Courses
Outdoor activity
1030 MA 1.4 MA 1.4.2  Introduction : Pupils sing the song " Little Finger..Tap! Tap! Tap!"
1130 AP Recognise and form Copy patterns  S1: Teacher put the picture cards on the whiteboard.
(60minit) patterns  S2 : Teacher teach the pupils about pattern and how to form the
MA 1.4.3
Complete the given
 S3 : Teacher pick the pupil randomly and ask them to complete
Learning Objective: At the end of the lesson, children the pattern using picture cards.
were able to:  S4 : Worksheet are given as reinforcement activity.
- copy pattern correctly in the worksheet  Closure : Pupils sing the song "Little Finger Tap Tap Tap!"
- complete the given pattern in the worksheet

Success Criteria : Youtube :

- copy pattern correctly in the worksheet https://www.youtub
- complete the given pattern in the worksheet e.com/watch?v=eB
correctly VqcTEC3zQ

Preschool Module 6

Performance Standard :
TP 1
TP 2
TP 3

Reflection :

Teaching Aids : PdPC Strategies: CCE :

Picture Card / Toys Student Centered / Language Creativity & Inovation /
Story Book Power Point / Learn Through Play / Environmental Entrepreneurship
Song/Muzic / Video / Inkuiry Conservation
Model/Realia Speaker / Integrated Values ICT
Chart TV/Computer / Theme Science & Tecnology / Global Sustainability
Etc : Project Patriotism Financial Education
Various Intelligence
HOTS : Values :
Apply Trust in God Prudence Courage Simplicity
Analyze / Kind hearted Respect Honesty Tolerate
Evaluate Responsible Affection Hardworking /
Creating Thankful Justice Cooperate
Teaching & Learning Evaluation :
Exercise Book Project Checklist
Worksheet / Group work Anecdotal Records
Quiz Simulation / Acting / Verbal Continuous Records
Today’s class could not be run because :
School programme Holiday Class will be / had been replace on :
Sick leave Courses
Outdoor activity

1110 MAIN  Murid bermain / meneroka bersama kawan-kawan dengan guru sebagai pemerhati / fasilitator
1130 BEBAS
1130 Reflection Teacher:
1140 ●Make a reflection.
(10minit) ● Remind the pupils to complete their homework (if they have)
● Saying goodbye.

● Sing the song entitle : "Goodbye".
● Tidying up used equipment.
● Saying goodbye.
Minggu/Week :6 Tema : Perayaan (Hari Raya)
Tarikh/Date/Hari/Day : 29/04/2022 / Jumaat / Friday Theme : Festival (Eid Mubarak)
Masa / Tunjang / Standard Standard Pembelajaran / Aktiviti / Strategi Masa / Time
Time Strand Kandungan / Learning Standard Activity / Strategy
Content Standard
0700 Rutin  Rutin (Mengambil Kehadiran Murid) Kehadiran
0710  Sarapan Lelaki 8 Jumlah 25
(10minit) Perempuan 17 Hadir / 25
0710 Morning  Singing the song Negaraku & Ibu Pertiwiku
0730 Circle  Nail hygiene check
(20minit)  Record attendance, greet the pupils and ask how they are feeling today
 Briefly recount the theme to be studied this week - Festival (Eid Mubarak)
FK 2.2 FK 2.2.3  Introduction : Warm up session
0730 AKTIVITI Carry out various Carry out locomotor  S1 : Pupils are shown to the movement step by step.
0800 LUAR locomotor movements movements at various:  S2 : Pupils follow the movement by guidance
(30minit) (Teras) (iii) routes  S3 : Pupils play at the preschool park
 Closure : Pupils state their emotion after doing the activity.
Learning Objective: At the end of the lesson,
children were able to:
- Carry out locomotor movements at various

Success Criteria :
- Carry out locomotor movements at various

Tahap Pencapaian :
TP 1
TP 2
TP 3
Reflection :

Teaching Aids : PdPC Strategies: CCE :

Picture Card Toys Student Centered / Language / Creativity & Inovation
Story Book Power Point Learn Through Play / Environmental Entrepreneurship
Song/Muzic Video Inkuiry Conservation
Model/Realia Speaker Integrated Values ICT
Chart TV/Computer Theme Science & Tecnology Global Sustainability
Etc : Preschool park. Project Patriotism Financial Education
Various Intelligence
HOTS : Values :
Apply Trust in God Prudence Courage / Simplicity
Analyze Kind hearted Respect Honesty Tolerate
Evaluate Responsible Affection Hardworking
Creating Thankful Justice Cooperate
Teaching & Learning Evaluation :
Exercise Book Project Checklist
Worksheet Group work Anecdotal Records
Quiz Simulation / Acting / Verbal / Continuous Records
Today’s class could not be run because :
School programme Holiday Class will be / had been replace on :
Sick leave Courses
Outdoor activity
PM 6.1 PM 6.1.3  Induksi : Murid menyanyikan lagu “Selamat Hari Raya”.
0800 PI/PM Mengamalkan sikap Menunjukkan sikap  L1 : Guru menunjukkan kad ucapan selamat hari raya kepada murid
0900 hormat hormat kepada orang dan meminta murid untuk menyatakan pendapat mereka mengenai
(60minit) lain kad tersebut.
Objektif Pembelajaran: Pada akhir p&p, mm akan  L2 : Guru menerangkan kegunaan kad hari raya kepada.
dapat:  L3 : Murid diberikan bahan-bahan untuk menghasilkan kad hari raya.
- Menyatakan cara menunjukkan sikap  Penutup : Murid menunjukkan hasil kad raya mereka kepada guru dan
hormat perayaan orang lain rakan-rakan dan bertukar kad raya dengan rakan tanda meraikan
bersama serta saling menghormati.

Kriteria Kejayaan :
- Menyatakan cara menunjukkan sikap
hormat perayaan orang lain
Tahap Pencapaian :
TP 1
TP 2
TP 3

Youtube :

Modul 6 Prasekolah

Refleksi :

BBM : Strategi PdPc : EMK :

Kad Gambar Alat Mainan Berpusatkan Murid / Bahasa Kreativiti & Inovasi
Buku Cerita Power Point Belajar Melalui Kelestarian Alam Keusahawanan
Lagu/Muzik / Video / Bermain Sekitar
Model/Relia Pembesar Suara / Inkuiri Nilai Murni / TMK
Carta TV/Komputer / Bersepadu Sains & Teknologi Kelestarian Global
Lain-Lain : Bertema / Patriotisme Pendidikan Kewangan
Pelbagai Kecerdasan
KBAT : Nilai Murni :
Mengaplikasi / Kepercayaan kpd Tuhan Hemah Tinggi Keberanian Kesederhanaan
Menganalisis Baik Hati Hormat Kejujuran Toleransi
Menilai Bertanggungjawab Kasih Sayang Kerajinan / Bantu Membantu
Mencipta Berterima Kasih Keadilan Kerjasama
Penilaian PdPc adalah melalui :
Buku Latihan Projek Senarai Semak
Lembaran Kerja / Kerja Kumpulan Rekod Anekdot
Kuiz Simulasi / Lakonan / Lisan Rekod Berterusan
PdPc hari ini tidak dapat dijalankan kerana :
Program Sekolah Cuti AM PdPc telah / akan diganti pada :
Cuti Sakit Kursus
Aktiviti Luar
0900  Murid mencuci tangan mengikut giliran
0930 REHAT  Murid membaca doa makan
(30minit)  Murid mencuci tangan dan mulut selepas makan
BI 2.2 BI 2.2.5 Sing a Song : “If You Are A Kid, Dance Around”
0930 AP Apply sounds of letters Recognise and sound out
1000 to recognise words letters of the alphabet Activity 7f: Segmenting CV and VC syllables or words into their individual
(30minit) units 6 (individual)
BI 3.1 BI 2.2.6 1. Teacher says a syllable or word.
Develop prewriting skills Recognise and sound out 2. Children write it on personal white board and read.
initial, medial and ending 3. Some children can be called to write it on the class’s white
sounds in a word
4. Other children can be called to form it with letter cards on
BI 2.2.7
Blend phonemes (sounds) pocket chart.
to form single syllable
words Activity 7g: Segmenting CV and VC syllables or words into their
individual units 7 (individual)
BI 3.1.3 1. Teacher says a syllable or word.
Develop hand-eye 2. Children write it in their exercise book and read.
coordination through 3. Some children can be called to write it on the class’s white
scribbling, drawing lines
and patterns
4. Other children can be called to form it with letter cards on
Learning Objective: At the end of the lesson, children
were able to: pocket chart.
- Recognise and sound out letters of the alphabet
- Blend phonemes (sounds) to form single
syllable words correctly
- Develop hand-eye coordination through
scribbling, drawing lines and patterns
Youtube :

Success Criteria :
- Recognise and sound out letters of the alphabet
- Blend phonemes (sounds) to form single
syllable words correctly
- Develop hand-eye coordination through
scribbling, drawing lines and patterns

Performance Standard :
TP 1
TP 2
TP 3
Reflection :

Teaching Aids : PdPC Strategies: CCE :

Picture Card Toys Student Centered / Language / Creativity & Inovation /
Story Book Power Point Learn Through Play / Environmental Entrepreneurship
Song/Muzic / Video / Inkuiry Conservation
Model/Realia Speaker / Integrated Values ICT
Chart TV/Computer / Theme Science & Tecnology Global Sustainability
Etc : letter card, SP Chart Project Patriotism Financial Education
Various Intelligence
HOTS : Values :
Apply / Trust in God Prudence Courage Simplicity
Analyze Kind hearted Respect Honesty / Tolerate
Evaluate Responsible Affection Hardworking
Creating Thankful Justice Cooperate
Teaching & Learning Evaluation :
Exercise Book Project Checklist
Worksheet Group work Anecdotal Records
Quiz Simulation / Acting / Verbal Continuous Records
Today’s class could not be run because :
School programme Holiday Class will be / had been replace on :
Sick leave Courses
Outdoor activity
1000 BM 2.2 BM 2.2.2  Induksi : Nyanyian lagu kanak-kanak “Lagu Huruf Vokal”
1100 AP Mengenal huruf abjad Menyebut dan  L1 : Murid mengenal dan menyebut huruf vokal a,e,i,o,u dengan
(60minit) membunyikan huruf vokal bimbingan guru.
BM 3.2
 L2 : Murid diperkenalkan dengan objek yang bermula dengan
Menguasai kemahiran BM 3.2.1
huruf vokal a,e,i,o,u
menulis Menulis huruf kecil
dengan cara yang betul  L3 : Permainan “Ingat & Cari”. Murid dipanggil secara rawak ke
depan kelas dan memilih kad gambar yang disimpan di dalam
“kotak ajaib”. Murid perlu memadankan gambar dengan huruf
vokal yang betul.
 Penutup : Lembaran kerja diberikan sebagai pengukuhan aktiviti.
Objektif Pembelajaran: Pada akhir p&p, mm akan
- Mengenal pasti, menyebut dan membunyikan
huruf vokal dengan betul
- Menulis huruf vokal dengan betul di dalam
lembaran kerja

- Youtube :
Kriteria Kejayaan :
- Mengenal pasti, menyebut dan membunyikan
huruf vokal dengan betul
- Menulis huruf vokal dengan betul di dalam
lembaran kerja Modul 6 Prasekolah

Tahap Pencapaian :
TP 1
TP 2
TP 3

Reflection :

BBM : Strategi PdPc : EMK :

Kad Gambar / Alat Mainan Berpusatkan Murid / Bahasa / Kreativiti & Inovasi
Buku Cerita Power Point Belajar Melalui Kelestarian Alam Keusahawanan
Lagu/Muzik / Video / Bermain Sekitar
Model/Relia Pembesar Suara / Inkuiri Nilai Murni TMK
Carta TV/Komputer / Bersepadu Sains & Teknologi Kelestarian Global
Lain-Lain : Bertema Patriotisme Pendidikan Kewangan
Pelbagai Kecerdasan
KBAT : Nilai Murni :
Mengaplikasi Kepercayaan kpd Tuhan Hemah Tinggi Keberanian Kesederhanaan
Menganalisis / Baik Hati Hormat Kejujuran Toleransi
Menilai Bertanggungjawab Kasih Sayang Kerajinan /
Mencipta Berterima Kasih Keadilan Kerjasama
Penilaian PdPc adalah melalui :
Buku Latihan Projek / Senarai Semak
Lembaran Kerja Kerja Kumpulan Rekod Anekdot
Kuiz Simulasi / Lakonan / Lisan / Rekod Berterusan
PdPc hari ini tidak dapat dijalankan kerana :
Program Sekolah Cuti AM PdPc telah / akan diganti pada :
Cuti Sakit Kursus
Aktiviti Luar
1100 Reflection Teacher:
1110 ●Make a reflection.
(10minit) ● Remind the pupils to complete their homework (if they have)
● Saying goodbye.

● Sing the song entitle : "Goodbye".
● Tidying up used equipment.
● Saying goodbye.

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