Mba Ymca Entrance Test

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Test Booklet No.

M.B.A. Entrance Examination, Sept., 2021

Subject Code MBA

Roll No. of the Candidate: Signature of the Candidate: *


Date of Examination: Signature of the Invigilator(s)

1. **********

2. **********

Time 90 Minutes Maximum Marks : 100

The question paper is in the form of Test-Booklet containing 100 (One Hundred) questions. Each
question carries four answers marked (A), (B), (C) and (D), out of which only is correct.
On receipt of the Test-Booklet (Question Paper), the candidate should immediately check it and
ensure that it contains all the pages, i.e., 100 questions. Discrepancy, if any, should be reported

by the candidate to the invigilator within 10 minutes of receiving the Test-Booklet.

ii) The separate Answer-Sheet is inside the booklet. On this sheet there are 100 rows of four circles
each. One row pertains to one question.
iv) The candidate should write his roll number at the places provided on the cover page of the Test-
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1. A variable that can theoretically assume

any 5. How much should a customer pay for a
value between given two values is called: circular sheet having diameter of 14 feet, if
(A) Continuous variable the price is Rs.10 per sq ft.?
(B) Discrete variable (A) Rs. 1500
(C) Free variable (B) Rs. 1450
(D) None of the above. (C) Rs. 1540
(D) None of the above.

2. A line obtained by connecting the mid-points

of tops of rectangles in a histogram is called: 6. The probability that a man will remain alive

(A) Pie chart till the year 2040 is 0.5 and the probability
for his wife is 0.6. What is the probability
(B) Ogive
that the couple will be alive till that year ?
C) Frequency polygon
(A) 0.3
(D) None of the above.
(B) 0.4
C) 0.5
3. The reciprocal of the arithmetic mean of the
(D) 0.6.
reciprocals of a set of numbers is:
(A) Geometric mean
7. The standard deviation of a sampling
(B) Mode distribution of a statistic is called:
(C) Arithmetic mean (A) Inter-quartile range
(D) Harmonic mean. (B) Random error
C) Standard error
4. In a competitive examination, if a candidate D) None of the above.
has got 95 percentile score, it means:
(A) He has got 95% marks 8. In statistics, if we reject a hypothesis wher
(B) 95% candidates have higher scores it should be accepted, then it causes:
than him (A) Type I error
(C) 5% candidates have higher score than (B) Type II error
C) Type IlI error
(D) None of the above.
(D) None of the above.

MBA 3 [P.T.O.
The value of 'e' as the base of natural
9. A company sells 80 units of a product at a 13.
price of Rs. 10 per unit. When it reduces logarithm is equal
price to Rs. 8 per unit, the number of units (A) 22/7

sold increase by 25%. What is the percent (B) 10

change in total value of sales? (C) 1

(A) No change (D) 2.718 approx.

(B) 20% increase

14. A bank deposit of Rs. 100 at the compound
C) 25%o decrease interest of 8% per annum will become at
D) None of these. the end of two years:
(A) Rs. 116
10. After (B) Rs. 108.64
15% discount on the printed
(C) Rs. 110.64
price of a book, a student pays Rs. 51 to the
D) Rs. 116.64.
book seller. What is the printed price?
(A) Rs. 64
15. A future amount of money discounted to
(B) Rs. 70 the present by some required rate is called:
(C) Rs. 60 (A) Principal amount
(D) Rs. 62. (B) Present value
C) Amortization value
(D) Junk value.
11. A car goes straight for 8 kms after which it
turns right and travels further for 6 kms.
16. The process of
How far the car is from the starting point by
discovering knowledge from
databases stored in data warehouses is called:
the shortest distance?
(A) Sampling
(A) 12 kms
(B) Data mining
(B) 10 kms C) Data cleaning
(C) 14 kms (D) None of the above.
(D) None of the above.
17. In interview-based surveys for data
collection, when the responses of
12. If the slope of a line is zero, then it is: differ in some
systematic way from the
(A) Parallel to the X-axis responses
of the
non-participants, then which
(B) Parallel to the Y-axis following errors is causes:
C) Drawn at (A) Type I error
an angle of 45 degrees to
the X-axis (B) Type II error
(D) None of the above. (C) Non-response error
(D) Interview error.
18. Which of the following looks for patterns 22. The value of Pearson's correlation co-
among the variables to discover if an efficient lies between:
underlying combination of the original
(A) 0 and1
variables can summarise the original set:
(B) -1 and 1
(A) Factor analysis
(C) -1 and 0
(B) Cluster analysis
(C) Multi-dimensional scaling (D) None of the above.

(D) None of the above.

23. In agriculture, which of the following would

19. Given the numbers:0, 1,2,3 and 4, which you identify as dependent variable:
of the following is least: (A) Wheat output
(A) Mean value (B) Irigation
(B) Median value (C) Seeds
(C) Geometric mean
(D) Fertilizers.
(D) Sum of the numbers.

24. Which of the following tools is used to

20. The sum of page numbers in an open book
measure asymmetry of the distribution of a
is 21. What is the next page number?
(A) 10
(A) Kurtosis
(B) 11
(B) Skewness
(C) 12
(C) Standard deviation
(D) 13.
(D) None of the above.

21. Which of the following has qualitative

categories that are ordered in tems of degree 25. The quantitative technique of estimating the
or magnitude: missing number which may fall within the
range of given numbers is called:
(A) Ordinal variable
(A) Interpolation
(B) Cardinal variable
(B) Estimation
C) Nominal variable
C) Projection
D) None of the above.
(D) None of the above.

3 e 38C8 3ace 28Jizaca
35. Read the two statements and two 39. What is there in
always worry?
conclusions based on the statements as
(A) Anger
below and give the right option:
(B) Non-cooperation
Statementl : No women employee can
(C) Poignancy
play. (D) Unrest.
Statement II: Some women employees
are athletes.
40. How can the following words be arranged
Conclusion I Male athletes can play. in alogical sequence:
Conclusion II: Some athletes can play.
1. Grass 2. Curd 3. Milk 4. Cow 5. Butter
(A) Only conclusion I follows
(A) 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
(B) Neither conclusion I nor II follows
(B) 4, 1, 3, 2, 5
(C) Either conclusion I or II follows
C) 4, 5, 3, 1, 2
(D) None of the above.
D) 4, 1, 3, 2, 5.

36. From the statements (1) Some doctors are

wise and (2) some wise are rich, two 41. Which of the following is the necessary part

conclusions are drawn: of 'harvesting'?

Conclusion I: Some doctors are rich. (A) Summer

Conclusion II: Some rich are doctors. (B) Tractor

(A) Only conclusion I follows (C) Crop
(B) Neither Il (D) Stockpile.
I nor
(C) Either I or II follows
D) Both I and II follow. 42. Which number should come next in the
37. Which of the following is necessarily found 1, 2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13...
in a desert? (A) 15
(A) Sand (B) 17
(B) Camel (C) 19
C) Heat D) 21.
D) Wind.

43. Which of the following words is not like

38. A river always has others in the list:
(A) Banks (A) Mile
(B) Boats (B) Centimeter
(C) Fish (C) Ounce
(D) Bridges. (D) Inch.

MBA 7 [P.T.O.
Statements All fishes are yellow
44. Which of the following is different from 48. in
colour. Some fishes are
others in the list:
(A) Avoid
Conclusion I : All heavy fishes are vellau
B) Ignore
in colour.
(C) Dodge
D) Flee. Conclusion I I : All light fishes are not
yellow in colour.
45. Marathon is to race as hibernation is to:
conclusion I follows
(A) Only
(A) Sleep
(B) Walk (B) Only conclusion II follows

C) Exercise Either I or II follows

(D) Bear.
(D) None of the above.

46. Pride is related to lions as shoal is related

49. If 'godabim' means kidney stones, romzbim'
(A) Workers
means kidney beans, 'romzbako' means wax
(B) Fish beans, then which of the following could
C) Elephants mean 'wax statue"?
(D) Arrogance.
(A) Godaromz

47. Read the statements and conclusions and (B) Lazbim

find the right option.
Statements : Some dedicated souls are
angels. All social workers (D) Romzpeo.
are angels.
Conclusion I : Some dedicated souls are
50. The word 'circulate' is most nearly the
social workers.
opposite in meaning to:
Conclusion I I : Some social workers are
dedicated souls. (A) Restrict
(A) Only conclusion I follows
(B) Spread
(B) Only conclusion II follows
(C) Either I or II follows (C) Encircle
(D) Neither I nor II follows. (D) Mismanage.


51. Which word is dissimilar to the others as 55. A person who is not easily convinced and
below: has doubts and reservations as part of his

(A) Pretend nature, is called:

(A) Cynical
(B) Imitate
(B) Gullible
(C) Fake (C) Contrarian
(D) Genuine. (D) Skeptic.

56. Study of sound and sound waves is

52. Fill in the blank: The court him
as he was found innocent. known as
(A) Ecology
(A) Acquitted
(B) Theology
(B) Overlooked (C)Acoustics
C)Excused (D) Oceanology.
(D) None of the above.
57. Which of the word options will fit best in
the blank space in the sentence given
53. Which of the following is rightly spelt? below
(A) Twelveth People have now started accepting that sports
is indeed a career option and
B) Twelfth
that they can earn well through sports.
(C) Twelth (A) Viable

(D) None of the above. (B) Variegated

C) Amenable
(D) Abstract.
54. A person is crestfallen when he is:

(A) Angry after insult 58. Commence' is to 'terminate' as' accidental'

(B) Disappointed and sad because of s to:
having failed unexpectedly (A) Coincidental
at some sudden (B) Artificial
(C) Very happy success

(C) Random
D) None of the above.
(D) Intentional.

MBA 9 P.T.O.
64. Which of the following words is closest to
59. The word "barrier' means most nearly the

same as:
the meaning of the word 'spendthrift?
(A) Miser
(A) Barage
(B) Blockade (B) Extravagant
(C) Captivity C) Selfish
(D) Gate. (D) Money-minded.

60. Fill in the blank: Italy is European One who is able to use the right and left
country. hands equally well, is known as:

(A) a
(A) Skillful
(B) an
(B) Prodigal
(C) the
(C) Ambidextrous
D) None of the above.
(D) Toxic.

61. Fill in the blank: I remember

you last year. 66. The word 'detest' is most nearly the
(A) Meet opposite of
(B) Met (A) Admire

C) Meting (B) Express

(D) To meet. (C) Pester
D) Uncover.
62. Which of the following is rightly spelt:
(A) Accommodation
67. Which of the following is not meant by
(B) Acomodation
C) Acommodation
(A) The act of being friendly and
(D) Accomodation.
welcoming to guests and visitors
(B) Food, entertainment etc that an
63. Fill in the right preposition: I shall meet
organization provides to guestsor
you 6 p.m. business partners
(A) during (C) Anything related to a hospital or
(B) on medical treatment
(C) at (D) Treating guests and visitors with
(D) in. kindness and care.

MBA 10
68. Which of the following sentences is/are 72. Someone's willingness
to believe things
I. The company has been
easily is an
example of
working since (A) Credulity
the last 5 years.
II. The company has been (B) Credibility
working for
the last 5 years. C) Creditability
II. The company is
working since the last (D) Creativity.
5 years.
IV. The company is
working during the
last 5 years. Which word has the following two
(A) II only alternative meanings:
(B) II and II Lose or lack vitality; become weak
(C) IV only II. Be forced to remain in an
(D) I only. place or situation
(A) Vitiate
69. Select the proper suffix the word (B) Deteriorate
(A) ly
(B) ie
(D) Languish.
(D) like.
74. If someone advises you to avoid
70. Select the proper prefix to the word 'merit:
procrastination, he is telling you:
(A) re (A) To take healthy food

(B) di (B) To get up early in the morningg

C) de C) Not to delay things
D) dis. D) To be well-dressed.

71. Select the right preposition in the sentence:

75. Which of the following words is
A cool and steady mind triumphs closely
related to the word 'monotonous'?
(A) With
(A) Boring
(B) At (B) Lifeless
(C) In C) Uninspiring
(D) Over. (D) All of the above.

MBA 11

76. "Impossible is Nothing' is the tagline of which 80. In terms of geographical area, India's rank
of the following: in the world is:

(A) Adidas (A) First

(B) Nike (B) Second

(C) Bata C) Seventh
(D) None of these. D) Tenth.

77. The term 'Golden Duck' is related to which

81. Who is the present Vice President of India?
of the games:
(A) Om Birla
(A) Chess
(B) Venkaiah Naidu
(B) Football
(C) Sharad Arvind Bobde
(C) Cricket
(D) H.N. Singh.
(D) Hockey.

78. Which of the following is concerned with 82. The term 'fiscal deficit is related to
the regulation of global trade? (A) Medical Science
(A) ILO (B) Psychology
(B) UNO C) Education
(D) Public Finance.
(D) WTO.

83. A person who treats diseases relating to the

79. Ducati' is a famous international brand of: heart and blood vessels, is called:
(A) Jewellery (A) Dermatologist
(B) Perfumes
(B) Endocrinologist
(C) Motorcycles
C) Pathologist
(D) Fashion Garments.
(D) Cardiologist.

i D!
92. Brian Tracy authored which of the following 97. Sodium chloride is the chemical name for
bestsellers: (A) Baking soda
(A) The Personal MBA
(B) Becoming (B) Washing powder
(C) The Psychology of Selling (C) Common salt
D) Top Performance.
(D) Sugar
93. How many sheets of paper are there in a
98. The popularly used Latin expression prima
(A) 480
facie' means:
(B) 24
C) 1000 (A) Without fixing new date

(D) 500. (B) At the first sight

(C) For this occasion only

94. Riyal' is the name of currency of which
country? (D) On behalf of.
(A) Soudi Arabia
C) Iran 99. The famous Indian city Vellore is in:

D) Iraq. (A) Maharashtra

95. The famous scientist (B) Gujarat

Jagadish Chandra Bose
lived during the period: C) Tamil Nadu
(A) 1870-1950
(B) 1900-1978
D) Kerala.
(C) 1860-1941
(D) 1858-1937.
100. Odometer is used to measure:

96. Indian Standard Time is calculated as: (A) Distance travelled by a wheeled vehicle
(A) UTC +5.30
(B) The depth of the sea
(B) UTC- 5.30
C) UTC+2.30 C) The height of an
(D) None of the above. (D) The intensity of sound.


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