Multiple Choice: Trueorfalse

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Cluster 1

Unit of Competency  Qualify laboratory equipment, apparatus and glass wares

covered  Operate laboratory equipment and apparatus
 Maintain equipment laboratory equipment and apparatus
Set A

Written Examination

Multiple Choice a. Balance door is open.

b. Balance is not levelled.

1.d 11.c
c. Air currents are present in the laboratory.
2.c 12.b
d. Temperature of the balance and the sample to be
3.d 13.d weighed is the same.

4.a 14.b
2. It is a document that provides useful information on
5.b 15.b the chemical hazards, advice on safe handling, use and
storage, and the emergency measures to be followed in
6.b 16.c case of an accident. It usually contains 16 headings.

7.a 17.d a. Certificate of Analysis

b. Product Specification
8.c 18.a
c. Safety Data Sheet
9.d 19.b
d. Environmental Compliance Certificate
10.a 20.a

3. Type of chemical that can cause an allergic reaction in

the airways following inhalation of the chemical.
a. Oxidizer
21.False 26.False
b. Corrosive
22.True 27.True
c. Carcinogen

d. Respiratory Sensitizer

23.False 28.False
4. Ammonia solution can be stored with the following
24.False 29.False chemicals except for:

25.True 30.False a. acetic acid solution

b. sodium hydroxide solution

1. The following will cause drift errors in an analytical c. 2-propanol solution

balance except:
d. cyclohexane solution
d. Items contaminated with odorous or hazardous
materials should be removed from the hood only after
5. First consideration for chemical storage shall be based decontamination or if placed in a closed outer container
on its: to avoid releasing contaminants into the laboratory air.
a. frequency of usage
9. Which of the following does not require a minimum of
b. compatibility with other chemicals annual third party calibration?

c. size of the container2 a. analytical balance

d. alphabetical order
b. drying oven

c. autoclave
6. In operating a UV-Vis spectrophotometer, the
following shall be done, except for: d. sets of weights

a. Before turning on the power, check if the sample

holder does not contain anything.
10. Which of the following is an oxidizing chemical?
b. Keep the sample compartment open during
measurement. a. potassium dichromate

c. If there are any spillage that gets onto the instrument, b. sodium hydride
immediately wipe it away.
c. magnesium
d. After turning on, allow the spectrophotometer to
initialize and stabilize according to its user manual. d. sodium

7. In maintenance and storage of pH meters, which of 11. In starting-up laboratory operations the following
the following procedure shall not be done? should be observed except ________.

a. Turning on the hoods, vents and exhaust fans.

a. To keep the electrode bulb moist during storage, store
the electrode in distilled water. b. Turning the equipment and instruments on.

b. Rinse pH electrodes in between measurements. c. Performing the analysis immediately.

d. Monitoring operating parameters.

c. Blot the electrode dry after rinsing the pH electrodes.

d. Mild soap solution may be used in general cleaning of

the electrodes 12. The following must be avoided in using the
analytical balance except ______________.

a. Weighing warm objects in the balance.

8. In using fume hoods, the following shall be done, b. Closing the draft shield before reading the result.
except for:
c. Placing the sample not at the center but on the side of
a. Ensure the exhaust is operating before using the hood. the pan.

d. Touching the samples or sample containers with your

b. The hood shall be kept closed, except during bare fingers.
apparatus set-up or when working within the hood.

c. The hood may be used as a permanent storage area

for volatile chemicals when an appropriate storage 13. Which of the following must be performed before
cabinet is not available. using the analytical balance?

a. Cleaning the balance and removing sample residues.

b. Determine the sensitivity of the balance using 18-20. The absorbance of different concentrations of
calibration weight. potassium permanganate determined through UV-Vis
Spectrophotometer is shown below.
c. Checking the level of the balance by adjusting the air

d. All of the above. Concentration, ppm Average Absorbance

1.11 0.015
14. Sealable enclosures containing desiccants used to 22.2 0.236
protect chemicals which are hygroscopic or which react 44.4 0.512
with water from humidity. 66.6 0.751
a. Mortar and Pestle 88.8 1.062

b. Desiccator
18. Calculate for the equation of the line.
c. Evaporating dish
a. y = 0.0119x – 0.0147
d. Separatory Funnel
b. y = 0.0119x + 0.0147

c. y = 0.0147x – 0.0119
15. To determine the specific gravity of a liquid, which of
the following glasswares should be used? d. y = 0.0147x + 0.0119

a. volumetric flask

b. pycnometer 19. Calculate for the linearity of the calibration curve.

c. pipette a. r2 = 0.989

d. graduated cylinder b. r2 = 0.998

c. r2 = 0.0119

16. Preparation of highly toxic and volatile compounds d. r2 = 1.012

should be carried out in an efficient _____________.

a. canopy hood 20. The Quality Control Sample for this run gave an
b.laminar hood average absorbance reading of 0.486. The theoretical
concentration of the QC sample is 44.4 ppm. Calculate
c.fume hood for the % error of this QC run.
d. any of the above a. 5.24%

b. 5.52%
17. Which of the following shall not be followed when c. 4.65%
boiling a solution in a hot plate?
d. 0.052%
a. Make sure that the glass ware being used is heat

b. Inspect the glass ware for cracks before putting it in

the hot plate.
21. The conductivity value of a liquid solution increases
c. Add boiling stones to facilitate boiling.
as the temperature decreases as a result of higher ion
d. When removing the heated material, use polyethylene mobility.FALSE
gloves to protect your hand from heat.

22. The alkaline effect is the phenomenon where H+ ions

in the gel layer of the pH-sensitive membrane are partly
or completely replaced by alkali ions.TRUE
23. In pH measurements, if the solution is acidic, the H+
ions diffuse out of the layer and a negative charge is
established on the outer side of the membrane.FALSE

24. Karl Fischer titrator is used to determine viscosity of


25. For pipettes marked with To Deliver (TD), a small

amount of liquid remaining on the tip should not be
blown out.TRUE

26. Cuvettes must be cleaned in an ultrasonic cleaning


27. In operating the centrifuge, opposing tubes must be

of equal weight.TRUE

28. To ensure that glass wares is properly cleaned, the

film of water which adheres to the inner glass wall of the
glass ware as it is emptied must not be uniform.FALSE

29. Class B volumetric glass ware provides the highest

accuracy and passes the ASTM standard specification for
laboratory volumetric glass ware.FALSE

30. In calibration of burettes, volume reading shall be

taken with the eye higher than the liquid level to avoid
parallax error.FALSE

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