Legion Bookwork 2015

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To Jesus through Mary

● This Booklet should be used as a guide when taking on officership in a
Legion praesidium or council.
● Please read the Legion Handbook.
● If you need help in any way please do not hesitate to contact the
Senatus President, or an officer of your higher council.

Legion of Mary Senatus of Melbourne Inc.

456 Queensberry Street, North Melbourne 3051
Telephone 9328 4757 – Fax 9326 9433
Email: [email protected]
Web: www.legionofmary.net.au
● Any information in this booklet can be emailed to you in total or part.

● This booklet will be updated periodically. Please consult the Senatus

President for the latest version.

● When we record our meetings, reports, etc. we are presenting the work
of Our Lady through her Legion. Our presentation is to be exemplary
so that succeeding legionaries may imitate our efforts and may strive to
reach the same high standard.

President’s Bookwork .............................................................................. 5

Order of the Praesidium Meeting ............................................................ 6

Vice-President’s Bookwork ...................................................................... 7

Secretary’s Bookwork .............................................................................. 7

Treasurer’s Bookwork ............................................................................ 8

Visitation .................................................................................................. 9

Correspondents ...................................................................................... 10

Procedure for Election of Council Officers .......................................... 12

Council Executive Meeting .................................................................... 14

President’s Worksheet (Praesidium) ..................................................... 15
Agenda for Council Meeting ................................................................. 16
Roll Call Book – Praesidium ................................................................. 17
Attendance Record – Curia .................................................................... 17
Praesidium Minutes ............................................................................... 18
Council Minutes ..................................................................................... 20
Treasurer’s Book.................................................................................... 21
Report of Praesidium to Council .......................................................... .22
Report of Curia to Higher Council ........................................................ 23
Report of Comitium to Senatus.............................................................. 24
Visitation Form Praesidium .................................................................. 25
Visitation Form Council ........................................................................ 26
Change of Officership Form ................................................................. 27

Legion membership requires us to keep detailed records of our meetings, our work, our
finances and our membership. It is an onerous and often time-consuming task,
especially for the Secretary. The following information has been compiled in an effort
to make this task easier for officers to carry out. By following the formats in the various
forms shown in this booklet (may be downloaded from the Senatus website or available
at Magnificat House), we can ensure the smooth running of our meetings and be
consistent in the way we supply information to our higher councils.
President’s Bookwork (Handbook pp. 212 to 216)
The President is responsible for the smooth running of the
meeting. He should follow a strict agenda, keeping note of
the time so that the Catena is said approximately half way
through the meeting. The meeting should start punctually
and in the case of a praesidium meeting, not last longer
than 90 minutes.
A praesidium
When allocating work, the President has the works listed on
meeting always
the worksheet, and allots the members in pairs to do the
assigned work. The members should never assign starts on time
themselves work. and never lasts
more than 90
From time to time, the order of the meeting may need to be
changed, for example, to allow for an earlier allocutio minutes.
where the Spiritual Director has to leave early. However,
the meeting always opens with the Legion prayers and the Rosary. This is always
immediately followed by the Spiritual Reading. The choice of Spiritual Reading is free
but it is strongly recommended that the Handbook be used, especially in the early years
of a praesidium. The other items do not need to follow a particular order, however, for
the sake of uniformity, it is recommended to follow the order set out in the sample
President’s Worksheet on p. 15.
Council President
An agenda replaces the worksheet for a council meeting. This is drawn up in advance by
the President in conjunction with the Secretary and distributed to all Presidents and
Spiritual Directors at least one week before the meeting. There is no time limit for a
council meeting, although it is desirable that the meetings do not go on for an extended
period. Monotony should be avoided at all costs. A sample agenda is shown on p.16.
A written report is to be made, at least annually, to the higher council (Curia, Comitium
or Senatus). Although this is the responsibility of the President, the assistance of other
officers and members may be sought. Examples of the information to be included in this
report are shown on pp 22-24. It is simple to follow and avoids reports which are too
long or lacking in information. A praesidium report should include work carried out
during the period, whereas a council report focuses mainly on events organised by the
council, such as the Acies, retreat and the annual general reunion. The council report
should also give an indication of the work being carried out by its attached praesidia.

Order of the Praesidium Meeting
The President’s Worksheet, kept in a bound book, is used to run the order of the
meeting (see p. 15).
1. Opening Prayers and Rosary. Led by the Spiritual Director or in his absence
the President. All kneeling (if physically possible).
2. Spiritual Reading immediately follows the Rosary. The choice of spiritual
reading is free, however, the Legion Handbook is highly recommended.
3. Welcome attendees, especially any new candidates and visitors.
4. Minutes of the previous meeting read by secretary. Before signing the minutes
on everyone’s behalf, the President should ask if there are any amendments and
if everyone agrees with the minutes.
5. Standing Instruction (p. 109) to be read at every first meeting of the month or if
there is a new member.
6. Roll Call taken by the Vice-President and entered in the Roll. The names of
those present, any apologies or absentees, and visitors are recorded in the
7. Any Correspondence to be read out and recorded in minutes.
8. The Treasurer’s Report includes the balance from the previous week (balance
brought forward); the amount collected from the previous meeting (secret bag);
any expenses incurred at the previous meeting and the new (closing) balance. An
audit by two officers other than the Treasurer to be done at the same time each
9. Recruitment. It is good to keep before the eyes of all members the need to
always be actively seeking the recruitment of new members. This is the
responsibility of each legionary.
10. Work Reports to be given in a clear manner by every member. Only report on
work allocated at the previous week’s meeting.
11. The Catena is recited standing. It is said at about the half-way point of the
meeting. All to remain standing if there is a candidate making his Promise.
12. Allocutio is given by the Spiritual Director, or in his absence the President or
someone allocated by the President. This should be no longer than 5 minutes and
preferably not read from a book.
13. The Secret Bag is passed after the Allocutio, discreetly, without interrupting the
meeting. The money is not counted at this meeting.
14. Handbook Study may be read by any member and a short discussion should
take place to ensure its understanding. Two or three paragraphs are sufficient.
15. General Business should be about Legion matters. e.g. Curia/Senatus news,
upcoming Legion events, announcements and questions.
16. Work Allocation is assigned by the President for work to be carried out in the
coming week. Any new work must have the Parish Priest’s approval.

17. Concluding Prayers. Led by the Spiritual Director or in his absence, the
President; all kneeling if physically possible. The closing time of the meeting
should be recorded in the minutes.
Vice-President’s Bookwork (Read the Handbook, p. 216-218)
The Vice-President, in particular, is charged with the duty of looking after membership.
He should make the acquaintance of newcomers and welcome them to the praesidium.
During the meeting he shall mark up the attendance roll.
The Vice-President keeps the following records; these may be kept in the one book.
 Attendance of active members
 Attendance of active members on probation
 Record of membership details of (i) Active, (ii) Auxiliary, (iii) Adjutorian and (iv)
Praetorian, showing the names and addresses of all permanent members.
At the end of a member’s 3-month probation period, the Vice-President should arrange
for the member to take the Legionary Promise (see Handbook p. 80, ‘Membership’)
It is strongly recommended that the Vice-President of a praesidium keep a record of the
date of appointment of each officer of the praesidium.
Council Vice-President
The Vice-President of a council would be well advised to keep a record of the date of
appointment of each officer of the attached praesidia and also the date of the election of
each of the council officers.
Secretary’s Bookwork (Read the Handbook pp. 218-219)
The main duty of the Secretary is to take the minutes of the meeting. The minutes
should be full and complete, including a summary of any relevant discussion. These
should be kept in a bound book – a ring-binder would serve this purpose. Minutes are
very important at the praesidium level as they record in detail the work being carried out
on a weekly basis. Minutes are also important for archiving purposes and future
retrieval of information. It is important to know when a praesidium or Curia opened or
closed down. After the minutes have been read out and any amendments made, the
President should ask if everyone agrees with the minutes before signing on behalf of the
members; the President must sign the minutes.
Council Secretary (e.g. Curia, Comitium, Senatus)
The council Secretary should
 send a copy of minutes to the next highest council.
 prepare and issue the agenda (see sample below) in conjunction with the President.
An agenda is to be sent to each Spiritual Director and President at least one week
before the council meeting.
 keep a file for each praesidium in which shall be placed a copy of each report
submitted to the council and other records (names, and addresses of officers, etc.)
 forward minute books of praesidia that have closed down to the Senatus archives.

Treasurer’s Bookwork (Read the Handbook Chapter 35, p. 220-222)
Every Legionary body must handle its property and its funds watchfully and
economically. This includes having proper books
of account and updating them regularly and Remember…
● The Secret Bag collection
The Treasurer is responsible for making and is made after the
receiving all payments on behalf of the praesidium
Allocutio. The contents
or council as the case may be.
should not be counted at
The Treasurer keeps a book in which all expenses the meeting.
and receipts are recorded. A simple debit and
credit column will show the opening balance, ● Paste receipts and
income, expenditure and closing balance (see invoices into the
examples p. 21). treasurer’s book.
Copies of receipts and invoices are to be kept for ● Avoid carrying large sums
auditing purposes. These may be pasted at the of money to and from the
back of the book. meetings.
Council Treasurer
The Treasurer of a council usually has a bank account in the name of the council with a
cheque book and a deposit book. The cheque book balance should be reconciled with
the bank statement balance every month. Two signatories are needed for cheques to be
valid. The Legion of Mary is exempt from government and financial duties including
The Council Treasurer should also have a receipt book and issue receipts for all monies
received from praesidia for surplus funds, supplies and any other items.
In the case of a council, copies of the Treasurer’s report should not be circulated and
individual names of legionaries should not appear. If any legionary wishes to see the
report, copies could be made available on the table at the meeting.
An annual audit of the Treasurer’s books is to be carried out at the same time each year.
Two legionaries other than the Treasurer should be assigned that duty. A professional
auditor may be necessary in the case of a larger council such as the Senatus.
In the event of a praesidium or a council closing, the ownership of its funds and
property is vested to the next highest council. The council should take steps to collect
The duty of contributing to the funds of its next highest council is imposed on each
Legionary body. (Handbook p.157).
All proposals for novel expenditure should be referred to the next highest council.
(Handbook p. 221)
No praesidium is to be turned into a mere collecting agency for any purpose
whatsoever. (Handbook p. 257)

“The Curia shall cause each praesidium to be visited periodically, if possible twice a
year, with a view to encouraging it and seeing that all things are being carried out as
they should be. It is important that this duty be not fulfilled in a carping or fault-
finding fashion … but in a spirit of affection and humility which will presume that
there is as much to be learned from as taught to, the praesidium visited.
At least a full week's notice of such intended visitation should be given to a
praesidium”. Handbook, p. 164

Points for Visitors

1. You are the representatives of
Senatus/Comitium/Curia. Two council
members are appointed for this task; not
one praesidium visiting another. One
visitor should be experienced and able to
guide the less experienced partner.
2. Use the Visitation to Praesidium Form.
After signing, present to your Council
President with any verbal comments you
deem worthwhile.
3. Thank the praesidium. Take note of the
positive points and bring out the spiritual aspect of the Legion. Encourage
questions from the members to bring out suggestions. If there is no
response, ask questions and suggest any improvements that could be made.
4. Make comments either positive /negative with gentleness. Always keep
your sense of humour and remember that you are a representative of the
higher council. Exercise charity above all things.
5. Ask to see all bookwork – President’s Worksheet, Roll Book, Minutes and
Treasurer’s Book. Sign the most recent page in each book with “Visit from
(Council) and date”.

“Experience has shown the appointment of correspondents to be the most effective way
for the Senatus to fulfil its functions of superintendence of its distant councils. The
correspondent keeps in regular contact with the council and from the minutes received
monthly prepares a report for presentation to the Senatus meeting when required. He
attends the meetings of the Senatus and takes part in the proceedings but, unless he is a
member of the Senatus, he has not the right to vote.” Handbook, p. 155
The Role of the Correspondent
1. Represent Senatus/Comitium/Curia.
2. To be a guardian of the Legion system.
3. To uphold discipline; discipline requires obedience; from obedience
comes humility; the product is love and holiness.
What does a Correspondent do?
1. Receive the minutes at your home address or by email. Retain a copy for yourself
for reference and give the original to the Senatus Vice-President at the monthly
Correspondents Meeting. Write a letter back to the distant Council President or
Secretary commenting on the minutes with encouragement.
2. Attend the Senatus Correspondents Meeting (held before the Senatus meeting).
a. The original letters and signed minutes to be handed in at the Correspondents
Meeting. (All correspondence in and out.)
b. Fill out Change of Officership form when elections in councils occur and when
any new praesidia Presidents are appointed.
c. Take necessary postage stamps and parcel envelopes.
d. Make sure regular contact is being made. If no correspondence has been
received make phone contact if possible.
e. Any difficult questions and problems are to be raised at the Correspondents
f. Attend Senatus meetings and take notes.
g. Deliver the distant council’s six monthly report at the Senatus meeting.
3. After the Senatus meeting collect the correct number of News Bulletins.
4. Mail your letter, summary of Senatus meeting proceedings and the News Bulletins
to the distant council.
What to look for in Minutes
1. Monthly/weekly meeting being held?
2. Attendance: council officers and members present, apologies, absentees; praesidium
officers and members present, apologies, absentees.
3. Correspondence in and out, Senatus News Bulletin, Report from Curia/Senatus.
4. Appointments/Ratifications (with terms)
5. Allocutio
6. Treasurer's Report: Surplus funds; are expenses valid according to Legion policy?
7. Extension/Recruitment - what has been done; what is planned
8. Functions.
9. Reports - summary and discussion

10. Visitations - in pair (names of visitors)
11. Do the minutes give an accurate account of the business of the meeting or are they
repetitive? Are functions, projects, retreats, extension, participation, comments, etc.
12. Are the minutes signed?
When writing a reply.
1. Make contact at least once a month.
2. Thank, praise, encourage.
3. Make corrections discreetly but firmly through questions, suggestions, examples,
little stories relevant to particular situations.
4. Address any problems - hidden or obvious.
5. Look at officerships: attendance, interaction, relationships, disagreements,
Points for Consideration
“But for the Legionary there is only one way of doing God’s work- the way of
gentleness and sweetness.” (Handbook page 282)
“An important part of the training of members should lie in the learning of the
methods of other members, as disclosed through their reports, and in the hearing of
the comments which one's own reports elicit from experienced legionaries. It follows
that if a report gives only meagre information, it cannot be the means of helping either,
the member who makes it or those who listen to it.” (Handbook p. 193)
Correspondence with councils is a two-way instrument of formation and information.
Does the correspondence from attached councils indicate:
 an appreciation of the Legion and the Church's mission in the world
 that active work has a spiritual link, “Each item of the active work must be linked to
its appropriate doctrine and thus given spiritual significance” (Handbook p. 200.)
 Praetorian, Adjutorian and Auxiliary members.
Is the correspondent's letter read and commented on at the council meeting?
Do the praesidia reports give a good picture of the spiritual formation and activities of
the attached praesidia?
Do councils make use of the Senatus News Bulletin as an instrument of formation and
A breakdown in communications must be reported directly to the Senatus President.
Need for patient and persistent but gentle guidance to council secretaries in choosing
what should be included in minutes. In the case of councils higher than Curia, do the
minutes indicate that the council is governing its directly attached praesidia as a Curia
and also supervising its attached Curiae?
Friendships developed between correspondents should not cloud decisions regarding the
Legion system. Continued friendships, after your role as correspondent has finished,
should not interfere with the role of the new correspondent.

Procedure for Election of Council Officers
Excerpts from the Handbook (Government of the Legion; p. 153-155)
 The fact that the election is in respect of officers of a spiritual organisation is not to
be held to justify casual methods. The elections must be carried out in strict and
proper form, and with due regard to the secrecy of the individual voting paper. It is
necessary that a complete record of the elections, including the names of the
proposers and seconders and the number of votes received by each candidate (when
there is more than one candidate) be included in the minutes of the meeting and be
submitted to the next-highest council so that ratification may be considered.”
 The officers of a council shall be elected at an ordinary meeting of the council by the
members of the council (that is, the officers of any directly affiliated praesidia, the
officers of any directly affiliated councils and any elected officers of the council)
who are present. Every legionary is eligible for such election. If elected and if not a
member of the council he shall become a member ex officio. All elections of officers
shall be subject to ratification by the next-highest council, but in the meantime the
persons elected may discharge the functions of their offices.
 Notice of the taking of nominations and the holding of an election shall be given to
the members, if at all possible at the meeting prior to that of the election. It is
desirable that nominees should be made aware of the duties of the office.

1. If possible, notice of election should be given at least one month before the election
is held.
2. Each name put forward must be formally proposed and seconded at the election.
3. Where there is more than one candidate, voting is by secret ballot. Two scrutineers
are to be appointed to count the votes.
4. The minutes must show the details of the election, including the names of the person
who nominated and the person who seconded the nomination as well as the number
of votes received by each candidate.
5. Signed minutes (signed by the President) are needed to support the ratification of an
election by the higher council.
6. Council Officers are elected by the council members. Officers of a praesidium are
appointed by the Council to which the praesidium is attached.

Guide for Election of Council Officers

Example 1 - Where there is only one candidate:
Sr. Angela Smith was nominated by Sr. Pat Cook and seconded by Br. Andrew Carter.
As there were no other nominations Sr. Angela Smith was duly elected Curia President
for the first (or second) term, subject to ratification by the higher council.

Example 2 – Where there is more than one candidate:
Br. Peter Jones was nominated by Br. Mark Duke and seconded by Sr. Mary Cook.
Sr. Pat Andrews was nominated by Sr. Ann Portelli and seconded by Sr. Helen Key.
Br. Mark Collins was nominated by Br. John Barnes and seconded by Sr. Noni Kaye.

First Ballot:
Br. Peter Jones 10 votes 10 votes
Sr. Pat Andrews 5 votes )
+ )
Br. Mark Collins 6 votes ) 11 votes

The difference of the combined votes for Andrews and Collins is 1 vote more than the
leader. This is not a clear majority. A second ballot must be held.
Second ballot:
Br. Peter Jones 10 votes 10 votes
Sr. Pat Andrews 7 votes )
+ ) 11 votes
Br. Mark Collins 4 votes )

This is not a clear majority. A third ballot must be held.

NOTE: Because Collins has the lowest number of votes, he must be eliminated.
Elimination of the candidate with the lowest number of votes starts at the third ballot.

Third ballot:
Br. Peter Jones 11 votes
Sr. Pat Andrews 10 votes

The difference is 1 vote in favour of Jones. This is now a clear majority.

Br. Peter Jones was elected Curia President for first (or second) term, subject to
ratification by the higher council.

 Always specify whether first or second term.

 Only members of the council are eligible to vote.
 Correspondents who are not officers of directly affiliated
councils/praesidia, and visitors (including legionaries who are not
officers of directly affiliated councils/praesidia) are not eligible to

Council Executive Meeting
Officers of a council such as a Curia should meet regularly throughout the year, if
possible monthly in between council meetings. These meetings can be fairly informal
and may be held in a private home or other suitable meeting place.

It is also important to have a planning meeting towards the end of the year to plan
events for the following year. The Acies is always held in March as close as possible to
the Feast of the Annunciation. If possible, the date and location of the Acies should be
finalized at the planning meeting. The dates for other events like the retreat or annual
general reunion are flexible but they need to be planned well in advance.

Some Guidelines for an Executive Meeting

Start the meeting with a short prayer (e.g. the Catena). The President should have an
agenda of items to be discussed. The other officers should be given an opportunity to
add any items for discussion. The agenda should include items such as:

 Acies Ceremony
 Retreat Day
 Annual General Reunion
 Congress
 Promotion of True Devotion to Mary
 Promotion of the Cause of the Servant of God Frank Duff

 Local parishes to be approached; attempt at least one extension annually.
 What efforts are being made to start junior praesidia?

 Which praesidia are to be visited during the coming month? By whom? Is the
council satisfied that praesidia are being run according to Legion guidelines and

Attendance of members at monthly council meetings:

 Discuss any poor attendance of praesidia officers.
 Council Vice-President to gently follow up repeatedly absent members with a phone
call or email.

Comitium/Senatus Events:
 Are Comitium/Senatus events being promoted at praesidium level?

General Business:
 Concerns of council officers should be raised here.
 Any other items that need to be discussed.

President’s Work Sheet
To Jesus  through Mary
THE ……………MEETING OF ………………………….…………………. PRAESIDIUM TO BE
HELD AT……………………….………..…………ON .…..……..………….… AT…….…….
1. Opening Prayers & Rosary
2. Spiritual Reading ……………………………………………………..
3. Welcome
4. Minutes
*Standing Instruction (p. 109) 1st meeting of the month or when new candidates are
5. Roll Call: Present: …….… Apologies: ………… Absent: …………..
6. Correspondence
7. Treasurer’s Report
Brought forward: ………… Secret Bag: …………. Expenses: ………………..Closing:
8. Recruitment of active or auxiliary members
9. Work Reports
Task Report


10. Handbook Study p.……section….….para……Next week:
11. General Business (Curia/Senatus news, upcoming Legion events, etc.)
12. Work Allocation
Task Legionary pair to be assigned

13. Concluding Prayers Meeting Closed………………………………..am/pm

Agenda for council Meeting
To Jesus  through Mary
THE …..….. MEETING OF ………..………………………………… (name of
council) TO BE HELD AT……………..…………………..………ON ………………

1. Opening Prayers and Rosary
2. Spiritual Reading ……………………………………………
3. Welcome
4. Minutes
5. Apologies
6. Appointments & Election of Officers
7. Correspondence
8. Treasurer’s Report:
Brought forward: ………… Income: ………… Expenses: ………… Closing:
7. Praesidium Report:
This Month………………………… Next Month……………………..
9. Extension/Recruitment
11. Visitations:
This Month………………………… Next Month……………………..
12. Comitium/Senatus Report
13. General Business
14. Prayers for sick/deceased
15. Next meeting………………………..
16. Concluding Prayers Meeting closed at: ………………(am/pm)

Sample Roll Call Book - Praesidium
Meeting No: 101 102 103 104 105 106
Date: 1/5/15 8/5/15 15/5/15 22/5/15 29/5/15 5/6/15
Mary Smith (President)   A   
Gladys Jones (Vice-Pres)      
Joan White (Secretary)      
Nancy Black (Treasurer)    A  
Graham Green A A    
Terry Blue  X A   
Brenda Quarter 
Maureen Stone 

Sample Attendance Record – Curia

Waterside Curia–Queen of Apostles Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun
President John One   
Vice-President. Mary Two   
Secretary Gayle Four   A
Treasurer Harry Six   
Albertnong Our Lady of Mercy
President Gayle Four   
Vice-President. (Vacant) A A Vac
Secretary Mary Again   
Treasurer Harry Six   
Twonong Mystical Rose
President Heidi Seek   
Vice-President. Alf Found   
Secretary Mary Sheep   
Treasurer Flo Lost  X X
Visitors Jack Straw - Senatus 
Barbara Short - Senatus 

 = Present A = Apology X = Absent

Praesidium Minutes Page 1
To Jesus  through Mary
MINUTES OF THE ..........MEETING OF .........................................…
PRAESIDIUM HELD AT ……..............................................................ON
......................... AT...............
Opening Prayers were said and the Rosary offered for the intentions of Our Lady,
Queen of the Legion.
Spiritual Reading was taken from …………………………………………..
Minutes of the previous meeting were read confirmed/amended and signed.
Standing Instruction was read/not read.
Roll Call: (Names to be written in)
Present: …………………..…………………………………………………………...…
Apologies: ………………..……………………………………………………………..
Absent: ……………….…..……………………………………………………………..
Visitors: …………………..……………………………………………………………..
Treasurer’s Report
Bal B/fwd:..................Secret Bag:....................Expenses:..................Closing:................
Recruitment ………………...……………………………………………...………….
Work Reports: .............................................................................................................

Praesidium Minutes Page 2
The Catena was recited and the Allocutio was given by ..............................................
The Secret Bag was passed around.
Handbook Study was taken from p. ....................Section......................para……..…..
Next week Handbook study to be taken from p. ..............Section..................para……
Curia/Senatus Business: ...............................................................................................
General Business: .........................................................................................................
Work Allocation: ..........................................................................................................
Concluding Prayers were said and the meeting closed at ………………(am/pm)

A. B.

Examples of minutes books: A. 2-ring binder; B. Blank minutes

bound with a spiral bounding (e.g. binding at Officeworks).

Council Minutes
To Jesus  through Mary
................................…CURIA/COMITIUM HELD AT
……................................................ ON …………………..............AT .............
Opening Prayers were said and the Rosary offered for the intentions of Our Lady
Queen of the Legion.
Spiritual Reading was taken from ………………………..
Minutes of previous meeting were read, confirmed/amended and signed.
Matters arising:…………………………………………………………………………
Members Present (Names to be written in) ...................................................................
Apologies ........................................................................................................................
Visitors …………. ..........................................................................................................
Appointments of Praesidia Officers:………… ............................................................
Treasurers Report:
Bal b/f: ...................Income:…………......Expenses:……….........Closing Bal:...............
Surplus Funds sent to Senatus ..................
Report/s were given by: .................................................................................................
The Catena was recited and the Allocutio was given by……………………………....
The Secret Bag was passed around.
Extension/Recruitment: ................................................................................................
Visitations were made to: (Praesidium) By: (Names of two members)
Comitium/Senatus Report: ...........................................................................................
General Business: ..........................................................................................................
Special Prayers ..............................................................................................................
Next Meeting:.................................................................................................................
Concluding Prayers were said and the meeting closed at ............................................

 Signed copies of the minutes are to be kept in a bound book.

 A signed copy of the minutes is to be sent to the higher council.

Sample Treasurer’s Book (Praesidium)
Date Details Brought Income Expenses Closing
Forward Balance
$ $ $ $
1/7/15 34.50
25 Prayer Cards, Inv. No. 034 6.00
Secret Bag 12.50 41.00
8/7/15 41.00 -
Secret Bag 10.50 51.50
15/7/15 51.50
Surplus funds to Curia 20.00
Secret Bag 14.00 45.50
22/7/15 45.50
Secret Bag 10.00
100 Medals, Inv. No. 062 16.60 38.90
29/7/15 38.90
Secret Bag 11.00
Mass Offering - 2 Masses 20.00 29.90

Note: Brought Forward Balance is always the closing balance from the previous week.

Sample Treasurer’s Book (Council)

Date Income Expenses Total

$ $ $
1 Feb Balance Brought Forward 175.20
Secret Bag Collection 27.50
Twonong Praesidium 30.00
Tweenong Praesidium 10.00
Albertnong Praesidium 50.00
Total Income 117.50
Sub-Total 292.70
Mass offering 20.00
Stipend for Retreat Day 50.00
Surplus to higher Council 100.00
Supplies – Inv. No. 123 18.00
Total Expenses 188.00
Balance Carried Forward 104.70

Report of Praesidium to Council
To Jesus  through Mary
Location (Suburb)
Praesidium Name
Meeting Place & Time
Officerships Vacant
Active Members
Auxiliary Members
Period of Report

Recruitment: (Details of efforts made at recruiting new active and auxiliary members)

Work carried out during period of report: (List details of regular work done, if
possible include statistics, e.g. 52 visits to nursing home, organised recitation of 200
Rosaries, distributed 200 Miraculous medals, organised monthly Patricians meeting,

Events: (list any events organised by the praesidium such as Our Lady’s Birthday
celebration, outdoor function, etc.)

Any other relevant information: (List events attended by legionaries such as the Acies
Ceremony, Day Retreat, Annual General Reunion, Curia/Senatus events, etc.)

Signed: President………………………. Secretary…………………………..

Report of Curia to Higher Council (e.g. Senatus, Comitium)
To Jesus  through Mary
Council Name
Meeting Place & Time
Curia Officerships Vacant
Number of Praesidia
Praesidia Officerships Vacant
Active Members
Auxiliary Members
Period of Report

Praesidia reports were given by

Praesidia visitations were made to

Extension and Recruitment: (List details of any attempts made to start up a new
praesidium or recruitment drives for existing praesidia.)

Events during the last six months: (List events organised by the Curia such as the
Acies Ceremony, Retreat Day, Annual General Reunion, Rosary crusade, Congress,
True Devotion to Mary study days, promotion of the Cause of Frank Duff.)

Planned events for the next six months: (Only list events to be organised by the Curia
such as the Acies Ceremony, Retreat Day, Annual General Reunion, Rosary crusade,
Congress, True Devotion to Mary study days, promotion of the Cause of Frank Duff.)

Any other relevant information: (List highlights of work being carried out by
attached praesidia, as well as any participation in special events such as Rosary
crusades, pilgrimages, etc. organised by other Legion councils. If there are any areas of
concern, such as low attendance at meetings or any other matters that should be
brought to the attention of the Comitium/Senatus, these should be included here also.)

Signed: President………………………. Secretary…………………………..

Report of Comitium to Senatus
To Jesus  through Mary
Comitium Name
Meeting Place & Time
Comitium Officerships Vacant
No. of directly attached Curiae Officerships Vacant
No. of directly attached Praesidia Officerships Vacant
Total No. of Praesidia in Comitium
Total Active Members Total Auxiliary Members
Period of Report

Extension and Recruitment: (List details of any attempts made to start up a new
praesidium or recruitment drives for existing praesidia.)

Events during the last six months: (List events organised by the Comitium such as the
Acies Ceremony, Retreat Day, Annual General Reunion, Rosary crusade, Congress,
True Devotion to Mary study days, promotion of the Cause of Frank Duff.)

Planned events for the next six months: (Only list events to be organised by the
Comitium such as the Acies Ceremony, Retreat Day, Annual General Reunion, Rosary
crusade, Congress, True Devotion to Mary study days, promotion of the Cause of Frank

Any other relevant information: (List highlights of work being carried out by
attached praesidia and Curiae, as well as any participation in special events such as
Rosary crusades, pilgrimages, etc. organised by other Legion councils. If there are any
areas of concern, such as low attendance at meetings or any other matters that should
be brought to the attention of the Senatus, these should be included here also.)

Signed: President………………………. Secretary…………………………..

Visitation to Praesidium (to be made twice yearly, if possible)
Praesidium Meeting No.
Meeting Place Suburb
Spiritual Director Date
President Time

Place a  in the second column when item completed. Follow up the non active sections.
Altar Setting
Opening Prayers
Spiritual Reading
President Total Members Present
Vice-President Apologies
Secretary Absent
Attendance Treasurer
Auxiliaries Adjutorians
Open Bal Income Expenses Closing Bal
$ $ $ $
Surplus to council? Yes/No Yearly Audit Done? Yes/No
Recruitment Active Auxiliaries

Reports Given

Handbook Study
Senatus Business

General Business

Forward Planning

Work Allocated

Comments by

Name Signature
Visitation made by:
Name Signature

Visitation to Council (to be made annually or twice yearly, as needed)
Council Name Meeting No.
Meeting Place
Spiritual Director Date
President Time

Place a  in the second column when item completed. Follow up the non active sections.

Altar Setting
Opening Prayers
Spiritual Reading
Officers Present Vacancies
Total members Present Resignations
Apologies Appointments
Members on Roll
Current Balance $..................
Treasurer’s Report
Surplus to Senatus? Yes/No Yearly Audit Done? Yes/No
Reports Given
Extension Work

Visitations Made
Comitium/ Senatus

General Business

Forward Planning
Prayer Requests

Comments by

Name Signature
Visitation made by:
Name Signature

Change of Officership/Election or Appointment of Officer
Please PRINT clearly.
Name of Council or
Meeting Place:
Meeting Day & Time

Spiritual Director Date of Appointment: / /20….

Phone email

President Date of Election/Appointment: / /20…. 1st Term 2nd Term 

Phone email

Vice-President Date of Election/Appointment: / /20…. 1st Term 2nd Term 

Phone email

Secretary Date of Election/Appointment: / /20…. 1st Term 2nd Term 

Phone email

Treasurer Date of Election/Appointment: / /20…. 1st Term 2nd Term 

Phone email

Please note: When an officer of a council (e.g. Curia, Comitium) is elected or re-elected
he must to be nominated and seconded. All details must be recorded in the minutes and a
copy sent to Senatus for ratification of the election. Officers of praesidia are appointed
by the next highest council (usually Curia); they are not elected.


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