Episodic Memory-From Brain To Mind: Janina Ferbinteanu, Pamela J. Kennedy, and Matthew L. Shapiro

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HIPPOCAMPUS 16:691–703 (2006)

Episodic Memory—From Brain to Mind

Janina Ferbinteanu,* Pamela J. Kennedy, and Matthew L. Shapiro

ABSTRACT: Neuronal mechanisms of episodic memory, the conscious by the rapid formation of relational representations of
recollection of autobiographical events, are largely unknown because highly processed sensory information that are used
electrophysiological studies in humans are conducted only in excep-
tional circumstances. Unit recording studies in animals are thus crucial flexibly and are not necessarily expressed through overt
for understanding the neurophysiological substrate that enables people motor behavior. Episodic memory is also sensitive to
to remember their individual past. Two features of episodic memory— lesions of the prefrontal cortex (Wheeler et al., 1995;
autonoetic consciousness, the self-aware ability to \travel through Nyberg et al., 2000; Burgess et al., 2002; Wheeler
time", and one-trial learning, the acquisition of information in one and Stuss, 2003), develops later in an individual’s life,
occurrence of the event—raise important questions about the validity of
animal models and the ability of unit recording studies to capture essen- encodes events within a personal framework, and pos-
tial aspects of memory for episodes. We argue that autonoetic experi- sesses a temporal dimension because it is oriented
ence is a feature of human consciousness rather than an obligatory as- towards the past and the future (Tulving, 1972, 2001,
pect of memory for episodes, and that episodic memory is reconstruc- 2002; Tulving and Markowitsch, 1998). Autobio-
tive and thus its key features can be modeled in animal behavioral tasks
graphic information contains memories about what
that do not involve either autonoetic consciousness or one-trial learning.
We propose that the most powerful strategy for investigating neurophys- happened when and where, integrated within the con-
iological mechanisms of episodic memory entails recording unit activity text of other memories (Tulving, 1972). The typical
in brain areas homologous to those required for episodic memory in content of an episodic memory is a journey or ende-
humans (e.g., hippocampus and prefrontal cortex) as animals perform avor taken to accomplish some purpose and is organ-
tasks with explicitly defined episodic-like aspects. Within this frame-
work, empirical data suggest that the basic structure of episodic mem-
ized as a narrative: each remembered scene includes
ory is a temporally extended representation that distinguishes the begin- linked sequences of events with a distinct beginning,
ning from the end of an event. Future research is needed to fully under- middle, and end.
stand how neural encodings of context, sequences of items/events, and Episodic memory is supported by an extended neu-
goals are integrated within mnemonic representations of autobiographi- ral network. While the medial temporal lobe is re-
cal events. V 2006 Wiley-Liss, Inc.
quired for the acquisition and storage of information
KEY WORDS: unit recording; physiology; rats; hippocampus; prefrontal (Nyberg et al., 2000; Burgess et al., 2002), the pre-
cortex frontal cortex is activated during, and required for
strategic processes such as information search and out-
come monitoring, goal selection and pursuit of multi-
ple subgoals, plan formulation, and behavioral moni-
HUMAN AND ANIMAL MEMORY FOR EPISODES toring and control (Wheeler et al., 1995, 1997;
Nyberg et al., 2000; Buckner and Wheeler, 2001;
Different types of memories are used in different circumstances Burgess et al., 2001a,b; Burgess et al., 2002; Buckner,
(White and McDonald, 2002). Memory in the everyday sense of the 2003; Wheeler and Stuss, 2003; Hayes et al., 2004).
word, the conscious recollection with which we are most familiar, corre- The hippocampal system is highly conserved across
sponds to declarative memory, which includes semantic memory for species and recent analyses suggest that at least some
general facts (e.g., \Madrid is the capital of Spain") and episodic mem- aspects of the organization and function of prefrontal
ory for autobiographic, personally experienced events (e.g., \yesterday I cortices in humans, primates, and rodents are also
went to the dentist"; Squire, 2004). Both episodic and semantic memo- fundamentally similar (for reviews see Kesner, 2000;
ries require intact medial temporal lobe brain areas and are characterized Granon and Poucet, 2000; Dalley et al., 2004).
Though the neuroanatomy and cognitive properties
of human episodic memory are well studied, its neu-
ronal mechanisms remain largely unknown because
Dr. Arthur M. Fishberg Department of Neuroscience, Alfred B. and experimental manipulation of the human brain is lim-
Gudrun J. Kastor Neurobiology of Aging Laboratories, Mount Sinai ited (Cameron et al., 2001; but see Ekstrom et al.,
School of Medicine, New York, New York
*Correspondence to: Janina Ferbinteanu, Dr. Arthur M. Fishberg Depart- 2003; Quiroga et al., 2005). Thus, the development
ment of Neuroscience, Alfred B. and Gudrun J. Kastor Neurobiology of of animal models suitable to study memory for epi-
Aging Laboratories, Mount Sinai School of Medicine, 1 Gustave L. Levy sodes is crucial. Two factors however raise important
Place, New York, NY 10029-6574C, USA. problems (Griffiths et al., 1999; e.g., Clayton et al.,
E-mail: [email protected] 2001a). First, the central feature of human episodic
Accepted for publication 10 June 2006
DOI 10.1002/hipo.20204 memory has been claimed to be autonoetic conscious-
Published online 11 August 2006 in Wiley InterScience (www.interscience. ness, the ability to undergo a self-aware mental time
wiley.com). travel, as distinct from awareness of specific knowledge

C 2006

per se (Wheeler et al., 1997; Tulving and Markowitsch, 1998; miliar cognitive scripts (Schacter, 1999; e.g., Conway, 2001b).
Tulving, 1985, 2002), or from a sense of mere familiarity Even completely false memories are acquired easily (Loftus,
(Yonelinas, 2001, 2002). This view suggests that central to 1997, 2004) and activate the same neural network involved in
memory for episodes is the conscious, voluntary navigation true memories (Okado and Stark, 2005). These memory distor-
backwards or projection forwards along something akin to a tions show that rather than \traveling down the memory lane"
personal \movie" (Tulving, 2001; see also Suddendorf and to re-experience past events, memories for episodes are recon-
Busby, 2003). Second, episodic memory has been considered structed representations based on fragmentary data fit together
eminently a record of unique past events. In the following sec- using heuristics (Schacter, 1999; Conway and Pleydell-Pearce,
tions, we argue that neither of these factors is an insurmount- 2000). Like memory content, the temporal context of episodic
able obstacle in gathering relevant information about the neural memories is inferred (Friedman, 1993). People remember when
mechanisms of episodic memory by using animal research. something happened primarily by using general knowledge
about time patterns. These patterns include relationships to the
beginning, middle, and end of a psychologically-significant
series or time intervals such as a day, sequential order of events,
Autobiographical Information, Conscious
and relationship to temporal landmarks or reference points
Recollection, and Introspection
such as other important-personally experiences (Shum, 1998).
The validity of animal models of episodic memory has been In contrast, neither calendar dates nor a sense for the temporal
questioned based on the idea that animals do not posses the cen- interval separating encoding from retrieval (Brown and Chater,
tral feature of episodic memory: conscious, self-aware mental time 2001) are ordinarily remembered (Friedman, 1993, 2001). For
travel (e.g., Tulving, 2001). Others have countered that if episodic example, people remember better when an event occurred
memory is defined in terms of conscious experience, then by defi- within a day (i.e., morning, noon, evening) than within the
nition the problem has no solution because conscious recollection year (Friedman and Wilkins, 1985; Friedman, 1987). Thus,
cannot be assessed in nonverbal animals. However, if episodic the content, place, and time of remembered events are not
memory is defined as memory for when and where an event (what) reproduced or replayed, but reconstructed from a few different
occurred, as it was initially the case (Tulving, 1972), then behav- types of information.
ioral tests suitable for animals can be designed (Griffiths et al., Together these data suggest that the autonoetic mental expe-
1999; Clayton et al., 2001a). This line of reasoning describes one rience of \traveling through time" is an illusion, a feature of
of the challenges to creating animal models, but does not provide consciousness analogous to the illusory contours produced by
a strong argument as to why animal research can provide relevant the visual system, and not the central feature of memory for
information regarding episodic memory. episodes. To the extent that episodic memory is reconstructive,
In our view, the core problem is that the argument for the its cognitive features can be examined independent of the proc-
centrality of autonoetic consciousness involves introspection. esses that generate the conscious experiences and verbal descrip-
When we remember an autobiographical event, we may per- tions that may accompany recollection. For example, if people
ceive the subjective experience of mental time travel as funda- remember when an event occurred partly by encoding what
mental. Alternatively, we could focus on the equally subjective happened before and after, then investigating memory for the
phenomenological record, event-specific knowledge about near- sequential order of events in the rat or the monkey should pro-
sensory experience forming a \file" that incorporates both the vide important insight into the mechanisms of memory for epi-
content of conscious experience and the nonconscious processes sodes in humans. Even if animals and humans experience recol-
that generated it (Conway, 2001a). Objective tests of the valid- lection differently, several key features of memory for episodes
ity of these two perspectives are difficult to design because both and their neuronal and computational processes are likely pre-
views rely on introspection, a process affected by first-person served across the animal kingdom, just as the prefrontal and
subjective factors (e.g., Gallagher and Sørensen, 2006), to medial temporal brain areas that are required for episodic
determine the centrality of one or another feature of episodic memory in humans also exist in monkeys, cats, dogs, and rats,
memory. Self-aware, conscious mental time travel seems to be with relatively preserved connectivity (e.g., Burwell et al.,
one of the subjective features of memory for episodes in peo- 1995).
ple, but our inability to assess objectively this feature in animals
does not entail that they lack episodic memory. The experience
One-Trial Learning
of recollection could differ dramatically in people and animals
even as the same fundamental psychological and neural proc- Because we experience and remember episodes as distinct
esses serve memory for past individually-experienced events instances, intuition also suggests that brain mechanisms encode
across species. and store the content, context, and temporal information of
Furthermore, though intuition also suggests that our memo- past autobiographical events in \one trial." However, the rapid
ries are veridical—an accurate reproduction of past events— acquisition of information is neither the sole province, nor a
empirical data indicate that autobiographical memories are in sufficient defining feature, of memory for episodes. Several sit-
fact reconstructed by active processes sensitive to systematic uations that produce one-trial learning are dissociated from epi-
errors based upon inattention, suggestion, expectancy, and fa- sodic memory. For example, taste aversion learning can be

Hippocampus DOI 10.1002/hipo


acquired in one trial but does not require remembering any- provide important neuropsychological models for human mem-
thing more than an association between a taste or smell and ory. A common approach has been to record hippocampal neu-
gastric illness. Conversely, patients with hippocampal lesions ronal activity in rats performing tasks such as foraging or run-
show normal and rapid fear conditioning (changes in skin con- ning on a linear track and then to extrapolate the results to
ductance) without memory for the learning episode, whereas make inferences about episodic memory coding. The problem
patients with amygdala damage remember the learning episode with this approach is that episodic memory is not required for
but show no fear conditioning (Bechara et al., 1995). Thus, performing these tasks (see Suzuki, 2006), while the characteris-
the outcome of unique events can be remembered even when tics of neural activity are modulated by memory demand (Wie-
the content, context, and temporal information that otherwise ner et al., 1989; Markus et al., 1995; Frank et al., 2000; Wood
defines autobiographical events is unavailable. et al., 2000; Lenck-Santini et al., 2002; Ferbinteanu and Sha-
Furthermore, though the particulars of episodes are unique, piro, 2003; Kentros et al., 2004; Bower et al., 2005; Hok
memory for episodes depends upon more generic familiarity et al., 2005; Smith and Mizumori, 2006a). Furthermore, dis-
with situations. In other words, the content of \unique" epi- tinguishing necessary from superfluous behavioral correlates of
sodes—their richness, details, and availability to retrieval—vary unit activity is a major challenge. Both learning and memory
with prior knowledge. Thus, while a chess expert can remember are initiated and expressed during behaviors that require wide-
the position of every chess piece on a board with a single expo- spread neuronal activity, and only a small subset of that activity
sure, people unfamiliar with the game will likely remember is related directly to memory processing. Multiple memory sys-
almost none (cited in Squire, 1987). Finally, as described ear- tems are active in parallel, can influence behavior in function-
lier, episodic memories are not reproductions, but reconstruc- ally identical ways (White and McDonald, 2002; McDonald
tions, so that memories for unique events are \regularized" to and Hong, 2004; McDonald et al., 2004), and changes in the
fit familiar schema (Conway and Pleydell-Pearce, 2000; Con- one memory system that guides behavior can indirectly modify
way, 2001a). Together, the data suggest that rapid, \one trial" neuronal activity in other memory systems. Therefore, the ac-
acquisition of information is not unique or fundamental to epi- tivity of neurons recorded during an arbitrarily selected behav-
sodic memory. Unique experiences may be altered in memory ior cannot reveal conclusively how those neurons contribute to
to fit more standard schemas and the more common \episodic episodic memory. Rather, the cognitive function of interest
memories" may in fact be subtle variations in familiar must be manipulated systematically and recorded unit activity
circumstances. must be analyzed and interpreted with respect to those
Given these considerations, what–when–where tasks adapted
to rats (Eacott and Norman, 2004; Ergorul and Eichenbaum,
ANIMAL MODELS: EPISODIC-LIKE MEMORY 2004; Eacott et al., 2005) provide a natural starting place for
AND TASKS WITH EPISODIC-LIKE ASPECTS investigating the neuronal mechanisms of memory for episodes
in an animal model. However, beyond psychological factors,
Episodic memory is defined at the level of human cognition technical aspects of unit recording in the hippocampus impose
and behavior. To use animal models for investigating the neural additional constraints. First, physiological activity is variable
basis of memory for episodes, the relevant cognitive and behav- (e.g., Fenton and Muller, 1998) so that obtaining reliable data
ioral features must be translated into operational definitions requires multiple recording trials. Second, neuronal activity in
and implemented in appropriate behavioral tasks. The most these structures is modulated by behavioral parameters such as
successful example of such an approach defined episodic-like location within the environment (O’Keefe and Dostrovsky,
memory operationally as an a) integrated and b) flexible recol- 1971; O’Keefe, 1976), direction of movement, and speed
lection of c) what, when, and where information obtained dur- (McNaughton et al., 1983). To reveal the influence of memory
ing a specific past event (cf. Clayton et al., 2003a). Thus, scrub on neuronal activity, these parameters must either be controlled
jays were trained to retrieve a preferred food (what) from a hid- or counterbalanced. Meeting all these cognitive and methodo-
den location (where) based on when the food was cached logical demands poses a major challenge to any one recording
(Clayton and Dickinson, 1998). The response was flexible, not study.
based on mere familiarity (cf. Roberts, 2002) and the memory One solution to this problem is suggested by the reconstruc-
could be used both retrospectively and prospectively (Clayton tive nature of episodic memory. If memory was an exact rein-
and Dickinson, 1999a,b,c; Emery and Clayton, 2001; Emery statement of an original experience, then recording studies
et al., 2004; Clayton et al., 2001b, 2003b, 2005). These data examining the correlates of memory for episodes would have to
suggest that basic mechanisms for remembering episodes may test memory for the complete combination of what, where, and
be available to animals in general. when. Because episodic memory is however a reconstruction of
To investigate the neuronal mechanisms of memory for epi- events defined by the relationships among different co-occur-
sodes, an appropriate animal model must be developed that is ring items (Eichenbaum et al., 1999) and conjoined from mul-
amenable to neurophysiology. Although action potentials could tiple elements of information, recording studies in animals per-
be recorded from the hippocampus of scrub jays, single unit re- forming tasks that employ only a subset of episodic memory
cording techniques are better developed for mammals, who also features can still provide relevant information. We define tasks

Hippocampus DOI 10.1002/hipo


with episodic-like aspects as behavioral paradigms that require campal cells with place fields on the stem fired differently
animals to remember subsets of the defining features of epi- depending on whether the animal was in a right- or left-turn
sodic-like memory—what and when, what and where, or when trial even when the animal occupied the same position in
and where—in an integrated, flexible manner and use this in- space, and moved at the same speed in the same direction.
formation prospectively or retrospectively to guide goal-ori- Although these results suggested that hippocampal neurons
ented responses. Such tasks should demonstrably require the ac- encode differently two distinct types of events (right and left
tivity of neural networks homologous to those required for epi- turns), the design of the experiment did not distinguish pro-
sodic memory in people. Although such behavioral tests may spective from retrospective coding. In the other experiment,
not fulfill all the criteria for episodic-like memory, but they can hippocampal neurons were recorded in rats trained to alternate
still provide relevant data for investigating the neural correlates between trajectories from a central stem to the right and left
of memory for episodes. Within this framework, the remaining side tracks of a W-shaped maze (Frank et al., 2000). Again hip-
part of this article will discuss empirical results indicative of pocampal activity varied with trajectory. Approximately 16% of
how neural activity may encode episodic memory. the CA1 neurons distinguished the different inbound journeys,
showing retrospective coding, and 3% of the cells fired selec-
tively during the outbound journeys, showing prospective cod-
ing. Though prospective coding by hippocampal neurons was
also suggested by earlier experiments, it was not demonstrated
conclusively because none of these experiments used hippocam-
Temporally Extended Representations.
pal-dependent tasks (Muller and Kubie, 1989; Skaggs and
I. Prospective and Retrospective Coding
McNaughton, 1998; Mehta et al., 2000; Battaglia et al., 2004).
To the extent that the hippocampus contributes to tempo- Indeed, the task used by Wood et al. (2000) was unaffected by
rally extended, episodic-like memory in rats, hippocampal neu- hippocampal lesions (Ainge and Wood, 2003). Furthermore, in
ronal activity should form representations that code the past, the Wood et al. (2000) and Frank et al. (2000) studies, the rats
present, and future. Prospective and retrospective codes are followed stereotyped trajectories and therefore could not distin-
defined operationally as activity modulated by future and past guish whether the neural activity encoded trajectory, the particu-
events, respectively, and can be linked to appetitive and con- lar spatial path that the rat followed, or journey, a flexible repre-
summatory behavior. Goals delimit episodes (Conway, 2001b) sentation of origin and goal. Finally, the continuous alternation
and guide appetitive behavior, while consummatory behavior tasks merged the beginnings with the ends of trials, while epi-
marks the end of a goal-directed behavioral sequence. Neuronal sodic memories are characterized by narrative structure, with
activity during goal-directed appetitive behavior can be modu- beginning, middle, and end.
lated by previous experience in the same situation and codes To address these issues we recorded neural activity in rats
prospective information, whereas neuronal activity immediately performing a þ maze task designed to emphasize episodic fea-
preceding consummatory behavior may be informed retrospec- tures (Fig. 1A; Ferbinteanu and Shapiro, 2003). North and
tively by the history of actions that led to a successful outcome. South arms were designated as start arms and the East and
The difference between prospective and retrospective situations West arms as goal arms. Only one goal arm contained food in
can be sharpened in laboratory experiments. For example, rats a given trial. The rats were trained to go from a start arm,
trained to obtain food in each arm of a 12-arm radial maze which varied from trial to trial, to the end of a baited goal
minimize the number of items in memory by switching from a arm, which switched after the animal responded reliably. The
retrospective (arms already visited) to a prospective (arms yet to animals were placed on a platform between trials. The task re-
be visited) memory strategy (Cook et al., 1985). In a T maze quired the rats remember the location of the current goal
task where the animal has to choose a goal arm after being within the temporal context of a trial block. Performance was
placed in the start arm, the key events behavioral boundaries reduced to chance by lesions of the fornix, demonstrating that
include placement on the maze, turning in the choice point, the activity of the hippocampal neurons was indeed necessary
and eating the reward at the end of the trial. To enter the cor- for successful performance. The task had episodic-like aspects,
rect arm, the rat must remember the location of the goal before since successful performance required remembering where
it exits the choice point. Thus, the choice point provides a nat- depending upon when and the beginning and end of the trials
ural boundary between prospective and retrospective coding. were clearly delineated. The task also distinguished journeys
While on the goal arm, the rat can remember the behavioral from trajectories: if the rat mistakenly entered an empty goal
history that led to the food. arm, he could reach the food by following a path different than
Two important studies demonstrated that hippocampal neu- the L-shaped route followed during correct trials.
ronal activity was sensitive to behavioral history and could To analyze the influence of memory on hippocampal coding,
encode prospective and retrospective information. In one we compared place field activity during different journeys
experiment, rats were trained to alternate right and left turns in through the same places, e.g., in the N start arm during NE vs.
a modified T-maze occupied the same positions in the central NW journeys, or in the W goal arm during NW vs. SW jour-
stem while they performed the same overt behavior under simi- neys. We defined current location, retrospective, and prospec-
lar motivations (Wood et al., 2000). Two thirds of the hippo- tive coding operationally. A place field active whenever the ani-

Hippocampus DOI 10.1002/hipo


mal was in a given arm showed current location coding; a field across 8 days and correlated with improved performance. Thus,
in a goal arm whose activity depended upon where the animal activity in the prefrontal cortex complements the prospective/
started the trial showed retrospective coding; a field in a start retrospective activity recorded in the hippocampus. Together,
arm with activity dependent upon the rat’s imminent choice the data suggest that the potential neural substrate of episodic
showed prospective coding. In the absence of differences in loca- memory’s when is a temporally extended representation formed
tion, direction of movement, or speed, most cells fired in places by the neural network required for episodic memory which
during specific journeys (journey-dependent cells): 58% of the includes the hippocampus and the prefrontal cortex.
fields on the start arm showed prospective coding and 69% of
the fields in the goal arm showed retrospective coding (Fig. 1B).
Approximately half of the fields that could be assessed during
II. Coding the Beginning and End of Episodes
error trials maintained retrospective encoding. These cells clearly
encoded journeys rather than trajectories (Fig. 1C). However, If prospective signals guide behavior by anticipating pending
overall both retrospective and especially prospective coding events, and retrospective signals inform behavior by retrieving
diminished when the animal made errors, suggesting thus that past events, then these representations must be distinguished
the recorded signal was relevant to behavioral performance clearly by the brain so the past could not be confused with the
(Fig. 1D). This particular conclusion is strengthened by the recent future (referred here as temporal asymmetry). In other words, if
finding that on a þ maze hippocampal neurons develop differen- prospective and retrospective activities are indeed part of a tem-
tial firing patterns analogous to the prospective and retrospective porally extended representation of episodes, then they should
coding described here only when they perform a memory task very be empirically distinguishable. Standard methods for assessing
similar to the one we used and not when they engage in random place fields use time averaging to define the mean firing rate of
foraging (Smith and Mizumori, 2006a,b). single cells across locations. These methods did not reveal a
Prospective coding in the hippocampus has also been observed qualitative difference between neuronal populations that coded
in human subjects. Patients with electrodes implanted intracrani- prospective and retrospective situations in the start and goal
ally for seizure control performed a virtual navigation \taxi arms. This finding could suggest either that the temporal asym-
driver" task while the activity of neurons in the hippocampus, metry of memory is not coded by hippocampal neurons, or
parahippocampal area, amygdala, and frontal lobe was monitored that standard measures of place fields are insensitive to the neu-
(Ekstrom et al., 2003). Virtual navigation activates the hippo- ral code for that information. How might anticipation be
campus (Maguire et al., 1998), and the task likely requires the distinguished from recollection? Beyond rate coding, neural
structure because hippocampal damage impairs spatial memory groups can in principle convey information through timing
in people and animals (Olton and Papas, 1979; Murray et al., codes that distinguish representations based on temporal order,
1988; Squire, 1992). In close correspondence to studies in rats, i.e., when each cell fires with respect to others.
while 33% of the neurons recorded from the human hippocam- Though the exact point in time when hippocampal neurons
pus were significantly associated with places, 49% were modu- fire indeed changes with respect to behavior and EEG rhythms
lated by the goal guiding the navigation (Fig. 1E; Ekstrom et al., (O’Keefe and Recce, 1993; Mehta et al., 1997; Harris et al.,
2003, Table 2, supplementary material). Thus, hippocampal cells 2003; Huxter et al., 2003), changes in temporal patterns of ac-
in both rats and humans performing hippocampus-dependent tivity had not been previously reported to vary with memory
memory tasks fire in patterns that reflect the episodic structure of demand. We hypothesized that temporal firing patterns within
ongoing behavior in general and the repetitive, goal-directed, ensembles of coactive neurons could differentiate the beginning
prospective demands in particular. from the end of journeys. We therefore assessed the relative
The prefrontal cortex, which is required for key features of spike timing in pairs of simultaneously active cells with stand-
human episodic memory (Wheeler et al., 1995), is also active ard, journey-independent place fields recorded in the þ maze
in memory tasks in rats. Cells in the rat medial prefrontal cor- task (Ferbinteanu and Shapiro, 2003; Shapiro and Ferbinteanu,
tex fired differentially on the central stem of a modified T maze 2006). Only cells with spatially overlapping fields on either the
depending on whether well-trained animals were on a right start or the goal arm were included. Spike timing did not differ
turn or left turn trial during a spatial alternation task similar to at the beginning of different journeys through the start arms.
the one used by Wood et al., 2000 (Jung et al., 1998). Medial By contrast, when the animal traversed the goal arms, the tim-
prefrontal neurons recorded as rats were learning the same task ing of relative spiking was markedly modulated in pairs of
showed prospective and retrospective coding during task acqui- place fields, suggesting a powerful influence of the recent past
sition, when many errors occurred (Baeg et al., 2003). Retro- on the timing of hippocampal neuronal activity. The changes
spective coding was shown by discriminative neural activity in relative patterns of firing could not be explained by different
recorded on the central arm after the rat exited different side behaviors across journeys, by different patterns of spatial activ-
arms but went to the same location. Prospective coding was ity within the place fields, or by a change of timing patterns in
revealed by discriminative activity recorded on the central arm firing of individual cells. Rather, hippocampal activity at the
when the rat came from the same side arm but went to differ- start and end of journeys was differentiated by the relative spike
ent locations. Retrospective coding developed early, after only timing in simultaneously-active, journey-independent place
one day of training; prospective coding developed gradually fields (Fig. 2; Shapiro and Ferbinteanu, 2006). These results

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Hippocampus DOI 10.1002/hipo


support the idea that the activity of hippocampal neurons Memory demands modulate hippocampal neuronal activity,
forms temporally extended representations which are not neu- however, as well as hippocampal responses to spatial context
tral with respect to the time’s arrow, but which, through intrin- manipulations (Zinyuk et al., 2000; Smith and Mizumori,
sic population dynamics, distinguish the beginning from the 2006a). As described earlier, studies that do not vary memory
end of an episode. load cannot clarify the precise link between hippocampal neu-
ronal activity, spatial context, and episodic coding (cf. O’Keefe
and Speakman, 1987).
More recent evidence shows that hippocampal neurons code
Context Coding
both content and context in hippocampus-dependent tasks.
Episodic memory is inextricably linked with the contextual Hippocampal neuronal activity was recorded in rats tested after
elements (spatial, temporal, and internal) present when an one of two forms of fear conditioning (Moita et al., 2003,
event occurred. Thus, single unit recording studies examining 2004). During training, rats were given either paired or
how contextual information is represented in relevant neural unpaired tone-shock presentations in one experimental cham-
networks may provide pertinent data regarding the neuronal ber, to produce either cued or context conditioning, respec-
and computational mechanisms supporting human episodic tively. The hippocampus is required in the latter, but not in
memory. the former cases (Rescorla, 1968; Good and Honey, 1991;
The term \context" has been used in many ways in psychol- Kim and Fanselow, 1992; Phillips and LeDoux, 1992; Kim
ogy. Here we define context as the set of background features et al., 1993; Maren and Fanselow, 1997). The rats given
that surround an event (for discussions see Hirsh, 1974; Nadel paired tone–shock presentations showed fear conditioning by
and Willner, 1980; Good and Honey, 1991; Myers and Gluck, freezing during the presentation of the tone, while rats given
1994; Nadel et al., 2002; Jeffery et al., 2004). Thus, spatial unpaired tone and shock showed contextual fear conditioning
context describes where an event occurred and is defined by the by freezing in the training context (Phillips and LeDoux,
spatial relationships among, and attributes of, stimuli present 1994). Prior to conditioning, hippocampal neurons in both
in the external environment. Temporal context describes when groups had stable place fields and responded minimally to the
in the record of experience an event occurred and is defined by tone that subsequently became the conditioned stimulus. After
what preceded and followed the event or by position within a conditioning, the proportion of tone-responsive cells increased
sequence (see above); internal context describes emotional and significantly in the paired, but not in the unpaired tone–shock
motivational states experienced during an event, and is defined group. Furthermore, place fields recorded from rats in the
by interoceptive signals that can serve as memory retrieval cues unpaired group were more likely to remap than fields recorded
in hippocampus-dependent tasks (Hirsh, 1974; Benoit and from rats in the paired group, and this partial remapping was
Davidson, 1996; Hock and Bunsey, 1998; Kennedy and Sha- specific to the fear conditioning context. Thus, both groups of
piro, 2004). animals received shock and were exposed to a tone stimulus in
Spatial context coding has been widely studied in animal the experimental apparatus, but hippocampal activity was dif-
models. Hippocampal neurons clearly encode spatial variables ferentially modulated depending on what the animal learned.
via place fields (Bostock et al., 1991; Tanila et al., 1997; e.g., When a hippocampal-independent association was learned, the
Skaggs and McNaughton, 1998; Lever et al., 2002; Anderson representation of the environment was unchanged, and hippo-
and Jeffery, 2003; Hayman et al., 2003; Jeffery and Anderson, campal neurons began to respond to the newly salient cue only
2003) but most of these studies were not explicitly designed to when it was presented in a given cell’s place field. In contrast,
test memory for contexts or indeed require memory at all. when a hippocampal-dependent association (what–where) was

FIGURE 1. A: Hippocampal-dependent spatial + maze task. maintained a journey selective pattern of firing. These cells
Rats were trained to walk from either start arm (North or South) encoded journeys, rather than trajectories. D: Overall, both pro-
to the end of the baited goal arm. When the animal performed spective and retrospective coding diminished when the animal
nine times correctly in a succession of 10 trials, the location of the made errors, suggesting that the recorded signal was relevant to
food was switched to the end of the other goal arm. This proce- behavioral performance. Modified from Ferbinteanu and Shapiro,
dure continued to a maximum of 60 trials in one recording ses- Neuron, 2003, 40, 1227–1239, ' Elsevier, reproduced by permis-
sion. B: Hippocampal activity during the performance of the + sion. E: Hippocampal activity in humans performing a virtual spa-
maze task. Journey-dependent and independent fields were tial navigation task showed prospective coding. Activity in the two
recorded during the same session. Each square shows a location relevant locations (highlighted squares) was high when searching
the rat visited, gray lines show the path followed by the rat during for a particular target (‘shop C’), but not when searching for other
a given trial, and dots indicate the firing of the unit whose wave- goals. Among all hippocampal cells, approximately half were influ-
forms are depicted to the left. Insets show the firing rate maps and enced by the goal either by itself or in conjunction with location
the statistically defined place fields. Journey-dependent activity was or view. Place x goal and place x goal x view activities correspond
predominant in this experiment. Data from Ferbinteanu and Sha- to prospective coding recorded from the rat hippocampus
piro, 2003. C: Activity during error trials in the + maze task. Even described above. Modified from Ekstrom et al., Nature, 2003, 425,
when the rat reached the goal following a different trajectory, 184–188, ' Nature Publishing Group, reproduced by permission.
approximately half the fields whose activity could be assessed

Hippocampus DOI 10.1002/hipo


FIGURE 2. Relative spike timing in pairs of overlapping jour- shows the cross correlation of two units with overlapping fields
ney-independent place fields recorded in the + maze task. At the recorded on the West goal arm. In NW journeys, the cell whose
beginning of the trials (A) the temporal pattern of neuronal activ- data are shown in black fired before the other cell, while in SW
ity was consistent across journeys, whereas at the end of trials (B) journeys the order of firing was reversed. D: Overall, at the end of
the temporal pattern of activity was strongly modulated. C: Right trials firing rate distributions of individual units were less corre-
panel shows the cross correlation of two cells with overlapping lated and corresponding cross-correlations of cell pairs were more
fields recorded on the South start arm. The neurons fired in the variable across journeys than at start of trials. Data from Shapiro
same temporal sequence relative to each other in both the SE and and Ferbinteanu, Proc Natl Acad Sci USA, 2006, 103, 4287–4292,
the SW journeys and the two curves superimpose well. Left panel ' National Academy of Sciences, reproduced by permission.

learned, hippocampal neurons developed an altered representa- poral contexts, to the extent that they are required for memory
tion of the environment in correspondence with the changed discriminations even as spatial context is held constant.
emotional valence that defined the context. Together, the stud-
ies suggest that the hippocampus encodes salient features of
Sequence Coding: Candidate Mechanisms
situations, including single cues or contextual features, depend-
for Episodic Memory Processing
ing upon the discriminative significance of those features. This
view predicts that hippocampal neurons will encode and dis- Recollecting the sequential order of events is part of the
criminate contextual variables, including \personal" and tem- reconstructive, relational memory processes encoding when an

Hippocampus DOI 10.1002/hipo


event occurred (Friedman, 1993). In the rat, encoding event cells whose activity is extended in time, the latter functioning
sequences requires the hippocampus (Kesner and Novak, 1982; as a \bridge" between the former (Eichenbaum et al., 1999).
Agster et al., 2002, Chiba et al., 1994; Bunsey and Eichen- Thus, representing a sequence of events in an episode does not
baum, 1996; Dusek and Eichenbaum, 1997; Fortin et al., derive from, and is not structurally the same as representing a
2002; e.g., Kesner et al., 2002), but the neuronal mechanisms sequence of physical locations, but is produced by the simulta-
of sequence coding in memory has yet to be determined. neous firing and sequential activation of hippocampal neurons
A specifically spatial hypothesis suggests that event sequences with different characteristics of activity (Eichenbaum et al.,
are encoded as a succession of locations encountered as a rat 1999). Empirical evidence supports this theory. Hippocampal
moves through regular spatial trajectories (e.g., in a linear track; neurons encode behavioral history (Wood et al., 2000; Frank
Buzsaki, 2005). Across multiple trials, the spikes of a given hip- et al., 2000; Bower et al., 2005), memory demand (Ferbin-
pocampal neuron progressively advance to an earlier phase of teanu and Shapiro, 2003; Ekstrom et al., 2003; Smith and
the theta cycle (O’Keefe and Recce, 1993). Within a theta Mizumori, 2006a), and conjunctions of different items
cycle, this \phase precession" generates a repeated activation of (Cameron et al., 2001; Anderson and Jeffery, 2003; Jeffery and
a sequence of hippocampal neurons with successive, partially Anderson, 2003; Quiroga et al., 2005). These cells correspond
overlapping place fields (compression of temporal sequences; well to the \event" cells postulated by the memory space
Skaggs et al., 1996). This phenomenon reoccurs during sleep theory. Other hippocampal neurons remain active throughout
and is proposed to be involved in consolidating the representa- a series of successive events (Eichenbaum et al., 1987, 1999).
tion (Wilson and McNaughton, 1994; Skaggs and McNaugh- Hippocampal activity also distinguishes the beginning from the
ton, 1996; Kudrimoti et al., 1999; Louie and Wilson, 2001; end of journeys (Shapiro and Ferbinteanu, 2006). Thus, hip-
Lee and Wilson, 2002). Recent evidence suggests that the criti- pocampal neuronal activity seems to parallel the psychological
cal factor in memory storage may be the synchronous activity fact that people remember when an event occurred by recon-
of CA3 and CA1 neurons registered in an EEG recording as structing the temporal order between neighboring items, or by
sharp waves. Cell pairs in CA1, which fire together or have the item’s relative position to the beginning or end of the
fields in similar locations, show increased coactivation during sequence.
both exploratory and subsequent sleep sharp waves, but not Little is known about how the prefrontal cortex contributes
during sleep not preceded by exploration (O’Neill et al., to sequence coding in episodic memory. Although recent data
2006). Furthermore, distances between place field peaks gener- indicate that neurons in the rat medial prefrontal cortex show
ated as a rat runs on the linear track are encoded by the tem- phase precession (Jones and Wilson, 2005) and are theta-phase
poral relationships of spikes belonging to the corresponding interlocked with hippocampal cells (Hyman et al., 2005; Siapas
pairs of neurons. This phenomenon cannot be explained by et al., 2005), no studies have investigated the neural correlates
the synchronous hippocampal activity present during theta of sequence encoding proper in this brain area. In the monkey,
rhythm and thus it appears that sequential locations are repre- many neurons in the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex show activity
sented by a dynamic set of cell assemblies (Dragoi and Buz- selective to specific cue locations and to temporal order (Funa-
saki, 2006). Together, these data suggest that the representa- hashi et al., 1989, 1993) as well as to conjunctions of two
tions of places occupied successively may be linked by the se- spatial locations, order of presentation of two cues, or a com-
quential activation of individual neurons within hippocampal bination of both (Funahashi et al., 1997). More extended
cell assemblies (e.g., Mehta et al., 1997; Lee et al., 2004; sequences of three cues can also be encoded either individu-
Buzsaki, 2005). ally or collectively (Ninokura et al., 2003) and this informa-
On the one hand, this hypothesis is powerful because it links tion is integrated with information about the physical qual-
the temporal details of hippocampal physiology with important ities (color and shape) of the items (Ninokura et al., 2004).
computational theories of spatial information processing. On As monkeys switch from one learned sequence of eye move-
the other hand, the hypothesis is limited because it ignores the ments to another, neural activity in the prefrontal cortex
modulation cognitive demand exerts on hippocampal activity tracks the behavioral change (Averbeck et al., 2006). Dorsolat-
(Suzuki, 2006). A rat shuttling back and forth through stereo- eral prefrontal neurons fire selectively during approach to a
typed spatial trajectories on a linear track performs a task that goal, reward retrieval, and walking away from the goal in a
lacks episodic-like aspects and is hippocampus-independent. In delayed alternation task in which the monkeys walked freely
these conditions the recorded hippocampal activity cannot be among four different location within a room (Ryou and Wil-
linked empirically either to memory for sequences or, more son, 2004). These data suggest that the prefrontal cortex
broadly, to memory for episodes. If phase precession and com- forms a representation of sequences. However, recording stud-
pression of temporal sequences contribute to memory for epi- ies in the monkey using tasks with episodic-like aspects that
sodes by coding event sequences, then they should reflect mem- require motor responses other than eye movements have yet
ory demand by coding the order of items in hippocampus- to be accomplished. Furthermore, if indeed the representation
dependent tasks (e.g., Fortin et al., 2002). formed by the prefrontal cortex has a functional behavioral
An alternative hypothesis is suggested by the memory space role, then lesions of this cortical area should impair the ability
theory, which proposes that event sequences are encoded by the to encode the order of events—these studies are yet to be
combined activity of cells that respond to individual events and performed.

Hippocampus DOI 10.1002/hipo


Neural Encoding of Goals models can provide relevant information even if animals do
not experience memories about their own past in the unique
Individual episodes are delimited by goals, which separate
way humans do. Data obtained by combining the neuropsy-
the continuous flow of experience into meaningful chunks
chology of memory with neurophysiology suggests that episodes
(e.g., \while walking to the grocery to get bread I heard the
may be encoded as temporally extended and asymmetric repre-
sound of a car accident..."; Conway and Pleydell-Pearce,
sentations formed in part by a distributed neural network that
2000). Although goals help to define episodes, precisely how
includes the hippocampus and the prefrontal cortex. Many
goals are represented as part of memory for episodes remains
details on the behavioral relevance of these neurophysiological
unknown. Goal-responsive cells have been described in both
data remain to be confirmed. The mechanisms that represent
the hippocampus and frontal cortex of patients performing a
and process the links among spatial, temporal, and internal
virtual spatial navigation task (Ekstrom et al., 2003; see above).
contextual information in memory remain unexplored, as is the
Hippocampal neurons in monkeys form conjunctive representa-
case with encoding the order of events. Although neuronal ac-
tions of rewards (which act as goals) and locations when ani-
tivity within the network responds to goals either by themselves
mals perform a hippocampal-dependent task (Rolls and Xiang,
or in conjunction with other task parameters such as spatial
2005). Hippocampal neurons in rats encode goal landmarks
locations or temporal delays, future research must elucidate
when food is located in their vicinity (Gothard et al., 1996),
other aspects, such as the relationship between goal representa-
while if the animals perform a spatial alternation task on a þ
tion and prospective coding.
maze, the neurons encode reward sometimes by itself, some-
times in conjunction with spatial location (Smith and Mizu-
mori, 2006a,b).
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