Psychiatry Journal Catalog

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Psychiatry Journals 2021

Alcohol Supports
Open Access
Publishes biomedical research on all aspects of the actions or effects of alcohol on the nervous system or on
other organ systems. Includes studies on the causes and consequences of alcohol abuse and alcoholism, and biomedical
2019 Impact Factor* aspects of diagnosis, etiology, treatment or prevention of alcohol-related health effects. The journal also covers the
neurobiological, neurobehavioral, and pathophysiological processes associated with alcohol drinking, alcohol abuse,
2.500 alcohol-seeking behavior, tolerance, dependence, withdrawal, protracted abstinence, and relapse. The effects of alcohol
*Journal Citation Reports®
(Clarivate Analytics, 2020)

on brain mechanisms of neuroplasticity over the life span, biological factors associated with adolescent alcohol abuse,
pharmacotherapeutic strategies in the treatment of alcoholism, biological and biochemical markers of alcohol abuse and
alcoholism, pathological effects of uncontrolled drinking, biomedical and molecular factors in the effects on liver, immune
system, and other organ systems, and biomedical aspects of fetal alcohol spectrum disorder are also covered.

The American Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry Supports

Open Access
Official Journal of the American Association for Geriatric Psychiatry
Publishes on the diagnosis and classification of psychiatric disorders of later life, epidemiological and biological correlates of
2019 Impact Factor*
mental health of older adults, and psychopharmacology and other somatic treatments.
3.393 |
*Journal Citation Reports®
(Clarivate Analytics, 2020)

Archives of Psychiatric Nursing Supports

Open Access
Official Journal of the International Society of Psychiatric Mental-Health Nurses
Publishes original research of interest to psychiatric and mental health care nurses in its broadest perspective, including
2019 Impact Factor*
theory, practice, and research applications related to all ages, special populations, settings, and interdisciplinary collaborations
1.266 in both the public and private sectors.
*Journal Citation Reports®
(Clarivate Analytics, 2020) |

Asian Journal of Psychiatry Supports

Open Access
A general and comprehensive journal of psychiatry for psychiatrists, mental health clinicians, neurologists,
physicians, students of mental health and those involved in mental health policy development. The journal bridges a
knowledge gap between the application and transfer of research findings and clinical practice through Asia to and from the
2019 Impact Factor*
rest of the world with a focus on psychiatric research pertinent to Asia produced either within or from outside the continent.
2.529 This includes preclinical, clinical, service system and policy development research relevant to psychiatry and the socio-cultural
*Journal Citation Reports®
(Clarivate Analytics, 2020)
diversity of the region as it pertains to mental health.

Most Cited
Biological Psychiatry Journal in Supports
Open Access
A Journal of Psychiatric Neuroscience and Therapeutics Psychiatry
in 2019!
An Official Journal of the Society of Biological Psychiatry
2019 Impact Factor*
Publishes on the nature, causes, mechanisms and treatments of disorders of thought, emotion, or behavior through basic
12.095 and clinical contributions from all disciplines and research areas relevant to the pathophysiology and treatment of major
*Journal Citation Reports®
(Clarivate Analytics, 2020) psychiatric disorders. This includes original research representing an important new lead or significant impact on the field,
particularly those addressing genetic and environmental risk factors, neural circuitry and neurochemistry, and important new
therapeutic approaches. |

Psychiatry Journals 2021 Now in
Medline and
Biological Psychiatry: Cognitive Neuroscience the Science
Open Access
and Neuroimaging Index!

2019 Impact Factor* A Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, Computation, and Neuroimaging in Psychiatry
5.335 An Official Journal of the Society of Biological Psychiatry
Publishes studies using the tools and constructs of cognitive neuroscience, including the full range of non-invasive
*Journal Citation Reports®
(Clarivate Analytics, 2020)

neuroimaging and human extra- and intracranial physiological recording methodologies. This includes basic and clinical
studies that incorporate genetic data, pharmacological challenges, and computational modeling approaches. |

Open Access
Biological Psychiatry: Global Open Science
An Official Journal of the Society of Biological Psychiatry
only Publishes basic, translational, and clinical contributions from scientists across the world in all disciplines, research areas, and
research methods relevant to the pathophysiology and treatment of major psychiatric disorders. This includes novel results of
original research which represent an important new lead or significant impact on the field, including those addressing genetic
and environmental risk factors, neural circuitry, neurochemistry, hormonal function, and computational understanding across
the lifespan, as well as important new therapeutic approaches. Reviews, meta-analyses, and commentaries that focus on topics
of key research and broad interest are also encouraged, as well as pre-registered reports. |

Biomarkers in Neuropsychiatry Open Access

Publishes on neurobiologic, therapeutic and prognostic biomarkers associated with all brain disorders, neurologic
Only and/or psychiatric. The journal covers a wide array of genetic, molecular, neuroimaging (MRI, MRS, fMRI and DTI),
neurophysiological, neurochemical, endocrinological and immunological biomarkers, related to brain structure or function in
all neuropsychiatric disorders and encourages interdisciplinary research collaboration across multiple scientific disciplines in
an effort to facilitate the generation of breakthrough insights and novel biomarkers.
Indexed in the
Brain Stimulation Directory of
Open Access
Open Access
Basic, Translational, and Clinical Research in Neuromodulation Journals
Only Publishes on the entire field of brain stimulation, including noninvasive and invasive techniques and technologies that
2019 Impact Factor* alter brain function through the use of electrical, magnetic, radiowave, or focally targeted pharmacologic stimulation.
6.565 Includes the effects of brain stimulation on basic processes such as gene expression and other aspects of molecular biology,
*Journal Citation Reports®
(Clarivate Analytics, 2020)
neurochemical regulation, functional brain activity, sensorimotor function, and cognitive and affective processes at the
systems level. The biophysics and biopsychophysics of stimulation paradigms as well as the use of these techniques as a
probe to outline patterns of neural connectivity research on the therapeutic potential and adverse effects of the stimulation
technologies are also covered. |

Comprehensive Psychiatry Open Access

Comprehensive Psychiatry is an open access, peer-reviewed journal that publishes on all aspects of psychiatry and mental health
Online with a mission to disseminate cutting edge knowledge in order to improve patient care and advance the understanding of
Only mental illness. The Journal aims to publish high quality papers with a particular emphasis on the clinical implications of the
2019 Impact Factor* work including an improved understanding of psychopathology.
*Journal Citation Reports®
(Clarivate Analytics, 2020) | 2
Psychiatry Journals 2021
Comprehensive Psychoneuroendocrinology Supports
Open Access
A partner journal of Psychoneuroendocrinology
Only Publishes research covering the interrelated disciplines of psychology, neurobiology, endocrinology, immunology, neurology,
and psychiatry, with an emphasis on multidisciplinary studies aimed at integrating these disciplines in terms of either
basic research or clinical implications. A primary goal is to highlight how a variety of psychobiological factors interact in the
expression of the stress response as it relates to the development and/or maintenance of neuropsychiatric disorders.

Drug and Alcohol Dependence Supports

An International Journal on Biomedical and Psychosocial Approaches Open Access

Affiliated with the College on Problems of Drug Dependence

2019 Impact Factor*
Publishes original research, scholarly reviews, commentaries, and policy analyses in the area of drug, alcohol and tobacco use
and dependence. Topics include studies of the chemistry of substances of abuse, their actions at molecular and cellular sites,
3.951 in vitro and in vivo investigations of their biochemical, pharmacological and behavioural actions, laboratory-based and clinical
*Journal Citation Reports®
(Clarivate Analytics, 2020)
research in humans, substance abuse treatment and prevention research, and studies employing methods from epidemiology,
sociology, and economics.

European Neuropsychopharmacology Neuroscience Applied Supports

Open Access
The Journal of the European College of Neuropsychopharmacology
Publishes clinical and basic science contributions that advance the science and treatment of disorders of the brain and enable
2019 Impact Factor* translation into improved treatments and enhanced public health impact in neuropsychiatry. The journal aims to narrow the
3.853 gap between advances in basic knowledge and experimental techniques in neuroscience and genomics with the translation
*Journal Citation Reports®
(Clarivate Analytics, 2020) of these findings by publishing discoveries that impact our understanding of the biological bases of mental disorders and the
development and improvement of treatments, with a focus on prevention and recovery.

Evolution and Human Behavior Supports

Open Access
Official Journal of the Human Behavior and Evolution Society
Publishes research reports and theory in which evolutionary perspectives are brought to bear on the study of human behavior.
While primarily a scientific journal, papers from scholars in the humanities are encouraged as are papers reporting on
2019 Impact Factor*

3.067 theoretical and empirical work on other species provided the relevance to humans is apparent.
*Journal Citation Reports®
(Clarivate Analytics, 2020)

General Hospital Psychiatry Supports

Open Access
Psychiatry, Medicine and Primary Care
Publishes on the many linkages among psychiatry, medicine, and primary care. In emphasizing a biopsychosocial approach to
illness and health, the journal provides a forum for professionals with clinical, academic, and research interests in psychiatry’s
2019 Impact Factor*
role in the mainstream of medicine.
*Journal Citation Reports®
(Clarivate Analytics, 2020)

Psychiatry Journals 2021
Internet Interventions Open Access
The Application of Information Technology in Mental and Behavioural Health
Official Journal of the International Society for Research on Internet Interventions and the European Society for
2019 Impact Factor* Research on Internet Interventions
3.513 Publishes research on internet interventions and related areas with a focus on the promotion of mental health and featuring
*Journal Citation Reports®
(Clarivate Analytics, 2020) the Internet and/or technologies (e.g. computers, smartphone devices, tablets, and sensors) using the Internet as an
underlying technology.
Topics also include:
• Integration of Internet interventions into existing systems of care
• Internet-based epidemiology
• Descriptions of new Internet-based technologies and experiments with clinical applications
• Economics of Internet interventions (cost-effectiveness)
• Health care policy and Internet interventions
• Internet psychometrics
• Ethical issues pertaining to Internet interventions and measurements
• Human-computer interaction and usability research with clinical implications
• Systematic reviews and meta-analysis on Internet interventions

JAMDA Supports
Open Access
The Journal of Post-Acute and Long-Term Care Medicine
Publishes information and research on post-acute and long-term care for healthcare professionals, policy-makers,
2019 Impact Factor* organizational leaders, educators, and advocates. Psychiatry-related topics covered by the journal include alzheimer’s and
dementia, behavior disorders, cognition and memory, depression, palliative and hospice care, sleep-related issues, and other
4.367 areas where psychiatric research and care intersect with short- and long-term care for patients.
*Journal Citation Reports®
(Clarivate Analytics, 2020) |

Journal of Affective Disorders Supports

Open Access
Official Journal of the International Society for Affective Disorders
Publishes on affective disorders in the widest sense: depression, mania, mood spectrum, emotions and personality, anxiety
2019 Impact Factor* and stress. Topics cover any aspect of affective disorders including neuroimaging, cognitive neurosciences, genetics, molecular
3.892 biology, experimental and clinical neurosciences, pharmacology, neuroimmunoendocrinology, intervention and treatment
*Journal Citation Reports®
(Clarivate Analytics, 2020)

Journal of Affective Disorders Reports New for

Open Access
Publishes on affective disorders in the widest sense: depression, mania, mood spectrum,
Online emotions and personality, anxiety, and stress with a focus on a shorter, single-point stories
Only called a Report, in addition to a longer Article format.

Journal of Anxiety Disorders Supports

Open Access
Publishes on all aspects of anxiety disorders for all age groups including disorders formerly categorized as anxiety disorders
(obsessive-compulsive disorder, posttraumatic stress disorder) and the new category of illness anxiety disorder are also
2019 Impact Factor*
*Journal Citation Reports®
(Clarivate Analytics, 2020) | 4
Psychiatry Journals 2021
Journal of Behavior Therapy and Experimental Psychiatry Supports
Open Access
A Journal of Experimental Psychopathology
Primarily publishes experimental tests of psychological approaches to psychopathology including theoretically or clinically
2019 Impact Factor* relevant differences between specific patient groups and other groups, if experimentally tested; mechanisms that cause,
1.960 perpetuate, or reduce disorders; and diagnostic or therapeutic procedures. Contributions from medicine, biology, sociology,
*Journal Citation Reports®
(Clarivate Analytics, 2020)
or epidemiology may also be published.

Journal of Psychiatric Research Supports

Open Access
Publishes papers covering four key research areas:
• Clinical studies of all disciplines relating to psychiatric illness, as well as normal human behavior, including biochemical,
physiological, genetic, environmental, social, psychological, and epidemiological factors
2019 Impact Factor*
• Basic studies pertaining to psychiatry in such fields as neuropsychopharmacology, neuroendocrinology, electrophysiology,
3.745 genetics, experimental psychology, and epidemiology
*Journal Citation Reports®

• The growing application of clinical laboratory techniques in psychiatry, including imagery and spectroscopy of the brain,
(Clarivate Analytics, 2020)

molecular biology, and computer sciences

• Advances in basic and clinical research methodology, including the process of “bench to bedside” transfer of new research

Journal of Psychosomatic Research Open Access

Official Journal of the European Association of Psychosomatic Medicine and Affiliated

with the International College of Psychosomatic Medicine
2019 Impact Factor*
A multidisciplinary journal covering all aspects of the relationships between psychology and medicine. The broad scope ranges
from basic human biological and psychological research to evaluations of treatment and services. Papers typically focus on
2.860 illness or patients rather than healthy populations. Studies covering special populations, such as the elderly and children and
*Journal Citation Reports®
(Clarivate Analytics, 2020)
adolescents, are also covered.

Journal of Substance Abuse Treatment Supports

Open Access
Publishes on the assessment and treatment of substance use and addictive disorders, including alcohol, illicit and prescription
drugs, and nicotine with a focus on empirical research relevant for translation by treatment practitioners from all disciplines
and across any setting where persons with substance use problems are encountered. Research covers assessment techniques
2019 Impact Factor*
and treatment approaches that have clear relevance for routine practice. Topics cover health services research, including the
3.083 design, organization, delivery mechanisms and workforce characteristics of treatments in routine settings.
*Journal Citation Reports®
(Clarivate Analytics, 2020)

Journal of the Academy of Consultation-Liaison Psychiatry Supports

Open Access
(Formerly Psychosomatics)
Official Journal of the Academy of Consultation-Liaison Psychiatry
New Publishes original research, review articles and clinical reports that address psychiatric aspects of medical illnesses and their
Name for
2021 management. Areas of particular interest include: the effect of co-morbid psychiatric conditions on the management of
medical illness, the psychiatric management of patients with comorbid medical illness, educational content for physicians and
others specializing in consultation-liaison (C-L) psychiatry, and the provision of psychiatric services to medical populations
including integrated care.
Articles from January 2021:
Articles Through December 2020:

Psychiatry Journals 2021
Journal of the American Academy of Child & Supports
Open Access
Adolescent Psychiatry
Official Journal of the American Academy of Child & Adolescent Psychiatry
2019 Impact Factor*
Publishes research with a primary focus on the mental health of children, adolescents, and families. Topics include genetic,
6.936 epidemiological, neurobiological, and psychopathological research; cognitive, behavioral, psychodynamic, and other
*Journal Citation Reports®
(Clarivate Analytics, 2020) psychotherapeutic investigations; parent-child, interpersonal, and family research; and clinical and empirical research in
inpatient, outpatient, consultation-liaison, and school-based settings. Child and family well-being is also covered through
such subjects as health policy, legislation, advocacy, culture and society, and service provisions as related to the mental health
of children and families. |

Mental Health & Prevention Supports

Open Access
Publishes on the prevention of mental and behavioural disorders and mental ill health, and the promotion of mental
well-being. The journal covers all aspects of prevention from basic research to social policy and is open to a wide range of
methodologies, including qualitative and qualitative studies. The journal evaluates papers on the quality of the methodology
rather than the study findings and welcomes protocol papers and negative results.

Personalized Medicine in Psychiatry Supports

Open Access
Dedicated to Advancing Basic, Clinical and Therapeutic Knowledge of
Online Personalized Medicine in Psychiatry
Serves as a resource for basic and clinical investigators, neuroscientists, psychiatrists, psychologists, residents, and medical
and graduate students. The journal publishes studies of endophenotypes and biological markers, pharmacological and
psychotherapeutic approaches, educational and rehabilitation concerns, and environmental and behavioral, psychological and
social research, with the aim of moving toward the search for individualized treatments tailored for each patient, all with a
focus on identifying predictors of response in individual patients. |

Progress in Neuro-Psychopharmacology & Biological Psychiatry Supports

Open Access
An International Research and Reviews Journal
A multidisciplinary journal that aims to ensure the rapid publication of authoritative reviews and research papers dealing with
2019 Impact Factor* experimental and clinical aspects of neuro-psychopharmacology and biological psychiatry.
*Journal Citation Reports®
(Clarivate Analytics, 2020)

Psychiatry Research Open Access

Publishes rapid publication, short, complete, psychiatry research reports covering biochemical, physiological, genetic,
psychological, and social determinants of human behavior; assessments of human behavior and subjective states; and the
2019 Impact Factor*
evaluation of somatic and non-somatic psychiatric treatments. The journal also covers clinically related basic studies in
the fields of neuropharmacology, neurochemistry, neuroendocrinology, electrophysiology, psychology, genetics, and brain
2.118 imaging are published. Significant methodological advances such as instrumentation, clinical scales, and assays directly
*Journal Citation Reports®

applicable to psychiatric research are also published.

(Clarivate Analytics, 2020) | 6
Psychiatry Journals 2021
Psychiatry Research: Neuroimaging Supports
Open Access
The Official Publication of the International Society for Neuroimaging in Psychiatry
Publishes on positron emission tomography, magnetic resonance imaging, computerized electroencephalographic
2019 Impact Factor*
topography, regional cerebral blood flow, computed tomography, magnetoencephalography, autoradiography, post mortem
2.063 regional analyses, and other imaging techniques. Reports concerning results in psychiatric disorders, dementias, and the
*Journal Citation Reports®
(Clarivate Analytics, 2020)
effects of behaviorial tasks and pharmacological treatments are featured.

Psychoneuroendocrinology Supports
Open Access
A partner journal of Comprehensive Psychoneuroendocrinology
The Official Journal of the International Society of Psychoneuroendocrinology
2019 Impact Factor*
Publishes on the interrelated disciplines of psychology, neurobiology, endocrinology, immunology, neurology, and psychiatry,
with an emphasis on multidisciplinary studies aiming at integrating these disciplines in terms of basic research or clinical
4.732 implications. Understanding how a variety of psychobiological factors interact in the expression of the stress response as it
*Journal Citation Reports®

relates to the development and/or maintenance of neuropsychiatric illnesses is a primary goal.

(Clarivate Analytics, 2020)

Schizophrenia Research Supports

Open Access
A Translational Journal of the Psychosis Spectrum
Publishes novel papers that contribute significantly to the understanding of the biology and treatment of schizophrenic
2019 Impact Factor* disorders. The journal brings together biological, clinical, and psychological research in order to stimulate the synthesis of
3.759 findings from all disciplines involved in improving patient outcomes in schizophrenia.
*Journal Citation Reports®
(Clarivate Analytics, 2020)

Schizophrenia Research: Cognition Open Access

Publishes on all aspects of cognition in schizophrenia including clinical neuropsychology, neurocognition, social cognition,
Online functional capacity, cognitive, affective, and social neuroscience, and aspects of everyday outcome as related to cognition.

The Lancet Psychiatry

Open Access

A multidisciplinary general psychiatry journal that promotes the improvement of, and advocacy for, mental health throughout
the life course, through the dissemination of high-quality review, original research, and opinion. The journal delivers clinical
coverage on psychopharmacology, psychotherapy, and psychosocial approaches to all psychiatric disorders.

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