Elkem - Overview Brochure Foundry Tablet
Elkem - Overview Brochure Foundry Tablet
Elkem - Overview Brochure Foundry Tablet
Inoculants are FeSi based alloys containing carefully For your production of ductile and compacted graphite If you produce grey and ductile iron castings or high-grade
balanced amounts of active elements. Thus, you can irons, you can rely on the extensive range of MgFeSi alloys steel, recarburisers from Elkem are an excellent ingredient
control and improve microstructure and mechanical from Elkem. to maximise your carbon recovery.
properties of cast irons.
Elmag® and Lamet® are available in over a hundred With their high purity and crystallinity, they enhance
The complete Elkem portfolio of inoculants offers you compositions and sizes to suit all your applications, your final products and deliver consistent quality.
solutions for a wide range of applications even in the most such as sandwich, tundish, flow-through, in-the-mould
challenging cast iron segments. or other processes. Elkem’s Elgraph® recarburisers have proven to give
premium performance on dissolution rate and carbon
Improve your cast iron quality with Elkem inoculants, for Using Elkem nodularisers, you can cut your overall costs, recovery, with extremely low nitrogen/hydrogen content.
example, the well-known Superseed® inoculant, probably increase productivity and reduce your environmental
still the most widely used alloy in the production of grey impact.
iron globally.
How innovative foundry alloys
increase your quality
What makes a foundry successful today? In most cases, it will be
a combination of an extremely efficient production and flawless
cast products. Low emissions and energy consumption as well as
low scrap rates are key attributes in the production process.
To achieve this level of process efficiency and product quality, use
the innovative alloys and the shared expertise of Elkem. This is the Foundry Products Tech Advice
Use our unique range of foundry Discover the power of our technical
formula of your success in casting. products as well as tailor-made support staff for your foundry.
solutions to improve your castings:
magnesium ferrosilicon alloys They have extensive experience with
inoculants all types of production methods for
preconditioners iron and steel grades. Let us give
cover materials you the best advice possible to help
recarburisers and inserts you eliminate defects and optimise
ferroalloys for steel your metal treatment processes.
2% 30%
“With the Elkem Foundry alloys
< > and technical support we have
achieved an even better quality
for our castings.“
Foundry additives account for …but can reduce your metallurgical rejects Laszlo Pelsöczy, Global Technology Manager,
less than 2% of your costs… by more than 30%. Materials, Federal-Mogul Powertrain, Rings and Liners
Trust in our know-how through
your production process
Dimensional precision, reproducibility, mechanical properties, surface and
shrinkage criteria: To accomplish castings to the exact specifications,
Elkem helps you to improve your process at every step. Our experienced technical
service engineers, together with our laboratory facilities will deliver you the
solution for improved quality and efficiency.
Melting Metal
Furnace Treatment
Preparing for consistent Transforming your iron
production results
Tailor made Elmag® alloys
Control nucleation Topseed® cover alloys
Preconditioning Thermal analysis
Trim additions Metal
Finalising your
metal quality
Cleaning &
Targeted microstructure
Improved tool life
Consistent casting quality
“A prompt and professional
Improved processes
service with full technical support
Along the process steps of your casting,
Elkem can be of great help with much more and backup.“
than the right alloys. Trust in our experienced
metallurgists to get the best results. Bob Radford, Managing Director,
BAS Castings Ltd
Elkem ASA
Foundry Products
Drammensveien 169
P.O. Box 334, Skøyen
0213 Oslo, Norway
[email protected]