Annexure CD - 01': L T P/ S SW/F W No. of PSD A Total Credit Units

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Annexure ‘CD – 01’



Course Level: UG Course Code: HR303 A
2 - - 2 3 3
Course Objectives: The course is designed to fulfill following objectives:
 To help students acquire and enhance their knowledge of how to plan, develop, carry out, and evaluate training and executive development programmes
in business organizations.
 To learn the basic concepts of training and development
 To use new concepts of training and development useful in designing a comprehensive training session.
 To familiarize students with the levels, tools and techniques involved in evaluation of training effectiveness.
 To develop an understanding on various training/non training solutions to improve employee performance in relation to industry specific issues.
Completion of following course is required before taking the class: Human Resource Management and OB. The student should be aware of the importance of
training and development in industries.

Course Contents/Syllabus:
Weightage (%)
Module I : Introduction To Learning Concept 20%
Definition, Need For Training, Importance of Training, Objectives of Training, Concepts of education,
Training And Development, Methods of Training, Learning and development manager skills and
Module II: Process of Training 25%
Establishing objectives, Training need analysis, ADDIE Model , designing the training programs,
Administrative aspects of L &D program, Participation of management in Training, Actual and after
Training Activities, Designing a training module, Group project 1
Module III : Evaluation of Training & Development 25%
Training Evaluation – Need for evaluation, Measuring Training Effectiveness, Cost – Benefit Analysis,
Models of Training Evaluation-Kirkpatrick four-level approach, Kaufman’s five levels of evaluation of
training impact, CIRO approach, Philip’s 5-level ROI framework, Group project 2
Module IV : Professional Development for the 21st Century 15%
Concept and Need for Learning Organizations, Learning curves , Various kinds of Training :Leadership
and Team Training, Diversity training, Workplace Harassment Training, Orientation Training, Ethics
Module V: Learning and Analytics 15%
Technology In Training: CBT, Distance Learning, E-Learning, Technology and Multimedia, Instructor
led vs online training, Data analytics and Training, Understanding Data Analytics in the L&D Context,
Learning management systems ,Gamification, Home Assignment:Training and development initiatives of
some MNCs.

Course Learning Outcomes: Upon completion of course the student will be able to
 Achieve proficiency in different types of Training and development methods
 Analyse Jobs and tasks to determine training and development objectives
 Asses training as a viable career option.
 Create an Insight on how to design, organize, implement and Evaluate conditions to ensure employees’ readiness for training in an organizational
 Diagnose the training need analysis in organizations and administer the process of training in real practice and Conduct a needs assessment to determine
whether and what kind of training is necessary

Pedagogy for Course Delivery: The course will be theory and application based. Methods utilized:
• Lecture and class discussion
• Case study and Individual assignments
• Team project/Assignment

Classes focus on a combination of lectures and participatory dynamics. The structure of each unit includes a daily compulsory reading, followed by oral
presentations, class debates, group works and other practical activities. These activities will be complemented by lectures.

List of Professional Skill Development Activities (PSDA):

1. For Group Project1, student teams will plan, design, deliver, and evaluate their own training program. Groups should select a topic that is of particular
interest to them. Topics for each group’s training program should be decided and the group has to present the training program (or a portion of it) to the
class. Each group will design and do the evaluation of their technique, as well as demonstrate their technique to the class. Every program must include
at least one portion of your program that is technology-based. Examples could include an online module or quiz, an interactive video, or some other
creative use of technology to deliver your program. Both professionalism and creativity are encouraged in all presentations.
2. For Group Project 2, Consider this course as a training program. In teams of upto 5 students, identify (a) the types of outcomes you would recommend
to use in evaluating this course and (b) the evaluation design you would use. Justify your choice of a design based on minimizing threats to validity and
practical considerations.
3. Home Assignment: Students will make an assignment on Training and Development initiatives on any one MNC’s.

Lab/ Practicals details, if applicable: NA

Assessment/ Examination Scheme:

Theory L/T (%) Lab/Practical/Studio (%)

100% NA

Theory Assessment (L&T):

Continuous Assessment/Internal Assessment End Term
(40 %) Examination
(_60 %)
Components (Drop Mid-Term Exam Project Presentation Home Attendance
down) (Based on Project Assignment

Linkage of PSDA NA PSDA 2 PSDA 1 PSDA 3 NA

with Internal
Component, if any
Weightage (%) 10% 10% 10% 5% 5% 60%

Lab/ Practical/ Studio Assessment:

Continuous Assessment/Internal Assessment End Term

(____ %) Examination
(____ %)
Components (Drop NA NA NA NA
Weightage (%)
Mapping Continuous Evaluation components/ PSDA with CLOs

Bloom’s Level > Remembering Understanding Applying Analysing Evaluating Creating

Course CLO 5 CLO 1 CLO 3 CLO 2 CLO 4 CLO 4

Mid-Term Exam √ 

Presentation √ √ √
based on
Group project
Project √ √ √ 

Home √ 

Text & References:


 Ellingson, J. E., & Noe, R. A. (Eds.). (2017). Autonomous learning in the workplace. Taylor & Francis.
 Ford, J. K. (Ed.). (2014). Improving training effectiveness in work organizations. Psychology Press.
 Agochiya, D. (2009). Every trainer's handbook. Sage Publications India.
 Naik, P. G. (2007). Training and Development: Text, Resaearch and Cases. Excel Books.
 Raymond a Noe & (Eds.).(2014).Employee Training and Development.Mc Graw Hill .

 Maxwell, A. (2012). Technological advancements in methods of training with reference to online training: Impact and issues for organizations. Researchers
World, 3(3), 87.
 Tannenbaum, S. I., & Yukl, G. (1992). Training and development in work organizations. Annual review of psychology, 43(1), 399-441.
 Phillips, J. J. (2012). Handbook of training evaluation and measurement methods. Routledge.

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