Ps3 Windows

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Ps3 Windows Ps3 Magic

Ps3 Windows Getting Windows On Your Ps3

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It has now become possible to get windows on your ps3 allowing you to run thousands of applications like media player, iTunes, live messenger, Internet explorer. If this is something that interests you then you have come to the right place since at Ps3 Windows we are going to show you how to get windows on your ps3. If you are not very tech savy then we recommend you check out Ps3 Magic Ps3 Magic will help you every step of the way to installing Linux then windows on your Ps3 using emulators, It is a software based guide which does most of the work for you taking out the risk of

damaging your Ps3. The Ps3 can run nearly every version of windows including windows vista although we recommend that you install windows XP on your Ps3 rather than vista due to a few minor problems with windows vista on the Ps3. The main problem with vista on a Ps3 is the booting time, some people have had to wait nearly 25mins for vista to boot up on their Ps3 which is not that useful! Installing Windows XP to your PS3 Please follow the instructions carefully. What You Need: PS3 Usb Keyboard Usb Mouse Ethernet Cable Windows Xp Install CD

Nlite Computer with Internet (semi fast because you need to download a 700mb iso file) CD or Dvd Burner CD or Dvd Patience Is a different distro already installed? If so then skip step two of preparing your ps3 part 1. Prepare your PS3 Part 1 1. Plug your PS3 into your tv, plug in the power cable, plug in your keyboard, mouse, and plug in your ethernet cable 2. Turn on your PS3 Scroll Left, Go to Settings> System Settings> Format Utility> Format HDD , Read Note on Next Line (This deletes all savedata on your PS3 backup your data before hand with the backup utility if you dont want to lose your saves.) Now select Either Option it doesnt bother I recommend only giving 10gb to Linux and keeping the rest for the PS3s side. Obtain your Linux Disk: 1. Download your favorite version of Ubuntu I recommend Xubuntu 7.04 Feisty found here 2 Burn the iso to a disk either a cd or dvd, using a program such as imgburn, nero, clone cd, etc

Preparing your PS3 Part Two: 1. Put in your Newly burned Linux Cd/ Dvd in the PS3 2. Scroll Left go to Settings> System Settings> Install Other OS, it will search and install otheros.bld off the disk 3. Scroll Left go to Settings> System Settings> Default System, Select Other OS, select otheros, and press x to reboot Important Note: Your console now wont boot to that XMB youre aware of, it will load kboot instead, if you want to load the XMB again just hold down the power button when you turn it on and it will change the default system to the xmb. Installing Xubuntu:

1. Press enter at kboot 2. Wait for it to load the live distribution of Xubuntu (About 5 min) 3. Click the install shortcut on the Desktop 4. Follow all the prompts, when the window exceeds your tv screen, hold alt and left click to slide the window around. 5. Remember your username and password, its real simple just follow all the prompts, it should take about 30-40 mins Heres the install prompts: 1. Select English, Forward 2. Select the city with the time zone you want, forward 3. Select your Language (English), and Keyboard (US English) 4. I recommend to Select Guided Use Entire Disk, forward 5. Itll complain hit continue (dont worry itll work) 6. Hit forward, you shouldnt have any accounts to import 7. Enter your Name, Login Name, Password, and what Network Name you want your PS3 to be DO NOT FORGET YOUR LOGIN OR PASSWORD, or you will have to reinstall Linux, click Forward 8. Click forward to accept all your settings you provided, it will now start self installing 9. Go find something to do for at least 30 min I think mine took 45 min to do this step. 10. When finished it will pop up a window, just click restart now 6. When it reboots take out the cd, press enter at kboot, wait, then login at the login screen with your username and password. (If it didnt reboot right and it just displays a flashing underscore, just take the cd out, and flip the power switch in the back off then on, and it should load kboot.) Freeing Up Some Ram: 1. Click Application> System> Services, type your password in 2. Uncheck everything but Cpu Frequency Manager, Graphical Login Manager, Hotkeys Management, and System Communications Bus 3. Consider Installing Fluxbox (Only if you feel ok with the risk of having to reinstall linux.) Changing Screen Size: This step is not needed if you have just a regular non hdtv as there wont be other screen options available. 1. Discover what type of TV you have, is it a lcd, a plasma, crt, old tube, and become aware of different screen sizes available. Mine is a 32 Lcd Flat Screen, supporting at highest 720p 2. Open Terminal (Applications> System> Accessories> Terminal) 3. Type sudo apt-get install ps3pf-utils, this will install the ps3videomode command 4. Now type ps3videomode -v, this will provide all options for the command 5. Now you want to discover which video modes work, just start guessing. Personally I use

ps3videomode -v 3, if you try an option and it garbles your text press the up arrow delete the number and type 1 and press enter. This should bring it back to the way it was if not press enter, and type ps3videomode -v 1. 6. Keep trying your options, if an option garbles your text it probably works but you just need to change it in the kboot.conf file before linux boots. If it displays just a black screen its probably a bad mode, try another. 7. Now to assign our video mode at startup do the following. 8. type sudo su, you should now be root be careful in this mode as you can screw some stuff up and have to reinstall 9. type nano /etc/kboot.conf, This opens the kboot in a text editor. Add ps3fb:mode:xx at the end of each quote, it should look like the following. Remember to change the xx to whatever video mode you decided upon. Linux=/boot/vmlinux blah blah blah quiet splash video=ps3fb:mode:xx Old=/boot/vmlinux blah blah blah quiet splash video=ps3fb:mode:xx 11. Now Press Control-X, y, save as kboot.conf by pressing enter 12. Now type sudo reboot Installing Qemu 1. Open Terminal (System> Accessories) 2. type sudo apt-get install qemu, press y

Installing Windows XP 1. Create a folder on your desktop labeled Windows or whatever 2. Open the folder, right click in the blank space, and click open terminal here Create HDD Image for Qemu: 1. In terminal type qemu-img create xp.img 2G, this creates a 2gb hdd for use in qemu Create Windows Xp Install Disk with Nlite 1. Google around for a good guide for making a decent Nlite iso with minimal system requirements. My disk is down to about 95 mb in size, but it can go much further lower in size, this is just with some of the minor crap removed. Moving your finished Nlite iso to your PS3: 1. When finished copy the ISO to your PS3 either by usb stick, ipod, burning the iso file to a disk (not the iso), or whatever means you got. 2. When done put it in the Windows folder you made on the desktop, this should be the same folder as

xp.img 3. rename it to something simple such as xpinstallcd.iso Running Qemu 1. Open the Windows Folder, right click, click open terminal here 2. type qemu -cdrom xpinstallcd.iso -hda xp.img -m 64M -boot d , Note the 64 is the amount of ram you would like to reserve for Qemu, remember youre running Linux already and more isnt always better 3. A new window should open running a virtual machine (emulation) of a X86 Processor which can Run XP 4. After XP is installed all you need to do to run XP is to type qemu -hda xp.img -m 64M Transfering Files to XP 1. Make a iso of the files with a tool such as poweriso, magiciso, etc 2. Copy the file to your ps3 put it in your Windows folder on your desktop, and mount it as a cdrom. Heres what the command may look like: qemu -cdrom files.iso -hda xp.img -m 64M 3. Copy the files off your CD drive in XP Performance from XP on the Ps3 is much better than Vista but this trick does not only work with Vista you can do it with Windows 95 If you like. The older version of windows of you use the better performance you should get, Although using a old version of Windows will seriously limit the amount of new programs you can run on it. We Highly Recommend Ps3 Magic for doing this since it makes the whole process very easy and a lot quicker than doing it by yourself. Read more about Ps3 Magic HERE

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