Pre A1 Starters 2018 Speaking Part 3
Pre A1 Starters 2018 Speaking Part 3
Pre A1 Starters 2018 Speaking Part 3
This activity gives students practice in giving short answers to questions about pictures and in giving
personal responses. To give all the students some practice answering questions about a picture, you
should repeat this activity over several lessons with different students each time.
1. Set up the activity
• Greet the students at the beginning of the activity. Say Hello (name) to different students in turn
and have them greet you in return.
This is an important aspect of the Pre A1 Starters Speaking test and being able to respond to
the examiner at the start of the test helps to put the children at ease.
• Hand out the Student’s Worksheet to each student.
• Give each student some scissors . Tell them to cut out the 8 cards.
• To review the vocabulary, ask students to hold up the different cards in turn, e.g. Hold up the frog.
• Ask students to stick the pictures into their notebooks, using glue, leaving space under the pictures
to write two sentences. They don’t write the sentences yet.
• Now, divide the class into groups of four.
• Set all the groups, except one, an activity from the workbook or activity book that they can do on
their own for about 5 minutes, e.g. a word search, a colouring activity, a sentence-matching
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2. Activity
• Work quietly with one group of four. Ask questions about the pictures to different students in
turn, moving from factual questions to personal questions and then to short descriptions.
For example:
What’s this?
Do you like orange juice?
Where can you find them?
Do you like the carrots?
Can you play a sport?
Have you got (a hat)?
What colour is it?
Have you got a blue t-shirt?
Do you like wearing t-shirts?
Do you like animals?
Tell me about the pen?
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use provided no charge is made. For further information see our Terms and Conditions.
You should ask each student four or five questions about three of the cards.
• If a student doesn’t understand your question, prompt him/ her to use appropriate classroom
language, e.g. I don’t understand / Can you repeat, please? / Again, please? / Sorry?
• If a student gives a wrong answer, don’t say No, that’s wrong. Try to be encouraging and nod
and repeat the question or ask another question.
• Once every student in the group has answered some questions, ask them to write two
sentences under each picture.
For example:
This is a frog. I like frogs.
• I’ve got a toy robot. My robot is blue.
• Repeat the steps above in following lessons, working with a different group of four (or fewer)
students each time until all the students have had a turn to answer questions about the pictures
and write sentences underneath them.
3. Important things to remember
When all the students have done the activity, review it briefly by eliciting/telling them:
• In this part of the test they are using the same pictures as they used in Part 2.
• In this part (Part 4), they have to answer the examiner’s questions about three of the pictures.
• They don’t need to answer in complete sentences. They can just use a few words.
• Remind them of the language they can use to ask the examiner to repeat the question, e.g. I
don’t understand / Can you repeat, please? / Again, please? / Sorry?, and that using this
language when they don’t understand shows how good their English is.
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use provided no charge is made. For further information see our Terms and Conditions.
Suggested follow-up activity
• It’s important to give students this type of practice on a regular basis. You can use pictures
in your course book, or other materials such as posters.
• After a classroom activity from the course book in which students have worked with a
picture, ask them some factual questions about objects in the picture, e.g. What’s this?
(e.g. a pizza) and then some more personal response questions, e.g. Do you like pizza?
• You can also use sets of flashcards, but make sure they represent words from the Pre A1
Starters vocabulary list here:
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use provided no charge is made. For further information see our Terms and Conditions.
Pre A1 Starters Speaking Part 3 – Student’s Worksheet
Original can be found in the Pre A1 Starters Speaking Sample Paper, which can be downloaded
© UCLES 2017. This material may be photocopied (without alteration) and distributed for classroom
use provided no charge is made. For further information see our Terms and Conditions.
© UCLES 2017. This material may be photocopied (without alteration) and distributed for classroom
use provided no charge is made. For further information see our Terms and Conditions.