Speed Control of Three Phase Induction Motor Using Variable Frequency Drive

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Sudan University of Science & Technology

College of Engineering

School of Electrical & Nuclear Engineering

Speed Control of Three Phase Induction Motor

using Variable Frequency Drive
The Research submitted in partial fulfilment for requirement of
B.Sc. degree in electrical engineering

Prepared By:
1- Eltayeb Adam Mohammed Musa
2- Abakar Hamid Ibrahim Yonis
3- Gassim Gaffer Taha Ali
4- Abdullah Shawgi Abdurrahman Omer
Mst. Gaffer Babiker
November 2020


‫ﭽﭑ ﭒ ﭓ ﭔ ﭕ ﭖ ﭗ ﭘ ﭙ ﭚ ﭛ ﭜ ﭝ‬
‫ﭞﭟ ﭠﭡ ﭢﭣﭤﭥﭦﭧ ﭨﭩﭪ‬
‫ﭫﭬﭭ ﭮﭯﭰﭱ ﭲﭳﭴ ﭼ‬

‫‪7 1‬‬

Thanks and appreciation
Thanks and respecting to the Staff of School of Electrical and Nuclear
Engineering who illuminated our knowledge path and supported for reaching this
stage, especially our esteemed advisor Mst. Jaafar Babiker, who was patent and
preserved with us. Finally, we ask God for all of you to magnify your reward,
enhance your fortune, raise your rank, and let you an extended term which the
frequently of generations will benefit.

Induction motors do not run at synchronous speed; they are generally fixed
speed motors. In industries mechanical loads should not only be driven but should
also be driven at desired speed. Therefore, the need of speed control methods for
induction motor arises. There are various methods of speed control for an
induction motor. In this project reviews on different speed control methods and
their performance based on SPWM inverter, harmonics reduction and speed-
torque characteristics so as to analyse the most effective techniques among them
considering the presence of harmonics.
Thus due to the importance of speed control using VFD drive, that used
scalar V/F as most common technique, this method was studied and investigated
both in simulation and on the field of the industry (Green Food Processing



Scalar V/F (PI

Matlab/ VFD Controller)


Table of Contents

No Subject Page
- ‫استهاللية‬ I
- Thanks and appreciation II
- Abstract III
- ‫المستخلص‬ IV
- Table of Content V
- List of Table VIII
- List of Figure IX
1.1 Overview 1
1.2 Research Problem 1
1.3 Objectives 1
1.4 Methodology 1
1.5 Structure 2
2.1 Introduction 3
2.2 Starting Methods Of Three Phase Induction Motor 3
2.2.1 Direct On Line Method 4
2.2.2 Star Delta Method 4
2.2.3 Soft Starting 5
2.3 3-Phase Induction Motor Speed Control Method 6
2.3.1 Stator Voltage Control Method 6
2.3.2 Stator Frequency Control Method 8
2.3.3 Constant V/F ratio (VVVF) 8 V/F scalar Control 9

2.4 Sinusoidal Pulse Width Modulation(SPWM) 10
3.1 Introduction 12
3.2 Boiler System Operation 13
3.3 Force Draft Fan (FD Fan) 14
3.4 Induced Draft Fan(ID FAN) 15
3.5 Speed Control OF induced Draft Fan Motor Using VFD 16
3.6 Technical Data of VFD 17
3.7 The Electrical circuit 18
3.8 VFD Technology 21
3.8.1 Electrical Considerations 22
3.8.2 Harmonic Considerations 23
3.8.3 Motor Consideration 26
3.9 VFD Operation 28
3.10 VFD Voltage To Frequency 29
3.11 Comparison with conventional control methods 31
4.1 Introduction 32
4.2 The required Equations 33
4.3 Block diagram of open loop system without PWM 34
4.3.1 Simulink Model system at rated load without PWM 35
4.3.2 Simulation Results of open loop speed control 36
4.4 Block diagram of open loop system with PWM (3-phase VSI) 39
4.4.1 Simulink Model Open Loop (PWM) at rated load 39

4.4.2 Simulation Results of open loop speed control of IM at rated 40
4.5 Block diagram of close loop system 43
4.5.2 Mathematical model of PI controller 46
4.5.3 Simulation Result of close loop speed control of IM at rated load 46
4.5.4 The parameters of the IM used in Simulink 49
5.1 Conclusion 50
5.2 Recommendations 51
- References 52
- Appendix -

List of Tables

No Name of Table Page

3.1 Potential VFD Energy Saving 28
3.2 Table 3-2 Power Required by a Fan or Pump 31

List of Figures

No Name of Figure Page

2.1 Direct on Line Starting Method of Induction Motor 3
2.2 Star Delta Starting Methods of Induction Motor 4
2.4 Displaying speed torque characteristic with variable stator voltage 7
2.5 below shows the torque speed curve of frequency control method 8
2.6 Speed torque-curve with constant v/f ratio 9
2.7 Showing the three-phase Full-Bridge Inverter 10
2.8 Shows the three phase full bridge inverter with SPWM 11
3.1 Represent the components of the boiler system. 13
3.2 Represent typical FD fan 14
3.3 Illustrate the induced draft fan. 15
3.4 Cube law torque load torque/power curve. 16
3.5 Electrical circuit of VFD 18

3.6 VFD Braking resistor. 18

3.7 Harmonic Amplitudes 23
3.8 Typical PWM VFD 26
3.9 VFD v/f Ratio 31
4.1 The block diagram of the open loop v/f without PWM 34
4.2 An open loop Matlab/Simulink model for v/f scalar speed control 36
(using controlled voltage source) of three phase induction motor
at rated load.
4.3 The rated stator current, rotor speed(rad/s),and the 37
electromagnetic torque respectively at rated load torque.
4.4 RMS Line voltage at the output of voltage source controller 38
4.5 The THD in the output voltage of controlled source voltage 39

4.6 The block Diagram of the open loop system(SPWM) 39
4.7 Open loop Simulink model at rated load 40
4.8 Showing the parameters of the Universal Bridge 41
4.9 Showing the parameters of the PWM Generator 41
4.10 Showing the rated stator current, rotor speed(rad/s), and the 41
electromagnetic torque respectively at rated load.
4.11 Showing the THD (Total Harmonics Distortion) of the Vab 42

4.12 Showing the V RMS output of the VSI 42

4.13 The Block diagram of closed loop v/f scalar control of IM 43
4.14 The closed loop Simulink model of three phase IM 44
4.15 Showing the parameters of the Repeating Sequence 45
4.16 Showing the parameters of the Fcn blocks first one 45
4.17 Display the rated stator current, speed rotor and the torque at rated 47
4.18 Display the stator current is for phase A and the THD 48

4.19 Showing the parameter of used IM 49

4.20 Showing values of resistors, inductance of rotor and stator 49


1-1 Overview
The three phase induction motors are very important units used in
industries due to components, rigid, solid, long live duration. Therefore,
controlling the speed of the induction motors is required in most industrial
processes to operate in sequence production lines. The Variable Frequency
Drive method is a drive used to control voltage and frequency to control
the motor speed.
1-2 Research problem
Due to the electrical and mechanical faults that occurred damage in
the operating system, that cause the industries more losses in financial
Also delays that occurs in induction motor operation can create additional
fault to the system operation.
1-3 Research objectives
The Variable Frequency Drive is very important tool used to solve
these operation problems by controls the motor speed, acceleration and
1-4 Research methodology
- The application Variable Frequency Drive unit is used in GREEN
FOOD PROCESSING INDUSTRIES to control the speed of
Induced Draft fan to obtain good operation results.
- Assimilation tool is a software tool used to analyses performance
of the system.

1-5 Research structure
The research is compromised from fan abstract and five chapter her
- chapter 1represent an introduction, consists of overview, research
problem, research objectives, methodology and structure.
- Chapter 2
- Chapter3 after representing the introduction, this chapter also
gives general information about Green Food Plant and
represented the method of speed control of induced draft fan
motor using VFD.
- Chapter 4 represented the first scalar V/F control method,
required equations for illustrate the simulation results.
- chapter5 represented the conclusion and recommendations for
the VFD applications and V/F control methods.


2.1 Introduction
The three phase induction motor is the most widely used in the
industrial requirement it runs at essentially constant speed from no load to
full load. There are three important parts of controlling induction motor
- Controlling the starting current (starting methods)
- Controlling the speed during normal operation (speed control
2.2 Starting Method of three phase Induction Motors
When the motor is being started and before it has begun to turn,
however, there is no emf to limit the current, so initially there is a high
starting, or locked-rotor, current. This high current will cause the motor to
burn out quickly. Therefore, to avoid this there are famous methods of
starting the induction motor. [1]
2.2.1 Direct on Line Starting Method of Induction Motor

Fig 2.1 Direct on Line Starting Method of Induction Motor

In this starting method of induction motor, the motor is switched on direct
to the supply mains by switching contactor. This operation results in a
heavy rush of motor current. This high current rapidly decreases as motor
picks up speed but it is at very low power factor thus it tends to disturb the
voltage of the supply in the distribution lines.
The principle operation if the current is more than normal more heat is
generated a thermal element through which the motor current passes. When
the motor current reaches a predetermined value the heat generated deflects
strip thereby opening the control circuit and the motor does not get the
supply. Overload protection is achieved by thermal overload relays.
the main features of this method of starting as follow
- Is normally limited to small induction motors (up to 5 H.P).
- The starting torque obtained by this method is higher than that of
the auto transformer or star-delta starter.
2.2.2 Star Delta Starting Methods

Fig. 2-2Star Delta Starting Methods of Induction Motor

This method is based on the principle that in star connections, the voltage
across each winding is phase voltage i.e. 1/√3 times the line voltage
whereas the same winding, when connected in delta, will have full line
voltage across it.
So at the time of start connections of the motor are made in star fashion so
that reduced voltage is applied across each winding. After motor attains
speed the same windings through a changeover switch are connected in
delta. The starter is provided with overload and under voltage protection
In this starting method of induction motor starting, torque is reduced to 1/3
of starting torque obtained with direct switching. The star delta starters are
very suitable for delta connected motors up to 25 H.P.
Electronic solid-state soft starters limit motor starting current and torque
by ramping (gradually increasing) the voltage applied to the motor during
the selected starting time. They are commonly used in operations requiring
smooth starting and stopping of motors and driven machinery.


2.3 Three- Phase Induction Motor Speed Control Methods
The speed of a three phase induction motor is given by,


Ns = 120f/P…..…………(2.2)
where N is the rotor speed, Ns is synchronous speed, f is the frequency
supply(Hz), s is the slip and P is the number of poles.
This shows the speed of three phase induction motor depends upon
synchronous speed (Ns) and slip(s). The synchronous speed of induction
motor depends upon supply frequency and the number of stator poles.
So by changing the supply frequency, the number of stator poles and slip
we can change the speed of 3 phase induction motor. Therefore, speed
control of 3 phase induction motor can be achieved by following methods:
- Stator voltage control method
- Rotor resistance control
- By changing the number of poles of the stator
- Stator frequency control method
- Constant V/f ratio control
- Flux control (flux weakening)

2.3.1 Stator voltage control method:

The torque (and hence the running speed) of a cage motor can be
controlled simply by altering the supply voltage. The torque at any slip is
approximately proportional to the square of the voltage, so we can reduce
the speed of the load by reducing the voltage. [2]
The disadvantages of this method:
- Limited speed control
- the reduction of the stator voltage lead to increase the rotor
- current which result in winding overheating

- very low starting torque is produced
- Low efficiency.
Therefore, this type of control is not suitable for constant torque loads. This
type of control is preferred in the applications such as fans, centrifugal
pumps and blowers where low star This method is only applicable for small
motors and for fan type loads where the load torque increases with the
speed. The motor tends to get overheated with other loads. It is a commonly
used method for ceiling fans driven by single-phase induction motors
which have large standstill impedance limiting the current drawn by the

Fig.2-4 displaying speed torque characteristic with variable stator voltage

2.3.2 Stator frequency control method
The torque and speed of induction motors can be controlled by
changing the supply frequency but keeping the voltage constant. This
method result in saturation of air-gap flux .
At low frequency the reactance will decrease and the motor current may be
too high.
If the frequency is increased above its rated value,then the air-gap flux and
rotor current decrease and the development torque also decreases.
Therefore this method is rarely used.

Fig2-5 below shows the torque speed curve of frequency control method
2.3.3 Constant v/f ratio control(Volts per hertz) method
The volts per hertz technology is the most economical and easiest
method of speed control of induction motors. In this method drive controls
shaft speed by varying the voltage and frequency of the signal powering
the motor.
In volts per hertz technology when the frequency of supply changes,
the voltage applied to the motor is also changed by the same amount as the
frequency, in order to prevent deep saturation and overheating of the motor.
In other words, drive maintains a constant V/Hz ratio. The ratio between

voltage and frequency is called volts per hertz (V/Hz). To find the volts per
hertz ratio, simply divide the rated nameplate voltage by the rated
nameplate frequency. For example, the volt per hertz ratio for a 415 Volt,
50Hz will be 8.3 V/Hz.
This method is the most technique used by VFD drive

Fig 2.6 Speed torque-curve with constant v/f ratio

There are Various speed control techniques for implementing V/F such as
space vector technique(advanced) and scalar. V/F Scalar control or VVVF(Variable Voltage Variable
This technique for controlling the motor speed can be achieved by using
peripheral components (conventional technique) but due to the fast
advance in power electronic devices now can be implemented using PWM
The main components of an induction motor drive using v/f control
consists of
- The converter section (AC to DC) which can be uncontrolled
rectifier or controlled rectifier

- The DC-Bus/link filter which keep the input voltage the inverter
stable and ripple-free
- The inverter section (DC to AC) which contains the switching
devices such as IGBT or MOSFET
- The Pulse Width Modulation PWM which act as the controller and
provide the switching scheme for the inverter in order to obtain the
desired voltage and frequency.

2-4 Sinusoidal Pulse Width Modulation Technique:

The general principle of spwm, where a triangle carrier wave of high
frequency fc is compared with the sinusoidal modulating wave of
fundamental frequency f, and the points of intersection determine the
switching points of power devices the three sine waves phase shifted by
120° with the frequency of the desired output voltage is compared with a
very high frequency carrier triangle, the two signals are mixed in a
comparator whose output is high when the sine wave is greater than the
triangle and the comparator output is low when the sine wave or typically
called the modulation signal is smaller than the triangle. figure shows the
three phase full bridge inverter with spwm. [3]

Fig 2.7 showing the three-phase Full-Bridge Inverter

Fig.2-8 shows the three phase full bridge inverter with SPWM


3-1 Introduction
Green Food for processing Industries is an old dream that found its
way out to reality in 2014. Green Food is part of an integrate chain of
business that in both Long Term and short term
will enhance and enrich the base of an economy of agriculture. Green Food
is a huge project that holds an investment of almost 12 Million $ with a
unique business case in terms of production processing capacity for
sunflower, ground nut and Soy Beans seeds. Green food is capable of
processing 300 MT of SF per day and producing more than 100 MT of
Crude edible oil and more than 100 MT of de-oiled cake (DOC). Green
Food state of art plant is providing our endorsers with quality oil and DOC
with less than 0.7% of Oil content. Our gifted and exceptionally talented
workforces are the absolute bottom of our quality and long haul
achievement. Subsequently, our approach requires that we assume liability
for guaranteeing their wellbeing and security and in addition defending
their wellbeing and welfare. We additionally take awesome pride in adding
to the group and society all in all through dynamic corporate social duty
and engagement. Our definitive concentration in this way, is to utilize our
important assets keeping in mind the end goal to make esteem included
items and administrations, which would add to the monetary, social and
ecological advance and flourishing of Sudan. Altogether, we mean to lead
by worldview and to gain from regular encounters; we set our attempts to
exclusive expectations for our kin at all levels and reliably meet them. [4]

3-2 Boiler System Operation

Fig.(3-1) represent the components of the boiler system.

A boiler is an enclosed vessel that provides a means for combustion heat

to be transferred into water until it becomes heated water or steam. The hot
water or steam under pressure is then usable for transferring the heat to a
process. Water is a useful and cheap medium for transferring heat to a
process. When water is boiled into steam its volume increases about 1,600
times, producing a force that is almost as explosive as gunpowder. This
causes the boiler to be extremely dangerous equipment that must be treated
with utmost care. The process of heating a liquid until it reaches its gaseous
state is called evaporation.
Traditional flow control methods use constant speed motors with
mechanical flow reducing devices such as:
- Inlet louvers (dampers) in the ducting

- Outlet louvers (dampers) in the ducting
- Flow guide vanes in the fan casing
- Variable slip clutches in the fan drive shaft
- Hydraulic variable speed transmissions
These mechanical solutions have significant disadvantages:
- High energy consumption at reduced flow rates
- Mechanical wear and required maintenance
- Generation interruptions due to mechanical problems
- Limitations on motor starting duty
Controlling fan flow by adjusting speed avoids wasting energy in flow
control vanes, dampers, and louvers. When large flows must be controlled
and motor energy consumption is significant, varying the motor speed is
the answer. With large machines, the electrical power savings can amount
to hundreds of thousands of dollars per year. In addition, the drives
smoothly start the motors, protecting them against starting inrush currents,
thus avoiding thermal stress and extending motor life. [5]
3-3 Forced Draft fan (FD fan)

Fig.3-2 represent typical FD fan

Forced Draft Fan supplies most of the Combustion air. This fan takes air
from the atmosphere and blows it into the furnace through air ducts. The
Air Heater heats the air before it enters the Furnace. FD fan produce the
positive pressure inside the system i.e. furnace. Forced draft fan draws the
air and force it into the combustion chamber of the boiler, where it mixes
with the fuel being supplied. FD fans are typically used to regulate the
proper amount of air-to-fuel ratios in an effort to maximize fuel efficiency
and to minimize emissions, such as NOx. (Nitrogen Oxides). [5]
3-4 Induced Draft Fan (Id Fan)

Fig. 3-3 illustrate the induced draft fan.

The ID fan creates furnace air flow, which must be continuously varied to
match the fuel flow. The process control system continuously monitors
process conditions such as fuel feed, inlet air temperature, flue oxygen
content, and required fuel-air ratio. The control system then directs the fan
to provide the air flow for optimum combustion. [5]

3-5 Speed control of induced draft fan motor using VFD
Variable speed control is an important means of solving problems.
Generally, combustion air control is effected by throttling dampers fitted
at induced draft fans. Though dampers are simple means of control, they
lack accuracy, giving poor control characteristics at the top and bottom of
the operating range. In general, if the load characteristic of the boiler is
variable, and refers to Cube Load Torque:( Most loads are of the fan or
centrifugal pump types and therefore can be described as cube law loads.
The torque and power requirement at zero speed is zero. See Fig. 4.3.
Power requirement increases with the cube of the increase in speed.
Therefore, there is a large increase in power requirement for a small
increase in speed. For example: To double the machine speed would
require eight times the power to drive it.Conversely, ifthe speed of the
machine is halved, the power requirement is reduced to 1/8 of the original
Fig.3-4 represent the relation between torque and speed in centre fugal
pumps and fan

Fig. 3-4 Cube law torque load torque/power curve.

Centrifugal pumps and fans operate like this; power changes sharply with
small speed changes. The possibility of replacing the dampers by a VSD
should be evaluated.
3-6 Technical data of VFD

Product Name: 55KW - 75HP VFD/Inverter

Model No: WSTG600-4T55P
Brand: Winston
Function: Change Motor Speed
Nature of DC Power: Voltage Variable-Frequency Drive
Link of Transformation: AC-AC Variable-Frequency Drive
Voltage of Power Supply: 380VAC/415VAC - 50/60HZ
Main Circuit Type: Voltage
Switch Mode: Sensor Control
Principle of Work: V/F Control Transducer
Output Type: Triple
Application: High-performance Transducer,3phase
Transducer, High Frequency Converter
Input Voltage: 380VAC/450VAC
Power Capacity: 85KVA
Input Current: 113A
Output Current: 112A
Adaptation Motor: 55KW 75HP
Origin: China
HS Code: 8467299000

3.7 The electrical circuit
Fig.3-5 and Fig. 3-6 illustrate the electrical circuit and Braking resistor.

Fig.3-5 electrical circuit of VFD.

Fig.3-6 VFD Braking resistor.

The majority of general purpose VFDs produced today have four
fundamental sections (see Fig. 4.5). These are:
i. The input rectifier or converter.
ii. The DC bus.

iii. The output stack or VFD.
iv. The controller.
The input rectifier or converter can be either three-phase or, in small
machines, single phase. This input rectifier converts the Vac input into DC
volts and charges the capacitors in this part of the circuit. The DC bus acts
as a small reservoir for power on which the output VFD draws. If any
regenerated energy from the load remains, it is stored on the DC bus in the
The output stack or VFD draws power from the DC bus and creates a
synthesized Vac power supply, the frequency of which can be varied by
the controller. The output of the converter is used to drive the electric
motor. Supervising the whole machine is a computerized controller, which
is capable of making decisions based on the demands and on state of motor
and load. It is driving and taking protective measures to ensure that no
damage occurs to the machinery it is controlling or the VFD itself. [6]
-Charging Resistor
The charging resistor is included in the DC bus to provide current limiting
during the initial power up stages of the VFD. When a fully discharged
VFD is switched on to the power supply, the capacitors on the DC bus are
seen by the power supply as a very low impedance load. If the design does
not include a charging resistor, the current surge magnitude would be so
high that the input bridge can be damaged, or require up-rating far beyond
that required for normal running. The power supply capacity, cable lengths
have a bearing on the magnitude of this surge current. With the charging
resistor in the circuit, the current surge is limited until the V dc rises above
about 380 volts. At this point, a contactor or solid state switch shorts out
the resistor.

The charging circuit is short time rated, repeated power down/up cycles
will ultimately cause failure. Typically, 10 power up/down cycles per hour
are acceptable.
-AC Line Choke
The AC Line choke design provides some smoothing on the DC bus and
reduces the amount of ripple current that must be tolerated by the main
capacitors. This has an effect of extending the life of these components.
The choke provides a limiting function to the magnitude of the DC bus
current during normal operation. This results in an improved overall power
factor of the VFD and reduced harmonic currents flowing in the power
distribution network.
- Be aware that if multiple VFDs or one large VFD installed on a
distribution network that supports equipment that also produces
harmonic currents, the effects are cumulative.
- If power factor correction equipment is also installed on the
network, damage can occur to the correction equipment capacitors.
- Limiting the amount of harmonic current flowing in the network
can require additional power line reactors, or under extreme
conditions, a filter network.
- Only a Harmonic Survey can guarantee the quality of the power
Braking Resistor.
Under normal circumstances, with the motor under load, the flow of
energy through the system is from the commercial power supply to the
VFD and from the VFD to the motor and finally from the motor to the load.
There are operating conditions where the load tries to overrun the motor.
An example of this would be a high inertia load. For example: a large
diameter fan, running at high speed, where the control system calls for the
fan to run at low speed. The VFD begins to lower its output frequency and

the motor follows. However, due to the inertia in the fan, the fan resists the
change in speed, causing the motor to run above the frequency output from
the VFD. This situation will cause energy to flow from the load back
through the motor and into the VFD. A general purpose VFD does not
normally have the ability to pass this energy back into the commercial
power supply. However, if required, additional equipment can do this. The
result of this regeneration is a build-up of energy in the DC bus capacitors,
which manifests itself as an increasing voltage.
If this were allowed to occur unchecked, damage would occur to the
components in the VFD due to exceeding the operating voltage limits. To
ensure problems do not occur, the VFD has a bus voltage monitoring
circuit. This circuit attempts to reduce regeneration until bus voltage falls
to an acceptable level. If, however it is important that the motor and load
follow the control signal exactly, it may be necessary to add a braking
resistor system to the VFD. (See Fig. 4.6).
This would take the form of a power transistor, a power resistor and a
control circuit, the layout of which is shown above. In the event that the
DC bus voltage exceeds the threshold of the control circuit, the power
transistor switches on. It also connects the positive and negative sides of
the DC bus together, via a large power resistor. This action dissipates the
excess energy as heat from the resistor. This resistor is subjected to high
voltages and currents, so it is a highly stressed component and has to be
carefully selected to ensure reliability.
3.8 VFD Technology
A Variable-Frequency Drive (VFD) is a device that controls the
voltage and frequency that is being supplied to a motor and therefore
controls the speed of the motor and the system it is driving. By meeting the
required process demands, the system efficiency is improved. A VFD had
a capability of smoothing start of large motors, both the speed and torque

of an induction motor, and furthermore VFDs are an excellent choice for
users because they allow operators to fine-tune processes while reducing
costs for energy and equipment maintenance. Therefore, it provides
continuous range process speed control (as compared to the discrete speed
control that gearboxes or multi-speed motors provide). Fixed speed motors
(or AC induction motors) serve the majority of applications. In these
applications or systems, control elements such as dampers and valves are
used to regulate flow and pressure. These devices usually result in
inefficient operation and energy loss because of their throttling action. It is
often desirable to have a motor operate at two or more discrete speeds, or
to have fully variable speed operation. The conventional control elements
can often be replaced by incorporating variable speed operation using a
VFD. Substantial energy savings can be achieved in many of these
applications by varying the speed of the motors and the driven load using
a commercially available VFD. Savings include capital costs and
maintenance costs associated with these control elements. [7]
When investigating VFD technology, the following implications should be
i. Electrical.
ii. Harmonic.
iii. Motor.
iv. Physical and environmental issues.
v. Vibration and resonance.
3.8.1 Electrical Considerations:
Successful application and maintenance of VFD drives requires an
understanding of their impact on the motor and electrical distribution
The application of VFDs to induction motors can cause effects that must
be considered for successful operation.

Examples include:
- The ability of a motor to cool itself effectively is reduced as the
motor is slowed down. Over-sizing the motor or providing external
forced air ventilation may be required with extended operation at
low speeds and high loads.
- Operation at different speeds can cause mechanical resonances in
driven equipment. These speeds should be identified and
programmed out of the motor’s operating range.
- VFDs generate harmonic voltages and currents that can, in some
cases, cause undesirable effects on the electrical distribution system
and affect equipment operation. If a power quality problem is
suspected, the electrical system should be examined by a qualified
person. Sometimes isolation transformers, line reactors or filtering
devices will be required to minimize these effects. Installation of
filtering devices should be considered at the time of purchase of
VFDs to minimize power quality issues in the electrical system.
- The nominal supply voltage of the distribution system is normally
higher than the drive nameplate voltage to allow for voltage drops
from the distribution transformer to the point of utilization.
3.8.2 Harmonic Considerations

Fig.3-7 Harmonic Amplitudes

Harmonic distortion: Voltage and current is produced in electrical systems
by non-linear loads such as VFDs, welders, rectifiers, Uninterruptible
Power Supplies (UPS), arc furnaces, etc. Harmonics cause electrical
waveform distortion that can propagate through the entire power system
and even outside of the plant.
The odd harmonic amplitudes usually decrease with increasing frequency,
so the lowest order harmonics are the most significant. Even numbered
harmonics are not normally generated by VFD drive systems. Harmonics
occur as long as the harmonic generating equipment is in operation and
tend to be of a steady magnitude. Harmonics may be greatly magnified by
power factor correction capacitors. The supply system inductance can
resonate with capacitors at certain harmonic frequencies developing large
currents and voltages, which can damage equipment.
Motors run at higher temperatures in the presence of harmonic currents.
Motors consume more energy as they have to overcome ‘counter rotating’
torques created by odd harmonics. This may cause premature breakdown
of insulating materials and a reduction in life. The motor will also drop in
overall efficiency, experience voltage stresses on its windings and
experience torque pulsations.
-Dealing with Harmonics: If a harmonic problem is suspected, it should be
confirmed before any attempt at corrective action is taken. A fairly simple
test consists of viewing the power system waveforms on an oscilloscope or
using a portable power meter with harmonic analysis functions. Significant
waveform distortion is an indication of harmonic presence. Power
harmonic analysers can be used to measure the magnitude of the individual
harmonics. This work is often best left to an expert in power quality
services. There are a variety of ways in which users can resolve these

problems, after ensuring the installation meets the applicable electrical
code including adequate grounding:
- Separate Supply
Ideally, loads producing harmonics and sensitive loads should be supplied
from entirely separate feeders and independent transformers.
- Isolation Transformers and Line Reactors
Isolation transformers and line reactors are frequently used to protect the
drive as well as the AC line from distortion.
- Filters
Harmonic filters can be used to reduce the amplitude of one or more fixed
frequency currents to prevent them from entering the rest of the system.
Filters can be custom designed to suit the electrical environment.
- Cable Length
Cable length should be kept as short as possible (i.e. less than 15 meters or
50 feet wherever possible). As a general rule of thumb, it is considered
good practice to buy a complete drive system that includes line reactors
rather than just purchasing the drive on its own. Generally, a 3% to 5%
impedance line reactor will prevent harmonics generated by a VFD from
interfering with sensitive equipment on the distribution system. If non-
linear loads exceed 20% of the total plant load, special consideration
should be given to performing a harmonic study and minimizing potential
harmonic impact through the use of isolation transformers in addition to
line reactors. From a practical drive application point of view, meeting
harmonic requirements for drives means having less than 5% total
harmonic distortion of the current at the terminals of the drive at rated load.
At low power demand with variable torque loads, the current’s total
harmonic distortion (THD) may be higher than 5% as measured by a
harmonic analyser, but the magnitude of the harmonic current will be less
than those produced at full load.

3.8.3 Motor Consideration

Fig.3-8 Typical PWM VFD

(The fundamental-frequency component is shown by the dotted line.)

Application of a PWM VFD can cause voltage transients well above the
rated voltage of the motor that can lead to failure of the insulation system
in a very short period of time. To understand this, consider the way in
which a PWM inverter approximates a sinusoidal current waveform.
As the motor speed is reduced, the amount of cooling available from the
motor’s ventilation system is reduced, so motor torque must be limited at
reduced speed to avoid overheating. In addition to the reduced cooling
capability, motors have additional internal heating due to the non-
sinusoidal voltages and currents from the inverter operation.
- Vibration and Resonance Considerations
There is a general assumption that slowing down rotating equipment leads
to less wear and tear and hence promotes more favourable maintenance
conditions. Frequently, equipment life can be extended through the
benefits of variable speed. However, there are a number of detrimental
mechanical conditions that can arise when equipment is slowed down.

Most machines are designed to operate at a speed that is selected at a
calculated safe margin below the first critical speed or natural frequency of
the shaft. In certain cases, to facilitate shaft design, some high speed
machines are designed to operate between the first and second critical
speeds. A speed reduction for a machine of this type could result in
operation at the first critical speed. For larger installations, contact should
be made with the machine manufacturer to ensure that the critical speeds
are known and dealt with appropriately.
Resolving vibration and resonance usually involves programming the VFD
so that it will not operate equipment in the critical speed range. If the design
data cannot be located, field tests should be performed or the complete
apparatus should be measured and the critical speeds recalculated.
Fixed speed motors (or AC induction motors) serve the majority of
applications. In these applications or systems, control elements such as
dampers and valves are used to regulate flow and pressure. These devices
usually result in inefficient operation and energy loss because of their
throttling action. It is often desirable to have a motor operate at two or more
discrete speeds, or to have fully variable speed operation.
The conventional control elements can often be replaced by incorporating
variable speed operation using a VFD. Substantial energy savings can be
achieved in many of these applications by varying the speed of the motors
and the driven load using a commercially available VFD. Savings include
capital costs and maintenance costs associated with these control elements.

Table 3-1 shows some typical loads and their energy savings potential.
Table 3-1 Potential VFD Energy Saving

3.9 VFD Operation

Electronic VFDs can vary the voltage and frequency to an induction
motor using a technique called Pulse Width Modulation (PWM). VFDs
have become the preferred way to achieve variable speed operation, as they
are relatively inexpensive and very reliable. VFDs use power
semiconductor devices called insulated-gate bipolar transistors (IGBT).
Using PWM, the speed of the motor and torque characteristics can be
adjusted to match the load requirements. The first step in the PWM process
is to convert the AC supply voltage into DC by the use of a rectifier. DC
power contains voltage ripples that are smoothed using filter capacitors.
This section of the VFD is often referred to as the DC link. This DC voltage
is then converted back into AC. The conversion is typically achieved
through the use of power electronic devices such as IGBT power transistors

using a technique called Pulse Width Modulation (PWM).Theoutput
voltage is turned on and off at a high frequency, with the duration of on-
time, or width of the pulse, controlled to approximate a sinusoidal
waveform. [6]
The entire process is controlled by a microprocessor which monitors the:
i. Incoming voltage supply;
ii. Speed set-point;
iii. DC link voltage; and output voltage and current to ensure operation
of the motor within established parameters.
In the simplest drives or applications, the speed reference is simply a set-
point; however, in more complex applications, the speed reference comes
from a process controller such as a Programmable Logic Controller (PLC)
or a tachometer. Older drive technologies, such as Current Source Inverters
and Variable Voltage Controllers, used SCRs or Thyristors as control
devices. These technologies have now been replaced by the PWM VFD,
which can regulate the speed of an induction motor between 10% to 200%.
Wider speed ranges are possible depending on the model and options
selected. The speed accuracy is affected by the slip of the motor, resulting
in slightly slower operation than the synchronous speed for a given
frequency. The accuracy can be increased greatly by using tachometer
feedback. Extremely precise speed and position control of the motor shaft
can be achieved by using a VFD with Vector Control.
3.10 VFD Voltage to Frequency (v/f) Ratio.
When connected to a VFD, motor speed is no longer fixed by supply
frequency, since the VFD can vary its output frequency. Under perfect
conditions, at zero speed the terminal voltage would also be zero.
Obviously if this was the case then the motor would produce zero torque
and in many cases this would be unacceptable. Also at very low speeds the
motor winding appears more like a resistive load than an inductive load.

To overcome this problem with a general purpose VFD, a degree of fixed
voltage boost is applied at zero speed. As the motor accelerates, a
proportion of fixed boost is replaced by normal V/F ratio until, at some
speed above zero, governed by the amount of fixed boost applied, all boost
is replaced by the normal V/F ratio. If an excessive amount of fixed boost
is applied, the motor can become overheated due to over fluxing. It is also
possible to program the drive to adjust the V/F ratio automatically
according to the load applied to the motor.
Within limits, as the current drawn increases the drive responds to this as
an increase in load and to maintain torque and speed, the drive increases
the terminal voltage, within predefined limits.
If the drive has been programmed correctly, the maximum terminal voltage
will be reached at maximum speed. However, the application can require
that the motor run over speed. Normally, 20% over speed is acceptable,
providing the load can withstand the stresses caused by this additional
speed. Fig. 3-9 illustrates that at maximum speed terminal voltage is at
maximum. Therefore, there can be no increase in voltage due to speed
increases. This point is called the field weakening point, as a constant
motor flux can no longer be maintained. According to the V/F ratio,
therefore the motor torque capability begins to reduce. If the motor
continues to increase in speed, then it passes into an area of operation called
the constant power area. [6]

Fig. 3-9 VFD v/f Ratio
3.11 Comparison with Conventional Control Methods
Fans and pumps are designed to be capable of meeting the maximum
demand of the system in which they are installed. However, quite often the
actual demand could vary and be much less than the designed capacity.
These conditions are accommodated by adding outlet dampers to fans or
throttling valves to pumps. These are effective and simple controls, but
severely affect the efficiency of the system. Using a VFD to control the fan
or pump is a more efficient means of flow control than simple valves or
inlet or outlet dampers. The power input to fans and pumps varies with the
cube of the speed, so even seemingly small changes in speed can greatly
impact the power required by the load. The table below (3-2) shows the
power required by a fan or pump as the speed of the machine is reduced.
Table 3-2 Power Required by a Fan or Pump


4.1 Introduction:
The speed control of three phase induction motor (squirrel-cage
type) by scalar v/f constant ratio has been simulated using
Matlab/Simulink. First scalar V/F control method using conventional
technique such as controlled voltage source without PWM is achieved and
investigated, then the variable frequency drive for induction motors is
achieved using a three phase inverter controlled by SPWM technique is
achieved and modelled (both open and closed loop system) then from the
results it is found that the latter one provides better efficiency and higher
performance. The motor speed, torque the stator current and voltage are
investigated at rate load.
In addition, the harmonic analysis also performed using FFT tool to
observe the harmonics content in Voltage Source Inverter. The closed loop
PI controller was designed at rated load based on dynamic behaviour of
error signal. Where trial and error technique is used to find the proper
parameters of the PI controller (Kp and Ki) at which the motor stays at its
specific reference speed (the desired input speed). PI controller can
eliminate the steady state error to zero if configured with the proper
parameters and provides high performance and smooth speed response.
The block diagrams and the complete mathematical model of the system is
described and simulated in MATLAB/SIMULINK. The simulation results
provide a smooth speed response and high performance that match the
expected theory values.
The induction motor parameters specified in the appendix.
And the motor application is considered as Fan.

4.2 The required Equations:
The rotor speed ω in rad per second is calculated as follow:

ω= Ns*pi/30 ………………(4.1)

Where Ns is the rotor speed in rpm. And

Ns = 120*f/P ……………..(4.2)

Where P is the number of poles and f is the frequency supply.

The nominal/rated current (Irated) is found as follow

Irated = Prated/Vrms ……… ….(4.3)

Where Prated is the motor nominal power in watt and

Vrms is the output voltage of the voltage source controller or the voltage
source inverter.

The rated/nominal Torque is found as follow

Trated = Prated/ω …………….(4.4)

Where ω is rated rotor speed in rad/s.

In case of variable torque load type the value of the K constant is calculated
first as follow

T α ω^2 (as in the case of most fan or pump applications)

T = K ω^2, therefore the constant is

K = T/ω^2 …………..(4.5)

In case of using PWM the output of Voltage source inverter can be found
by using the equation:

Vdc = √2 …………… (4.6)

Where m is the modulation index. And Vdc is the DC source voltage of the
three phase inverter.

The modulating index m can be defined as follow

m=Vp/Vt ……………………(4.7)

where Vp is the peak value of the modulating wave and Vt is the peak value
of the carrier wave. Ideally, m can be varied between 0 and 1 to give a
linear relation between the modulating and output wave.

4.3 Block diagram of open loop system without PWM

Figure 4.1 below displaying the block diagram of open loop system
for controlling the speed using controlled voltage source without PWM.

Fig 4.1 the block diagram of the open loop v/f without PWM

4.3.1 Simulink Model system at rated load without PWM:
The figure 4.2 below showing the model system in Simulink/Matlab that
represents the block diagram in figure 4.1 above. The rotor speed in rad/s
is calculated by Eq.(4.1) which is 149.75 rad/s. the rated current is
calculated by Eq.(4.3) which is 10.07 A.
The rated nominal torque is found by Eq.(4.4) which is 26.9 N.m. the
constant K is found by Eq(4.5) Which is 0.0012 or 1.2*e-3.The block fcn3
is configured to represent the IM application (Fan) where the torque is
proportional to the 1.2*e-3*u(1)^2, u(1) here represents the rotor speed in
rad/s. The blocks Fcn1, Fcn2 and Fcn3 which represent the sine waves are
configured so that they are apart from each other by 120 deg assuming the
first one is reference (phase a).
The repeating sequence is configured to provide ramping function that
change gradually with the simulation time (10 s) with parameters as below:
Time values: [0 0.1 10]
Output values: [0 50 50]
The two inputs u(1) and u(2) of the Mux block represent the voltage
amplitude and the frequency (ωt) respectively, where ωt=2*pi*f*t.
Using conventional scalar v/f control required additional devices such as
controlled voltage source to control both magnitude of voltage and
frequency to keep the v/f ratio constant during the operation and avoiding
any deep saturation of the motor which results in heating the core and
windings which may reduce the life time of the IM or even burning it.

Fig 4.2 The open loop Simulink model of the 3 phase IM without PWM.

4.3.2 Simulation Results of open loop speed control without PWM

The figure 4.3 below shows the results of the scope in Simulink which
represents the time responses of the stator current in the phase a (is-a in A),
the rotor speed in rad/s and the electromagnetic torque Te in N-m
respectively. From the measurements of the oscilloscope the current is as
expected. at starting the current is very high above 30 A which is multiple
times the rated current then it is settle to its steady state value at 10.07 A
rms (the mean value of the noisy signal) as peak 14.24 A after 1 second.
As for the rotor speed measured by the oscilloscope it is also as expected
where the calculated rated speed (149.75 rad/s ) is reached after 1 s (the
simulation time).As for the measured torque Te there are strong oscillation
at starting and that normal because the starting torque is always is about 2
to 2.5 the rated torque, but eventually its steady state value is reached which
is the mean value of the noisy signal 26.9 N-m corresponding to the load
torque at rated speed.

Fig 4.3 The rated stator current, rotor speed (rad/s), and the

electromagnetic torque respectively at rated load torque.
The figure 4.4 below shows the output voltage of the controlled voltage
source that enter the IM this voltage wave should be with frequency equal
to the fundamental frequency 50 Hz. And peak value of 326V

Fig. 4.4 RMS Line voltage at the output of voltage source controller.

The figure 4.5 below shows The fundamental component and total
harmonic distortion (THD=46.69 %) of the Vab voltage. The magnitude of
the fundamental is 321.2 V with required fundamental frequency 50 Hz
which compares well with the theoretical value 326.6 V and that gives good
modulating index m = 321.2/326.6=0.98.

Fig 4.5 The THD in the output voltage of controlled source voltage

4.4 Block diagram of open loop system with PWM (3-phase VSI):
The figure 4.6 below shows the block diagram of open loop system for
controlling the speed of the IM using VSI with SPWM.

Fig 4.6 The block Diagram of the open loop system(SPWM)

4.4.1 Simulink Model Open Loop (SPWM) (3-Phase VSI):

The figure 4.7 below shows the SIMULIK model of the block diagram in
figure 4.6 of open loop speed control with SPWM, Where DC voltage
source value is found by Eq (4.6) assuming m=1 which is about 650V,in

case of IM this Vdc represents the output of the three phase inverter coming
out through the bus-link. the repeating sequence1 is configured in same
manner as in the section 4.3.2 to act as ramping function. and so that the
function blocks that represent the three sine waves fcn1,fcn2 and fcn3 are
phase shifted by 120 deg.

Fig 4.7 open loop Simulink model at rated load

4.4.2 Simulation Results of open loop speed control (3-Phase VSI)

The figure 4.10 below shows the results of all three output responses, at
starting it has been noticed that the stator current is increased gradually to
high value then it decreases and eventually it reaches its steady-state value
of 10.07 A RMS (14.2 A as peak), as for the rotor speed (rad/s) it has been
noticed the speed increases gradually in smooth manner with little
oscillations and then it reaches its steady-state value of 149.75 rad/s. As for
the electromagnetic torque it increases gradually and smooth manner to its
starting value with some oscillations but eventually it reaches its steady-
state value of 26.9 N-m corresponding to the rated load torque.

Fig 4.10 the rated stator current, rotor speed(rad/s),and the
electromagnetic torque respectively at rated load.

The figure show the THD (Total Harmonics Distortion) of the stator
current at magnitude of 10 A and with the fundamental frequency of 50

Fig 4.11 THD of the stator current is-a.

The figure shows the output voltage of VSI which gives mean values of
326 V that fit with the maximum magnitude of the RMS voltage value of
the IM which is 326.6 V.

Fig 4.12 The RMS voltage output of the VSI

4.5 Block diagram of close loop system
The figure 4.13 below shows the block diagrams of closes loop
system it consists of PI (Proportional Integral) controller, VSI (Voltage
Source Inverter) which used SPWM technique and three phase induction
motor. In addition to the feedback signal which represent the actual
measured speed of the IM. The ref speed it represents the required speed
that need to be kept during operating of the IM.

Fig 4.13 The Block diagram of closed loop v/f scalar control of IM

4.5.1 The Simulink Model of closed loop speed control

The figure 4.14 shows the SIMULINK model of the block diagram of the
closed loop system mentioned in figure 4.13. the constant block represents
the reference speed 1400 rpm that must be kept during motor operating.

Fig 4.14 The closed loop Simulink model with VSI used SPWM.

The figures 4.15 and 4.16 show how the parameters of the repeating
sequences and the functions (sine waves) blocks are adjusted

Fig 4.15 Showing the parameters of the Repeating Sequence

Fig 4.16 Showing the parameters of the Fcn blocks first one

4.5.2 Mathematical model of PI controller
The PI (proportional-plus-integral) controller is one of the most common
controller that used in the industry not just to improve the steay-state error
and eliminate it but also to improve the dynamic response of the system by
adjusting its parameters Kp and Ki the desired response can achieved.
The equation of the PI controller is:
U(s) = (Kp + Ki/s)E(s) ………..(4.8)
Where U(s) is the output of the PI controller which represent the control
signal and Kp is the proportional gain and Ki is the integral gain and E(s)
is the error signal which act as the input of the PI controller.
The parameters values of Kp and Ki are adjusted using trail and error
starting at random chosen values to obtain the best value that meet the
requirement and keeping the desired input speed (the reference input) at
1400 rpm, and the optimized values of the parameter are found as follow
Kp = 0.0001 and
Ki = 0.2405
4.5.3 Simulation Result of close loop speed control at rated load
The figure 4.17 shows the results of oscilloscope for all three time
responses of the stator current (A), the rotor speed (rad/s) and the
electromagnetic torque Te (N-m). It has been noticed that the starting
current is-a is reduced very much comparing to the open loop control speed
which save energy in the electrical bill.the rotor speed also increases
gradually and then it kept and follows it reference value and stay at speed
of 1400 rpm. As for the starting torque it increases gradually in smooth
manner to its starting value then it reaches its steady state value which is
26.9 N-m

Fig 4.17 display the rated stator current, speed rotor and the torque at
rated load

Fig 4.18 Display the stator current is for phase A and the THD
From the results it has been found thatKp and Ki both affect the response
of the closed loop system where Kp causes increase in the maximum output
of the transient response and cannot eliminate the steady state error also it
reduces the rise time, whereas the Ki can eliminate the steady state error
but on other hand it may cause increasing the output oscillation which may
results in unstable system, also the effect of Ki take long time to response
which mean slow response time. By choosing the correct values of the
parameters of the PI controller It has been found that motor measure speed
efficiently follows the reference speed of 1400 rpm. In addition to that the
starting current is much reduced.
It can be concluded that by proper designing of PI (Prortional Integral)
controller help much in reducing and eliminating the steady state error and
reducing the stator current thus high performance and good speed response
is achieved.
As for open loop it considered cheap and effective and can treats constant
speed application, but on the other hand the starting current in the open
loop system is high that causes drop voltage and makes the life time of the
IM is shorter. In contrast with the closed loop PI controller system the

starting current is very less and PI controller can improve steady state but
the PI controller may cost more.
The figures 4.19 and 4.20 showing the parameters of the IM that used in
the Simulink
4.5.4 The parameters of the IM used in Simulink

Fig 4.19 showing the parameter of used IM

Fig 4.20 showing values of resistors, inductance of rotor and stator

5.1 Conclusion
The v/f scalar speed control of three phase induction motor has been
studied first without PWM then with SPWM for open and close loop. It
can be concluded that by proper designing a PI speed controller help much
in reducing and eliminating the steady state error and reducing the stator
current thus high performance and good speed response is achieved.
As for open loop it considered cheap and effective and can treats constant
speed application, but on the other hand the starting current in the open
loop system is high that cause drop voltage and make the life time of the
IM is shorter. In contrast with the closed loop PI controller system the
starting current is very less and PI controller can improve steady state but
the PI controller can cost more.
The optimal choice of the electric motor and the adequate VFD, and how
to deal with them determine the extent of the electrical engineer`s
The device used in this application provides very low switching losses, and
also very fast operating speed. It is inexpensive versus much benefits
whose obtained. Higher operating speed gives higher performance that is
high starting torque and good performance at lower speeds. Furthermore,
we can save energy up to maximum limit by controlling the motor speed.
Additional benefits obtained in the followings:
i. Better process control and regulation.
ii. Speeding up or slowing down a machine or process.
iii. Inherent power-factor correction.
iv. Bypass capability in the event of an emergency.
v. Protection from overload currents.
vi. Safe acceleration.

Installation profile and wiring (diagrams, quantities, and sizing) tend with
the corresponding (Induction Motor and Variable Frequency Drive).

5.2 Recommendations
- Its recommended when using V/F control speed to consider first the
cost so if good dynamic performance is required then it’s better to
use Space vector technique, whereas in case of constant speed it is
enough to use V/F scalar.
- This application is ready for using PID controller.
- To meet the modern control method it is available for using PLC or
Fuzzy control systems.


[1] Basic Electrical Engineering, publishing by the Tata MacGraw –

Hill Publishing company limited, 7west patel Negar, New Delh
110 008.
[2] Electrical Machines – II, M. V. Bakshi "2009".
[3] NCSW Publications: 1924 – 1962: Authors, Bibliography, Key
[4] www.greenfoodpi.com
[5] What is a Boiler: introduction to Boillers – Forbes Marshall.
[6] Honeywell "VFD, Application Gide, 63 – 7062.
[7] Claiton Moro Franchi "Electrical Machine Drives".
[8] www.mathworks.com
[9] M. V. Bakashi, U. A. Bakashi "Modern Control Theory".

Physical and Environmental Issues
VFDs must be selected to ensure that they have adequate protection
from their environmental conditions. VFDs are usually mounted into an
electrical enclosure with other electrical devices, or as a standalone unit in
its own enclosure. NEMA has determined standard enclosure types to
protect electrical equipment and to protect people from exposure to that
equipment for standard environmental conditions.
They are designated as in Table.

Table: NEMA’s Standard Enclosure Types
More detailed description for commonly used enclosure types:
Type 1—Enclosures constructed for indoor use to provide a degree of
protection to personnel against access to hazardous parts and to provide a
degree of protection for the equipment inside the enclosure against the
ingress of solid foreign objects (falling dirt).
Type 2—Enclosures constructed for indoor use to provide a degree of
protection to personnel against access to hazardous parts, to provide a
degree of protection for the equipment inside the enclosure against the
ingress of solid foreign objects (falling dirt) and to provide a degree of
protection with respect to harmful effects on the equipment due to the
ingress of water (dripping and light splashing).
Type 3—Enclosures constructed for either indoor or outdoor use to
provide a degree of protection to personnel against access to hazardous
parts, to provide a degree of protection of the equipment inside the
enclosure against the ingress of solid foreign objects (falling dirt and
windblown dust), to provide a degree of protection with respect to harmful
effects on the equipment due to the ingress of water (rain, sleet, snow) and
that will be undamaged by the external formation of ice on the enclosure.
Type 4X—Enclosures constructed for either indoor or outdoor use to
provide a degree of protection to personnel against access to hazardous
parts, to provide a degree of protection for the equipment inside the
enclosure against the ingress of solid foreign objects (windblown dust), to
provide a degree of protection with respect to harmful effects on the
equipment due to the ingress of water (rain, sleet, snow, splashing water,
and hose directed water), to provide an additional level of protection
against corrosion and that will be undamaged by the external formation of
ice on the enclosure.

In addition to protection from contamination and the ingress of dirt, dust,
water, etc., operation within the following limits would be considered usual
operating conditions:
. Exposure to an ambient temperature in the range of -15˚C to 40˚C.
. Exposure to an altitude that does not exceed 3300 feet (1000 meters).
. Installation on a rigid mounting surface.
. Installation in areas or supplementary enclosures that do not seriously
interfere with the ventilation of the drive.
Basic Configurations
The following are the most common devices used in motor control branch
operated by VFD. Adequate peripheral devices must be selected and
correct connections made to ensure proper VFD operation. An incorrectly
applied or installed VFD can result in system malfunction or reduction in
product life as well as component damage.

Installation and Wiring
i. Installation
Safety Precautions:
- Handle VFD with care to prevent damage to the plastic components. Do
not hold VFD by the front cover.
- Do not mount VFD on the equipment with excessive vibration above 5.9
- Install VFD in a location where temperature is within the permissible
range 14~104°F (-10~40°C).
- Install it on a non-combustible surface because VFD generates heat
during normal operation.
- Mount VFD vertically (top up) for proper heat dissipation. Provide
sufficient clearance for an airflow around VFD. Increase minimum
clearance by one inch for 50~75HP VFDs, by two inches for 100~150HP
VFDs, by three inches for 200~300HP VFDs, by four inches for
350~700HP VFDs to provide sufficient cooling airflow (look fig.4.8).
- Do not mount VFD in direct sunlight or near other heat sources.
- VFD shall be mounted in a Pollution Degree 2 environment. If VFD is
going to be installed in an environment with a high probability of dust,
metallic particles, mists, corrosive gas or other contaminants, the VFD
must be mounted inside the appropriate electrical enclosure with proper
NEMA, UL or IP rating and adequate cooling. If VFD is mounted inside
enclosure, the maximum allowed ambient temperature would be 12°F less
than VFD rating (104°F-12°F= 92°F). If VFD is de-rated by 20%, the
maximum allowed ambient temperature for it will be increased to 122°F
and for the enclosed VFD to 110°F (122°F-12°F= 110°F). If VFD is
enclosed in ventilated enclosure and installed in direct sun light, the
maximum ambient temperature for gray enclosure will be approximately
25°F less than VFD rating (104°F-25°F= 79°F) and for 20% de-rated VFD

97°F (122°F-25° F= 97°F). Thus, the VFD for direct sun light installation
should be enclosed in an air-conditioned enclosure. For white enclosures
the temperature difference is about 15°F.
- Mount VFD using proper screws or bolts.

Figure VFD installation

ii. Wiring
Safety Precautions:
- Do not connect input power to VFD Motor Terminals U, V, and W
otherwise VFD can be damaged.
- Do not run input power and motor wires in the same conduit, otherwise
the VFD can malfunction or be damaged.
- Do not run input power wires or motor leads for multiple VFDs in
common conduit.
- Do not connect power factor correction capacitors, surge suppressors, or
RFI filters on the VFD output. These devices can trigger some VFD faults
or even damage the VFD.
- Use ring type terminals for the VFD power wiring.
- Do not leave wire fragments, metal shavings or other metal objects inside
the VFD, otherwise VFD can be damaged.

- Size power wire to maintain a voltage drop less than 2% at VFD or motor
General Wiring Standards
Sensitive equipment should not be installed within 1 foot of the VFD and
its associated input and output cables. Parallel runs ofany control signal
cables and the input and output cables should be avoided.
Where this is not possible then the control cablesshould be correctly
shielded but not installed with 1 foot of the input and output cables of the
VFD. See Fig.

Fig. Distances to keep as short as possible.

Where control signal cables need to cross VFD input and output cables this
should be done at right angles with no parallel runs. See Fig.

Fig. Locating filter and VFD control signal cables.

Basic Power wiring for 7.5~700HP (5.5~450kW) VFDs.

a) Do not connect any wires except dynamic braking unit to P1(+), P2(+)
and N(-) terminals.
b) Do not remove the jumper between terminals P1(+) & P2(+) except for
DC bus reactor wiring.
a) Connect a dedicated ground wire from power transformer or power
distribution panel to VFD ground terminal and dedicated ground wire
from VFD to the motor for ground fault protection proper operation.
If metalconstruction or conduits are used as a ground leak current path,
the VFD can have inadequate grounding and ground fault protection.
b) Ground VFD to the power source ground and motor ground to avoid
electrical shock. The ground impedance for 230VAC VFDs should be
less than 100 Ω and 10 Ω for 460VAC and 600VAC VFDs.
c) Connect ground wire first before any other wires and only connect it to
the dedicated ground terminal of the VFD. Do not use the case or the
chassis assembly screws for grounding.
d) VFD Grounding wire should be as short as possible.
e) Do not install a ground rod at VFD package if it is not a service entrance
rated panel, otherwise the VFD cannot provide proper ground fault
protection or it can intermittently trip on Ground Fault.

Speed Control Potentiometer Wiring
VFD speed control potentiometer wiring with VFD internal 12VDC power
supply (see fig. 4.11). The recommended potentiometer parameters:
Resistance from 1kΩ to 10kΩ and Wattage 0.5W or higher. The multi-turn
potentiometer provides more precise speed adjustment compare to a single-
turn potentiometer. The internal power supply provides 12VDC and in
order to have full range of speed control by potentiometer, change the I/O-
04 parameter from 10VDC to 12VDC.

Figure Potentiometer Wiring

Digital and analogue control circuits terminals layout

Control Inputs and Outputs Description

Wire sizes and terminal lugs

Control Circuits Wiring

The CM and 5G terminals are isolated from each other and from the
ground. Do not connect these terminals to the ground, otherwise it can
cause some electrical noise in control circuits and unstable VFD operation
or malfunction. Use shielded cable or twisted wires for 24VDC digital
control circuits wiring and separate these wires from the main power and
motor wiring and other high voltage circuits. Use shielded cable for
analogue control circuits with shield connected to the ground.
Control terminals layout and recommended wire gauge.

NPN and PNP 24VDC Digital Control Modes

P Series provides Sink or Source (NPN or PNP) modes for digital control
inputs. The digital inputs configurations are selectable by J1 switch
between Sink mode (NPN) and Source mode (PNP).
• Sink (NPN) mode. Put J1 switch down to NPN position. CM terminal (-
24VAC) is common terminal for digital inputs. The factory default is Sink
mode (NPN).

• Source (PNP) mode with internal power supply. Put J1 switch up to PNP
position. Terminal 24 (+24VDC) is common terminal for digital inputs.

VFD Programming Keypad (LCD Keypad)

LCD keypad can display up to 32 alphanumeric characters, and various
settings can be checked directly from the display. The following pictures
are a dimensional drawing and illustration of the keypad.

Display Description

* The VFD displays a true value of a motor current measured by Hall Effect
current sensors. The most of the current clamp meters have inductive
current sensors and cannot properly read a VFD output current with high
frequency components.

Programming the VFD Parameters
Finding a desired parameter in the parameter group is the same as finding
a desired line on the book page- scroll Up or Down. The following steps
illustrate how to find the desired parameter used for changing.
i. Press [MODE] key until the desired parameter group is
ii. Press [▲] or [▼] keys to scroll to the desired parameter. If you
know the desired parameter number, you can set its number in
the first parameter #00 “Jump code” of any parameter group
(except SET
and DRV groups) and after pressing [ENT] key display will show
that parameter.
iii. Press [ENT] key to enter the programming mode, which is
indicated by a flashing cursor.
iv. Press [▲] or [▼] keys to change parameter selection or [SHIFT]
key to move the cursor to the right to the desired digit.
v. Press [▲] or [▼] keys to change the digit in numerical parameter
vi. Press [ENT] key to finish programming for this parameter. The
flashing cursor disappears.
.Some parameters cannot be changed during run mode and a flashing
cursor will not appear. If Parameter Lock function activated in parameter
FU2-94, all parameters are protected from programming.
. If two or more parameters are set to the same function, the “Overlap”
message can be displayed.

Control Modes
Easy Start Mode
Easy Start mode allows controlling VFD start/stop from keypad. This
mode is activated by pressing [STOP] key on the Keypad for more than 3
seconds when VFD is at stop mode and VFD is ready for operation via
Keypad (FWD/REV RUN and STOP). The Drive mode is set to V/F and

frequency reference to JOG. Press [SHIFT] key when VFD is in stop mode
in order to exit Easy Start mode.
Keypad Control Mode

Function settings and Descriptions

All VFD parameters have default factory settings based on application and
can be changed in programming mode. Some parameters have critical role
in VFD operation and motor protection and can be changed only in stop
mode. The VFD will run a motor with default settings but for better
performance and reliable operation it is recommended to set motor data,
control and protection features based on the application. The following
table shows common parameter settings that should be checked before
VFD start up.

Function parameters settings

* Note: The synchronous speed is a speed of the motor winding magnetic

field without slip. Round the motor nameplate RPM to determine this
speed. Example: 1750RPM is 1800RPM Synchronous with 50RPM slip
and 3450RPM is 3600RPM Synchronous with 150RPM slip.
Function parameters descriptions

Trouble shooting and fault display
i. Trouble shooting

ii. Fault display


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