Method Statement For Roof Water Proofing

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Project: Rolling Stock Component

Factory, Lote, Ratnagiri,

Konkan Railways

Method Statement for Roof/ Terrace Waterproofing

DOC. No: KRCL/TPL/Civil/MS/011, Rev 0.0

Prepared Reviewed Approved Approved

by Reviewed by Reviewed by by by by
Mr. Mr.
Mr. Nikhil
Tanumoy Mr.Shanmuga Yogesh
Mr. Nirbhay kumar Nawale
Name Banerjee Sundar Mudgal
(EHS Dept.) (EHS
(QA-QC (Civil dept.) (Civil
Dept.) Dept.)


1. Purpose

2. Reference standards

3. Materials

4. Equipment

5. Responsibilities

6. Procedure

7. Quality Control

8. Documentation

9. Safety Aspect

This method Statement describes the construction process to execute the waterproofing of roof/terrace as per
approved specifications in planned and systematic manner.


a) Approved drawings
b) Technical Specifications- Architectural & Structural
c) IS 2645

a) Cement (Approved Make)
b) Screened Sand (Approved Source)
c) Water proofing compound(Dr. Fixit Roofseal)
d) Water
e) Brick bat Coba

The equipment to be used for the application of the above products shall be in good working order
complying with the manufacturers recommendations.

a. Trowels
b. Mechanical mixing machine
c. Hammer
d. Scrapers
e. Wire Brushes
f. Chisel
g) Spade
h) Iron/Plastic pan


a) The RCM shall be responsible for all the activities of work execution.

b) The site engineer shall be the responsible to execute the work as per the approved method statement. Ensure
operatives are working in accordance with method statement.

c) The supervisor shall be responsible for managing site execution and control of labours, materials &
tools/tackles for the work.

d) The surveyor shall be responsible for the level, co-ordinate checking with respect to the drawing.
Work with site engineer to carry out the as- built survey/ top of concrete if any.

e) The QC engineer shall be responsible for ensuring the quality of work as per the Technical
specifications & Method statement. FQP implementation and ensuring the quality of work execution.

f) The safety officer shall be responsible to ensure the safety of workers during the progress of work.

After Surface cleaning need 24 hours slab flooded with water to identify the leakage from down side of
slab after rectifying for next treatment shall proceed.

a) Surface Preparation

In the case of existing treatment, the coating on the slab top shall be removed, and surface
cleaned by hard wire brush and washed with water. In the case of a new slab to be cast, the surface of the
concrete must be roughened by scraping. In case the slab has already been cast, and the surface is fairly
finished, the same shall be cleaned neatly of all mortar droppings, loose materials, etc.
The main aim of the surface preparation is to make the surface of the slab free from any oil, grease, dust,
etc. Proper measures shall be adopted for all structural cracks as per standard practice. Need to check and
open the crack with ‘v’ shape treatment with chemical filled with coat.

b) Application of Slurry and Base Coat
The slurry is prepared with cement, water & waterproofing compound (Dr. Fixit Roofseal or
same, quantity of waterproofing compound not more than 3% of the waterproofing compound shall be
used per 50 Kg of grey cement.) to a required consistency. It shall be applied over the dampened surface
with brushes very carefully, including the joints between the floor slab and the parapet wall, holes on the
surfaces and joints of pipes in masonry or concrete (upto 300mm finish surface).

The prescribed quantity of slurry application is 2.75 Kg of cement per Sqm. The pot life of the slurry shall be

considered as 1/2 hour. The use of the slurry should continue up to a height of 300 mm over the parapet wall from

the finish top.

The laying of a 20mm thick base coat is carried out soon after the application of slurry when the application is still

green. The cement plaster of 25mm to 40mm mm thick with a mix ratio of 1:5) is evenly applied over the concrete


c) Placing of Brickbat coba

While the base coat is still green, brickbats of the size (65mm to 120mm) are placed with a gap of
15 and 20mm. The brickbats shall be wholly burnt and are well soaked overnight before laying.

Once after laying of brickbats, curing is carried out for a minimum of 24 hrs after which, the gaps between
the brickbats are filled with the same mix mortar used for base coat.

d) Laying of Protective Coat

A waterproofing compound (Dr. Fixit Roofseal) confirming to IS 2645 is blended with the
cement water mixture as per the manufacture specification. However, not more than 3 % of the
waterproofing compound shall be used per 50 Kg of cement.

A cement mortar of a 1:4 ratio is prepared with the waterproofing compound and applied over the
surface, including the haunches/ gola and 300mm on the parapet wall.

The surface is neatly finished with the help of wooden / steel hand float. The finished surface shall
be allowed to dry for a while till a string mark can easily be made on the surface when 300mm x
300mm square marks shall be made over the entire surface. After 300mm hunch / gola vertical
plaster should be over lapped like drop down

e) Curing

The entire surface thus treated shall be flooded with water by making bunds with low
cement mortar. The curing shall be carried out for a minimum period of 2 weeks.


a) Only screened sand of approved source to be used to prepare cement slurry.

b) It should be ensured that all work will be ensured by TPL QC team & Client or Consultant.
c) Mock up to be done for this activity prior to commencement of waterproofing activity.

a) Drawing.
b) Site log/Register/Checklist

a) All supervisory staff in general and Safety supervisor / steward in particular should be
continuously monitoring the activity during operations.
b) Safety supervisor / steward should ensure that Hazard Identification & Risk Analysis (HIRA) is
followed for this particular process.
c) Construction Engineer should ensure that all staff and workers on site are wearing PPE.
d) Construction Engineer / Safety steward should report any incident immediately to Safety Officer
/ Engineer.


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