Smart Breathable Fabric: N S. S, M J A K. A
Smart Breathable Fabric: N S. S, M J A K. A
Smart Breathable Fabric: N S. S, M J A K. A
Scoured and bleached cotton fabric of density 1.34 g m2, with both warp
and weft of linear density 148 dtex and a thread density in plain weave of
60 ends and 28 picks per 10 mm was used in the experiments. The fabric
was used after washing it at a temperature of 60 C with 1 g L1 of nonionic
1,2,3,4-Butanetetracarboxylic acid (98þ%) (BTCA) was obtained from
Lancaster Synthesis, Morecambe, England. Sodium hypophosphite (98%)
was obtained from GS Chemical Testing Lab & Allied Industries, Mumbai.
Poly(acrylamide) and poly(N-tert-butylacrylamide-ran-acrylamide) in the
composition of 27 : 73 was synthesized using the method described
elsewhere [9].
Based on our earlier study [10], BTCA was selected as a cross-linker, while
sodium hypophosphite was used as a catalyst. The concentrations of BTCA
were selected based on our earlier studies [8,10]. The cross-linker (BTCA)
concentration was kept at 50 mol%, which was calculated on the basis of
available amide groups in the polymer. The catalyst concentration was
varied between 0.05 and 0.5 wt%.
Coating of Fabrics
The required amount of the cross-linker BTCA and the catalyst (sodium
hypophosphite) were added to the polymer solutions and used for coating
conc. (Mol % Weight of
of available BTCA Add-on (%) Wt. loss (%)
amide groups (g 100 g1 Number of (dried
Sample in polymer) of solution) coatings weight) Ist wash IInd wash
Control – – – – – –
SSP50-1 50 4.961 Single 13.36 2.3 Zero
SSP50-2 50 4.961 Double 22.76 11.93 Zero
SSP50-3 50 4.961 Triple 43.21 6.53 Zero
PAM50-3 * 0.9922** Triple 24.00 11.95 Zero
The transition properties were evaluated for the SSP-coated fabrics for
transition temperature of swelling and deswelling, kinetics of transition, and
thermoreversiblity. All the samples were washed twice prior to the test.
The transition temperature of the SSP-coated fabric was evaluated by
measuring its swelling percentage (water uptake) with temperature in the
range of 6–80 C. The coated fabric was placed in a water bath at a given
temperature, till the equilibrium was achieved. The swollen coated fabric
was weighed on a microbalance after gently pressing it between two layers of
filter paper. To remove the effect of water absorbed by the substrate fabric,
separate experiments were conducted to estimate the water retained by the
substrate (uncoated control fabric) at different temperatures. The absorbed
water by uncoated fabric was found to be 91% at 6 C and 86% at 80 C.
Several readings were taken to estimate the variation in reading, which came
out to be 2%.
The swelling percentage at any given temperature was taken as:
where, Wt is the weight of the coated fabric at time ‘t,’ here ‘t,’ is at
equilibrium; Wwet fabric is the weight of the wet substrate (uncoated fabric)
at the test temperature; and Wdry coating is the dry weight of coating.
The kinetics of transition was evaluated by immersing the SSP-coated
samples in water at 6 C, and recording the % swelling with time as given
above. Similarly, the deswelling kinetics was obtained, by placing the swollen
coated samples at 80 C and recording the swelling % with respect to time.
The reversibility of the thermal transitions was studied by placing the
coated sample in double distilled water repeatedly at temperatures of 6
and 80 C for five cycles. The samples were placed at each temperature for
30 min. The swelling % was evaluated as presented above.
The water vapor permeability of the fabric samples (both coated and
uncoated) was evaluated at different environmental conditions using
the British Standards, BS 7209:1990. The experimentation was carried out
in an Environmental Test Chamber (ETC) fabricated by International
Equipments, Mumbai. The ETC was designed to maintain temperature
with an accuracy of 0.5 C and relative humidity at 1% in a chamber of
dimensions 460 492 606 mm3. Inside the chamber, a turntable of
diameter 402 mm was revolved at a speed of 6 revolutions per minute,
using a microcontroller. Four water-filled cups with mouth surface area of
3000 mm2 were placed toward the periphery of the turntable. The mouths
of the water-filled cups were covered with the test samples. The air gap
between the water surface and the samples was kept at 10 mm. The samples
were secured with adhesive tape. In each experiment, four samples were
evaluated: two SSP copolymer-coated fabrics, one poly(acrylamide)-coated
fabric, and one uncoated control fabric. The experiments were carried out
under different conditions of temperature and relative humidity. Three
temperatures used were 15 C, a temperature below the transition, where the
polymer coating exists in the swollen state, 30 C, a temperature at the center
of the transition, and 45 C, a temperature above the transition, where the
polymer coating exists in a deswollen state. The different relative humidity
conditions were 20, 35, 65, and 95%.
The fabric samples, secured to the beakers, were conditioned for 12 h
at the test parameters, prior to the test. The beakers were weighed at the
start of the test. The samples were tested at a given temperature and relative
humidity for a predetermined time (‘t’ h), and the water vapor transmission
rate (WVTR) was calculated by measuring the loss of water in the beakers
using the following equation:
The add-on percentage obtained for the various coated samples is given
in Table 1. A poly(acrylamide)-coated (nonresponsive) sample was also
Coating Evenness
the hydroxyl groups of the cellulosic structure [11]. Further, BTCA has four
carboxylic acid groups compared to three in citric acid resulting in higher
efficiency of cross-linking.
Transition Properties
Rate of Transition
It was found that the SSP-coated samples showed a fairly quick response
to swelling and even quicker response to deswelling. Samples SSP50-1 and
SSP50-2 attained their equilibrium values (swelling %) in approximately
5 and 20 min, respectively, while SSP50-3 took a substantially longer time
of about 1440 min (Figure 1).
The significantly longer time taken by SSP50-3 can be explained on the
basis of thicker coatings due to substantially higher add-on (43.21%), as
compared to 22.76 and 13.36% for the double- and single-coated samples.
As swelling and deswelling are diffusion-controlled processes, thicker films
are expected to take a longer time for the transition.
The samples SSP50-1, SSP50-2, and SSP50-3 showed identical swelling
percentages at equilibrium irrespective of their add-on percentage (or
Swelling (%)
600 SSP50-3
0.1 1 10 100 1000 10000
Time (minutes)
FIGURE 1. Swelling rate below transition temperature of the SSP-coated fabrics.
Swelling %
0 10 20 30 40 50 60
Time (minutes)
FIGURE 2. Deswelling rate above transition temperature of SSP-coated fabrics.
The deswelling time showed a similar trend to that observed for swelling
time (Figure 2). The samples with higher add-on percentage SSP50-3
took longest to deswell (i.e., 30 min), while SSP50-2 and SSP50-1 showed
complete deswelling within 5 and 1 min, respectively.
Transition Temperature
0 1 2 3 4 5
FIGURE 3. Cyclability of transition in SSP-coated fabrics.
600 SSP50-3
Swelling (%)
0 20 40 60 80
Temperature ( C)
FIGURE 4. Transition temperature of SSP-coated fabrics.
15–40 C. In comparison, in our earlier studies [10], the films of the same
copolymer cast on glass substrate had resulted in much sharper transition
at around 21 C. The broad transition may be because of the heterogeneous
composition of the structure. Since the cross-linking density between
the polymer chains and the cotton substrate may vary locally in this
composition, the multiplicity in the transition may result in the overall
broad response of the SSP-coated fabric. The occurrence of the above
transition over a broad temperature range is similar to that observed for
grafted poly(N-isopropylacrylamide) on cellulose substrates [12,13]. In
grafted samples, the transition was reported to occur in the temperature
range of 20–40 C, compared to the sharp transition observed in gels of
poly(N-isopropylacrylamide) (at 32 C).
Water Permeability
SSP50-1 80 60
SSP50-2 380 300
SSP50-3 740 580
PAM50-3 1280 800
FIGURE 5. Scanning electron micrographs at 50 of the SSP-coated fabrics (a) before
and (b) after washing.
Air Permeability
The air permeability values are given in Table 3. The air permeability
of the coated fabrics was found to be 1–3 orders of magnitude lower than
the uncoated fabric sample. The air permeability of the coated fabric was
found to reduce drastically with increase in the number of coatings or
add-on %. Interestingly, the poly(acrylamide)-coated fabric (PAM50-3) with
add-on similar to SSP50-2 showed a value lower by one order of magnitude.
This difference in air permeability may be attributed to the presence of
pores as mentioned above. On washing the samples, only a small increase
in the air permeability values was observed. This indicates the proper
integration of the SSP layer to the fabric. As expected, air permeability value
could not be detected for the SSP-coated samples with very high add-ons
(SSP50-3). In these samples, the air permeability value did not change even
after washing treatment, indicating continuity of the coated film at a high
add-on %.
Control 22.34 –
SSP50-1 7.365 12.346
SSP50-2 0.6943 0.8482
SSP50-3 Beyond Beyond
lower range lower range
of detection of detection
PAM50-3 0.0236 0.0529
Control 1174 2600 6391 968 1926 5491 452 1216 4385 47 126 4551
PAM50-3 827 1957 6113 585 1113 5272 364 796 4138 42 93 4068
SSP50-2 681 1288 6007 442 978 4756 290 744 3452 32 97 3981
values was smaller as the relative humidity of the ETC was increased. This
may be because WVTR values decrease as the relative humidity is increased.
At a relative humidity of 95%, the WVTR values at low temperature are so
small that their relative differences cannot be compared.
The WVTR values of the SSP-coated fabrics tend to approach those
of the poly(acrylamide)-coated fabrics at a temperature higher than the
transition temperature. However, they remain a little lower than the
poly(acrylamide)-coated fabrics. There appear to be two mechanisms by
which water vapor is transmitted across the SSP- and poly(acrylamide)-
coated fabrics. First is through the microcracks present in the coating
and second by the diffusion of water molecules through the hydrophilic
polymer coating. The lower WVTR values of the SSP-coated fabrics may
be attributed to the presence of hydrophobic moieties in the coating. The
diffusion of water molecules largely depends upon their molecular
interaction with the polymer chains [14], which may get adversely affected
with the presence of hydrophobic pendent group, N-tert-butylacrylamide,
in the stimuli-sensitive copolymer.
The SSP-coated fabrics act as a switch to control the transmission of
water vapor. At 15 C, the SSP coating exists in a swollen state by absorb-
ing water from the surroundings. This may result in the closure of the
microcracks. While, at a temperature higher than the transition tempera-
ture, the SSP coating exists in collapsed state, due to the predominance
of hydrophobic interactions, and results in the opening of the microcracks.
Another factor which may affect is the change in diffusion flux, which is
governed by changes in both the diffusion coefficient and diffusion path of
water molecules through the swollen or collapsed coating. As a consequence
of these two factors, the diffusion flux is likely to decrease at a lower
temperature compared to higher temperatures.