ARA Policy On Product Specifications

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The African Refiners Association (ARA), founded in 2006, has consistently campaigned
for improved fuel specifications as a partial solution to raising air quality in Africa.
1) ARA supports the application of AFRI specifications across Africa. The objective is
that these will be adopted by the African Union as the official African Road Map for
fuel specs.

2) African governments should take the necessary actions to ensure that fuel quality
meets AFRI 4 by 2020 and AFRI 5 by 2030

3) Governments should take into account all socio-economic benefits of maintaining a

refining structure to help raise the finance needed to upgrade refineries to meet
the AFRI Roadmap

4) Improving fuel quality needs to be accompanied by laws restricting the age and
quality of vehicle imports and the introduction of a comprehensive vehicle
maintenance, inspection and testing programme

5) Harmonisation of regional fuel specifications should be developed along natural

supply chains to reduce bulk transportation costs and to optimise regional logistic
infrastructure. Regional harmonisation of taxes, excise duties and subsidies will
help reduce smuggling and adulteration of fuels.

6) ARA Members will work with their governments and regional economic
communities to encourage the implementation of the above actions and implement
the necessary regulatory framework.

This policy is based on several landmark studies carried out by the ARA as outlined in
the Annexe below

Abidjan March 2017

The voice of african downstream oil Legal Headquarters Operational Headquarters Tel +225 22446616
La voix de l'aval pétrolier africain ARA Lot 70 Rue des Cannas Fax +225 22484348
‫صوت مصب النفط األفريقي‬ 1200 Geneva Ilot 6 B Danga Sud | Cocody Danga | Abidjan | Email [email protected]
Switzerland Côte d’Ivoire | PO Box: 08 BP 2565 Abidjan 08 website

1) Establishment of the AFRI Specs in 2007

The AFRI 1 to 4 specifications were designed as a “road map” for African governments to improve product quality
with a goal of achieving AFRI-4 by 2020. AFRI 5 was added in 2012

Property AFRI-1 AFRI-2 AFRI-3 AFRI-4 AFRI-5

RON, min. (1) 91 91 91 91 91


MON, min. 81 81 81 81 81
Lead content, mg/l max.(4) 5 5 5 5 5
Sulphur content, mg/kg, max. 1000 500 300 150 50
to be to be
Benzene content, v ol%, max. 5 1 1
reported reported
Aromatics, v ol%, max. n/a n/a n/a n/a 42
Density at 15°C, kg/m³ min-max n/a n/a n/a n/a 725-780
RVP, kPa, max. n/a n/a n/a n/a 65
Ethanol content, v ol%, max.(2) 5 5 5 10 10

1. A higher grade of gasoline may be marketed if required.

2. Imported gasoline to be free from oxygenates.
3. In cases of dispute ASTM D3244 / EN ISO 4259 shall be used.
4. No intentional addition of lead.

Property AFRI-1 AFRI-2 AFRI-3 AFRI-4 AFRI-5

Sulphur content, mg/kg mass, max. 8000 3500 500 50 50
Density at 15°C, kg/m³, min - max. 800 - 890 800 - 890 800 - 890 820 - 880 820 - 880

Cetane Index (calculated), min. 42 45 45 45 46

Cetane Number, min. n/a n/a n/a n/a 49
Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons
n/a n/a n/a n/a 11
(PAH), mass %, max.
to be to be
Lubricity (HFRR @ 60 °C), micron, max. 460 460 460
reported reported
Oxidation stability (Hr) (1) 20 20 20 20 20
FAME content, v ol%, max. 7 7 7 7 7

1. Applicable only to gas oil / diesel containing more than 2 % v /v FAME.

2. In cases of dispute ASTM D3244 / EN ISO 4259 shall be used.

2) World Bank/ARA Health and refining study (2009)

This landmark study used modelling techniques to assess the impact on air quality of applying AFRI 4 both
with/without the introduction of more modern vehicles and with/without vehicle testing. It then used the results of
the modelling to assess the “value” of the improvement in human health that results from better air quality. It also
used the ENSYS global model to assess the return on investment for refiners to upgrade to AFRI-4 quality.
An important conclusion of the study was that an investment of about $6 billion in refinery upgrades could
generate around $43 billion in economic benefit as a result of better public health. But it also signalled that, the
refiners gain little from the investment and most of the benefit accrues to governments.
3) Wood Mackenzie/ARA study “Assessing the value of African refining” (2014)
This study assessed the total economic value of an African country keeping (and therefore modernising) a refinery
rather than converting the refinery to an import terminal.
The study categorised the refineries into 4 “quadrants” and, in addition to the refining margin, assessed the value
of direct and indirect employment, supply security, tax collection, regulation, skills development and environmental
This study produced a work sheet for each refinery to assess its “value added”. It concluded that many African
refineries could add value and justify upgrading investment.

4) Review of the relationship between sulphur level in diesel fuel and African air quality (2016)
This study demonstrated that improvement in air quality depends on several inter-related actions by African
 Using data from the above studies and a recent report by CCAC, this study demonstrated that improving product
quality alone only eliminates 15 to 20% of vehicle air pollution and that reducing vehicle pollution only solves part
of the problem, - road dust, factories, ships and charcoal/wood burning all contribute to poor air quality
 The study shows how fuels and vehicles must be treated as an integrated system; reductions in sulphur need to be
linked to restrictions on vehicle imports, the introduction of advanced vehicle technologies and testing regimes that
ensure significant emission reduction benefits.
The voice of african downstream oil Legal Headquarters Operational Headquarters Tel +225 22446616
La voix de l'aval pétrolier africain ARA Lot 70 Rue des Cannas Fax +225 22484348
‫صوت مصب النفط األفريقي‬ 1200 Geneva Ilot 6 B Danga Sud | Cocody Danga | Abidjan | Email [email protected]
Switzerland Côte d’Ivoire | PO Box: 08 BP 2565 Abidjan 08 website

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