KIET Group of Institutions: PUE Examination (2021-2022) EVEN Semester

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KIET Group of Institutions

PUE Examination (2021-2022) EVEN Semester

Department: Department of Computer Applications

Course: MCA
Year: Ist Semester: 2nd
Subject Name: Theory of Automata and Formal Languages Subject Code: KCA- 201
Duration: 3 Hrs Max. Marks: 100
Note: Attempt all the questions of each section
Section-A (210=20)
Q. 1 Competitive BL/
Exam# CO
Differentiate between kleene closure and positive closure by giving
a 1 2/C
b Let S and T be language over ={a,b} represented by the regular
expressions (a+b*)* and (a+b)*, respectively. Determine whether S GATE 2000 1 3C/P
and T are equal or not.
c Determine the regular expression for all strings over input alphabets ∑ = 3C/P
{0, 1} ending in either 010 or 0010.
d Determine the regular expressions represents the language: the set of all 3C/P
binary strings having two consecutive 0s and two consecutive 1s?
e Describe the concept of left recursion in brief. 3 2C
f Discuss when a grammar is said to be in CNF. 3 2C
g Briefly explain the decision properties of CFL. 4 2C
h Explain the additional feature PDA has when compared with NFA? 2C
Describe your answer by taking suitable example.
i Explain the concept of universal Turing machine with its features in 2C
j Explain the concept of recursive and recursive enumerable language in 2C

Consider the following two statements:

S1: {02n |n >= l} is a regu1ar language GATE 2012
S2: { 0m 0n 0m+n where m >= 1 and n >= 2} is a regu1ar language
Determine which of above statement(s) is/are correct with justification.
Demonstrate the complement of the language accepted by the NFA
shown below? Assume ∑ = {a} and ε is the empty string.
Q. 2 1 3C/P

GATE 2013

Show that the given language is not regular L = {an bn | n ≥ 0}.

Discover the regular expression for ∑ = {a,b} that generates the sets of
Q. 3 all strings with 2 3C/P
a) one a
b) all strings with at least one a
c) all strings with at least 3a’s.
 CO -Course Outcome generally refer to traits, knowledge, skill set that a student attains after completing the course successfully.
 Bloom’s Level (BL) - Bloom’s taxonomy framework is planning and designing of assessment of student’s learning.
 *Knowledge Categories (KCs): F-Factual, C-Conceptual, P-Procedural, M-Metacognitive
 #Reference to Competitive Exams (GATE, GPAT, CAT, GRE, TOFEL, NET, etc. )
Roll No. ___________________
Investigate the string "aabbabba" for leftmost derivation and rightmost
derivation using a CFG given by,
1. S → aB | bA  
2.  S → a | aS | bAA  
Q. 4 3. S → b | aS | aBB   3 3C/P
And also construct a derivation tree.
Express the CFG in terms formal definition. Also discover the CFG that
contains any number of a or b over {a, b}.
Briefly explain the closure properties of CFL.
Q. 5 OR 4 2C/P
Describe the formal definition of PDA and compare DPDA and NPDA.
Explain the concept of Post correspondence problem and obtain the
solution for the following correspondence system. A= {ba, ab, a, baa, b}
B= { bab, baa, ba, a, aba}. The input set is {a, b}.
Investigate the given statements and explore for answers. GATE 2012
Q. 6 5 4C/P
1) Does a given program ever produce an output? 
2) If L is a context-free language, then is L’ (complement of L) also
3) If L is a regular language, then is L’ also regular? 
4) If L is a recursive language, then, is L’ also recursive? 
Section-C (105=50)
Illustrate the steps of DFA minimization and also minimize the DFA
shown below.

Q. 7 OR 1 3C/P
Explore the formal definition of Moore and Mealy machine and convert
the given Moore machine into its equivalent Mealy machine.

Q. 8 Draw a DFA from the given regular expression 10 + (0 + 11) 0*. 2 3C/P
State Arden’s theorem and express the regular expression for the

 CO -Course Outcome generally refer to traits, knowledge, skill set that a student attains after completing the course successfully.
 Bloom’s Level (BL) - Bloom’s taxonomy framework is planning and designing of assessment of student’s learning.
 *Knowledge Categories (KCs): F-Factual, C-Conceptual, P-Procedural, M-Metacognitive
 #Reference to Competitive Exams (GATE, GPAT, CAT, GRE, TOFEL, NET, etc. )
Roll No. ___________________
following DFA using Arden’s Theorem

Explore the steps to Convert a CFG into Greibach Normal Form. Modify
the given CFG to GNF with productions
S → XB | AA
A → a | SA
B → b
X → a
Q. 9 3 3C/P
Explore the steps to Convert a CFG into Chomsky Normal Form.
Modify the given CFG to CNF with productions
A->aB | ε
B-> Aa
C-> cCD
Q. 10 Explore the formal definition of push down automata. Transform the
given language L = {an c bn for n≥1} into PDA
OR 4 4 C/P
Transform the given language L= {an bn cn for n≥1} into PDA using two
stack and also write its transition function corresponding to every state.
Q. 11 Transform the language L= {a n bn cn for n≥1} into Turing machine for
Explore the following using a short note on 5 4 C/P
a) Halting problem
b) Church-Turing Thesis
c) Compare FA, PDA and TM with each other.

 CO -Course Outcome generally refer to traits, knowledge, skill set that a student attains after completing the course successfully.
 Bloom’s Level (BL) - Bloom’s taxonomy framework is planning and designing of assessment of student’s learning.
 *Knowledge Categories (KCs): F-Factual, C-Conceptual, P-Procedural, M-Metacognitive
 #Reference to Competitive Exams (GATE, GPAT, CAT, GRE, TOFEL, NET, etc. )

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