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Personal Information Assumptions - Rates of Return: Over Applied

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Total Amount Available Right Column/Program 1 Total Left to Apply/Over applied

$0 $0 $0

Use the tab key or enter key to scroll from field to field

Personal Information
Primary First Name Spouse First Name Children? (yes/no) Monthly Commitment Other Amount ( life ins., etc.) Last Name Last Name

Assumptions - Rates of Return

3% Conservative ROR 6% Moderate ROR 12% Aggressive ROR

Income Protection
Left Column Right Column
(from the FNA) (and Program 1)

Program 2

Current Co.


________(for Policy Analysis)________

Primary's Face Amount Spouse's Face Amount Children's Face Amount Total Monthly Premium Company Name Current Cash Value Future Cash Value Future Cash Value @ age 65

Retirement Age Years until Retirement Left Column Right Column
(from the FNA) (and Program 1)

Program 2

Current Savings Balance Current Monthly Savings Amount at Retirement age (FIN#) Monthly Savings Needed (@ 12%) Amount to add to Monthly Savings

Long Term Care/PLPP

Left Column Right Column Add PLPP? (yes or no)
(from the FNA) (and Program 1)

Emergency Fund
Left Column
(from the FNA)

Retirement Income (Today's $) Income Needed for Healthy Spouse Amount available for Co-Pay Avg. Area Nursing Home Cost Monthly Benefits Daily Benefits Monthly Premium
(from the LTC Illustrator)

Average Costs Needs Met In Home Care Assisted Living Nursing Home 2,400 3,000 5,000 No No No

Total Cost in Future $ Monthly Savings Needed Right Column Months Until Goal Current Savings Balance Current Monthly Savings

Amount To Add To Monthly Savings

College Education
(All Children)

Left Column Right Column Child 1 (from the FNA)

Child 2

Child 3

Child 4

Child 5

Child 6

Total Expense-Future $ Current Monthly Savings Monthly Savings Needed Years until School starts Current Savings Balance Current Monthly Contributions Amount to Add to Monthly Savings Future Value $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0

Other Goals & Dreams

Left Column
(from the FNA)

Goal or Dream #1 Description of Goal Total Cost in Future $ Monthly Savings Needed Right Column 0 Months until Goal Current Savings Balance Current Monthly Savings Amount to add to Monthly Savings

Goal or Dream #2

Amount needed to be on track
Income Protection
$0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 - Emergency Fund $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0

Amount available

$0 $0 - Emergency Fund $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0

Emergency Fund & Other Essentials

$0 $0 $0 $0

Other Goals & Dreams

$0 $0

Total monthly amount needed:

Total Amount Available

$0 $0
$0 $0


Extra Monthly Amount Amount to be Reallocated

Monthly Surplus/Shortfall:


Theory of Decreasing Responsibility - Implementation

Program 1
$0 per month $0 $0 $0 $0 - Coverage for

Program 2
$0 per month


$0 - Coverage for



Eliminating Your Shortfall

1. Apply for a debt consolidation loan, if applicable, to cut montly debt payments. 2. Get better value for your money by using the budget worksheet of your FNA. 3. Make more money. Consider part-time work or explore other career options.
For Illustrative Purposes Only. See specific FNA pages for ROR assumptions. All hypothetical savings are not guaranteed and do not take into account tax consequences for earnings, withdrawals or transactions. Please refer to the Important Notes section of the FNA for further explanation.

Cantidad necesitada para el plan
Proteccin de ingresos
$0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 - Fondo de emergencia $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0

Cantidad disponible

$0 $0 - Fondo de emergencia $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0

Fondo de Emergencia y necesidades

$0 $0 $0 $0

Otros Suenos y Metas

$0 $0

Cantidad necesitada cada mes:

Cantidad Total Disponible

$0 $0
$0 $0


Cantidad extra mensual Cantidad Ajustable

insuficiencia Mensual/Excedente:


La Teoria de la Disminucin de Responsabilidad - Implementacin

Programa 1
$0 por mes $0 $0 $0 $0 - Cobertura para

Programa 2
$0 por mes


$0 - Cobertura para



Eliminando su insuficiencia
1. Un prstamo de consolidacin de deudas para reducir sus pagos mensuales (Si aplicable). 2. Obtenga mejor valor de su dinero usando la hoja de trabajo del presupuesto de su ANF (FNA). 3. Ganar ms dinero. Considerar un trabajo extra o cambio de carrera.
Para ilustracion solamente. Mire ciertas pajinas del ANF para la suposicin de la TDR. Todas suposicines no son garantisadas y no considera consecuencias de impuestos por las ganancias, sacadas o transaccines. Para mas explicacion revise la seccin de "

Policy Analysis for

Primerica Coverage $ 0 Coverage $

Paying $0 per mo. SAVINGS $0 per mo. #DIV/0! CASH VALUE $0 Current

Paying $0 per mo.

$0 3.0% 6.0% 12.0% $0 $0 $0


saved by age 65 SAVINGS $0

Analisis de Poliza para

Primerica Cobertura $ Cobertura $

Pagan $0 Por mes Haorros $0 Por mes #DIV/0! Valor del seguro $0 Actualmente

Pagan $0 Por mes

$0 3.0% 6.0% 12.0% $0 $0 $0


para la edad de 65 HAORROS $0


Amount needed to be on track

Income Protection
$_________- ___________ $_________- ___________ $_________- ___________ $______ $______

Amount available
$_________- ___________ $_________- ___________ $_________- ___________ $_________- ___________ $_________- ___________ $_________- ___________ $_________- ___________ $_________- ___________ $_________- ___________ $_________- ___________

$______ $______

$_________- ___________ $_________- ___________ $_________- ___________ $_________- ___________ $_________- ___________

Emergency Fund & Other Essentials

$______ $______

$______ $______

Education Other Goals & Dreams

$_________- ___________ $_________- ___________ $______ $______

Total monthly amount needed: $_____

Total: $ Total Amount Available$_____

Extra Monthly Amount $_______ Amount to be Reallocated $_______

Monthly Surplus/Shortfall:$_____

Theory of Decreasing Responsibility - Implementation

Program 1
$______ per month $______ $_____________ saved by age _____ $______ - Coverage for _________ $______ - Coverage for _________ $_____________ saved by age _____ $______ $______ - Coverage for _________ $______ - Coverage for _________

Program 2
$______ per month



Eliminating Your Shortfall

1. Apply for a debt consolidation loan, if applicable, to cut montly debt payments. 2. Get better value for your money by using the budget worksheet of your FNA. 3. Make more money. Consider part-time work or a career change.
For Illustrative Purposes Only. See specific FNA pages for ROR assumptions. All hypothetical savings are not guaranteed and do not take into account tax consequences for earnings, withdrawals or transactions. Please refer to the Important Notes section of

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