Introduction To Computer Concepts

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The key takeaways from the document are that it provides an introduction to basic computer concepts including the components and evolution of computers, number systems, computer memory, input/output devices, programming, languages, networks and multimedia.

The main components of a computer system discussed are the central processing unit, input units, output units and storage units.

The different types of computer memories discussed are primary memory including RAM and ROM, and secondary storage including magnetic tapes, magnetic disks, and optical disks.

Intro_ to Comp_ Sc_ Department of TechnicaL Education Diploma in Computer Science and Engineering / Information Science and Engineering

I Semester Subject: 9CS14 Introduction to Computer Concepts Contact Hrs / Week: 4 Contact Hrs / Semester: 96 Contents SECTION I 1 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4



1.7 2 2.1 2.2

Introduction to Computers Introduction Characteristics of Computer Evolution of Computers 1.3.1 Some early Computers Generation of Computers 1.4.1 First Generation(1940-56):Vaccum Tubes 1.4.2 Second Generation(1956-63): Transistors 1.4.3 Third Generation(1964-Early 1970s): Integrated Circuits 1.4.4 Fourth Generation(Early 1970c -Till date): Microprocessors 1.4.5 Fifth Generation(Present and Beyond): Artificial Intelligence Classification of Computers 1.5.1 Classification according to purpoose 1.5.2 Classification according to Type of Data-Handled Techniques 1.5.3 Classification accroding to Functionality The Computer System 1.6.1 Central Processing Unit(CPU) 1.6.2 Input, Output annd Storage Units Applications of Computers Number Systems Introduction Number Systems 2.2.1 Non-Positional number System 2.2.2 Positional number System 2.2.3 Base (or Radix) of System 2.2.4 computer and numbers 2.2.5 decimal number System 2.2.6 binary number System 2.2.7 octal number System 2.2.8 hexadecimal number System binary coding 2.3.1 BCD 2.3.2 ASCII 2.3.3 EBCDIC Primary Memory Introduction 3.1.1 Memory Representaion Memory Heirarchy 3.2.1 Storage Evaluation criteria Random Access Memory(RAM) (Basis Concept only) 3.3.1 Types of RAM (Basics of SRAM & DRAM) Read Only Memory(ROM) (Basic Concepts only) 3.4.1 Types of ROM (Basics)


3 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4

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Intro_ to Comp_ Sc_ SECTION II 4 4.1 4.2 4.3



Secondary Storage Introduction 4.1.1 Benefits of Secondary Storage Classification of Secondary Storage Mgnetic Tape 4.3.1 Magnetic Tape Organization 4.3.2 Advantages and Disadvantages of Magnetic tapes Magnetic Disk 4.4.1 Storage organization of a Magnetic Disk 4.4.2 Storage capacity of Magnetic Disk 4.4.3 Accessing Data from a magnetic disk 4.4.4 Types of Magnetic Disks(Flopy Disk, Hard Disk and Zip Disk) 4.4.5 Advantages and Disadvantages of Magnetic Disks Optical Disk 4.5.1 Storage organization of optical disk 4.5.2 Storage capacity of Optical Disk 4.5.3 Types of Optical disk(CD-ROM and DVD) 4.5.4 Advantages and Disadvantage of Optical Disk Input Devices Introduction 5.1.1 Importance of Input Devics 5.1.2 Types of Input Devices 5.1.3 Keyboard 5.1.4 Mouse 5.1.5 Track Ball 5.1.6 Joy Stick 5.1.7 Light Pen 5.1.8 Touch Screen 5.1.9 Digital Camera 5.1.10 Scanners (handheld and Flatbed Scanners) 5.1.11 Optical Scanners(OCR,OMR,MICR,barcode Reader)

5 5.1

SECTION III 6 6.1 6.2 6.3 6.4

6.5 6.6 6.7 6.8 6.9 7 7.1 7.2

Output Devices Introduction Classification of Output 6.2.1 Hard copy Versus Soft copy Hard copy output Devies Printers 6.4.1 Impact Rpinters (Dot Matrix,Daisy Wheel) 6.4.2 Non-Impact Printer(Inkjet and Laser Printers) Plotters 6.5.1 Types of Plotters(Drum and Flatbelt Plotters) Soft copy Output devices Monitors 6.7.1 CRT Audio Output Terminals Computer Program Introduction Developing a Program 7.2.1 Program Development Cycle

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Intro_ to Comp_ Sc_ 7.3 Algorithm 7.3.1 Examples on Algorithms (Wide coverage) Conversion of Temperatures ( fahrenheit to degree celcius & vice-versa,) Area & Circumfernece of circle,Largest of 3 Nos, Sum & Avg of 3 Nos., No odd or even, Print all nos divisibe by 7, sum of digits reducing it to single digit,Prime property,factoiral of given number Flowchart 7.4.1 Importance of Flowchart 7.4.2 Flowchart Symbols 7.4.3 Guidelines for Preparinng Flowcharts 7.4.4 Flowchart structures 7.4.5 Limitations of Flowcharts 7.4.6 Examples on flow charts (wide coverageon alogrithm discussed above) Pseudocode(P-code) 7.5.1 Why Pseuducode? 7.5.2 Pseuducode Structure 7.5.3 Pseuducode Guidelines 7.6 Program Testing and Debugging(syntax and Logical Errors) 7.7 Characteristics of good Program



SECTION IV 8 8.1 8.2 8.3 8.4 8.5 8.6 8.7 8.8 8.9 8.10

Computer Languages & Software Introduction to Computer Languages Evolution of Programming Languages Classification & Generation of Programming Languages Features of a Good Programming languages Selection of a Programming Languages Introduction Software Definition Relationship between software and Hardware Software Categories system software 8.10.1 System Management Programs 8.10.2 System Development Programs 8.11 Application Software 8.12 Software Terminology

SECTION V 9 9.1 9.2 9.3 9.4 9.5 9.6 9.7 9.8

9.9 9.10 9.11 9.12 9.13

Basics of Computer Networks & Internet Introduction LAN,MAN,WAN Network Topologies(bus,ring,star,tree,mesh) Introduction to Internet Evolution Internet organization and commities Basic Internet Terms Getting Connected to Internet 9.8.1 Types of Internet Connection 9.8.2 Internet Software Internet Applications E-mail How E-mail works Searching the web(search Engines) Internet and viruses

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Intro_ to Comp_ Sc_

10 10.1 10.2 10.3 10.4 10.5 10.6 Text Book :

Multimedia Introdution Multimedia:definition Building bloks of multimedia Multimedia system Multimedia Application Virtual Reality 1. Introduction to Computer Science - ITL Education Solutions Ltd, Pearson Education.

Reference Books : 2. Introduction to Computers - By Peter Norton's 4th Edition Tata McGraw Hill 3. Fundamentals of Computers - V Rajaram Online Resources: Table of Specifications : SECTION I TOPIC HRS ALLOTED 04 04 04 06 08 08 10 06 06 04 04 64 145 Marks 10 10 10 15 20 20 20 15 15 10


1. Introduction to Computers 2. Number Systems 3. Primary Memory 4. Secondary Strorage 5. Input Devices 6. Output Devices 7. Computer Program 8. Computer Languages & Software 9. Basics of Computer Networks & Internet 10. Multimedia Tests and Assignment TOTAL

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Intro_ to Comp_ Sc_ General Objectives : After the completion of the study of this subject students should be able to - Know the basic structure of a computer - Appreciate the working of a computer - Understand the Number Systems - Understand the concepts and functions of I/O Units and Computer memory - Know the basic structure of Computer Programs - Appreciate the features of programming langauges - Know the concepts of computer networks, Internet & Multimedia Specific Objectives : After the completion of the study of this subject students should be able to - Explain the working of a computer - Analyse how problems can be solved using computers - List the characteristics and applications of computers - List the advantaqges and disadvantages of using computers - Describe how character, integers and fractions are represented in computers - Explain the working of various I/O devices - Distinguish various types of memories - Explain how data are stored in various memories - Explain devloping a program using Algorithms & Flow Charts - Learn basic concepts of program testing & debugging - Categorize Programming languages - Appraise features of good programming languages - Distinguish between hardware & software - Categorise softwares - Learn the basic of Computer netwroks & toplogies - Summarize the basic concept of Internet & Applications - Appraise working of E-mail & web searching - Discuss the building blocks of Multimedia system - Appraise the Multimedia Applications

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