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May 30, Josephine Bargayo & Rhiza T. Erbina

© 2022 Rhiza T. Erbina
This session aims to:
•Discuss the KRAs, objectives, and
2021-2022 for Proficient Teachers
© 2022 Rhiza T. Erbina
How do you feel about

© 2022 Rhiza T. Erbina

There are 3 class observations True
required this SY.

There are 9 indicators to be rated

per class observation.
There are 5 non-negotiable
Class Observable Indicators (COI).
© 2022 Rhiza T. Erbina
What are the objectives of
1. Align individual
roles and targets with
DepEd’s direction
2. Track accomplishments 3. Provide feedback on
against objectives to employee’s work progress
determine appropriate, and accomplishments based
corrective actions if on clearly defined goals and
needed. objectives.
© 2022 Rhiza T. Erbina
© 2022 Rhiza T. Erbina
© 2022 Rhiza T. Erbina
© 2022 Rhiza T. Erbina
© 2022 Rhiza T. Erbina


(COT) Objectiv
Objectiv es
es 7, 8, 9, 10
1, 3, 4, 5,
9 Classroom© 2022
Rhiza T. Erbina
How many class
for this SY?

© 2022 Rhiza T. Erbina
Class Observation
• CO 1 - between Sept 2021 and Feb 2022

• CO 2 - between Mar 2022 and Jul 2022

© 2022 Rhiza T. Erbina

© 2022 Rhiza T. Erbina
CO COT rating sheet or inter-observer agreement form from
Options 1.an observation of synchronous teaching
(LF2F teaching, online teaching, or two-way radio instruction)
2. an observation of a recorded video lesson or audio lesson
that is SLM-based or MELC- aligned (if option 1 is not possible)
3. an observation of a demonstration teaching* via LAC
(if options 1 & 2 are not possible) PLUS any annotated document (e.g.,
module, screenshot of instant messaging, note/s showing instruction,
narrative) indicating occurrence of follow through, monitoring, etc.

For Teacher Broadcasters:

COT from observation of a video lesson or audio lesson
that is SLM-based or MELC-aligned
© 2022 Rhiza T. Erbina
KRA 1: Content Knowledge and
Applied knowledge of content within
and across curriculum teaching areas

© 2022 Rhiza T. Erbina


Class Observation Tool

© 2022 Rhiza T. Erbina

When can one get a
rating of
5? 4? 3? 2? 1?

© 2022 Rhiza T. Erbina

KRA 1: Content Knowledge and
Objective 1: Applied knowledge of content within and across
curriculum teaching areas
5 4
• Level 7 in CO • Level 6
• extensive knowledge of content • extensive knowledge of content
beyond his/her area of specialization
• cites intra and interdisciplinary content • addresses content accurately,
relationships. and its focus is congruent with
the big ideas and/or structure of
• expertise in the content and uses the teaching area.
appropriate pedagogy in delivering
the lesson
© 2022 Rhiza T. Erbina
KRA 1: Content Knowledge and
Objective 1: Applied knowledge of content within and across
curriculum teaching areas
3 2 1
• Level 5 • Level 4 • Level 3 or NAE
• The teacher displays • clearly explains concepts • does not make
comprehensive and makes NO content solid connections
understanding of the errors • makes few
concepts and structure • The teacher content errors in
of the teaching area. demonstrates factual presenting the
• makes connections knowledge of subject lesson but does
within the teaching matter and attempts to not affect entirely
area. connect content across the learning
teaching areas.
© 2022 Rhiza T. Erbina process.
KRA 1: Content Knowledge and

Used research- based knowledge and

principles of teaching and learning to
enhance professional practice

© 2022 Rhiza T. Erbina


For Regular Teachers:

1 LP with annotation

For Teacher Broadcasters:

1 LP or Lesson Script from TVI or RBI with annotation

© 2022 Rhiza T. Erbina

When can one get a
rating of
5? 4? 3? 2? 1?

© 2022 Rhiza T. Erbina

KRA 1: Content Knowledge and Pedagogy
Objective 2: Used research- based knowledge and principles of
teaching and learning to enhance professional practice
5 4
• Used research- based knowledge and/or • …. in two components …
principles of teaching and learning in all the
components of instruction in the lesson
plan to improve student learning

Learning Objectives
Instructional Activities
of instruction

© 2022 Rhiza T. Erbina

KRA 1: Content Knowledge and Pedagogy
Objective 2: Used research- based knowledge and principles of
teaching and learning to enhance professional practice

3 2 1
• in one component of • …identified but was • NAE
instruction in the lesson poorly used as basis for
plan to improve student planning / designing the
learning lesson

© 2022 Rhiza T. Erbina

Components of Research- based knowledge / Annotation
Instruction principles of teaching and

Learning objective


© 2022 Rhiza T. Erbina
© 2022 Rhiza T. Erbina
Components of Research- based Annotation
Instruction knowledge / principles
of teaching and
Learning Learning The objective clearly states
objective objectives need to what is expected from the
• Describe the be SMART learners. It will also allow
different ecological demonstration of the skill after
relationships found
in an ecosystem the lesson. It is realistic and
(S7LT-IIh-10) achievable in a 60 min-period
for my set of learners.

© 2022 Rhiza T. Erbina

Components of Research- based knowledge / Annotation
Instruction principles of teaching and

Instructional • Create an active learning In my lesson, role playing

Activities environment activity would allow learners
• Role Playing to be actively engaged and
• Role-play pedagogy has been they could practice empathy
shown to be effective in and perspective-taking. As
reaching learning outcomes in learners apply learned
three major learning knowledge and skills, better
domains: affective, cognitive, conceptual understanding
and behavioral (Maier, 2002; Rao & will result.
Stupans, 2012).
© 2022 Rhiza T. Erbina
Components of Research- based Annotation
Instruction knowledge / principles
of teaching and
Assessments Assessment should • The 5-item assessment is
be valid. aligned with the learning

competency and it
measures student
attainment of learning

Note: You may add more principles applicable to the identified instruction components.
© 2022 Rhiza T. Erbina
KRA 1: Content Knowledge and
Displayed proficient use of Mother Tongue,
Filipino and English to facilitate teaching
and learning

© 2022 Rhiza T. Erbina


To ol
vat i o n
Obs e r
C l as s

© 2022 Rhiza T. Erbina

KRA 1: Content Knowledge and
Objective 3: Displayed proficient use of Mother
Tongue, Filipino and English to facilitate teaching and learning
Proficient in using the
“The use of these languages must
extensively facilitate teaching and
learning including probing questions
and feedback.” --Mikkey Tuazon, PO, RCTQ

© 2022 Rhiza T. Erbina

Che c k !

Answer: D
© 2022 Rhiza T. Erbina
Alin sa mga bahagi ng pangungusap ang mali ang pagkakagamit?

A. 1
D. 4
A - Sinuman

© 2022 Rhiza T. Erbina

Try this out! Pronunciation and fluency exercise

© 2022 Rhiza T. Erbina

Try this out!

© 2022 Rhiza T. Erbina

Let’s read!


© 2022 Rhiza T. Erbina
When can one get a
rating of
5? 4? 3? 2? 1?

© 2022 Rhiza T. Erbina

KRA 1: Content Knowledge and
Objective 3: Displayed proficient use of Mother Tongue,
Filipino and English to facilitate teaching and learning
5 4
• Level 7 in CO • Level 6
• … vocabulary is fairly extensive and
• Teacher’s use of Mother Tongue, and/or
Filipino, and/or English demonstrates a appropriate to the level of learners
well- developed ability in using • … language is concrete, accurate, clear
communication strategies, such as code and precise, conveying his/her ideas
switching and translation. without misinterpretations or confusion.
• uses precise vocabulary and intonation to
express meaning and often shows great
fluency and ease in delivering the lesson.
© 2022 Rhiza T. Erbina
KRA 1: Content Knowledge and Pedagogy
Objective 3: Displayed proficient use of Mother Tongue, Filipino and English to
facilitate teaching and learning

3 2 1
• Level 5 • Level 4 • Level 3 or NAE
• …mostly sufficient, • ….primarily framed • …characterized by occasional pauses
accurate, clear, and using connected and self- corrections as he/she
precise in conveying ideas searches for adequate vocabulary
ideas to learners without • …manifests and appropriate language forms in
misrepresentation or minimal linguistic delivering the lesson.
confusion. challenges. • …rarely has difficulty linking ideas
• …generally understood and using communication strategies,
by the learners. such as code switching and
© 2022 Rhiza T. Erbina
KRA 1: Content Knowledge and
Use effective verbal and non-verbal
classroom communication strategies
to support learner understanding,
participation, engagement and
© 2022 Rhiza T. Erbina
When can one get a
rating of
5? 4? 3? 2? 1?

© 2022 Rhiza T. Erbina

KRA 1: Content Knowledge and
Objective 4: Use effective verbal and non-verbal classroom
communication strategies to support learner understanding, participation,
engagement and achievement
5 4
• Level 7 in CO • Level 6
• The teacher establishes • …clearly and concisely communicates
classroom practices which written and oral content, expectations,
promote open communication explanations, directions, and procedures
between the teacher & using appropriate verbal and non-verbal
learners, and among the communication methods.
learners and their peers. • … speaks clearly and at an appropriate
pace and successfully facilitates learner
© 2022 Rhiza T. Erbina
KRA 1: Content Knowledge and
Objective 4: Use effective verbal and non-verbal classroom
communication strategies to support learner understanding, participation,
engagement and achievement
3 2 1
• Level 5 • Level 4 • Level 3 or NAE
• … wide vocabulary • … speaks clearly • The teacher rarely uses
along with appropriate and at an non- verbal
non-verbal appropriate pace, communication strategies,
communication to but occasionally such as hand gestures,
ensure learning monopolizes the facial expressions, etc., to
expectations are discussions. reinforce appropriate
comprehensible to learner understanding
most learners.
© 2022 Rhiza T. Erbina
KRA 2: Learning
Environment OBJECTIVE

Established safe and secure learning

environments to enhance learning
through the consistent implementation
of policies, guidelines and procedures
© 2022 Rhiza T. Erbina
When can one get a
rating of
5? 4? 3? 2? 1?

© 2022 Rhiza T. Erbina

KRA 2: Learning Environment
Objective 5: Established safe and secure learning environments to
enhance learning through the consistent implementation of policies, guidelines
and procedures

5 4 3
• Level 7 in CO • Level 6 • Level 5
• The teacher ensures • The teacher • The teacher
that learners can implements safety implements safety
articulate and adhere guidelines and guidelines and practices
to the safety guidelines practices in almost all to most of the learning
and practices in all the of the learning tasks. tasks.
learning tasks.

© 2022 Rhiza T. Erbina

KRA 2: Learning Environment
Objective 5: Established safe and secure learning environments to
enhance learning through the consistent implementation of policies, guidelines
and procedures

2 1
• Level 4 • Level 3 or NAE
• The teacher implements safety • The teacher implements safety
guidelines and practices to several guidelines and practices to very few
learning tasks. selected tasks.

© 2022 Rhiza T. Erbina

KRA 2: Learning
Environment OBJECTIVE

Maintain learning environments

that promote fairness, respect and
care to encourage learning

© 2022 Rhiza T. Erbina

When can one get a
rating of
5? 4? 3? 2? 1?

© 2022 Rhiza T. Erbina

KRA 2: Learning Environment
Objective 6: Maintain learning environments that promote
fairness, respect and care to encourage learning

5 4 3
• Level 7 in CO • Level 6 • Level 5
• The teacher enhances • The teacher establishes • The teacher
polite and respectful positive social interactions maintains polite
interactions with with learners and among and respectful
learners and among learners. Disagreements, if interactions with
learners, and exhibits present, are handled learners and
sensitivity to learners’ respectfully. among learners.
© 2022 Rhiza T. Erbina
KRA 2: Learning Environment
Objective 6: Maintain learning environments that promote
fairness, respect and care to encourage learning

2 1
• Level 4 in CO • Level 3 or NAE

• The teacher promotes generally • The teacher encourages social

positive interactions with learners positive interactions with learners
and among learners but some and among learners but occasional
conflict and/or occasional inconsistencies like favoritism, or
insensitivity are displayed. disregard for learners’ differences
are evident.
© 2022 Rhiza T. Erbina
KRA 2: Learning
Environment OBJECTIVE
Maintained learning environments that nurture
and inspire learners to participate, cooperate
and collaborate in continued learning

© 2022 Rhiza T. Erbina

KRA 2: Learning Environment
Objective 7: Maintained learning environments that nurture and
inspire learners to participate, cooperate and collaborate in
continued learning

Set A SM
Obj 7
Set B CO
© 2022 Rhiza T. Erbina
et A - S M
O b j 7 - S

© 2022 Rhiza T. Erbina

KRA 2: Learning Environment
Objective 7: Maintained learning environments that nurture and
inspire learners to participate, cooperate and collaborate in
continued learning
Obj 7 Set A •Any SM made by the ratee & used in lesson delivery

❖ activity sheet/s* •client/learner feedback on how the

❖ 1 lesson from SLM material encouraged the learners to
❖ LP (DLP/DLL/WHLP/ WLP, participate, cooperate, and
WLL, lesson exemplars)
❖ and the likes
•other learning materials in print/digital
❖ video/audio lesson format (please specify and provide
that is SLM- based annotations)
or MELC-aligned
© 2022 Rhiza T. Erbina *n/a for Teacher Broadcasters
When can one get a
rating of
5? 4? 3? 2? 1?

© 2022 Rhiza T. Erbina

Set A-SM KRA 2: Learning Environment
Objective 7: Maintained learning environments that nurture and inspire
learners to participate, cooperate and collaborate in continued learning

5 4 3 2 1
• Effective, • Effective • Opportunity • Opportunity/ies No
varied opportunities • Well-aligned • Partially aligned acceptable
opportunities • Well-aligned with learning with learning evidence
• Well-aligned with learning goals goals was shown
with learning goals • participate, • participate,
goals • participate, cooperate, cooperate,
• All elements cooperate, and/or and/or
of CL and/or collaborate collaborate
Elements of CL: positive interdependence, individual accountability, and shared authority in
assessing and facilitating one’s learning.
© 2022 Rhiza T. Erbina

© 2022 Rhiza T. Erbina

Individual Accountability
Assessing the quality and quantity of each member’s contributions
and giving the results to all group members.

H o w?
• Keep the size of the groups small
• Randomly give oral individual examinations
• Observe each group and group members
• Allow learners to teach others and/ or edit each
other’s work

Johnson, D., Johnson, R.& Holubec, E. (1998).Cooperation

© 2022 Rhiza T.in the classroom. Boston: Allyn and Bacon.
et B - CO
O bj 7 - S

© 2022 Rhiza T. Erbina

KRA 2: Learning Environment
Obj 7 – SET B- CO
5 4 3
• Level 7 in CO • Level 6 • Level 5
• carefully- structured groups in • structured • structured task that
which learners are engaged in tasks involving features some elements
learning experiences that clearly most elements of cooperative learning:
reflect all elements of cooperative of cooperative positive
learning. interdependence,
learning. individual accountability,
• learners share the authority of and face-to-face
setting goals, assessing learning, interaction.
and facilitating learning.
Elements of CL: positive interdependence, individual accountability, and shared authority in
© 2022 Rhiza T. Erbina assessing and facilitating one’s learning.
KRA 2: Learning Environment
Obj 7 – SET B - CO
2 1
• Level 4 • Level 3 or NAE
• The teacher conducts • The teacher puts learners in small groups to
structured collaborative complete a certain task. However, group
work. constitution and tasks are poorly structured.
• The majority of learners • Only some learners are actively engaged in
are engaged in the tasks. group learning activities.

Elements of CL: positive interdependence, individual accountability, and shared authority in

assessing and facilitating one’s learning.

© 2022 Rhiza T. Erbina

M Sample computation
Set A - S

t B - CO
S e

© 2022 Rhiza T. Erbina

KRA 2: Learning
Environment OBJECTIVE
Applied a range of successful strategies
that maintain learning environments that
motivate learners to work productively by
assuming responsibility for their own
© 2022 Rhiza T. Erbina
KRA 2: Learning Environment
Objective 8: Applied a range of successful strategies that maintain learning environments
that motivate learners to work productively by assuming responsibility for their own learning

Set A SM
Obj 8
Set B CO
© 2022 Rhiza T. Erbina
t A - S M
O b j 8 - Se

© 2022 Rhiza T. Erbina

KRA 2: Learning Environment
Objective 8: Applied a range of successful strategies that maintain learning environments
that motivate learners to work productively by assuming responsibility for their own learning

Obj 8 Set A •Any SM made by the ratee & used in the lesson delivery

❖ activity sheet/s
❖ 1 lesson from SLM
WLL, lesson exemplars) •other learning materials in
❖ and the likes print/digital format (please
❖ video/audio lesson specify and provide annotations)

© 2022 Rhiza T. Erbina

When can one get a
rating of
5? 4? 3? 2? 1?

© 2022 Rhiza T. Erbina

Set A-SM KRA 2: Learning Environment
Objective 8: Applied a range of successful strategies that maintain learning environments
that motivate learners to work productively by assuming responsibility for their own learning

5 4
• T strategies well- aligned with the • T strategies well- aligned with the
learning goals learning goals

• successfully motivate learners to • successfully motivate learners to

monitor and evaluate their own work productively by assuming
learning as shown in the submitted responsibility for their own learning
learning material

© 2022 Rhiza T. Erbina

Set A-SM KRA 2: Learning Environment
Objective 8: Applied a range of successful strategies that maintain learning environments
that motivate learners to work productively by assuming responsibility for their own learning

3 2 1
• T strategy well- aligned with • T strategy/ies partially aligned No acceptable
the LG with the learning goals evidence was
• successfully motivates learners • only somehow motivate/s shown
to work productively … learners to work productively

© 2022 Rhiza T. Erbina

et B - CO
O bj 8 - S

© 2022 Rhiza T. Erbina

KRA 2: Learning Environment
Obj 8 – Set B - CO
5 4 3
• Level 7 in • Level 6 • Level 5
CO • The teacher applies • The teacher displays
• The teacher is extensive knowledge comprehensive knowledge
able to create a to engage all learners. to engage almost all
learning • The teacher succeeds learners.
environment in motivating all • The teacher succeeds in
that sustains learners to expend motivating almost all
learners’ active effort to complete learners to understand
engagement high-quality work. their role and to
and consistently expend effort
self-motivation. © 2022 Rhiza T. Erbina to learn.
KRA 2: Learning Environment
Obj 8 – Set B - CO
2 1
• Level 4 • Level 3 or NAE
• The teacher uses strategies that • The teacher displays little
are likely to motivate and engage knowledge on how to motivate
majority of the learners during the learners and engages only some of
lesson. the learners during the lesson.
• The teacher engages the learners • The teacher motivates the learners
to exhibit commitment to to accept the learning tasks but
complete the work on their own fails to engage them to work
but a few do not work productively.
productively. © 2022 Rhiza T. Erbina
KRA 3:
Diversity of Learners, OBJECTIVE
Curriculum and Planning, &
Assessment and Reporting
Designed, adapted and
implemented teaching strategies
that are responsive to learners with
disabilities, giftedness and talents

© 2022 Rhiza T. Erbina

KRA 3: Diversity of Learners, Curriculum and
Planning, & Assessment and Reporting
Objective 9: Designed, adapted and implemented teaching strategies that are responsive to
learners with disabilities, giftedness and talents

“Learners with disability, giftedness and talents” are those

1) who are gifted or talented; and those
2) who have physical, mental, social, or sensory impairment.

•Disability shall mean a physical or mental impairment that substantially limits

one or more psychological, physiological or anatomical function of an
individual or activities of such individual.” (RA 7277)

•“Students with gifts and talents perform - or have the capability to perform - at
higher levels compared to others of the same age, experience, and
environment in one or more domains.

© 2022 Rhiza T. Erbina

KRA 3: Diversity of Learners, Curriculum and
Planning, & Assessment and Reporting
Objective 9: Designed, adapted and implemented teaching strategies that are responsive to
learners with disabilities, giftedness and talents

Set A CO
Obj 9
Set B Teacher Reflection Form
PLUS certification from the school head
© 2022 Rhiza T. Erbina
et A - CO
O b j 9 - S

© 2022 Rhiza T. Erbina

When can one get a
rating of
5? 4? 3? 2? 1?

© 2022 Rhiza T. Erbina

KRA 3: Diversity of Learners, Curriculum and Planning, & Assessment and Reporting
Objective 9: Designed, adapted and implemented teaching strategies that are responsive to learners with disabilities,
giftedness and talents

Obj 9 - Set A - CO
5 4 3
• Level 7 in CO • Level 6 • Level 5
• expanded understanding of • thoughtful and appropriate • The teacher
the educability of individual instructional adaptation for demonstrates an
learners. individual learner needs. The understanding of the
• The teacher’s instructional adaptation of instruction is purpose and value of
strategies respond to realistic and effective. learning about
individual and group of • The teacher provides learners’ background
learners’ background, thus diverse learners with to inform instructions.
creating an environment opportunities to actively
where learners feel equally engage in various learning
involved. activities.
© 2022 Rhiza T. Erbina
KRA 3: Diversity of Learners, Curriculum and Planning, & Assessment and Reporting
Objective 9: Designed, adapted and implemented teaching strategies that are responsive to learners with
disabilities, giftedness and talents

Obj 9 - Set A - CO
2 1
• Level 4 • Level 3 or NAE
• The teacher displays • The teacher demonstrates a limited
familiarity of learners’ understanding of the educability of
background but individual learners.
occasionally lacks • The teacher gives opportunities to
responsiveness in only few learners to actively engage in
addressing them. the learning activities.
© 2022 Rhiza T. Erbina
t B - T R F
j 9 - Se

© 2022 Rhiza T. Erbina

Form (TRF)

© 2022 Rhiza T. Erbina

Teacher Reflection Form (TRF)

© 2022 Rhiza T. Erbina

KRA 3: Diversity of Learners, Curriculum and Planning, & Assessment and Reporting
Objective 9: Designed, adapted and implemented teaching strategies that are responsive to learners with
disabilities, giftedness and talents

Obj 9 – Set B - TRF rubric

5 4 3 2 1
Demonstrated Level 4 Level 3 Level 2 Level 1
Level 5 as shown or
in the TRFs No acceptable
evidence was

© 2022 Rhiza T. Erbina

Obj 9 – Set B - TRF rubric

© 2022 Rhiza T. Erbina

© 2022 Rhiza T. Erbina
© 2022 Rhiza T. Erbina
t 1)
( Pro

© 2022 Rhiza T. Erbina

t 2 )
ro mp
( P

© 2022 Rhiza T. Erbina

Sample Computation

t B- T R F
S e

© 2022 Rhiza T. Erbina

KRA 3:
Diversity of Learners, OBJECTIVE
Curriculum and Planning, &
Assessment and Reporting

Adapted and used culturally appropriate

teaching strategies to address the needs of
learners from indigenous groups

© 2022 Rhiza T. Erbina

KRA 3: Diversity of Learners, Curriculum and
Planning, & Assessment and Reporting
Objective 10: Adapted and used culturally appropriate teaching strategies to address the
needs of learners from indigenous groups

“Learners from indigenous groups”

---people who have, under claims of ownership since time
immemorial, occupied, possessed, and utilized ancestral
territories, shared common bonds of language, customs,
traditions, and other unique cultural traits
(RA 8371 or IPRA of 1997).

© 2022 Rhiza T. Erbina

KRA 3: Diversity of Learners, Curriculum and
Planning, & Assessment and Reporting
Objective 10: Adapted and used culturally appropriate teaching strategies to address the
needs of learners from indigenous groups

Set A CO
Obj 10
Set B Teacher Reflection Form
PLUS certification from the school head
© 2022 Rhiza T. Erbina
et A - CO
j 1 0 - S

© 2022 Rhiza T. Erbina

When can one get a
rating of
5? 4? 3? 2? 1?

© 2022 Rhiza T. Erbina

KRA 3: Diversity of Learners, Curriculum and Planning, & Assessment and Reporting
Objective 10: Adapted and used culturally appropriate teaching strategies to address the needs of learners
from indigenous groups

Obj 10 – Set A - CO
5 4 3
• Level 7 in CO • Level 6 • Level 5
• The teacher demonstrates a • The teacher provides a culture- • …understands
wider understanding of a based instruction to meet the
the purpose and
culture- based education. needs of learners. The
• ..strategies respond to adaptation of instruction is value of learning
individual and group of realistic and effective. in the learners'
learners’ cultural background, • The teacher provides diverse context.
thus creating an environment learners with opportunities to
where learners feel equally actively engage in various
involved. learning activities.

© 2022 Rhiza T. Erbina

KRA 3: Diversity of Learners, Curriculum and Planning, & Assessment and Reporting
Objective 10: Adapted and used culturally appropriate teaching strategies to address the needs of learners
from indigenous groups

Obj 10 – Set A - CO
2 1
• Level 4 • Level 3 - or NAE
• The teacher displays • The teacher demonstrates a
familiarity of learners’ limited understanding of a
cultural background but culture-based education.
sometimes lacks • The teacher gives opportunities to
responsiveness in addressing only few learners to actively
them. engage in the learning activities.
© 2022 Rhiza T. Erbina
t B - T R F
j 1 0 - Se

© 2022 Rhiza T. Erbina

Form (TRF)

© 2022 Rhiza T. Erbina

Form (TRF)

© 2022 Rhiza T. Erbina

KRA 3: Diversity of Learners, Curriculum and Planning, & Assessment and Reporting

t B Objective 10: Adapted and used culturally appropriate teaching strategies to address the needs of learners
Se from indigenous groups

Obj 10 – TRF rubric

5 4 3 2 1
Demonstrated Level 4 Level 3 Level 2 Level 1
Level 5 as shown or
in the TRFs No acceptable
evidence was

© 2022 Rhiza T. Erbina

Obj 10 – TRF rubric

© 2022 Rhiza T. Erbina

t 1)
( P

© 2022 Rhiza T. Erbina

t 2 )
ro mp

© 2022 Rhiza T. Erbina

Sample Computation

t B- T R F
S e

© 2022 Rhiza T. Erbina

KRA 3:
Diversity of Learners, OBJECTIVE
Curriculum and Planning, &
Assessment and Reporting
Adapted and implemented learning
programs that ensure relevance and
responsiveness to the needs of all
© 2022 Rhiza T. Erbina
KRA 3: Diversity of Learners, Curriculum and Planning, & Assessment
and Reporting
Objective 11: Adapted and implemented learning programs that ensure relevance and
responsiveness to the needs of all learners

xt ua l i z e d
Con te
Lea r n i n g
r a m s

© 2022 Rhiza T. Erbina

KRA 3: Diversity of Learners, Curriculum and Planning, & Assessment
and Reporting
Objective 11: Adapted and implemented learning programs that ensure relevance and
responsiveness to the needs of all learners
Learning programs are organized and
sequenced set of strategies, activities and ❖ A group of teachers or
tasks that effect learning (PPST, 2017) an entire school may
collaborate on a
For example learning program.
• literacy programs, ❖ The implementor/s
• numeracy programs, themselves may also
evaluate the
• Strategic Intervention Materials (SIM), effectiveness of their
• enrichment programs, adapted /
• remediation programs, implemented learning
• intervention modules, program.
• ALS modular programs,
• SPED Individualized Education Programs ❖ Proof of evaluation
(IEP), may be the ILMP
• among others © 2022 Rhiza T. Erbina
KRA 3: Diversity of Learners, Curriculum and Planning, & Assessment
and Reporting
Objective 11: Adapted and implemented learning programs that ensure relevance and
responsiveness to the needs of all learners

1. Proof of evaluation* on the implementation of the adapted /
contextualized learning program
2. Progress report on the implementation of the adapted /
contextualized learning program
3. Accomplishment/ completion / technical report on the
implementation of an adapted / contextualized learning program
4. Action plan / activity proposal / activity matrix that shows an
adapted / contextualized learning program

© 2022 Rhiza T. Erbina

KRA 3: Diversity of Learners, Curriculum and Planning, & Assessment
and Reporting
Objective 11: Adapted and implemented learning programs that ensure relevance and
responsiveness to the needs of all learners

o f of e nt o n
Pro ation ss m t i
u g r e p t li s h Ac n
a l Pro ort o m r Pla
ev c c o
Rep A © 2022 R p
e T. Erbina
KRA 3:
Diversity of Learners, OBJECTIVE
Curriculum and Planning, &
Assessment and Reporting
Utilized assessment data to inform the
modification of teaching and learning
practices and programs

© 2022 Rhiza T. Erbina

KRA 3: Diversity of Learners, Curriculum and Planning, & Assessment
and Reporting
Objective 12: Utilized assessment data to inform the modification of teaching and learning
practices and programs

Ma i nM
list of identified least /
most mastered skills
based on the frequency of errors /
correct responses
© 2022 Rhiza T. Erbina
KRA 3: Diversity of Learners, Curriculum and Planning, & Assessment
and Reporting
Objective 12: Utilized assessment data to inform the modification of teaching and learning
practices and programs

Supporting MOVs
1. accomplishment report for
remedial / enhancement 3. lesson plan/activity log
activities (e.g., remedial for remediation /
sessions, Summer Reading enhancement utilizing of
Camp, Phil-IRI- based reading assessment data to
program) modify teaching and
learning practices or
2. intervention material used for programs
remediation / reinforcement /
enhancement © 2022 Rhiza T. Erbina
KRA 3: Diversity of Learners, Curriculum and Planning, & Assessment and
Objective 12: Utilized assessment data to inform the modification of teaching and learning practices and

e n t i on
Interv rial
LP fo tion
e n t ed ia
p lishm rem
c om rt M S
a c p o f L
re List o
© 2022 Rhiza T. Erbina
KRA 4:
Community Linkages and OBJECTIVE
Professional Engagement &
Personal Growth and
Professional Development 13
Maintained learning environments that are
responsive to community contexts

© 2022 Rhiza T. Erbina

KRA 4: Community Linkages and Professional Engagement &
Personal Growth and Professional Development

Learning environment is the classroom and other

physical learning areas outside the classroom.

Community contexts refer to situations and all the

circumstances in which learners learn from instruction (PPST, 2017)

© 2022 Rhiza T. Erbina

KRA 4: Community Linkages and Professional Engagement & Personal Growth and
Professional Development
Maintained learning environments that are responsive to
community contexts

1. Accomplishment report of a program/project /activity
2. Program /Project /Activity plan
3. Minutes of a consultative meeting / community stakeholders
meeting about a program / project / activity that maintains a
learning environment with proof of attendance
4. Communication letter about a program / project / activity
© 2022 Rhiza T. Erbina
KRA 4: Community Linkages and Professional Engagement & Personal Growth and
Professional Development
Maintained learning environments that are responsive to
community contexts
5 4 3 2 1
Collaborated with the Planned with the Conducted a Communicated with
community community consultative meeting the community No
stakeholder in the stakeholders a with the community stakeholders about a
implementation / program, project, stakeholders on a program, project,
completion of a and/or activity that program, project, and/or activity that evidence
program, project, maintains a learning and/or activity that maintains the was shown
and/or activity that environment maintains a learning
MINUTES OF A learning environment
maintains a learning responsive to environment
CONSULTATIVE responsive to
responsive to COMMUNICATION
environment community contexts community contexts
responsive to as evidenced by community contexts as as evidenced by
community contexts as MOV No. 2 evidenced by MOV No. 4
evidenced by MOV No. 3
ACTIVITY PLAN © 2022 Rhiza T. Erbina
KRA 4:
Community Linkages and OBJECTIVE
Professional Engagement &
Personal Growth and
Professional Development 14
Reviewed regularly personal teaching practice using
existing laws and regulations that apply to the
teaching profession and the responsibilities specified
in the Code of Ethics for Professional Teachers

© 2022 Rhiza T. Erbina

KRA 4: Community Linkages and Professional Engagement & Personal Growth and
Professional Development
14. Reviewed regularly personal teaching practice using existing laws and regulations that apply to the teaching
profession and the responsibilities specified in the Code of Ethics for Professional Teachers

1. Annotated video /audio recording of 3. Personal reflection notes as
one’s teaching that shows impact of outputs from participation in review of
regularly reviewing one’s teaching personal teaching
practices in four (4) quarters
2. Annotated teaching material that 4. Proof of attendance (with date) in
shows impact of regularly reviewing one’s LAC or coaching and mentoring
teaching practice/s sessions for review of personal
● lesson plan teaching practices
● assessment materials
● others (please specify) © 2022 Rhiza T. Erbina
KRA 4: Community Linkages and Professional Engagement & Personal Growth and
Professional Development
14. Reviewed regularly personal teaching practice using existing laws and regulations that apply to the teaching
profession and the responsibilities specified in the Code of Ethics for Professional Teachers
5 4 3 2 1
Exhibited an improved Exhibited an improved Reviewed personal Participated in the
Practice through one’s Practice through a teaching practices using laws review of personal
teaching as impact of teaching material as and regulations that teaching NAE
regularly reviewing one’s impact of ………... as apply to the profession and practices using laws
teaching evidenced by the responsibilities …….. in 4 quarters as
practice/s using MOV No. 2 in the Code of Ethics for evidenced by
laws and regulations that Professional Teachers in 4 MOV No. 4
apply to the quarters with reflection
profession and outputs as evidenced by
the responsibilities MOV No. 3
in the Code of Ethics for
Professional Teachers as
evidenced by MOV No. 1 PERSONAL
© 2022 Rhiza T. Erbina
KRA 4:
Community Linkages and OBJECTIVE
Professional Engagement &
Personal Growth and
Professional Development 15
Complied with and implemented school
policies and procedures consistently to
foster harmonious relationships with
learners, parents, and other stakeholders
© 2022 Rhiza T. Erbina
KRA 4: Community Linkages and Professional Engagement & Personal Growth and
Professional Development
15. Complied with and implemented school policies and procedures consistently to foster
harmonious relationships with learners, parents, and other stakeholders

1. Proof of participation/ 2. Minutes of P-T conference/
involvement in a stakeholders’ meeting about an
school-community implemented school policy /
partnership for the procedure with proof of attendance
implementation of a school
policy/procedure (e.g., 3. Communication letter about an
certificate as committee implemented school policy/
member, narrative report) procedure sent to parent/guardian
© 2022 Rhiza T. Erbina
KRA 4: Community Linkages and Professional Engagement & Personal Growth and Prof’l Dev’t
15. Complied with and implemented school policies and procedures consistently to foster harmonious
relationships with learners, parents, and other stakeholders

5 4 3 2 1
Sustained engagement Discussed with Communicated Implemented NAE
with the learners, learners, with learners, school policies
parents/ guardians, and parents/ guardians, and parents/ and procedures
other stakeholders other stakeholders guardians, and other without
regarding school stakeholders the communicating
the implemented
policies and procedures Implemented school and consulting
school policies and
through the learners,
procedures as policies and
school-community parents/
partnership/s as evidenced procedures as guardians, and
evidenced by MOV # 1 by MOV # 2 evidenced by other
MOV # 3 stakeholders
© 2022 Rhiza T. Erbina
KRA 4:
Community Linkages and OBJECTIVE
Professional Engagement &
Personal Growth and
Professional Development 16
Applied a personal philosophy of
teaching that is learner-centered

© 2022 Rhiza T. Erbina

KRA 4: Community Linkages and Professional Engagement & Personal Growth and
Professional Development
16. Applied a personal philosophy of teaching that is learner-centered

One (1) lesson plan with annotations explaining
the application of a learner-centered teaching
philosophy (e.g., constructivism, existentialism)
used as basis for planning / designing the lesson

© 2022 Rhiza T. Erbina

KRA 4: Community Linkages and Professional Engagement & Personal Growth and
Professional Development
16. Applied a personal philosophy of teaching that is learner-centered
5 4 3 2 1

Applied Applied Applied Application of NAE

learner-centered learner-centere learner-centere learner-centered
teaching d teaching d teaching teaching
philosophy in the philosophy in philosophy in philosophy is
lesson plan in ALL the lesson plan the lesson plan reflected but was
the components in TWO in ONE poorly used as
of instruction in components … component … basis for planning
the lesson plan / designing the
to improve lesson.
student learning
© 2022 Rhiza T. Erbina
KRA 4:
Community Linkages and OBJECTIVE
Professional Engagement &
Personal Growth and
Professional Development 17
Adopted practices that uphold the dignity
of teaching as a profession by exhibiting
qualities such as caring attitude, respect
and integrity
© 2022 Rhiza T. Erbina
KRA 4: Community Linkages and Professional Engagement & Personal Growth and Prof’l
17. Adopted practices that uphold the dignity of teaching as a profession by exhibiting qualities
such as caring attitude, respect and integrity

1. Documented feedback 1. Annotated evidence of practice indirectly linking to the
from superiors, upholding of the dignity of teaching as a profession by
colleagues, learners, exhibiting qualities such as caring attitude, respect and
parents / guardian, or integrity
other stakeholders ● Screenshot of text message / chat / email / any form of
directly reflecting the communication with parents / guardian or learners (name or
ratee’s good practices that any identifier removed)
uphold the dignity of ● Remarks from mentor/MT/ SH about one’s qualities
teaching (e.g., entries in the PMCF or in Mid-Year Review Form)
● Recognition from the school / school community about
one’s qualities
● Others (please specify)
© 2022 Rhiza T. Erbina
KRA 4: Community Linkages and Professional Engagement & Personal Growth and Prof’l Dev’t
17. Adopted practices that uphold the dignity of teaching as a profession by exhibiting qualities such as
caring attitude, respect and integrity

5 4 3 2 1

Exhibited dignity of ….. with Adopted practices that Adopted a NAE

teaching as a profession by affirmation from uphold the practice ….. as
exhibiting qualities such as any school dignity of teaching as a evidenced by
caring attitude, respect, and stakeholder as profession by one MOV # 2.
integrity with affirmation evidenced by exhibiting qualities such
from DIFFERENT school ONE MOV No. 1 as caring
stakeholders as evidenced attitude, respect, and
by at least TWO MOV # 1 integrity as ANNOTATED
DOCUMENTED evidenced by at least EVIDENCE OF
(different) OF PRACTICE
© 2022 Rhiza T. Erbina
KRA 4:
Community Linkages and OBJECTIVE
Professional Engagement &
Personal Growth and
Professional Development

Set professional development goals

based on the Philippine Professional
Standards for Teachers

© 2022 Rhiza T. Erbina

KRA 4: Community Linkages and Professional Engagement & Personal Growth and Prof’l
18. Set professional development goals based on the Philippine Professional
Standards for Teachers

1. Updated IPCRF-DP 3. IPCRF-DP
from Phase II
4. Certification from the
2. Mid-year Review Form ICT Coordinator/ School
(MRF) Head / Focal Person in
charge of e-SAT
© 2022 Rhiza T. Erbina
KRA 4: Community Linkages and Professional Engagement & Personal Growth and Prof’l Dev’t
18. Set professional development goals based on the Philippine Professional Standards for Teachers

5 4 3 2 1
Updated Discussed Set PD goals Accomplished NAE
Professional progress on PD based on the e-SAT at
Development (PD) goals with the e-SAT results the beginning
goals during rater during the as of the school
evidenced by year as
Phase II of the mid-year review evidenced by
RPMS Cycle as as evidenced MOV # 3
MOV # 4
evidenced by by MOV # 2
© 2022 Rhiza T. Erbina

Performed various related works/

activities that contribute to the
teaching learning process

© 2022 Rhiza T. Erbina

KRA 5: Plus Factor
19. Performed various related works/ activities thatcontribute to the teachinglearning process

MOVs (1)
Proof of:
● committee involvement
● advisorship of co-curricular activities
● book or journal authorship/ contributorship
● coordinatorship/ chairpersonship
● coaching and mentoring learners in competitions
© 2022 Rhiza T. Erbina
KRA 5: Plus Factor
19. Performed various related works/activities that contribute to the teaching-learning process

MOVs (2)
Proof of:
● serving as reliever of classes in the absence of teachers
● mentoring pre-service teachers
● participation in demonstration teaching
● participation as TWG member
● others (please specify and provide annotations)
© 2022 Rhiza T. Erbina
KRA 5: Plus Factor
19. Performed various related works/activities that contribute to the teaching-learning
5 4 3 2 1
Performed at …within the … within the …within the
least 1 related NAE
work / activity that school/ learning area/ class as
contributed to the Community department as evidenced by
teaching-learning Learning evidenced by submitted
process submitted MOV
Center (CLC) MOV
beyond the
as evidenced
school/ Community
Learning by submitted
Center (CLC) as MOV
by submitted MOV
© 2022 Rhiza T. Erbina

© 2022 Rhiza T. Erbina

Can I shift between Use only one mode of
modes of observation? observation for the entire year.
(DM 4, s 2022, p 192)

What learning modality

does observation of a This applies to purely modular
learning (print/digital), RBI and
demonstration teaching
via LAC apply? (DM 4, s 2022, p 193)

© 2022 Rhiza T. Erbina

There are 3 class observations True
required this SY.

There are 9 indicators to be rated

per class observation.
There are 5 non-negotiable
Class Observable Indicators (COI).
© 2022 Rhiza T. Erbina
m b er

Categories Objectives

COI 1, 3, 4, 5, 6
(7, 8, 9, 10)

Non-COI 2, 11-19

© 2022 Rhiza T. Erbina

Were the KRAs, objectives, and
MOVs of RPMS-PPST SY 2021-2022
(COI) explained in this session?

© 2022 Rhiza T. Erbina

© 2022 Rhiza T. Erbina
© 2022 Rhiza T. Erbina

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