EAC Codes
EAC Codes
EAC Description
1 Agriculture, fisheries
2 Mining and quarrying
3 Food products, beverage and tobacco
4 Textiles and textile products
5 Manufacture of leather and leather products
6 Manufacturers of wood and wood products
7 Manufacture of pulp, paper and paper products
8 Publishing companies
9 Printing companies (including sound duplication)
10 Manufacture of coke and refined petroleum products
11 Nuclear fuel production
12 Chemicals, chemical products and fibres
13 Pharmaceuticals production
14 Rubber and plastic products production
15 Non-metallic mineral products (Glass, Ceramics, Stone and
Earth works)
16 Production of concrete, cement, lime, plaster, etc. and
derived products
17/1 Metal production
17/2 Metal work and supply of metal products
18 Machinery and equipment
19 Electrical, fine mechanics, optical equipment, office supplies
production, data processing equipment
20 Shipbuilding
21 Aerospace
22 Other forms of transportation (motorcycles, bicycles,
motorvehicles and parts/accessories; railway materials and
related articles)
Manufacture of jewellery, imitation jewellery and related
articles, musical instruments, sports goods, games and
toys, furniture, prefabricated insulation and its application
24 Recycling
25 Electricity supply
26 Gas supply
27 Water supply
28 Construction
29/1 Wholesale and retail trade, wholesale on a fee or contract
29/2 Maintenance and repair of cycles, motor-cycles, motor
vehicles and consumer goods
30 Hotels and restaurants
31/1 Transport and Logistics (Storage and Communication)
31/2 Postage and Telecom (Storage and Communication)
32/1 Real Estate
32/2 Renting, Credit and Insurance services
33 Information technology
34/1 Design and Development
34/2 Architecture and Engineering services
35 Professional services for companies
36 Public administration, maintenance and social security
37 Education
38 Health, veterinary and social work
39 Other public and private services