2018 - Optimisation and Modelling of Supercritical CO2 Extraction Process

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The Journal of Supercritical Fluids 133 (2018) 94–102

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The Journal of Supercritical Fluids

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Optimisation and modelling of supercritical CO2 extraction process of MARK

carotenoids from carrot peels

Micael de Andrade Lima, Dimitris Charalampopoulos, Afroditi Chatzifragkou
Department of Food and Nutritional Sciences, University of Reading, Whiteknights, PO Box 226, Reading, RG6 6AP, UK



Keywords: This work aimed to assess and optimise the extraction of carotenoids from carrot peels by supercritical CO2 (S-
Carotenoids CO2), utilising ethanol as co-solvent. The evaluated variables were temperature, pressure and co-solvent con-
Supercritical CO2 centration. According to the validated model, the optimal conditions for maximum mass yield (5.31%, d.b.) were
Carrot peels found at 58.5 °C, 306 bar and 14.3% of ethanol, and at 59.0 °C, 349 bar and 15.5% ethanol for carotenoid
recovery (86.1%). Kinetic experiments showed that 97% of the total extractable carotenoid content was re-
covered after only 30 min, whereas model fitting confirmed the fast extraction trend and desorbing nature of
carotenoids from the sample matrix. The process is potentially scalable, as demonstrated by runs performed with
a 10-fold initial sample size, which led to even higher recoveries (96.2%), indicating that S-CO2 can be as
efficient as a conventional solvent extraction for recovering high value compounds from vegetable by-products.

1. Introduction carrot processing around 11% of the initial mass is lost, mainly in the
form of peels, tubers and attached flesh. Carrots are enriched with
Due to the increasingly high volumes of waste generated by the food phytochemicals of high importance, such as carotenoids and phenolic
processing industry, developing and establishing waste management compounds [3] that could be extracted and utilised as natural additives
practices is paramount. Fruit, vegetables and their by-products are (e.g. colourants) for food and pharmaceutical applications. In parti-
known to contain a variety of valuable compounds including carbo- cular, carotenoids are ubiquitous compounds in vegetables and con-
hydrates (e.g. dietary fibre, oligosaccharides), aromatic compounds and stitute essential nutrients in the human diet, exerting antioxidant and
phytochemicals (e.g., polyphenols, glucosinolates, carotenoids) [1]. potentially cancer-preventive properties [4–6].
Carrots are one of the most consumed vegetables with over 37 The extraction of phytochemicals from vegetable matrices is com-
million tonnes produced every year worldwide [2]. Such a vast pro- monly carried out with the aid of conventional chemical solvents, due
duction results in proportionally large amounts of waste, as during to their ease of use, efficiency, relatively low cost and wide applicability

Corresponding author.
E-mail address: [email protected] (A. Chatzifragkou).

Received 11 July 2017; Received in revised form 26 September 2017; Accepted 27 September 2017
Available online 28 September 2017
0896-8446/ © 2017 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
M. de Andrade Lima et al. The Journal of Supercritical Fluids 133 (2018) 94–102

[7]. The mechanism of extraction rests on the differences in the solu- 2.2. Total carotenoid content (TCC) determination and identification
bility of the matrix (insoluble residue) and the compounds of interest
which, by having high affinity with the liquid solvent phase, promptly Carotenoids were analysed according to a protocol optimised for
diffuse into it. However, conventional solvents require several hours to carrot matrices [19]. Briefly, 1.0–2.0 g of sample were weighed and
achieve satisfactory recoveries. Also, the end solutions are often dilute added into 6 mL of methanol. After vigorous mixing, samples were
and therefore, an additional concentration step is needed, which could centrifuged for 5 min at 2500 × g and the supernatant was separated; a
result in degradation or bioactivity losses of the components of interest. new extraction was performed twice with 8 mL of a mixture of hexane
In the case of carotenoids, different solvents such as acetone, methanol, and acetone (1:1). Subsequently, the organic solvent fractions were
hexane and tetrahydrofuran (THF) are commonly used due to the non- combined, 25 mL of saturated NaCl were added, and the mixture was
polar nature of such phytochemicals [8]. A clear disadvantage is the shaken in a separator funnel. After phase separation, the lower, water-
toxicity of many of these solvents that renders their handling and dis- phase was re-extracted with 8 mL of hexane and the resulting super-
posal a hazard for handlers and the environment. natant was combined with the first. The combined fractions were eva-
With the growing environmental concern and the advent of green porated under nitrogen stream and re-dissolved in methanol prior to
technologies, new methods for extracting these classes of phytochem- High Pressure Liquid Chromatography (HPLC) analysis. An Agilent In-
icals have been suggested and are currently being studied, including finity 1260 series HPLC system was used, coupled with a 1260 DAD
microwave and ultrasound assisted extraction, subcritical water ex- detector (Agilent Technologies, UK). An YMC-C30 silica-based re-
traction, enzyme-aided extraction and supercritical fluid extraction versed-phase column (250 × 4.6 mm) was used for the separation of
(SFE) [9–12]. SFE technology employs mainly CO2 and is regarded as a carotenoids in a gradient method consisting of (A) methanol/MTBE/
fast, efficient and “clean” method for the extraction of natural products water (82:16:2) and (B) methanol/MTBE/water (23:75:2) as mobile
from biomass matrices, such as fruit and vegetables. The extraction of phase. The gradient started at 100% of A. Solvent B was then increased
compounds happens similarly to conventional solvents, but fluids in to 50% (0-45 min) and further increased to 100% (46–55 min), with
supercritical state possess gas-like properties of diffusion, viscosity and this condition being held for 5 min, totalling 60 min per run. The in-
surface tension, as well as liquid-like densities and solvation powers. jection volume was 100 μL and the flow rate was kept constant at
These properties combined render S-CO2 ideal for extracting com- 1.0 mL/min. For carotenoid identification and quantification, pre-
pounds in a shorter time with higher yields, when compared to con- viously-built calibration curves of external commercial standards (α-
ventional liquid-state solvents [13]. Supercritical CO2 results in the carotene, β-carotene and lutein; Sigma-Aldrich) were used. All detected
recovery of compounds without toxic residues, no degradation of the peaks were analysed at 450 nm.
active components, which can be then recovered in high purity. It is
currently used commercially for the decaffeination of coffee and tea 2.3. S-CO2 extraction parameters and optimisation of experimental
[14,15], the extraction of flavours from plant leaves, lipids from milk conditions
and fish oils, alcohol from beverages [16] and specialty bioactives for
cosmetic applications, such as antiaging creams [13]. Samples of carrot peels were subjected to S-CO2 extraction in a S-
The aim of this work was to evaluate the use carrot peels as starting CO2 rig (SciMed, UK). The apparatus consisted of a recirculating chiller,
material for the extraction of carotenoids by supercritical CO2. CO2 line, solvent and co-solvent pumps, heat exchanger, 200 mL ex-
Although previous studies dealing with the extraction of carrot flesh or traction vessel, automated backpressure regulator (ABPR), collection
other vegetable matrices by SFE have been performed [17,18], these vessel and a controlling computer. For every run, 5.0 g of dried peel
were more focused on statistical approach rather than on the variable samples were thoroughly mixed with 95 g of inert glass beads (Sigma-
effects of process kinetics and extract characterisation. Aldrich, UK) to ensure bed homogenisation, placed in the extraction
The efficiency of the process was evaluated with respect to global vessel and submitted to a CO2 flow rate of 15 g/min. Ethanol was used
mass yield (%, ratio between total extracted mass and the amount of as co-solvent and extraction time was fixed at 80 min.
initial sample) and carotenoid recovery. A 23 Central Composite Design In order to optimise the process, a non-factorial 23 Central
of Experiments (DoE) was carried out to optimise the process conditions Composite Design of Experiments (DoE) with three factors at three le-
and the extraction kinetics, whereas the fit of different models to the vels was employed. The three independent variables assessed in the
data was assessed. Also, experiments using a 10-fold initial sample size study were temperature (T, at 50, 60 and 70 °C), pressure (P, at 150,
were performed to attest the scalability potential of the process. Finally, 250 and 350 bar) and co-solvent concentration (EtOH, at 5, 10 and 15%
the obtained extracts were compositionally characterised and insights v/v). The dependent variables (or responses) assessed were global mass
on their potential applications were given. yield Y, defined as the % (g/g) of mass recovered in the extracts with
relation to the initial mass load (5.0 g), and total carotenoid content
(TCC) recovery C-REC, defined as a percentage (%, mg/mg) of the in-
2. Materials and methods itial TCC. Fourteen different experiments including the low, high and
axial points of all the parameters were conducted along with a central
2.1. Sample preparation point replicated three times to calculate experimental errors, totalling
17 runs. At the end of every run, the extracts obtained in ethanol, were
Samples of Nantes carrots (Daucus carota) grown in the UK and evaporated to dryness in a rotavapor (RE 120, Büchi, UK), weighed and
harvested in February 2015, were purchased from a local supermarket re-dissolved in methanol for TCC analysis as described above.
chain in Reading (UK). The carrots were washed and manually peeled. Response Surface Methodology (RSM) was used to represent the
In our experiments, the peels represented 9.5% of the total vegetable model obtained in the form of a 3D graph. All terms in the model
mass loss, a figure quite close to the losses occurred during industrial equation were tested statistically by the F-test at a 95% interval of
processing of carrots (11%). The samples of peels and flesh were frozen confidence. The values of the determination coefficient (R2) and the
at −20 °C for 36–48 h, freeze dried (VirTis SP Scientific, UK) for 72 h, coefficient of variance (CV, %) were also used to confirm the quality of
milled with a grinder and sieved to exclude particles with diameter the fitted polynomial model. Lastly, after identifying the critical points
greater than 750 μm. The final samples presented a mean particle size by localising the graph global maximum (point where the derivative of
of 205 μm (70 mesh) for peels and 245 μm (60 mesh) for flesh. The the curve is zero), additional triplicate experiments were performed at
samples were then stored in containers away from light and kept at these critical conditions in order to determine the validity of the opti-
−20 °C until further analysis. mised conditions. The average values of the experiments were com-
pared to the predicted values given by the model to confirm its

M. de Andrade Lima et al. The Journal of Supercritical Fluids 133 (2018) 94–102

accuracy. Table 1
Carotenoid content in carrot flesh and peel samples.

2.4. Extraction kinetics, data modelling and assessment of scalability Carotenoid Carrot flesh Carrot peels
Concentration % of total Concentration % of total
Kinetic experiments were also carried out to optimise extraction (μg/g) carotenoids (μg/g) carotenoids
time, as a function of both global mass yield and carotenoid recovery.
Lutein 7.1 ± 0.8 2.0 1.9 ± 0.3 1.2
The runs were conducted in triplicate at the critical conditions obtained Lycopene 30.2 ± 2.6 8.5 8.4 ± 1.1 3.9
from the DoE study, with all other fixed parameters being kept con- α-Carotene 106.6 ± 7.3 30.1 67.6 ± 5.6 32.9
stant. Extracts were withdrawn every 5 min during the first 30 min of β-Carotene 210.0 ± 12.1 59.4 127.8 ± 9.4 62.0
Total 353.9 ± 22.8 100 205.6 ± 16.4 100
extraction and every 10 min after this point until the end of the run
(80 min). The Overall Extraction Curves (OECs) for both yield and
carotenoid recovery obtained with these studies were fitted to empirical
for approximately 95% of TCC. Other carotenoids identified were ly-
[20,21], desorption [22] and logistic [23] models. Also, in order to
copene and lutein, but were present in much lower concentrations
assess the influence of higher mass loads on the behaviour of the ex-
(1.9–30.2 μg/g).
traction and how the attained model would respond in larger scales, It is noted that a considerably high TCC was present in the peels,
runs were performed in the SFE using the full capacity of the extraction
which amounted to around 60% of that in the flesh. It is likely that a
vessel (50.0 g of sample) while keeping all other parameters fixed. The considerable part of the high TCC found in peels is due to the flesh still
extraction time was 210 min in these cases.
attached to them after the peeling process. This highlights the potential
of using this particular by-product for the recovery of carotenoids.
2.5. Analytical methods

The extracts of four selected conditions were characterised as to 3.2. Optimisation of S-CO2 extraction of carotenoids
their macronutrient profile (total protein, lipid and carbohydrate con-
tent). Total protein content was determined by the Kjeldahl method Dried carrot peels were subjected to S-CO2, targeting the recovery of
[24]. The amount of nitrogen and protein present (%, w/w) was cal- carotenoids. Table 2 shows the values obtained for both mass yield and
culated as follows: carotenoid recovery, under the 17 conditions assessed, according to the
VH 2SO 4 (mL) * N* 14,007 * 100 non-factorial Central Composite Design of Experiments (DoE). The
% Nitrogen = presence of values outside the fixed limits (runs 9–14), is a character-
Wsample (mg )
istic inherent in the CCD and is useful for observing the behaviour of
% Protein = %Nitrogen*6.25 , regions out of the chosen range, as it can indicate a trend in case the
critical points are spotted outside these boundaries. A few studies in the
Where VH2SO4 is the volume (mL) of sulfuric acid 0.1N consumed during
literature using different raw materials have employed conditions other
titration, N is the normality of H2SO4 and Wsample is the exact weight of
than those proposed in this study, with pressures as low as 100 bar and
the sample submitted to digestion.
as high as 500 bar and temperatures varying from 40 to 90 °C [31–36].
The lipid content was determined gravimetrically, using the Soxhlet
Although in theory, the nonpolar nature of carotenoids should allow
method [25]. Calculation of the lipid content was done by weight dif-
their extraction in S-CO2 without the addition of a modifier, pre-
liminary studies (data not shown) revealed that the exclusion of a co-
The total carbohydrate content was determined according to the
solvent from the extraction process resulted in carotenoid recoveries of
NREL protocol [26]. Approximately 300 mg of sample were submitted
no greater than 34% (w/w), mainly due to the high molecular weight of
to acid hydrolysis with 3 mL of H2SO4 (72%, v/v) followed by in-
the targeted compounds. Besides, preliminary studies showed that the
cubation at 30 °C for 1 h. The liquid phase was then diluted to 3%
use of ethanol resulted into better carotenoid recoveries compared to
H2SO4 (v/v) and autoclaved at 121 °C for 30 min. After cooling down,
methanol (data not shown). By taking also into account its low toxicity,
the pH value of the supernatants was adjusted to 5.0 using CaCO3 and
it was decided to utilise ethanol as a co-solvent for all experiments.
supernatants were filtered and subject to analysis in a HPLC system
There was a considerable variation in the mass yield and total
coupled with DAD/RI detectors (Agilent Infinity, 1260 series). The
column used was an Aminex HPX-87H (300 × 7.8 mm, Bio-Rad, Cali-
Table 2
fornia, USA), the isocratic mobile phase employed was 0.005 M H2SO4 Experimental conditions and obtained values for mass yield and total carotenoid content
and the flow rate was 0.6 mL/min. The injection volume was 20 μL and recovery.
the quantification of sugars was performed with the aid of previously-
Run Temp (°C) Press (bar) EtOH (%) Global Mass Yield (%) C-REC (%)
plotted calibration curves of external individual standards of glucose,
fructose, xylose, arabinose and galacturonic acid (Sigma-Aldrich). 01 50.0 150 5.0 1.15 34.9
02 50.0 150 15.0 2.59 51.5
3. Results and discussion 03 50.0 350 5.0 0.90 67.7
04 50.0 350 15.0 4.00 78.8
05 70.0 150 5.0 0.31 64.9
3.1. Carotenoid content of carrot samples 06 70.0 150 15.0 2.31 57.1
07 70.0 350 5.0 1.34 66.8
The individual carotenoids identified and their concentrations, 08 70.0 350 15.0 3.26 81.2
along with the total carotenoid content (TCC) in the samples of carrot 09 43.2 250 10.0 3.77 43.0
10 76.8 250 10.0 2.96 68.2
flesh and peels are presented in Table 1.The TCC in carrots can vary 11 60.0 82 10.0 3.09 46.6
from 4.6 to 548 μg/g, depending on the different cultivars [27–30]. 12 60.0 408 10.0 5.37 68.7
The results obtained in the current study are within the range of 13 60.0 250 1.6 0.98 41.5
values reported in the literature. β-Carotene was identified as the main 14 60.0 250 18.4 5.70 82.5
15 60.0 250 10.0 4.44 77.1
carotenoid in the samples, representing around 60% of the TCC in both
16 60.0 250 10.0 4.51 79.1
flesh and peel, followed by α-carotene, making up for around 30% of 17 60.0 250 10.0 4.43 77.8
the TCC in both samples. In the peels, these two carotenoids accounted

M. de Andrade Lima et al. The Journal of Supercritical Fluids 133 (2018) 94–102

Fig. 1. Pareto Chart demonstrating the effects of the variables

and their interactions on (a) mass yield and (b) carotenoid
recovery, at 95% significance level.

carotenoid recovery values for the different conditions assessed, which carotenoid recovery), given any conditions within the studied range.
highlights the high relevance of this statistical process optimisation For mass yield (%) the equation is:
study. In terms of the response tested, the global mass yield ranged from
0.31% (run 5) to 5.70% (run 14) and the C-REC from 34.9% (run 1) to [Y]% = 0.87887*[T] − 0.0075781*[T]2 + 0.84782*[CS] − 0.030666*[CS]2
82.5% (run 14). + 0.0001025*[T]*[P] − 0.00155*[T]*[CS] + 0.000395*[P]*[CS]
Fig. 1 depicts the Pareto Charts of Effects, which demonstrate the − 28.2153 (1)
influence of the variables and their interactions on global mass yield
and carotenoid recovery (at a 95% level of significance). All variables Where [Y] = yield; [T] = temperature (°C); [CS] = co-solvent con-
that surpassed the line at p = 5% were deemed to have affected sig- centration (%); [P] = pressure (bar).
nificantly the mass yield or the recovery of carotenoids, respectively. For carotenoid recovery (%) the equation is:
With regards to mass yield, it can be observed that only the linear [CREC]% = 10.17256*[T] − 0.06667*[T]2 + 7.16074*[CS]
term of co-solvent concentration affected significantly the extraction,
while none of the quadratic terms or the interactions of the linear terms − 0.17624*[CS]2 − 0.004255*[T]*[P] − 0.052695*[T]*[CS]
showed a significant effect (p > 0.05). Ethanol is highly efficient in + 0.004158*[P]*[CS] − 237.1932 (2)
increasing the polarity of CO2, allowing the dissolution of polar mac-
Where [Y] = yield; [T] = temperature (°C); [CS] = co-solvent con-
ronutrients, e.g. carbohydrates and amphipathic lipids or proteins. This
centration (%); [P] = pressure (bar).
can explain the higher mass yields that were obtained as ethanol levels
In order to confirm the adequacy of the model, an analysis of var-
increased. Both the quadratic term of the co-solvent concentration and
iance (ANOVA) was performed along with an F-test (lack of fit), for
the temperature did influence the extraction at 94.6 and 94.4% of
validation. For mass yield, the R2-value was 0.808 and that the F-value
significance, respectively. Although not crossing the 95%-level
(3.06) was higher than the tabulated F value (F9,7 = 2.72). For car-
threshold set for the experiments, these parameters are certainly im-
otenoid recovery, the R2-value was of 0.870 and the F-experimental
portant, as they can affect the process to an extent.
value (5.26) was almost twice the F-tabulated value (F9,7 = 2.72).
With regards to carotenoid recovery, all linear variables presented a
Hence, for both cases, it can be deduced that the models can sa-
statistically significant influence, with pressure imposing the greatest
tisfactorily describe the extraction process.
effect on the process. Pressure, in conjunction with temperature, plays a
The conditions for maximising the responses were identified by
major role in increasing the solvation power of CO2, favouring the ex-
determining the absolute maxima of the response surface graphs gen-
traction of micronutrients, and effectively phytochemicals. Although a
erated (Fig. 2a and b). For global mass yield, these conditions were:
temperature increase showed a clear effect on carotenoid yield in S-
temperature of 58.5 °C, pressure of 306 bar and at 14.3% (v/v) of co-
CO2, pressure is the factor that mostly influenced carotenoid recovery,
solvent. This set of values predicted an extract mass of 5.31% (w/w).
since carotenoids are large molecules and their vapour pressure is low
The maximum carotenoid recovery (86.1%), in turn, was found at
[37]. Additionally, higher pressures are believed to disrupt the vege-
59.0 °C, 349 bar and with the aid of 15.5% of co-solvent, conditions
table cell walls and other stronger chemical interactions between dif-
very similar to those for mass yield. The critical points were then tested
ferent compounds (lipids, carbohydrates) and the vegetable cell wall
by performing three experiments under the critical conditions and
structures, which can cause carotenoids to dissociate from these
comparing these to the predicted results. A low variance of the ex-
structures and hence, to be more easily expelled from the extraction bed
perimental values (5.38% of mass and 87.0% of carotenoid recovery)
[38]. Higher co-solvent concentrations also resulted in positive influ-
with the predicted responses was found. The models are very consistent
ences in the process. Although carotenoids usually present very low
and therefore valid to describe the whole process.
polarity, they are high-molecular-weight molecules and the presence of
Table 3 presents a list of studies that involved the optimisation of
an entrainer (e.g. ethanol, methanol, etc.) facilitates their extraction,
the extraction via S-CO2 of different food materials (for mass yield and
since it can aid the dissolution of heavier substances in CO2. Also, by
carotenoid recovery), with the key variables influencing the process
observing both linear and quadratic temperature effects on the graph, it
and the recovery values for each material.
can be noted that temperature had a dual behaviour: increasing the
Based on literature findings, pressure is the mostly reported para-
temperature had a positive influence on the process (linear term) but
meter that influences the mass yield of solid biomass residues extracted
very high temperatures affected the extraction negatively (quadratic
under SFE process. The ranges tested in these studies are usually be-
term). This is advantageous not only from an economical point of view,
tween 200 and 450 bar. Temperature has also been shown to affect the
but it is also a qualitative benefit, since high temperatures can lead to
extraction in most of the processes, particularly in the range of
carotenoid degradation and isomerisation [37], compromising their
50–70 °C. Exceptions to this are banana peels [39] and pomegranate
stability and bioactivity. Additionally, quadratic pressure was also
seeds [47], where temperature does not have a statistically significant
found to be statistically significant to the model.
effect on the process. Co-solvent concentration has only been in-
Besides identifying the optimal conditions, another important
vestigated for grape peels [40] and tomato peels [49], and in both cases
function of the models is the fact that once statistically validated, they
there was no significant effect on extraction. Other factors that have
enable the prediction of the response variables (mass yield or
been reported to play significant roles are extraction time and CO2 flow

M. de Andrade Lima et al. The Journal of Supercritical Fluids 133 (2018) 94–102

Fig. 2. Response surface plot of interaction between tem-

perature and co-solvent concentration effects on (a) total
mass yield at 300 bar and carotenoid recovery at 350 bar (b).

rate. In terms of the raw materials used, not many studies have focused amount of entrainer is potentially more important than the temperature
on the use of by-products/solid residues for SFE. In the case of peels vs. pressure binomial. A noteworthy point, however, is the fact that the
specifically, only banana, grape, mango and tomato have been in- global mass yield is only one of the indicators for assessing the effec-
vestigated, and therefore a more comprehensive comparison with lit- tiveness of extraction. When the raw material is a medicinal plant or
erature data is hindered. food, the most important factor for the selection of an extraction
With regards to the results of the current study, carrot peels gen- technique is the profile of the extract obtained and the amount of the
erated a lower amount of extracted mass compared to banana (6.9%) bioactive compounds present [57]. In many cases, depending on the
and grape (13.2%). One explanation for that might lie in the different application, lower mass extracts may be advantageous as this can
composition of these matrices, the nature and amount of their compo- minimise the need for further downstream unit operations.
nents (carbohydrates, proteins, lipids, etc.) and the strength of the in- On the other hand, for carotenoid recovery (Table 3), almost all
teractions between these and the vegetable structures. Dietary fibre is studies confirm the influence of temperature, pressure and co-solvent
abundant in carrots, with around 88% of the vegetable being composed on the extraction, with the exception of tomato skin and watermelon.
of cellulose and hemicellulose, and both of them constitute materials The highest carotenoid recovery (86%) was observed for paprika
with rigid structures [56]. The latter is further reinforced by the fact samples, a value identical to that obtained in this work. High recoveries
that in the case of mango peels, which are abundant in lignin, even were also achieved for tomato juice, pumpkin and citrus press cake (77,
lower mass yields (3.15%) [43] than carrots were reported. The fact 76 and 73%, respectively). This indicates that the conditions obtained
that only the co-solvent concentration was shown to significantly affect in this work can ensure very high recoveries of carotenoid fractions
the extraction of mass from carrot peels (while for banana and grape, with a low level of extracted mass and could potentially be applied to
pressure and temperature were the most influential parameters) in- other vegetable waste matrices as well.
dicates that for food matrices that have high cellulose content, the

Table 3
Variables influencing the mass yield and carotenoid recovery of different fruit and vegetables at 95% of confidence.

Food matrix Compounds of interest Maximum recovery (%) Variables of influence (at p = 0.05) Reference

Temperature Pressure CoSolv Other variables

Mass Yield
Banana peel Mass 6.9 X √ – – [39]
Grape peel Mass 13.2 √ √ X – [40]
Grape seed Mass 12.3 √ √ – – [41]
Guava seeds Mass 19.0 √ √ – – [42]
Mango peels Mass 3.15 – – – – [43]
Passiflora seed Oil 25.7 √ √ – Extraction time [44]
Passion fruit bagasse Mass 4.4−23.6 √ √ Sample:CO2 ratio [45]
Peach almond Oil 24.0 √ √ – – [46]
Pomegranate seed Mass 13.9 X √ – CO2 Flow rate [47]
Pumpkin seed Oil 31.5 √ √ – Extraction time [48]
Tomato peel Mass – √ √ X – [49]
Carrot peel Mass 5.4 x x √ – This work

Carotenoid recovery
Apricot bagasse BCar 6.5 √ √ – CO2 flow rate, particle size [31]
Apricot pomace BCar 8.0 √ √ √ – [50]
Carrot TCC – √ √ √ – [51]
Citrus press cake TCC 73 x √ √ – [52]
Paprika TCC 86 – √ – Moisture content [53]
Pumpkin TCC 74 √ √ √ – [36]
Pumpkin ACar, BCar, LUT 76 √ – √ – [54]
Red pepper waste BCar 68.1 √ √ √ Extraction time [55]
Tomato juice LYC 77 √ √ √ – [32]
Tomato skin LYC 33 √ √ x – [49]
Watermelon LYC 37 √ x x – [34]
Carrot peels TCC 87 √ √ √ – This work

√ = significant influence; x = no significant influence; − = not tested. ACar = α-carotene; BCar = β-carotene; LYC = Lycopene; LUT = Lutein; TCC = Total Carotenoid Conten.

M. de Andrade Lima et al. The Journal of Supercritical Fluids 133 (2018) 94–102

Fig. 3. Kinetics of SFE extraction under optimal conditions, modelled with the Naik, Esquivel, Martínez and Tan and Liou models. (a) Mass yield. T = 58.5 °C; P = 306 bar;
EtOH = 14.3%. (b) Total Carotenoid Recovery. (T = 59.0 °C; P = 349 bar; EtOH = 15.5%. CER = Constant Extraction Rate, FER = Falling Extraction Rate; CD = Diffusion-controlled

Table 4 stage due to the exhaustion of the free solute in the cell surface, with
Nonlinear adjustable parameters of the models for mass yield and carotenoid recovery. the “intact cells”, i.e. cells not broken by the milling process, still having
their compounds segregated within. This slows down the extraction rate
RESPONSE Model Parameter Physical Value Error ( ± )
(curved line) and makes the extraction of the compounds more difficult.
In FER, mass transfer happens by both convection and diffusion. When
Mass Yield Naik [19] A1E (g) Maximum 0.354 0.0098 all the easily extractable solute is exhausted, the extraction rate can be
(mg) attainable seen as an almost-straight line, with a very low slope, and mass transfer
B1E Mass transfer 19.24 1.55
can occur only by effective diffusion of the solute from the solid par-
constant ticles to the CO2, hence this stage being known as DC (Diffusion Con-
R2 – 0.993 – trolled).
Esquível C1 None 9.264 1.386 Based on Fig. 3a, it can be stated that the global mass extraction rate
[18] R2 – 0.926 –
was high in the first minutes (50% of the yield was reached at 11 min
Martínez C2 None 0.122 0.0145
[21] tM (min) Time of max. 14.95 0.951 and 75% by 25 min) and started to decrease due to the exhaustion of
extract. rate the free solute as the process progressed, leading the extraction to enter
R2 – 0.968 – the FER phase after 17 min. The optimum time for this extraction was
Tan and Kd (min−1) Desorption 0.039 0.0018 found to be between 40 and 50 min (just after the beginning of DC
Liou [20] constant
R2 – 0.977 –
stage, when 90% and 95% of the extractable mass had already been
Carotenoid Naik [19] A1E (mg) Maximum 0.938 0.00271 recovered). A 5% increase in the yield is not enough to justify extending
Recovery attainable the extraction, as this would require additional solvent, energy and
(mg) mass processing time.
B1E Mass transfer 2.988 0.06639
For carotenoids (Fig. 3b), the extraction rate in the first moments of
– 0.999 – the extraction is visibly higher than that for yield, given the very steep
Esquível C1 N.D. 2.351 0.15653 slope observed in the CER phase, which lasted for just 6 min. After only
[18] R2 – 0.993 – 5 min, 65% of all the extractable carotenoids had already been re-
Martínez C2 N.D. 0.561 0.17195 covered. This value increased to 88% after 15 min and to about 97% by
[21] tM (min) Time of max. 4.345 0.58074
extract. rate
30 min (when the total recovery had reached 87.0%). The process can
R2 – 0.922 – be interrupted at this point, since extending it for a further 50 min does
Tan and Kd (min−1) Desorption 0.185 0.00101 not justify the recovery of the remaining 3%. Moreover, longer ex-
Liou [20] constant traction times can lead to decreased carotenoid recovery, possibly due
R2 – 0.989 –
to heat degradation within the extraction vessel [59,60]. It can be as-
sumed that with the milling process, the carotenoids are exposed in the
3.3. Kinetic experiments and data modelling surface of the solid particles and therefore their dissolution in CO2
occurs in fact mostly by convection, fomenting the very fast extraction
Fig. 3a and b show the kinetic profiles (Overall Extraction Curves, rate observed in the early stages of the kinetic experiments.
OEC) of the experiments carried out under the optimised conditions Table 4 presents the adjustable parameters used to fit the four
fitted with the Naik, Esquivel, Martínez and Tan and Liou models. models.
Sovová [58] presented an interesting approach for classifying the The models of Naik [21] and Esquível [20] are classified as em-
stages of the kinetics of the OECs when working with supercritical fluid pirical models. They rely on the non-linear shape of the OEC and hence
extractions. The samples used in the process were initially dried and use appropriate functions to fit the data. As observed in Fig. 3 and in
milled to reduce particle size, promoting higher extraction rates in the Table 4, Naik’s and Esquível’s models describe the extraction kinetics
first few minutes due to fact that the compounds of interest had been very well, given the high R2-values and the low errors for both mass
exposed in the surface of the “broken cells”. In CER (Constant Extrac- yield and carotenoids. The disadvantage of these models, however, is
tion Rate) stage, solute dissolution in the solvent is facilitated and that some of the adjustable parameters (B1E and C1, respectively) have
convection is the main mass transfer mechanism from the solid to the no practical physical meaning and, despite the very good fit, the models
fluid phase. The process then enters the FER (Falling Extraction Rate) deliver very little information that can be of use for further studies.

M. de Andrade Lima et al. The Journal of Supercritical Fluids 133 (2018) 94–102

The model of Martínez [23] (logistic model) assumes that the ex- the same time, carotenoid recovery was found to increase. This ob-
tract is a mixture of compounds or group of compounds with similar servation is most likely to occur due to the longer residence time of the
chemical structures and introduces the parameter tm, defined as the CO2 in the extraction bed and to a higher selectivity exhibited by the
time when the extraction reaches its maximum rate, which can be a solvent. In the first experiment, the vessel had a 6–cm extraction height
useful indicator for controlling the process. Having a tm of 4.3 min in (sample plus glass beads), while in the second, the full vessel (15 cm)
the Martinez’s model confirms the very fast extraction trends for TCC, was loaded with sample. In this scenario, the bed presented a much
compared with the mass yield experiments, which had a tm of 14.9 min. lower porosity with almost no head-space, the fluid had more pathways
The high R2 (0.92 in both graphs) demonstrated a good fit, although not to flow through, ensuring a higher contact time between the phases, less
the best among the models. pronounced dispersion effects, faster saturation of the CO2 with the
Tan and Liou’s model (desorption model) [22] uses analogies to the compounds of interest and consequently, more effective mass transfer
adsorption phenomena and takes into account that the solutes dissolve rates. Additionally, an increase in selectivity could be taking place due
in the solvent following a desorption process in the solid particles. The to the presence of higher sample mass, since by applying the same flow
desorption (or distribution constant) coefficient Kd indicates how strong rate, the fluid saturated preferentially with the carotenoids that were
the compounds are adsorbed to the solid phase: the lower the value, the present in abundance within the full capacity vessel and much less with
stronger the interactions between the solute and the particles surface more polar macro-compounds, such as carbohydrates.
and consequently, the more difficult their extraction. Kd values between
10−2 and 10−3, such as those found for mass yield, indicate a slow 3.5. Compositional analysis of extracts
desorbing fraction [61], thus requiring more contact time to recover all
the extractable material. This reinforces the theory that macro-ex- Different combinations of high and low P, T and co-solvent con-
tractants, such as carbohydrates or lipids, are more strongly-bound to centrations during S-CO2 extraction can result in distinct extract pro-
the carrot peel structures. The Kd constant is almost 5-fold higher for files. Table 5 shows the mass of the final extracts, their composition
carotenoids than it is for mass yield, confirming that the carotenoids are breakdown in percentage of individual macronutrients (% EXT), as well
easily disposed in the sample matrix. This is a strong indication that as the amount recovered for each component from the original carrot
with grinding, carotenoids are exposed at the outermost layers of the peel samples in d.b. (% REC) under each of the four tested conditions.
particles and mass transfer is therefore favoured, since an extraction Extract 1 represented the optimal conditions, as attained by the DoE
with a Kd value of 0.185 can be considered as fast [61]. studies, and exhibited the highest amount of carbohydrates among all
The models of Naik, Esquível and Tan and Liou can be employed to runs (57.6%), as well as the highest recovery of carbohydrates (25%).
describe the process with confidence, given the high R2-values and low This is due to the relatively high percentage of ethanol used as modifier
errors presented. In general, it can be observed that the experimental (18.4%), which added polarity to the CO2 and resulted in the extraction
kinetics for C-REC fit the proposed models slightly better than mass of very polar compounds, such as carbohydrates. This reflects on the
yield ones do. total extracted mass (216.5 mg), which was around 4-fold higher than
those obtained in all other conditions. As a consequence of the in-
3.4. Assessment of scalability potential creased polarity, lipids − highly nonpolar compounds − were present
at the lowest amounts among the runs, making up only 12% of this
Various scale-up routes for SFE (and other extraction processes) particular extract. The opposite was observed in extract 2, where no co-
have been reported and suggested in the scientific literature. However, solvent was used. The amount of extracted mass (58.1 mg) was the
a general consensus on the key criteria for scaling-up procedures has lowest observed, with 62% of it consisting of lipids and only 17% of
not been reached yet [62]. The most commonly used procedures in- carbohydrates.
volve maintaining constant: (1) the solvent mass to sample mass ratio, Extracts 3 and 4 represented intermediate conditions of T, P and
(2) the flow rate to sample mass ratio, (3) both aforementioned con- EtOH%. Specifically, extract 3 (low pressure, low temperature) yielded
ditions along with a dimensionless number, e.g., Re [10]. Due to the highest protein amount (22.5%), even though protein values did not
equipment and process limitations, none of these approaches could be change dramatically among runs. Another noteworthy observation is
applied in the present study, as this would involve changing extractor that extract 3, despite the much lower values of P, T and EtOH% em-
dimensions and/or sample particle size. Therefore, it was decided to ployed compared to the optimal extraction conditions (extract 1),
keep all the optimised conditions constant and increase solely the contained very similar amounts of total carbohydrates as in extract 1.
sample mass. It is envisaged that this approach would still provide Also, when comparing extracts 3 and 4 (high pressure, high tempera-
useful information of the extraction behaviour under the optimised ture and slightly less EtOH%), it can be noticed that the carbohydrate
conditions on a more real-scale application. To this end, a 210 min content decreased considerably, which seems to indicate that carbo-
triplicate run under the best conditions was performed, in which the hydrates are much more sensitive to changes in co-solvent concentra-
mass load was increased by 10-fold (from 5.0 g to 50.0 g) in the absence tions than in pressure or temperature, i.e., in the solvation power of
of glass beads. As previously emphasised, all other parameters were CO2.
kept constant. The averaged data (in %) were plotted against time, Although the carbohydrate content varied among extracts, HPLC
along with data obtained in the previous experiments, and are depicted analysis showed that the sugar profile of the extracts did not change
in Fig. 4. considerably. All extracts were composed of around 50–55% glucose
When the mass load was increased from 5.0 g to 50.0 g, the global (deriving mainly from beta-glucans and hemicelluloses and to a lesser
yield decreased from 5.38% to 2.09%. Increasing the sample mass af- extent, from cellulose), 24–26% of galacturonic acid (from pectins),
fected positively the carotenoid recovery, which reached 96.2% in the 19–21% of xylose and 7% of arabinose, both from arabinoxylans.
full-vessel run, with a total of 9.89 mg of carotenoids being extracted. Based on their composition and depending on the desired final ap-
As expected, the CER phase lasted longer in this experiment (27 min) plication, these extracts could be potentially utilised directly as in-
than in the previous (6 min). This was due to the fact that the CO2 flow gredients for food (as natural food colourants or processing ingredients)
rate was kept constant while the mass was increased. The scaled-up or animal feed applications (animal feed ingredients). Moreover, ad-
experiment reached the same 87%-recovery mark attained in the small- ditional downstream operations could be performed, in cases where a
scale experiment (Fig. 3b) at around 115 min and then proceeded to considerably higher purity of carotenoids is required (e.g. employment
reach its plateau (96.2%) at the 180 min mark, which was the optimum as fine supplements or additives in cosmetic and pharmaceutical for-
time for this process. mulations, etc.). Potential methodologies that could be applied to the S-
A considerable decrease of the extracted mass was noted, whereas at CO2 extracts to obtain carotenoids in a purer form include conventional

M. de Andrade Lima et al. The Journal of Supercritical Fluids 133 (2018) 94–102

Fig. 4. Effect of increasing mass load on (a) global mass yield and (b) total carotenoid recovery.

Table 5
Macronutrient composition of extracts obtained under four different S-CO2 operation conditions.

Extract Conditions Mass (mg) Lipids Protein Carbohydrates

T (°C) P (bar) EtOH% %EXT %REC %EXT %REC %EXT %REC

1 60 305 18.4 216.5 12.2 30.3 20.8 30.6 57.6 25.8

2 60 300 0 58.1 62.0 41.1 15.1 6.0 17.0 2.5
3 50 150 5.0 62.1 24.2 17.1 22.5 9.5 57.0 8.9
4 70 350 2.0 64.3 35.3 22.3 17.1 7.5 33.9 5.5

%EXT = percentage of compound in the extract; %REC =% of compound recovered from the original sample.

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