Technical Assistance Plan
Technical Assistance Plan
Technical Assistance Plan
Prioritized needs of
TA Objectives Strategies/Activities Expected Results Time Frame Person/s
the Clients Materials Budget
1. Management of Organized distribution of Contextualized modules Systematic and orderly September 13, School Head Modules 1,000
Learning Resources SLMs is to all of needed distribution and retrieval 2021, onwards Learning Area Logbook of
parents/guardians a. Formulate a of modules Coordinators distribution and
scheme/strategy in Teachers retrieval
Availability of other distribution and Assignment of School memo
resources to facilitate collection of SLMs teachers as
learning b. Assign teachers to reflected on
different task in line school memo
with resource
Check on internet Internet connection is September 2021 School property List of materials P5000.00
connections in school for available in the school custodian needed
teacher’s utilization