Technical Assistance Plan

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SDO – Santa Rosa North Annex



S.Y. 2020-2021

Prioritized needs of
TA Objectives Strategies/Activities Expected Results Time Frame Person/s
the Clients Materials Budget
1. Management of Organized distribution of Contextualized modules Systematic and orderly September 13, School Head Modules 1,000
Learning Resources SLMs is to all of needed distribution and retrieval 2021, onwards Learning Area Logbook of
parents/guardians a. Formulate a of modules Coordinators distribution and
scheme/strategy in Teachers retrieval
Availability of other distribution and Assignment of School memo
resources to facilitate collection of SLMs teachers as
learning b. Assign teachers to reflected on
different task in line school memo
with resource
Check on internet Internet connection is September 2021 School property List of materials P5000.00
connections in school for available in the school custodian needed
teacher’s utilization

Provide supplies in the Availability of worksheets September 2021

preparation of worksheets and answer sheets
and answer sheets, etc.
3. Improved/ Help those delivering Improve access to the Healthy teachers October 2021 School Head Internet None
Advance Teacher services to continuously development of teachers’ onwards Master Teacher connection
Capacity improve skills via platform through
online LAC Sessions and
webinar on the different
Carefully implement new Quality assured delivery of October 2021 School Head Reading guidelines
ways of working following learning onwards Master Teacher on Health
the health protocols to Protocols to be
protect teacher’s health observed
condition to sustain formulate by DOH
quality education
Assist teachers in New technology oriented November 2021 School Head Internet
embracing digital teachers are skillful onwards Master Teacher connection
technologies and its teachers who can easily
transition adopt and expedite
assigned tasks
Continuously assist Keep track of teachers’ October 2021 School Head School memo
teachers on their performance and onwards Master Teacher
personal/professional achievement
development to promote
career progression
7. Improve Learners’ Improve the learning Engage learners using Increased pupil October 2021 School Head Forms like grading None
Outcome experience and success of motivational approach performance onwards School sheet, raw score
learners this time of pandemic Guidance
Improve the progress of Support learners to learn Learners who have Teachers
those learners at risk and their full potential by sustained interest in this
with educational addressing their well- time of pandemic
disadvantage being needs using certain
strategies like home Accomplished modules are
visitation 95-100% in terms of
Evaluate Learners’ Outcomes Capacitate teachers how Learners’ academic October 2021 School Head Forms like grading None
to evaluate and assess achievement for analysis onwards School sheet, raw score
learners’ performance in Guidance
MDL approach Submitted grading sheets Coordinator
and raw scores of pupils Teachers
Conduct webinar
training/LAC Sessions on Keep track of learners’
Evaluation and performance
Assessment of Learner
8. Conduct Reading Provide technical assistance Design a plan that is Reduced struggling November 2021 School Head Project proposals None
Interventions to to teachers in helping and applicable to the new learners to at least 60% onwards School English/ Matrix
Struggling Learners struggling readers normal in helping Reading Coor- Laptop/Computer
struggling readers dinator Internet
Teachers Connection
Orient teachers of the 100% success of the Learners Reading materials,
plan teachers implemented books, references
Implement and monitor
program using
appropriate Learning
Delivery Modality
Prepared by:


Master Teacher I
School Principal II

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