CS605 Final Term Comprehensive Notes by Muhammad Saeed

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Task Network
Since it is a concept development project, the applicability is not certain but it appears to be useful
and hence needs to be explored. Major tasks include:
• Concept scoping
• Preliminary concept planning
• Technology risk assessment
• Proof of concept
• Concept implementation
• Customer reaction to concept

Defining a Task Network

Once the tasks have been identified, we need to develop a task network to determine the sequence
in which these activities need to be performed. This will ultimately lead to the time required to
complete the project.

Once we have the task network, we are now ready to prepare a schedule for the project. For this
we use two techniques known as:
1. Program evaluation and review techniques (PERT)
2. Critical Path Method (CPM)
These are quantitative tools that allow the software planner to determine the critical path – the
chain of tasks that determines the duration of the project and establish most likely time estimates
for individual tasks by applying statistical models. They also help the planner to calculate boundary
times that define a time window for a particular task.
The boundary time defines the following parameters for a project:
• The earliest time that a task can begin when all preceding tasks are completed in the shortest
possible time


• The latest time for task initiation before the minimum project completion time is delayed
• The earliest finish
• The latest finish
• The total float – the amount of surplus time or leeway allowed in scheduling tasks so that the
network critical path is maintained on schedule
In order to use the PERT and CPM, the following is required:
• A decomposition of product function
• A selection of appropriate process model and task set
• Decomposition of tasks – also known as the work breakdown structure (WBS)
• Estimation of effort
• Interdependencies For More Visit

Timeline Chart
To develop the schedule for a project, time required for each activity in the Task Network is
estimated. This analysis and decomposition leads to the development of a Timeline or Gantt Chart
for the project which portrays the schedule for the project.
Concept Scoping (the first task in the above list) is further subdivided into the following sub-tasks
1. Identification of needs and benefits (3 days)
2. Definition of desired output/control/input (7 days)
3. Definition of the function/behaviour (6 days)
4. Isolation of software elements (1 day)
5. Researching availability of existing software (2 days)
6. Definition technical feasibility (4 days)
7. Making quick estimate of size (1 day)
8. Creating scope definition (2 days)
Project Tracking
Tracking methods include:
• Periodic project status meetings
• Evaluating the results of all reviews
• Determine whether project milestones have been accomplished by the scheduled date
• Comparing actual start date to planned start date
• Informal meetings with the practitioners
• Using earned value analysis
• Error tracking

Earned Value Analysis

Earned Value Analysis or EVA is a quantitative technique for assessing the progress of a project.
The earned value system provides a common value scale for every software task, regardless of the


type of work being performed. The total hours to do the whole project are estimated, and every
task is given an earned value based on the estimated percentage of the total.

SPI (Schedule performance index) close to 1 indicates efficient execution.

Value of CPI (Cost performance index) close to 1 means project is within its defined budget.
Therefore, by using SPI and CPI we estimate how the project is progressing. If we have these
values close to 1, it means that we have had good estimates and the project is under control.
Error Tracking
Error tracking can also be used to estimate the progress of the project. In this case we track errors
in work products (requirement specifications, design documents, source code etc) to assess the
status of a project. The process works as follows:
We collect error related metrics over many projects and determine our defect removal efficiency
in the following manner:
Defect removal efficiency, DRE = E / (E+D), where
• E – errors found before shipment
• D – errors found during operation
It provides a strong indication of the effectiveness of the quality assurance activities.

Time Boxing
Time-boxing is used in severe deadline pressure. It is a use incremental strategy where tasks
associated with each increment are time-boxed in the following manner:
• Schedule for each task is adjusted by working backward from the delivery date.
• A box is put around each task
• When a task hits the boundary of the box, work stops and next task begins
The principle behind time-boxing is the 90-10 rule (similar to Pareto Principle) –
Rather than becoming stuck on the 10% of a task, the product proceeds towards the delivery date
in 90% of the cases.

Software Quality Assurance

Software quality is defined as conformance to explicitly stated functional and nonfunctional
requirements, explicitly documented development standards, and implicit characteristics that are
expected of all professionally developed software.
This definition emphasizes upon three important points:
• Software requirements are the foundation from which quality is measured. Lack of conformance
is lack of quality
• Specified standards define a set of development criteria that guide the manner in which software
is engineered. If the criteria are not followed, lack of quality will almost surely result.
• A set of implicit requirements often goes unmentioned (ease of use, good maintainability etc.)


Another very important question is: Do you need to worry about it after the code has been
In fact, SQA is an umbrella activity that is applied throughout the software process.

Quality has measurable characteristic such as cyclomatic complexity, cohesion, and coupling.

Quality of design tries to determine the quality of design related documents including
requirements, specifications, and design.
Quality of conformance looks at the implementation and if it follows the design then the resulting
system meets its goals then conformance quality is high.
Glass defines quality as a measure of user satisfaction which is defined by compliant product +
good quality + delivery within budget and schedule
DeMarco defines product quality as a function of how much it changes the world for the better.

Goal of quality assurance is to provide the management with the necessary data to be informed
about product quality. It consists of auditing and reporting functions of management. If data
provided through QA identifies problems, the management deploys the necessary resources to fix
it and hence achieves desired quality control.
Cost of quality
Quality has a direct and indirect cost in the form of cost of prevention, appraisal, and failure. If we
try to prevent problems, obviously we will have to incur cost. This cost includes:
1. Quality planning
2. Formal technical reviews
3. Test equipment For More Visit
4. Training
The cost of appraisal includes activities to gain insight into the product condition. It involves in-
process and inter-process inspection and testing.
Failure cost has two components: internal failure cost and external failure cost.
Internal failure cost requires rework, repair, and failure mode analysis.
External failure cost involves cost for complaint resolution, product return and replacement, help-
line support, warranty work, and law suits.

SQA Activities
There are two different groups involved in SQA related activities:
1. Software engineers who do the technical work
2. SQA group who is responsible for QA planning, oversight, record keeping, analysis, and
SQA Group Activities


An SQA plan is developed for the project during project planning and is reviewed by all stake
holders. The plan includes the identification of:
• Evaluations to be performed
• Audits and reviewed to be performed
• Standards that are applicable to the project
• Procedures for error reporting and tracking
• Documents to be produced by the SQA group
• Amount of feedback provided to the software project team
The group participates in the development of the project’s software process description. The
software team selects the process and SQA group reviews the process description for compliance
with the organizational policies, internal software standards, externally imposed standards, and
other parts of the software project plan.
The SQA group also reviews software engineering activities to verify compliance with the defined
software process. It identifies, documents, and tracks deviations from the process and verifies that
the corrections have been made. In addition, it audits designated software work products to verify
compliance with those defined as part of the software process. It, reviews selected work products,
identifies, documents, and tracks deviations; verifies that corrections have been made; and reports
the results of its work to the project manager.
The basis purpose is to ensure that deviations in software work and work products are documented
and handled according to documented procedures. The group records any non compliance and
reports to senior management and non-compliant items are recorded and tracked until they are
resolved. Another very important role of the group is to coordinate the control and management of
change and help to collect and analyze software metrics.
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How are we going to control the quality of the product? www.VUAnswer.com
The basic principle of quality control is to control the variation as variation control is the heart of
quality control. It includes resource and time estimation, test coverage, variation in number of
bugs, and variation in support.
This involves a series of inspection, reviews, and tests and includes feedback loop. So quality
control is a combination of measurement and feedback and combination of automated tools and
manual interaction.
Software Reviews
Software reviews are the filter for the software engineering process. They are applied at various
different points and serve to uncover errors that can be removed and help to purify the software
engineering activities.
In this context it is useful to look at the “V-model” of software development. This model
emphasizes that SQA is a function performed at all stages of software development life cycle. At
the initial stages (requirement, architecture, design, code), it is achieved through activities known
as Formal Technical Reviews or FTR.


Importance of reviews
Reviews help the development team in improving the defect removal efficiency and hence play an
important role in the development of a high-quality product.
Freedman defines a review – any review – as a way of using the diversity of a group of people to:
• Point out needed improvements in the product of a single person or team
• Confirm those parts of a product in which improvement is either not desired or no needed
• Achieve technical work of more uniform, or at least more predictable, quality than can be
achieved without reviews, in order to make technical work more manageable.

There are many types of reviews. In general they can be categorized into two main categories
namely informal and formal technical reviews.
Formal Technical Reviews
Formal Technical Reviews are conducted by software engineers. The primary objective is to find
errors during the process so that they do not become defects after release of software as they
uncover errors in function, logic design, or implementation. The idea is to have early discovery of
errors so they do not propagate to the next step in the process.

FTRs include walkthroughs, inspections, and other small group technical assessments of software.

Guidelines for walkthroughs

FTRs are usually conducted in a meeting that is successful only if it is properly planned, controlled,
and attended. Meeting consists of 3-5 people, it should focus on specific (and small) part of the
overall software, and the focus is on a work product

Review Meetings


It should focus on specific (and small) part of the overall software. It is important to remember
that the focus is on a work product for which the producer of the WP asks the project leader for
review. At the end of the RM, all attendees of the meeting must decide whether to:
• Accept the product without further modification
• Reject the product due to severe errors
– Major errors identified
– Must review again after fixing
• Accept the product provisionally
– Minor errors to be fixed
– No further review
Review Reporting and Record keeping
During the FTR the recorder notes all the issues. They are summarized at the end and a review
issue list is prepared. A summary report is produced that includes:
• What is reviewed
• Who reviewed it For More Visit
• What were the findings and conclusions
It then becomes part of project historical record. www.VUAnswer.com

The review issue list

It is sometimes very useful to have a proper review issue list. It has two objectives.
1. Identify problem areas within the WP
2. Action item checklist

Review Guidelines
The basic principle is that the review should focus on the product and not the producer so that it
does not become personal. Remember to be sensitive to personal egos. Errors should be pointed
out gently and the tone should be loose and constructive.
This can be achieved by setting an agenda and maintaining it. In order to do so, the review team
Avoid drift
• Limit debate and rebuttal
• Enunciate problem areas but don’t try to solve all problems
• Take written notes
• Limit the number of participants and insist upon advanced preparation
• Develop a checklist for each product that is likely to be reviewed
• Allocate resources and schedule time for FTRs
• Conduct meaningful training for all reviewers
• Review your early reviews
• Determine what approach works best for you
Statistical Software Quality Assurance
Statistical SQA is a technique that measures the quality in a quantitative fashion. It implies that
information about defects is collected and categorized and an attempt is made to trace each defect
to underlying cause. It uses Pareto Principle to identify vital causes (80% of defects can be traced
to 20% of causes) and moves to correct the problems that have caused the defects.

Error Index (EI)

Another statistical technique known as Error Index (EI) is used to develop an overall indication of
improvement in software quality.

Software Reliability
Software reliability is another very important quality factor and is defined as probability of failure
free operation of a computer program in a specified environment for a specified time. For example,
a program X can be estimated to have a reliability of 0.96 over 8 elapsed hours. Software reliability
can be measured, directed, and estimated using historical and development data. The key to this
measurement is the meaning of term failure.
Failure is defined as non-conformance to software requirements. It can be graded in many different
ways as shown below:
1. From annoying to catastrophic
2. Time to fix from minutes to months
3. Ripples from fixing

It is also pertinent to understand the difference between hardware and software reliability.
Hardware reliability is predicted on failure due to wear rather than failure due to design. In the
case of software, there is no wear and tear. The reliability of software is determined by Mean time
between failure (MTBF). MTBF is calculated as:
Where MTTF is the Mean Time to Failure and MTTR is the Mean time required to Repair.

Software Safety
Software Safety is a software SQA activity that focuses on identification of potential hazards that
may affect software negatively and cause an entire system to fail. Modeling and analysis process
is conducted as part of software safety and hazards are identified and categorized by criticality and
Once system-level hazards are identified, analysis techniques are used to assign severity, and
probability of occurrence. This technique is similar to risk analysis. To be effective, software must
be analyzed in the context of the entire system.
Reliability and safety are closely related. Software reliability uses statistical techniques to
determine the likelihood that a software failure will occur. Occurrence of a software failure does
not necessarily result in a hazard or mishap. On the other hand, software safety examines the ways
in which failures result in conditions that can lead to a mishap.

Poka-Yoke (Mistake-Proofing)
Poka-yoke is a QA technique developed by Shingo at Toyota in 1960’s. Poka-yoke devices are
mechanisms that lead to prevention of potential quality problem before it occurs or the rapid
detection of quality problems if they are introduced.
• Examples:
– Light on if the car door is not properly closed
– Warning beep if the engine is turned-off when lights are on For More Visit
Characteristic of a Poka-yoke device www.VUAnswer.com
• It is simple and cheap
• It is part of the process
• It is located near the process task where the mistake occurs
Software Configuration Management (SCM)
You may recall that software configuration management (SCM) is one of the five KPA required
for an organization to be at CMM level 2. The basic idea behind SCM is to manage and control
change. As defined by CMM, the purpose of SCM is to establish and maintain the integrity or
software products through the project’s life cycle. SCM involves the development and application
of procedures and standards to manage an evolving software product and is part of a more general
quality management process.
As mentioned by Bersoff, no matter where you are in the system life cycle, the system will change,
and the desire to change it will persist throughout the life cycle. It is therefore essential that we
manage and control it in a fashion that this continuous change does not convert into chaos.

Change Chaos
This frequent change, if not managed properly, results in chaos. First of all there would be
problems of identification and tracking which would result in questions like the following:
“This program worked yesterday. What happened?”
“I fixed this error last week. Why is it back?”
“Where are all my changes from last week?”

Then there are problems of version selection. The typical problems faced are:

e/faulty change?”

Then there are software delivery problems.

r skipped the previous two releases. What happens if we send him the new one?”

This is not all. There may be more chaos in the following shapes and forms:

sted have been incorporated

Configuration management
Configuration management is concerned with managing evolving software systems. It
acknowledges that system change is a team activity and thus it aims to control the costs and effort
involved in making changes to a system.
SCM involves the development and application of procedures and standards to manage an evolving
software product and is part of a more general quality management process.

When released to CM, software systems are called baselines and serve as the starting point for
further development. A baseline is a software configuration management concept that helps us to
control change without seriously impeding justifiable change. It is defined by IEEE as:
A specification or a product that has been formally reviewed and agreed upon, that thereafter
serves as the basis for further development, and that can be changed only through formal change
control procedures.

Software Configuration Item (SCI)

A Software Configuration Item is the information that is created as part of the software engineering
process. Typical SCIs include requirement specifications, design specification, source code, test
cases and recorded results, user guides and installation manuals, executable programs, and
standards and procedures

Software Configuration Management Tasks

Software configuration management tasks include:
1. Identification
2. Version Control
3. Change Control
4. Configuration Auditing
5. Reporting
Identification addresses how does an organization identify and manage the many existing versions
of a program
Version Control talks about how does an organization control changes before and after software
is released to a customer? It is actually a combination of procedures and tools to manage different
versions of the software configuration.
A version has many different attributes. In the simplest form a specific version number that is
attached to each object and in the complex form it may have a string of Boolean variables
(switches) that indicate specific types of functional changes that have been applied to the system.
The Change Control process addresses the important question of who has the responsibility for
approving and ranking changes.
Configuration Auditing deals with ensuring that the changes have been made properly finally
Reporting talks about the mechanism used to apprise others of changes that are made.

Product Release Version Numbering System

Product release is the act of making a product available to its intended customers. After a product
has had its first release, it enters a product release cycle. New versions of the product are made
available that may fix defects or add features that were not in previous releases. These changes are
categorized as updates or upgrades. An update fixes product defects. An upgrade enhances the
product feature set and will include updates.

Release Numbering
Release numbering is a mechanism to identify the product’s functionality state. Each release will
have a different product state and hence will have a different release number. Although there is no
industry standard, typically, a three field compound number of the format “X.Y.Z” is used. The
different fields communicate functionality information about the product release.

The first digit, X, is used for the major release number which is used to identify a major increase
in the product functionality. The major release number is usually incremented to indicate a
significant change in the product functionality or a new product base-line.
The second digit, Y, stands for feature release number. The feature release number is iterated to
identify when a set of product features have been added or significantly modified from their
originally documented behaviour.
The third digit, Z, is called the defect repair number and is incremented when a set of defects is
repaired. Defect repair/maintenance is considered to be any activity that supports the release
functionality specification and it may a fix for some bugs or some maintenance to enhance the
performance of the application.
Internal Release Numbering
A special type of release is internal release. Internal releases are used by the development
organization as a staging mechanism for functionality. The most common internal releases are the
regular builds. A common way to number internal builds is to use the same release number that


would be used for final release with some additional information added to it to identify the built.
It is suggested that we add an extra (fourth) field to identify and keep track of internal builds.

Change control
James Back points out the difficulties related to change control as follows:
Change control is vital. But the forces that make it necessary also make it annoying. We worry
about change because a tiny perturbation in the code can cause a big failure in the product. But
it can also fix a big failure or enable wonderful new capabilities. We worry about change because
a single rogue developer could sink the project; yet brilliant ideas originate in the minds of those
rogues, and a burdensome change control process could discourage them from doing creative
That is, like all engineering activities, change control is the name of a balancing act. Too much or
too little change control creates different types of problems as uncontrolled change rapidly leads
to chaos.
Change Control Process
The first component of the change control process is the Change Control Authority (CCA) or a
Change Control Board (CCB).
Whenever a change is required, the CCB decides whether to allow this change to happen or deny
it. If it is decided that a change is needed, an Engineering Change Order or ECO is generated. An
ECO defines the change to be made, the constraints that must be respected, and the criteria for
review and audit.

The change control process thus involves the following steps.

1) need for change is recognized
2) change request from user
3) developer evaluates
4) change report is generated
5) change control authority (CCA) decides
6) Either step 6a or 6b is performed. Steps numbers 7 to 17 are performed only if step 6b
is performed.
i) change request is denied
ii) user is informed
iii) no further action is taken.
b) assign people to SCIs
7) check-out SCIs
8) make the change
9) review/audit the change
10) check-in SCIs


11) establish a “baseline” for testing
12) perform SQA and testing activities
13) check-in the changed SCIs
14) promote SCI for inclusion in next release
15) rebuild appropriate version
16) review/audit the change
17) include all changes in release

Check-in and check-out

In SCM, the processes of Check-in and Check-out take a central stage. These are two important
elements of change control and provide access and synchronization control.
Access control manages who has the authority to check-out the object and synchronization control
ensures that parallel changes by two different people do not overwrite one another.
Synchronization control implements a control on updates. When a copy is checked-out, other
copies can be checked out for use only but they cannot be modified. In essence, it implements a
single-writer multiple-readers protocol.

Configuration Audit
Configuration audit ensures that a change has been properly implemented. It involves formal
technical reviews and software configuration audit. Configuration audit assess a configuration
object for characteristics that are generally not considered during audit.
It looks into the following aspects of the change:
Has the change specified in the ECO been made? Have any additional modifications
been incorporated?
Has a FTR been conducted to assess technical correctness?
Has the software process been followed?

Configuration Status reporting (CSR)

Configuration Status Reporting (CSR) is also known as status accounting. It reports on the
following items:
– What happened?
– Who did it?
– When did it happen?
– What else will be affected?
Requirement Management and CMM
CM standards
CM should always be based on a set of standards which are applied within an organisation.
Standards should define how items are identified, how changes are controlled and how new


versions are managed. Existing standards are based on a waterfall process model - new standards
are needed for evolutionary development.

The Requirement Problem

The goal of software development is to develop quality software – on time and on budget – that
meets customers’ real needs. Project success depends on good requirement management. It may
be recalled that requirement errors are the most common type of software development errors and
the most costly to fix. It may also be recalled that requirement errors are listed as one of the roots
causes of software project failure.
Requirement Management
Requirement Management is defined as a systematic approach to eliciting, organizing, and
documenting the requirements of the system, and a process that establishes and maintains
agreement between the customer and the project team on the changing requirements of the system.
Requirements Management KPA Goals statement says that:
1. The software requirements are controlled to establish a baseline for software engineering and
management use.
2. Software plans, products, and activities are kept consistent with the software requirements. It
includes establishing and maintaining an agreement with the customer on the requirement for the
software project. It involves

ating the likely impact of each proposed

change before deciding whether to approve it

Tracking requirement status and change activity throughout the project

Requirement Attributes
We need to tag requirements with certain attributes in order to manage them in an orderly fashion.
Attributes are used to establish a context and background for each requirement. They can be used
to filter, sort, or query to view selected subset of the requirements. A list of possible attributes is
enumerated as below:
1. Requirement ID
2. Creation date
3. Created by
4. Last modified on
5. Last modified by
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6. Version number
7. Status www.VUAnswer.com
8. Origin
9. Subsystem
10. Product Release
11. Priority


Requirement Status
The requirement status attribute is one of the most useful ones. It can be used to keep track of
different requirements going through different phases. The possible status values are proposed,
approved, implemented, verified, and deleted. These are elaborated in the following paragraphs.
1. Proposed: The requirement has been requested by a source who has the authority
to provide requirements.
2. Approved: The requirement has been analyzed, its impact on the rest of the project has been
estimated, and it has been allocated to the baseline for a specific build number or product release.
The software development group has committed to implement the requirement.
3. Implemented: The code that implements the requirement has been designed, written, and unit
4. Verified: The implemented requirement has been verified through the selected approach, such
as testing or inspection. The requirement has been traced to pertinent test cases. The requirement
is now considered complete.
5. Deleted: A planned requirement has been deleted from the baseline. Include an explanation of
why and by whom the decision was made to delete the requirement.
Change Request Status
As the requirement go through different phases, their status is updated accordingly.
Managing Scope Creep
We must always remember that requirements will change, no matter what. That means we have to
be able to manage changing requirements. Software organizations and professionals must learn to
manage changing requirements. We therefore need to try to take it to a minimum level. For that
we need to measure the change activity.
Measuring Change Activity
Measurement of change activity is a way to assess the stability of the requirements and to identify
opportunities for process improvement. In this regards, the following could be measured

 ng added, deleted, and modified

 The total effort devoted to handling changes

Requirement Traceability
It is important to trace requirements both ways. That is from origin of a requirement to how it is
implemented. This is a continuous process. It is also important that the rationale of requirements
must also be traced. Traceability is important for the purposes of certification, change impact
analysis, maintenance, project tracking, reengineering, reuse, risk reduction, and testing. That is it
plays an important role in almost every aspect of the project and its life cycle.


Legacy systems
A system is considered to be a legacy system if it has been in operation for many years. A legacy
system has many components. These include business processes, business rules, application
software, application data, support software, and system hardware.

Maintaining Legacy System

Maintaining legacy system is expensive. It is often the case that different parts of the system have
been implemented by different teams, lacking consistency. Part or all of the system may be
implemented using an obsolete language. In most cases system documentation is inadequate and
out of date. In some cases the only documentation is the source code. In some cases even the source
code is not available.
Many years of maintenance have usually corrupted the system structure, making it increasingly
difficult to understand. The data processed by the system may be maintained in different files
which have incompatible structures. There may be data duplication and the documentation of the
data itself may be out of date, inaccurate, and incomplete.
As far as the system hardware is concerned, the hardware platform may be outdated and is hard to
maintain. In many cases, the legacy systems have been written for mainframe hardware which is
no longer available, expensive to maintain, and not be compatible with current organizational IT
purchasing policies.
A time therefore comes when an organization has to make this decision whether to keep the old
legacy system or to move it to new platform and environment. Moving it to new environment is
known as legacy system migration.

Legacy migration risks

Legacy system migration however is not an easy task and there are a number of risks involved that
need to be mitigated. First of all, there is rarely a complete specification of the system available.
Therefore, there is no straight forward way of specifying the services provided by a legacy system.
Thus, important business rules are often embedded in the software and may not be documented
elsewhere. Business processes and the way legacy systems operate are often intertwined. New
software development may take several years. New software development is itself risky as
changes to one part of the system inevitably involve further changes to other components.
Legacy System Assessment
For each legacy system, there are four strategic options:
1. Scrap the system completely: This is the case when system is not making an effective
contribution to business processes and business processes have changed significantly and the
organization is no longer completely dependent upon the system.
2. Continue maintaining the system: This option is used when system is still required, it is stable,
and requirements are not changing frequently


3. Transform the system in some way to improve its maintainability: this option is exercised when
system quality has been degraded and regular changes to the system are required.
4. Replace the system with a new system: this path is taken when old system cannot continue in
operation and off-the shelf alternative is available or system can be developed at a reasonable cost.

Business Value Assessment

End Users assess the system from the perspective of how effective do they find the system in
supporting their business processes and how much of the system functionality is used. The
customers look at the system and ask is the use of the system transparent to customer or are their
interaction constrained by the system, are they kept waiting because of the system, and do system
errors have a direct impact on the customer.
From an IT Manager’s perspective the following questions need to be asked: Are there difficulties
in finding people to work on the system?
Line Managers ask: do managers think that the system is effective in contributing to success of
their unit? Is the cost of keeping the system in use justified?
Senior Managers look at the system from the angle that does the system and associated business
process make an effective contribution to the business goal?

Environment Assessment
The legacy system also needs to be assessed from an environment’s perspective. This involves
looking at the supplier, failure rate, age, performance, support requirements, maintenance cost, and
These angles are elaborated in the following paragraph:


Supplier stability: Is the supplier still in existence? Is the supplier financially stable and likely to
continue in existence? If the supplier is no longer in business, is the system maintained by someone
Failure rate: Does the hardware have a high rate of reported failure? Does the support software
crash often and force system restarts?
Age: How old is the hardware and software?
Performance: Is the performance of the system adequate? Do performance problems have a
significant effect on system users?
Support requirements: What local support is required by hardware and software? If there are high
costs associated with this support, it may be worth considering system replacement?
Maintenance Cost: What are the costs of hardware maintenance and software licenses?
Interoperability: Are there problems interfacing the system with other systems? Can compilers etc
be used with current versions of the operating system? Is system emulation required?
Application software assessment
The application software is assessed on the following parameters:
Understandability: How difficult is it to understand the software code of the current system? How
complex are the control structures that are used?
Documentation: What system documentation is available? Is the documentation complete,
consistent, and up-to-date?
Data: Is there an explicit data model for the system? To what extent is data duplicated in different
Programming Language: Are modern compilers available for the programming language? Is the
language still used for new system development?
Test Data: Does test data for the system exist? Is there a record of regression tests carried out when
new features have been added to the system?
Personnel skills: Are there people available who have the skills to maintain the system?

Software Reengineering
Software solutions often automate the business by implementing business rules and business
processes. In many cases, the software makes the business processes. As these rules and processes
change, the software must also change. A time comes when these changes become very difficult
to handle. So reengineering is re-implementing legacy systems to make them more maintainable.
It is a long term activity.
Software Reengineering Process Model
The software reengineering is a non-trivial activity. Just like legacy migration, careful analysis
must be carried out before a decision for reengineering is taken. The following process model can
be used to reengineer a legacy system.


Inventory analysis
Inventory analysis is the first step in the reengineering process. At this stage, inventory ofall
applications is taken a note of their size, age, business criticality, and current maintainability is
made. Inventory should be updated regularly as the status of the application can change as a
function of time.
Document restructuring
Weak documentation is a trademark of many legacy applications. Without proper documentation,
the hidden rules, business processes, and data cannot be easily understood and reengineered. In
this regards, the following options are available:
1. Create documentation: Creating documentation from scratch is very time consuming. If
program is relatively stable and is coming to the end of its useful life then just leave it as it is.
2. Update documentation: This option also needs a lot of resources. A good approach would be to
update documentation when the code is modified.

Reverse engineering
Reverse engineering for software is a process for analyzing a program in an effort to create a
representation of the program at a higher level of abstraction than the source code.Reverse
engineering is the process of design recovery. At this stage, documentation of the overall
functionality of the system that is not there is created. The overall functionality of the entire system
must be understood before more detailed analysis can be carried out.
Reverse engineering activities include:
Reverse engineering to understand processing
Reverse engineering to understand data
– Internal data structures
– Database structures
Reverse engineering user interfaces
Program Restructuring
In this case we modify source code and data in order to make it amenable to future changes. This
includes code as well as data restructuring. Code restructuring requires redesign with same


function with higher quality than original program and data restructuring involves restructuring
the database or the database schema. It may also involve code restructuring.
Forward Engineering
It means incorporating the new business processes and rules in the system. Forward engineering
requires application of SE principles, methods, and concepts to re-create an existing application.

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Business Process Reengineering

A concept similar to software reengineering is of business process reengineering (BPR). A
business process is “a set of logically related tasks performed to achieve a defined business
outcome”. It is the way certain business is conducted. Purchasing services and supplies, hiring new
employees, paying suppliers are examples of business processes.


Software Refactoring
Software refactoring is the process of changing a software system such that the external behavior
of the system does not change while the internal structure of the system is improved. This is
sometimes called “Improving the design after it has been written”. Fowler defines refactoring as
A change made to the internal structure of software to make it easier to understand and cheaper to
modify without changing its observable behavior. It is achieved by applying a series of refactorings
without changing its observable behavior.

Refactoring: Where to Start?

The first question that we have to ask ourselves is: how do you identify code that needs to be
refactored? Fowler et al has devised a heuristic based approach to this end known as “Bad Smells”
in Code. The philosophy is simple: “if it stinks, change it”.

Bad Smells in Code

They have identified many different types of “bad smells”. These are briefly described in the
following paragraphs:


Duplicated Code
– bad because if you modify one instance of duplicated code but not the others, you (may) have
introduced a bug!
Long Method
– long methods are more difficult to understand; performance concerns with respect to lots of short
methods are largely obsolete
Large Class
– Large classes try to do too much, which reduces cohesion
Long Parameter List
– hard to understand, can become inconsistent
Divergent Change
– Deals with cohesion; symptom: one type of change requires changing one subset of methods;
another type of change requires changing another
Shotgun Surgery
– a change requires lots of little changes in a lot of different classes
Feature Envy
– A method requires lots of information from some other class (move it closer!)
Data Clumps
– attributes that clump together but are not part of the same class
Primitive Obsession
– characterized by a reluctance to use classes instead of primitive data types
Switch Statements
– Switch statements are often duplicated in code; they can typically be replaced by use of
polymorphism (let OO do your selection for you!)
Parallel Inheritance Hierarchies
– Similar to Shotgun Surgery; each time I add a subclass to one hierarchy, I need to do it for all
related hierarchies
Lazy Class
– A class that no longer “pays its way”. e.g. may be a class that was downsized by refactoring, or
represented planned functionality that did not pan out
Speculative Generality
– “Oh I think we need the ability to do this kind of thing someday”
Temporary Field
– An attribute of an object is only set in certain circumstances; but an object should need all of its
Message Chains
– a client asks an object for another object and then asks that object for another object etc. Bad
because client depends on the structure of the navigation
Middle Man
– If a class is delegating more than half of its responsibilities to another
class, do you really need it?
Inappropriate Intimacy
– Pairs of classes that know too much about each other’s private details
Alternative Classes with Different Interfaces
– Symptom: Two or more methods do the same thing but have different
signature for what they do
Incomplete Library Class
– A framework class doesn’t do everything you need
Data Class
– These are classes that have fields, getting and setting methods for the fields, and nothing else;
they are data holders, but objects should be about data AND behavior
Refused Bequest
– A subclass ignores most of the functionality provided by its superclass
Comments (!)
– Comments are sometimes used to hide bad code
Extracting the Amount Calculation
The obvious first target of my attention is the overly long statement() method. When I look at a
long method like that, I am looking to take a chunk of the code an extract a method from it.
Extracting a method is taking the chunk of code and making a method out of it. An obvious piece
here is the switch statement
Moving the amount calculation
As I look at amountOf, I can see that it uses information from the rental, but does not use
information from the customer. This method is thus on the wrong object, it should be moved to
the rental. To move a method you first copy the code over to rental, adjust it to fit in its new home
and compile.
I like to get rid of temporary variables like thus as much as possible. Temps are often a problem
in that they cause a lot of parameters to get passed around when they don't need to. You can easily
lose track of what they are there for. They are particularly insidious in long methods. Of course
there is a small performance price to pay, here the charge is now calculated twice. Most refactoring
reduce the amount of code, The other concern with this refactoring lies in performance.
Capability Maturity Model Integration (CMMI)
Capability Maturity Model or CMM is a reference model of mature practices in a specified
discipline, used to assess a group’s capability to perform that discipline. They differ by discipline
(software, systems, acquisition, etc.), structure (staged versus continuous), how maturity is defined
(process improvement path), and how capability is defined (institutionalization). Hence
“Capability Maturity Model®” and CMM® are used by the Software Engineering Institute (SEI)
to denote a particular class of maturity models.


CMMI Integrates systems and software disciplines into single process improvement framework
and provides a framework for introducing new disciplines as needs arise.
CMMI Representations
A representation allows an organization to pursue different improvement objectives. There are
two types of representations in the CMMI models: staged and continuous. The organization and
presentation of the data are different in each representation.
Staged Representation
Staged representation is classical representation we have already seen previously. It: Provides
a proven sequence of improvements, each serving as a foundation for the next.
Permits comparisons across and among organizations by the use of maturity levels.
Provides an easy migration from the SW-CMM to CMMI.
Provides a single rating that summarizes appraisal results and allows comparisons among

Continuous Representation
Continuous representation allows you to select the order of improvement that best meets your
organization’s business objectives and mitigates your organization’s areas of risk. It enables
comparisons across and among organizations on a process-area-by-process-area basis and provides
an easy migration from EIA 731 (and other models with a continuous representation) to CMMI.
Capability Levels
A capability level is a well-defined evolutionary plateau describing the organization’s capability
relative to a process area. There are six capability levels. For capability levels 1-5, there is an
associated generic goal. Each level is a layer in the foundation for continuous process
improvement. Thus, capability levels are cumulative, i.e., a higher capability level includes the
attributes of the lower levels. The five (actually six) capability levels (starting from 0) are
enumerated below in the reverse order, 5 being the highest and 0 being the lowest.
5 Optimizing
4 Quantitatively Managed
3 Defined
2 Managed
1 Performed
0 Incomplete

Relating Process Area Capability and Organizational Maturity

Organizational maturity is the focus of the staged representation, whereas process area capability
is the focus of the continuous representation. The difference between them is that organizational
maturity pertains to a set of process areas across an organization, while process area capability
deals with a set of processes relating to a single process area or specific practice.

Comparison of Representations
Process improvement is measured using maturity levels.
Maturity level is the degree of process improvement across a predefined set of process areas.
Organizational maturity pertains to the “maturity” of a set of processes across an organization
Process improvement is measured using capability levels.
Capability level is the achievement of process improvement within an individual process area.
Process area capability pertains to the “maturity” of a particular process across an organization.
Advantages of Each Representation
Staged provides a roadmap for implementing groups of process areas and sequencing of
implementation. It has a familiar structure for those transitioning from the Software
Continuous provides maximum flexibility for focusing on specific process areas according to
business goals and objectives and has a familiar structure for those transitioning from EIA 731.
As the staged representation requires all KPAs to be addressed at a particular level before a
company can move to the next maturity level, it may not be easy for small companies to implement
this model. There may be a number of activities that may not be relevant to their type of work but
they would still have to do them in order to be at a certain level. On the other hand, organization
can focus on their own areas of expertise and may be able to achieve high capability levels in some
areas without bothering about the rest. This is a great advantage for small organization and hence
this model is believed to be more suitable for small Pakistani organizations than the staged one.
CMM Overview
CMM Maturity Levels
There are five levels defined along the continuum of the CMM and, according to the SEI:
"Predictability, effectiveness, and control of an organization's software processes are believed to
improve as the organization moves up these five levels. While not rigorous, the empirical evidence
to date supports this belief."


Level 1 - Ad hoc (Chaotic)
It is characteristic of processes at this level that they are (typically) undocumented and in a state
of dynamic change, tending to be driven in an ad hoc, uncontrolled and reactive manner by users
or events. This provides a chaotic or unstable environment for the processes.
Organizational implications
Institutional knowledge tends to be scattered (there being limited structured approach to
knowledge management) in such environments, not all of the stakeholders or participants in the
processes may know or understand all of the components that make up the processes. Despite the
chaos, such organizations manage to produce products and services.
Due to the lack of structure and formality, organizations at this level may overcommit, or abandon
processes during a crisis, and it is unlikely that they will be able to repeat past successes.
Level 2 - Repeatable
It is characteristic of processes at this level that some processes are repeatable, possibly with
consistent results. Process discipline is unlikely to be rigorous, but where it exists it may help to
ensure that existing processes are maintained during times of stress.
Organizational implications
Processes and their outputs could be visible to management at defined points, but results may not
always be consistent.
Level 3 - Defined
It is characteristic of processes at this level that there are sets of defined and documented standard
processes established and subject to some degree of improvement over time. These standard
processes are in place (i.e., they are the AS-IS processes) and used to establish consistency of
process performance across the organization.
Organizational implications
Process management starts to occur using defined documented processes, with mandatory process
objectives, and ensures that these objectives are appropriately addressed.
Level 4 - Managed
It is characteristic of processes at this level that, using process metrics, management can effectively
control the AS-IS process (e.g., for software development ). In particular, management can identify
ways to adjust and adapt the process to particular projects without measurable losses of quality or
deviations from specifications. Process Capability is established from this level.
Organizational implications
a) Quantitative quality goals tend to be set for process output - e.g., software or software
b) Using quantitative/statistical techniques, process performance is measured and monitored and
generally predictable and controllable also.
Level 5 - Optimizing
It is a characteristic of processes at this level that the focus is on continually improving process
performance through both incremental and innovative technological changes/improvements.


Organizational implications
(a) Quantitative process-improvement objectives for the organization are established, continually
revised to reflect changing business objectives, and used as criteria in managing process
improvement. Thus, process improvements to address common causes of process variation and
measurably improve the organization’s processes are identified, evaluated, and deployed.
(b) The effects of deployed process improvements are measured and evaluated against the
quantitative process-improvement objectives.
(c) Both the defined processes and the organization’s set of standard processes are targets for
measurable improvement activities.
(d) A critical distinction between maturity level 4 and maturity level 5 is the type of process
variation addressed.
At maturity level 4, processes are concerned with addressing statistical special causes of process
variation and providing statistical predictability of the results, and though processes may produce
predictable results, the results may be insufficient to achieve the established objectives.
At maturity level 5, processes are concerned with addressing statistical common causes of process
variation and changing the process (for example, shifting the mean of the process performance) to
improve process performance.
Some versions of CMMI from SEI indicate a "level 0", characterized as "Incomplete". Some
pundits leave this level out as redundant or unimportant, but Pressman and others make note of it.
The basic building blocks in every CMMI model are called "process areas." A process area does
not describe how an effective process is executed (e.g., entrance and exit criteria, roles of
participants, resources). Instead, a process area describes what those using an effective process do
(practices) and why they do those things (goals).

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Project Management Concerns
Project management is the discipline of planning, organizing and managing resources to bring
about the successful completion of specific project goals and objectives. There are several
approaches that can be taken to managing project activities including agile, interactive,
incremental, and phased approaches.
The traditional approach
A traditional phased approach identifies a sequence of steps to be completed. In the "traditional
approach", we can distinguish 5 components of a project (4 stages plus control) in the development
of a project:
Typical development phases of a project
Project initiation stage;
Project planning or design stage;
Project execution or production stage;
Project monitoring and controlling systems;
Project completion stage.
Software Quality Assurance
Software quality assurance (SQA) consists of a means of monitoring the software engineering
processes and methods used to ensure quality. The methods by which this is accomplished are
many and varied, and may include ensuring conformance to one or more standards, such as ISO
9000 or CMMI.
This definition emphasizes upon three important points:


• Software requirements are the foundation from which quality is measured. Lack of conformance
is lack of quality
• Specified standards define a set of development criteria that guide the manner in which software
is engineered. If the criteria are not followed, lack of quality will almost surely result.
• A set of implicit requirements often goes unmentioned (ease of use, good maintainability etc.)



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