Nama: Muhaimin Ilham Lahiya NIM: 20014149007 Prodi: S1 Administrasi Kesehatan

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Nama : Muhaimin Ilham Lahiya

NIM : 20014149007
Prodi : S1 Administrasi Kesehatan


The term Management Information System (MIS) has been defined by many
management and computer experts with different perspectives. The term SIM has been
known since the 1960s. The SIM concept at that time developed along with the development
of the use of computer technology. At that time, the development of computer technology has
provided a new awareness that computer applications must be applied to produce information
that can be used as a management decision-making tool.
The development of management information systems has led to significant changes
in the pattern of decision-making by management both at the operational level (technical
implementers) and leaders at all levels. This development has also led to changes in the roles
of managers in decision making, they are required to always be able to obtain the most
accurate and up-to-date information that can be used in the decision-making process. The
increasing use of information technology, especially the internet, has brought everyone to be
able to carry out activities more accurately, with quality, and on time
Management Information System is an information system that produces outputs
using inputs and various processes needed to fulfill certain objectives in a management
The system comes from Latin (systēma) and Greek (sustēma) is a unit consisting of
components or elements that are connected together to facilitate the flow of information,
material or energy to achieve a goal. The term is often used to describe a set of interacting
entities, for which a mathematical model can often be created.
The system is also a unit of interconnected parts that are in an area and have moving
items, for example general examples such as countries. The state is a collection of several
other unitary elements such as provinces that are interconnected so as to form a country
where the people who act as the driving force are the people in the country.
The word "system" is widely used in daily conversation, in discussion forums and in
scientific documents. This word is used for many things, and in many fields too, so its
meanings are varied. In the most general sense, a system is a collection of objects that have
relationships among them.
There are several elements that make up a system, namely:
Every system has a goal (Goal), either just one or maybe many. This goal is the
motivator that directs the system. With out any purpose, the system becomes undirected and
uncontrolled. Of course, the goals from one system to another are different.
System input is everything that enters the system and then becomes processed
material. Inputs can be tangible (physically visible) or invisible things. An example of a
tangible input is raw materials, while an intangible example is information (eg customer
service requests).
The process is the part that makes changes or transformations from inputs into useful
and more valuable outputs, for example in the form of information and products, but can also
be in the form of useless things, such as waste disposal or waste. In the chemical plant, the
process can be a raw material. At the hospital, the surgery can be activity of the patient.
Output is the result of processing. In information systems, the output can be in the
form of information, suggestions, printed reports, and so on.
Information is a message (speech or expression) or a collection of messages consisting
of a sequence order of symbols, or the meaning that can be interpreted from a message or
collection of messages. Information can be recorded or transmitted. These can be recorded as
signs, or as signals based on waves. Information is a type of event that affects a state of a
dynamic system. The concepts have many other meanings in different contexts. Information
can be said as knowledge obtained from learning, experience, or instruction. However, this
term has many meanings depending on the context, and is generally closely related to
concepts such as meaning, knowledge, negentropy, perception, stimulus, communication,
truth, representation and mental stimulation.
Information is data that has been given meaning through context. For example,
documents in the form of spreadsheets (such as from Microsoft Excel) are often used to
create information from the data contained in them. The income statement and balance sheet
are a form of information, while the numbers in it are data that has been given context so that
it becomes meaningful and useful.
Information is data that has been given meaning through context. For example,
documents in the form of spreadsheets (such as from Microsoft Excel) are often used to
create information from the data contained in them. The income statement and balance sheet
are a form of information, while the numbers in it are data that has been given context so that
it becomes meaningful and useful.
The word information comes from the old French word informacion (1387) which is
taken from the Latin informationem which means "outline, concept, idea". Information is a
noun from informare which means activity in "communicated knowledge".
Information is an important function to help reduce one's anxiety. According to Notoatmodjo
(2008) that more information can influence or increase one's knowledge and with knowledge
raises awareness that eventually a person will behave in accordance with the knowledge he
Terms, information
Many people use the terms "information age," "information society," and information
technology, in the frequently highlighted fields of information science and computer science,
but the word "information" is often used without careful consideration of its various
Understanding Information Systems According to Experts - In general, information
systems can be defined as a system within an organization which is a combination of people,
facilities, technology, media procedures and controls aimed at obtaining important
communication lines, processing routine transaction types information, signaling to
management and others on important internal and external events and providing an
information basis for decision making.
Definition of Information Systems - According to Mc leod Information systems are
systems that have the ability to collect information from all sources and use various media to
display information
Understanding Information Systems According to Experts –
 Information system is a system within an organization that brings together daily
transaction processing needs, assists and supports operational activities, is managerial
in nature of an organization and helps facilitate the provision of the required reports.
(Erwan Arbie, 2000, 35).
 Information system is data that is collected, grouped and processed in such a way that
it becomes a single unit of information that is interrelated and supports each other so
that it becomes valuable information for those who receive it. (Tafri D. Muhyuzir,
2001, 8).
 An information system is any organized combination of people (people), hardware
(hardware), software (software), computer networks and data communications
(communication networks), and databases (databases) that collects, transforms and
disseminates information across in an organizational form. For more details can be
seen in Figure 2.1 about the components of the information system. (O'Brien (2005,
p5), ).
Next is management or management science of information. Management is a process
of planning, organizing, leading, and controlling in order to achieve the goals set (Gaol,
2008). From the classical administrative principles, the activities carried out by a manager are
included in the acronym POSDCORB (planning, organizing, staffing, directing, coordinating/
controlling, budgeting). In planning, managers define organizational goals, determine the
direction of action for the organization, and determine strategic steps to achieve
organizational goals. In organizing, managers regulate or organize operational activities so
that they are in accordance with the objectives to be achieved, among others by holding a
division of labor, determining the authority structure and chain of command, placing
employees in organizational units and so on. Manager control evaluates whether the
achievements achieved by the organization are in accordance with the established standards


From all of the above understanding of systems, information, and management,
Management Information Systems can be concluded that the purpose of establishing a
management information system is so that the organization has a reliable system in
processing data into useful information in making good management decisions relating to
decisions. routine and strategic decisions. Thus the Management Information System is a
system that provides organizational managers with data and information relating to the
implementation of organizational tasks.
In more detail, the Management Information System is a network of data processing
procedures developed within the organization and put together if deemed necessary, with the
intention of providing data to management whenever it is needed, both internal and external
data, for the basis of decision making in order to achieve organizational goals. . Management
Information System is a collection of information systems. MIS depending on the size of the
organization can consist of the following information systems:
 Accounting information system, providing information on financial transactions.
 Marketing information system, providing information for sales, sales promotion,
marketing activities, market research activities and others related to marketing.
 Inventory management information system.
 Personnel information systems (personnel information systems).
 Distribution information systems (distribution information systems).
 Purchasing information systems (purchasing information systems).
 Wealth information systems (treasury information systems).
 Credit analysis information systems.
 Research and development information systems.
 Engineering information systems (engineering information systems).
All these information systems are intended to provide information to all levels of
management, namely lower level management, middle level management and top level
management. Top level management with executive management may consist of the
president, directors (vis-president) and other executives in marketing, purchasing,
engineering, production, finance and accounting functions. Medium level management can
consist of division managers and branch managers. Lower level management called operating
management can include foremen and supervisors. Top level management is also called
strategic level, middle level management with tactical level and lower management with
technical level.

Various roles of SIM in a company or organization, including:

 New Role of Management Information Systems in Organizations
a. Initiation and design of strategic information systems.
b. Infrastructure planning, development and control.
c. Incorporating the internet and e-commerce into business.
d. Manage system integration, including internet, intranet and extranet.
e. Cooperation with executive level in running the business.
f. Manage outsourcing.
g. Proactively use business knowledge and technology to explore innovative ideas about
h. Create business alliances with vendors and IS Departments in other organizations.
i. Provides a new computing environment.
j. In addition to traditional functions: system security management, development and
maintenance, computer operations.
 Role of Sim in Decision Making in Organizations
Management information system support for decision making in an organization can
be described according to three stages of the decision-making process, namely understanding,
design, and selection. SIM support usually involves processing, computer and non-computer
files. At the stage of understanding the relationship with MIS, it is in the investigation
process which includes examining data either in a predetermined way or in a special way.
The SIM must provide both ways.
The Information System itself must examine all data and submit requests to be tested
on situations that clearly demand attention. Both MIS and the organization must provide a
communication channel for clearly identified issues to be brought to the attention of the top-
level organization so that these issues can be addressed. At this stage it is also necessary to
determine the possibilities. SIM support requires a database with community, rival and
internal data plus methods for tracking and finding problems. At the design stage, the relation
with MIS is making decision models to be processed based on existing data and initiating
alternative solutions. Available models should help analyze alternatives.
SIM support consists of statistical software as well as other modeling software. This
involves a structured approach, model manipulation, and database retrieval systems. MIS
support for decision making consists of a comprehensive database, database retrieval
capabilities, other statistical and analytical software, and a model base containing decision
model building software. Basically the role of MIS is in the understanding process involving
environmental research for conditions that require decisions. The term understanding here has
the same meaning as problem recognition. Then in the design process and in the selection
process. Often people say that the computer will make decisions is a misguided statement and
do not know where the role of the computer is and how a decision-making process is carried
out. Decisions can only be taken or made by humans.
Management information system is a comprehensive, coordinated and rationally
integrated set of information sub-systems capable of transforming data into information
through a series of ways to increase productivity in accordance with the style and nature of
managers on the basis of predetermined quality criteria. The development of advanced
computer-based MIS requires a number of highly skilled and long-experienced people and
requires the participation of organizational managers. All information systems have three
main activities, namely receiving data as input (input), then processing it by performing
calculations, merging data elements, updating and others, finally obtaining information as
output (output).
The information system of an organization or company can never be fully or
completely automated. However, a management information system is very possible and
practical if it is based on a good overall plan and developed by trained system personnel, for
which management participation and adequate financial resources are required. Information
systems that serve the main tasks of the organization must be cross-functional and must be
continuously improved in order to maintain their continued effectiveness. The main task of
the organization is often served by a Decision Support System (DSS) which contains models,
databases and managers who interact directly. Information system integration is one of the
key concepts of management information systems. Various systems can be interconnected
with each other in various ways.

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