RStreng Level 2 Example

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COM : PRCI PR 3805 RSTRENG Corrosion Defect Level 2 Assessment

This example should be used with the Pipeng calculators : : Pipeng PR 3 805 RSTRENG corrosion calculators
Copyright Pipeng Ltd : : Creative Commons attribution license
Data Values

wt := 0.0127⋅ m Measured Wall Thickness

SY := 450 ⋅ MPa Yield Stress

SU := 535 ⋅ MPa Tensile Stress

Select : Line Pipe Stress Type [11] API 5L

Select : Material Type [8] L450 450 MPa

For operating temperatures below 120 C the SMYS and SMTS should be used.
For operating temperatures above 120 C the temperature derated SMYS and SMTS should be used.

For level 2 assessments the measured outside diameter and wall thickness should be used

Input defect profile data

0 500e 6
100e 3 500e 6
200e 3 500e 6
300e 3 1e 3
400e 3 1e 3
500e 3 1e 3
600e 3 2.5e 3
700e 3 3e 3
800e 3 3.5e 3
900e 3 2.5e 3
1 2e 3
1.1 1e 3
1.2 200e 6
1.3 200e 6
1.4 100e 6
1.5 100e 6
1.6 700e 6
1.7 500e 6
1.75 0

Pipe Outside Diameter

Select : Pipe Outside Diameter Measurement Type = [1] Measured Outside Diameter
Input : Measured Outside Diameter = 0.316 [m]

OD := 0.316⋅ m Measured Outside Diameter

OC := π ⋅ OD OC = 0.992743m Outside Circumference

Flow Stress Low Carbon Steel SMYS < 485 MPa And T < 120 C
Flow stress calculation for plain carbon steel and low alloy steel with SY <= 485 MPa and T <= 120 C.
Select : Stress Type = [1] Low Alloy Steel SMYS <= 483 MPa T < 120 C

Sflow := min ( SU , SY + 69 ⋅ MPa) Sflow = 519MPa Flow Stress

Flow Stress Low Carbon Steel SMYS < 551

Flow stress calculation for plain carbon steel and low alloy steel with SY <= 551 MPa. This option can be used at
temperatures above 120 C.
Select : Flow Stress Type = [2] Low Alloy Steel SMYS <= 551 MPa

Sflow := 0.5 ⋅ ( SU + SY) Sflow = 492.5 MPa Flow Stress

Level 2 Failure Pressure

Select : Flow Stress Type = [1] Low Alloy Steel SMYS <= 483 MPa T < 120 C
Select : Safety Factor Type = [4] SF = 1.75

The critical defect is the step i =6 j = 8

dd := 0.0035⋅ m Critical Defect Depth

dl := 0.300 ⋅ m Critical Defect Length

ad := 0.00090⋅ m Critical Defect Area

ao := 0.00381⋅ m Critical Defect nominal Area

SF := 1.75 Safety Factor

Sflow := min ( SU , SY + 69 ⋅ MPa) Sflow = 519MPa Flow Stress

Z := Z = 22.425994 Z From L
OD ⋅ wt

M := 1 + 0.6275⋅ Z − 0.003375⋅ Z if Z ≤ 50 M = 3.657176 M From Z
3.3 + 0.032 ⋅ Z otherwise
dot := dot = 0.275591 Defect Depth Over Wall Thickness
aoa := aoa = 0.23622 Defect Area Ratio
rmin := wt − dd rmin = 9.2 × 10 m Minimum Remaining Wall Thickness

2 ⋅ Sflow⋅ wt
Pb := Pb = 41.717089MPa Burst Pressure

1 − aoa 
Pf := Pb⋅  Pf = 34.062807MPa Failure Pressure
aoa 
1− 
 M 
Pa := Pa = 19.464461MPa Allowable Pressure
Pressure Derating Including Elevation
The local allowable pressure includes the external pressure
Using the failure pressure calculated above.

External Pressure From Elevation

Select : External Pressure Type = [1] Calculate Local External Pressure

Input : External Fluid Density = 1027 [kg/m^3]
Input : Surface Elevation = 4.5 [m]

ρe := 1027 ⋅ kg ⋅ m External Fluid Density

Zl := −121.3 ⋅ m local Elevation

Zs := −4.5 ⋅ m Surface Elevation

d := max ( 0 ⋅ m , Zs − Zl) d = 116.8 m Water Depth

Ple := ρe⋅ g ⋅ d Ple = 1.176343MPa Local External Pressure

Pla := + Ple Pla = 20.640804MPa Local Allowable Internal Pressure

Reference Allowable Pressure From Local Allowable Pressure

The allowable internal pressure at the reference elevation is calculated from the local allowable internal pressure

Select : Internal Pressure Type = [1] Calculate Reference Pressure From Local Pressure And Elevation
Input : Internal Fluid Density = 730 [kg/m^3]
Input : Reference Elevation = 25.4 [m]
Input : Local Elevation = 121.3 [m]

ρf := 730 ⋅ kg ⋅ m Internal Fluid Density

Zr := 25.4⋅ m Reference Elevation

Pra := Pla − ρf ⋅ g ⋅ ( Zr − Zl) Pra = 19.5906 MPa Reference Allowable Pressure

∆z := Zl − Zr ∆z = −146.7 m Difference In Elevation

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