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A Thesis by
Zaid Alashqar
Bachelor of Science, Wichita State University, 2019

Submitted to the Department of Biomedical Engineering

and the faculty of the Graduate School of
Wichita State University
in partial fulfillment of
the requirements for the degree of
Master of Science

May 2020
© Copyright 2020 by Zaid Alashqar
All Rights Reserved

The following faculty members have examined the final copy of this thesis for form and content
and recommend that it be accepted in partial fulfillment of the requirement for the degree of Master
of Science, with a major in Biomedical Engineering.

Anil Mahapatro, Committee Chair

David Long, Committee Member

Gamal Weheba, Committee Member


To my parents, siblings, and my deceased aunt.


I would like to take this opportunity to acknowledge everyone who has helped me on my journey

of achieving my Master of Science degree. First, I am grateful to my family and my fiancé for their

continuous support and encouragement throughout my education, especially during the year

working towards the M.S. degree. I especially like to thank my mother who always believed in me

and provided me with unconditional love and support. I love you all very much.

Additionally, I would like to acknowledge and thank my advisor Dr. Anil Mahapatro from the

Department of Biomedical Engineering. He was always ready to share his expertise and knowledge

to steer me in the right direction and help me achieve the best possible solutions. I would also like

to give a special thanks to my committee members Dr. David Long and Dr. Gamal Weheba for

their support, time, and effort in helping me with my research.

I would also like to extend my gratitude to the members of the Biomaterials Lab for their advice

and support during the time we shared in the lab and at meetings.

This work was made possible by an institutional Development Award (IDeA) from the National

Institute of General Medical Sciences of the National Institutes of Health under the grant number



Additive manufacturing, rapid prototyping, and 3D printing are three interchangeable terms that

describe creating layers upon layers to form an object from a computer aided design (CAD).

Additive manufacturing (AM) has a direct and positive effect on manufacturing due to its ability

to shorten supply chains and continually improve manufacturing processes [1]. In recent years, the

shift towards additive manufacturing has increased due to its cost effectiveness and ability to

produce tailored products at a higher rate [2]. In addition, the ability for additive manufacturing to

carry on without the need for cutting tools and coolants gives an advantage for AM over traditional

manufacturing methods. However, there are many limitations keeping AM from being used as a

primary method in produce final parts and assemblies in various industries. Limitations such as

the lack of repeatability in the printed objects, the need for post processing and the high cost and

limitation of raw materials. Therefore, the limitations in materials need to be addressed and a new,

environmentally friendly material needs to be developed for photolithography. The objective of

this thesis is to develop a novel, biomedically relevant resins suitable for photolithography 3D

printing. To do that, stereolithography and digital light processing were studied and compared.

The effect of printing parameters and post processing times on the properties of the final objects

was investigated for both techniques to help further understand the concept of photolithography.

After that, four resin formulations with various molar ratios were used to develop photocurable

raw material for 3D printing. The results showed that the structural and thermal properties of the

final printed object can be enhanced as a result of decreasing the layer height and increasing the

time of post processing. Furthermore, photocurable resins were developed and cured in a UV

curing chamber. The results showed a high degree of curing and percent yield for the developed


Chapter Page

1. Introduction ...................................................................................................................................................... 1

1.1 Motivation ...................................................................................................................................... 1

1.2 Objectives and Specific Aims ......................................................................................................... 2
1.3 Thesis Organization ........................................................................................................................ 3

2. Literature Review .............................................................................................................................................. 5

2.1 Abstract ............................................................................................................................................. 5

2.2. Introduction ...................................................................................................................................... 5
2.3 Applications of Additive Manufacturing ............................................................................................ 9
2.4 Printing Techniques ......................................................................................................................... 10
2.4.1 Fused Deposition Modeling (FDM) ....................................................................................... 11
2.4.2 Selective Laser Sintering ....................................................................................................... 15
2.4.3 Stereolithography (SL) .......................................................................................................... 17
2.4.4 Materials Used in Stereolithography 3D Printing ................................................................... 24
2.4.5 Digital Light Processing (DLP) ............................................................................................. 25
2.5 Comparing SL to DLP ..................................................................................................................... 29
2.6. Summary and Conclusion: .............................................................................................................. 31

3. Investigating the Effect of 3D Printing Parameters on the Structural and Thermal Properties of Printed Objects in
Stereolithography Versus Digital Light Processing. .......................................................................................... 32

3.1 Abstract ........................................................................................................................................... 32

3.2 Introduction ..................................................................................................................................... 33
3.3 Materials and Methods..................................................................................................................... 36
3.3.1 Test Specimens ..................................................................................................................... 36
3.3.2 Fourier Transform Infrared (FTIR) ........................................................................................ 37
3.3.3 Swelling Test ........................................................................................................................ 38
3.3.4 Degradation Test ................................................................................................................... 38
3.3.5 Thermal Analysis .................................................................................................................. 39
3.4 Results and discussion ..................................................................................................................... 39

Chapter Page
3.4.1 FTIR ..................................................................................................................................... 39
3.4.2 Degree of Curing (DC) .......................................................................................................... 40
3.4.3 Swelling................................................................................................................................ 45
3.4.4 Degradation .......................................................................................................................... 45
3.4.5 DSC ...................................................................................................................................... 47
3.4.6 TGA ..................................................................................................................................... 53
3.5 Conclusion ...................................................................................................................................... 55

4. Fabrication and Characterization of a Novel Biomedically Relevant Photocurable Resin. ................................. 57

4.1 Abstract ........................................................................................................................................... 57

4.2 Introduction ..................................................................................................................................... 58
4.3 Materials and Methods..................................................................................................................... 62
4.3.1 Materials ............................................................................................................................... 62
4.3.2 Poly (ethylene glycol) Diacrylate Based Resins ..................................................................... 63
4.3.3 Glycerol 1,3-Diglycerolate Diacrylate Based Resins .............................................................. 63
4.3.4 PEGDA-GDGDA Copolymer Based Resins .......................................................................... 64
4.3.5 PEGDA, GDGDA, and DI-TAMPTA Based Resins. ............................................................. 65
4.3.6 Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) ......................................................................................... 66
4.3.7 Percent Yield ........................................................................................................................ 66
4.3.8 Swelling ................................................................................................................................ 67
4.3.9 Statistical Analysis: ............................................................................................................... 68
4.4 Results and Discussion .................................................................................................................... 68
4.4.1 Poly (ethylene glycol) Diacrylate Based Resin....................................................................... 68
4.4.2 Glycerol 1,3-Diglycerolate Diacrylate Based Resin ............................................................... 72
4.4.3 Copolymer Based Resin ........................................................................................................ 76
4.4.4 Biodegradable Based Resin (PEGDA, GDGDA, and DI-TAMPTA) ...................................... 80
4.4 Conclusion....................................................................................................................................... 88

5. Conclusions and Future Work .......................................................................................................................... 89

5.1 Conclusion....................................................................................................................................... 89

Chapter Page
5.2 Future Work .................................................................................................................................... 90

REFERENCES.................................................................................................................................................... 91

APPENDIX ....................................................................................................................................................... 102

Figure Page
2.2.1. Basic principle of additive manufacturing. ..................................................................................... 6

2.2.2. Different usage for additive manufacturing [23]. ............................................................................ 7

2.4.1. Comparing actual vs ideal dimensions for height (H), length (L1), and width (L2) for samples
printed using FDM 300 printer (27). ...................................................................................................... 13

2.4.2. Comparing actual vs ideal dimensions for height (H), length (L1), and width (L2) for samples
printed using Model 1 printer (27). ........................................................................................................ 13

2.4.3. Tensile strength of samples for different build orientations [43].................................................... 14

2.4.4. Basic stereolithography device [50].............................................................................................. 18

2.4.5. Effect of samples’ layout on the ultimate tensile strength [41]. ..................................................... 20

2.4.6. Effect of samples’ layout on modulus of elasticity [41]. ............................................................... 21

2.4.7. Drug release percentage of different tablets varying call diameters [43]. ....................................... 23

2.4.8. Basic Principle of DLP [61]. ........................................................................................................ 26

2.4.9. Average deviation (mm) for different build angles [52] ................................................................ 27

2.5.2. Tensile Strength and Young’s modulus of cured samples [54]. ..................................................... 30

3.4.1. Representative FTIR spectra of cured and uncured resin. .............................................................. 40

3.4.2. Impact of layer height and printing technique on the degree of curing........................................... 42

3.4.3. Effect of post processing time and curing method on the degree of curing. ................................... 44

3.4.4. Effect of layer height on the thermal stability for SLA. ................................................................. 48

3.4.5. Effect of post processing on the thermal stability for SLA. ........................................................... 49

3.4.6. Effect of layer height on the thermal stability for DLP. ................................................................. 50

3.4.7. Effect of post processing on the thermal stability for SLA. ........................................................... 51

3.4.8. DSC results for SLA vs DLP at 0.100 mm layer height. ............................................................... 52

3.4.9. DSC results for SLA vs DLP post processed for 20+ minutes. ...................................................... 53

LIST OF FIGURES (continued)
Figure Page
3.4.10. TGA curves for SLA 0.100 mm layer height versus 0.025 mm layer height and 30-minute post
cured sample. ........................................................................................................................................ 54

3.4.11. TGA curves for SLA vs DLP at 0.100 mm and 30 minute of post processing.............................. 55

4.3.1: The chemical structure of (1): PEGDA, (2): GDGDA, & (3): DI-TAMPTA. ................................ 62

4.4.1. FTIR spectra of (A) uncured PD-2 sample and (B) cured PD-2 sample after 30 minutes of curing. 68

4.4.2. Characterization of Poly (ethylene glycol) diacrylate based resin (PEGDA: DI-TAMPTA). ......... 71

4.4.3. Characterization of swelling behavior for PD1-PD-3 (PEGDA: DI-TAMPTA)............................. 72

4.4.5. Characterization of swelling behavior for GD1- GD-3 (GDGDA: DI-TAMPTA). ........................ 75

4.4.6. Characterization of PEGDA and GDGDA copolymer-based resin (PEGDA: GDGDA). ............... 78

4.4.7. Characterization of swelling behavior for PG1-PG-3 (PEGDA: GDGDA). ................................... 79

4.4.8. Characterization of PG-1, PGD-1 and PGD-3 resin formulations (PEGDA: GDGDA: DI-
(TAMPTA). .......................................................................................................................................... 81

4.4.9. Characterization of swelling behavior for PGD1-PGD-4 (PEGDA: GDGDA: DI-TAMPTA). ...... 83

4.4.13. Swelling behavior of GD-1, PGD-1, and PGD-2 resin formulations………………...…...………97

Chapter One


1.1 Motivation

In recent years, the shift towards additive manufacturing has increased due to several factors

including its ability to produce tailorable products at a higher rate, its cost effectiveness, and

finally, its ability to shorten supply chains and improve manufacturing processes. Many additive

manufacturing techniques have been developed and studied in the past. One of these techniques is

photolithography. Photolithography is a liquid based additive manufacturing process where light

is used to cure the raw resin material in order to create the final object [3, 4]. Stereolithography

(SLA) and digital light processing (DLP) are examples of photolithography 3D printing techniques

where an ultraviolet light is used to cure a liquid resin. While stereolithography is considered one

of the oldest and most used 3D printing technique, digital light processing is a new

stereolithography technique that uses a photomask to print each layer from a binary image using a

digital micromirror device. Although, there exits several reports on SLA based technologies [3,

5-10], there are limited reports on DLP based 3D printing technologies [11-14], and even lesser

reports on comparative analysis of SLA and DLP technologies [15]. Therefore, additional studies

on comparative analysis of SLA vs DLP is needed to determine the effectiveness of DLP

technology as compared to the industry standard SLA technology. Furthermore,

Photopolymerization based 3D printing has a variety of applications in the different industries such

as automotive, aerospace, electronics and bio-robotics [16-18]. One of the main industries that can

benefit from this technology is the biomedical industry through applications in drug delivery,

tissue engineering, and research and development of medical devices. However, many limitations

need to be addressed before relaying completely on this type of manufacturing to create final parts

and assemblies in various industries to gain the highest benefit of photolithography additive

manufacturing. The biggest limitation in photolithography is the limited availability and the high

cost of the photocurable resins, in addition, most photocurable resins in the market are fossil-fuel

based. Therefore, developing low cost, environmentally friendly material for stereolithography

and digital light processing is still an important need to help advance additive manufacturing,

specially photolithography-based 3D printing [10, 119, 123].

Thus, the objective of this thesis is to develop a novel biodegradable based photocurable resin

suitable for photolithography-based curing systems such as stereolithography and digital light

processing 3D printers. The purpose of the development of the new material is to increase the

diversity and provide wider range of environmentally friendly materials that can be used in

additive manufacturing.

1.2 Objectives and Specific Aims

The primary research objectives of this thesis are to investigate the effectiveness of digital light

processing compared to the traditional stereolithography technique and to develop a

biodegradable, biomedically relevant photocurable resins suitable for photolithography based

additive manufacturing. These objectives can be achieved through the following specific aims:

1. Specific Aim 1: Investigate the effectiveness of DLP Printer as compared to the traditional

SLA UV printer.

2. Specific Aim 2: Determine the effect of printing parameters and post processing on

the printed specimens’ structural and thermal properties.

3. Specific Aim 3: Development of a novel biodegradable-based resin material suitable for


1.3 Thesis Organization

1. Chapter one introduces the motivation along with the primary objectives and specific aims.

2. Chapter two presents a literature review on additive manufacturing, its advantages,

disadvantages, as well as its applications including biomedically relevant applications. It

also discusses several additive manufacturing techniques, mechanisms, and studies done

in the past in order to develop, improve, or enhance those additive manufacturing


3. Chapter three is an investigation of the effect of process parameters such as layer height

and post processing technique on the thermal and structural properties of the printed

specimens using the stereolithography and digital light processing 3D printing techniques.

In addition, chapter three establishes comparative analysis between the traditional

stereolithography technique versus the relatively new digital light processing technique.

The results showed that the degree of curing and thermal stability will improve as a result

of decreasing the layer height and post curing for a longer time for stereolithography and

digital light processing alike.

4. Chapter four demonstrates the development and characterization process of novel

biomedically relevant resins. The resin formulations use poly (ethylene glycol) diacrylate

(PEGDA) and glycerol 1,3-diglycerolate diacrylate (GDGDA) as base components in order

to create a biodegradable and biocompatible backbone for the resins. A crosslinking agent

di(trimethylolpropane) tetra-acrylate (DI-TAMPTA) was used along with a photo initiator

(constant) to initiate and propagate polymerization reactions to create solidify the resins.
The results showed that the addition or increase of the crosslinking agent increased the

degree of curing and decreased the swelling percentage. The results showed that the

optimal molar ratio was a 1:1:1 ratio for PEGDA:GDGDA:DI-TAMPTA which yielded

the highest degree of curing and a percent yield of 98%.

5. Chapter five provides an overall summary and conclusion of this work addressed in this

thesis and discusses future work with this project and how this work can be expanded in

the future.

Chapter 2

Literature Review

2.1 Abstract

Additive manufacturing is experiencing a tremendous growth in the recent years due to its

advantages such as the ability to create high quality parts while reducing cost and building time.

There are many 3D printing techniques in the market today and some have more advanced

applications than others, however, there are still many unresolved issues in additive manufacturing

that require the attention of researchers such as lack of repeatability is some cases as well as the

limitation of materials and resources; those issues are the reason behind its limited use in the

industry today. The goal behind most of studies that investigate additive manufacturing techniques

is to ensure its reliability and ability to be used in real life applications rather than just prototyping.

Additive manufacturing is a challenging yet high rewarding area that could have a great effect in

lean manufacturing in different industries such as aerospace, automotive, and even biomedical


2.2. Introduction

Additive manufacturing, rapid prototyping, and 3D printing are three interchangeable terms

that describe creating layers upon layers to form an object from a computer aided design (CAD).

Each of those layers is a cross sectional slice of data that will eventually join together to create the

desired three dimensional object [19]. The process generally starts by creating a 3D model using

a modeling software i.e. CATIA. After that, the CAD model is converted to an STL. file which

can then be read and sliced into layers using certain slicing software that is compatible with the

3D printer. The slicing software allows the printer to be able to read the file and specifies the

parameters of the desired print. Slicing software then can export the sliced file to the printer and

order it to start building the object layer upon layer. The basic principle of the additive

manufacturing process is displayed in Figure 2.2.1 below.

Figure 2.2.1. Basic principle of additive manufacturing.

While the term additive manufacturing describes the process of how it is done, the term rapid

prototyping describes one of the early applications of the technology and what made manufacturers

eager about it. Rapid prototyping points to the ability to create prototypes at the early process of

developing or manufacturing in a fast and more affordable way. The ability to create a prototype

as quickly and affordable as possible gives manufacturers the ability to improve or change their

design at early stages of development which could mean saving money in the advanced stages of

development [20].

The first commercial use for additive manufacturing was done in 1987 by a 3D printing company

called 3D Systems [21]. 3D systems introduced Stereolithography which referred to solidifying

material layer by layer using an ultraviolet light. This was the first ever commercially available

additive manufacturing machine in the world [22]. Following that in the years 1991 and 1992,

other non-stereolithographic techniques were introduced to the market such as fused deposition

modeling and selective laser sintering. These techniques and others will be discussed in later

sections. The various disadvantages of traditional manufacturing processes such as subtractive

manufacturing allowed for the emerging of additive manufacturing into the market. Figure 2.2.2

shows the current uses for additive manufacturing in the market.

Figure 2.2.2. Different usage for additive manufacturing [23].

The difference between additive manufacturing (AM) and other traditional techniques such as

computer numerical controlled (CNC) machining is that even though they both use computers,

AM techniques are additive while CNC machining is subtractive manufacturing meaning that it

starts with a block of material that is at least the size of the desired object then it is cut in certain

ways in order to create the desired object. An advantage of AM compared to traditional

manufacturing techniques is that AM does not require cutting tools, coolants, and other resources

that could be necessary to the traditional manufacturing process [24]. In addition, AM technologies

allow for more complexity of the parts since the material is being added upon itself to make the

part rather than shaped and cut from an original block of material. Other advantages of AM include

speed, efficiency, reducing costs, eliminating waste, freedom to customize, shortening time to

market, and reducing complexity in the supply chain.

The advantages of additive manufacturing allowed for a better relationship between the

manufacturers and the customers because AM allows for customization of product, In addition,

AM helped create simpler supply chains were there are more innovation in production of products

[25]. The speed of AM and the ability to set up the manufacturing process quickly allows for better

lean manufacturing because the making to order in additive manufacturing means that there is no

inventory risks or unsold finished products. As well as the direct production from a CAD model

to an object helps eliminating any tooling required meaning that the cost of production will be less

[2]. Another area where additive manufacturing helps production is waste reduction; since the

process is additive (layer upon layer) there is no waste of material during the making of products

which means the manufacturing cost will be less [26]. Although there are a lot of advantages for

AM, however, it has been used in excessively in prototyping and not in actual production in the

different industries because there are still challenges today in additive manufacturing and some


One of the main disadvantages of additive manufacturing is the lack of intellectual property

regulations and copyrights. Since every step in the additive manufacturing process is an open

source, any user can create a computer aided design and use a 3D printer to print it [27]. In addition,

3D printing can be a challenge when it comes to optimizing the process and getting large number

of products that have the same mechanical and thermal properties. Post processing is a

disadvantage in 3D printing as well, usually, objects must be post processed to ensure an improved

finish and to enhance its mechanical properties. Another big disadvantage of additive

manufacturing is the limitation of materials; there are only few 3D printing techniques that are

able to use only limited sets of materials which make the issue of material availability one of the

biggest concerns in 3D printing [28].

2.3 Applications of Additive Manufacturing

Representative applications of additive manufacturing include aerospace, automotive,

biomedical, and dentistry. In the aerospace industry, components are complex and are usually

made from advanced materials which makes suitable to be 3D printed [29]. For example, AM is

used to fabricate complex components for satellites, jet, and helicopters engines. Selective laser

sintering 3D printing (SLS) is used for example to fabricate lightweight turbine blades. Other parts

such as vents and ducts could also be produced using 3D printing. In addition, AM techniques are

currently used to repair aircraft engine parts such as vanes, stators, seals, and rotors, which help

reduce the cost and extend the lifespan of these parts. Other industries such as the automotive

industry has also been using additive manufacturing to produce parts to avoid the high cost and

produce parts more efficiently [30]. AM has been successfully used to develop and produce various

components for motorsports. This includes parts such as gearboxes, airboxes, and motorbike’s

dashboards [31]. Using AM manufacturing to produces such parts will also help in reducing the

weight of the part and enhances the flexibility of parts which is a big advantage for the automotive


In the biomedical field, additive manufacturing has been used to create scaffolds, artificial organs,

medical devices, and for creating biological chips by patterning cells and proteins using 3D

printing [32]. In 2012, an 83-year old woman became the first ever patient to receive a jawbone

transplant which was tailor made specifically for her using a 3D printer, in this case, using a 3D

allowed for a faster and more personalized final product [23]. In addition, 3D printing is used to

create prosthetic sockets; these sockets that compares to the structural integrity and mechanical

properties of those made by traditional manufacturing [33]. Additive manufacturing is also used

in cells and tissue engineering; in tissue engineering, bio-printing is used to create extracellular

matrices which cells and attach and grow on and is used to repair and reconstruct biological tissues

[31]. AM is also used in dentistry to create dental implants, crowns, and bridges. The main

advantage for using 3D printing in dentistry is the ability to create patient specific and complex

geometries of high quality and biocompatibility [34].

Additive manufacturing is also used to in architecture; various 3D printing techniques can be

sewed to create architectural models which will help show what is going to be built in a very

innovative and inexpensive way. This is an example of the use of 3D printing in rapid prototyping;

in addition, using 3D printing for such purpose will help bring the model to life and at the same

time, points out early mistakes and areas of improvement [35].

2.4 Printing Techniques

There are a range of 3D printing techniques currently in the market such as fused deposition

modeling (FDM), selective laser sintering (SLS), digital light processing (DLP) and

stereolithography (SL) 3D printing. These different techniques may use different technology to

produce an object from a computer aided design model. Technologies may include material

extrusion like in FDM, material jetting, sheet lamination, powder bed fusion, and vat photo

polymerization like in DLP and SL [36].

2.4.1 Fused Deposition Modeling (FDM)

Fused deposition modeling was invented and patented in 1989 by Scott Crump the founder of

a 3D printing company called Stratasys [29]. FDM, also known as fused filament fabrication works

by extruding a thermoplastic polymer which will then be mechanically fed as thin filaments into

the 3D printer and heated at the nozzle (print head) of the printer to a certain temperature then

extruded on the printer’s bed by the nozzle layer by layer to create the three dimensional objects

[37]. Examples of the material used in FDM are polycarbonate, acrylonitrile butadiene styrene,

and Polyphenylsulfone. Even though the high temperatures in FDM limits the type of material

used in the printing process, however, being able to extrude own material from polymer allows for

some variability as this polymer may be altered or blended with other polymers to help customize

the final print or improve its mechanical and thermal properties [38]. The main advantage in FDM

is the high porosity in the produced product due to the lay down pattern and mechanical strength.

Another advantage in fused deposition modeling is the ability to print complex objects since print

head can be made to move freely and have three degrees of freedom in the x, y, and z directions

[39]. On the other hand, disadvantages of FDM include the limitation of materials since the

viscosity of these materials must be high enough to build the object and at the same time low

enough to be melted and extruded. Another disadvantage of fused deposition modeling is the

limited availability of biocompatible materials as well as the inability to incorporate living cells or

temperature sensitive biological substances due to the high temperature during extrusion of the

material which makes FDM a non-ideal option for biological scaffolding [40].

Many studies have been done on fused deposition modeling including one study that talked about

the analysis of dimensional performance for a 3D printer based on FDM; this study compared the

effect of the printer on the accuracy of the FDM print. Two printers were used, the first one was

an industrial 3D printer and the other one was an open source 3D printer. The goal of the study

was to use factorial analysis design of experiment to optimize the printing process to improve

dimensional accuracy in length, width, and height of test specimens [41]. The study used ABS-

P400 filament to print three sets of rectangular specimens that is (18x18x8) mm in each printer

while preforming a factorial experimental plan that focused on altering the process parameters

such as slice thickness, tip size, and raster width. After that, specimens were measured using a

digital microscope with 0.01 mm accuracy. The results showed variation from the ideal value for

height (H), length (L1), and width (L2) in both printers as displayed in Figures 2.4.2 & 2.4.2.

However, changing the slice height, or the part raster will give less deviation from ideal value for

height. The study concluded that having the proper control of process parameters will improve part

quality in the industrial printer as well as the open source 3D printer [41].

Figure 2.4.1. Comparing actual vs ideal dimensions for height (H), length (L1), and width (L2)
for samples printed using FDM 300 printer (27).

Figure 2.4.2. Comparing actual vs ideal dimensions for height (H), length (L1), and width (L2)
for samples printed using Model 1 printer (27).

A different study on fused deposition modeling looked at the mechanical characterization of parts

fabricated by FDM. This study was a part of ongoing project to make develop FDM technique and

enable it to be used to produce the final product directly rather than being limited to prototyping.

The study used ABS material and Stratasys 1650 FDM machine. Tensile testing was performed

on the specimens as well as the ABS filaments according to ASTM 5937-96. The results showed

that the tensile strength and the young modulus for both the filament and the specimens were

similar, and that the maximum strain obtained for the specimens is on third of the one obtained for

the filament [42]. Other computational and finite element analysis was done on the printed parts

and the study concluded that layers’ size, shape, and path strongly affect the properties and

performance of the final product. It also summarized two important parameters that affect the final

product the most and those are; the building direction of the specimen and the chosen path for each

layer in the building technique as displayed in Figure 2.4.3.

Figure 2.4.3. Tensile strength of samples for different build orientations [42].

The study emphasized that the FDM printing parameters must be studied extensively and

optimized in order to be able to use fused deposition modeling technique to produce final parts

that have high quality and repeatability [42].

Relating to the medical field, one study examined the requirements for manufacturing high quality

medical models for clinics. FDM 3D printer was used to create a total of 350 different medical

models over a 6-year period. The results showed a range of unwanted artifacts on the medical

models. Results included computed tomography gantry distortion, metal, and surface roughness

due to the need to remove the support structure after printing the medical models. The study

recommended rigorous regulations and quality assurance steps that must be taken in the process

of manufacturing medical models using 3D printing techniques like FDM [43]. Such studies

explain that FDM along with other printing techniques are not yet ready to be used to manufacture

final products and that a lot of studies have to take place in the next years in order to optimize the

printing process and produce high quality products that can indeed be used in the current market.

2.4.2 Selective Laser Sintering

Selective laser sintering is a 3D printing technique that was developed in 1989 by the

University of Texas [40]. It works by binding the powder particles together using a CO2 laser

beam to create thin layers that lay on top of each other. The laser heats the powder above its glass

transition temperature and scans the surface of the polymer in a specific 2D pattern (slice). This

leads to molecules to diffuse along the outermost surface creating neck formation between

neighboring particles. This process is repeated to form layer upon layer to create the 3D object.

Unused powder is then removed, and the part is heat treated to reach full density [44]. The main

advantage of selective laser sintering is that temporary structural support is not needed to create

the 3D object unlike other 3D printing techniques such as fused deposition modeling. The main

disadvantage of SLS however is the limitation in materials that can be used since the particle size

must be under 10 um due to poor spreading and sintering too quickly which can cause edge

inaccuracies [40]. Therefore, the main parameter that affects the print quality is the particles’ size.

Another disadvantage is the need for post processing for all parts by to enhance density and remove

trapped powder in the 3D object. The most commonly used material is in SLS is PCL as well as

combinations of polyether ether ketones and hydroxyapatite [45]. Many studies have been done

on selective laser sintering and the binding mechanism involved in the process. One of these

studies has been done by the University of Leuven where they studied the different binding

mechanisms is SLS and their effect on the mechanical properties of materials. In this study, basic

binding mechanisms such as solid-state sintering, chemically induced binding, liquid phase

sintering, and full melting were studied in order to explain how these binding mechanisms apply

for sintering polymers and hard metals. The study concluded that selective laser sintering has the

advantage over all the other mechanisms studied since it allows for a wider range of materials to

be used. According to the study, the second-best mechanism was full melting which showed

improved parameters such as smaller layer thicknesses and smaller spot sizes. In addition,

improvement in these parameters resulted in better mechanical properties for the finished parts

[46]. Another study explained that effectively setting up the parameters for 3D printing using

selective laser sintering will improve the biocompatibility and mechanical properties of finished

3D object. Laser scanning speed and layer thickness were two of the parameters studied to measure

their effect on the finished parts’ porosity and pore width. The lower the layer thickness, the lower

the percent porosity of the parts will be and therefore the bonding between the different layers will

be stronger. The mechanical properties such as the yield strength and the ultimate strength were

also examined at different laser powers. The study found that the higher the laser power, the higher

the yield strength and the ultimate strength will be for the finished 3D printed objects. The study

explained how optimizing the mentioned parameters will eventually help produce high quality

parts that could replace the traditional manufacturing techniques [47]. These examples from the

literature show how selective laser sintering is indeed a valid option for manufacturing final parts,

however, in order to do so, certain parameters must be met and many limitations have to be

overcome; such as the high cost, the lengthy post processing approaches, and the rough surface

finish. Therefore, other 3D printing techniques such as Stereolithography play a crucial role as an

alternate to SLS and FDM techniques. The speed, high accuracy, and smooth finish of parts

produced by stereolithography solve some of the problems faced in other AM techniques.

2.4.3 Stereolithography (SL)

Stereolithography is the earliest 3D technique in terms of development and commercial use.

SL was developed by Chuck Hull at 3D systems [4]. Photolithography is defined as using light,

usually Ultraviolet (UV) or laser light to fabricate or cure patterns and layers from a liquid type

material [48]. SL is a 3D printing technique that uses UV light to cure layer upon layer in order to

create a 3D object from a computer aided design model. SL 3D printer consists of a platform, a

resin vat, laser source, and a scanning mirror. The laser beam will be directed on the resin through

the scanning mirror to cure the first layer on the platform which moves up and down in the Z

direction. A basic SL device is displayed in Figure 2.4.4 below.

Figure 2.4.4. Basic stereolithography device [49].

After that, the second layer will be cured on the platform according to the CAD model, the laser

will construct each layer as a two-dimensional layer until forming an object on the platform after

creating many layers on top of each other [50]. Finally, after removing the finished object, the

remaining resin in the tank can still be used for the next operation. Usually, the 3D object will need

supports in order to adhere to the moving platform. Having more complex structures will require

more support in order to acquire a successful build. In addition, there are many parameters that

affect the structural and mechanical properties of the finished object in stereo lithography. These

parameters include the intensity of the laser light directed at the resin, the type of resin used and

its viscosity, the thickness of the individual layer, the orientation in which the object is built at,

and finally, the post processing technique followed in order to enhance the bonding between the

individual layers [51]. All of these are major factors that will determine the quality and feasibility

of the finished 3D printed object. The smooth finish, speed, low cost, and the high accuracy are

all advantages of stereolithography 3D printing. This is the reason for using SL more than other

techniques in dentistry and other industries that require high precision and accuracy. On the other

hand, there are disadvantages in stereolithography such as the need to have support material for

the printed objects which can be time consuming to remove and can require extra post processing.

A second disadvantage is that usually, finished parts need to be post processed to remove the

excess resin and enhance the bonding between the layers to achieve high quality parts. The

limitation in materials that can be used is also a disadvantage in stereolithography 3D printing


Despite its few limitations, SL is still one on the most commonly used 3D printing techniques that

could one day replace traditional manufacturing. There are many applications for SL 3D printing

in various industries; one of those applications is medical modeling. SL is used to print three-

dimensional models for surgical planning with patients with facial trauma. In addition, SL is used

in reconstructive surgeries, the CAD model allows for testing forces and conditions before printing

the actual object, also, 3D printing these models using stereolithography will allow for a custom

made model that fits the patient and at the same time help fix any issues at an early stage instead

of having to repeat the surgery or getting undesirable results [53].

Many studies have been done on stereolithography 3D printing in order to obtain the best

properties for the final 3D printed product and therefore explore new materials for SL and new

applications where SL can match or exceed the properties of products produced by traditional

manufacturing methods. An example of these studies is a study done to investigate the effect of

build orientation on the tensile strength for SL 3D printing. A statistical design of experiment was

approached to determine how the axis, layout, and position of printed samples will affect the

ultimate tensile strength (UTS) and modulus of elasticity (E) of the final print. A 3D systems Viber

si2 3D printer was used to print 18 ASTM D-638 type I samples using a multipurpose commercial

resin. Setting all other printing parameters constant, 18 different specimens were printed in

different axis (x, y, and 45° to axis) and at an edge or flat layout with respect to the building

platforms. After getting the samples and testing the ultimate tensile strength and modulus of

elasticity, statistical analysis showed that axis and position of the sample had no significant effect

on UTS and E. On the other hand, layout (whether samples were built flat or on an edge) showed

significant statistical difference in UTS and E with 95% level of confidence Figure 2.4.5 and 2.4.6


Figure 2.4.5. Effect of samples’ layout on the ultimate tensile strength [41].

Figure 2.4.6. Effect of samples’ layout on modulus of elasticity [41].

This could be explained by forming an understanding of 3D printing or additive manufacturing.

The layer upon layer building technique suggests that the orientation of the samples will determine

the shape of the single layer built each time; this will then affect how the layers are connected

(crosslinked) together which will affect the ultimate tensile strength and the modulus of elasticity.

It is worth mentioning that no post processing was done of the final samples which appears to be

uncommon in stereolithography 3D printing.

In a different study done by Rice University, Stereolithography was used to manufacture critical

sized 3D biodegradable scaffolds that will help with bone growth. A computer aided design (CAD)

model was constructed pro/ENGINEER software package and the prototype was printed using an

SLA 250/40 system made by 3D Systems Valencia [49]. The materials used to formulate the resin

were poly (propylene fumarate) (PPF), diethyl fumarate (DEF) solvent, and bisacylphosphine

oxide (BAPO) photoinitiator. The resin was then poured into the printer’s tank and the prototype

was printed to test the ability of the printer to build solid protrusions which according to the

researchers will be used to judge the effectiveness of SL 3D printing in creating biodegradable

scaffolds. The DEF/PPF resin mixture was successfully crosslinked with structure that matched

the one from the CAD model with clear holes and slots in the scaffold. These results provided

proof of concept that the SL 3D printing method can be used to manufacture custom-fitting, tissue-

engineered scaffolds for critical-size bone defect sites. This shows potential for SL 3D printing

and explains how it might be improved and used in the future to advance medicine and biology;

which are just two of many fields were stereolithography is a valid option to advance and improve

manufacturing. Stereolithography is indeed one of the first 3D printed techniques invented and the

first to be used commercially; however, it is not the only technique that uses UV light to cure a

resin in order to create a 3D object. Other techniques that use UV light were invented in order to

expand the uses and applications of photo-curing in 3D printing.

Another area that shows potential success in SL 3D printing in the near future is pharmaceutics.

Using 3D printing in pharmaceutics will help produce more drugs at a faster rate and lower cost;

it will also help in creating drugs that are specific in size and content for each individual which

could be a serious breakthrough in medicine [55]. Therefore, there is an increased market demand

for stereolithography 3D printing use in pharmaceuticals and recently more studies have been

exploring the use of 3D printing to develop drugs. An example of those studies is a study that used

SL 3D printer to print oral modified-release dosage forms. The goal of this study was to evaluate

the suitability of SL printing technique to fabricate drug loaded tablets with modified release


The materials used in this study were polyethylene glycol diacrylate (PEGDA), diphenyl (2,4,6-

trimethylbenzoyl)phosphine oxide, 4-aminosalicylic acid (4-ASA), and paracetamol

(acetaminophen). After using these materials to prepare a printing solution, tablets were

successfully 3D printed with varying cell diameters using SL and then loaded with the drugs at

5.69% and 5.40%. Then, a realistic dynamic dissolution simulation of the gastrointestinal tract was

done, and drug was released from the tablets. Results showed that the drug release was dependent

on the composition of the formulations and completely interdependent of dissolution PH. The

study concluded that stereolithography 3D printing allows the manufacturing of drug loaded

tablets with extended release profiles that are specific and accurate (Figure 2.4.7). The study also

concluded that using SL 3D printing to produce drugs will help in the future in lowering the cost

of manufacturing pharmaceuticals and creating personalized drugs with specific release patterns.


Figure 2.4.7. Drug release percentage of different tablets varying call diameters [43].

In conclusion, materials type is an important parameter that affects the 3D print in

stereolithography. The composition of material that makes up the resin will determine how the

resins will crosslink and solidify after processing using the UV light and therefore affect its


2.4.4 Materials Used in Stereolithography 3D Printing

There are at least four types of common resins that are used in SL 3D printing in the industry

today and these are; standard resin, engineering resin, dental and medical resin, and cast-able resin.

Picking and choosing which resin or material to use depends on the application and the mechanical

properties desired in the final object. The resin used for molding and prototyping in the market is

usually a standard resin, these resins can give high details and very smooth surface finishes,

however, these types of resins are known to be brittle and have low heat deflection temperature

[57]. The engineering resins, on the other hand, must simulate an injection molded plastic to give

the engineers a wide choice of material properties for manufacturing and prototyping. An example

of an engineering resin is tough resins, which are usually compared to ABS; these resins can

withstand high stress and strain up to 55.7 MPa and a high stiffness and are used for mechanical

assemblies [58, 59]. Another example of an engineering resin that is used in production is durable

resins; durable resins are flexible, have high wear resistance, and often compared to polypropylene.

Durable resins are being used today to produce ball joints and low friction mechanical parts, and

functional prototyping [10]. The third type of common SL resins used in the industries today is the

dental and medical resins which are divided into two classes. Class I biocompatible resin are used

to make surgical aids and appliances since it can be easily sterilized and have high precision [15].

This class must be non-invasive uses only and cannot be in contact with the body for a long time.

The second class is class II biocompatible resin, also known as long term biocompatible resins,

these resins can remain in contact with the human body for a year and are usually used for long

term dental appliances and fracture resistant medical parts. Finally, the fourth commonly used

resin in the market today is cast-able resin. Cast-able resins will usually have sharp edges and will

burn clearly without leaving any ashes or residues [58]. Their high features and details allow them

to be a part of the jewelry making industries, however, these resins require a lot of post processing

which can be costly and time consuming. Even though choosing the resin to 3D print with in

stereolithography is very important, however, it is not the only factor that will determine the quality

and use of the final product. Other factors such as light intensity, layer height, post processing, and

build orientation play an important role in determining the structural and mechanical properties of

the printed object.

2.4.5 Digital Light Processing (DLP)

Digital light Processing (DLP) was invented by Dr. Larry Hornbeck and Dr. William Nelson

in 1987 [60]. Even though this was a short while after inventing SL, DLP however took a long

time to be able to be used commercially and is relatively new to the market compared to traditional

stereolithography. The main idea in digital light processing is using a digital micro-mirror device

(DMD) to produce an image. DMD is an optical semiconductor that includes a large array of

mirrors to direct the light photons in a very high accuracy [60]. While SL 3D printing uses a laser

that moves in the X and Y directions while the platform moves in the Z direction, DLP produces

a digital mask using the DMD system that represents one layer (slice) from that CAD model and

prints it then keep producing layers until it finishes building the 3D object. A DLP 3D printer

consists of a vat or a tub where the resin is placed prior to printing, a light source (UV), DMD, and

a tilting device to replenish the uncured bottom layer of the resin. Advantages of DLP include

good accuracy, smooth surfaces, speed, and finally low cost, however, the main advantage for

digital light processing over other 3D printing techniques is the uniformity in each layer build

because while most 3D printing techniques uses a nozzle or a laser that moves in the X, Y, and Z

directions [61] . DLP uses a projection of an image which means that the entire 2D layer will be

subjected to the same conditions such as light power and direction which helps the uniformity and

stability of the final 3D printed object, that is also why DLP is known to produce parts that have a

very smooth finish [11]. The basic principle of DLP is displayed in Figure 2.4.8 below.

Figure 2.4.8. Basic Principle of DLP [60].

On the other hand, Digital light processing has some disadvantages such as the need to use support

material and the need to remove the support material after completing the print which can be time

consuming and can compromise the structural and mechanical properties of the 3D printed object.

In addition, DLP is only available for light curable liquid polymers which can be limited and

expensive; also, these resins are very messy and can cause irritation for the skin or eyes [61]. There

are many parameters that affect the structural and mechanical properties of the printed object such

as the building orientation of the object, light intensity, layer height, post processing. Post

processing in particular is an important parameter in DLP since each of the layers are created from

relatively large 2D digital masks which can have a poor level of polymerization due to the

pixilation of each layer having shadow areas between pixels in the 2D mask [62, 63].

As digital light processing becoming more popular, more studies have been done in order to

maximize its benefits and build on its advantages. One study looked at the effect of build
orientation/ angle on the dimensional full-coverage dental restorations. The dental crowns were

manufactured using a DLP 3D printer using different build angles (90,

120,135,150,180,210,223,240, and 270) degrees. After scanning the specimens using a surface

scanner, dimensional accuracy was measured using the digital subtraction technique and then root

mean squared values were calculated. The conclusion of the study was that the build angles indeed

influenced the dimensional accuracy of the printed objects Figure 2.4.9.

Figure 2.4.9. Average deviation (mm) for different build angles [52]

The lowest root mean square values were recorded for the 135 and 210 building angles.

Therefore, those were the recommended angles for manufacturing using a digital light processing

3D printer. Limitations such as the size and quality of the 3D printer affect the results for the study,

in addition, this study is specific for a dental crown of certain size and complexity and the results

could easily change for different parts [64].

A different study on digital light processing analyzed the effectiveness of modular elastomer

photoresins for DLP in additive manufacturing. The study used entry level equipment in the study

and printed using photoresins formulations that were developed by researchers using

Bis(propylacrylamide)poly(dimethylsiloxane) (PDMSDMAA), 2-Hydroxyethyl acrylate (HEA),

cetrimonium bromide and other diacrylates. The study also pointed out that simple adjustments to

the resin components can allow access to a wide range of different compositions and mechanical

properties. This shows that the resin used in the 3D printing process have a high impact on the

properties of the final print along with other parameters such as the thickness of the layers and the

post processing technique. The series of resins in this study included silicon and hydrogels

hybrids. Specimens were 3D printed using SeeMeCNC Droplit DLP 3D printer and an Acer

X1161P projector using default settings with light intensity of 80 klx. The results showed

maximum elongation up to 472% under tensile loads [65]. In addition, tests specimens showed a

noticeable swelling behavior in water and Shore A hardness values from 13.7 to 33.3.

Combinations of the resins were successfully used to print a functional multi material three-armed

pneumatic gripper. The study concluded that the combination of resins can also be used for

advanced additive manufacturing applications such as simulated human tissues, stimuli-responsive

materials, and soft robotics [65].

In addition to the resin, other printing parameters affect the functionality and mechanical

properties of the 3D printed specimen using DLP. Few studies have focused on optimizing the

printing process using DLP and mentioned suggestions to follow in order to obtain what seemed

to be high mechanical and structural properties. One study attempted to investigate the influence

of the layer thickness and exposure times on the physical and mechanical properties of the printed

specimens. Surface finish, dimensions accuracy, and ultimate tensile strength were investigated to

determine the optimal printing parameters. The researchers used B9 Creators 3D DLP 3D printer

and printed B9R-1-Red specimens and tested according to ASTM standards. The results showed

that layer thickness of 50 µm and exposure time of 9 seconds had the highest tensile and flexural

strength as well as the lowest dimensional error. In addition, the percent difference for the

dimensional accuracy between all samples was 3.8%. In conclusion, layer thickness and exposure

time indeed affect the mechanical and structural properties of printed objects using DLP 3D

printer. Optimizing the parameters in 3D printing will help obtain quality parts that have high

repeatability which will allow it to replace traditionally manufactured objects.

2.5 Comparing SLA to DLP

While both Stereolithography and digital light processing use light to cure liquid resin to form

a solid 3-dimensional object, there are many differences between them regarding the operation

technique used as well as the properties of the final object. In terms of the printing process, the

difference remains in the way the light is applied to the liquid resin as can be seen in Figure 3.5.1.

Figure 3.5.1. Selective exposure to light in SL vs DLP.

In addition, DLP uses a digital micro-mirror device to project an entire layer on the printing bed,

while traditional stereolithography uses a laser light that moves different directions to be able to

cure the resin material. In addition, there are few differences in terms of the finished object between

DLP and SL. For example, DLP can achieve faster print times since an entire 2-dimensional layer

is exposed to the UV light at once. On the other hand, traditional stereolithography can have a

better surface finish depending of the object’s size and shape because DLP renders images using

rectangular voxels which leave the final object with vertical voxel lines that can affect the surface

finish [60].

Although these are differences known about the two printing techniques, there are very few studies

that look at the differences in the mechanical and thermal properties of the final printed object in

the two techniques. In addition, it is nearly unknown how the change in printing parameters will

affect the properties of the final object for the traditional stereolithography technique compared to

the relatively new DLP technique. A recent study was done by the Stenden University of Applied

Sciences used ACPR-48 commercial resin to print 3D structures as well as tensile bars using DLP

and SLA printers. Tensile strength and Young’s modulus of cured samples were determined for

each printer and plotted as displayed in Figure 2.5.2 below [66].

Figure 2.5.2. Tensile Strength and Young’s modulus of cured samples [54].

The results showed that there is no significant difference in tensile strength between both printers.

However, the results showed a significant difference in Young’s modulus between the two printers.

The study also pointed out that SLA technique is thought to be more precise and appropriate for

fabrication of high resolution structures [66]. This study is an example of the few studies that

compared the two techniques; however, there is a very high probability that the results may change

when altering the parameters of the printers or the resin type used in printing. This is a good

example why the 3D printing process needs to be optimized and studied based on the varying the

printing parameters which can cause more fluctuation to the structural and mechanical properties

compared to only varying the printing technique.

2.6. Summary and Conclusion:

In this literature review, we have highlighted several 3D printing techniques and summarized

the advantages and disadvantages of these techniques along with their operating mechanism. In

addition, this review looked at studies in FDM and SLA techniques where the printing parameters

or post processing parameters where changed and the effect on the final product was investigated.

The studies have concluded that in FDM, the mechanical properties of the final object are affected

by the layer height and build orientation. Another study on stereolithography 3D printing has found

that the time of post processing directly relates to the tensile strength of the final object. Although,

there were several studies on FDM and SLA, there are less studies on the effect of printing

parameters on products printed using digital light processing technique and even lesser studies that

compare SLA and DLP. In addition, several examples of material development in the literature

have pointed out the constant need to develop inexpensive biodegradable based material as the

limitation of raw material is still one of the biggest limitations in 3D printing today.

Chapter 3

Investigating the Effect of 3D Printing Parameters on the Structural and Thermal

Properties of Printed Objects in Stereolithography Versus Digital Light Processing.

3.1 Abstract

Photopolymerization or photo-curing is a technique where light is used to initiate and

propagate a polymerization reaction in order to create a crosslinked structure. Stereolithography

and Digital Light Processing are two techniques that use photopolymerization in order to convert

a computer aided design to a 3D object. While stereolithography is one of the first 3D printing

techniques, digital light processing is an emerging technique that haven’t been around for a long

time. The investigation of effect of printing and process paraments on the structural and thermal

properties of the final samples seems to be lacking in the literature. The objective of this study is

to determine the effect of different process parameters on the thermal and structural properties of

the 3D printed samples. In this study, printing parameters such as layer height and post processing

were altered for both printing techniques. Degree of curing, swelling and degradation percentage,

as well as thermal stability were studied. The result indicated that the traditional SLA technique

showed a higher degree of curing and thermal stability compared to Digital Light Processing. In

addition, the results found that decreasing the layer height of the printed specimen have improved

the degree of curing and thermal stability in both techniques. Similarly, post processing

significantly increased the degree of curing. Post curing the samples for a longer time yielded

higher degrees of curing and a higher thermal stability.

3.2 Introduction

Manufacturing comes from the French word for ‘’made by hand’’, however, this etymological

origin which was used to describe traditional subtractive manufacturing is no longer applicable

today because additive manufacturing works by building layers from the bottom up in order to

create a 3 dimensional object [67] . Additive manufacturing (AM) is defined by ASTM F2792 as

the process of joining materials to make objects from 3 dimensional model data, usually layer upon

layer [68]. AM proposes tremendous potential changes to the way manufacturing industries is

running today. Relaying on AM in the future will cause reduction in assembly lines and supply

chains for a lot of products which will not only help the process to be lean but will bring more

inventory and help industries supply the needed quantities to the market faster and more efficiently.

In addition, when compared with traditional manufacturing AM could potentially reduce the waste

of material and resources as well as the amount of energy consumed in order to manufacture parts.

This can play a major role in conserving resources (material and energy) and thus have a positive

on the environment as compared to traditional manufacturing [69]. Furthermore, in addition to

additive manufacturing usage in industries such as aerospace, automotive, and electronics; AM

technologies can be of great benefit to other industries including emerging fields such as the

biomedical and cellular engineering [70].

The reason behind the limited use of AM in the industry today regardless of its advantages and

perks is the many limitations that could stop 3D printing from replacing traditional manufacturing

such as the lack of repeatability in production and the limitation of materials [71]. Additionally,

the quality of printed objects can be lower than ones manufactured traditionally due to the layer

by layer process which could affect the finish of the final product [72-75]. Other limitations for

some 3D printing technologies include the need to post process the final object after printing which

can consume a high amount of time and energy [76]. The need for post processing is a resultant of

the relatively low structural and thermal properties of the final printed products. Many recent

reports have investigated additive manufacturing techniques and processes to overcome its

limitations [77-79].

3D printing techniques can be divided into three categories; powder based, solid based, and liquid

based techniques [80]. An example of powder based and solid based 3D printing is selective laser

sintering and laminated object manufacturing (LOM) respectively [81] [82]. Lastly, liquid based

3D printing can be divided into two categories; melting and polymerization. Fused deposition

modeling is an example of melting techniques while stereolithography and digital light processing

are examples of polymerization techniques. Photopolymerization or photo-curing is a technique

where light is used to initiate and propagate a polymerization reaction in order to create a

crosslinked structure [83]. An example of photopolymerization is stereolithography (SLA) 3D

printing where a beam of laser ultraviolet light targets the liquid resin to solidify it.

Stereolithography was first developed by 3D Systems, Inc. and is one of the oldest 3D printing

techniques [23]. Although, stereolithography has been very established within 3D printing

photopolymerizable technologies, newer techniques such as digital light processing have been

introduced in recent years as alternate options for photocuring [84]. Unlike stereolithography,

digital light processing (DLP) have a digital micromirror device that will produce a 2-dimensional

image from the computer aided design model. This image represents an entire 2D layer of the final

object and UV light will cure the entire layer simultaneously [85].

Numerous literature reports have indicated that the mechanical properties of the 3D printed part is

strongly influenced by printing and process parameters [86-91]. For example, a study done by

Formlabs investigated how the ultimate tensile strength of the final printed object is affected by

time and array wavelength in stereolithography 3D printing. The study compared 365 nm, 385 nm,

and 405 nm wavelengths and exposed the samples to light for 120 minutes. The results showed an

increase in the ultimate tensile strength as a result of the wavelength increase. The highest tensile

strength recorded was for the 405 nm at 60 minutes. This showed that wavelength and time of

exposure to light have a major effect on the mechanical properties for the printed material [10].

Similarly, another report has investigated the influence of layer thickness on the mechanical

properties in stereolithography. Specimens were printed with 100, 125, and 150 µm. The results

stated that the increase of the layer thickness reduced the samples’ ultimate tensile strength (UTS),

yield strength (YS) and impact strength (IS) [5]. This study concluded that process parameters

influence the mechanical properties of the final object in stereolithography.

Although, there exits several reports on SLA based technologies [3, 5-10], there are limited reports

on DLP based 3D printing technologies [11-14], and even lesser reports on comparative analysis

of SLA and DLP technologies [15]. A study has been done to investigate the ability of digital light

processing to print conductive, complex structures of polymer nanocomposites. The study

developed an ink which was a mixture of photocurable polymers and multi-walled carbon

nanotubes (MWCNTs) and investigated the effect of (MWCNTs) concentration on the conductive

properties of the final panted object. The study found that 0.30 wt.% of (MWCNTs) in the resin

mixture yielded the maximum electrical conductivity of 0.027S/m. The study demonstrated the

versatility of DLP 3D printing and its ability to print electrical conductive complex structures [14].

A different study has compared the tensile strength and Young’s modulus of samples printed using

stereolithography and digital light processing. This study used two resins, one commercial resin

and another resin which was developed by the researchers for this specific study. The results

indicated that there was no significant difference in tensile strength and elastic modulus between

the two printing techniques [66]. While the study focused on the mechanical properties of the

printed specimens, the printing process was always standardized. The investigation of the effect

of printing and process paraments on the structural and thermal properties of the final samples

seems to be lacking in the literature. Similarly, additional studies on comparative analysis of SLA

vs DLP is needed to determine the effectiveness of this technology as compared to the industry

standard SLA technology. This manuscript presents a comparative analysis of DLP and SLA,

investigating the effect of different process parameters i.e. number of layers and post curing

process on the structural and thermal properties of the printed specimens.

3.3 Materials and Methods

3.3.1 Test Specimens

Prior to printing, 2 inch diameter discs were designed in SolidWorks software and then

converted to standard tessellation language (STL) files [92]. Subsequently, specimens with

different layer heights (0.100, 0.05, and 0.025) mm were 3D printed using XYZ printing Nobel

1.0 SLA 3D Printer and Wanhao Duplicator 7 DLP 3D printer using commercial Monocure clear

resin (3DR3582C).

While varying the layer thickness of each sample, all other parameters were set to the default and

recommended settings in XYZ Nobel and CreationWorshop_D7 software for SLA and DLP

printers respectively. After that, three specimens were printed using each printer and post cured

using XYZ UV curing chamber with 405 mW light intensity for 10, 20, and 30 minutes. Finally,

all samples were washed in isopropanol to polish off uncured resin at the surface of the printed


3.3.2 Fourier Transform Infrared (FTIR)

Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy analysis was carried out to determine the

degree of curing of the liquid resin. This method of determining degree of curing is well established

and reported in the literature [93-97]. FTIR was performed in the attenuated total reflection (ATR)

mode using Avatar 360 FT-IR machine at a resolution of 4 cm-1 for each sample as well as for the

uncured clear commercial resin and repeated three times. The degree of curing (DC) was

determined by analysis of the methacrylate (C=C) stretch absorption at 1,638 cm-1 (aliphatic bond).

After curing, the C=C would be broken and combined with other similar groups resulting in

decrease of the C=C stretch. An internal standard peak was designated to be at 1581 cm-1 (aromatic

bond). This peak has been used as internal standard for similar determinations. The degree of

curing was determined using EQ. (1) and EQ. (2) below [97].

(%(𝐶 = 𝐶)) = (1)
[𝐴𝑏𝑠(𝐴𝑙𝑖𝑝ℎ𝑎𝑡𝑖𝑐 𝐴𝑏𝑠 (𝐴𝑟𝑜𝑚𝑎𝑡𝑖𝑐)]𝑚𝑜𝑛𝑜𝑚𝑒𝑟

%𝐷𝑒𝑔𝑟𝑒𝑒 𝑜𝑓 𝐶𝑢𝑟𝑖𝑛𝑔 = 100 − (%(𝐶 = 𝐶 )) (2)

Where Abs is the area or height of the absorbance peak in the spectrum. The curing percentage

was calculated using equations (1) and (2) for (0.1, 0.05, and 0.025) mm samples from each printer

as well as for the post cured samples at 10, 20, and 30 minutes.

All relevant data was organized as mean ± standard deviation. One-way ANOVA, Fisher test was

performed with a 0.05 significance level to determine whether the difference in the degree of

curing between the different samples is significant.

3.3.3 Swelling Test

Swelling test was conducted according to ASTM D570 [98]. Two-inch diameter disc

specimens were weighed and then immersed entirely in distilled water at room temperature, after

24 hours, specimens were removed and patted with paper towels to dry then weighed to the nearest

0.001 gram. The percentage swelling was calculated using EQ. (3) below.

𝑃𝑒𝑟𝑐𝑒𝑛𝑡𝑎𝑔𝑒 𝑆𝑤𝑒𝑙𝑙𝑖𝑛𝑔 = ( ) ∗ 100 % (3)

Where W2 is the weight of the specimens after immersion in the solvent, and W1 is the weight of

the specimen before immersion in the solvent.

3.3.4 Degradation Test

Degradation test was conducted according to ASTM D543 [99]. The rationale for this test is

to evaluate the resistance of the printed specimens to phosphate buffered saline (PBS), toluene and

water. Two-inch desk specimens were completely immersed in each solvent for seven days at room

temperature. After 7 days, samples were individually removed from solvent and dried then

reweighted to determine the weight difference before and after immersion. The percentage

degradation was calculated using EQ. (4) below.

𝑃𝑒𝑟𝑐𝑒𝑛𝑡𝑎𝑔𝑒 𝐷𝑒𝑔𝑟𝑎𝑑𝑎𝑡𝑖𝑜𝑛 = ( ) ∗ 100 % (4)

Where W1 is the weight of the specimens before immersion in the solvent, and W2 is the weight

of the specimen before immersion in the solvent.

3.3.5 Thermal Analysis

Thermogravimetric analysis (TGA) was performed using NETZSCH TG 209 F1 Libra. A

temperature range of 25-610 °C was applied at a heating scan rate of 10 degrees / minute under a

nitrogen atmosphere. In addition, Differential Scanning Calorimetry (DSC) was performed using

NETZSCH DSC 204F1 Phoenix. Approximately 30 mg of each samples was placed is DSC

aluminum pans then heated at 10 °C/minute from 25 – 200 °C under nitrogen atmosphere then

held isothermal at 200 °C for 10 minutes and finally cooled back to 25 °C at same rate of 10 °C/


3.4 Results and discussion

3.4.1 FTIR

Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy analysis was carried out to determine the

degree of curing of the liquid resin. The intensity of the C=C peaks before and after curing was

analyzed. Figure 3.4.1 shows a representative FTIR spectra of a cured and uncured resin.

Observing Figure 3.4.1, we can see that the spectra showed a decrease in the signal at 1638 cm -1

for the cured material compared to the uncured resin. The peak at 1581 cm -1 (aromatic bond) was

used as an internal standard as this would not change after curing. The spectra before and after

curing was normalized to the internal standard and degree of curing was calculated using equations

1& 2.

Uncured Resin


Cured Samples

Figure 3.4.1. Representative FTIR spectra of cured and uncured resin.

The decrease in the signal corresponding to C=C bonding at 1638 cm-1 for the cured specimens

as compared to the uncured resin (Figure 3.4.1), is a clear indication of curing of samples [15].

The reason behind the decrease in the intensity of the C=C peak after curing is the breakdown of

the double bond and the formation of crosslinks and entanglements (apparent crosslinks) in the

molecular structure which take place as the photo initiator in the resin will help form these

molecular chains in order to solidify the resin after being exposed to UV light from the printer.

3.4.2 Degree of Curing (DC)

The effect of layer height on the degree of curing was analyzed. Figure 3.4.2 shows the effect

of layer height (0.100 mm, 0.050 mm and 0.025 mm) on the degree of curing percentage. From

Figure 3.4.2, we can see that for SLA photocuring, as the layer height decreased from 0.100 mm

to 0.050 mm and 0.25mm, the DC increased from 53.67% ± 2.08 to 60.33% ± 1.52 and 63.53% ±

2.20 respectively. Similarly, for DLP photocuring, as the layer height decreased from 0.100 mm

to 0.050 mm and 0.025 mm, the DC increased from 43.30% ± 6.46 to 51.10% ± 4.00 and 59.73%

± 3.41 respectively. Comparing SLA vs DLP we see that at lowest layer height (0.025 mm) SLA

resulted in 63.53 ± 2.20 while DLP resulted in a 59.73% ± 3.41 DC. Statistical analysis indicated

that for SLA, (0.050 and 0.025) mm LH samples cured significantly higher than 0.100 mm. Similar

trends for DLP were shown resulting in the DC for 0.025 mm being significantly higher than both

0.100 and 0.050 mm LH samples. The difference in the degree of curing between SLA and DLP

was significant only at 0.050 mm LH. It was seen that at 0.050 mm, SLA cured samples higher

than DLP.

The increase of the degree of curing as the height of the printed layer is decreased can be explained

by understanding the time of exposure to the UV light in the 3D printer. If the height of the layers

is smaller, i.e. 0.025 mm as supposed to 0.100 mm, this will result in a higher number of layers

that are lower in thickness, these thinner layers will be exposed to the same amount of light

compared to the 0.100 mm thick layers, furthermore, the thin layers will result in a higher exposure

to UV light for the entire sample, because thin layers will allow for a high light penetration through

them compared to thicker layers.

Figure 3.4.2. Impact of layer height and printing technique on the degree of curing.

Several literature reports investigating 3D printing photocuring processes have indicated that post

curing the parts led to increased and complete curing of the printed parts [78, 79]. For our studies

on the impact of layer height on DC, it was seen that the the highest layer height (0.100 mm)

resulted in the lowest DC, 53.67% ± 2.08 for SLA and 43.30% ± 6.46 for DLP. Hence for our

studies to investigate the effect of post curing we proceeded with the 0.100 mm layer height (Fig.3

No Post Curing) as it provided the maximum oppourtunity for further curing.

The effect of post processing times on the degree of curing was analyzed. Figure 3.4.3 shows the

effect of post curing times (10 min, 20 min and 30 min) and photocuring process (SLA and DLP)

on the degree of curing percentage. From figure 3.4.3, we can see that for SLA photocuring, as

the time of post curing increased from zero minutes (no post curing) to 10, 20, and 30 minutes, the

degre of curing increased from 53.67 % ± 2.08 to 73.20% ± 2.31, then to 75.133 ±1.589, and finally

to 77.43 % ± 0.981 respectivly. Similarly for DLP photocuring, as the time of post processing

increased from no post curing to 10, 20, and 30 minutes, the degree of curing increased form

43.30% ± 6.46, to 75.10% ± 3.33, then to 77.63% ± 1.80, and finally to 80.53% ± 2.11 respectivly.

Comparing the two techniques, we see that 30 minutes of post curing resulted in the highest degree

of curing at 77.43 % ± 0.981 and 80.53% ± 2.11 for SLA and DLP respectivly. Statistical analysis

indicated that for SLA, the diffrences between no post curing and post cured samples for 10, 20,

and 30 minutes were statistically significant. In addition, post curing the SLA samples for 30

minutes cured them significantly higher than 10 minutes. Similar trends were observed in DLP

samples, the diffrences between no post curing and post cured samples (10, 20, &30 minutes) were

statistically significant. However, unlike SLA, there was no significant difference between 10, 20,

and 30 minutes of post curing for DLP samples. In addition, the difference in the degree of curing

between SLA and DLP after 10, 20, and 30 minutes of post curing was statistically insignificant.

The post curing process, which requires placing the specimens in a UV chamber for a certain

amount of time had a positive effect on the degree of curing, the results showed an increase in the

degree of curing as the post processing time increased for both printing techniques. This is because

placing the sample under further UV light in the curing chamber will help cure the remaining

uncured resin in the sample, this will also cause the layers in the sample to integrate and connect

as a resulted of the increased crosslinking in the sample.

Figure 3.4.3. also shows a relatively large gap in the degree of curing between samples with no

post processing and post processed samples for 10 minutes, however, after 10 minutes, it is hard

to see a large increase in the degree of curing; because while the samples are in the curing chamber

for a longer time, i.e. 30 minutes, the entanglements in the molecular chains are more difficult to

form and the degree of curing is harder to increase because of the lack of flexibility in the chains

as the sample is approaching complete curing.

Figure 3.4.3. Effect of post processing time and curing method on the degree of curing.

3.4.3 Swelling

After confirming the curing of the liquid resin using FTIR, swelling test was conducted to

study the structural integrity of the samples and to test samples’ hydrophilicity. Since 0.100 mm

layer height (LH) sample was cured the least based on the degree of curing calculation with only

43.30% ± 6.46 for DLP and 53.67% ± 2.08 for SLA, swelling test was initially performed on those

samples. Swelling and degradation of material are based on the material composition and the

structural integrity of the material. Since the resin was standardized for all prints, we intended to

investigate the swelling with the samples that were cured the least as the low degree of curing

would result in less consumption of C=C bonds, therefore, less polymerization and entanglements

(less crosslinking density) are taking place which can leave the material to be more vulnerable to


0.100 mm LH disc samples were immersed in water for 24 hours, discs were taken out, dried, and

reweighted to calculate the weight difference before and after immersion in water. The results

(Table 3.4.1) showed that the samples had 0% swelling after 24 hours of immersion in water.

Table 3.4.1: Effect of water on 0.100 mm LH samples.

0.100 mm LH Solvent Percentage Swelling Time of Immersion

Three repeats Water 0% 24 Hrs

3.4.4 Degradation

Degradation test was carried out to determine the long-term effect of certain solvents on the

printed specimens. Two-inch desk specimens were weighted then completely immersed in three

solvents for seven days at room temperature, after 7 days, samples were taken out and reweighted

to evaluate the resistance of the printed specimens to phosphate buffered saline (PBS), toluene and

water. From Table 3.4.2, we can see that the samples showed 0% degradation after immersion for

7 days.

Water and Toluene were used as solvents as recommended by ASTM D543, on the other hand,

PBS was used because of its similarity to the biological environment. The lack of degradation of

the specimens in those solvents is an indication of strong structural properties for the specimens.

Such test will also play a role in determining the ideal application for the 3D printed objects. For

example, the DLP 0.100 mm LH used in this study is not ideal for applications where

hydrophilicity is desired or where the sample is needed to degrade over a short period of time.

Table 3.4.2: Effect of different solvents on 0.100 mm LH samples.

0.100 mm Layer Solvent Percentage Time of Immersion

Height Samples Degradation (SLA (SLA &DLP)
& DLP)

1 Toluene 0% 7 days

2 Pbs 0% 7 days

3 Water 0% 7 days

Studying the samples’ resistance to various solvents will help save time and eliminate cost when

it comes to printing products for specific applications, because printing 0.100 mm layer height

with no post processing takes almost 4 times less in time than printing a 0.025 mm sample with 30

minutes of post curing. In addition, since those 0.100 mm LH samples failed to swell or degrade,

there was no need to perform those experiments on other samples with higher degree of curing

since those samples will be more polymerized and less flexible than 0.100 mm LH samples and

therefore it will be even more challenging to swell or degrade them.

3.4.5 DSC

DSC was performed on the samples to determine the effect of layer height and post processing

on the thermal stability. Figure 3.4.4 shows the effect of decreasing the layer height from 0.100

mm to 0.050 mm and 0.025 mm on the heat flow in the DSC chamber for SLA. At lower layer

height (0.025 mm), no transitions were observed while increasing the temperature, on the other

hand, 0.050 mm layer height showed a transition around 50 °C which might be associated with a

short-range movement of the polymer chains within the network structure due to increasing the

temperature. Comparing the two samples after 80 °C; we find that even though the lack of distinct

exothermic peaks is a mutual, Figure 3.4.4 shows an increase in the enthalpy of relaxation for the

0.025 mm LH sample.


Heat Flow uV/mg




40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 220

Temperature ℃
SLA 0.050 LH SLA 0.025 LH

Figure 3.4.4. Effect of layer height on the thermal stability for SLA.

According to previous findings in this study, 0.025 mm sample has a higher degree of curing.

When the sample is more cured, after from having a higher crosslinking density it may also cause

the molecular chains to have more entanglements and create apparent crosslinks, higher

crosslinking in the chains will cause them to be less flexible and therefore they will require higher

temperature to cause the molecular segments to shift and eventually cause the transition from one

state to the other. Even though there were differences in the heat flow between the two samples,

the lack of distinct glass transition peaks validated that optimal curing had been reached for both

samples [100].

Figure 3.4.5 shows the effect of post processing on the thermal stability of SLA samples. From

Figure 3.4.5, it can be seen that (SLA 20+ minutes post processed) has a transition around 73 °C,

which indicates a possible short range motions of chain segments within the network structure,

while (SLA no post processing) has two small transitions around 65 °C and 150 °C. Comparing

the two samples, (SLA 20+ minutes post processed) sample resulted in an overall higher enthalpy

of relaxation for the transitions. In addition, the lack of distinct exothermic peaks points to high

thermal stability and ideal curing.


Heat Flow uV/mg




40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 220

Temperature ℃
SLA NO POST PROCESSING SLA 20+ Min Post Processing

Figure 3.4.5. Effect of post processing on the thermal stability for SLA.

Similar trends were observed for the effect of layer height on the heat flow for DLP samples as

shown in Figure 3.4.6 below. Even though there were some transition peaks as the temperature
increased, no distinct exothermal peaks were observed. In addition, lower layer height resulted in

a higher enthalpy (heat flow) in the DSC chamber which indicated higher curing and superior

thermal stability. Similar results were observed in the effect of post processing on the thermal

stability for DLP (Figure 3.4.7).


Heat Flow uV/mg




40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 220

Temperature ℃
DLP 0.100 LH DLP 0.025 LH

Figure 3.4.6. Effect of layer height on the thermal stability for DLP.

SLA and DLP samples were compared in DSC at an identical layer height (0.100 mm) with no

post processing. Figure 3.4.8 shows that SLA 0.100 mm LH sample has a higher enthalpy of

relaxation for the transitions at 68 °C and 155 °C. The DLP samples shows no transitions, which

is an indication of the limited segmental mobility in the sample. Comparing the two samples, both

samples lacked a clear glass transition peak, but more energy was generated to account for any

apparent changes in the SLA sample. This is an indication of a higher thermal stability for SLA



Heat Flow uV/mg




40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 220

Temperature ℃
DLP NO POST PROCESSING DLP 20+ Min Post Processing

Figure 3.4.7. Effect of post processing on the thermal stability for SLA.


Heat Flow uV/mg



40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 220

Temperature ℃
SLA 0.100 LH DLP 0.100 LH

Figure 3.4.8. DSC results for SLA vs DLP at 0.100 mm layer height.

Furhtermore, SLA and DLP samples were compared in DSC after 20+ minutes of post processing.

From Figure 3.4.9, we can see that SLA sample has a small transition peak at 75 °C. Similarly,

DLP sample has a small transition peak at 73 °C. Comparing the two samples, it is clear that even

though both sample had a transition peak, more energy was consumed in attempting to increase

the segmental mobility for SLA compared to DLP sample. Furthermore, the lack of ditinct

exothermal peaks idicated a high thermal stability and sufficient curing.


Heat Flow uV/mg



40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 220

Temperature ℃
SLA 20+ Min Post Processing DLP 20+ Min Post Processing

Figure 3.4.9. DSC results for SLA vs DLP post processed for 20+ minutes.

3.4.6 TGA

Thermogravimetric analysis was performed at a temperature range of 25-610 °C on the cured

samples to examine their thermal stability. Figure 3.4.10 below shows the percent weight

degradation as a result of increasing the temperature on various layer heights (0.0100 mm and

0.025 mm), as well as post processed samples for 30 minutes. The change in layer height didn’t

affect the decomposition rate of SLA samples. Figure 3.4.10 shows that the stage from 370 – 500

°C represents the decomposition of the bulk crosslinked networks in the sample. TGA also

indicated that SLA samples are thermally stable up to 350 °C. Similarly, post processing had no

effect on the thermal stability for SLA sample.

Similar trends were seen for DLP samples where decreasing the layer height from 0.100 mm to

0.050 mm and 0.025 mm had no effect on the thermal stability of the samples. Moreover, from

Figure 3.4.11, we can see that post curing had no effect on the thermal decomposition of the post

cured DLP samples. Figure 3.4.11 shows similar trends as previously where 370 – 500 °C was the

region of bulk decomposition, and samples were thermally stable up to 350 °C. In addition, no

difference was noted between stereolithography and digital light processing techniques in terms of

thermal degradation and stability. Finally, the total percent mass loss of all samples was

approximately 90.0% mass loss achieved around 590 °C for all samples. Thus, samples printed

using SLA and DLP have high thermal stability up to 350 °C. In addition, since altering the printing

parameters, post processing, and changing the printing techniques did not change the

decomposition rate for the different samples, this might be an indication that decomposition of the

samples is controlled solely by the type of polymers chains in the network structure rather than the

printing method and parameters. [101, 102].

sla 01
Weight (%)

70 sla 025
sla 30
300 350 400 450 500 550

Temperature (℃)

Figure 3.4.10. TGA curves for SLA 0.100 mm layer height versus 0.025 mm layer height and
30-minute post cured sample.

100 sla 01

90 sla 30
Weight (%)
dlp 01
300 320 340 360 380 400 420 440 460 480 500

Temperature (℃)

Figure 3.4.11. TGA curves for SLA vs DLP at 0.100 mm and 30 minute of post processing.

3.5 Conclusion

This study has examined the effect of printing parameter such as layer height and post

processing on the degree of curing, structural, and thermal properties of the printing specimens for

stereolithography versus digital light processing. The results showed that decreasing the layer

height for SLA and DLP to 0.025 mm will increase the degree of curing significantly. Similarly,

post curing SLA and DLP samples will significantly increase their degree of curing as compared

to non-post cured samples. Stereolithography cured samples higher than the relatively new digital

light processing, however, the difference was only significant when printing with 0.050 mm layer

height. On the other hand, decreasing the layer height as well as post curing the samples had no

effect on the sample’s reaction to different solvents (PBS, water, and toluene), or their thermal

degradation. This points to the high structural and thermal properties of samples printed using SLA

and DLP. Finally, DSC results showed that decreasing the layer height and curing the samples for

a longer time has a positive effect on their thermal stability as that will also increase their degree

of curing.

Chapter 4

Fabrication and Characterization of a Novel Biomedically Relevant Photocurable

4.1 Abstract

The tremendous growth of 3D printing calls for the need to develop new, environmentally

friendly raw materials. The purpose of this study is to demonstrate the fabrication and

characterization of a biomedically relevant resin suitable for photopolymerization. Four sets of

resins were developed using Poly (ethylene glycol) diacrylate (PEGDA), Glycerol 1,3-

diglycerolate diacrylate (GDGDA), and Di(trimethylolpropane) tetra-acrylate (DI-TMPTA) with

varying molar ratios as well as a constant amount of Diphenyl(2,4,6-trimethylbenzoyl) phosphine

oxide/2-hydroxy-2-methylpropiophenone blend as a photoinitiator. Successful polymerization was

achieved for 13 formulations. Percent yield and degree of curing were investigated. Multiple

formulations resulted in a relatively high degree of curing and high percent yield. PGD-1 (1:1:1

molar ratio of PEGDA: GDGDA: DI-TAMPTA) formulation resulted in the highest degree of

curing at approximately 60 % and a high percent yield of 98 %. In general, the degree of curing

increased as a result of increasing the molar ratio of the crosslinking agent. In addition, PEGDA

based resins had a higher degree of curing and percent yield than GDGDA based resins. Swelling

properties were also assed and correlated with the resin’s molecular composition. Increasing the

molar ratio of the crosslinking agent has decreased the percentage swelling in the formulations, on

the other hand, adding PEGDA to the formulations improved their swelling properties. The need

to develop biodegradable based, biomedically relevant photocurable material has emerged from

the constant need for new raw materials suitable for photolithography-based 3D printing to replace

the fossil fuel based, expensive material in the market today.

4.2 Introduction

In recent years, the shift towards additive manufacturing has increased due to its cost

effectiveness and ability to produce tailored products at a higher rate [2]. Furthermore, additive

manufacturing (AM) has a direct and positive effect on manufacturing due to its ability to shorten

supply chains and continually improve manufacturing processes [1]. Additive manufacturing

works by converting a 3-dimensional design into an object by creating several layers, layer by

layer, and binding them together to produce the final object. [103] [104]. There are many AM

techniques around us today with different binding mechanisms. Fused deposition modeling (FDM)

melts the raw material at a certain temperature to create the layers used to make the final product

[23]. FDM is one of the oldest and most used 3D printing techniques today. It is unique for its

speed, and ability to print with biocompatible materials [50]. Another example of additive

manufacturing (also known as 3D printing) is selective laser sintering (SLS). Selective laser

sintering is a powder-based 3D printing technique where the powder acts as a support material for

the object undergoing manufacturing [105, 106]. This attribute makes SLS one of the preferred

techniques to build objects with high complexity. Stereolithography (SLA) and digital light

processing (DLP) are other examples of 3D printing techniques. SLA and DLP are liquid based

additive manufacturing processes where light is used to cure a liquid resin material and create the

final object [3, 4]. While both SLA and DLP are liquid based, SLA uses a laser beam of light while

DLP uses a light source and binary photomask in order to cure the resin [60].

Photolithography based 3D printing such as stereolithography and digital light processing is

expanding due to its high resolution and ability to create complex objects with higher accuracy

than other additive manufacturing techniques [9]. The way photolithography (also known as

photopolymerization) works is by controlling a beam of light or a projected image to be directed

at the raw material (liquid resin) in order to create the first layer, after the creation of the first layer

and allowing it to adhere to the platform of the 3D printer, then, the platform is risen again in order

for the second layer to be created and attached to the first one [107].

Photopolymerization based 3D printing has a variety of applications in the different industries such

as automotive, aerospace, electronics and bio-robotics [16-18]. One of the main industries that can

benefit from this technology is the biomedical industry. Stereolithography has already been used

in the biomedical field in modeling as well as a prototyping tool for medical devices and prostheses

[3, 7, 108]. In addition, many recent studies have focused on the use of photopolymerization 3D

printing in the medical field including dentistry and tissue engineering [109] [110]. One study

examined the production of tissue engineered scaffolds using photopolymerizable hydrogels and

stereolithography to repair defects caused by accidents, surgery, and birth. Elasticity and cell

viability of the printed samples have pointed to the successful fabrication of bioengineered

scaffolds using SLA [8]. Another study has used digital light processing to 3D print antagonistic

systems of artificial muscles. A photocurable resin was characterized using tensile testing to assess

its ability to print a high degree of freedom actuators. After that, DLP was used to create single-

channel actuator. The study has successfully used photolithography to create a multi degree of

freedom soft actuators with complex internal designs and comparable actuation times to living

muscles [111].

Despite the rising potential for photopolymerization based 3D printing, many limitations need to

be addressed before relaying completely on this type of manufacturing to create final parts and

assemblies in various industries. The need for support material, the need for post processing, and

the lack of optimal mechanical characteristics in the finished goods are examples of limitation in

photopolymerization based 3D printing, but perhaps, there is no greater limitation in SLA and DLP

than the lack of new materials and the limitations in resin material customization [3, 112].

The limitation in the availability and high cost of the photocurable resins are a massive throwback

that can only be overcome by research and development of new photopolymerizable resins. In

recent years, several studies and efforts have been conducted to create a wide range of materials

that can be used for photocuring. One study developed soluble photopolymers to substitute the

mold martials and create a variety of materials that can be used in AM. Then the study was able to

successfully control the architecture of the 3D printed molds created by the developed resin. In

addition, the study investigated the development of acrylamide based bio-photopolymers to use

as cellular bone replacement material [107].

Another study has described the development of a novel polyether(meth)acrylate-based resins with

adjustable properties suitable for stereolithography 3D printing. The study focused on the ability

to alter the mechanical properties along with other properties as a result of changing the

concentration of two major components in the resin [113]. After that, the study confirmed the

variability in the materials’ properties such as the Young’s modulus, tensile strength, and hardness

as a result of changing the material composition in the formulations. In conclusion, the study

successfully demonstrates that variable properties of resin could be obtained based on the varying

molecular composition of the resin formulation and this could be used to increase the material

selection for stereolithography 3D printing. The studies presented above along with other studies

from the literature are examples of an ongoing efforts to develop new photocurable material to

satisfy the need of new resin materials in SLA 3D printing [114-117].

However, even with the new resin development attempts in the literature, the use of

stereolithography and digital light processing in the different industries today is still limited

because most resins in the market are expensive, fossil-fuel based, and cannot match the properties

of traditional manufactured objects [50, 118, 119]. Also, the demand for photocurable material is

increasing as a result to the tremendous increase of demand for additive manufactured products

in the different industries and the limited number of photocurable resins developed [6, 118, 120].

Therefore, developing low cost, environmentally friendly material for stereolithography and

digital light processing is still an important need to advance additive manufacturing, specially

photolithography-based 3D printing [2, 117, 121].

The objective of this study is to develop a novel biodegradable based photocurable resin suitable

for photolithography-based curing systems such as stereolithography and digital light processing

3D printers. The purpose of the development of the new material is to increase the diversity and

provide wider range of materials that can be used in additive manufacturing. To achieve the

objectives of this study, we have examined the feasibility of poly (ethylene glycol) and glycerol-

based polymers to act as base materials for a new photocurable resins. Polyethylene glycol is a

biodegradable polyether which is soluble in aqueous solutions and organic solvents [122]. Its low

toxicity, hydrophilicity, and high biocompatibility are the reasons behind its wide use in the

biomedical field in applications such as drug delivery, wound dressing, and tissue engineering

diagnostics. [123-128]. Polyethylene glycol is usually modified by adding acrylates to allow for

polymerization in the presence of a photo initiator [129]. Glycerol is another biomedically relevant

agent which is widely used in the biomedical field such as in drug delivery and tissue engineering

[130-133]. Its nontoxicity, biocompatibility, and biodegradability are reasons for its wide use in

the pharmaceutical industries as an additive [134].

4.3 Materials and Methods

4.3.1 Materials

Poly (ethylene glycol) diacrylate (PEGDA 700 mw), Glycerol 1,3-diglycerolate diacrylate

(GDGDA 348 mw), Di(trimethylolpropane) tetra-acrylate (DI-TMPTA 466 mw) and

Diphenyl(2,4,6-trimethylbenzoyl) phosphine oxide/2-hydroxy-2-methylpropiophenone blend

were all purchased form Sigma–Aldrich, USA and used without further purification.

Diphenyl(2,4,6-trimethylbenzoyl) phosphine oxide/2-hydroxy-2-methylpropiophenone, served as

a photo initiator and was kept at a constant concentration of 5% (w/w) for all resin formulations.

The photoinitiator function is to absorb the photons of the ultra violet light (UV) to initiate

consecutive reactions in order to convert low viscosity monomer into a polymerized matrix [135].

Another essential component in any photocurable resin is the crosslinker, in this case,

Di(trimethylolpropane) tetra-acrylate (DI-TMPTA) served as a multifunctional acrylate

crosslinking agent which helped create entanglements and crosslinks with the other linear chain

polymers (PEGDA) and (GDGDA) to transform the resin into a solid material [136]. Figure 4.3.1

below shows the structure of PEDGA, GDGDA and DI-TMPTA respectively.




Figure 4.3.1: The chemical structure of (1): PEGDA, (2): GDGDA, & (3): DI-TAMPTA.

4.3.2 Poly (ethylene glycol) Diacrylate Based Resins

A poly (ethylene glycol) diacrylate based resin development was carried out in a darkened

fume hood. A total of three formulations were developed according to predetermined molar ratios

as displayed in Table 4.3.1 below to investigate the effect of PEGDA and DI TAMPTA on the

resin’s properties. Each formulation consisted of PEGDA as a base polymer, a crosslinker (DI

TAMPTA) and a constant amount of photoinitiator (5% w/w). After casting the components for

each resin into a plastic mold to be cured, 5% (w/w) of photoinitiator was added and the resulting

transparent resin was stirred for 5 minutes to ensure homogeneity. After that, each resin was

allowed to sit for 10 minutes at room temperature in the dark to help eliminate bubbles. Finally,

each resin was placed in an XYZ™ UV curing chamber at 405 mW light intensity for 30 minutes

to be cured. After 30 minutes, all samples have successfully solidified, then, samples were taken

out and washed with isopropanol to polish off uncured resin at the surface of the samples and then


Table 4.3.1: Composition (molar ratio) of PEGDA based resins.

Resin Name PD-1 PD-2 PD-3

PEGDA (molar ratio) 1 1 2

DI TAMPTA (molar ratio) 1 2 1

4.3.3 Glycerol 1,3-Diglycerolate Diacrylate Based Resins

Similarly, Glycerol 1,3-diglycerolate diacrylate (GDGDA) based resin development was

carried out. A total of three formulations were developed as shown in Table 4.3.2 below to

investigate the effect of GDGDA and DI TAMPTA on the resin’s properties. Each resin consisted

of GDGDA as a base polymer, DI TAMPTA as a crosslinker, and a constant amount of

photoinitiator (5% (w/w)). Finally, samples were placed in the curing chamber for 30 minutes to

cure under 405 mW light intensity.

Table 4.3.2: Composition (molar ratio) of GDGDA based resins.

Resin Name GD-1 GD-2 GD-3

GDGDA (molar ratio) 1 1 2

DI TAMPTA (molar ratio) 1 2 1

4.3.4 PEGDA-GDGDA Copolymer Based Resins

A copolymer-based resin development was carried out. A total of three formulations were

developed according to various molar ratios as displayed in Table 4.3.3 below to investigate the

effect of GDGDA and PEGDA on the resin’s properties in the absence of DI TAMPTA

(crosslinker). Each resin consisted of different ratios of PEGDA and GDGDA to make up the base

copolymer, and a constant amount of photoinitiator (5% (w/w)). Finally, samples were placed in

the curing chamber for 30 minutes to cure under 405 mW light intensity.

Table 4.3.3: Composition (molar ratio) of copolymer-based resins.

Resin Name PG-1 PG-2 PG-3

PEGDA (molar ratio) 1 1 2

GDGDA (molar ratio) 1 2 1

4.3.5 PEGDA, GDGDA, and DI-TAMPTA Based Resins.

Poly (ethylene glycol) diacrylate, Glycerol 1,3-diglycerolate diacrylate, and

Di(trimethylolpropane) tetra-acrylate based resins were developed. A total of four formulations

were developed according to predetermined molar ratios as displayed in Table 4.3.3 below to

investigate the effect of PEGDA, GDGDA and DI-TAMPTA on the resin’s properties. Each

formulation consisted of PEGDA and GDGDA as a copolymer and a crosslinker (DI-TAMPTA)

as well as a constant amount of photoinitiator (5% (w/w)). Sample (PG-1) from previous

formulations (Table 4.3.3) was used as a control group. All sample were cured under similar

conditions as previously stated.

Table 4.3.4: Composition (molar ratio) of copolymer-based resins plus crosslinker.

Resin Name PG-1 PGD-1 PGD-2 PGD-3 PGD-4

PEGDA (molar ratio) 1 1 10 1 1

GDGDA (molar ratio) 1 1 1 1 10

DI-TAMPTA (molar ratio) 0 1 1 10 1

4.3.6 Fourier transform infrared (FTIR)

Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy was performed in the attenuated total

reflection (ATR) mode using Avatar 360 FT-IR machine at a resolution of 4 cm-1 for each sample

before and after curing to confirm its successful polymerization [15, 97]. After that, the degree of

curing (DC) was calculated by measuring the decrease of the methacrylate (C=C) stretch

absorption at 1,638 cm-1 after setting an internal standard peak at 1735 cm-1 for both the cured and

uncured sample. The degree of curing was calculated using EQ. (1) and EQ. (2) below.

(%(𝐶 = 𝐶)) = (1)
[𝐴𝑏𝑠(𝐴𝑙𝑖𝑝ℎ𝑎𝑡𝑖𝑐 𝐴𝑏𝑠 (𝐴𝑟𝑜𝑚𝑎𝑡𝑖𝑐)]𝑚𝑜𝑛𝑜𝑚𝑒𝑟

(%𝐷𝑒𝑔𝑟𝑒𝑒 𝑜𝑓 𝐶𝑢𝑟𝑖𝑛𝑔 = 100 − (%(𝐶 = 𝐶 )) (2)

Where % (C=C) is the percentage of unreacted aliphatic C=C bonds remaining after the

polymerization reaction. And, Abs is the area or height of the absorbance peak in the spectrum.

4.3.7 Percent Yield

Percent yield was calculated to determine the percentage of the resin that was successfully

solidified for each sample. The weight for each sample was recorded before and after curing and

the percent yield was calculated using EQ (3) below.

(𝑊𝑒𝑖𝑔ℎ𝑡 𝐵𝑒𝑓𝑜𝑟𝑒 𝐶𝑢𝑟𝑖𝑛𝑔)
𝑃𝑒𝑟𝑐𝑒𝑛𝑡 𝑌𝑖𝑒𝑙𝑑 = ( (𝑊𝑒𝑖𝑔ℎ𝑡 𝐴𝑓𝑡𝑒𝑟 𝐶𝑢𝑟𝑖𝑛𝑔) ) ∗ 100 % (3)

This is needed to be investigated in order to minimize waste in photopolymerization. Also, a lower

percent yield may trigger the need to alter the formulations because the given curing time and light

intensity, in this case 30 minutes and 405 mW, were not sufficient to solidify a large portion of the


4.3.8 Swelling

Swelling was measured for each sample by the gravimetric method [137, 138]. Each sample was

weighted then immersed in phosphate buffer saline (PBS) for 24 hours at room temperature, then,

samples were taken out and patted with tissue paper to remove the excess of solvent. The

percentage swelling was calculated using EQ. (4) below.

𝑃𝑒𝑟𝑐𝑒𝑛𝑡𝑎𝑔𝑒 𝑆𝑤𝑒𝑙𝑙𝑖𝑛𝑔 = ( ) ∗ 100 % (4)

Where W2 is the weight of the specimens after immersion in the solvent, and W1 is the weight of

the specimen before immersion in the solvent.

The rationale for conducting a swelling test in PBS is the need to determine the behavior of the

cured resins in a solution that has a similarity to the biological environment in our bodies. Swelling

will also determine the appropriate future applications for the cured material in terms of their


4.3.9 Statistical Analysis:

All relevant quantitative data was organized as mean ± standard deviation. One-way ANOVA,

Fisher test was performed with a 0.05 significance level to determine whether the difference in the

degree of curing and swelling between the different samples is significant.

4.4 Results and Discussion

4.4.1 Poly (ethylene glycol) Diacrylate Based Resin

Three resin formulations were developed using PEGDA as a base polymer, DI-TAMPTA as a

crosslinking agent, and 5 (W/W%) of photoinitiator as seen previously in Table 4.3.1 The

successful polymerization of PD-1, PD-2, and PD-3 resins was confirmed by post printing FTIR

analysis. From Figure 4.4.1, we can see that the signal corresponding to C=C at 1638 cm-1 has

significantly decreased after curing the samples.


(B) Uncured

(A) Cured

Wavenumber (cm )

Figure 4.4.1. FTIR spectra of (A) uncured PD-2 sample and (B) cured PD-2 sample after 30
minutes of curing.

The decrease in the signal corresponding to C=C bonding at 1638 cm-1 for the cured sample

compared to the uncured resin as seen in Figure 4.4.1 is a clear indication of curing. The C=C are

consumed in order for the molecular chains to polymerize and form a network. After that, the FTIR

results were used to calculate the degree of curing after setting an internal standard peak at 1735

cm-1 and calculating the percent decrease of C=C bonds using equations 1 and 2. Concurrently,

the percent yield and percentage swelling were calculated using equations 3 and 4 respectively.

The effect of increasing the molar ratios of PEGDA and DI-TAMPTA (crosslinker) in the resin

formulations was analyzed. Figure 4.4.2 showed the effect of changing the PEGDA to DI-

TAMPTA ratio from 1:1 in PD-1 to 1:2 and 2:1 in PD-2 and PD-3 respectively. All three samples

had a relatively high percent yield with PD-3 having the highest percent yield of 99.73 % ± 0.36

and PD-2 having the lowest percent yield of 95.062 % ± 0.65.

Comparing PD-1 and PD-3 gives an insight on effect of PEDGA on the resin properties. From

Figure 4.4.2, we can see that the percent yield has increased from 99.58 % ± 0.11 in PD-1 to 99.73

% ± 0.36 in PD-3 and the degree of curing increased from 28.96% ± 2.29 in PD-1 to 41.43% ±

2.83 in PD-3 as a result of increasing the molar ratio of PEGDA while keeping a constant ratio of

DI-TAMPTA. There was no significant difference in the percent yield between the two resins

however, the degree of curing for PD-3 was significantly higher than PD-1.

When adding a polymer to a formulation, the new added monomers may build uniformly on the

existing chains to increase their size which will increase the percent yield or otherwise, the new

monomers will polymerize separately and create smaller molecular chains which will likely

decrease the percentage yield. In this case, the molar ratio of PEGDA was doubled and the new

added monomers built uniformly on the existing molecular chains caused an increase in the percent

yield. On the hand, the increase in PEGDA has increased the C=C bonds that can open and

polymerize with DI-TAMPTA. The conversion of C=C to single bonds increased the

polymerization in the resin which caused an increase in the degree of curing.

On the other hand, Figure 4.4.3 shows the decrease in the percentage swelling from 11.88 % ±

4.48 in PD-1 to 10.69 % ± 0.99 in PD-3. Percentage swelling can be affected by two factors, the

first factor is the properties of the added material and the second factor is the overall strength of

the molecular network. As we have seen in the previous results, doubling the amount of PEGDA

has increased polymerization and therefore, the overall molecular strength has increased which

caused the percentage swelling to go down.

Comparing PD-1 and PD-2 gives an insight on effect of DI-TAMPTA on the resin properties. In

PD-2 the molar ratio of DI-TAMPTA was doubled in the formulation while keeping the molar

ratio of PEGDA at 1. From Figure 4.4.2, we can see that the percent yield has decreased from

99.58 % ± 0.11 in PD-1 to 95.062 % ± 0.65. In addition, the degree of curing increased significantly

from 28.96% ± 2.29 in PD-1 to 43.04% ± 2.76 in PD-2 as a result of doubling the molar ratio of


Increasing the amount of DI-TAMPTA in the formulation has decreased the percent yield, this

might be a result of forming smaller molecular chains between PEGDA and DI-TAMPTA in the

formulation. The added DI-TAMPTA molecules didn’t build up to create molecular chains that

are as big as the chains in PD-1 which caused the decrease in the percent yield. However, the

increase of DI-TAMPTA has increased the reaction sites where PEGDA can react causing the

opening of a larger number of C=C bonds and increase polymerization.






PD-1 (1:1) PD-2 (2:1) PD-3 (1:2)

Percent Yield Degree of Curing

Figure 4.4.2. Characterization of Poly (ethylene glycol) diacrylate based resin (PEGDA: DI-

Regarding swelling, the percentage swelling has significantly decreased from 11.88 % ± 4.48 in

PD-1 to 5.65 % ± 2.75 in PD-2 as a result of doubling the molar ratio of the crosslinker (DI-

TAMPTA) with respect to PEGDA (Figure 4.4.3). The decrease in percentage swelling for PD-2

compared to PD-1 is a result of increasing DI-TAMPTA in the resin formulation. From previous

results, we can see that the polymerization has increased in PD-2 which caused the increase in the

overall molecular structure in the network and therefore decreasing the percentage swelling.

Percentage Swelling

PD-1 (1:1) PD-2 (2:1) PD-3 (1:2)

Figure 4.4.3. Characterization of swelling behavior for PD1-PD-3 (PEGDA: DI-TAMPTA)

Even though the percent yield and degree of curing for PD-2 and PD-3 are quite similar, the result

of doubling the molar ratios of DI-TAMPTA and PEGDA in PD-2 and PD-3 respectively had a

different effect on the swelling properties of their respective resins (Figure 4.4.3). The percentage

swelling for PD-2 is significantly less than PD-3 due to a higher overall strength of the molecular

network in PD-2, Also, id PD-3, the PEGDA molar ratio was doubled and PEGDA is known to

for its high hydrophilicity.

4.4.2 Glycerol 1,3-Diglycerolate Diacrylate Based Resin

Three resin combinations were developed using GDGDA as a base polymer, DI-TAMPTA as a

crosslinking agent, and 5 (W/W%) of photoinitiator as seen previously in table 4.3.2. The

successful polymerization of GD-1, GD-2, and GD-3 resins was confirmed by postprinting FTIR

analysis. The decrease in the C=C peak intensity was a clear indication of curing. The effect of

increasing the molar ratios of GDGDA and DI-TAMPTA in the resin formulations was analyzed.

Figure 4.4.4 showed the effect of increasing the GDGDA to DI-TAMPTA ratio from 1:1 in GD-

1 to 1:2 and 2:1 in GD-2 and GD-3 respectively. From figure 4.4.4 below, it can be seen that all

three samples had relatively low percent yield, with GD-1 having the highest percent yield at 54.99

% ± 1.073, and GD-3 having the lowest percent yield at 40.69 % ± 0.60. Comparing GD-1 and

GD-3 gives an insight on the effect of increasing the molar ratio of GDGDA from 1 in GD-1 to 2

in GD-3. From figure 4.4.4, we can see that the percent yield has significantly decrease from 54.99

% ± 1.073 (GD-1) to 40.69 % ± 0.60 (GD-3) and the degree of curing has significantly increased

from 11.52 % ± 0.23 (GD-1) to 23.82 % ± 0.11 (GD-3) as a result of doubling the molar ratio of


The significant decrease in the percent yield in GD-3 showed that some of the added GDGDA

molecules helped create smaller molecular chains and didn’t build uniformly on the existing chains

to increase their size. However, adding more GDGDA molecules allowed more polymerization to

occur with unreacted acrylates in DI-TAMPTA and more double bonds were converted to single

bonds which increased the overall degree of curing.

Figure 4.4.5 analyzed the percentage swelling for the reins. From Figure 4.4.5 below, we can see

that the percentage swelling has decreased from -2.04 % ± 6.35 in GD-1 to -9.99 % ± 8.06 in GD-

3 as a result of increasing GDGDA in the resin mixture (2:1 molar ratio). This can be explained

by the dissolving of glycerol in PBS over 24 hours of immersion in PBS solution. The low percent

yield indicated that the molecular chains were not big in size to begin with, therefore, the PBS

solution might help break the glycerol chains into small enough chains to be washed in the solution

hence the decrease in weigh after 24 hours. Increasing the GDGDA molar ratio in GD-3 has

increased the mass loss as more glycerol chains were broken up and dissolved in the solution.


GD-1 (1:1) GD-2 (2:1) GD-3 (1:2)
Percent Yield Degree of Curing

Figure 4.4.4. Characterization of glycerol 1,3-diglycerolate diacrylate based resin (GDGDA: DI-

On the other hand, comparing GD-1 and GD-2 gives an insight on the effect of increasing the

molar ratio of DI-TAMPTA from 1 in GD-1 to 2 in GD-2. From figure 4.4.4, we can see that the

percent yield has decreased from 54.99 % ± 1.073 in GD-1 to 50.04 % ± 0.29 in GD-2. However,

the decrease was statistically insignificant. On the other hand, the degree of curing has increased

from 11.52 % ± 0.23 (GD-1) to 24.02 % ± 0.11 (GD-2) as seen in figure 4.4.4. The small decrease

in the percent yield as more DI-TAMPTA was added can be explained by hypothesizing that DI-

TAMPTA was added uniformly to the existing molecular chains and therefore percent yield wasn’t

greatly affected. However, adding more crosslinking agent (DI-TAMPTA) helped increase the

reaction sites by increasing the number of acrylates in the formulation, this helped increase the

polymerization between GDGDA and DI-TAMPTA as GDGDA molecules has a higher chance to

find a place where it can polymerize and break down double bonds.

The effect of increasing the molar ratio of DI-TAMPTA on the swelling properties was analyzed.

Figure 4.4.5 showed an increase in the percentage swelling from -2.04 % ± 6.35 in GD-1 to 1.67

% ± 1.63 in GD-2 as a result of increasing DI-TAMPTA in the resin mixture (1:2 molar ratio). The

lack of mass loss and increase in swelling as a result of adding DI-TAMPTA can be explained by

the enhancement of the overall strength of the molecular structure of the resin. After adding a large

number of crosslinking agent molecules, the molecular chains can no longer be broken down by

the PBS solution.



Percentage Swelling






GD-1 (1:1) GD-2 (2:1) GD-3 (1:2)

Figure 4.4.5. Characterization of swelling behavior for GD1- GD-3 (GDGDA: DI-TAMPTA).

Comparing GD-2 and GD-3, we can see that there is no significant difference between the percent

yield and degree of curing for the two resins (Figure 4.4.4). However, there is a significant

difference in the percentage swelling. While the addition of GDGDA accounted for the loss of

mass in GD-3, the addition of DI-TAMPTA helped strengthen the overall molecular structure of

the resin so it won’t be compromised by the solution. This needs to be taken into account when

studying the resin formulations because even though the addition of GDGDA and DI-TAMPTA

has a similar effect on the percent yield and degree of curing, the loss of mass can be avoided while

achieving the same percent yield and DC if DI-TAMPTA was added instead of GDGDA (GD-2).

4.4.3 Copolymer Based Resin

Three resin formulations were developed using PEGDA and GDGDA copolymer at varying molar

ratios and 5 (W/W%) of photoinitiator as seen previously in table 4.3.3. Unlike the previous

formulations, these three resins have lacked the presence of DI-TAMPTA as a crosslinking agent

that will help carry out chain reactions to create crosslinked networks. Although, the successful

polymerization of PG-1, PG-2, and PG-3 resins was confirmed by postprinting FTIR analysis as

per previous formulations.

The effect of varying the molar ratios of the PEGDA and GDGDA in the copolymer blend was

analyzed. Figure 4.4.6 showed the effect of changing the PEGDA to GDGDA ratio from 1:1 in

PG-1 to 1:2 and 2:1 in PG-2 and PG-3 respectively. From figure 4.4.6, we can see that all three

samples recorded a relatively high percent yield with the highest value at 91.61% ± 1.4 for PG-2

and the lowest value at 81.18 % ± 1.67 for PG-3.

Comparing PG-1 (1:1 molar ratio of PEGDA: GDGDA) and PG-3 (2:1 molar ratio) gives an

insight on the effect of doubling the molar ratio of PEGDA on the resin’s properties. From figure

4.4.6, we can see that the percent yield has significantly decreased from 86.76 % ± 0.76 in PG-1

to 81.18 % ± 1.67 in PG-3. Also, the degree of curing has significantly increased from 27.92 % ±

2.83 in PG-1 to 43.77 % ± 5.80 in PG-3 as a result of increasing the molar ratios of PEGDA.

Doubling the amount of PEGDA in PG-3 resulted in the creation of smaller molecular chains in

the resins which caused the overall percent yield to decrease. However, decreasing the percent

yield doesn’t necessarily cause a decrease in the degree of curing. The added PEGDA molecules

provided a larger number of acrylates (reaction sites) where the carbon double bonds can be broken

and converted to single bonds which will enhance the polymerization and creation of

entanglements in the resulting resin and therefore will increase the degree of curing of the resin.

Comparing swelling results for PG-1 and PG-3 will determine the effect on increasing the PEGDA

molar ratio (2:1) on the swelling properties of the resins. From Figure 4.4.7, we can see that the

percentage swelling has increased from 24.17 % ± 0.51 to 24.35 % ± 1.45 in PG-3 as a result of

increasing the molar ratio of PEGDA in PG-3. The increase in swelling was insignificant. Even

though there was an increase in the degree of curing indicating higher polymerization in the

network structure, the hydrophilicity of PEGDA must have played a role in keeping the percentage

swelling from going down.


PG-1 (1:1) PG-2 (2:1) PG-3 (1:2)
Percent Yield Degree of Curing

Figure 4.4.6. Characterization of PEGDA and GDGDA copolymer-based resin (PEGDA:


Finally, comparing PG-1 (1:1 molar ratio of PEGDA: GDGDA) and PG-2 (1:2 molar ratio) gives

an insight on the effect of doubling the molar ratio of GDGDA on the resin’s properties. From

figure 4.4.6, we can see that the percent yield has significantly increased from 86.76 % ± 0.76 in

PG-1 to 91.61% ± 1.4 in PG-2. In addition, the degree of curing has increased from 27.92 % ±

2.83 in PG-1 to 28.08 % ± 6.97 in PG-2 as a result of increasing the molar ratio of GDGDA in the

resin formulation, although, the difference in the degree of curing was statistically insignificant.

The increase in the percent yield is an indication that most of the added GDGDA molecules have

built up on the existing chains creating larger molecular chains rather than creating smaller chains,

the larger the polymer chains, the higher the percent yield will be. On the other hand, the degree

of curing didn’t change significantly which is an indication that the added GDGDA molecules

were added uniformly across the polymer chains which might not affect the final number of

acrylates in the resin formulation after doubling the molar ratio of GDGDA in PG-2 which relates

directly to the degree of curing.

Percentage Swelling

PG-1 (1:1) PG-2 (2:1) PG-3 (1:2)

Figure 4.4.7. Characterization of swelling behavior for PG1-PG-3 (PEGDA: GDGDA).

From Figure 4.4.7, we can see that the percentage swelling has decreased from 24.17 % ± 0.51 to

17.35 ± 0.93 in PG-2 as a result of doubling the molar ratio of the GDGDA with respect to PEGDA.

The percentage swelling in PG-2 has decreased significantly because the addition of GDGDA may

have increased the overlap of chains in molecular structure which will increase its strength and

therefore decrease the percentage swelling. In addition, as seen in previous results, the addition of

GDGDA may result in breakage of the GDGDA molecules which can compromise the overall

network strength causing a loss of mass in the resin.

The reason behind the overall low degree of curing for PG-1 and PG-2 compared to the previous

formulations i.e. PD-2 and PD-3, is the absence of the crosslinking agent (DI-TAMPTA) which

provides a higher number of acrylates (reaction sites) and serves as a multifunctional agent with a

specific function of creating bridges among the linear polymer chains to help obtain a crosslinked

network rather than just forming entanglements between the different molecular structures [139].

4.4.4 Biodegradable Based Resin (PEGDA, GDGDA, and DI-TAMPTA)

A total of four resin formulations were developed using PEGDA and GDGDA as a base copolymer

as well as DI-TAMPTA as a crosslinking agent. In addition, PG-1, PD-1 and GD-1 resins were

used as control groups for this study to determine the effect of crosslinking agent as well as

PEGDA and GDGDA on the final resin formulations. The successful polymerization of the control

groups, PGD-1, PGD-2, PGD-3, and PGD-4 resins was confirmed by postprinting FTIR analysis.

Similar to previous results, the decrease in the intensity of the methacrylate peak at 1638 cm-1 is a

sign of curing as the C=C bond breaks down to initialize polymerization and create crosslinks.

The effect of manipulating the stoichiometric ratio of each component of the resin was analyzed.

Figure 4.4.8 showed the effect of introducing a crosslinking agent (DI-TAMPTA) to the

copolymer resin formulation as well as the effect of increasing the molar ratio of DI-TAMPTA to

10 while keeping all other molar ratios at 1. Comparing PG-1 and PGD-1 gives an insight in the

effect of adding DI-TAMPTA to the copolymer. From figure 4.4.8, it can be seen that the percent

yield has increased from 86.76 % ± 0.717 to 98.36 % ± 1.46 as a result of adding the crosslinking

agent at a 1:1:1 ratio with the copolymer in PGD-1. Additionally, from figure 4.4.8, we can see

that the degree of curing has increased from 27.92 % ± 2.83 in PG-1 to 59.49 % ± 4.72 after adding

DI-TAMPTA to the resin formulation in PGD-1.

The increase in the percent yield in PGD-1 indicated the formation of a large molecular chains that

contributed to create a uniform solid sample with nearly zero unsolidified liquid. The added DI-

TAMPTA in this case built on the existing chains to make them larger. Also, adding Di-TAMPTA

has increase the opening of C=C which will increase polymerization and finally increase the degree

of curing.

Additionally, the swelling behavior of PD-1 (1:1:0 molar ratio of PEGDA: GDGDA: DI-

TAMPTA) compared to PGD-1 (1:1:1) molar ratio was analyzed. Figure 4.4.9 shows that the

percentage swelling has significantly decreased from 24.17 % ± 0.51 in PD-1 to 5.43 % ± 1.05 in

PGD-1. The significant decrease in swelling can be explained by the addition of DI-TAMPTA to

the resin formulation which help strengthen the molecular structure of the resin and therefore its

resistance against being compromised by the solution in the swelling test.






PG-1 (1:1:0) PGD-1 (1:1:1) PGD-3 (1:1:10)

Percent Yield Degree of Curing

Figure 4.4.8. Characterization of PG-1, PGD-1 and PGD-3 resin formulations (PEGDA:

Moreover, the percent yield and degree of curing of PGD-1 (1:1:1 molar ratio) and PGD-3 (1: 1:

10 molar ratio) was analyzed to give an insight on the effect of dramatically increasing the molar

ratio of DI-TAMPTA in the resin formulation. Figure 4.4.8 shows that the percent yield has

significantly decreased form 98.26 % ± 1.46 in PGD-1 to 57.52 % ± 1.34 in PGD-3. In addition,

the degree of curing has significantly decreased from 59.49 % ± 1.05 in PGD-1 to 31.24 % ± 2.71

in PGD-3. The significant decrease in the percent yield in PGD-2 indicated that some of the added

DI-TAMPTA molecules have polymerized and created smaller chains rather adding to the existing

chains and creating large polymers. Similarly, the addition of a large number of DI-TAMPTA

molecules due to the increase of the unreacted acrylates which stayed unreacted after curing

because even though the number of DI-TAMPTA molecules was increased, the molar ratios of

PEGDA and GDGDA was kept at 1.

Comparing the swelling behavior for PGD-1 and PGD-3 gives an insight on the effect of

dramatically increasing the amount of DI-TAMPTA on the swelling behavior. Figure 4.4.9 shows

that the percentage swelling has decreased from 5.43 % ± 1.05 in PGD-1 to 2.73 % ± 2.88 in PGD-

3. The decrease in the percentage swelling might be due to the strength of the resin due to the

addition of a large number of crosslinking agent. Also, the polymers created in PGD-3 are

nonlinear due to the nature of DI-TAMPTA which may have increased the strength of the network

structure and therefore decreased swelling.


Percentage Swelling



PG-1 (1:1:0) PGD-1 (1:1:1) PGD-3 (1:1:10)

Figure 4.4.9. Characterization of swelling behavior for PGD1-PGD-4 (PEGDA: GDGDA: DI-
After that, GD-1, PGD-1, and PGD-2 were compared to investigate the effect of changing the

molar ratio from 0:1:1 to 1:1:1 and 10:1:1 (PEGDA: GDGDA: DI-TAMPTA). Figure 4.4.10

shows that the percent yield has increased significantly in GD-1 (0:1:1 molar ratio) from 54.99 %

± 1.073 to 86.76 % ± 0.717 in PGD-1 (1:1:1) as a result of adding PEGDA to the resin formulation.

Additionally, the degree of curing has significantly increased from 11.52 % ± 0.23 in GD-1 to

59.49 % ± 4.72 in PGD-1. The addition of PEGDA in PGD-1 has helped create larger molecules

chains which will help create a uniform solid sample and eliminate the amount of uncured resin.

Similarly, adding PEGDA will increase the number of reaction sites and increase the breakage of

double bonds and polymerization which will increase the degree of curing.

Also, the swelling behavior of GD-1 and PGD-1 was analyzed to determine the effect of adding

PEGDA on the percentage swelling of the resins. Figure 4.4.11 shows that the percentage swelling

has significantly increased from -2.04 % ± 6.35 in GD-1 to 5.43 % ± 1.05 in PGD-1 as a result of

adding PEGDA. From previous results, we can see that the polymerization has increased in PGD-

1 compared to GD-1 which might help create a stronger molecular network and therefore prevent

the decrease in mass in the solution. Also, PEGDA’s hydrophilicity has contributed to improving

the swelling of the resin in PGD-1 compared to GD-1.







GD-1 (0:1:1) PGD-1 (1:1:1) PGD-2 (10:1:1)

Percent Yield Degree of Curing

Figure 4.4.10. Characterization of GD-1, PGD-1 and PGD-3 resin formulations (PEGDA:


Similarly, PGD-1 and PGD-2 were compared to help investigate the effect of dramatically

increasing the molar ratio of PEGDA from 1 in PGD-1 to 10 in PGD-2. The percent yield has

significantly decreased from 98.36 % ± 1.46 in PGD-1 (1:1:1) to 84.64 % ± 2.28 in PGD-2

(10:1:1). Also, the degree of curing has significantly decreased from 59.49 % ± 4.72 in PGD-1 to

41.35 % ± 6.65 in PGD-2. The decrease in the percent yield in as a result of dramatically increasing

the molar ratio of PEGDA is an indication that the added PEGDA didn’t polymerize on the existing

chains to create larger chains but polymerized and created smaller polymer chains instead.

Additionally, similar to previous results, adding a large number of PEGDA monomers decreased

the degree of curing because of the large number of unreacted acrylates that stayed unreacted

because there isn’t enough GDGDA and DI-TAMPTA to polymerize with PEGDA.

Percentage Swelling




GD-1 (0:1:1) PGD-1 (1:1:1) PGD-2 (10:1:1)

Figure 4.4.11. Swelling behavior of GD-1, PGD-1, and PGD-2 resin formulations (PEGDA:


When analyzing swelling behavior, Figure 4.4.11, shows the effect of increasing the molar ratio

of PEGDA from 1 in PGD-1 to 10 in PGD-2. The percentage swelling has significantly increased

from 5.43 % ± 1.05 in PGD-1 to 16.58 % ± 1.15 in PGD-2. The significant increase in the

percentage swelling is due to the addition of hydrophilic PEGDA in the resin formulation. Also,

as the degree of curing and polymerization decreased in PGD-2, the molecular structure can be

weakened and compromised by the solution.

Finally, PD-1, PGD-1 and PGD-4 were analyzed to determine the effect of adding GDGDA on the

resin properties. Comparing PD-1 (1:0:1 molar ratio of PEGDA:GDGDA: DI-TAMPTA) to PGD-

1 (1:1:1 molar ratio), we find that the percent yield decreased from 99.58 % ± 0.11 in PD-1 to

98.36 % ± 1.46 in PGD-1 which is a statistically insignificant decrease (Figure 4.4.12). On the

other hand, the degree of curing has significantly increased from 28.96% ± 2.29 in PD-1 to 59.49

% ± 4.72 in PGD-1 as a result of adding GDGDA to the resin formulation.






PD-1 (1:0:1) PGD-1 (1:1:1) PGD-4 (1:10:1)
Percent Yield Degree of Curing

Figure 4.4.12. Characterization of PD-1, PGD-1 and PGD-4 resin formulations (PEGDA:


When analyzing the swelling behavior, Figure 4.4.13 gives an insight on the effect of adding

GDGDA to the resin formulation in PGD-1 after lacking any GDGDA molecules in PD-1. From

figure 4.4.13, we can see that the percentage swelling has decreased significantly from 11.88 % ±

4.48 in PD-1 to 5.43 % ± 1.05 in PGD-1. This significant decrease may be due to the addition of

GDGDA molecules which can increased the polymerization in the formulation and therefore

increased the resin’s resistance to swelling because the overall strength of the molecular network

was enhanced.

Lastly, PGD-1 and PGD-4 were compared to investigate the effect of dramatically increasing the

molar ratio of GDGDA from one in PGD-1 to ten in PGD-4. Figure 4.4.12 shows that the percent

yield has decreased from 98.26 % ± 1.46 in PGD-1 to 74.52 % ± 0.41 in PGD-4. And the degree

of curing has significantly decreased from 59.49 % ± 1.05 in PGD-1 to 29.29 % ± 3.69 in PGD-4.

The significant decrease in both the percent yield and degree of curing in PGD-4 compared to

PGD-1 is a result of dramatically increasing the GDGDA molar ratio to 10. The added GDGDA

molecules in this case has helped create smaller chains and contributed to the existence of many

unreacted acrylates which justifies the decrease in percent yield and degree of curing respectively.

Percentage Swelling





PD-1 (1:0:1) PGD-1 (1:1:1) PGD-4 (1:10:1)

Figure 4.4.13. Swelling behavior of GD-1, PGD-1, and PGD-2 resin formulations (PEGDA:


In addition, the percentage swelling has increased from 5.43 % ± 1.05 in PGD-1 to 15.40 % ±

11.66 in PGD-4 (Figure 4.4.13). The increase in the percentage swelling is statistically

insignificant and the unusually large standard deviation in the percentage swelling for PGD-4 is

due to two factor; the first factor is the addition of large amount of GDGDA caused many smaller

glycerol chains to break into smaller chains that can wash away in solution. The second factor is

the hydrophilicity of GDGDA which may have contributed to the increase in swelling in some


4.4 Conclusion

In conclusion, the successful development of photocurable biodegradable based resins was

achieved. Four sets of biomedically relevant resins were developed with various stochiometric

ratios and material compositions. The addition of PEGDA has increased the percent yield and

degree of curing in most formulations as well as enhanced the swelling properties of the final

object. In addition, introducing DI-TAMPTA crosslinker into the copolymer formulation has

significantly increased the degree of curing for the cured sample and decreased swelling, similar

results from the literature was observed [140] . On the other hand, glycerol based resins showed

the lowest DC and were degraded when immersed in PBS for 24 hours which is an indication

GDGDA molecules break down in PBS solution which matches what is in the literature [139-141].

Moreover, PEGDA-GDGDA copolymer has the ability to polymerize with the lack of the

crosslinking agent and will result in a relatively high percentage swelling, however, its DC is

significantly less compared to formulations where DI-TAMPTA was present.


Conclusions and Future Work

5.1 Conclusion

The primary conclusion that was drawn from these preliminary results is that the final products

of 3D printed objects using photolithography can be enhanced consistently for stereolithography

and digital light processing by decreasing the layer height as well as by post curing the samples.

In addition, the successful development of novel, environmentally friendly photocurable reins is

feasible and will serve the constant demand for novel, non-fossil fuel based raw materials. These

results are consistent with results presented in literature as a part of the continuous effort to

improve 3D printing and use it as a primary manufacturing method to produce final parts and

assemblies in various industries.

While stereolithography has been around for a long time, digital light processing is a newly

emerged photolithography technique that uses a photomask to print each layer from a binary image

using a digital micromirror device. After comparing the two techniques, decreasing the layer height

has significantly increase the degree of curing and thermal stability of samples for

stereolithography and digital light processing alike. Additionally, post curing the samples

enhanced their degree of curing and thermal properties with no significant difference between the

two techniques. After identifying printing and post processing parameters that will help us

understand and improve the final product in photolithography, it was essential to identify major

problems that face this type of 3D printing and attempt to provide a solution.

The limitation in the availability and high cost of the photocurable resins are a massive

disadvantage for photolithography 3D printing. A photoinitiator, crosslinking agent, and a base

polymer are essential components for photocurable resins, in this study, the molar ratios of

polyethylene glycol and glycerol-based resin were altered to achieve a degree of curing as high as

59.49 % ± 4.72 and a percent yield as high as 98.36 % ± 1.46. Additionally, the effect of the

crosslinking agent on the photoresins was shown to increase the degree of curing and percent yield

while limiting the percentage swelling.

5.2 Future Work

Future work involving the novel photocurable resin is still important to demonstrate the ability

for this resin to compete with commercially produced photoresins. Firstly, the biodegradability

and biocompatibility of the resin need to be tested to determine the range of applications this resin

can be used for. Secondly, the viscosity of the resins needs to be optimized to allow it to be

processed through stereolithography and digital light processing 3D printing techniques. Even

though the resins demonstrated the ability to cure under UV light in a curing chamber to form a

uniform homogeneous sample, it is important to ensure the feasibility for these resins to be printed

using actual stereolithography and digital light processing 3D printers. To do that, the viscosity of

the resins may have to be altered by adding other liquid polymers. Lastly, the printing parameters

and post curing process need to be optimized for the resin to yield results comparable to

commercial resins. It is important to study the effect of process parameters on the mechanical,

thermal, and structural properties of the final 3D printed object in order to optimize the time and

energy consumption when printing using the new resin, and to help yield optimal resolution and

mechanical strength compared to traditionally manufactured products. If successful, this resin will

help satisfy the need for new 3D printing materials that not only yield comparable results to

commercial resins, but also are biodegradable and biocompatible which would be a major

innovative solution in areas in the medical field such as drug delivery and dentistry.



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Table 3.1. Method

Null hypothesis All means are equal
Alternative Not all means are
hypothesis equal
Significance level α = 0.05
Equal variances were assumed for the analysis.

Table 3.2. Analysis of Variance

Adj Adj F- P-
Source DF SS MS Value Value
Factor 1 201.3 201.34 6.19 0.024
Error 16 520.5 32.53
Total 17 721.8

Table 3.2. Means

Factor N Mean StDev 95% CI
%DC 9 59.18 4.68 (55.15,
%DC_1 9 52.49 6.57 (48.46,
Pooled StDev = 5.70342

Fisher Pairwise Comparisons

Table 3.3. Grouping Information Using the Fisher LSD Method and 95% Confidence
Factor N Mean Grouping
%DC 9 59.18 A
%DC_1 9 52.49 B
Means that do not share a letter are significantly different.

Table 3.4. Fisher Individual Tests for Differences of Means

Difference Difference SE of T- Adjusted
of Levels of Means Difference 95% CI Value P-Value
%DC_1 - -6.69 2.69 (-12.39, - -2.49 0.024
%DC 0.99)
Simultaneous confidence level = 95.00%

Figure 3.1: Interval Plot for DC (SLA) and DC_1 (DLP)

Figure 3.2: Boxplot for DC (SLA) and DC_1 (DLP)

One-way ANOVA: No Post Processing SLA, 10 MIN SLA, 20 MIN SLA, 30 MIN SLA
Table 3.5. Method
Null hypothesis All means are equal
Alternative Not all means are
hypothesis equal
Significance level α = 0.05
Equal variances were assumed for the analysis.

Table 3.6. Factor Information

Factor Levels Values
Factor 4 0 MIN SLA, 10 MIN SLA, 20 MIN SLA,

Table 3.7. Analysis of Variance
Adj F- P-
Source DF Adj SS MS Value Value
Factor 3 1043.50 347.832 117.84 0.000
Error 8 23.61 2.952
Total 11 1067.11

Table 3.8. Means

Factor N Mean StDev 95% CI
0 MIN 3 54.00 1.73 (51.71,
SLA 56.29)
10 MIN 3 73.20 2.31 (70.91,
SLA 75.49)
20 MIN 3 75.133 1.589 (72.846,
SLA 77.421)
30 MIN 3 77.433 0.981 (75.146,
SLA 79.721)
Pooled StDev = 1.71804

Fisher Pairwise Comparisons

Table 3.9. Grouping Information Using the Fisher LSD Method and 95% Confidence
Factor N Mean Grouping
30 MIN 3 77.433 A
20 MIN 3 75.133 A B
10 MIN 3 73.20 B
0 MIN 3 54.00 C
Means that do not share a letter are significantly different.

Table 3.10. Fisher Individual Tests for Differences of Means

Difference SE of T- Adjusted
Difference of Levels of Means Difference 95% CI Value P-Value
10 MIN SLA - 0 MIN 19.20 1.40 (15.97, 13.69 0.000
SLA 22.43)
20 MIN SLA - 0 MIN 21.13 1.40 (17.90, 15.07 0.000
SLA 24.37)
30 MIN SLA - 0 MIN 23.43 1.40 (20.20, 16.70 0.000
SLA 26.67)
20 MIN SLA - 10 1.93 1.40 (-1.30, 1.38 0.205
MIN SLA 5.17)
30 MIN SLA - 10 4.23 1.40 (1.00, 7.47) 3.02 0.017
30 MIN SLA - 20 2.30 1.40 (-0.93, 1.64 0.140
MIN SLA 5.53)
Simultaneous confidence level = 82.43%

Figure 3.3: Interval Plot for 0, 10, 20, and 30 Minutes of Post Curing SLA Samples

Figure 3.4: Individual Value Plot for 0, 10, 20, and 30 Minutes of Post Curing SLA Samples

Figure 3.5. Boxplot for 0, 10, 20, and 30 Minutes of Post Curing SLA Samples

One-way ANOVA: 0 MIN DLP, 10 MIN DLP, 20 MIN DLP, 30 MIN DLP
Table 3.11 Method
Null hypothesis All means are equal
Alternative Not all means are
hypothesis equal
Significance level α = 0.05
Equal variances were assumed for the analysis.

Table 3.12 Factor Information

Factor Levels Values
Factor 4 0 MIN DLP, 10 MIN DLP, 20 MIN DLP,

Table 3.13. Analysis of Variance

Adj Adj F- P-
Source DF SS MS Value Value
Factor 3 2525.3 841.75 59.14 0.000
Error 8 113.9 14.23
Total 11 2639.1

Table 3,14. Means

Factor N Mean StDev 95% CI
0 MIN 3 43.30 6.46 (38.28,
DLP 48.32)
10 MIN 3 75.10 3.33 (70.08,
DLP 80.12)
20 MIN 3 77.63 1.80 (72.61,
DLP 82.66)
30 MIN 3 77.433 0.981 (72.410,
DLP 82.456)
Pooled StDev = 3.77282

Fisher Pairwise Comparisons
Table 3.14. Grouping Information Using the Fisher LSD Method and 95% Confidence
Factor N Mean Grouping
20 MIN 3 77.63 A
30 MIN 3 77.433 A
10 MIN 3 75.10 A
0 MIN 3 43.30 B
Means that do not share a letter are significantly different.

Table 3.15. Fisher Individual Tests for Differences of Means

Difference SE of T- Adjusted
Difference of Levels of Means Difference 95% CI Value P-Value
10 MIN DLP - 0 MIN 31.80 3.08 (24.70, 10.32 0.000
DLP 38.90)
20 MIN DLP - 0 MIN 34.33 3.08 (27.23, 11.15 0.000
DLP 41.44)
30 MIN DLP - 0 MIN 34.13 3.08 (27.03, 11.08 0.000
DLP 41.24)
20 MIN DLP - 10 2.53 3.08 (-4.57, 0.82 0.435
MIN DLP 9.64)
30 MIN DLP - 10 2.33 3.08 (-4.77, 0.76 0.470
MIN DLP 9.44)
30 MIN DLP - 20 -0.20 3.08 (-7.30, -0.06 0.950
MIN DLP 6.90)
Simultaneous confidence level = 82.43%

Figure 3.6: Interval Plot for 0, 10, 20, and 30 Minutes of Post Curing SLA Samples

Figure 3.7: Individual Value Plot for 0, 10, 20, and 30 Minutes of Post Curing DLP Samples

Figure 3.8. Boxplot for 0, 10, 20, and 30 Minutes of Post Curing DLP Samples





1,000.0 1,100.0 1,200.0 1,300.0 1,400.0 1,500.0 1,600.0

Wavelength cm-1
Figure 3.9 FTIR results of uncured commercial resin.


0.100 mm
0.050 mm
0.025 mm

Figure 3.10 FTIR spectra of 0.100, 0.050, and 0.025 mm printed specimens.

Before swelling After swelling

Figure 3.11 Effect of solvent (water) on 0.100 mm LH sample after 7 days.

Table 3.1: Degree of curing for DLP and SLA at different layer height.

0.1 mm 0.050 mm 0.025 mm

SLA 53.67 % 60.33 % 63.53 %

DLP 43.30 % 51.10 % 59.73%

Table 3.2: Degree of curing for DLP and SLA at different post processing times.

0.1 mm 0.050 mm 0.025 mm

SLA 73.20 % 75.13 % 77.43 %

DLP 75.1 % 77.63 % 80.53 %


100 dlp 01

90 dlp 025

80 dlp30

Weight (%)






300 350 400 450 500 550

Figure 3.13: TGA curves for DLP 0.100 mm layer height versus 0.025 mm layer height and 30-minute post cured sample

Table 4.1 Method

Null hypothesis All means are equal
Alternative Not all means are
hypothesis equal
Significance level α = 0.05
Equal variances were assumed for the analysis.

Table 4.2. Factor Information

Factor Levels Values
Factor 3 1:1, 1:2,

Table 4.3. Analysis of Variance

Adj Adj F- P-
Source DF SS MS Value Value
Factor 2 163.50 81.748 46.74 0.000
Error 6 10.49 1.749
Total 8 173.99

Table 4.4 Means

Factor N Mean StDev 95% CI

1:1 3 86.761 0.717 (84.893,
1:2 3 91.612 1.397 (89.744,
2:1 3 81.180 1.668 (79.312,
Pooled StDev = 1.32252

PG-1 PD-1

GD-1 PGD-1
Figure 4.1. Cured PG-1, PD-1, GD-1, and PGD-1 samples.

Table 4.5. Resin Formulations

Sample Name PEGDA molar GDGDA DI-TAMPTA Average Average Average

ratio molar ratio molar ratio Percent yield Degree Percentage
of Curing Swelling
PD-1 1 0 1 99.57606454 28.96399929 11.87721005
PD-2 1 0 2 95.06175767 43.04177778 5.649977052
PD-3 2 0 1 99.73392344 41.43162381 10.68589488
PG-1 0 1 1 86.76086804 27.92074359 24.17103411
PG-2 0 1 2 91.61203333 28.07505515 17.34644376
PG3 0 2 1 81.18035172 43.76997007 24.34577412
GD-1 1 1 0 54.99202626 11.51673879 -2.044401629
GD-2 1 2 0 50.03851725 24.01831034 1.670998734
GD-3 2 1 0 40.6933932 23.82088732 -9.985241922
PGD-1 1 1 1 98.5968233 59.49212429 5.428130381
PGD-2 10 1 1 84.4573000 41.34752585 16.58017985
PGD-3 1 1 10 55.9565000 31.24222641 2.730919871
PGD-4 1 10 1 74.9563203 29.29222995 15.39459584


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