Beard Risk Theory - The Stochastic Basis
Beard Risk Theory - The Stochastic Basis
Beard Risk Theory - The Stochastic Basis
The Stochastic Basis
of Insurance
Risk Theory
ISBN-13: 978-94-009-5783-1
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or utilized in any form or by any electronic,
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Distributed in the U.S.A. by Halsted Press,
a Division of John Wiley & Sons, Inc., New York
Library of Congress Cataloging in Publication Data
Beard, Robert Eric.
Risk theory.
(Monographs on applied probability a.nd statistics)
Bibliography: p.
Includes indexes.
1. Insurance - Mathematics. 2. Risk (Insurance)
I. Pentikainen, Teivo, joint author. II. Pesonen,
Erkki, joint author. III. Title.
HG8781.B34 1977 368'.001 '519 77-1637
ISBN-13: 978-94-009-5783-1 e-ISBN-13: 978-94-009-5781-7
DOl: 10.1007/978-94-009-5781-7
Softcover reprint of the hardcover 1st edition 1977
Preface to Second Edition
The theory of risk already has its traditions. A review of its classical
results is contained in Bohlmann's paper published in the transactions
of the International Congress of Actuaries, Vienna, 1909. This classical
theory was associated with life assurance mathematics and dealt
mainly with deviations, which were expected to be produced by
random fluctuations in individual policies. According to this theory,
these deviations are discounted to some initial instant; the square
root of the sum of the squares of the capital values calculated in this
way then gives a measure for the stability of the portfolio. A theory
constituted in this manner is not, however, very appropriate for
practical purposes. The fact is that it does not give an answer to such
questions as, for example, within what limits a company's probable
gain or loss will lie during different periods. Further, non-life
assurance, to which risk theory has, in fact, its most rewarding
applications, was mainly outside the risk theorists' interest. Thus
it is quite understandable that this theory did not receive very
much attention and that its applications to practical problems of
insurance activity remained rather unimportant.
A new phase of development began following the studies of Filip
Lundberg, which, thanks to H. Cramer, C. O. Segerdahl, and other
Swedish authors, has become generally known as the 'collective
theory of risk'. As regards questions of insurance the problem was
essentially the study of the progress of the business from a pro-
babilistic point of view. In this form the theory has its applications
to non-life insurance as well as to life assurance. This new way of
expressing the problem has proved fruitful and the development of
the theory has since been continued by several other authors. In
recent years the fundamental assumptions of the theory, and thus
the range of its applications, have been significantly enlarged by the
use of more general probability models, which allow, for example,
for certain types of fluctuation in the basic probabilities.
Today the theory of risk generates an interesting and far· reaching
field for research and the development of the theory is still far from
complete, as is demonstrated by the many papers which continue
to be published on the subject. Studies concerning both its basic
foundations and its applications have been numerous and there is
no reason to suppose that the development will cease during forth·
coming years. A defect, much the same as in so many other new and
rapidly developing branches of human knowledge, is that the theory
has become difficult for practising actuaries to follow. This is
regrettable, because a knowledge of this theory deepens actuarial
intuition and helps the understanding of insurance business as
a process characterized by varying progress and fluctuations from
year to year. The modern theory of risk can also give an actuary
concrete assistance in the form of practical applications. It is true
that many problems in this field, for example, problems of a com·
pany's solvency, reinsurance requirements, safety loadings in the
premiums, and many others, are such that risk theory alone is
incapable of providing a definite solution, because in practical work
it is often necessary to take into consideration many aspects with
which risk theory is not competent to deal. In reinsurance arrange·
ments, for example, attention has to be given to many insurance.
political aspects such as reserves, reciprocity, liquidity, and others.
In spite of this, when choosing a form of reinsurance and calculating
suitable net retentions and safety loadings, risk theory provides
effective tools to estimate the fluctuations in the business retained
by a company; such fluctuations should obviously always be kept
within the limits of the company's resources. Thus the theory of
risk can facilitate important considerations of financial interest and
be useful in making final decisions.
To disseminate knowledge of the theory of risk it seemed essential
to provide an introduction to the theory based upon the elements
of probability theory which form part of actuarial study and which
provide some of the basic ideas concerning risk theory. Furthermore
there is a need for a summary of the results of the present theory,
easily available for practical application.
For this reason, one of the authors, Pentikiiinen, published an
elementary textbook of the risk theory in the Finnish language in
1955, primarily designed for the use of Finnish actuaries, as an
introduction to the theory. Risk theory is included in the syllabus
for the actuarial examinations in Finland, and candidates are set
a practical exercise on the application of the theory.
Many participants at meetings of ASTIN* have expressed a wish
for a concise book of this kind in English and directed primarily
to practical applications. The authors have attempted to produce
such a book. The basis of compilation is that the Finnish authors
have rewritten and brought up-to-date the above-mentioned Finnish
textbook, and have passed it to the English author, who, for his
part, has worked it into shape, taking into consideration British
circumstances and paying special attention to the general actuarial
education in English-speaking countries.
To prevent the book becoming too large and developing beyond
the limits of a primary textbook it has been necessary to limit the
subject matter. This has been a very difficult task, having regard
to the very abundant field which the theory and its applications
comprise today, and from necessity many interesting aspects of the
theory have been omitted. Furthermore various alternatives, lines
and methods of presentation are possible. Our aim has been for
simplicity. The more so because the main purpose of this book is to
serve as a first introduction to the theory of risk since there are
several publications dealing with advanced aspects of parts of the
theory. On the other hand the authors have been quite conscious of
the risk of oversimplification, which could reduce the theory to
'pseudoscience' and ignorance of the basic assumptions of the theory
could lead to serious mistakes when applying the theory to various
actuarial problems. For this reason the basic foundations of the
theory have not been omitted. The main lines, the practical one and
the theoretical one, are, unfortunately, not easy to fit together and
in the present state of the theory a firm bridge between the practical
problems and exact theory is often not fully developed. Having
regard to the fact that our main purpose is practical, we have also
been obliged to present formulae which are based on approximations
without well-mapped confidence limits. We have also attempted a
compromise between accuracy and simplicity, transferring some
cumbersome considerations to the appendices, which can be omitted
at a first reading.
We sincerely hope that this book will prove to be only a first
* ASTIN = Actuarial Studies in Non-Life Insurance - a section of
the International Actuarial Association.
step to each reader in his introduction to the theory, and that
sufficient interest will be stimulated to provoke a more extensive
and profound investigation. An extensive bibliography has been
included to assist the reader in this direction.
The book has been written on the assumption that the reader
has a knowledge of elementary probability theory, as presented for
example in H. Cramer's 'The Elements of Probability Theory and
Some of Its Applications' (Uppsala, 1954). For some derivations a
knowledge of complex integrals is implied but readers who are not
familiar with this theory should not lose the general trend by
omitting the details concerned. Some of the proofs also use the
techniques of advanced probability calculus and, although not
requiring special knowledge of advanced mathematics, are com-
plicated and cumbersome. This applies, for example, to the proof
of Esscher's formula (Section 6.1) and especially to the introduction
of the ruin probability during an infinite time period (Section 12.1).
As indicated in the relevant paragraphs, the proofs can be omitted
on a first reading and the reader can proceed directly to the final
Our particular thanks are due to ASTIN for its initiative and
interest in this publication and especially to Messrs G. Benktander,
P. R. Cox, J. Jung, Carl Philipson, and J. Sousselier, who kindly
read our manuscript and made many valuable suggestions for im-
provement. The typing of the manuscript for printing from numerous
texts and formulas was undertaken by Brita Aalto, to whom we
owe our special thanks for accurate work requiring great patience.
London and Helsinki Robert Eric Beard
February 1968 Teivo Pentikiiinen
Erkki Pesonen
particular interest earnings are disregarded. The fact that this book
has been confined, for the sake of simplicity, to studies relating to
pure risk business only, should not be construed as implying that
these are the only significant aspects; there are many occasions
when other considerations are of greater significance than the purely
risk aspects.
The claim process can be described graphically as in Fig. 1.1
Every occurrence, from which a claim arises, is represented by a
vertical step, the height of the step showing the amount of the claim.
Time is measured to the right along the x-axis and the difference
in the altitude ~ of the stepped line at points tl and t2 shows the
total amount of claims during this time interval. The process is, in
fact, a compound random process in the sense 'that the time of
occurrence and the number of occurrences is a random phenomenon
and the amount of each claim is also a random variable.
If the whole risk business of an insurance portfolio is considered,
this can be illustrated graphically as shown in Fig. 1.2. The net
premium P together with a safety loading is continuously flowing
in; this is accumulated in a risk reserve of an initial amount U0' so
that the income is represented by a line sloping upwards towards
the right. The claims, which can be regarded as negative income,
Fig. 1.1.
o t Time
Fig. 1.2.
are paid out from this reserve and are represented by downward
steps. The difference U - U 0 gives the profit ( +) or loss ( - ) arising
during time t.
Fig. 1.3(a).
Fig. 1.3(b).
Uo Uv
o T, TV=T
Fig. 1.4(b). Checking at several points T l' T 2 ••• Tv. during the
observation period.
These questions and others which arise naturally from them are
treated in this book. In Chapter 2 the simplified special case is
considered in which it is assumed that all claims (e.g. the sums
insured in non-life insurance or the risk sums in life assurance) are
of equal amount; in this case, fluctuations arise solely from the
random variation in the number of claims.
The general case, where the individual amount of a claim may
vary, forms the subject matter of Chapter 3 and later parts of the
2.1. Introduction
As already mentioned the simplest case is considered first, namely,
where the claims arising from the insurance portfolio under con-
sideration are all for the same amount. H this constant amount is
taken as the monetary unit, the total outgo will be equal to the
number of claims. The problem is to find the probability function of
the number of claims, i.e. a function Pk(t) which gives the probability
that the number of claims in time t is equal to k.
The following analysis is independent of whether the portfolio
concerned represents the aggregate of all risks insured by a company
or only a special part thereof.
The problem can be solved in a number of different ways. One
method is to start by regarding the portfolio in question as made up
of a number of individual policies, each of which has a certain
probability of claim (e.g. in life assurance it is assumed that the
probability that a life aged x dies within a year is qx). Then the total
number of claims is the sum of the contributions from the individual
policies and the Pk-function can be derived by means of the addition
theorem of probability calculus from the primary probabilities.
Basically the probabilities are mainly binomial in character but to
carry out this 'addition' in a rigorous way leads to rather intricate
calculations and involves some restrictive assumptions.
An alternative approach, which has led to fruitful development,
is to follow the collective method adopted by Lundberg. In this
method the individual policy structure is disregarded and instead
the portfolio is considered as a whole, i.e. a 'process' is considered
in which only time points and the number of events (i.e. claims) are
recorded and in which no attention is paid to the particular policies
from which the claims have arisen. By starting with some general
conditions which the random process has to obey, it can be deduced
that the Pk-function takes the well-known form of a Poisson process.
The Poisson process is often referred to in probability calculus as
the theory of rare phenomena and is well known, for example, in the
theory of disintegration of radioactive atoms. However, as it is
necessary in practical problems to know in which cases the Poisson
function is applicable and in which cases it is not, some discussion of
the assumptions underlying this probability distribution is essential.
L L~
h h k
F(x) = Pk = e- n (2.2)
k=o k-o k!
The mean and standard deviations ofthis function are given by:
respectively, i.e.:
E{S} = n
a= In
If the constant claim amount is S these become:
E{s} = nS
a =SJn
Fairly extensive tables of the function F are available (Tables of
Poisson Distribution, Molina, 1942), but, if n is small, values may be
easily calculated directly from (2.2). For larger values of n, use can
be made of Stirling's approximation:
1 1
k! = J(21Tk) (kje)k (1 + - + - -2- Rk )
12k 288k
where the remainder Rk is of the order Ijk 3 • If n is an integer (which
is no practical restriction if n is large), it may be noted that if Rn
can be neglected:
288n J(nj21T)
Pn = 288n2+24n+1
Having found this term, which is the largest in the series, the terms
on either side can be calculated from the recurrence formula
Pk+1 = npk/(k+ 1).
It may also be noted that F can be expressed in terms of the
incomplete gamma function:
F(x) =~ (k = [x])
as can easily be verified.
n z I-F 1-4>
1 2 0·080 0·159
3 0·019 0·023
4: 0·004 0·001
5 8 0·068 0·090
10 0·014 0·013
12 0·002 0·001
10 15 0·0487 0·0569
18 0·0072 0·0057
21 0·0007 0·0003
50 60 0·0722 0·0787
65 0·0173 0·0170
70 0·0030 0·0023
75 0·0004 0·0002
100 115 0·0632 0·0668
120 0·0227 0·0228
125 0·0068 0·0062
130 0·0017 0·0013
2.5. Application 1
Consider an insurance portfolio in which each person is insured for
the same sum, S. An example would be a friendly society operating
on a pure risk premium basis in which the benefits are uniform sums
U = x.-p
where the number x. satisfies the equation:
100 200 300 400 500 600
Fig. 2.1. U/S = Ye v'n-,\n. (e = 0·01)
Exercise 2.5.2. How many members should the society, in the above
exercise, have for no security reserve to be necessary under the
conditions mentioned 1
Exercise 2.5.3. The same as Exercise 2.5.1 except that the status
is examined every year instead of every 5 years. Apply both the
Poisson distribution and the normal approximation and compare
the results.
2.6. Application 2
Consider an excess of loss reinsurance arrangement for a life
assurance portfolio or other class of insurance where the amount of
claim under a particular policy can be for a fixed sum only, equality
of risk sums under different policies not being a necessary condition.
It is desired to find a criterion to show whether the reinsurance
arrangement is 'overeffective' (the application of (2.6) to this
problem was first suggested by Hafer!, 1940).
Arrange the policies in increasing order of magnitude of the risk
sum S. The expected number of claims under the ith policy is
denoted by qi and the net retention by M. The reinsurer is assumed to
receive a safety loading A. If now the net retention is increased
by a small quantity -dM then the interest of the reinsurer is reduced
by an amount
where the first term represents the change in the reinsurance
premium, the second the corresponding change in the claims paid
by the reinsurer and
Number of policies
Fig. 2.2.
Poisson variable, and therefore what was said in Sections 2.3 and
2.4 can be applied. Hence by (2.6) with probability 1- e,
gM ~ nM+y•.jnM (2.11)
Using (2.9) it follows with the same probability that:
(0) (c)
Fig. 3.1(a) A continuous function. (b) A discontinuous function.
(c) Mixed type.
The above treatment has been formal and idealized. In case (a),
the continuity of S and the existence of the derivative s = dSJdz is
assumed. In reality, S is always a step function, since the smallest
unit of money (zo) provides a quantum which, beginning with the
point z = 0, creates a set of intervals (0, zo), (zo, 2zo) ... in each
of which S is a constant. Hence 8 can never exist as a frequency
function in the sense of probability theory. The non-existence arising
from the concept of discrete monetary units is always removed by
smoothing, i.e. by introducing an idealized concept of continuous
money. This same reasoning does not hold where there is an actual
step in the distribution function caused, for example, by a re-
insurance arrangement or by a legal upper limit of indemnity; in
f f f
b b
It is easy to see that this extended integral has the same general
L Pk Sk(X)
F(x) = (3.3)
F(x) = ~ _-Sk*(x)
This is one of the basic functions of risk theory. The name of this
function is not, as yet, well established. In this book it will be called
the generalized Poisson function in contrast to the (ordinary) Poisson
function considered in Chapter 2 where all claims have the same
unit value. Some authors refer to the latter as the elementary
Poisson function and the function (3.5) as the non-elementary
Poisson function, using the term "generalized" for processes where
the assumptions of Section 2.2 are replaced by some weaker ones,
thus introducing more general categories of processes.
The generalized Poisson function (3.5) is subject to assumptions
(i) to (iii)* in Section 2.2 as well as to the assumption that the
amounts of the claims are mutually independent.
(3.5) is, unfortunately, directly useful for numerical computation
only by making very special assumptions concerning the function
S(z) or if n is a very small number. The main difficulty of the theory
is to find approximations or methods of computation for this
formula suitable for practical applications. Several such methods
are given later, but first some general features of F(x) are con-
f zdS(z)
m= (3.6)
I xdF(x) = .2 ~ I xdSk*(x) = 2 ~ km = nm
OCJ OCJ e-nnk OCJ OCJ e-nnk
EW =
o k=O 0 k=O
Using the above value of E{g}, the value of the standard deviation
of F(x), denoted by u, follows from the equation:
I (x-nm)2 dF(x)
u2 = = nOC2
Thus the values of the mean and standard deviations of the
generalized Poisson function F(x) are given by:
E{g} = nm (3.8)
u = .j(n<X2) (3.9)
Exercise 3.3.2. Compute E{~} and a for the society mentioned in the
previous exercise.
cp(s) =
= e- n ~ (nif;)k = eno/J-n
~ k!
and thus
1>(8) = eno/J-n (3.11)
Ie-Ix dF(x)
since S(x) vanishes identically (cf. Section 1.3) for x < O. Since
extensive tables are available in a number of standard mathematical
texts, the Laplace transforms may be useful in practice and can
be used without fear of complications arising from considerations
of convergency.
The index v runs over policies of class i; the first sum in the numerator
runs over classes where the risk sum Zt is less or equal to Z and in
the denominator over all classes. In other words: total the expected
number of deaths for all policies having a risk sum ~ Z and compare
this with the expected number of deaths for the whole portfolio.
Exercise A company grants insurance for accidental death
the sums payable at death being standardized at £lOO, £250, or
£500. The number of policies in these classes are 5000, lOOO, and
2000, respectively. It is known that the rate of death in the two
lower classes can be expected to be equal, but that, owing to anti-
selection, the rate in the £500 class is estimated to be double that
in the other classes. What is the S(z)-function for this business?
3.5.2. Statistical Method
In this method the actual claims of the portfolio in question are
collected in a table according to the amounts of the claims, as in
Table 3.1, which sets out claims arising from a combined ex-
perience of Finnish insurance portfolios comprising industrial
fire risks. The reason that the n-column includes decimals is that
claims exceeding £lO 000 are taken from several years experience
and then reduced to correspond to one year's frequency (see
Section 3.5.3).
If the claims are collected over a period during which monetary
values change, it is advisable to eliminate the influences of these
changes by multiplying the earlier claims by the ratio of the
corresponding values of a suitably chosen price index.
Because the structure of the portfolio and many other circum-
stances are always changing, even if slowly, the observation period
should not be very long. On the other hand very short observation
TAB L E 3.1. Compilation of the claims statistics.
£ z,
Number of
claims in class
JS = ni/n
x 10'
S = ~JS,
x 10'
Zi_l<Z ~ Z/
n=2846·0 1000000
the net premium for each is determined; next the expected average
extent of damage is estimated for each policy and the results
tabulated as follows:
f zkdS(z)+Mk(I-S(M))
rt.k = (3.17)
z= Q Ztot (for Q>M) (3.18)
Fig. 3.2.
Derivation of SM(Z) from a portfolio reinsured by a surplus arrange-
ment. Each point represents one claim from the total claims recorded.
Each point is plotted from the coordinates Q and Ztot (owing to the
partial claims z is often < Q). Double logarithmic scale.
co k
g(y) = n e-(n+y) "'" (ny) (3.20)
g(y) = Jy
n e-(vy-vn)2
[3 15
1- 16(.j(ny ))-1- 512 (.j(ny))-2
+ Remainder (3.21)
(n b+l)k
corresponding to (3.20).
Using the lemma of Section 3.6 a more general polynomial can
be constructed where each term is of the type (3.22). There are
good reasons to expect that by using these mixed polynomials,
the number of terms required will, in general, be fewer than when
using pure exponentials. However, numerical calculations become
more complicated.
3 b=50
3 4 Z
ab +1
Fig. 3.3. 8(Z) = F(b + 1) zbe-a,. In the figure a = b + 1 (and conse·
quently the mean = 1) and b has the values 0, 1, 4, 9 and 50.
= J1
Zu (21T)
exp {I - - (log Z-/L)2
2u 2
has also been shown to represent many actual distributions and,
although the moments exist, it is not possible to express the con-
volutions in a simple form so that normal analytical development
is precluded.
Looked at in terms of the Pearson system, these distributions fall
between types III and V into the region of the type VI distribution
- - = k(z-a) lloz- Ql
k = aQl-Q.-l r(ql)
r(ql-q2-1)F(q2+ 1)
but here again analytical development is precluded.
since the total amount of claims x is the sum of the corresponding
partial amounts:
x = X1+X 2+ ... +x"
The parameter n of (3.5) obeys the corresponding rule:
n = n 1+n 2+ ... +n"
It may be noted that (3.23) holds irrespective as to whether the
F-functions are generalized Poisson functions or any other functions.
(3.23) can also be derived in another way by means of the
characteristic functions (3.10). Consider a linear combination:
S(z) = "
L OkSk(Z) (0 1+02+ ... +0" = 1) (3.24)
of II, distribution functions Sk(Z) and suppose S(z) is again a distri-
bution function. Let nk = nCk. Denote by tP, tP1' tP2' ... , tP" the
characteristic functions of the distribution functions S, Sl ... , S".
Then according to (3.11) the characteristic function 4> of the corres-
ponding generalized Poisson distribution function F(x) is:
4>(8) = exp (ntP-n) = exp (nLok,h-n)
F{x) = (1-q)F(x)+qF(x-X),
Ae = q[F(x)-F(x-X)] (3.26)
*The value of dFJdx has been estimated from Fig. 4.2. For this purpose
the mean values of claims m(M), is required and in the actual case con-
sidered this was £1 450 for M = £83 700 and £1 732 for M = 00.
F(x) ~ q, (x-P)
fo zdS(z)
P = mn = n
f z dS(z)
fY.2 = fY.2 = 2
the integrals being defined as in Sections 3.1 and 3.5.4.
F(x) = cp (x-P)
- -OCs- cp(S)
6n t oc s
(x-P) + __ (x-P)
cp(4) __
+ ~CP(6)
72noc 6
+ O(n- 3/ 2) (4.3)
Here cp(k) denote the derivatives of cP and OCk the moments of S(z)
The Edgeworth expansion is most simply obtained by means of
the characteristic function of F, expanding the exponential in a
MacLaurin series and reverting back to the distribution functions
after integration, making use of the correspondence of the charac-
teristic function and the distribution function. Details of the
derivation of the formula are given in Appendix B.
Reference to (4.1) shows that the normal approximation is merely
the form given by the Edgeworth expansion when the first term
only is retained, i.e. by ignoring terms of O(I/.jn).
(4.3), like (4.1), is an asymptotically correct expression for F(x)
and thus in certain conditions it is possible to take more terms
than in (4.3). It is necessary, however, to pay attention to the
semi convergent nature of (4.3) in that it is not possible merely by
increasing the number of terms to obtain an arbitrarily close
approximation for a fixed n.
Y2= -
The coefficients in (4.4) are now determined by substituting in
and then equating the right-hand sides of (4.5) and (4.6). As the
Edgeworth expansion is semiconvergent, a new expansion (4.8) is
now obtained which can also be expected to be semiconvergent,
because the operation in question means in fact a reversion of the
former expansion. The terms having higher powers than the second
in the quantity l/.Jn are omitted in the following.
To find the coefficients av, Ay is to be determined from:
f (Ay) = <P(y) - (the four first terms on right-hand side of (4.6)) = O.
This can be done by using Newton's method in accordance with
the expansion:
_ f(x) 1f"(x) [f(X)]2
X = X - 1'(x) - "2 1'(x) l'(x) - ....
and 1- F(x) = e is. given, the point y is found from the normal
function tables using the equation 1- e = (/l(y), and then x is
simply calculated from (4.10). If, on the other hand, x is given,
then y is found from (4.10) and the corresponding e is picked up
from tables:
2 3 4 5
2 4 5
- - Monte Ca.rlo
'05 - - - Norma..1
_._ .- E$$cher
n., 10 000
1-F \
'05 \
'03 \
x __
_N -p 100 x -p 100
_e_ _ xNP-p 100
Xc - p xc- P xc- P
M n
£ 8=0·01 e=O·OOI 8=0·01 8 =0·001 8=0·01 8=0·001
will be >x. All this applies to a certain time period, e.g. 1 year.
If a safety loading "AP exists in the premiums then:
x = U +(l+"A)P (5.3)
where U represents the insurer's reserves referred to above. U may
include the company's so-called hidden reserves, i.e. margins in
technical reserves, in valuations and other balancing technical items
in addition to the specific reserves. A conservative approach is not
to include any visible reserves in U, but merely include some or all
of the hidden items mentioned above. Since the term Adefines the
safety loading in the premiums, the amount AP is available to cover
possible losses.
From (5.2) and (5.3) the following fundamental equation of
normal approximation techniques can be derived.
U = Ylx..jn->.mn (5.4)
or if the NP-approximation is applied
1oo r-----~----~~-+------~----------------~
20 30 40 50 100 200 300
~ = zi dBM(Z) ~ M zi-1 dSM(Z) = M CXi_1 (5.9)
o 0
the equality being valid only if the size of one claim is constant and
equal to M. Experience has shown that the parameter K is only
rather weakly dependent on the quantity M and the function S(z)
if M is not very large. If lOmro ~ M ~ lOOmro (mro being used for
m when M = (0), K generally lies in the interval 0·2 to 0·6; it is a
decreasing function of M which --? 0 when M --? 00.
Fig. 5.2.
U= Y J{ nlCXI2+n2CX22
n 1+n 2
(nl +n 2)
} A1m 1n 1+A 2m 2n 2
mInI +m 2n 2
(mInI +m 2n 2)
The lower indices, 1 and 2 respectively, indicate the companies 0 1
and O2 , If, on the other hand, the same formula (5.4) is applied
separately to the companies Oland O2 the following formula is
found for the difference of the theoretical reserves:
fiscal merger of the companies is, of course, not necessary. The same
advantages can also be reached by exchange of reinsurance on a
reciprocal basis cf. Exercise 5.3.6. This problem will be further
considered in Section 9.2.
In the following exercises it may be assumed that the normal
approximation can be applied.
Exercise 5.3.1. The following characteristics are computed from the
statistics of an insurance company: m 1 = £100, OCl = £300, n 1 =
1 000. The company has a reserve fund U 1 = £20 000 and security
loading Al = 0·1.
Another insurance company with the following characteristics,
m 2 = £50, OC2 = £400, n 2 = 200, A2 = 0'05, is merged with this
If the ruin probability e of the former company is not to increase
following the merger, how large should the reserve fund U be for
the merged company1
Exercise 5.3.2. Prove that if k companies are amalgamated the joint
company needs a smaller reserve fund U than the sum of the funds
of the original companies provided that the security level measured
by e is the same in all cases.
Exercise 5.3.3. It is assumed that the risk properties of an insurance
portfolio are so improved that the frequency of claim decreases
equally for each risk unit by 10%. How much could the reserve
fund U be decreased if the ruin probability e is maintained at the
original level ? It is assumed that the company has the same values
for n, m, oc, A, and U as company No.1 in Exercise 5.3.1. and that
the premiums remain unchanged.
Exerci8e 5.3.4. A friendly society grants funeral expense benefits and
each member of the society can choose a benefit of either £100 or
£200. It is assumed that ,\ = 0·5, n = 20, and e = 0·01. How large
must the reserve fund U be if it is not known in advance how many
members will choose the option £100 and how many the option
£200 and consequently the exercise of these options is to be assumed
to be such as to maximize the danger1
Exerci8e 5.3.5. The distribution function of one claim of a company
can be represented (taking the average size of claims as the monetary
unit) by the exponential function dS/dz = e- Z (z~O) and the
'20 U
~ ,.·20~
A=O :=
5 10 p
Fig. 5.3.
8F = n t (l-Si(Mt)){(I- P) "i+
to see that (5.23) gives an absolute maximum for the profit function
f on the surface Q = O. This can also be proved by the general
conditions given above, analysing the behaviour of the derivatives
of the functions f and Q directly, but details of the proof are left
to the reader.
The following theorem is now obtained on the assumptions men·
tioned at the beginning of this section.
The liml~ts of retention Mt have to be chosen proportional to the
corresponding safety loadings Ai.
This theorem has been proved on the assumption that the normal
approximation is justified, but it is important to note that the
normal approximation has not been applied separately to each
component i. It thus follows that the theorem is certainly valid so
long as the normal approximation is applicable to the whole business:
in view of the central limit theorem this is a much less restrictive
condition than if the corresponding assumptions were made for
the various subgroups.
The foregoing result is of general interest when consideration is
being given to the overall reinsurance policy of a company. It is not
an unexpected result in the sense that it indicates that the greater
Ai is (or, what is equivalent, the greater the expected profitability
of a branch of insurance or group of policies) the greater the amount
that should be retained for the net account. In this context it is
not necessary to have regard to such items as the cost of reinsurance
in relation to the arrangements made, since it can be assumed that
allowance has already been made for these in arriving at the estimates
of At. As a special case it follows that the proper course, if all the
At's are equal, is to make the retentions M t equal. This rule contradicts
the oft· quoted practice which requires the retentions on "dangerous"
risks to be reduced. If the safety loading is actually the same for
such risks as for simple risks then this has no theoretical background.
If, of course, the dangerous risks are actually written at inadequate
premiums, then the margin Ai is lower and the retention should be
reduced. However the analysis shows that intelligent comments
about the retention can only be made by reference to the adequacy
of the premiums.
Exercise 5.6.1. Prove that, with the conditions given in Section 5.6.,
there is only one JL for which Q vanishes.
IJq I 1
q ~ Y• .Jm .J P = Y. ;, .In (5.24)
IAqq I ~- Ye
J( L (qV-ij)2)
k < Ayo
J CP(y) dy
where Yo = mJn/lX. If, for example, ,\ = 0·1, IX/m
= 4 and = 100, n
thenk~ 0·48. This means that the insurer can return at the most
48% of the profit, the remainder of the profit, i.e. 52%, being
needed to cover the claims including the risk of loss x > P.
The structure of the above-mentioned contract between the
policy-holder and the insurer means that it is the same as the con-
ventional stop loss reinsurance. The policy-holder bears the small
fluctuations of risk on his own retention whereas the risk of large
total losses is insured. Stop loss theory is dealt with later on. Because
ZY' (5.34)
p m
Z = - -
-In (5.35)
claims, then IX/m = 1 and the values of no which are large enough
for full credibility are immediately obtained by means of tables of
the normal distribution as follows:
Values of no for full credibility:
p 10% 5% 1%
In most practical cases the risk sums are not equal and hence
IX/m is not 1. The variation in the value of this quantity depends
significantly on the degree of heterogeneity of the risk sums and
consequently the limit of full credibility can be considerably larger
than is given in the table above. The values of IX/m may often be of
the order 3 to 5, but in cases where very large risk sums can occur
the values can be much larger.
If the expected number of claims n is smaller than the value
obtained from (5.36) then the constant Z has values smaller than 1
and the term "partial credibility" is used. From (5.35) and (5.36),
one ofthe well-known formulae of credibility theory can be obtained
immediately by eliminating the joint coefficient (pm)/(IXY), i.e.:
Z = .jn/.jno (5.37)
In the foregoing it was assumed that the normal approximation
could be used because this assumption or some other assumption
concerning the distribution function F is needed for the computation
of no. However, owing to the small size of the risk collective which
often arises in cases subject to experience rating or to credibility
theory, the applicability of the normal distribution can be doubtful,
even if very small values of e are not needed for which the accuracy
of the normal distribution is most unsatisfactory (cf. Section 4.4).
The normal distribution can of course be avoided by calculating the
quantity Y. in (5.36) using some other method of computation of the
generalized Poisson function or by applying the compound functions
of Chapter lO. A drawback is, however, that Ye may depend on n.
6.1. Introduction
Since it is known that the normal distribution does not give a good
approximation if the basic distribution S(z) is very heterogeneous,
particularly if at the same time the expected number of claims n
is small, another approximation found by Esscher (1932) has been
widely used. Unfortunately the error of Esscher's formula also
remains a feature which is difficult to handle mathematically, but
even so it has been found in practice to have a broad domain of
applicability. The new methods recently developed, i.e. NP-approxi-
mation, Section 4.3, Monte Carlo method, Chapter 7, an inversion
method, Section 8.1, may provide arguments for re-evaluation of the
expediency of the Esscher formula, but nevertheless this method is
one of the important tools available for computing the numerical
values of the generalized Poisson function and it will now be intro-
duced. A reader who is not familiar with the manipulation of
integral transformations and series can at the first reading jump
directly to the result (6.7) on page 79.
In fact the Esscher formula makes use of the normal distribution
or of the first few terms of the Edgeworth series, but the idea is
first to transform the generalized Poisson function in such a way
that the required value of x is moved to the area where the fit of
the normal approximation is closest. The transform in question is:
Sex) = (6.1)
Po 0
the value of which is left open at first and will be fixed later. For
the following a set of constants is defined:
f y" e
= e-n+nPo-hx dF(x)
dF(x) = e-n+nPo-hx dF(x) (6.3)
Since the mean of B is clearly iii = f31/f30' the mean of F is nm
= nf31' The standard deviation of F is equal to .j(iif32/f30) = .j(nf32)'
The Edgeworth expansion (4.3) is now applied to the distribution
function. Since iici" = nf3", (6.3) gives:
f e- hZv(nfJ
f e-uzd<J>(k)(z)
Ek(U) =
are introduced. These functions are easily derived from the recursion
00 00
starting from:
E (u) =
e-uzd<J>(z) = l-<J>(u) _ A(u) sa
.J(21T)<J>'(U) - .J(21T) , y.
U = hJ(nP2) (6.8)
w = 1-Po+hPl (6.9)
TABLE 6.2. Esscher functions uEo and u2Ea for large values
of the argument.
u uEo u2Ea
Distribution n x-p 100· (I-F) values % of
cxy'n I-F
13k =
0 0 0
f zk(ehZ-l)dS(z)+OCk
= (6.12)
= OCk+ hOCk+1 + 2! OCk+2+'"
_ 1 h 3 OC3
T3 - - -
3 m
f zkdS(z).
x 1
)C = p = 1+h" (2·00 T2 +1·50 T a+l'33 T,) (6.14)
(6.13) and (6.14) are valid only if h is small enough to give a rapid
convergence to the expansions in question. If the risks are limited
(due to reinsurance or otherwise), i.e. S(z) = 1 for some M = z, the
quantities w, U and )C can be found with an inaccuracy of 1% at
most, provided:
h < O'4jM (6.15)
If I-F>O·OI the maximum relative error is 4% and for I-F
>0·001 the corresponding error is 10%.
An appropriate "trial value" to start with is:
h ~ J(5jn1X2) (6.16)
giving I-F in the neighbourhood of 0·01.
r-----t--- '---~-r I ~
'001 '10 E
Fig. 6.1. P = 1000, the unit being the mean value of the gross claims
= moo·
1000 U
5 10 20 304050 100
Fig. 6.3. U = U(M) for n = 1000, e = 0'01, and'\ = 0·05.
Unit £1 000.
statistics. In any case graphs as shown above are very convenient for
giving a broad survey of the interdependence of the variables.
It is a very interesting fact that (6.19) is of exactly the same
form as (5.4) obtained by means of the normal approximation.
Proceeding by (6.18) and using the variables U, A, and P instead
of K, (6.19) leads to:
U= g(e, M)JP-AP (6.19')
whilst on the other hand from (5.4) it follows that:
U= y Jm JP-AP (6.19")
Both g and YIX./Jm for a fire insurance distribution S(z) are plotted
in Fig. 6.4. The slight divergence of the lines indicates the difference
between the results of the normal and the Esscher's approximations.
This difference could be reduced if (5.4') were taken as a basis for
comparison, but then the variable n would complicate the picture.
Fig. 6.4. Fire I, g = g (10- 1 , M). The dotted line indica.tes the va.lues
computed by (6.20).
Exercise 6.4.1. Compute the curves presented in Figs. 6.3 and 6.4
for the distribution mentioned in Exercise
F(X)11-_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ -=:;:;:;:o_--
Fig. 7.1.
It will thus be seen that the simulation method is, in fact, exactly
equivalent to a method of observing the actual values appearing
in some experiment and building up the statistical estimate of the
distribution function. No physical experiment is in reality carried
out but instead it is 'played' or 'simulated' by means of random
numbers. This method has been increasingly used in connection
with various research projects during recent years, particularly in
cases where the direct calculation of the distribution functions is
8 error
100 0·129
1000 0·0408
10 000 0·0129
100000 0·00408
1000000 0·00129
Thus to get one more decimal place the work must be multiplied
a hundred fold. The table gives a kind of maximum error near the
mean point but in practice one may expect the error to be less
than one-half the maximum. For practical applications some
10 000 to 100000 sample values Xi are needed. If x is such that
F(x) = 0·0l, say, then the 'maximum' error is only 20% of the
values in the above table, and for F(x) = 0·001, about 6%.
In many applications of risk theory, values of I-F of the order
0·01 to 0·001 are of most interest. Thus it is also useful to estimate
the relative maximum error:
8 P = 10- 2 P = 10- 3
2: k!
peN) = e- n - and S(z)
are derived for those values of k for which ak = 1, starting from the
smallest k. Then evidently:
laborious if k is relatively large and 8 has a long tail with small but
positive 1-8(z). In order to clarify the ideas, consider as an example
the case where n = 10 000, and:
= 1 for M~x
- - for x<xo
{ I-p
1 for x~xo
xn x 12 xn +X 12
x 21 X 22 x 21 +X 22
X S1 X S2 Xu +XS2
Xl = nf3l(h l ) and X2 = nf3l(h 2)· The detailed proof can be found
in Pesonen (1965).
Fig. 8.1.
I (x_E{g})2 dF(x)
f (x-M)dF(x)
P =
It is asserted that the reinsurance R*(x) is a solution of the
problem. To prove this it is merely necessary to calculate V R*
and V R and verify that V R* ~ V R for all R. Let P l = E{g}-P.
f R2(X) dF(x)
V R+P1 2 =
which proves the assertion. This assertion has been proved under
the assumption that reinsurance is postulated to be of function
type R(x). The theorem is general however, because it is possible
to prove that for an arbitrary reinsurance there is always another
reinsurance of the special function type, which has the same net
premium but gives smaller variances for both cedant and reinsurer
(Pesonen, 1967).
This result shows that the 8tOp l088 reinsurance (9.4) i8 the optimal
80lution from all reinsurance method8 in the 8ense that it give8 for a
fixed reinsurance net premium P the 8mallest variance V R(X) of the
companY'8 net retention. In other words: if a level of V R(x) = Vt is
fixed corresponding to some (estimated) ruin probability e, the stop
loss reinsurance leaves the maximum premium income to the
ceding company and thus minimizes the reinsurance net premium.
In practice, however, there can be heavy safety loadings in stop
loss premiums, because this form of reinsurance gives a maximum
relative variance to the reinsurer. Another problem is therefore
considered. Again let g be the total amount of claims, 7] the retained
part thereof, and g-7] = , the reinsurer's share. Suppose that the
reinsurance premium is equal to:
'1 '2
The problem to be considered arises when two companies 0 1 and
O2 , whose total amounts of claims and are supposed to be
independent, wish to exchange reinsurance on a reciprocal basis
and desire to find an optimum method which satisfies the two
(i) The expected profit on the exchange must be zero.
(ii) The variance of the net retained business after the exchange
must be minimized as far as possible for the two companies.
In order to fulfil the requirement (i) it is simply assumed that
the reinsurance premiums are net premiums, i.e. of form (9.5)
with f = O. If then condition (ii) is the only remaining decision
criterion, it is easily seen that the exchange should be of pro-
portional type, i.e. the final total amounts should be:
'1 '2
V11 originates from 01'S remaining original business and V 21 from
accepted reinsurance, since the amounts and were assumed
to be independent of each other. Analogiously the final variance
of O2 can be written into the form V 12 + V 22' Suppose now that the
reinsurance 0 1 ~ O2 was not of proportional form. Then without
changing the other variances the variance V 12 of O2 could be
reduced by means of reinsurance (9.6). Similarly without changing
Fig. 9.1.
each company i pays the amount R(gj) of the claims of each other
company j, and the standard deviation of the claims on each
company's own retention (including the amounts of the other
companies' claims received) must be minimized. Prove that the
function R(x) = xlr is the required solution.
Exercise 9.2.2. A main concept in the classical theory of risk was
the so-called relative mean risk p, which was defined as follows:
10.1. Introduction
In the preceding chapters it has been assumed, with minor exceptions,
that the basic probability remains constant so that the number of
claims each year has the same expected value n. Furthermore, it has
been assumed that the underlying processes obeyed the laws (i) to
(iii) of Chapter 2, i.e. the process is assumed to be a Poisson process,
elementary or generalized, depending on whether the amount of
one claim is a constant or a random variable. In addition it has been
assumed that the distribution function S(z) of the amount of one
claim is stable or at least independent of the number of claims.
These assumptions are obviously an idealization of the practical
In fact, the assumption of constancy of the expected number of
claims n (implying that the basic probabilities of claims are constant)
and the assumption of constancy in the safety loading ,\ (which is
of marked importance in long term processes) are in contradiction
with practical experience in many classes of insurance. Owing to
variation in the basic probability and in the value of ,\ some of the
formulae derived on the simpler assumptions generally lead to unduly
optimistic values for the insolvency criterion and similar character-
istics. This may be readily seen intuitively since if some parameter
is assumed to be a constant whereas in fact it is a variable, then
values obtained for the variance of risk are too small and thus values
for derived functions, e.g. insolvency characteristics, are also too
small. Furthermore, in the e-R U technique, which will be considered
in Chapter 12, although some attention is given to these possibilities
by the assumption of an upper limit to the insolvency function which
allows for some changes in the basic probabilities, unsatisfactory
results will be obtained, if, for example, the safety loading occasion-
ally becomes negative.
'~ 1 9~ ' %31~mS~6m7m8W~WW1~1H2~3
G(x) = 2:00
:h(n) Sk*(x) = 2:00(00f
k-O 0
e- nq
n~) )
dU(q) Sk*(x)
= f 2:
e- nq (n~) k) Sk*(x) dU(q) = f00 Fnq(x) dU(q)
o k=O k. 0 (10.3)
where F nq(x) denotes a generalized Poisson function with mean value
nq of the number of claims. It is thus seen that G(x) is, so to speak,
the weighted mean of all possible generalized Poisson functions with
the same claim curve S(z), the weights for each value of nq being
the probability of occurrences of this expected number of claims.
If the total amounts of claims in various years are independent,
and if only the annual results are of interest, this process can be
illustrated by means of an urn or lottery model as follows. The level
of the expected number of claims is first fixed for a year by drawing
f xk dG(x)
Pk = (10.4)
f fh(nq)dqU(q)
PI = P = mnqdU(q) = mn = P (10.5)
J(X_P)2 dG(x)
V= = ~2_P2
o 0
=nIX2+n2m2 (1
q2 dU(q)-1 ) (10.6)
= nlX2+n2m2Vq
where Vq is the variance of x. The first term is the same as the
variance of the generalized Poisson function (cf. 3.9). The second
term indicates the influence of the random fluctuation of the basic
probabilities and it is always positive unless U(q) degenerates to the
one step function e(x-1). In this latter case, however, the problem
reduces to the generalized Poisson function with constant basic
probabilities. This formula proves that variation of basic proba-
bilities always increases the variance of the process.
When U(q) is
n Polya
Sect. 10.3 k = 100 k=1000
As an illustration Table 10.1 has been computed and sets out some
examples of the ratio of terms in (10.6):
n 2m 2 Vq m2
r= - - - = n - Vq
nat 2 at2
v = nm2+n(at2-m2)+n2m2Vq
= m2Vk+n Vz +n 2m 2Vq (10.7)
n m2Vk nVz n 2 m 2 Vq
10 30 2680 6
100 300 26800 638
1000 3000 268000 63800
10000 30000 2680000 6380000
limit .JV q• This means that the relative deviation of the total
amount of claims (x-P)/P does not vanish when P -+ 00. In fact
the central limit theorem does not hold but G tends to a function
having the same shape as U(q). (G(x) ~ U(xlnm) for large n.) This
is proved by O. Lundberg (1964).
It is worth noting that the passage -+ U(q) for P -+ 00 is valid
by conditions stated at the beginning of this section, i.e. if the value
nq is fixed for each year and U(q) remains unchanged when P -+ 00.
In practical application "passage" P -+ 00 often means that the
considerations concern a comparison of the behaviour of the risk
theoretical quantities of small and large companies or perhaps an
individual company versus the joint business of several companies.
A passage from a small company to a large company can, in fact,
mean that the latter has several branches and sub-branches of
business and it may quite well happen that these are mutually
independent even if each of them can obey the model introduced
in this section. Then the sum, the total amount of claims, does not
tend to any U(q) but tends instead rather to the normal distribution
in accordance with the central limit theorem. In other words: if
P -+ 00 so that new independent groups are incorporated into the
1'3 1·4 1·5 1'6 1'7 1'8 1-9 2·0 2·1 .!.
Fig. 10.3. The generalized and compound Poisson function. Distribu-
tion non-industrial fire, M = £5 000, n = 200, U(q) as in Table 10.3.
Probability Beale for 1- F.
100 (l-qj) +25 +20 +15 +10 +5 0 -5 -10 -15 -20 -25
100· pj""
100· .:1U 10 5 5 10 12 16 12 10 5 5 10
The advantage of this method is that a table like 10.3 can often fit
the empirical data in a better way than any analytical estimate of
U(q) and no further idealizations are needed.
Application of (10.9) requires knowledge of the generalized
Poisson function F for a number of neighbouring nqi-values. These
f e-nq(l-It,) dU(q)
Nt =C
f e-nq(l-Ito)niqi dU(q)
(6.7) is then modified as follows.
Define u and c 3 , instead of (6.8) and (6.10), by:
u = h.jP,2
1 !L3
c3 = -6 (
P,2 = Nlf12+N2~12_NI2~12
f e-
U(q) = _1_ Z Zk-l dz (10.13)
r(k) 0
V{X} = 11k
f (q_l)3 dU(q) = 21k 2
In Fig. 10.4 the shape of the r-distribution is shown for various
values of the parameter k. Values can be found in Pearson (1954).
The probability function (10.2) is now transformed as follows:
Pi(n) = f e-nq -(nq)ii! r(k)
e-kq (kq)k-l kdq
ikk co
= -n--f e-(n+k)q qk+i-l dq
r(k)i! 0
nikk r(k+i)
r(k)i! (n+k)k+i
= r(k+i) (~)k(n+k)-(k+i)
r{k)r{i+l) n n
6 k=200
Pi(n) -_ (k+i-l)
k n
)k(k+n )i (10.15)
From (10.5), (10.6), (10.11), and (10.14), the mean, variance, and
skewness are obtained immediately as:
p = P = nm (10.16)
x = --....:....::-..
and Pt from (6.12).
As the compound function G(x) tends asymptotically to a function
which has the same shape as U(q) (cf. p. 120); Bohman and Esscher
have proposed to approximate G by a function which has the same
_ s. =
(x-A)dG(x)+(B-A) f
.A B
TABLE 10.4
100 P,IP
Basic fluctuation
Assumed Disregarded
7Jk-2>0 I7JO = u}
The first term under the above summation sign is clearly H l(X, i/s)
+ O(I/s) whereas the second term is equal to Hk_1 (i/s, U)-
Hk_1((i+l)/s, U). Hence by letting s --')- 00:
f H 1(x, t)
where h is the size of the sample.
The above risk process model presupposes that the trend and the
long term oscillation are both deterministic. This assumption was
made for the sake of clarity. It is however not difficult to include
random components in these fluctuation elements.
If the assumption that S(z) remains the same over the whole
12.1. Introduction
In the previous chapter a brief survey was given of methods of
determining numerical values of the ruin probability for moderate
time periods. For a further appreciation of the nature of this
probability a study of the limiting position for very long term
periods is essential and this chapter will be concerned with this
It will be assumed that the distribution function F(x) of the
total amount of claims during 1 year remains constant, or at least
that its changes are generated merely by changes in the size of
the portfolio giving rise to changes in the expected number of
claims each year. However, it will always be assumed that the
distribution of the size of one claim S(z) will be independent of
time. In this type of problem, i.e. involving an infinite time period,
this can hardly be avoided since a more general theory is difficult
to apply in practice because of lack of knowledge of changes in
future risk distributions. A more serious restriction is the assumption
which is going to be made about the stability of the safety loading ,\.
This hypothesis implies that changes in the expected number of
claims which are not sufficiently rapidly corrected by premium
adjustments are ignored. Such correction is, of course, most
important if the question of insolvency arises, since insolvency is
obviously most evident if premiums are insufficient to meet the
risk. However, the problem can be divided into two parts by dealing
with the premium insufficiency as a separate aspect from the effect
of random fluctuation which is the subject of the present chapter.
Suppose the company has a risk reserve U at the beginning of
the time period T under consideration and let g be the total amount
Fig. 12.1.
M(s) = e-8YdG(y) = E{e-B'li} (12.5)
1 = lJ'N. E{e-SWv[M(s)]-Vlv~N}
M(s) = 1 (12.9)
get some idea as to how much the function lJ' = lJ'<1J differs in
reality from the upper limit e- RU, i.e. would it be feasible to use
the approximation:
lJ'(U) = O(U)e- RU ~ e- RU (12.13)
where O( U) is an unknown function being ~ 1.
The evaluation of the error in this approximation has been the
subject of intensive studies by, for example, Segerdahl, Arfwedson,
Cramer, Saxer, and Ammeter, and has been solved separately for
different definitions of the function G, for finite and infinite time
intervals and for different configurations of the ruin test points.
These details are not considered here because it would be beyond
the scope of an elementary textbook and especially because it has
not yet been possible to derive simple general formulae which
would be useful in practical applications. An extensive survey of
the results has been given by Segerdahl (1959), but for a full
account reference must be made to the original papers. The following
shows however that as a rule the approximation is not too rough,
at least not when T ~ O.
Let N tend to infinity in (12.10). To find the limit obtained by
the second term on the right-hand side another partition will be
(l-lJ'N) E{e-RcoNjN < v ~ oo} = lJ'IE{e-RCONlwN < B,N < v ~ oo}
+ lJ'2E{e-Rco,vIB ~ wN,N < v ~ oo}
where lJ'1 = P{wN<B,N<v~oo}, lJ'2 = P{B~wN,N<v~oo}and
B is a number which will shortly be fixed. The object is to prove
that both terms vanish when N ~ 00. To show this it is sufficient
to prove that when Band N are chosen large enough, both terms
are ~ e/2 where e can be fixed in advance to be arbitrarily small.
This is so as regards the latter term if B = -log(e/2)/R because
then e- Rco N~ e- RB = e/2 in this term. As regards the first term
the well-known Chebycheff's inequality P{IWN-E{WN}I f; IklaCON}~
l/k2 is applied for k = N1/4 and gives P{IWN-E{WN}I f;a"N3/4}~
1/.JN where E{WN} = NE{TJ} and a" is the joint standard deviation
of the variables "It. Now taking N large enough to satisfy both
inequalities Nf; (4/e 2) e 2RU and NE{TJ}-N3/4a"f; B itfollows that:
lJ'1 ~ P{WN~ B} ~ P{IWN-NE{TJ}I f;N3/4a,,}~ l/.JN ~ (e/2)e- RU
from which:
- - = E{e-R(wv+U)lv< oo} (12.14)
From this formula it can be directly seen that O(V) is close to 1
if the absolute value of the ruining loss w. is in general only
relatively slightly in excess of V. This is the case, for example,
when the test period T is very short or equals 0 and reinsurance
cuts off the large claims. When T -+ 0, only one claim can with
probability 1, cause the 'final ruin'. If due to the reinsurance, the
size of one claim is limited and ~ M, then also Iw.+ Vi <M and a
limit formula is obtained as follows:
C(V»e- RM (valid for T = 0) (12.14')
It should further be noted that even if O(V) were as low as 0·5
and e- RU is of the order of magnitude of 0·01, then in replacing
the true '1' by the approximation (12.13), the original V would
be replaced by 1·15 V, the adjusting figure compensating for the
uncertainty of O(V). If 0 were greater than 0·5 the error arising
from the use of the approximate formula would be still smaller.
Cases where this type of margin in V is significant will seldom arise
in practical actuarial work since the choice of the permitted
magnitude of the ruin probability is itself arbitrary. From numerical
examples presented later in this book it will be seen that the safety
loading and, in many cases, the net retention, are factors which
have considerable influence on the insolvency function, far more,
f eRXdF(x)
f eRZdS(z)
n+(l+'\)PR = n
Noting that as in Section 3.3, P = E{g} = nm, where m is the
mean size of one claim, it follows, after dividing by n, that:
f eRZdS(z)
1 + (1 +'\)mR = (12.16)
From this it is seen that 'the insolvency constant' R, the non-
trivial root of (12.9), is not dependent on the choice of the time
unit but solely on the distribution function S(z) of the amount
e(1+).)mnR = [1 + (n/k)(1-
may be written down. This equation may be expressed as:
oof 1_e-{1+).)nmRlk
eRZdS(z) = 1+ - - - - - (12.17)
from which the insolvency constant R may be found.
In this formula the reservation made on page 126 must be kept
in mind: It is not valid for an ordinary Polya process but only for
the process which is cut into independent annual periods, and the
accumulated profit or loss, being the sum of those for each pre-
ceding period, is observed at the end of each period.
It can be noted that for k =F 00 there is an essential difference
between (12.16) and (12.17). In the latter the constant R depends
on the size of the company.
Consider the case of a generalized Poisson distribution with test
period T --+ O. In order to estimate O(U) in (12.14) suppose that
ruin occurs and write IX = Wv-l + U. Clearly in this case T --+ 0
gives 7Jv --+ - , where , has the conditional distribution of the
amount of one claim on condition that this claim is ~ IX, or
Pg~xl'G:IX}. The amount IX is a random variable which can have
only positive values, and:
f xdS(x)
= const.
and hence:
1 x
P{oc;:£x} ~ -
m 0
This gives:
E{e-R(rov+U>jv< <Xl} ~ ;;;, f
f e-Rxdx(Pg;:;;x}E{eR'I';:;;x})]
00 .
= mR [E{eR'I';:;;O}Pg;:;;O}+
Now P{'~O} = 1, and, as is easily seen,
dx(P{'~x}E{eR'j'~x}) = -eRXdS(x).
Hence by (12.16):
E{e-Rrovjv<<Xl} ~ e_ [l+(l+'\)mR-
f dS(x)]
= e RU (l+,\)
12.3. Applications
Summarizing the main results of the preceding section it can be
stated that the probability that the company will be ruined is:
P{U) = O(U) . e-RU (12.19)
where O(U) ~ 1 and in the Poisson case R is the positive root of:
eRZdS(z) (12.21)
1'00 .~::::::::::::--_ _
ES5cher /'
20 I
I /
I /Eq.(12.36a)
10 I //
I ////
5 /
I /
2 I ./
,//' /
10 20 50 100 200 500
Fig. 12.4. M as function of U. Non·industrial fire, e = 0'01, A = 0'05.
Unit £1000. As a comparison a curve corresponding to Fig. 6.3 for
one year ruin probability, n = 1000, is computed by the Esscher
-u - ---- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Fig. 12.5.
why e- RU is, and must be, independent of the size of the company,
or, what amounts to the same thing, the expected number of claims
during one year. This is due to the fact that the testing is assumed
to be performed continually and so no difference exists between a
small and large company. The underlying concept is that both for
small as well as for large companies the business runs under the
same probability limits if both have the same U, ,\ and S(z) and
testing is continuous at each time point. The only difference is that
the process proceeds much more rapidly for the larger company,
but both have the same insolvency probability when the observation
time is infinite.
If, however, testing for lJI(U) is only at the end of each fiscal year
even if the observations are continued without limit, then a large
company has the smaller probability of insolvency, i.e. the function
C(U) (cf. (12.14)) deviates more from 1. Since companies are,
in general, mainly interested in the measurement of insolvency at
the end of each fiscal year, it can thus be expected that the e- RU
method leads to larger reserves than necessary, especially for large
Exact expressions for the lJI-function for a few special cases of
S(z) can be found in the literature. One of them is given here without
proof. For the exponential distribution function (cf. Section 3.5.6):
S(z) = 1-e-a~
=f M ( 1 R2Z 2+ -R3
1+Rz+ __ 1
Z 3+ ... ) dS(z)
= 1+Rm+ 1X2 R2+ 1X3 R3+ ... (12.25)
2! 3!
Use will be made of the inequalities:
m(KM)i-1 ~ lXi ~ 1X 2Mi- 2 (j> 1) (12.26)
where (cf. 5.7) again:
K=~ $;1 (12.27)
mM -
The right-hand side of (12.26) follows from:
lXi = f zidS;;:; f Z2 Mi- 2dS
o 0
(_. MR
~. KMR ~ eK~IR-1-KMR
$; eMR -1-MR. (12.29)
K -
are obtained after some calculations.
In order to obtain the desired approximation consider the function
l(x;A) = (1+A)x+1-e x. The inequalities (12.29) may then be
written I(KMR;A)~O and f(MR; ,\fK);;:;O. For a fixed A the
function 1 (x; A) is equal to 0 for x = O. Since f' (x; A) = (1 +,\) -ex,
eX- - - - - --
x 0 i! (i+1)!
The error by this approximation for normal values of .\ and K is
very small as seen from graphs in Fig. 12.6.
'5 1'0 .
Fig. 12.6. The quotient Q = K.: A~/K) for some va.luelil of .\.
K(I+A) ~ Q ~ 1
K+A - -
A 0·05 0·10 0'15 0·20 0·25 0'30 0'40 0'50 0'75 1'00
X(A) 0'10 0·19 0·27 0·35 0·43 0'50 0'64 0'76 1'03 1'26
It will be recalled that the other lower limit in (12.32) and the
other upper limit in (12.35) are independent of the distribution S(z),
i.e. the formula is universal and holds good for every portfolio from
which the top risks are cut away, for example by reinsurance. If
the size ofthe claim is fixed equal to M, then all the limits in (12.32)
coincide and the formula is exact. This proves that the first of the
lower limits in (12.32) is the best possible as a distribution-free
approximation. The other limits of the formulae depend on K and
consequently on the function S(z). If the maximum net retention is
relatively low, the limits are not very far from each other in fact.
E.g. in (12.34) the upper limit exceeds the lower one by 20% only if
A~ 0.1 and K"?: 1/3, which again proves that the function S(z) often
has only a minor influence on the solvency. This, however, holds
good only if M is not very large and if the risk business on the
company's own retention is not too heterogeneous, the latter being
indicated by a value of K which exceeds 1/3.
If a limit is taken which is on the safe side, i.e. which gives the
better security, and e is taken as 10- 2 and 10- 3 respectively, the
following approximations are obtained:
These formulae are exact parallels to (5.19) and (5.20). The coeffi-
cients are smaller in this instance because infinite time periods are
being considered.
Formulae like the above are convienient for very rapid estimation
of the order of magnitude of M, A, etc. particularly if the S(z)-
function is not known or not available; for exact calculations,
however, (12.19) to (12.21) must be used.
In Fig. 12.4 values of (12.36a) are compared with actual values of
e- RU .
Using inequalities (12.14'), (12.31) and (12.33) it follows that:
(a) Solvency. In most of the problems dealt with in risk theory the
concept of solvency has been a predominant assumption. More
precisely only those business policies are adopted for which the ruin
probabilities are less than some predetermined E, selected to be
small enough in the relevant context. In many of the problems
considered in this book ruin probabilities for a period of one year
only have been dealt with for clarity but there is no essential
difficulty in developing the methods for periods of more than one
J U(z)dG(z)
U(G) = (13.2)
where K(t) indicates the short period oscillations (p. 112) of the
basic probabilities and w(t) long period oscillations (p. Ill). Here
z(t) is a normally (0,1) distributed random number and Athe safety
loading in the premium. The formula is a direct application of
(4.10) and the Monte Carlo method. The value of K is obtained by
simulation, different independent values being used in each simu-
lation step. The variable w is estimated in a deterministic way,
possibly making use of different alternative values.
It may be questioned whether it is realistic to adopt a model
which provides for A to be varied in accordance with company
policy. Certainly because of competition and other market circum-
stances the possibilities of so doing are often rather restricted but
in certain situations it may, however, be possible. In this latter
case A is one of the decision parameters; in the former case A is a
parameter which is fixed or varying, in accordance with circum-
stances, beyond the control of the management. It may also be
possible to extend the model assuming some rules which change the
premium rates in each simulation step in accordance with the flow
of Y(t), e.g. making use of the theory of experience rating or of the
adaptive control systems of the theory of dynamic programming
(or engineering control theory).
The use of formula (4.10) is justified instead of the formulae of
Chapter 10 because K and ware each held constant during each
simulation year although, of course, their values vary from year
to year.
J(t) is the interest surplus, i.e. the excess of actual interest over
the amount needed for the maintenance of technical reserves. It
may be noted that assumptions regarding investment policy can be
introduced into dynamic programming via this quantity. It is also
useful to note that a convenient way to take inflation into account
is to make all calculations without allowance for inflation and to
adjust the assumed rate of interest to allow for the effect of inflation.
In this way the monetary quantities are obtained in terms of the
current value of money and, if necessary, can be converted into
amounts based on inflated values.
H (t) is the surplus of management expenses (i.e. the premium
loading less management expenses). A prognosis for H can be
constructed by means of conventional long-range planning tech-
niques and can be incorporated into dynamic programming as a
solvency is good (U > U 1)' and less or none if the solvency is weak.
It may be of the form 0 = 0 (U(t), Y (t), (J, )', 8 ... ), (J, )', 8 ...
being decision parameters involved in the function O.
It may be advisable to construct 0 to be negative in the event
that U < U 2' i.e. when the company is alerted to an unsatisfactory
state and, therefore, emergency measures are necessary. Thus
normal management expenses must be reduced, the normal cost of
acquisition decreased and other costs reduced or postponed if
possible. By such means it is hoped to achieve a 'negative allocation'
and thus to save the company.
The total amount 0 is distributed to different sections through,
The coefficients Iv are again strategy parameters indicating the
weights which are given to different sections of the business when
the expansion of business is planned, e.g. greater weight can be
given to the more profitable branches.
The purpose of the re-enforced acquisition 0 is, of course, to get
further expansion for the company. A 'sales response' function Gis
needed to provide this effect; it may be of the form
Fig. 13.1. Safety loading ,\ and sales allocation parameter f (cf. 13.5)
are varying. All other decision parameters are temporarily fixed.
The 'danger area' where ruins occur is shaded.
® No ruins
170 175 190 195
When figures like 13.1 and 13.2 have been obtained, it is relatively
easy to see the character of different strategies and the inter-
dependence of the variables involved. This helps in the selection of
the one which most closely corresponds to the goals and wishes of
the management. E.g. if the expansion of the company is a pre-
dominant goal, then the strategy giving as large a premium income
P as possible is 'the best' on condition that the risk of ruin is less
than some prefixed 'tolerable' limit and intended dividends are
achieved. If the maximisation of the reserves U or the dividend D
are of main interest then, of course, corresponding figures are con-
structed showing the quantities of interest. In practice it is likely
that management will aim to achieve a suitable mixture of U, D
and expansion of P.
Dynamic programming is carried out with the aid of computers.
Pentikiiinen (1976) found that simplified models such as those
illustrated in the figures and using two sections (v = 2) required
8 minutes of computer time for each 1000 realisations of each
strategy. Because the number of potential strategies is very large,
owing to the great number of strategy parameters, it is highly
1. Poisson Process
Let v(t) be the number of claims in the half-closed interval (0, t]
(t>O). Define v(O) = 0, and let s>O and O~tl <t2~t3<t4' The
conditions below are supposed to be valid:
(i) The variables v(t 2) - V(tl) and v(t 4) - v(t 3) are independent.
(ii) The variables v(s+t)- v(t) and v(s) have the same distribution.
(iii) The probability that more than one claim occurs at the same
time or that an infinite number of claims occur in a finite
interval are both zero.
A somewhat weaker condition can be substituted for condition (ii):
(ii)' P{v(s+t)- v(t) = O} = P{v(s) = O}.
Let Pk(t) = P{ v(t) = k}. For s, t> °according to (i) and (ii):
Po(s+t) = P{v(s+t) = O} = P{v(s) = 0, v(s+t)- v(s) = O}
= P{v(s) = O} P {vet) = O} = Po(s)Po(t)
Hence Po(t) is everywhere a non-increasing function. Let sand t
be positive rational numbers. Then according to (A.I)
giving the result [Po(t)Jl/t = const. ~ l. This non-negative constant
cannot be 0, since, if Po(t) = for every rational t, then according to
(ii) any interval should contain at least one claim with the probability
I; thus the interval (0, t] would contain an infinite number of claims
This is true for any positive rational number t. Further, since Po(t)
is everywhere non-increasing, Po(t) cannot have steps and is ac-
cordingly continuous. Thus (A.2) is also true for irrational t's.
In order to calculate Pk(t) for k> let h be an integer such that
n = 2h> k and write down the disjoint partition of the interval (0, t]
(i = 1, 2, ... , n)
This partition has the property that when h increases then the
pre-existent division points remain division points. From the set of
all possible realizations of the process (both the number of claims
v and their placement in (0, t] vary) two sub-sets are now selected
for a fixed h as follows:
Ah = the set of all realizations (sample functions) such that at
least one claim occurs in exactly k intervals Ii; that is
to say, realizations for which exactly n - k intervals remain
without claims (now v;;;k)
Bh = the set of all realizations such that at least in one interval
Ii at least two claims occur (hence v;;;2)
or, a fortiori:
P{Ah}- P{B h} ~ Pk(t) ~ P{Ah} + P{B h} (A.3)
= 1 ( k-1) ( 1)
k! e-qt(1-e-qtln)k n k (eqtk)lln 1--;- ... 1-;;:
~ e- qt (qt)k
k! .
Pk(t) = e-qt - (q~O) (A.4)
2. Extensions
The theory of Poisson processes can be extended by replacing one
or more of the assumptions (i) to (iii) (page 167) by weaker ones.
The new processes obtained in this way playa central role in the
advanced theory of risk.
As was seen above, the conditions (i), (ii) - or (ii)' - lead to (A.2),
which gives Po(t) as an exponential function of t. Suppose now that
the condition (ii) is substituted by a weaker condition assuming
only that:
(ii)* Po(t) is a continuous function of t tending to 0 for t --* 00.
P{v(t) = k} = 1o
e-qT(t,q) [qT(~! q)]~ d q V(q, t)
P{v(t) = k} = e- qt dqU(q, t) (A.6)
A process which satisfies condition (A.6) is called a compound
Poisson process in the wide sense, or, especially if the structure
function U is independent of time t, a compound Poisson process in the
narrow sense. It might happen that a compound Poisson process in
the wide sense in time t is a compound Poisson process in the narrow
sense in a suitably chosen operational time 'T. t
A process with property (A.6) no longer obeys the conditions (i)
and (ii) in general. It should be remarked that (A.6) does not yet
define all properties of the process v(t), since, for example, it displays
only the distribution of random variables X(t) for various values of
t, but not the way that these variables are dependent on each other.
So it might happen that two processes have the same distribution
(A.6) for every t, but that the probabilities that k claims occur in
the time interval (0, t], on the condition that i claims have occurred
in the time interval (0, t/2], are different.
Ie Ie
+00 +00
ch(8) = dG(k)(x) = [ e
i8X i8X G(k)(x) ]~: - i8 i8X dG(k-l)(x)
-00 -00
<P(Xj m, a) = ~
V (21T)a
f exp[_!(z-m)2]
2 a
</>(k)(x; m, a) = (x-m)
a- k </>(k) -a- (B.3)
+n O(S5)}
+72 "'a 2"'2- 3n- 1 <1>(6)(Z) +O(n- 3/2 )
Solutions to the Exercises
2.5.2. N = 10 900
'2 '2
00 00 1
2.5.4. P = 100 (k-2)Pk(l) = 100 (k-2) e~!
k=3 k=3
= 100e- 1
1 2 ""
~ -k'
" "
k=3 (k-I)! k=3'
= 100e- 1 [
--2-2 "" - +5
001 J
~k! ~k!
k=O k=O
F(x) = F(2)+P2 . 2 . 3"' 3"+P3
2 (2)3
3" = 0·92 when 3~x<4
u = J[ 1 . ( 12 . ~ + 22 . ~ ) ] = 1·41 or £141 8 M (z) =
r8 (-I-p- z
1 ) for z<M
l 1 for z"?,M
3.6.1. When X is not very large compared to P, (3.26) can be
changed approximately into the form:
LJe = q - X = q .-- . -
It follows from the given data and values read from the figure (a
change of F from 0·001 to 0·002 changes x/p by 0·063):
P = nm = 500 . 1 203 = £601 500
0·001 .3.34500
LIe = 0·1 = 0·0003
0·063 . 601 500
5.2.2. M ~ £1 400.
5.2.3. The basic equations (5.4) for the original and the new
portfolio (cf. 3.28) are respectively:
U = y,j(tJ.2n)-Amn
U = y,j(tJ.2n+0·IM2)-A(mn+0·IM)
, Hence:
5.3.5. m = 1X2 = 2
o 0
be solved: A = 0·14.
IXk W = [ 00
= (P)k
pi [ukdS(U) = (P)k
; IXk
5.6.1. dQ(fL)
= I
aQ dMi =
aMi dfL
(1- y~ I IX" n
) niAi2(I-Si(Mi))
£60000 a. 1500
5.8.1. n = 200 m = - - = £300 - = - - = 5
, 200 'm 300
no = 271.25 = 6775, Z =j-- = 0·172
'\f 6 775
Pl = 0,172.60+0,828.100 = £93
9.2.2. (i) Po = .In
I z2dS = n I (z-m)2dS+nm2
00 00
(ii) V = ex2n = n
o 0
The proof follows from the fact that the latter term is the variance
Vo of the distribution having all claims equal to m and the former
term is non-negative. P ~ Po follows from V> V 0 by the given
(iii) U = ypP->"P
e-RxE{eR'I' ~ x} = e- Rx - -
I eRZdS(z)
Since this is independent of the choice of x, the weighted average
is also independent of the weighting distribution. Hence the
use of an approximate ex-distribution in (12.18) does not cause any
error in this case.
(ii) For a fixed ex = x:
-3+v'(9+24A) < A + ~
(A > 0)
2 I+A
can be verified by some calculations. From (12.30) it follows that:
SA = Skandinavisk AktuarietidBkrift
MS = Mitteilungen der Vereinigung SchweizeriBcher VerBicherungB-
AB = The ABtin Bulletin
CA = TranBactionB of the International CongreBB of ActuarieB
BARAB = Bulletin de l'ABBociation RoyaleB deB Actuaire8 BelgeB
Additional Bibliography
BELLMAN, R., and KALABA, R., (1965), Dynamic Programming a7!d
Modern Control Theory (Academic Press, New York and London).
FORRESTER JAY, w., (1961), 17!dustrial Dynamics (Massachusetts
Institute of Technology).
HIRVONEN, T., (1976), Applications of the dynamic prognosis method
HOVINEN, E., (1969), 'Basic Statistics to be used in control of equal.
isation reserves'. A.B.
NEMHAUSER, G. L., (1966), 'Introduction to Dynamic Programming'.
(John Wiley & Sons).
PENTIKAINEN, T., (1975), 'Stochastic·Dynamic Prognosis'. S.A.J.
PENTIKAINEN, T., (1976), 'Stochastic.Dynamic Prognosis'. C.A.
Author Index
Haferl,15 Thyrion,116
Haight, 116
Hovinen,97 Wald,138
Subject Index