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Marketing Mix Analysis of United Commercial Bank Limited

- A Study on Gohira (Raozan), Chittagong Branch

Prepared By
Tamzid Ahmed Chowdhury
ID: B-133109
Major: Marketing
Program: BBA  

 Department of Business Administration
Faculty of Business Studies
 Objectives of the study

The objective of the study to Marketing Mix (4ps) of United Commercial

Bank Limited. The specific objectives are :-

1. To have an overview of United Commercial Bank Ltd.

2. To study Marketing Mix (4ps) of UCBL.
3. To identify the weaknesses of marketing mix’s of UCBL and to
suggest recommendations to overcome this weakness.
 Methodology of the
The report is based on secondary source. I have used
different types of secondary data in completion of my
internship report. Here important to mention that no
questionnaires are used for collecting the data.
Sources of information and collection of data:
 Financial reports.
 Hand Book
 Website of bank
 Marketing Mix
The marketing mix refers to the set of actions, or tactics, that a
company uses to promote its brand or product in the market.
 Marketing Mix (7p’s) of United Commercial
Bank Ltd

 Product:

1. Deposit Products of United Commercial Bank Ltd

2. Investment Products of United Commercial Bank Ltd
3. Information and Technology Service
4. Proposed Products of United Commercial Bank Ltd
5. Product Strategy of United Commercial Bank Ltd
6.New Product Planning Process of United Commercial Bank Ltd
 Marketing Mix (7p’s) of United
Commercial Bank Ltd
 Pricing of United Commercial Bank Ltd:

The pricing decisions or the decisions related to interest and fee or commission
charged by banks are found instrumental in motivating or influencing the target
market. The pricing policy of a bank is considered important for raising the
number of customers’ vis-à-vis the accretion of deposits. Also the quality of
service provided has direct relationship with the fees charged. Thus while
deciding the price mix customer services rank the top position. The banking
organizations are required to frame two-fold strategies. First, the strategy is
concerned with profit and fee charged and the second strategy is related to the
profit paid. Since both strategies throw a vice-versa impact, it is important that
banks attempt to establish a correlation between two. It is essential that both the
buyers as well as the sellers have feeling of winning.
 Marketing Mix (7p’s) of United
Commercial Bank Ltd
 Place

In marketing, place means the point of service or availability of the product.

Since banks deal with balancing the economy, the availability is very much
important. For banks, availability is ensured through branches. The more
number of branches, the better it is for different locality. For example, the
locality of Gohira (Raozan) will like to take services from a bank which is
situated in Gohira (Raozan). It is highly unlikely that, someone living in
Gohira (Raozan) will bank in Motijheel. So, the placing is very much
important. It is beneficiary for a bank to establish a branch near business
areas or places where they can ensure that they can bring business. United
Commercial Bank Ltd has 78 branches all over the Bangladesh. These
 Marketing Mix (7p’s) of United
Commercial Bank Ltd
 Positioning Strategy of United Commercial Bank Ltd:

United Commercial Bank Ltd is required for positioning ―United

Commercial Bank Ltd deposit programmed‖. Account as a most
convenient to its target market using product differentiation with
other existing products due to its special features that are not
provided by the other banks. The following approaches are considered
for the strategy.
1. Positioning by Attribute
2. Positioning by Use
3. Positioning by Product User
 Marketing Mix (7p’s) of United Commercial Bank
 Targeting& Positioning of United Commercial Bank Ltd:
This bank name is Export and Import bank. That’s why rich and elite person are the
target customer of this bank. But in present time this is targeting mid class
customers for ―United Commercial Bank Ltd Deposit Programmed‖. This bank all
time searches the unused money from the general people as their valuable capital.

 Targeting Approaches of United Commercial Bank Ltd

 Marketing Mix (7p’s) of United
Commercial Bank Ltd
 Process marketing

Process marketing Refers to the systems used to assist the

organization in delivering the service. The process that use UCBL is
given below : They uses latest machines for quick cash delivery. UCBL.
they do complete task very quickly. That’s why customer get card
very easily within short time. believe An efficient service that
replaces old debit cards will foster consumer loyalty and confidence in
the company
 Marketing Mix (7p’s) of United
Commercial Bank Ltd
 Promotion:

Promotional activity of a bank can include anything that will promote the bank to the
people. United Commercial Bank Ltd has lots of CSR activities all over the country. At
least 2% of our annual profit of every year is put aside for the foundation to conduct
Corporate Social Responsibilities (CSR) activities. These include -

1. Healthcare service.
2. Scholarship program for brilliant poor student.
3. Education Promotion Scheme (Interest free loan).
4. Helping people affected by natural calamities.
5. Helping people in slum areas.
6. Donation to educational institutions to setup computer lab.
 Marketing Mix (7p’s) of United
Commercial Bank Ltd
 People Marketing

UCBL naturally based service marketing where People are main asset.
How UCBL giving priorities people, discuss are given below.

1.UCBL believe that an essential ingredient to any service provision is

the use of appropriate staff and people.

2.UCBL is very much careful about Recruiting the right staff and
training them appropriately

3.UCBL try to put the right person into right place

 Marketing Mix (7p’s) of United
Commercial Bank Ltd
 Physical evidence

Physical Evidence is the element of the service mix which allows the
consumer again to make judgments on the organization.

1.UCBL give forces about good decorate environment that’s why

decorate nicely
2.Security system is very strong.
3.There are sufficient guards in the UCBL.
4.Fully computerized.
5.The employee of the UCBL are mandatory wear well dress up.
6.Cash section does use latest equip
 Findings
 Lack of branch
 Lack of ATM booths
 Lack of evening banking
 Lack of SMS banking
 Lack of 24 customer service
 Lack of opening & Dispatch section
 Less number of employees
 Lack of information
 Lees experienced employees
 Lees experienced employees
 Recommendations
 Separate marketing department
 Starting more branches
 Opening lots of ATM booths
 Starting evening banking service
 Starting SMS banking
 Starting 24 customer service
 Organizing training session
 Starting close branch
 Appointing more officers
 Conclusions
Today is not like yesterday and tomorrow will be different from today. Given the fast changing,
dynamic global economy and the increasing pressure of globalization, l consolidation and
disintermediation, it is essential that United Commercial Bank Ltd Limited should make a
reasonable change in its inanimate environment to serve its consumers in a more attractive
and effective way that are sensitive to these changes.
To improve the customer service programs further, United Commercial Bank Ltd Limited
should adopt some of the industry best practices that are not practiced currently. Marketing
strategy means the marketing logic by which the business unit hopes to achieve its marketing
objectives. Through market segmentation, targeting, and positioning, the company decides
which customers it will serve and how. It identifies the total market, then divided it into
smaller segments, select the most promising segments, and focuses on serving and satisfying
customers in these segments. Guided by marketing strategy, the company designs a
marketing mix made up of factors under its control - product, price, place, and promotion. To
find the best marketing strategy and mix, the company engages in marketing analysis,
planning, implementation, and control.
Through these activities, the company watches and adapts to the actors and forces in the
marketing environment.

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