-DKSD-289 March 2004 ΕΝ

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NETWORK CONSTRUCTIONS AND MAINTENANCE DEPARTMENT 22, Chalkokondyll St,, 104 32 Athens - Tel +30 210 5292030, Fax: +30 210 5239301 ) PUBLIC POWER CORPORATION S.A. PPC Technical Description DKSD-289/March 2004 IMULTANI PIERCING BRAN: VICE CONNE! FOR AERI INDLED CABI JR OVERHEAD Li KS CONTENTS 1. SCOPE 2. KEYWORDS 3. OPERATING CONDITIONS 4. NORMS ~ SPECIFICATIONS DESCRIPTION TESTS MARKING. PACKING © eran ANNEXES — DRAWINGS PUBLIC POWER CORPORATION S.A. NETWORK CONSTRUCTIONS AND MAINTENANCE DEPARTMENT PPC Technical Description DKSD-269/March 2004 SIMULTANEOUS PIERCING BRANCH. ICE CONNECTOR’ Fe HAL BUNI CABLES FOR OVE! LV NE 1. SCOPE This Technical Description (TD) specifies the manufacturing and testing requirements for branch and service connectors, installed by simultaneous piercing of the insulation of the main and the branch (tap) conductor, which are intended for use in overhead distribution networks with aerial bundled cables of rated voltage 0,6/1 kV. For brevity purposes, the branch and service connectors will hereafter referred to as "connectors". The connectors are installed in overhead LV networks with bundled cables at points where either line branches or network services are required. 7 2. KEYWORI Branch and service connector, simultaneous insulation piercing device, dielectric strength in water, LV aerial bundled cables (ABC), overhead distribution network, 0,6/1 kV. 3. OPERATING CONDITIONS 3.1. Enyironmental conditions = Installation The connectors are intended for outdoor installation, in overhead LV distribution networks with aerial bundled cables. - Climatic conditions The connectors shall be suitable for installation in areas where the temperature and suniight conditions are as follows: Minimum ambient air temperature 20°C Maximum average ambient air temperature measured over a period of 24h +35°C 4, 44 4.2. EN 573/1994: Alumi Maximum ambient air temperature +40°C Minimum annual exposure to sunlight 2800 h Altitude Most installations are located at altitudes not exceeding 1000 m above the sea level. Special Conditions The connectors shall be suitable for operation in high corrosion areas (deposits of dust, salt, industrial pollutants, presence of moisture, water, ice) NORMS - SPECIFICATIONS CENELEC HD 626 S1/1996 + A1/1997 + A2/2002 (or the most recent amendment) Overhead distribution cables of rated voltage Uo/U(U,): 0,6/1 (1,2) kV Part 2: Additional test methods Part 4 Section N: Bundle assembled cores for overhead distribution (Type 4N-1) Part 6 Section N: Bundle assembled cores for overhead distribution (Type 6N-1) Part 9 Section N: Single-core cable for overhead distribution with copper conductor (Type $N-2) or with aluminium conductor (Type 9N-1) ~ Part 10 Section N: Single core or three-core service cables with concentric neutral (TypetON-1) jm and aluminium alloys. 4.3. PPC Technical Description DMKLD-211/29.05.97 + Supplement No 1/14.03.02: Self supporting aerial bundled cables for use in overhead LV networks. 4.4. PPC Technical Specification KT 10.01/23.11.90 + Supplement No 1/14.03.02: Aerial bundled cables for use in overhead LV networks. 4.8. PPC Technical Specification KK 03.02/13.07.93 + Supplement No 1/14.03.02: Service cables. 4.8. PPC Technical Specification KK 03.05/13.07.93 + Supplement No 1/14.03.02: Single- core copper LV cable. 4.7. PPC Technical Specification GR-324/24.07.86: Branch and service connectors for aerial bundled cables for overhead LV networks. 4.8. PPC Technical Description DMKLD-153/19.11.1999: Special sockets for LV aerial bundled cables (short-circuiting and earthing connectors). 4.9. PPC Technical Specification TK 11.01/11.11.87: Test cade for retaining / connection / joining accessories for overhead conductor networks and power cables. 4.10. PPC Technical Specification XK 11.01/11.11.87: Electrolytic gaivanization of iron- made or steel-made items. 4,11. PPC Technical Specification XK 11.04/23.10.92: Electrolytic tinning, 4.12. PPC Technical Specification TK 02.01/11.11.87: Sampling procedures and tables for checking the percentage of defective items by assessments. NOTE: The text of this TD prevails and its requirements supersede any other Standard or Specification. 5, DESCRIPTION 5.1. General description of the connector Each connector has two connecting points: — Point of Main Line (Connection of Main conductor) = Point of Secondary or Tap Line (Connection of Branching or Service conductor) The connector’s operating principle is as follows: One or two toothed contact bridges (depending on the size of the connector), driven by one or two screws, tighten, at the same time, two insulated cable conductors (cores). The two cores are installed in corresponding metallic toothed grooves, at the main line point and at the secondary line point. The main line conductor comes from a bundled cable whereas the secondary line conductor comes either from a bundled cable or a service cable or a single-core cable. Tightening results in the simultaneous piercing of the insulation of the cores of the main and secondary lines and ‘ensures the electrical connection between the two conductors. Drawing No 1 (paragraph 9.2.1) provides an example of the connector's layout (with 2 and 1 tightening screw(s)), as well as the method of installation on an ABC core. 6.2, Connected cores In general, the cores (insulated conductors) that shall be connected through the connectors shall be the following: ~ 120 mm? Al phase cores or neutral core of ABC 4x120 mm* Al + 25 mm? Al according to PPC TD OMKLD-211/29.05.97 (or to the most recent amendment of HD 626-4N) — 70 or 35 mm? Al phase cores or 54,6 mm? AAAC neutral core of ABCs 3x70 mm? Al + 54,6 mm? AAAC + 25 mm? Al and 3x35 mm? Al + 54,6 mm? AAAC + 25 mm” Al according to PPC Technical Specification KT 10.01/23.17.90 (or to the most recent amendment of HD 626-6N). = 25mm? Al Public Lighting (PL) cores from the above cables. — Insulated phase conductors of cross-section (8), 16, 25, 35 and 50 mm? Cu, of concentric service cables (single-phase or 3-phase) according to PPC Technical Specification KK (03.02/13.07.93 (or to the most recent amendment of HD 626-10N). NOTE: For cables with cross-section 6 mm” (in parenthesis), see paragraph 5.3 below. = Single-core 2,5 mm? Cu cable (with solid conductor) according to PPC Technical ‘Specification KK 05.02/13.07.93 (or to the last amendment of HD 626-8N). Each connector shall be suitable for reliable connection and operation with a subset of the above cores, depending on its type and size, as specified in paragraph .3 below. 5.3. Types and.sizes of connectors This TD standardizes the following types of connectors, according to their field of use, as well as the following sizes of connector types according to the cross-section and construction material of the insulated conductors that are suitable for installation at the main and secondary (tap) line points respectively: — TYPE 4 (Connectors mainly used for branching of ABC’s phase and neutral conductors) + Size 120 mm?/ 50-120 mm? Main line connecting point: 120 mm? Al Secondary (Tap) line connecting - 120 mm* Al or 70 mm? Al or point: 54,6 mm? AAAC (branches) -50 mm? Cu (services) + Size 70 mm?/ 50-70 mm? Main line connecting point: 70 mm? Al or 54,6 mm? AAAC Secondary (Tap) line connecting - 70 mm? Al or 54,6 mm* point: AAAC (branches) +50 mm? Cu (services) ~ TYPE 2 (Connectors mainly used for service lines from ABC's phase and neutral conductors) + Size 120 mm? /46 - 35 mm? Main line connecting point: 120 mm? Al ‘Secondary (Tap) line connecting point: (6), 16, 25 and 35 mm? Cu or 35 mm? Al + Size 70 mm? /16 - 35 mm? Main line connecting point: 70 mm? Al or 54,6 mm? AAAC. ‘Secondary (Tap) line connecting point: (©), 16, 25 and 35 mm? Cu or 35 mm? Al NOTE: The 6 mm? cross-section at the connecting point of the secondary line in type 2 connectors is UNDER STUDY. ~ TYPE 3 (Branch and service connectors for ABC's Public Lighting - PL - conductor) : 25 mm? / 2,5 - 25 mm? Main line connecting point: 25 mm? Al (PL core) Secondary (Tap) line connecting - 26mm, Al_ (PL branching) point: -2,5mm?Cu (feed of lighting device) The above connector types and sizes and the range of their use are cumulatively listed in Table 1 of Annex No 1 6.4, Conn = Tightenin 5.4.1. The connector shall be suitable for easy, simple and safe installation and use on insulated bundled conductors under voltage. 5.4.2, The connectionltightening at the main line connecting point and the connectionitightening at the secondary line connecting point must be performed simultaneously. 5.4.3. The connection, both at the main and at the secondary line connecting points, shall be performed exclusively through piercing of the insulation of the insulated conductor (core) by a rider with suitable teeth. 5.4.4, Tightening shall be performed with suitable screws, which shall restrict the applied torque within the limits defined in paragraph 5.5 of this TD. This shall not restrict the ability to disassemble of the connector (torque-measuring double-head screws shall be used). 5.4.5. Regarding their connection at the main and secondary line connecting points, the connectors are considered single-use items due to deformation of their teeth. 5.5. Screws The screws shall be suitably designed (dimensions, materials etc.) for reliable operation of the accessory. The screws shall be of the controlled tightening torque limit type (torque-measuring head) with double head of hexagonal cross-section. The distance between the parallel sides of the heads shall be 10 mm, 13 mm or 17 mm (a distance of 10 mm is preferable). ‘The screw head shail be potential free (it shall be constructed of insulating material or, if itis, metallic, the design of the accessory shall ensure its insulation from any live parts). The maximum and minimum breaking torque of the torque-measuring screw heads shall be stated by the manufacturer. The maximum torque shall not exceed the following limit — 20Nm, for main conductor cross-section up to 70 mm? — 30 Nm, for main conductor cross-section up to 120 mm? The metals or metal-alloys used for the manufacture of screws shall be suitable so that when the screws come in contact with the connector's main body, corrosion due to galvanic action shall be avoided, Preferably, the screws shall not be able to separate from the connector's body, 5.6. Insulating jacket All parts of the connector that are live shall be covered by an insulating jacket, which shall be steadily mounted on the conductive parts and shall not be removable. The insulating end-cap intended for the free end of the branch or service core shall be permanently fixed on the main body of the connector. The insulating jacket of the connector shall not block the access for assembly / disassembly both at the main and at the secondary line connecting points. ‘The insulating materials of the jackets shall provide reliable insulation under the expected conditions of the network and its environment (maximum continuous loadings, overcurrents, direct exposure to suniight / ultraviolet radiation, dust, salt, industrial Pollution, moisture, low temperatures, etc.) Regarding the insulating material of the jackets, it is recommended to use one of the following materials, which have already been used in networks and have exhibited satisfactory behaviour: - THERMOPLASTIQUE VINILIQUE = CAQUTCHOUC NITRILE ACRILIQUE PVC - MELANGE HYPALON NEOPRENE. 5.7, Metallic parts All exposed metallic parts (not covered by insulating jacket) shall be potential free by manufacture (ie. they shall be insulated from all live parts), both during and after the installation of the connector. The metallic parts of the connector shall be made either of Al or suitable Al alloy according to EN 573/1994, or of bronze according to a recognized Norm/Standard. All metals or metal-alloys used shall be stable and shall remain unchanged with time, either due to their own nature or due to a certain appropriate treatment (thermal, plating, etc.). All metals and metal-alloys shall be manufactured for the first time (i.e. re-meiting of metals is ot permitted). The connector shall be suitably designed so that the normal electrode potential difference between different metals coming in contact shall be low, in order to limit galvanic corrosion. 5.8. Grease ‘The water-tightness of the connector, when installed in the network, shall be basically ensured by its design and by the insulating materials of its jacket (e.g. elastomers at the teeth positions etc.) The water-tightness is not permitted to be based solely on the use of grease. However, as an additional measure, the connector may contain grease at the teeth positions. tt is not permitted for the connector to require any additional quantity of grease, beyond the quantity it already contains at its delivery. The contained grease shail not attack the metals it comes in contact with, shall exhibit good grip, and its properties shall remain unchanged by the weather conditions and by the operation of the connector (development of high temperatures etc.) 6. jife span requirement The connector shall operate in a satisfactory manner for the period during which the bundled cables are expected to operate in a satisfactory manner (a period of about 35 years). 5.10. Electrical characteristics — Dielectric strength: 4 KV (rms, 50 Hz) for 1 min, in water. 6. TESTS Table 2 of Annex No 1 provides the order and type of tests to which the connectors are subjected. 6.1. Type Tests These tests are performed at the beginning of a Contract and they can be repeated to the absolute judgement of the Corporation at any time during the Contract performance period. To the discretion of the Corporation, it is possible for existing test certificates issued by the PPC/TRSG (KDEP) or other recognized laboratories to be accepted 6. General Requirements Samples and connection of samples The tests shalll be carried out on new samples. The connection of the samples with the cores of the main and secondary line shall be performed according to the specific instructions given below, in the description of each test. In cases where no specific instructions are given, the manufacturer's instructions shail be followed, The screws of the sampies shall be tightened with a special torque-measuring wrench, with the ability to predefine the applied torque, and the calibration of this wrench shall be periodically verified. The accuracy of the torque-measuring wrench shall be at least 0,1 Nm. Core pieces used in tests In order to carry out the tests, pieces of cores with appropriate cross-section and conductor material shall be connected at the main and secondary line connecting points. The above pieces are taken from the cores mentioned in paragraph 5.2 of this TD. In particular, for the collection of pieces of phase cores from concentric cables the following procedure is used: The sheath, the neutral concentric conductor and any filler are removed from the concentric cable, taking care not to cause any damage to the insulation of the phase cores that are underneath these layers. Then the phase cores (insulated copper conductors) are separated and the required piece is cut-off from one of these cores. (It must be clarified that for the sizes 6 and 16 mm’ Cu, the service cable is either single-phase or 3- phase, and for any other size the service cable is 3-phase). All pieces shall be taken from new cores of cables for which sample approval has been provided. The core pieces shall have sufficient length for the performance of the tests (detailed data provided in the description of each test). Preparation of cable cores before tests The core pieces shall be conditioned prior to the tests to ensure the dimensional stabilization of their insulation. In particular, the cores shall be cut to a length suitable for the test and they shall be kept in a closed chamber at a temperature of (120 + 2)°C for about 1 hour, and then they shail be left to cool down to the ambient temperature by opening the chamber's door. If, in order to perform the tests, the cores are to be bended (e.g. dielectric strength and water-tightness test), this bending shall be carried out before installing the samples. The bending radius is not permitted to be less than 15 times the extemal diameter of the core. Temperature and humidity conditions During the tests, the ambient temperature shall be between 15 and 35°C and the relative humidity shall be between 25 and 75%, except in those tests for which special conditions are specified. Number of samples The required sample size (number of samples) per connector type and si cross-section and the material of the core conductors connected to the m: line connecting points are given (for each test) in Tables 3 to 6 of Annex No 1 NOTE FOR THE METHOD OF TESTING TYPE 2 CONNECTORS (UNDER STUDY) as well as the and secondary In case the manufacturer of connector of type 2 states that the minimum permitted cable ‘cross-section at the secondary line connecting point is 6 mm’, the tests are performed by initially considering the 6 mm? cross-section as minimum section. In case of failure, the tests are repeated by considering the 16 mm’ as minimum cross-section. Desian approval criteria If a failure occurs in two sample items during a Type test, the design of the connector shail be rejected. If a failure occurs in one sample item during a Type test, the test shall be repeated with twice the number of samples as specified in this TD. In this case, the test shall be considered successful if no failure occurs in the new samples, but if even one failure occurs the design of the connector shall be rejected. It must be noted that if, during a test, a failure in an ABC or service cable core is observed, which is not caused by the sample, the test shall be considered non-performed and it shail be repeated with new samples and new core items. 6.1.2. Description of the tests - Success criteria Test for checking electrical continuity, breaking f screw shearhes Mechanical behaviour of the connector, Each sample (connector) is installed on a main cable core of appropriate cross- section and conductor material, 0,5 to 1,5 m long. (The connector is installed approximately in the middle of the core). Then a core of a branch cable of appro- priate cross-section and conductor material is also installed in the connector. Both the main core and the branch core are loosely inserted in the connector (the screw tightening is such that no piercing in the insulation occurs). The main conductor and the branch conductor are connected to a voltage source < 50 V and to a “circuit closed” indicator, according to Drawing No 2 (paragraph 9.2.2). The main core is strained (tensioned) by a force F so that: 0,2 Fy < F< 0,25 Fy where Fy is the specified breaking load of the main core conductor. Depending on the cross- section and the material of the conductor, the limits for force F are as follows: - 25mm? Al 60 daN < F < 75 daN ~ 54,6mm?AAAC : 332daN (stripped) mK ‘Connector i = © = conductor length between | nz wa : ‘wo connectors, in mm Lt pe His; D> 80S ‘of 500 mm (minimum) ° D where > $= the conductor's nominal A ‘cross-section, in mm? ne DRAWING TITLE DRAWING NO. TEST CIRCUIT FOR ELECTRICAL AGEING TEST ON CONNECTORS WITH MAIN & BRANCH CONDUCTORS HAVING EQUAL CROSS- 5 ‘SECTIONS AND RESISTIVITIES PPC TECHNICAL DESCRIPTION DKSD-289/March 2004 - (Paragraph 9.2.6) we! | =| —— — ‘Source Sumbois: Potential points (on 202 . fervery voltage equalizers) ae Reference conductor => __ Termecouple stipe fen ‘© | Connector J | Variable resistor SJ ® Semnaaee disassembled Tey ; Reference conductor 7 SR rs * sam TOK LANs 7 ‘Novolane estes) rk A i D = conductor length between >el® two connectors, in mm Itis: D2 80yS 4, a, (oF 500 mm (minimum) ~T tT where: o Conductor $s, Ri 9 p S=_ the largest of the two conductor cross-sections S, and S, inmm? DRAWING TITLE DRAWING NO. TEST CIRCUIT FOR ELECTRICAL AGEING TEST ON CONNECTORS WITH MAIN & BRANCH CONDUCTORS HAVING UNEQUAL, 6 CROSS-SECTIONS OR RESISTIVITIES.

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