WFRP 4ed - NPC Roster - The Return of Lichemaster

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Grey Seer, ex-Grey Seer Apprentice M WS BS S T I Agi Dex Int WP Fel W

M WS BS S T I Agi Dex Int WP Fel W 4 33 35 30 40 35 35 30 33 33 25 14
5 50* 50* 30 30 60* 35 30 60* 50* 40* 14 Weapons: Quarter Staff +7 (Defensive, Pummel), Crossbow +9 (60) Reload 1 (12
Skills: Melee (Basic) 60, Melee (Parry) 70*, Dodge 45, Cool 55, Perception 70, bolts)
Channeling (Arcane) 70, Language (Magick) 70, Melee (Brawling) 60*
Talents: Aethyric Attunement (Channeling +1 SL, no Miscasts), Fast Hands*
(Melee (Brawling) +10/+1 SL), Instinctive Diction (Language (Magick) +1 SL, no LA MAISONTAAL VILLLAGERS (30), Brass 3
M WS BS S T I Agi Dex Int WP Fel W
Traits: Infected (Lose 1 Wound and Easy (+40) Endurance or Festering Wound),
Night Vision, Disease (Ratte Fever), Spellcaster (Petty, Arcane), Clever (+20 Int, 4 33 38 40 30 38 28 30 21 28 28 12
+10 I), Cunning (+10 Fel, Int, I), Elite (+20 WS, BS, WP), Leader (+10. Fel,
WP) Weapons: Hunter’s knife +7
Weapons: Magical sword* +7 (+20 Melee (Parry)), Short bow +5 (20) (14
Trappings: Golden ring with rubies and turquoises (16GC), Warpstone nuggets (8), JEAN-LUIS DINTRANS
Seer’s stone (tracks Arca Chaotis) Abbot of La Maisontaal, ex-Monk of Taal, Silver 2
M WS BS S T I Agi Dex Int WP Fel W

Warp Lightning 4 41 38 30 30 57 38 30 64 46 55 13
CN: 2 per bolt Skills: Melee (Polearm) 51, Cool 56, Heal 74, Pray 65
Range: 48 yards Talents: Bless (Taal), Invoke (Taal)
Target: up to WPB/2 targets Traits: Armor 2
Duration: Instant

Magic missile with a Damage of +5 Weapons: Snorri’s Quarter Staff +9 (Defensive, Pummel) (Rune of Death
(Greenskins), Aethyric Armor 2)
Trappings: La Maisontaal, abbot garb, Taal symbol necklace
CN: 4
Range: WPB yards around wizard
Duration: Willpower Bonus Rounds+

Blessing of Might

Summons Giant Rats Swarm
Range: 6 yards
Aethyric Armour Target: 1
CN: 2 Duration: 6 rounds

Range: You Your target gains +10 Strength.
Target: You Tanglefoot

Duration: Willpower Bonus Rounds+
 Range: Fel yards
You gain +1 Armour Point to all Hit Locations as you wrap yourself in a protective
swathe of magic. Target: AoE
 Duration: Instant

You call on Taal, chanting prayers to protect his wild places. Roots, vines, and
CN: 3
creepers wrap themselves around your foes. All targets within Fellowship Bonus
Range: Touch
yards of the target point gain an Entangled Condition. For every +2 SL you may
Target: 1 increase the area of effect by your Fellowship Bonus in yards, or inflict an extra
Duration: Instant
 Entangled Condition. Tanglefoot has a Strength equal to your Willpower for the
The spell delivers the equivalent of 1D3 hits at S100 on any door, section of wall purposes of breaking free.
or other inanimate surface or object that the spell caster is touching at the time. It
does not work on any creatures, whether living or dead or trees.


CLANRATS (6) Priest of Taal, Silver 1
M WS BS S T I Agi Dex Int WP Fel W M WS BS S T I Agi Dex Int WP Fel W
3 21 05 20 30* 22 22 30 48 46 52* 12
5 30 30 30 30 40 35 30 30 20 20 11
Traits: Armour 2, Infected, Night Vision, Weapon +7, Disease (Ratte Fever) (Lose Skills: Melee (Basic) 26, Cool 56, Heal 52, Pray 62
1 Wound and Average (+20) Endurance) Talents: Bless (Taal), Invoke (Taal), Suave* (+5 Fel)
Trappings: Sword, Shield Weapons: Snorri’s Quartrer Staff +9 Defensive, Pummel (Rune of Death
(Greenskins), Aethyric Armor 2)
Trappings: Garb of Toughness (+10 T), Energy jewel (no Sin Points for 2nd the
M WS BS S T I Agi Dex Int WP Fel W same Blessing or Miracle)
4 35 - 30 25 25 35 - 15 15 - 25
Traits: Bestial, Infected, Night Vision, Swarm, Skittish, Stride, Weapon+4
Blessing of Battle
 Trappings: Black Lotus (6) (1 Wound = 2 Poisoned; Difficult (-10) Endurance),
Range: 6 yards Triple Blessed Copper Amulet (Easy (+40) Endurance vs Poisoned; -1 Damage),
2GC, Opal (2GC 10/-)
Target: 1
Duration: 6 rounds

Your target gains +10 Weapon Skill.
Blessing of The Hunt

Charlatan, ex-Gambler, Brass 5
Range: 6 yards
Target: 1 M WS BS S T I Agi Dex Int WP Fel W
Duration: 6 rounds
 5 41 33 30 40 45 43 30 48 45 58 15
Your target gains +10 Ballistic Skill. Skills: Cool 50, Perception 50, Intuition 52, Evaluate 52, Dodge 50, Gamble 57,
King of the Wild
 Sleight of Hand 40, Haggle 68
Target: 1 Talents: Luck (1 Fortune Point), Fast Hands (no Perception vs Sleight of Hand)
Duration: Fel Bonus Rounds
 Traits: Armour (1), Weapon+7
You chant a low prayer, and Taal answers with a wild animal appropriate for the Trappings: Magic ring (+10 WP, Fel), 18/-, p.83
surrounding area, which will act according to your wishes for the duration of the
Miracle. See The Beasts of the Reikland on page 314 for sample animals that may
be summoned.

GRUMBLI STONEHAND Villager, ex-Soldier, Brass 3
Miner, Brass 4
M WS BS S T I Agi Dex Int WP Fel W
M WS BS S T I Agi Dex Int WP Fel W
4 43 37 30 40 41 32 30 29 29 29 13
3 41 25 30 40 22 21 30 29 51 22 16
Skills: Melee (Basic) 58, Cool 39, Dodge 42, Endurance 60, Melee (Parry) 48,
Skills: Melee (Basic) 46, Cool 56, Perception 27, Endurance 45 Ranged (Bow) 52, Gamble 35,
Talents: Strike Might Blow, Talents: Shieldsman (2) (+1 SL when shield defense; +2 Advantage when Opposed
Traits: Axe+7, Armour (2), Night Vision, Hatred (Greenskins), Prejudice (Snobs) Test lost), Strike Mighty Blow

Weapons: Shield Traits: Armour (2), Weapon+7,

Trappings: p.82 Weapons: Short bow+5 (20) (20 arrows)
Trappings: Shield

M WS BS S T I Agi Dex Int WP Fel W
Charlatan, ex-Thief, Brass 5
3 51 22 40 40 25 21 30 32 56 30 17
M WS BS S T I Agi Dex Int WP Fel W
Skills: Melee (Basic) 56, Cool 61, Perception 30, Endurance 45
4 37 29 30 30 40 51 30 37 33 51 14
Talents: Strike Might Blow (+1 Damage),
Traits: Armour (2), Night Vision, Hatred (Greenskins) Skills: Cool 48, Dodge 55, Endurance 40, Perception 55, Stealth (Urban) 61,
Pick Lock 40, Sleight of Hand 50, Consume Alcohol 40, Charm 61, Gamble 47,
Weapons: Magical Axe+8, Shield Haggle 61
Trappings: p.83 Talents: Flee! (+1 SL to Athletics when Fleeing, +1 M when Fleeing), Fast Hands
x2 (+2 SL to Sleight of Hand, no opposed Perception Test to Sleight of Hand),
Luck (1 Fortune Point)
SHALYIR MOONHAND Weapons: Magic dagger+5 (+20 to hit and double damage versus Undead), 1GC
10/-, Silver hip-flask 1GC 10/-
Assassin, ex-Bounty Hunter, Gold 1
M WS BS S T I Agi Dex Int WP Fel W
5 57* 47 30 40 62 46 40 57 47 44 15 HECTOR BRIOCHE
Skills: Melee (Basic) 67, Ranged (Bow) 52, Cool 61, Perception 72, Intuition 67, Councilor, Brass 4
Endurance 45, Track 67, Dodge 67, Ranged (Blowgun) 52
M WS BS S T I Agi Dex Int WP Fel W
Talents: Strike to Stun (Improvised as Pummel, ignore Called Shot, +1 SL to
Melee (Basic)), Relentless (keep 1 Advantage when Disengaging eve when <Adv), 4 33 28 30 30 28 28 30 35 28 28 14*
Reversal (won Opposed Melee = steal all Advantage; +1 SL defending), Furious Skills: Consume Alcohol 45, Endurance 45, Athletics 45, Trade (Brewer) 45,
Assault (spend Advantage or Move to get extra attack; +1 SL for second attack) Melee (Basic) 43, Haggle (38), Charm (32), Leadership (32)
Traits: Armour (2), Night Vision Talents: Craftsman (Brewery) (+1 SL to Trade), Strong-minded (1 Resolve Point),
Weapons: Magical Sword+8 (WS+10*), Elf bow (150) (Damaging, Precise (+1 Hardy*
SL), 20 arrows), Arrow of power (4) (+1 Damage), Blowgun (25, SB-1) (4 darts), Weapons: Quarter Staff+7 (Defensive, Pummel), Dagger+5
M WS BS S T I Agi Dex Int WP Fel W M WS BS S T I Agi Dex Int WP Fel W
4 33 28 30 30 28 28 30 25 33 28 12 3 22 18 20 30 22 22 30 22 20 28 10
Weapons: Quarter Staff+7 (Defensive, Pummel), Dagger+5 Traits: Weapon+5 (Dagger)


M WS BS S T I Agi Dex Int WP Fel W Farmer, ex-Mercenary, Brass 3

3 22 18 20 30 22 22 30 22 22 28 10 M WS BS S T I Agi Dex Int WP Fel W

Traits: Weapon+3 (Dagger) 4 44 35 40 30 41 27 30 32 40 33 14

Skills: Melee (Basic) 59, Cool 50, Dodge 37, Endurance 50, Melee (Parry) 49,
Ranged (Crossbow) 40, Gamble 37, Haggle 35, Trade (?)
GIMBRIN FINEHELM Talents: Strike To Stun, Strike Mighty Blow, Disarm (+1 SL to Disarm, Opposed
Mine Foreman, Silver 4
Traits: Armour (2), Weapon+7 (Sword), Weapon+6 (Dagger)
M WS BS S T I Agi Dex Int WP Fel W Trappings: Purse (2GC 10/-)
3 51 27 40 40 29 21 30 35 66 37 18
Skills: Melee (Two-handed) 71, Cool 86, Perception 49, Endurance 60, Consume
Alcohol 55, Melee (Basic) 66, Leadership 41 GRANDPA GUNTHER WERNICKE
Talents: Sturdy, Strike Might Blow, Careful Strike (+/-10 to Hit Location), Physician, ex-Apothecary, Silver 3
Strong-minded (1 Resolve Point)
M WS BS S T I Agi Dex Int WP Fel W
Traits: Armour (1/2), Night Vision, Hatred (Greenskins)
Weapons: Magical Great Axe+10 (Small Rune of Death against Ogres & Trolls, 3 22 18 20 30 22 22 30 62 50 48 14
Hack, Impact, Tiring) Skills: Consume Alcohol 40, Heal 82, Lore (Chemistry) 72, Lore (Medicine) 77,
Lore (Plants) 72, Trade (Apothecary) 72, Trade (Poisoner) 72, Haggle 57,
Perception 38, Cool 60, Endurance 40, Sleight of Hand 40, Trade (Barber) 67
BARDAK BARANTAN Talents: Read/Write, Pharmacist (reverse Trade (Apothecary) to succeed), Field
Dressing (+1 SL to Heal Test during combat Rounds, reverse Heal Test when using
Dwarf Sage (Scholar), Silver 2 Bandages to succeed), Surgery (+1 SL to Heal Test outside combat Rounds, p.
M WS BS S T I Agi Dex Int WP Fel W 146)
Traits: Weapon+7 (Quarter Staff), Weapon+6 (Dagger)
3 27 14 30 30 16 22 30 58 79 54 17
Trappings: Faxtoryll (3) (removes Bleeding without Heal Test), Salwort (3)
Skills: Gamble 68, Haggle 64, Perception 21, Consume Alcohol 40, Language (removes Stunned), Healing Draught (4) (Wounds > 0 = recover TB Wounds),
(Classical) 68, Research 68, Lore (History) 68, Language (Khazalid) 63, Lore Healing Poultice (10) (Minor Infections not suffered during treated Critical
(Cartography) 63, Trade (Mining) 35 Wounds)
Talents: Read/Write, Bookish
Traits: Armour (1*), Night Vision, Hatred (Greenskins), Weapon+5 (Dagger)
Trappings: Robe of Toughness* (+1 AP) HOUND FELCK
M WS BS S T I Agi Dex Int WP Fel W

GIMBRINS’ MINERS, Brass 4 6 41 0 40 40 30 - - 14 43 - 16

M WS BS S T I Agi Dex Int WP Fel W

3 37 21 30 40 25 21 30 31 51 21 16 IRON MAN
3 43 18 30 40 18 21 30 31 51 21 16
M WS BS S T I Agi Dex Int WP Fel W
Traits: Armour (1), Night Vision, Hatred (Greenskins), Weapon+7 (Axe), Shield
4 50 0 50 50 15 10 10 - 89 - 23
Traits: Armour (2), Die Hard, Magical* (-1 Damage if not hit with magical


M WS BS S T I Agi Dex Int WP Fel W
4 33 28 30 30 28 28 30 25 28 28 11
Weapons: Dagger+5, Sword+7 (Hugo), Rolling pin+7 (Granny), Fireplace poker+8
(Dominique ,Damaging, Impale)
Liche, ex-Necromancer, ex-Wizard Lord CN: 0
Range: Touch
M WS BS S T I Agi Dex Int WP Fel W Target: 1
4 41 25 50* 40 60 43 30 89 71 - 23 Duration: WPB Rounds

You touch your opponent, sending them into a deep sleep. If the target has the
Skills: Melee (Basic) 61, Melee (Polearm) 61, Dodge 80, Cool 55, Perception Prone Condition, they gain the Unconscious Condition as they fall asleep. They
109, Channeling (Necromancy) 109, Language (Magick) 109 remain unconscious for the duration, although loud noises or being moved or
Talents: Aethyric Attunement (Channeling +1 SL, no Miscasts), Fast Hands* jostled will awaken them instantly. If your targets are standing or sitting when
(Melee (Brawling) +10/+1 SL), Instinctive Diction (Language (Magick) +1 SL, no affected, they start themselves awake as they hit the ground, gaining the Prone
Miscasts), Arcane Magic (Necromancy), War Wizard (automatic CN 5 success) Condition, but remaining conscious.
Traits: Fear (2), Immobilize (Opposed Willpower/Cool Test)
If your targets are not resisting, and are suitably tired, they will, at the spell’s end,
Weapons: Magical sword* +9 (Corruption (Moderate), +10 S)
pass into a deep and restful sleep.
Trappings: Spells ingredients, Robe of Fog and Smoke (one time Smoke Cloud
and Mystical Fog), Skull magic wand (2400 yards Full control and Stability
(disables Unstable Trait)) CN: 0
Range: Willpower yards
Target: Special
Duration: WPB Rounds

Raise Dead You create small noises nearby. You can create quiet, indistinct noises that sound as
CN: 8 if they come from a specific location within range, regardless of line of sight. The
Range: Willpower yards noises can evoke something specific, such as footsteps, whispers or the howl of an
Target: AoE (WPB yards) animal, but nothing so distinct that it might convey a message.
Duration: Until sunrise

You channel a heavy flow of Dhar into bare earth, causing old bones to gather and While the spell is active, you may control the sounds by passing a Average (+20)
rise. SL+1 Skeletons will claw upwards into the affected area at the end of the Channelling Test. A success allows you to move the sounds to another point within
Round, which are organised as you prefer within the area of effect. They start with range, or to increase or decrease their volume.
the Prone Condition. The summoned undead are entirely under your control and Aethyric Armour
can perform simple orders as you command. If you are killed or gain an
CN: 2
Unconscious Condition, the spell comes to an end and the summoned Undead
collapse. For each +2 SL you score, you may summon an extra SL Skeletons. Range: You
Target: You
Duration: Willpower Bonus Rounds+

CN: 8
You gain +1 Armour Point to all Hit Locations as you wrap yourself in a protective
Range: Willpower yards swathe of magic.
Target: AoE (WPB yards)
Arrow Shield
Duration: Until sunrise

You channel worming strands of thick Dhar before you, sinking it into corpses, CN: 3
reanimating that which was once dead. Reanimate Willpower Bonus + SL dead Range: You
bodies (as Zombies) or skeletons (as Skeletons) within range. They start with the Target: AoE (WPB yards)
Prone Condition. The summoned Undead are entirely under your control and can Duration: Willpower Bonus Rounds+

perform simple orders as you command. If you die or gain an Unconscious Any missiles containing organic matter, such as arrows with wooden shafts, are
Condition, the spell comes to an end and the reanimated corpses fall dead again. automatically destroyed if they pass within the Area of Effect, causing no damage to
For each +2 SL you score, you may reanimate an extra Willpower Bonus +SL their target. Missiles comprising only inorganic matter, such as throwing knives or
Skeletons or Zombies. pistol shots, are unaffected.
Vanhel’s Call Blast

CN: 6 CN: 4
Range: Willpower yards Range: WP yards
Target: Special Target: AoE (WPB yards)
Duration: Instant
 Duration: Instant

You manipulate complicated flows of Dhar into your targets, filling them with You channel magic into an explosive blast.This is a magic missile with Damage +3
overwhelming energy. Intelligence Bonus targets with the Undead Trait gain a free that targets everyone in the Area of Effect.
Move or Action — you choose one or the other to affect all targets — this is taken Flight

the moment the spell is cast. For each +2 SL you score, you may invigorate an CN: 8
extra Intelligence Bonus targets.
Range: You
Hand of Death Target: You
CN: 1 per touch Duration: WPB Rounds+

Range: Touch You can fly, whether by sprouting wings, ascending on a pillar of magical light, or
Target: 1 some other method. Gain the Flight (Agility) Creature Trait (see page 339).
Duration: Instant

You deal 1d6 Wounds. CN: 5
Range: 24 yards
Target: 1
Duration: Instant

The spell delivers the equivalent of 1D3 hits at S100 on any door, section of wall
or other inanimate surface or object that the spell caster is touching at the time. It
does not work on any creatures, whether living or dead or trees.
Skeleton Champion, ex-Chaos Champion
M WS BS S T I Agi Dex Int WP Fel W
4 55 47 40 40 50 28 25 - - - 14
Skills: Melee (Two Handed) 65
Talents: Strike Mighty Blow
Traits: Construct, Champion, Corruption (Minor), Dark Vision, Fear (2), Painless,
Undead, Unstable (disabled by Kemmler)
Weapons: Zweihänder+9 (Damaging, Hack)
Trappings: Magic Chaos Armour (2) (no Encumbrance, +10 to WP against magic)


Skeleton Heroes
M WS BS S T I Agi Dex Int WP Fel W
4 45 37 40 40 40 28 25 - - - 13
Traits: Construct, Corruption (Minor), Dark Vision, Fear (2), Painless, Undead,
Unstable (disabled by Kemmler), Weapon+8
Trappings: Shield (2, Defensive)

M WS BS S T I Agi Dex Int WP Fel W
4 25 25 30 30 20 20 25 - - - 12
Traits: Construct, Corruption (Minor), Dark Vision, Fear (2), Painless, Undead,
Unstable (disabled by Kemmler), Weapon+7, Ranged+ (Crossbow, Impale)
Trappings: Shield (2, Defensive, 50% to have one), 4x Crossbow (60) (10 Bolts)

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