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Lab Linked List

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Data Structures and Algorithm CS Lab Manual

Academic Year: 2020

Semester 3

Course Code: CS-212L

Course Title: Data Structures and Algorithm Lab

Data Structures and Algorithm CS Lab Manual

Type of Lab: Open Ended Weightage: 10%

CLO 1: CLO’s.

State the Rubric Cognitive/Understanding CLO1 Rubric


Rubric A: Cognitive Domain

Evaluation Method: GA shall evaluate the students for Question
according to the following rubrics.
CLO 0 1 2 3 4

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Data Structures and Algorithm CS Lab Manual

Lab 1
Processing Steps:
Step1: What is Node?
Node is nothing, but it is a fancy term of the following phrase “pointer reference to each element of
given input values placed in somewhere in memory” i.e., Node represent each single value from an
input set in main memory. It can also store more information along with the data (which we get
from the input) like, it can have a pointer variable which points to the next node element of the
same input data present in somewhere in memory. It can also store other information according to
the requirement. Let’s picture it.
Suppose, we have the following input of data (data of a player who scores points in multiple games)
Player’s Points = [24, 10, 50, 30, 70]
Now, we want to use this data in our link list (you will learn it later on in this document), so we have
5 points of a player, so as we know Node is pointer reference to each element of a given set in the
present in memory along with additional information.

Here you can see each element is present in random positions in memory and each block
represents a node.

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Data Structures and Algorithm CS Lab Manual

A node in Link List:

This node has usually consisted of two parts,

 Data
 Pointer variable of Node type
Pointer variable of Node type is used to store the next node from the given input. At the time of
creation, it is pointing to null.

24 0xffe21 Address of next Node


Step 2: Linked List:

Linked List is a linear, dynamic data structure, which came into existence to get rid of array Data
structure, Insertion in arrays are not dynamic (or difficult to insert) also deletion in arrays requires a
lot of effort. Arrays are static data structure which stores the particular information in a contiguous
memory location.

Step 3: Why Linked list?

Linked List advantages over an array:
The linked list data structure is used to handle the above-mentioned problems which are present in
an array. Linked List is dynamic in nature. Insertion, deletion is efficient rather than a regular Array
data structure.

Step 4: How Linked list implemented?

Linked List works in such a way that

 Takes each data from the input set

 Create a node of that data
 Finally, set the pointer variable according to the situation
As the elements are placed in random positions, and they are accessed or manipulated by using
their addresses, so we can easily insert new data at any time just at the cost of attaching the
address of that newly created node to the last created node and that’s it.

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Data Structures and Algorithm CS Lab Manual

Deletion is also very efficient as compared to arrays we can delete or unlink a specific node from
our list by just setting the specific address of that node to null. And then free the space of that
unlinked node from memory.

Step 5: Where we came to know Linked List concept:

Train, Yeah, its Train, Linked List is much similar to the Train trollies, how they are connected, how
they are disconnected. Each train trolly has its seating area and a connecting hook with other
trollies. Linked List also had this sense. A data act as a seating area and connecting hook act as a
pointer to the next node.

Drawbacks of LinkedList:
 Searching/Accessing is linear (to access the last element we have to start from Head node)
 Requires extra space
 In the Singly Linked List, reverse traversing is very difficult

Operations on Linked List:

 Insertion (At Head, At Tail, between two nodes)
 Deleting a node
 Searching a node

Step 6: Insertion:
In this operation we build the linked list, each data from the given set is taken and we create a node
then linked to list (or create a new list). First, we will see the Insertion of a node in a linked list at
the head
Step 1: Create a new node of the given data
Step 2: Check List is empty, If empty then set “Head Node” value to the node you created earlier
Step 3: If List is not empty (Head Node has an address) then, do the following steps in-order
a. Assign the ‘Head’ value (address) to the ‘next pointer variable’ of the node created at step 1
b. Set the ‘Root Node’ value to the variable created at step 1

at step 3.a we are assigning the new nodes next pointer to the current Head variable and then we
assigning the new node as a head node in a link list

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Data Structures and Algorithm CS Lab Manual

Step 7: Search:
This operation takes the input data and returns the node address which contains the data if not
then it returns null
Step1: Check the Head Node data with the given data if matched then return the Head node
Step2: If not match then create a temporary variable and assign the value of Head Node ‘Next
pointer variable’. Now temporary variable holds the address of the next node after Head node
Step2: Run a loop which terminates when the temporary node ‘Data’ is equal to the given data or
temporary node value is null
Step3: In-Loop body assign the temporary value of the temporary node ‘next pointer’, and check
the new temporary value is null, if yes, then exit from the loop and your search is not found, if not
the continue to the loop
Step4: If the loop terminates and temporary variable hold address instead of ‘null’. Simply return it
which is your desired node.

Lab Problem:
 Implement the Delete function. Hint [ take help from the Search function and do some
pointer shifting to delete/unlink the node from list].

 You will be given a data (which may or may not be present in the current state of Linked
List), Find the specific position of that node if data is present, then ask the user to enter the
value you want to update, if not then insert at the tail.

A student is making a very interactive, Treasure hunt game. This game works in such a way that, the
player at the beginning given a clue/statement, by doing some analysis, thinking on that clue, the
player finds the address/link to the next clue and ultimately it will be reached to the treasure point

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Data Structures and Algorithm CS Lab Manual

to earn his/her reward. The address/link is technically, secretly mention in the statement of a clue.
If the player able to solve that clue then address to next clue is shown.

 Write a program which has some clues to reach the treasure point. Each clue is a node and
had a reference to its next clue. A clue will be shown to the player, if the player solves it and
able to get the right message from clue then the player will be referenced to the next clue
until s/he reached the reward point.
 Your program should be able to provide access to admin/developer of that game to insert,
delete or update any clue.
 Code should be properly commented, exceptions should be handled efficiently and normal
termination of the program. Plagiarism will result in zero marks in the assignment.

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