Detailed Lesson Plan in English: Mount Carmel College of Baler Baler, Aurora

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Baler, Aurora

Detailed Lesson Plan in English

I. Objective:

At the end of the period, the students are expected to:

 Identify bias and prejudice in the material viewed.

 Show situation that depicts bias and prejudice.
 Reflect on better understanding and awareness of one global topic, fairness and equality.

II. Subject Matter:

a. Topic: Prejudices and Biases
b. References: Celebrating diversity through World Literature, Learner’s material (page 165-169)
Retrieved from:
c. Materials: Video clip, picture and teacher-made-visual
d. Interdisciplinary Focus: Gender Equality and Fairness
(Understand how gender inequalities are constructed and reproduced during everyday
e. Value Integration: Being sensitive to others without being bias and prejudice.

III. Procedure:

Teacher’s Activity Students’ Activity

A. Introduction

a. Opening Prayer
“Let us all stand for our opening prayer.”
(The teacher will call a student to lead All students will stand and pray.

the prayer.)
b. Greetings
“Good morning, ma’am!”
“Good morning, class!”
“Please arrange your chairs properly.
You may now have a seat.”
c. Checking of Attendance
“Yes, ma’am!”
“Is everybody present today?”
“We’re doing great, Ma’am!”
“So, how are you today, class?”
“That’s good to know.”
B. Motivation
“Class, look at the pictures on the board.
Describe each picture. What you have
noticed about men and women?”
Baler, Aurora

“Ma’am, women are portrayed doing household

chores while men are portrayed as strong
warriors. “

“Ma’am, I think the perception that women

should always do the house chores is unfair.”
“What do these pictures reveal about men and
women? Should women always be portrayed as
doing household chores and men as strong

C. Presentation of the Lesson

“Today, we will be talking about being
sensitive to others without being bias and
“Class, I will be showing you some “Okay, Ma’am. “

scenarios and I want you to distinguish

whether the scenario is fair or unfair.”
(Ask student to read the scenario and let
them answer.)

Student 1: “Ma’am, I think that’s unfair!”

Scenario 1:
Teacher favor certain student over others
in grading final performance or task.

“How about the second scenario?” Student 2: “That is also unfair, Ma’am.”

Scenario 2:
You refused to be friends with one of
your classmates because he is Black.
Baler, Aurora

Alright, the first scenario shows

favoritism and classified as bias. The
second one shows discrimination for it
pre-judges others and that’s what we call

Example: Female teachers give more attention

Bias means a tendency to favor one
to girls.
person or group, thing, or point of view
over another, often in unfair way.
“Can you please give an example?”

“Very good!”
Prejudice is unfavorable opinion or Example: It is sometimes assumed that
feeling formed beforehand or without someone who is physically disabled is also
knowledge, thought or reason. It is mentally disabled.
simply means to pre-judge others.
“Please give an example.”

“Well done!”

a. Watch that label
Class, I have here a video clip featuring a
Filipina actress who claims that it is not right to
put a label on anyone. Watch it and find out the
label attached to her. But first, let us read the
Student: “flirt or malandi”
guide questions because after watching the clip,
you will answer it orally.
“Yes, it happens in real life situation.”

Here are the guide questions:

“Yes, because when you put label on them, it
1. What is the label attached to the woman
means you see them in a negative way or you
in the video?
think that you are above them.”
2. Do you agree with what the woman has
“I know a young teenager who got pregnant and
said? Why?
the people in the society see her just like the
3. When you put label on someone, are you
actress on the video clip. “
also biased? Why?

4. Do you know someone who is in the

same situation with the actress?
Baler, Aurora

Transcript of the TV Commercial

“Shame that there is a double standard.
Sayang daw ako, because I am a single
mother. If a guy gets a girl pregnant he’s right
and it’s natural. But if a girl gets pregnant,
malandi sya. When the news spread about my
pregnancy, people say, she’s on the top of her
game. People makes stories like malandi or a
woman of the world. Was I unfairly judged?
Yes! But then did it stop me? No, but does it
keep me stronger? Yes! Label is a challenge I
accepted, I want to show the people that no
matter what happens to you, it should never
stop you from being successful. As an actress,
I’ve never been happiest. And being a single
mom & parent give me purpose. Sayang! I
don’t think so! Can you whip it? I did!

- Denise Laurel

(Differentiated Instructions or Activities)
“I will divide you into 3 groups. Each
group will have their task. Let us first
know the criteria of the task you have to
Criteria Points
Content 10 points
Presentation 5 points
Teamwork 5 points
TOTAL 20 points

Group 1: Think of profession which

show biases/ prejudices in terms of sex.
Write it on ¼ sheet of paper.
Group 2: Create a mini dialogue showing
your personal experience of prejudice or
Baler, Aurora

Group 3: A comic strip drawing about

prejudice or bias. “Yes, Ma’am!”
The students will report their work.
You will report in front of the class after
10 minutes. You may start now.

“Are you done?”

Okay, Group 1 please present your task Prejudice is unfavorable opinion or feeling

followed by groups 2 and 3. formed beforehand or without knowledge,

thought or reason. It is simply means to pre-

IV. Generalization judge others.

So, again what is prejudice? Bias means a tendency to favor one person or
group, thing, or point of view over another,
often in unfair way.

How about biases?

V. Integration
Gender equality and fairness.
Understand how gender inequalities
are constructed and reproduced in
everyday interaction.

VI. Valuing
Being sensitive to others without
being bias or prejudice.

VII. Evaluation
Identify if the following statement is bias or
prejudice. Write it on 1/8 sheet of paper.

1. Bullying and discriminating someone is a

2. Posting negative comments in social
The students will exchange papers and check
media about economic status of a family.
Baler, Aurora

3. Not serving someone in a restaurant their work.

because of the color of their skin.
4. A girl won a contest because one of the
judges is her father.

“Okay, exchange papers with your seatmate and

let us check your work.”

“Yes, Ma’am”!
Give at least two examples of personal
Goodbye, Ma’am!
experience when you witnessed bias/ prejudice
and what you did. Write it on 1 whole sheet of

Are you done copying?

Do you have any questions?
If there’s none, goodbye class!

Prepared by:
Julie Ann T. Gines

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