Highway Report12
Highway Report12
Highway Report12
1. Introduction
2. Map study
3. Highway alignment
4. Reconnaissance survey
5. Preliminary survey
6. Establishing TBM
7. Detailed and final location survey
8. Geometric Design
9. Design speed
10.Horizontal curve
11.Cross section elements
12.Right of way
13.Width of formation
14. Carriage way width or pavement width
15.Camber or Cross Slope
16.Safe overtaking distance
17.Super elevation
18.Transition curve
20.Types of Pavement
21.Highway Drainage
22.Different Design Aspects
23.Earthwork calculation
i Preparation of highway project involves a chain of activities, such as, field surveys and
investigations, selection of alignment, carrying out various designs, preparations of
drawings and estimates, etc. The extent and quality of investigations have a strong
influence on selection of most cost-effective design, estimation of quantities cost and
execution of the job itself.
iii Optimum alignment will be one, which yields the least overall transportation cost,
taking into account the cost of construction and maintenance of the road as well as the
recurring cost of vehicle operation, and at the same time having least adverse impact on the
environmental and ecological balance.
• To fix up the alignment.
Map Study:
The map helps us to suggest the likely routes of the road. The main features like hills,
valleys, etc… Are shown on the map. The probable alignment can be located on the map areas
ii. When the road has to cross a row of hills or mountain, possibility
of crossing through mountain pass.
Highway Alignment:
The position or layout of the centerline of the highway on the ground is called the
‘Alignment’. The horizontal alignment includes the path, the horizontal deviations and
curves. Change in gradient and vertical curves come under vertical alignment.
A new road should be aligned very carefully as improper alignment would result in one or
more of the following disadvantages:
Once the road is aligned and constructed, it is not easy to change the alignment due to
increase in cost of adjoining land and construction of costly structures by the roadside.
Hence the importance of careful consideration while finalizing the alignment of a new road
need not be over emphasized.
ii. The alignment must be easy to construct and maintain and also it should be easy for
vehicle operation.
iii. It should be safe in case of designing the horizontal and vertical curves.
iv. The alignment should be selected in such a way that it is economical during
For an alignment to be shortest, it should be straight between the two terminal stations, but
this is not always possible due to various practical difficulties such as intermediate
obstructions or topography. A road which is economical with low initial investment may
not be the most economical in terms of maintenance or vehicle operation cost (VOC). Thus,
is may be seen that an alignment can fulfill all the requirements simultaneously, hence a
judicial choice is made considering all the factors.
The various factors that control the alignment are as follows:
1) Obligatory Points
2) Traffic
3) Geometric Design
4) Economics
5) Other Considerations
i. Stability
ii. Drainage
iv. Geometric standards of hill roads
v. Resisting length
1) Obligatory Points
These are the control points governing the highway alignment. These points are classified
into two categories.
i. Points Through Which the Alignment Should Pass
2) Traffic
The alignment should suit the traffic requirements. Based on the origin-destination data of
the area, the desire lines should be drawn. The new alignment should be drawn keeping in
view the desire lines, traffic flow pattern etc.
3) Geometric design
Geometric design factors such as gradient, radius of curve, sight distance etc. also governs
the alignment of the highway. To keep the radius of curve minimum, it may be required to
change the alignment of the highway. The alignments should be finalized such that the
obstructions to visibility do not restrict the minimum requirements of sight distance. The
design standards vary with the class of road and the terrain and accordingly the highway
should be aligned.
4) Economics
The alignment finalized should be economical. All the three costs i.e. construction,
maintenance, and operating cost should be minimum. The construction cost can be
decreased much if it is possible to maintain a balance between cutting and filling. Also try
to avoid very high embankments and verydeep cuttings as the construction cost will be very
higher in these cases.
5) Other Considerations
The various other factors that govern the alignment are drainage considerations, political
considerations and monotony. The vertical alignment is often guided by drainage
considerations such as sub surface drainage, water level, seepage flow, and high flood
A foreign territory coming across the alignment will necessitate the deviation of the
horizontal alignment. In flat terrain, even though it is possible to have a very long stretch
of road which is absolutely straight may be monotonous for driving. Hence it is
recommended to have a slight bend or road side amenities to break monotony.
Reconnaissance survey:
The main objective of this survey is to estimate the general characteristics of the area for
determining the most feasible route or routes for further detailed investigation’s...
a) Traffic reconnaissance survey: the data regarding the local industries, religion festival,
nature and volume of exports, existing transport, the amount of traffic served by the
new alignment can be determined.
b) Engineering Reconnaissance survey: This provide the information of availability of
water, material, nature of soil, position of hills and lakes, streams, etc.
The details to be collected from the reconnaissance survey are given below:
i. Marshy land, bridges, permanent structure and other obstructions not available on the
ii. Approximate values of gradient, length of gradients and radius of curves of alternate
iii. Number and type of cross drainage structures, maximum flood level and natural ground
level along probable routes.
iv. Sources of construction of materials, water and location of stone quarries nearby the
probable routes.
v. If the route is passing through mountains, the details like type of rock, dip of strata,
Seepage condition, etc.
Preliminary survey:
The art of finding the details of alternative alignment found suitable during the
reconnaissance survey is known as preliminary survey.it is the rough type of survey, which
is conducted to have a fair idea of the surrounding areas. It is carried by the survey
instrument to calculate the rough earth work.
After the preliminary survey, the necessary plans are prepared to the survey work and rough
estimate is made. The most economical and the best of these alignment is selected. The
survey instruments used for the project are as fallows.
Establishing TBM:
Dumpy level is used to fix the temporary Bench Mark [T.B.M] which is to be laid on
the……… [0 Mile stone] carrying the fly levelling from known Bench Mark.
Detailed and final location Survey: The detailed examination of the field along the
alignment finally recommended during the preliminary survey and Following parameters
were arrived.
i. The center line of the proposed road was fixed on the ground.
ii. The quantity of earthwork along the proposed alignment was computed.
iii. The field data necessary was collected for the acquisition of right of way.
Geometric Design:
The physical features of road are known as road geometrics. Properly designed road
geometrics provide optimum efficiency in traffic operation, with maximum safety. Road
geometrics include the dimension of highway, features such as Design speed, Horizontal
Curve IRC NO 73 – 2007.
Design speed: The design speed is the most important factor controlling design elements
of highway. The design speed is taken into account the overall requirement of the highway.
In India different speed standard have been assigned depending upon the importance.
The design speed in the rural terrain is standardized by the IRC for different class of road
O.D.R 65 50 50 40 30 25 25 20
V.R 50 40 40 35 25 20 25 20
Table 2: IRC value for Min Horizontal curve in Rural Roads (M)
Cross-section Elements:
Right of way: The area of land for the road along its alignment is called right of way. It
should be adequate accommodate all the cross-sectional elements of the highway and may
reasonably provide future development.
Width of formation
Width of formation or roadway width is the sum of the widths of pavements or carriage
way including separators and shoulders. The values suggested by IRC are s given below:
MDR 9 1.75
VR 7.5 1
Camber or Cross Slope: The slope of the line which joins the crown and the edge of
the road surface is called camber. Crown is the highest point on the curved road surface the
IRC values for Camber are as given below.
Safe Overtaking distance: The distance required when vehicle can overtake and pass
each other is known as safe overtaking distance.
Safe sight distance for entering into intersection: The driver entering on
uncontrolled intersection should have sufficient visibility to enable him to take control of
his vehicle and avoid collision with other vehicle is termed s safe sight distance.
20 20 40
25 25 50
30 30 60
35 40 80
40 45 90
50 60 120
Super Elevation: The inward transverse inclination provided to the cross section of the
carriage way at horizontal curved portion of a road is called super elevation, can’t or
banking it help a fast-moving vehicle to negotiate a curved path without overturning and
Super Elevation
Transition Curve.
radius(m) 50 40 30 25 20
15 NA 30
20 35 20
25 NA 25 20
30 30 25 15
40 NA 25 20 15
50 40 20 15 15
55 40 20 15 15
70 NA 30 15 15 15
80 55 25 15 15 NA
90 45 25 15 15
100 45 20 15 15
125 35 15 15 NA
150 30 15 15 15
170 25 15 NA
200 20 15
300 15 NA
400 15
500 NA
The rate of rise or fall of road level along its length is termed as gradient. The gradient of a
pavement is governed by the following factors:
ii. Drainage.
3.30% 5% 6.70%
3 1 in 1 in 14.3 1 in 12.7
steep terrain up to 3000m height 16.7
6% 7% 8%
Flexible Pavements
Flexible Pavements are those, which on the whole have low & negligible flexural
strength and are rather flexible in their structural action under the loads. The flexible
pavements layers reflect the deformation of the lower layer on to the surface of the layer.
Thus if the lower layer of the pavement or soil subgrade is undulated, the flexible pavement
surface also gets undulated. A typical flexible pavement consists of four components:
The flexible pavement layers transmit the vertical or compressive stresses to the
lower layers by grain to grain transfer through the points of contact in the granular
structure. A well compacted granular structure consisting of strong graded aggregate can
transfer the compressive stresses through a wider area and thus forms a good flexible
pavement layer. The load spreading ability of this layer therefore depends on the type of
the materials and the mix design factors.
Rigid Pavements
Rigid pavements are those which possess not worthy flexural strength or flexural
rigidity. The stresses are not transferred from gain to gain to the lower layers as in the ease
of flexible pavement layers. The rigid pavements are made of Portland cement concrete-
either plain, reinforced or pre-stressed concrete. The plain cement concrete slabs are
expected to take up about 40kg/cm2 flexural stress. The rigid pavement has the slab action
and is capable of transmitting the wheel load stresses through a wider area below. The main
point of difference in the structural behavior of rigid pavement as compared to the flexible
pavement is that the critical condition of stress in the rigid pavement is the maximum
flexural stress occurring in the slab due to the wheel load and the temperature changes
whereas — in the flexible pavement it is the distribution of compressive stresses. The rigid
pavement does not get deformed to the shape of the lower surface as it can bridge the minor
variations of the lower layer.
Highway Drainage
Highway drainage is the process of removing and controlling excess surface and subsoil
within the right of way. This includes interception and diversion of water from the road
surface and sub grade. The installation of suitable surface and sub-surface drainage system
is an essential part of highway design and construction. Removal and diversion of surface
water from the roadway and adjoining land is termed as surface drainage. Diversion or
removal of excess soil-water from the sub grade is termed as sub- surface drainage. Some
water is retained in the pores of the soil mass and on the surface of soil particles by surface
tension and adsorptive forces, which cannot be drained off by normal gravitational methods and
this water is termed as held water.
i. Excess moisture in soil sub grade causes considerably lowering of its stability. The
pavement is likely to fail due to sub grade failure.
ii. Increase in moisture cause reduction in strength of many pavement materials like
stabilized soil and water bound macadam.
iii. In some clayey soils, variation in moisture content causes considerable variation in
volume of sub grade. This sometimes contributes to pavement failure.
iv. One of the most important causes of pavement failure by the formation of waves and
corrugations in flexible pavements is due to poor drainage.
v. Sustained contact of water with bituminous pavements causes failures due to stripping
of bitumen from aggregates like loosening or detachment of some of the bituminous
pavement layers and formation of pot holes.
vi. The prime cause of failures in rigid pavements by mud pumping is due to the presence
of water in fine sub grade soil.
vii. Excess water on shoulders and pavement edge causes considerable damage.
viii. Excess moisture causes increase in weight and thus increase in stress and simultaneous
reduction in strength of the soil mass. This is one of the main reasons of failure of earth
slopes and embankment foundation.
ix. In places where freezing temperature are prevalent in winter, the presence of water in
sub grade and a continuous supply of water from the ground water can cause
considerable damage to the pavement due in frost action.
x. Erosion of soil from top of unsurfaced roads and slopes of embankment, cutand
hill side is also due to surface water.
i. The surface water from the carriage way and shoulder should effectively be
drained off without allowing it to percolate to sub grade.
ii. The surface water from the adjoining land should be prevented fromentering
the roadway.
iii. The side drain should have sufficient capacity and longitudinal slope to carry away
all the surface water collected.
iv. Flow of surface water across the road and shoulders and along slopes should not
cause formation cross ruts or erosion.
v. Seepage and other sources of underground water should be drained off by the
subsurface drainage system.
vi. Highest level of ground water table should be kept well below the level of sub
grade, preferably by at least 1.2cm.
Surface Drainage
The surface water is to be collected and then disposed off. The water is first collected in
longitudinal drains, generally in side drains and then the water is disposed off at the nearest
stream, valley or water course. Cross drainage structures like culverts and small bridges
may be necessary for the disposal of surface water from the road side drains.
1. Total road length and width of land from where water is expected to flow on the stretch
of the side drain.
2. Run-off coefficients of different types of surfaces in the drainage area and their
respective areas.
3. Distance from farthest points in the drainage area to the inlet of the side drain along
4. Type of soil of the side drain, roughness coefficient allowable velocity of flow in the
Cross Drainage
Whenever streams have to cross the roadway, facility for cross drainage is to be provided.
Also often the water from the side drain is taken across by these cross drain in order to
divert the water away from the road, to a water or valley. The cross drainage structures
commonly used are culverts and small bridges. When small stream crosses a road with a
linear waterway less than about 6m, the cross drainage structure provided is called culvert;
for higher values of linear waterway, the structure is called a bridge. The common types of
culverts in use are
Various types of bridges are in use. The choice is based on several considerations including the
span. RCC and steel bridge are commonly constructed these days.
On less important roads, in order to reduce the construction cost of cross drainage structures,
sometimes submersible bridges or cause ways are constructed. During the floods the water
will flow over the road. The total period interruption to traffic has however to be kept as
low as possible, not exceeding about 15days in a year.
Sub-Surface Drainage
Changes in moisture content of sub grade are caused by fluctuations in ground water table
seepage flow, percolation of rain water and movement of capillary water and even water
vapor. Only gravitational water is drained by the usual drainage systems.
Pavement design:
The roadway is provided with a suitable design and structure is constructed in order to
provide stable even surface for smooth operation of vehicles.
3. Base course
4. Surface course
1) Subgrade:
The subgrade is a natural layer of natural soil prepared to receive the layers of pavement
placed over it. The subgrade should be sufficient strength so that the loads are received and
dispersed to the earth mass. The subgrade should be well compacted under controlled
conditions of optimum moisture content and maximum dry density. The subgrade supports
the road structure and the bed for the road.
2) Sub base:
Sub base or sub base course is a layer of granular material placed on subgrade, generally
natural gravel, Boulder stone or brick may also be used.
3) Base course:
Base course is a layer immediately under the surface course. It is important structural part
of the road. It should be strong enough to bear the loads of the traffic. The material in base
course must be extremely high quality. It must be well compacted.
4) Surface course:
Surface course is the top most layer of a road which is direct contact with the traffic. The
purpose of the surface is to give a dense smooth riding surface. It resists the pressure exerted
by tyres and takes up wear and tear due to the traffic. It acts as a watertight layer and
prevents percolation of water.
1) Design of pavement
The design traffic, in terms of the cumulative number of standard axles to be carried during
the design period of the road, should be estimated using equation,
NDes= cumulative number of standard axles to be catered for during the design period of
‘n’ years.
A = initial traffic (commercial vehicles per day) in the year of completion of construction
(directional traffic volume to be considered for divided carriage ways where as for other
categories of the carriageway, two-way traffic volume may be considered for applying the
lateral distribution factors)
D = lateral distribution factor F = vehicle damage factor (VDF)n = design period, in years
r = annual growth rate of commercial vehicles in decimal (e.g., for 6 per cent annual growth
rate, r = 0.06). Variation of the rate of growth over different periods of the design period,
if available, may be considered for estimating the design traffic.
The traffic in the year of completion of construction may be estimated using equation, A
=P(1 +r)x
x = number of years between the last count and the year of completion of construction.
For single carriageway (undivided) roads, the pavement may be designed for design traffic
estimated based on the larger of the two VDF values obtained for the two directions. For
divided carriageways, different pavement designs can be adopted for the two directions of
traffic depending on the directional distribution of traffic and the corresponding directional
VDF values in the two directions.
A 400
N= 365x((1+r)n-1)xAxDxF
F= VEHICLE DAMAGE = 2.5(standard
FACTOR axles per
(based on axle load survey) commercial
10 20 30 40 50
Traffic in msa
Ls = 2.7V2/R
Ls = 2.7 * 802/230
Ls = 75.13 m
Adopt the highest of the above three values = 93 m. Therefore the design length of
transition curve Ls is 93 m.
LEVEL LEVEL DEPTH (D) Cutting Filling
1 0 100 100 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
2 10 99.71 100.309 0.599 0.300 1.722 0.060 1.782 10 17.819
3 20 100.145 100.619 0.474 0.537 3.085 0.192 3.277 10 32.766
4 27 100.555 100.836 0.281 0.377 2.171 0.095 2.266 7 15.859
5 30 100.625 100.929 0.304 0.292 1.682 0.057 1.739 3 5.217
6 40 100.81 101.239 0.429 0.367 2.107 0.089 2.197 10 21.968
7 50 100.925 101.549 0.624 0.527 3.027 0.185 3.212 10 32.120
8 60 100.985 101.859 0.874 0.749 4.307 0.374 4.680 10 46.804
9 70 101.315 102.169 0.854 0.864 4.968 0.497 5.465 10 54.652
10 80 101.26 102.479 1.219 1.037 5.960 0.716 6.675 10 66.754
11 90 101.715 102.789 1.074 1.147 6.592 0.875 7.468 10 74.678
12 100 101.875 103.099 1.224 1.149 6.607 0.879 7.486 10 74.860
13 110 101.81 103.409 1.599 1.412 8.116 1.327 9.443 10 94.430
14 120 101.74 103.719 1.979 1.789 10.287 2.132 12.418 10 124.183
15 130 102.37 104.029 1.659 1.819 10.459 2.204 12.663 10 126.629
16 140 102.765 104.339 1.574 1.616 9.295 1.740 11.035 10 110.352
17 145 103.12 104.494 1.374 1.474 8.475 1.447 9.923 5 49.613
18 150 103.435 104.649 1.214 1.294 7.440 1.115 8.556 5 42.778
19 160 103.82 104.959 1.139 1.177 6.765 0.922 7.687 10 76.867
20 170 104.285 105.269 0.984 1.062 6.104 0.750 6.854 10 68.541
21 180 104.51 105.579 1.069 1.027 5.902 0.702 6.604 10 66.041
22 190 104.735 105.889 1.154 1.111 6.391 0.823 7.214 10 72.139
23 200 104.995 106.199 1.204 1.179 6.779 0.926 7.705 10 77.050
24 210 105.465 106.509 1.044 1.124 6.463 0.841 7.304 10 73.044
25 220 105.915 106.819 0.904 0.974 5.600 0.632 6.232 10 62.323
26 230 106.42 107.129 0.709 0.807 4.637 0.433 5.071 10 50.706
27 240 106.905 107.439 0.534 0.621 3.574 0.257 3.831 10 38.309
28 250 107.225 107.749 0.524 0.529 3.042 0.186 3.228 10 32.281
29 260 107.745 108.059 0.314 0.419 2.409 0.117 2.526 10 25.262
30 265 107.98 108.214 0.234 0.274 1.575 0.050 1.626 5 8.128
31 270 108.18 108.369 0.189 0.211 1.216 0.030 1.246 5 6.230
32 280 108.395 108.679 0.284 0.236 1.360 0.037 1.397 10 13.971
33 285 108.565 108.834 0.269 0.277 1.590 0.051 1.641 5 8.204
34 290 108.795 108.989 0.194 0.232 1.331 0.036 1.367 5 6.834
35 295 108.93 109.144 0.214 0.204 1.173 0.028 1.201 5 6.004
36 300 109.13 109.299 0.169 0.192 1.101 0.024 1.126 5 5.628
37 310 109.505 109.609 0.104 0.137 0.785 0.012 0.797 10 7.973
38 320 109.88 109.919 0.039 0.072 0.049 0.003 0.052 10 0.524
39 330 110.285 110.229 -0.056 0.008 0.911 0.000 0.911 10 9.11
40 340 110.8 110.539 -0.261 0.158 1.759 0.012 1.771 10 18.27
41 350 111.2 110.849 -0.351 0.306 0.538 0.047 0.585 10 5.438
42 360 110.995 111.159 0.164 0.009 1.501 0.000 1.501 10 15.463
43 370 112.155 111.469 -0.686 0.261 3.830 0.034 3.864 10 41.254
44 375 112.27 111.624 -0.646 0.666 3.556 0.222 3.778 5 19.05
45 380 112.37 111.779 -0.591 0.619 2.507 0.192 2.699 5 13.16
46 390 112.37 112.089 -0.281 0.436 0.796 0.095 0.891 10 8.08
47 400 112.395 112.399 0.004 0.139 0.799 0.093 0.892 10 8.918
48 410 112.425 112.709 0.284 0.144 0.828 0.096 0.924 10 9.239
49 420 112.695 113.019 0.324 0.304 1.748 0.202 1.950 10 19.505
50 425 112.865 113.174 0.309 0.317 1.820 0.211 2.031 5 10.153
51 430 113.01 113.329 0.319 0.314 1.806 0.209 2.015 5 10.073
52 435 113.13 113.484 0.354 0.336 1.935 0.224 2.159 5 10.795
53 440 113.23 113.639 0.409 0.381 2.194 0.254 2.448 5 12.239
54 450 113.315 113.949 0.634 0.521 2.999 0.347 3.346 10 33.459
TOTAL= 114.362 1827.382